Crimson Canines (Complete!)

"Deal Vikram. Now that i cannot wait to see. Swinging swords while break dancing? Cannot wait to see that." Robert said as he put his hand down and continue to eat the strange foods. He took what looked like a worm. He just shrugged his shoulders and took a bite. "Wow these exotic foods taste really good. Grizzly loove the way you deep fried this worm. Tastes like shrimp. Vikram you should taste this."

He looked back to the new squad member and moved close to him after he took a selfie with a mech. "Welcome to the squad of misfits Simon. Have a taste of our exotic buffet." He said as he took another bite of the worm.

@thespacekid @Orpheus @Zer0

(OOC: Yes it is. Lets keep it going people!!!!)

Mission: Civy Outpost

onstruction of a civilian outpost in Lysaur Valley just a few miles south of the Crimson Canines mother base has begun. With all that was going on, the U.S. government is building a place where soldiers can unwind in bars and restaurants, blow off some steam online, relax in cafes, and meet their families to boost morale.

At 600 hours tomorrow, the squad is to rendezvous in Mecha Hangar 18. They will be piloting training-mechas and assisting in construction and performing guard duty together with Amber Fox soldiers. Mission Leader is Sgt. Artemis.

Weather: Strong wind and heavy rains that will cause poor vision, hearing, and flying.

Mission Reward: Personal Mecha with designated hangar space and maintenance crew


N-00B Mecha|| These lightweight training mechas stand about fifteen feet tall, are lightly armored, and can fly. For this mission they are equipped with a giant hand-held gun of your choice with no special properties, and a giant Neosteel Dagger. For construction they are equipped with the standard utility clamp, fusion cutters, and plasma welders.

*Only explosive bombs and armor piercing sniper/LMG rounds can damage a mecha.


@CkSmalling , @thespacekid , @Musical Dragon , @Commissar Darman , @randomizedrp , @Orpheus , @Beowulf (Bombs still needs fixing) , @DJGomez (Please pick one chimaera from the two for this mission and place the other in the items tab)

(OOC: The squad will head out to the construction site on Friday, 3/25/16 real-time. By the way, everyone, allow me to edit your Character Sheets before we start this mission. Some of you have missing information that I might forget as the campaign progresses.

Combat: For those of you who are new, monsters during battles initiated by the GM are controlled by the GM, including whether your attacks hit or not. We have a cause and effect style, where let's say if I write that a monster has its teeth ready to snap at the first thing that attacks its head, you will get bitten if you melee attack its head.
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Evie didn't notice anything strange about Hikaru's behavior - why should she? "Hi Aki!" she said, the AI reminding her of the questions she had for the Japanese. "So I've been thinking-" she began, but stopped as a new Canine landed before them.

Evie smiled at the man's selfie - the perfect throwback Earth activity. When Artemis introduced her, she waved. "Nice to meet you, Simon. I hope you don't mind dogs," Evie added as Hester went to smell the new arrival.

After deciding the man posed no threat, Hester wagged her tail and waited to be petted. "Come here, Hester," Evie called, bringing the dog back to her side.

Evie took the guys up on their offer, testing a few of the suspicious looking foods. None were what she expected, but Hester happily ate anything Evie passed on.

"So, Simon, what brings you to Earth?" Evie asked after introductions were over.

@Zer0 @Orpheus
A 3 second smile before the camera and Simon quickly perked up upon hearing his name. he had heard his squadmates calling out to him causing a thump in his chest as they appoached. He had recognized them after reading through the squad profiles . He didn't think he'd meet them this soon, and however and more importantly

(They totally saw me take a selfie didn't they?")

He quickly shoved his camera back in his pack as they came closer, he believed it to be an unprofessional first impression causing him to get flustered for a moment. Though he had no trouble taking on any type of field op, social interactions were the only thing he had a true challenge with, something his former seargent may have seen when he got signed up for this.

Despite his conduct they welcomed him with warm smiles one of them even offering the a meal to him. He relaxed a bit after this seeing as they didn't mind his little habit. He was surprised they hadn't greeted him in military conduct as he was used to, this means he could relax a little then.

He tuned up his vocal adapter just to make sure it was right. He looked at his squad and greeted them

"Wháttup ma homies!"

(Shit!!shit!! Shit!! That was wrong all wrong!!!)

He blushed and immediately retuned his vocal adapter quickly twiddling his fingers below his jaw

(Ahhh that's gotta be right)

He coughed and tried again

"Private First Class Simon Strangecraft sir. Scout trooper. I look forward to working with your squad"

He looked to Evie

"I'll be helping with RnD in testing experimental equipment in the field and researching new biomes as well."

And to Robert who happily ate, the moment he could talk

"Ahhwh!! Shit I want in on that!!"

Gah!!! Work right damnit!!)

He twiddled again to the proper type of voice, and just stood there silent.

(I just made a fool outta myself in front my squad didn't I?)

@Zer0 @CkSmalling @Musical Dragon
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As the chopper began its decent, Caine got his first look of what would be his home for the next while. The chopper approached the landing pad as another took off, Caine could see a small group gathered as it looked like they were greeting another.

Caine readied his bag of gear and stood by the opening of the cargo bay door of the chopper as it opened and revealed the faces on the landing bay. He picked out who looked like the leader and walked off, ignoring the rotor wash as stood at attention as the chopper took off again and faded into the distance.

@Zer0 @Musical Dragon @CkSmalling @randomizedrp @Orpheus @Beowulf @Commissar Darman @thespacekid
It might have been rude, but Evie couldn't help it. When Simon started cussing, she giggled. There was something unexplainably funny about his speech patterns, but Evie couldn't figure out what was wrong. Instead she ended up with an awkward chuckle that made her blush almost immediately. Way to make a fool of yourself there.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be rude," she mumbled, apologizing to her feet as she turned the color of a tomato. She was saved any more attention by another new arrival. Evie gave up the spotlight gratefully, trying to fade back into the background.

"Hester..." she hissed as the dog went to greet the man. "Sorry about that," Evie said, apologizing once more as she pulled the dog back to her side. "That's Hester - I hope you don't mind dogs. Oh! And I'm Evie," she added, smiling and trying to look too embarrassed by all this. Today is just not my day...

@Orpheus @DJGomez

Mecha Hangar 18 was bustling with activity when Artemis strode in thirty minutes before six in the morning, yawning. Engineers and mechanics with drones crossed the busy floor as they made their last rounds, checking up and testing the old worn training mechas, chatting, looking forward to breakfast, or sipping coffee, some of them looking very sleep-deprived with shadows under their eyes.

Outside, rain was hammering down on Lysaur Valley, while the cold wind roared with the rumbling thunder. The sun had already risen, but it was still pitch black outside.

A lot of her fellow soldiers who had just begun Mecha Training just like her and the squad were up early and stomping around in N-00B's, getting the feel of the bi-pedal machines before heading off to the mission area. As usual, Komodo Rhino was there early. The two of them were usually the first to arrive before anyone else.

He was piloting a training mecha, practicing jabs with the giant neosteel knife. His mecha was armed with the huge standard rifle which was currently linked to the back of the chassis. He nodded at her in greeting which she returned with a sleepy, "Good Morning."

Artemis mounted her own machine which was equipped with the same rifle, and checked the sensors, targeting, and flight systems while listening to music with her ancient cassette player and waiting for the rest of the squad.

@CkSmalling , @thespacekid , @Musical Dragon , @Commissar Darman , @randomizedrp , @Orpheus , @Beowulf, @DJGomez (Please pick one chimaera from the two for this mission and place the other in the items tab)

(OOC: Make your final changes to your characters, everyone. Future changes to the CS won't be taken into account after your first post in the Civy Outpost Mission)
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"Oh man." Vikram placed a hand on the cool steel of the mecha. It was a simple, training mecha, but he had never been in one before. He was used to being on his feet! Using his hands, running around on the ground, and now he had a barrier between him and the enemy's solar plexus.

Vikram had always wanted to be in a mecha squad, they always seemed the most impressive fighting unit on the field, capable of turning the tide of a battle. But then there was also the fact that being in one would disorient him and throw his fighting style off, at least until he got used to it.

Peering into the barrel of the gun, Vikram was curious as to how the mission would go. He hadn't used a gun for quite a few missions now, with the Crimson Canines or before. His cult never allowed the recruits to train with guns. They had always followed the way of the sword. He sighed. He turned back - the rest of his team seemed quite excited about this. He couldn't let his weakness and ineptitude dampen their spirits.
Randus boarded his training mech, moving the limbs around a bit.

"Big robots with big guns. Just what I wanted."

He sighed inside his cockpit. Firepower was all he would go with in most cases. Then, he remembered that this one won't concentrate on shooting guns. He danced a bit with his mech, making an engineer bursting to laughter. After he got used to the controls, he checked the other functions to make sure they were working.
"It's simple," Connor said from his mech next to Vikram's. "You point and pull the trigger. If you miss, you move it a little and try again. It's a lot simpler then using a sword." As far as he was concerned it was easier anyways. This had a few more bells and whistles to aiming, like an annoying ai saying whether you were on target or not. But the core of shooting was really just pointing, shooting, and then adjusting if you had to. "But we shouldn't have to be using that considering we got building duty." he continued as he leaned back and toggled a couple switches to run a few system checks. It was working yesterday, but it might not be today and all that jibberish.
"Yeah, it's simple if you look, but if you use stuff like sniper rifles, things get a LOT complicated."

Commented Randus, remembering what his brother, who was obsessed in researching weapons, though not a professional, has said. It gave him a bit of a headache, but whatever.

"Me, I never tried stuff like that, but still."

He said, making his mech do a short tap dance.
This is so cool, Evie thought as she strapped into the mech. Remembering her training, she flipped through all the prechecks.

"Everything is operational and ready for action," a voice said in her ear, making her jump. Luckily the mech wasn't on yet so the machine stayed still. Oh right, there's AI for these.

It was basic AI though, nothing like what the Japanese had. Shoot, I forgot to ask Hikaru about that. Evie had been playing around with a few ideas for improving the base's AI and wanted the woman's input.

"Do you have a name, AI?" Evie asked. The voice was vaguely male, reminding her of the AI for her apartment.

"Negative. Training mechs are not equipped with permanent-"

"Okay, okay. I'm calling you Fitz too."

Finishing the checks, Evie turned the mech on, testing her movement carefully. Satisfied, she removed the ladder and wires from the outside before joining the other in her mech.

"Alright, I'm ready to go."

Robert stepped up next to a mecha and inspected it. 'Damn. This thing doesn't have a sniper rifle. Guess i am going to step out of my comfort zone then." He mumbled to himself. He looked around and saw the rest of the crew in their mechas, doing pre-flight plans and what not. He used the step ladder next to his mecha and stepped in the cockpit. He pressed an orange button on the dashboard and the cockpit shut itself. He pressed another button and the dials and lights glowed blue and a cockpit light turned on 'Systems Check Complete. Mecha Fully Operational."

"Niiiiiice!!!! The mecha has an AI. Sweet!!" He moved the joysticks at the sides to move both arms and practised jabbing and shooting techniques, thanks to Sandai in training, he was fully competent for the mission. "I am ready to rock and roll. Anyone over." He said over the comms.
"You could've seen me dance."

Said Randus through the comms. He turned around and looked at the crew. A bunch of experienced crew. What a good day they'll have in this mission. He laughed a bit, and practiced swinging the knife with his mech.

"I'm really getting used to this thing."

He said.
First thing in the morning just as Caine had always done since boot camp, he was up by 430am doing his morning PT. A 3 mile run which he usually completed in 15 to 16 minutes. Then were 45 minutes of intense calisthenics. He completed his daily workout and showered off before dressing and meeting in the mech hangar for today's training.

On his walk to the hangar he munched on a few meal replacement bars, he'd gotten used to the less then savorary taste and could swallow them with little difficulty. Most guys in boot puked up the first few ones and it continued that way for most. As he got in the hangar at 6 on the dot he noticed some of his unit standing around and talking while others trained in their mechs. Caine climbed in his mech and started the basics, system diagnostics, power, etc. before beginning to walk. A couple wobbles later and Caine went outside and decided to test his mech in the weather.

As the rain pelted and the wind roared, Caine took off in a run in the mech. "Warning. Operator Caine J. Running is not advised at this moment. Recommend more system diagnostics before increased stress tests."

"Gotta run before you walk sometimes. Do your tests right now."

"Very well, conducting stress tests."

Caine drew the mechs rifle from its back played around with the targeting system. He had to admit it was an odd feeling, so long he was used to the feeling of his boots in the mud, the elements on his face, the feel of a hot barrel in his hands, this mech did away with that, it was all controls and no feel.

After about an hour of getting settled into his mech, he took it back inside as it was soaking wet and hooked it back into the docking station, running final diagnostics.

"Let's move out, team!" said Artemis.

One by one the training mechas launched out of Hangar 18 and flew into the raging gale outside heading south. Rain hammered against the cockpit glass, and despite the lights from their mechas, they could only see about two hundred meters in front of them in the dark. Even though it's already morning, it was as dark as night.

Artemis eyed the navigation and sensors interface from time to time as her mecha wobbled slightly in the howling wind. Her mecha allies were blue arrows on the mini-map, while the wild creatures of Lysaur Valley were light brown moving dots of varying sizes, but the symbols kept blinking in and out of the holographic screen with lagging movements. There was a lot of interference in the sensors because of the storm.

They flew a few miles to the south towards a patch of bright yellow lights in the dark Lysaur Valley where construction was still ongoing despite the extreme weather. Gargantuan construction cranes and dozens of large industrial mechas stomped around in the downpour carrying heavy beams and welding heavy metal components into place.

The fenced off construction site was as large as five of those ancient human football fields. Thick, tall metal struts jutted outwards into the sky and piles of large construction materials covered most of the ground. On a well-defended hill was an inflatable white habitation module where all the engineers and soldiers were staying.

Other training mechas patrolled the outer edges, while about ten combat grade machines were positioned on the hill and close to the construction site.

There was a brightly lit landing bay some meters away from the habitation module. Artemis led her squad here where a soldier in a suit was waiting for them drenched in the rain.
"Roger" Simon replied to his sergeant as he headed out as well with the team

" Comms are looking good on my end here. M-morning guys.." He spoke using his voice box, he didn't need to move his lips this time just letting the vocal device act on his behalf

After his initial greeting he gave the squad he felt like a freshman in his college days all over again. He didn't know what tonow or what to expect from his team's impression of him. He had hoped to keep things normal when he met them but when were things ever norma(Way to blow it on that one)

"Navigations are good, final diagnostics check, mobilizing.."

He had done the routine over and over again making sure everything was optimal before moving out. Thrusters heck, machine rifle check, all are good. Firing up the thrusters he took off from the landing pad onto following his captains lead, keeping track on the blips in his sensors,

"You guys pretty used to these things by now?"

He asked checking if the rain interfered with the comms. It was difficult enough to maneuver in this darkness hopefully nothing else becomes difficult
They descended from their mechas and the drenched soldier showed them around the habitat module.

All the men shared a large barracks full of bunk beds on one end of the habitat, while all the ladies shared another smaller one on the opposite end. There was no mess hall, but in the center there was a huge hangar-kitchen-storage-common room packed with the stationary mechas of the soldiers who weren't on duty, stacks of cargo and supplies on one side, and tables and chairs where everyone seemed to do everything from eating their late breakfasts, to arm wrestling, and a game of virtual ping-pong.

After the tour they were given a list of their scheduled assignments. Simple construction duty in the morning under Construction Manager Phil, and then guard duty at night together with the other squads under Master Sergeant Axel.

With this, the squad dispersed in pairs, or groups to their designated areas for the morning. That night, Sgt. Artemis flew to the edges of the west border and began patrolling with her partners.

Sharkwolf, Large Creature


Avia, Huge Flying Creature


Lysaur, Gargantuan Creature


(OOC: Feel free to go solo or with other players and get into battles with the creatures of Lysaur valley. Just no colossal, nor titanic creatures, nor massacres, nor something that would make Master Sergeant Axel call for reinforcements.

A mecha can instantly kill small to medium creatures, and is at par with large creatures. A huge creature which is about three storeys high can lift a training mecha like a back pack and rip off a mechanical limb. Gargantuan creatures probably need a squad and can swallow a mecha whole. These creatures aren't all carnivores, nor are they out to kill players by instinct, they hunt to eat and fight when they feel that they are threatened, or if a player enters their territory.)
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Caine took off in his mech after the tour and decided to start with a patrol as he caught up to Artemis, there wasn't much to look at, most of the animals kept to themselves or where hiding from the storm. Caine kinda liked the rain, he like listening to the sound of it as it pelted against his mech. It was calming.

Connor went his own way for his patrol. They never told him who his partner was for some reason, they just expected him to know who it was. That wasn't fair in the slightest. He wasn't ranked high enough to be paid enough to care, first of all. And he was a low enough rank to be swept under the rug if he had anything to say about it. Well, at least his job wasn't confusing for the majority of his missions. Bad things need shooting at or friendlies need a rescue. And thanks to the mech sized lmg they gave him, and the mech to operate it, he could do both a lot easier then before.
"I wonder if we can ride on the backs of those giants. . ." wondered Artemis out loud, turning her mecha to look at a herd of lysaurs in the distance that were grazing the tops of a grove of trees peacefully.

Grizzly Sloth, who was patrolling behind her suddenly paused. Artemis didn't see, but his face cracked into a mischievous smile.

@Beowulf, a small brown symbol on the navigation interface of your character's mecha showed that a small creature was slowly making it's way towards you. Upon inspection, it seemed to be a lost, crying baby sharkwolf.
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Well, where there was one there was bound to be more. With that in kind, Connor raised his lmg and pointed it in the direction of the sharkwolf. "Go on," he said through his external speakers, "get." And he would have shot it to, if something inside him screamed, quite forcefully, to do no such thing. It was only a baby, what harm could it do? Nibble on someone's arm? It was about the same size as a large dog, but it should be managable to even someone outside of a mech. With that train of thought rolling around his head, he relaxes his guard and asks it "Where's your parents? Did you get split up in this storm?" Perhaps he could tame it. It was a long shot, one that required high tech equipment and still have a chance of missing if it were an actual shot, but having a sharkwolf as a pet was just to tempting. "C'mere buddy. I'm sure I got something for you."
As the group was patrolling, Sarah broke off to follow a different herd of Lysaurs. they were huge and she wanted to see how close she could get. trying to pose as small a threat, Sarah casually stopped next to one of the giant beast and just stared. "Yea ok, Huge might be an understatement. Just holy crap look at that things mouth!" Sarah commed. She was in awe. she has never seen A creature this big before. And shes seen quite a few things since their arrival on the planet.
Seemed like everyone else is going their own way now can't hurt to just sightsee then get a good idea of the place were working in.

Simon smiled as his team went off to explore the area. They seemed a pretty casual bunch so it was refreshing to kickback for a bit. He went off on his own as well exploring the valley and getting used to his mech. He smiled as he saw Sarah get closer to one of the lysaurs, majestic creatures really, it's gargantuan size in contrast to Sarah made for a good picture. So he decided to get a nice shot of her with the beast.

He opened the cockpit and took out his camera the height a decent enough angle

1.. 2... *bip*

There we go..... Say there was talk of giant flying fish like creatures here too. That'd be a sight to see

He closed the cockpit and accessed the general database in his navigational system looking for the common locations where they find the Avia species

"Where would they be?"
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