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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

Eldens eyes shimmer as he smiles at her answer. "Pity? Of course, how could I have ever thought of anything else. Pity is the only weakness." He levitates out of the water, landing on,the shore. His tribal tattoos gleam off his back as he slips his shirt back on. He pucks up his robe, and slips it onto his back. A chilling breeze passes by both of them as he looks up into the sky. "Let's go back to the school before we get found out." @kurol
Lloyd took the biggest plate possible and filled it as much as he could of,he ate at a faster pace unlike christian and Yuliae ,witch at this point just stood up and walked away "whats her problem" he mumbled with a mouth full of food. Christian not knowing the answer just raised his shoulders and changed the subject by asking questions "so the sword doesn't grow more than that huh" Lloyd thought to himself "well no and i don't know why" he told him with a mocking tone "how did i get a THAT knife from Kaudus again... " he thought to himself "ohh yeah! master died protecting our village from the demons died before his death took an ancient dagger with him stabbed Kaudus here and kill all his 50 of so buddies with a big explosion that renew the dagger to brand new and since it killed 50 demons in one blow i took it out of Kaudus and the dagger bounded to be. so .. voila!" he said with an uncaring/sarcastic tone
Confusion, was all that swept through his mind. He had a terrible time understanding his story. But reciting it a few times in his head, he believed he understood enough. "Ok so, you had a badass elder who was protecting your village. One day 50+ demons as well as there mighty leader Kaudus came to destroy your village. Your elder brought only one dagger with him and managed to not only kill all the demons but Kaudus as well?" He said not believing his own words. The elder must of had a pretty good handle on his magic abilities. This almost felt like something out of a story book.

So because he killed all the demons first. That somehow magically... Wait no, that's not right." Christian scratched his head. Geez this guy had no idea how to construct his sentences. Half of what he was saying was incoherent at best. Christian sighed. "The badass elder had one dagger. No no, an ancient dagger, I'm guessing it was a uniquely magic dagger. Ok he stabs Kaudus in the chest, which creates an explosion that kills the other 50+ demons. The demons death somehow renewed the dagger, cause I'm guessing stabbing a creature that powerful is going to dull it. And in that hypothetical renewing ceremony enchants Kaudus's soul to the dagger. Right?" He asked, about ready to give up on trying to understand his origin story. But the sheer awesomeness of what could be what happened, couldn't stop from making Christian smile.

He new everyone had a different life the lived, but these past few days had really made Christian understand just how small his world really was. And that made him feel a bit weak. He made an ultimatum to himself that when he begins his training and studying. He was going to give it his all.

(Seriously dude, read that last sentence you made, yikes. Lol
xD @Rexus434 )
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"Sure." As she dragged herself from the water, she realized she had ran in there with her clothes on. She was soaked. "Dammit.." she said, but she trailed off when a small bird carrying a neat, small girls uniform flew from the window of the Headmistress' office. It had a small note, engraved onto a piece of wood. No more sneaking outside, with this exception - Headmistress. Yulaie glanced up at the window, but all she saw was glass. She smiled a little, before catching up to Elden, who was already walking into the school. "Wait up, commoner!"

Elden sees the little bird, and he grimaces. So they were found out. And this was such a spiritual lake as well. He wonders about what could make all that spiritual make, and he was wondering what was in that lake that gave of do much spiritual energy. He snaps put of his daze as he hears Yuliae tell him to wait up. He suddenly stops and looks over. "Of course I'll wait. Would be rude to abandon a classmate." @kurol
"Ruder to abandon someone of such high status. Come on, I have training to do. You do to, commoner, if you want to beat that demon." Yuliae ran way ahead, waved slightly, and disappeared in a hallway. She decided to go to the library for a little, since she had time to pass before lunch.

( Got to go )
( Not too much. Classes begin the next day from now, it's almost lunch time on the Third Day of Training with your partner @Metaphysics Have a bit of a read ^^ )
(haha Shoot sorry i got this was kinda tired xD )

Emptying his full mouth for christian to understand more "well that's about right,the elder told me a little about the dagger he had stored in a jewelry box. He told me that the white stone on the dagger were enchanted stones but i never knew the purpose of why that knife was so heavily worshiped in our village. Until the day he used it... " bowing his head down he looked at his plate "Ive seen everything from the little house we had" he sighed."...your pretty smart the elder was very talented he knew if the leader would be dead the others wouldn't have any commands to follow and like you said earlier Kaudus was the leader. His moves were amazing leaping,jumping dodging every attack one can possibly do and before he knew Kaudus had the elder right in front of him,dagger firm in his hands. He stabs the beast in his chest,next thing i remember was a big flash and waking up in rubble. the house was destroyed with me under, but i didn't die.I saw a light from the hole i was in and i crawled up to it. i got back to where the elder was and nothing... but this dagger. when i looked at it the stone wasn't white anymore it was red

dagger form a Little shorter from this but closest design i had



Kaudus (7 foot demon)
"Ok that's makes a lot more sense." He nodded in understanding. He thought about how awesome this elder was protecting everyone, putting his life on the line to keep his equivalent to children... Safe. Unharmed. Protected. " Were you related to the elder? Or... Where were your parents when this happened?" Not sure if he really wanted to know the answer. He hoped he had a better time with his parents then Christian did.

He thought about all the recent amount of times his mother had gotten angry and beat the living daylight out of him. Christian shrank in his chair becoming smaller, only looking down at his plate. Even though Marble had healed him of every single physical wound on his body, the damaged made to his emotional psyche still remained. Why did this happen too him? While Lloyd was pulling out daggers from large demons, and honing his abilities, Christian was trapped in his own home for more than sixteen years. Being beaten and hated. Everytime he thought about, he got more confused as to why he was brought to this school. If he had to guess, he was the weakest one here. So then why? Christian rakes his hand through his hair, while sighing once more.
"What do you want this time...?" Kyo said in an intentionally stuck-up tone, currently arms folded, eyes closed, and looking to the side like she didn't want to see the face of Cecilia. "I could ask you the same..." Cecilia said, the two suddenly drawing their weapons and going straight back to that position of gun to Kyo's chest, blade to Cecilia's neck. "Touche," Kyo said. "Shall we take this outside," Cecilia stated as though not even actually asking. The two proceeded out of the building, not even taking two steps before beginning combat once more. Already, ice had gone as far out on the ground from Kyo as the building was tall, including ice reaching halfway up the building's outer walls. Meanwhile, spikes of ice attempted stab Cecilia all while Cecilia used Kyo's own spikes for objects to jump off of and move about to fire at Kyo who was made to constantly dodge like Cecilia did Kyo's ice.

Tossing her swords up, Kyo created two cylindrical pillars beside herself of extremely clear ice that held her swords up in the air, the blades both pointing perfectly downward and with the hilts sticking out. The ice spikes that were constantly forming upward from the icy ground stopped, Kyo changing combat style to deal better with this slippery individual. At the same time, Cecilia switched gears and had her favorite titanium golem come on out with her jumping atop the large golem's shoulder. "Let's get serious now..." Cecilia said, tone a bit dark, kind of like a demon about to play around with a half-dead human. "You know, you're quite interesting a person, Cecilia... I'm going to enjoy seeing you squirm."

Kyo ran up one of the pillars, constantly freezing and unfreezing her feet to the pillar to allow herself go up without gravity pulling her straight down. Reaching the top of the left, she flipped backwards and flew over to the right, palm placed on the hilt of the blade on the left while her entire body was upside-down. "Boom," Kyo said to herself as she pushed down gently on the sword, a wave of energy blasting through the air at the ground level for a moment before the ice, as well as ground itself, cracked quite a ways around the point of the pillar. Anybody close enough to watch, even those within the castle, would probably feel the wave of energy that went through the ground, though the cracking probably wouldn't reach anybody unless up close to their area of fighting.

Cecilia's titanium golem braced for impact. Turning the shileds upward in front of itself, the thinner portions of the shields, which were on the elbow side of the golem's arms, swung downward into the ground to create a barrier from the energy that shattered the ground as well as block the ice that shattered and flew toward the golem and Cecilia from in front. Due to this, there was just this thin strip of land behind the golem that didn't get shredded up, thus it looking way out of place from the rest of the area that had been shattered from the force of Kyo's ice pillar shattering into the ground. Speaking of which, the pillar of the sword Kyo'd pushed on was no more, as it had been forced into the earth to cause that destruction of the ground. The other pillar still stood though, alongside Kyo being on the ground beside the remaining pillar while holding the green sword from the other.

((Lovely... The two are getting along so well... They grow up so fast! xD ))
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(So is that just filler? @Kiyoko Tomoe )

Elden quickly goes back into the school, the large hallway ominously inviting him back. His tribal tattoos were still slightly glowing purple and blue, still being a tad attached to the spirit world. It usually took a few hours for him to fully detach from the spirit world. As he walks down the hallway, he feels his electromagnetic senses flare up. He opens his eyes wider, his tiger like eyes glowing an electric blue. He senses the aura and spirits of two people who were fighting. He never met them, but he felt that as a classmate, he should stop a squabble.

As the two continue fighting, black clouds start to form outside. Suddenly, a flash of lightning slams unto the middle of the floor, and Elden stands up, raising up both of his hands. He smiles as his tiger like eyes give off an electric blue hue. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I think we should all calm down." @kiyo
((Not filler, just what the two do. They'll always be trying to kill one another, soo... Yeah xD ))

"Calm down...?" Kyo said, acting innocent and confused. "We need to... calm down...?" Cecilia added, feigning innocence as well. Simultaneously, the two said two words: "Shut up."

Both turning back to each other, they glared at one another with killing intent. "I'll quit when she's burning in hell," Kyo said. "I shall stop as soon as she does, which means when she dies..." Cecilia said, neither willing to stop this just because somebody told them to. "Still, I must admit that for a first-year, you are quite strong... If I didn't hate your guts, I would request they move you up to the same year as me, which would be third..." Cecilia stated. "Heh, you wish. Let's say I didn't want to kill you... I'd still not give a crap about you and would probably kill you anyway." Kyo stated, the two having gone from physical fighting to straight-up discussion of how much they hated one another.

After a few moments of silence, Kyo simply made all her ice vanish, put her blades away, and left all the while Cecilia had her titanium golem carry her off away from the group. Both of them were clearly quite irritated that Elden had interrupted their fight, quite enough so that it would be quite clear they weren't above killing Elden should it happen again. Kyo walked straight up the side of the academy once more using her ice powers to freeze and unfreeze her feet to the walls, going up to the top to be alone all the while Cecilia simply went back inside and toward her little workshop in the back of the academy. Neither would do anything much the rest of the day, having lost all interest in anything because of everything that'd occurred.

Elden's eyes mysteriously gleam. No one has ever pushed him yet to actually fight. It was pretty cute to be honest. He could just tell by their body language that they think they can kill Elden. "They're dumber than I thought." He sighs to himself, but loud enough for both of them to hear. So there were some... Idiots in this school. Oh well. Elden watches as the girl who can control ice walk up the wall to a small spacing up in the ceiling. He can feel the other person walk away on their golem. Elden disappears, and then reappears in a small flash of lightning a few feet away from Christian. He sees the boy seeming to be a little stressed. He pats Christians back, and smiles at him reassuringly. "Ready for training?" @Kiyoko Tomoe @yamagache
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((Body language...? Uhm... I don't think that they'd give off body language that says they think they could kill him... That's not really possible to pick up from body language unless they're like, intentionally giving off signals stating they'd kill him, like sliding their finger across their neck to represent killing him...))
(Elden has shown several times that he can pick up signals, hints, and anything really from his senses and enhanced spiritual connections. I would've said spiritual sensing, but body language sounded like a better fit for me. @Kiyoko Tomoe )
((True, he can, but Kyo and Cecilia aren't exactly... all that much with any kind of thoughts regarding who they think they can kill... Both of them just simply wouldn't be above killing should somebody interrupt their fights to the death with each other... :/ ))
((Heh, I guess I missed that part too. Whatever, doesn't really affect much other than an opinion about the two I don't really care about. Not planning have the two do much interacting with the rest of the characters anyway, given that I made Cecilia so I could have stuff to actively do here without slowing everybody down all the time.))
Before Lloyd could give him an answer, like a flash of lightning, Suddenly Elden appeared behind Christian with a hand patting Christians back. He smiled with confidence. "Ready for training?" Elden asked as Christian turned his head back towards Eldens figure.

This was it. Christian thought to himself. He put on a half brave face while standing up from his chair. Making the salute Elden had showed him, Christian bows his head to the floor. "My body, mind and soul are in your hands. I await your vast teachings in the art of fighting. I hope I can do you proud with the skill you are about to teach me... And i hope i don't end up killing you..." He said this with a little bit of a giggle in between words. As well as a terrified shiver. he was trembling like a leaf. He had meant every word, but the idea of the upcoming battle he was going to face right beside Elden, defeating demons. Was so nerve wracking that Christian couldn't help giggling between his nervous ramblings. It was his way of coping with fear. Scared and embarrassed Christian kept his gaze and head to the floor. He pulled his arms up so that his hands were at eye level. They were trembling more then his entire body was. He put one hand in the other, holding them tightly, quickly trying to stop the trembling.

What if he killed him? what if he wasn't strong enough and Elden ended up dying? What if he froze on the battle field and Elden died. The anxiety of having another persons life hanging in christians future actions was bringing back an old anxiety. When it was just him and his mother, all he had to do was crawl into a ball and wait till his mother grew tired of whatever form of torture she thought of using for the day. But this time christian wasn't going to be able to run or hide. It wasn't just him anymore. His breathing became erratic and quick.


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