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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

"COMMONER!!" Yuliae yelled at instinct as she was woken up by some strange boy. SHe attempted to punch him but he stealthily dodged with no problem. "Yikes! that was a close one! Your a feisty one are ya?" he teased. She wiped away the tears on her cheeks and eyes. "Hey hey hey! I'm not the bad guy here! i just found you here like this, speaking of that... its a very odd place for a girl like you to be sleeping?" Oh, that's right. She'd fallen asleep in the corner of the boys dorm, on the floor. "Whatever." she answered. "What's the time...?" she mumbled,glancing at the antique clock perched on a wall. "Two o'clock?! I missed lunch?" Oh well, I don't really have the stomach for it anyway. I might not even eat dinner. Today was the first day of training for the partners, and all she'd done was talk and sleep. And yell a lot.

"Who are you?" Yuliae realized she'd never seen this boy before. Is he new..?


@JustKay @yamagache

( Yeah, sorry about the time leap! Basically, it's about one hour or so after midday, since breakfast and lunch don't really matter in the RP. ^^ I will keep track of the time leaps next time, very sorry! )
Troy wandered back into the men's dorm. His body was burned. He ached all over from the effects of the machine and he had made no progress on controlling white fire. Though he'd triggered the demon several times. "I forgot how exhausting training is." Troy collapsed onto the couch in the common room. He didn't even notice the male or Yuliae just sitting there. His mind was cloudy as he lay there fighting off the urge to sleep.

@kurol @Rexus434
Yuliae saw Troy enter the room, battered, beat and burning. What had he been doing while she was asleep? Most likely training. He seemed exhausted. He went back out into the common room, where Yuliae and the boy had gone to sit. Troy didn't seem to notice them. He just breathed heavily, tired and worn out. As much as she wanted to ask him what in the world he had been doing, and maybe even if he was okay, Yuliae just hmphed and looked out the window. The boy looked between them, wondering what was going on. "Commoner," she said to Troy, which would hopefully make him snap out of his exhausted daze and notice her.


Marian returned to the dorm covered in blood, leaves, twigs, bits of rock and what seemed to be iron spikes protruding from various parts of her body. "Phew, that was tough but it sure was fun." She said happily as she used Bloody Cross as a crutch in order to actually move. "So how you guys do?" She asked cheerily as she plopped herself onto the doorway.
Troy looked over when he heard "commoner." He chuckled. "Hey Yuliae, sleep in the boys dorms again?" He teased her with a smile. He hardly had the energy to even do that. His thoughts continued to be lazy and failed to connect together. He noticed the other boy next to her, but didn't really care much to respond to him. It wasn't like he mattered at that moment anyway. Troy forced himself to sit up. He looked like death and he felt like he had died. "Ugh! It hurts. Mind if I stay laying down?"

He laughed at her saying 'commoner'. "Hey Yuliae, sleep in the boys dorms again?" he teased, smiling. His words were slow and exhausted. Yuliae growled. "Hmph. Maybe. Whatever, commoner." He was battered up, burn marks on his arms. What had he been doing? He sat up, and it looked very painful. "Ugh! It hurts. Mind if I stay laying down?" "Do what you want. I don't care, commoner." She remembered the moments of reality before her empty nightmares. She had told Troy she was going alone. Does he remember that? Yuliae questioned inside her mind. "I'm staying here little, then I'm going to train. By myself." Hopefully this would trigger a response from Troy, or at least a reaction to signal Yuliae what he was thinking inside his deep, dark head of secrets and thoughts.

Kael was completely locked off from the outside world. Ever since he found that book on water magic, he was constantly lost in thought. Even during dinner when the headmistress announced the teaming arrangements he had barely noted his partnering with Marble. After dinner he wandered the halls only having enough awareness of his surroundings so as not to bump into anyone. The book seemed to have all the answers Kael needed. This new knowledge of water magic was more then he could ever have imagined.

As he turned the last page Kael stared out the window in the common area of dorm 39. It was bright out. The last thing he remembered was dinner. Kael set the book down on his bed and left the dorm for the dining hall. Food seemed to occupy his mind at the moment, but turning a corner he bumped into someone.

@anyone (Was getting used to my new work schedule, should be able to post regularly now.)
((ok since its only 2pm, im changing Christian from yawning from sleep deprivation, to waking up early to train with Marble and Elden. lol problem is i also don't know when classes start either since its already 2pm, or where to go for classes, Do we need to go to class with our partners? How many classes do we have? what time is it when classes are over. sorry but i need to know these things. lol :D )

Christian yawned one more time while looking at the wall clock on the opposite side of him. It was now 2:17pm, he hadn't realized he'd been training for so long that he lost his chance at lunch. Feeling sweaty and out of breath, christian took three deep breathes re centering himself. "Ok!" he said with a long stretch. "Now that training's over, i think I'm due for a shower. Ill head there now, then see if i can catch anything in the cafeteria. hopefully it hasn't closed yet." He said while walking towards the door, now talking to himself more then to Marble or Elden. He felt his stomach growl. "I wonder where the cafeteria is?" He said while opening the library doors and left the other two to there own devices.

He made it to the dorms and noticed a few peculiar things. He had walked into the room, as a young man he never seen before was sparring with a hot headed Yuliae. 'geez, picking on the new guy' he said to himself. passing them both heading for the boys showers. Feeling refreshed and almost back to normal magic levels, he walked back into the commons area, where Troy came in looking half dead, slumping over to the recliners on the dorms living room area. A 'Commener' was spoken as usual, with a witty retort back from troy. Had yuliae slept in the boys dorm alot? he thought giggling. he was going to ask one of them where the cafeteria was, but suddenly Yuliae was talking to troy. it seemed like an important exchange of words. 'Train alone.' had something happened between the two?

He felt the hunger pains inside and decided he would ask the young man who was sort of cast out of the group. "hey um... you wouldn't happen to know where the cafeteria is would you?" He said while taking a look at what exactly he was talking to. He had fiery red hair that matched his unique eyes. a long sword lay'd delicately on his back. it was not as long as Yuliaes but it had its own merits. He also looked pretty cool. maybe not as cool as Elden though. He thought smiling. Still happy that he was partners with him.
(( classes begins after the three days of training with the partners. And partners go into classes together. If any questions, just as in OOC @yamagache ^^ ))
kurol said:
He laughed at her saying 'commoner'. "Hey Yuliae, sleep in the boys dorms again?" he teased, smiling. His words were slow and exhausted. Yuliae growled. "Hmph. Maybe. Whatever, commoner." He was battered up, burn marks on his arms. What had he been doing? He sat up, and it looked very painful. "Ugh! It hurts. Mind if I stay laying down?" "Do what you want. I don't care, commoner." She remembered the moments of reality before her empty nightmares. She had told Troy she was going alone. Does he remember that? Yuliae questioned inside her mind. "I'm staying here little, then I'm going to train. By myself." Hopefully this would trigger a response from Troy, or at least a reaction to signal Yuliae what he was thinking inside his deep, dark head of secrets and thoughts.
Troy chuckled. "Well that's no good. After all, we're partners right? And you have A LOT to learn." Troy smiled as he stood up. "And I have a lot to learn about fighting along side you." Troy's smile was pained as he was forcing himself to move. It was also pained because he realized he just made the first step to letting go. "So give me some time to rest and we'll hit the gym. Ok? I know a guy that'll be willing to help us. And Kiro loves getting to go all out." Troy took a seat and passed out. Kiro switched out immediately.

"He's going to kill himself at this rate." Kiro sighed. "But it's good to see him making progress for once. Now we can get back to kicking ass."
So... we're still partners. That's... a relief. Wait, it's a relief?! Yuliae shook the thought of her being relieved by Troy's presence out of her head. Just partners. Yuliae felt her old attitude, that she had left behind in the night with the cherry blossoms and the fire and the tears, return to her. She grinned her old grin, snickered her old snicker. "I need to learn? Hmph. You're the one whose going to learn, commoner!" she yelled, feisty. Troy said he needed to rest. And afterwards, we'd go to the gym and train with some person he knew. Then he sat back down and passed out from the exhaustion. Yuliae's face flashed a slight grin. Walking past the boy, and Christian, who'd arrived sometime when she wasn't noticing, she sat down near Troy head, punched it lightly, and fell fats asleep as well. It had been quite a tiring few events. She'd need to rest up if she wanted to beat this boy when they trained.

HybridxForce said:
Kael was completely locked off from the outside world. Ever since he found that book on water magic, he was constantly lost in thought. Even during dinner when the headmistress announced the teaming arrangements he had barely noted his partnering with Marble. After dinner he wandered the halls only having enough awareness of his surroundings so as not to bump into anyone. The book seemed to have all the answers Kael needed. This new knowledge of water magic was more then he could ever have imagined.
As he turned the last page Kael stared out the window in the common area of dorm 39. It was bright out. The last thing he remembered was dinner. Kael set the book down on his bed and left the dorm for the dining hall. Food seemed to occupy his mind at the moment, but turning a corner he bumped into someone.

@anyone (Was getting used to my new work schedule, should be able to post regularly now.)
Marian blinked as someone bumped into her so suddenly. Since she was exhausted she crumpled like a house of cards. "I'm alright!" She said out loud after she fell. "Actually no, I'm not! Help me up please?" She asked as she shakily raised up one hand towards the boy who bumped into her. "Kinda in pain and discomfort..."
"My bad," Kael said as he helped the girl up. He made sure to handle her carefully. She was obviously injured. Kael wondered what exactly she had done to get in such a sorry shape. The metal spikes were probably from magic, making her a metal user, and the blood didn't appear to be hers as there were no obvious wounds. Kael stared at her for awhile trying to figure out what to do. As a water mage he could more or less get rid of the blood covering her and heal her if there were any wounds. He sighed before asking, "Do you need to go to the clinic or something?"

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Lloyd felt a little left out he felt some tention from Yuliae's side and for Troy nothing he just worked his troubles out at the gym, then in the doorway of the common area a guy with white hair stood and asked Lloyd with a nervous look on his face "where was the cafeteria was ?" Lloyd with an unsure look on his face said " should be somewhere close by..and you are ?" With a questionable tone.
Realizing his rudeness, Christian placed a hand out. "Sorry about that. My name... is Christian Vandower." He said while bowing his head in respect. What was he thinking! He just walked up to this guy and without making proper introductions he blatantly asked where the cafeteria was. his cheeks became a tad bit red. He was probably knew, what else could it be, He certainly didn't remember seeing his unforgettable demeanor at the opening... Blood...Bath. Christian shuddered at the fresh memories of hell he had experienced. But immediately shook them away. Plastering the smile back on his face he focused back on The young guy. "Whats yours?"

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HybridxForce said:
"My bad," Kael said as he helped the girl up. He made sure to handle her carefully. She was obviously injured. Kael wondered what exactly she had done to get in such a sorry shape. The metal spikes were probably from magic, making her a metal user, and the blood didn't appear to be hers as there were no obvious wounds. Kael stared at her for awhile trying to figure out what to do. As a water mage he could more or less get rid of the blood covering her and heal her if there were any wounds. He sighed before asking, "Do you need to go to the clinic or something?"
"Yes please." Marian said as she swayed from side to side. She used her weapon to stabilize herself. "Call me Marian, Maria or Mary, up to you. I'd prefer Mary though." She said. The metal spikes sank into her figure and she let out a pained hiss. "I think I've got a few bruises and my feet are killing me...can you carry me? Can't seem to move..." She added.
When Christian left the library Marble took the opportunity to stretch a little. They had been at the whole magic business longer then she had expected, but all good things in their own time. Nodding to Elden as she wasn't really in the mood for more of those word things she used her long legs to carry her out into the hallway and in the direction of the dorms. Hunger didn't really affect her much so she was more of the mind to find Kael and start training together. If they were going to be sent out on a mission she wanted to make sure they were at their best before leaving. You never wanted to head into a fight with someone you didn't know or trust. While Marble was an excellent judge of character she still trusted actions more then words and was dead set on seeing what Kael had to offer.

Turning the corner to the dorm's commons area she spotted Kael in the hallway helping another student to her feet. The student seemed to be a child of metal that was in a bad way, bleeding rather alot and unsteady on her feet. Coming up silently to them she used a hand on the small of the girl's back to steady her. "She should sit down." A chair formed from the stone wall by them as Marble shifted herself into position to help the girl into the chair. "We don't have the time for the clinic. It should be easy enough to deal with the major wounds together, once she is feeling more solid we can escort her there." Marble meet Kael's eyes as she spoke. So much for not having to talk more. It seemed like it was going to be the curse of this school to force her to interact more.

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yamagache said:
Realizing his rudeness, Christian placed a hand out. "Sorry about that. My name... is Christian Vandower." He said while bowing his head in respect. What was he thinking! He just walked up to this guy and without making proper introductions he blatantly asked where the cafeteria was. his cheeks became a tad bit red. He was probably knew, what else could it be, He certainly didn't remember seeing his unforgettable demeanor at the opening... Blood...Bath. Christian shuddered at the fresh memories of hell he had experienced. But immediately shook them away. Plastering the smile back on his face he focused back on The young guy. "Whats yours?"

As he sat there christian was acting a little shy or scared perhaps , he asked the same question in return "whats yours ?" The whole room became silenced "The name's Lloyd Dracoda and this is my sword Kaudus" suddenly the sword's shard lit up a deep red glow and talked in the same usual way with a low growl whisper "Hello humans..."Lloyd seeing the faces of everybody in the room crack in a little joke "he doesn't say much, he is a demon after all." smiling and stretching himself on the couch. His stomach growled "talking about this cafeteria has made me hungry" Lloyd's back suddenly had a red glow to it and the sword spoke again "I'm hungry too..." "your always hungry!" Lloyd said as he got up going to find this cafeteria somewhere "anybody up for food?"
Yuliae awoke from her sleep, roused by some voices. "Anybody up for food?" the boy she had met before said, stomach growling. Out of the blue, Yuliae's stomach growled as well. She hmphed, embarrassed. "I could use some food." she said. The boy had a sword, and even though it wasn't nearly as large as the one slung on Yuliae's tiny back, it looked as if it had a life of it's own. It glowed red.

Yuliae looked at Troy, who was sleeping peacefully on the couch, His burn wounds were slowly healing, thanks to the magic running through his veins. Yuliae decided to leave him there, give him some rest before they trained. "Might as well let the commoner get some sleep before I train his head off." Yuliae looked back at the boy. "You're the boy from before, right? I didn't catch your name, commoner. Not that I'll use it much. Anyway, let's get some food, I'm actually pretty hungry. Christian can come along too." Yuliae started to leave. She knew where the cafeteria was. She glanced back at the two. "Well, coming?"



Lloyd looks at yuliae who had just woken up, she insisted we would go to the cafeteria and again he gets asked the same question he responded "Lloyd Dracoda, and you little one what would yours be?" Christian looked at Lloyd with a surprised look on his face , surprised that he just mocked yuliae for her height. "Im so hungry i could eat a horse! Lets go !"

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