Crimson Canines (Complete!)

the last week has been excruciatingly boring, nothing to do but sit and wait. So when word about a rescue mission floated around base, Sarah jumped on it. She attended the brief and her first take on the situation was well hopeless. shes been out there too long alone and the way the transmission cut out, equipment malfunction? hopefully. well, what ever the case, Sarah decided to accept the mission and followed the Doctor out to volunteer.

Robert smiled when he got the report that Assassin is finally awake. "Well then since I have no active missions, i will be off. In case you need me, Just call and i will come." He waved goodbye and headed towards the exit. He took the elevator one floor down since he was already at the medical ward. He approached the front desk and was greeted by a smile from the clerk. "She is awake and has been asking for you. You should" The clerk said as she went on with her duties.

Robert reached the door but stopped, hesitant and hands shaking. "Wow this is awkward." He thought to himself as he noticed how his hands are shaking. He took of his beret, calmed his breathing and stepped in.

"Well that took you long enough." Assassin said as she sat upright. "I almost thought you were gonna stand there till next year."

"hahaha the thought crossed my mind," Robert said as he closed the door and sat next to Assassin. " I had to calm myself. So much for my 'bravery'. How are you doing? I have missed you"

"I have missed you too. I am doing okay.My doctor said i can't go into combat just yet, so i will be in bed till im given the all clear. Suck to be here, and the hospital food." Assassin said as she crossed her arms.

"Damn. So i will be going to another mission without you? That definitely sucks. BTW, you would not believe where we went the last mission. Robert took his time explaining the big blue sea, what he saw and being careful not to say much in respect to L's warning. "And then we were received by being pointed guns at. Talk about welcomed with open arms."

"hahaha i can imagine. Man i wish i was at that mission. I have missed the deep blue sea and whatever those things are. I know there are some info you are withholding and i respect that.Next time, give some clues." She winked and she took Robert's hands and held it tight.

"That i will."He held her hand as they continued to talk, getting to know each other, really not caring of the time.


He was cold and numb when he woke up . . . at first Kitetsu thought that he was in a dark place, then he realized that he was blind, but what horrified him was that there was someone else inside his head, looking at his memories.

Heart racing, he tried to move, but found that he couldn't. He had a strange tingling sensation in his back as though he was pierced with hundreds of small painless needles, and something alive and heavy was latched on his nape. He could hear the drip, drip of water falling down many pools and the shallow breathing of dozens of people. He tried to speak, but again he couldn't.

The ground he was lying on rumbled as something huge moved inside wherever he was. Then he felt a wind of hot breath that smelled like rotten fish blow over him, as though whatever made the noise was facing him.

Then a black shadow appeared in his mind's eye, this was the presence that was sifting his memories. It felt alien, vast, overwhelming, and ancient.

"The passcode to the Crimson Canines command center . . . tell me . . ." said the presence in Japanese. It didn't use a voice, but it spoke directly into his soul and Kitetsu understood.

Anger replaced Kitetsu's fear. "Monster! You killed my friends, I'll kill you!" but still he couldn't move.

The presence didn't answer and continued to sift memories as though it was looking for something. Then there was another sound-footsteps.

"Does he have it?" asked a new male voice in English, it was unmistakably human.

There was no answer, but the presence that was sifting his memories paused for a moment before continuing.

"I see . . ." the man sighed, then added in an impatient voice, "I've told you before, they would delete their files before we can find out how to destroy the five mother ships, that's why we can't destroy them yet."

The presence in Kitetsu's head became moody.

"Yes, it's fine with me . . . Natasha was against it." said the man tiredly after a while. "My kind should have died out a long time ago . . ."

The days that followed after Sgt. Umaire's rescue saw many changes. Japan and the U.S. announced their alliance, and construction has begun in the lonely snow-capped mountain of Sol on their new Amber Fox mother base, which was just an hour's flight away from the Crimson Canines mother base.

Amber Fox specialists have also been deployed to assist the Crimson Canines where they shared their knowledge of the Taura Ocean, biomimetic engineering, and bionics to the boys in the Research and Development Sector. Technology for protection, rumors have been going on that both nations are planning to create a super-weapon against the four titanic leviathans, whom no one has heard nor seen hair nor hide of since the attack on the old Amber Fox base.

As for the 7th Exploration Division, their lives had been busy yet exciting. Their Mecha Training had begun which was something they had been looking forward to for a long time. Sgt. Artemis had already been discharged from the medical bay and was training with them one day when more news arrived.


In a patch of land in Lysaur Valley beside mother base where they were performing flight runs inside training mechas, three familiar people were waiting for the squad when they landed for their thirty-minute break.

"Evie! Sarah!" yelled Sai waving at them happily from the ground. Sai, as well as Hikaru and Sandai were grinning up at them.

"Evie, we're in your division-we'll all be working together!" said Hikaru when they were on the ground, she hugged Evie as though they were old friends who had not seen each other for a long time. "Sora and Izaya are here too, but those two aren't very sociable."

"Alright, you three?" Sandai asked Robert, Vikram, and Randus, shaking their hands. He nodded at Connor whom he wasn't very familiar with.

@Musical Dragon , @Commissar Darman , @CkSmalling , @thespacekid , @randomizedrp , @Beowulf
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Randus grunted in the corner. He lost a drone, and sadly he had to use his money to get a new one. At least it came fast.

"Stupid tree."

He said. But there was a bright side. People would use mechs. Big ones. Now things will go big. He grinned at the thought of big guns on their side. He forced a friendly laughter at Sandai.
Robert extended his hand towards Sandai "Its been a while brother. I can see you are doing well." They shook hands for a long time before letting each other go.

"Yes i am okay. I can see you are well yourself." Sandai replied as he shook the other people of the group.

"So when do we get to fly these bad boys, My fingers are twitching so hard right now." Robert said as he looked at the fleet of Mecha's on the field,some at rest while others are practicing.
Vikram shook hands with the Japanese, and stood next to the rest of his team. He looked up at the mechas flying around, giants made of steel hurtling through the air. He couldn't wait to get his hands on one. It would be different from the way he was used to fighting, but well, everything was a learning experience. He had seen mecha units back home and they had been the leanest, meanest fighting squad in the unit. Now it was their chance to step up.
Connor nodded back at them, he knew they were from Amber Fox and that was about it. "Those are some nice toys you lot got here." he said. "When do we get a couple to play with?" He lived for big guns, and mechs at the biggest guns he could think of. Beside the massive frigates and battle ships that floated around in space, but you couldn't exactly hold those now could you?
I'm flying. The thought sent a shiver of joy down Evie's spine. It was so unbelievable, but somehow she was flying! Not very well, mind you, but flying a mech all the same. It was challenging work, but Evie loved the feeling of having a mech around. It felt special, like she was a part of something bigger. Which I guess I am.

As they landed for a much needed break, Evie saw familiar figures waiting for them.

"Hikaru!" she called as soon as she was out of her mech. While surprised at the show of affection, Eviw didn't mind the hug. She hadn't seen the woman since their failed rescue mission. A lot had happened since then, and Evie was glad to see Hikaru was still alive and well.

"I glad to see you," she said honestly. "And we could use your help here." And your advice. Evie had been mulling over a few ideas since she'd last seen Hikaru. With her knowledge of Japanese technology, Hikaru's assistance would speed up the process.

"Plus I have new friend I want you to meet." Evie smiled, knowing Hikaru would love her new dog.

Hikaru laughed, "It's more like us who need your help." she said pointing at herself, Sai, and Sandai. "Who's your new friend?" she looked around inquisitively.

Sgt. Artemis descended from her training mecha and introduced herself to the two Japanese women. Sai was amazed that she carried with her a very ancient cassette player with real cassettes too from more than two million years ago.

"I have a turntable in my room too!" said Artemis, brightening up for the first time like a girl talking about something she loved-she usually projected a no-nonsense-let's-get-with-the-mission aura.

@Musical Dragon
Grizzly Sloth got chummy with Sandai and invited all the guys for some drinks in Komodo Rhino's room.

". . . What?" said Komodo Rhino, annoyed.

"Yeah, he's got a stash hidden there that he stole from another officer's care package." continued Grizzly Sloth. "What?" he added when he saw Komodo Rhino's expression. "You were talking about opening it."

"Yeah, and saving them for myself."

"Oh, come on . . ."

In the end Komodo Rhino agreed and Grizzly Sloth began a discussion about stealing food from the kitchens.

@CkSmalling , @thespacekid , @Beowulf, @randomizedrp

(OOC: I'll post the next main mission on Friday, 3/25/16)

@Commissar Darman , @Musical Dragon
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Flashback, The Cult

A few weeks ago, before the squad was deployed to rescue Sgt. Umaire, Vikram's usual contact from the cult spoke with him in one of the busy, noisy maintenance hangars in the Crimson Canines mother base.

An ordinary looking engineer was salvaging parts from a busted mecha that looked like it had been chewed up and then spitted out. There was a plate of soggy burritos beside him with some green pasty sauce. He saw Vikram and greeted him like an old friend offering one of the burritos, his two fingers hidden from view were waiting for the flash drive.

"You know Komodo, for a someone who has no girlfriend, your house is surprisingly depressing. The only thing you have is a TV..that's it.. i was expecting a lava lamp, or even a water need a girl in your life mate." Robert said as he wandered around the house.

"Say's the man who is single as i am." Komodo retorted back grabbing a beer and passing it to Robert. "how is Assassin doing anyways?"

"She is doing okay-ish. Still pissed for being bed ridden but she will pull through. Besides she has me-ish" Robert said as he sat down on the couch next to Vikram who is usually silent.

"Hahahah i am yet to see the both of you as a couple" Komodo said as he dove into the kitchen.
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Evie grinned at Hikaru's confusion before whistling shrilly. A bark was heard in response before the medium-sized dog could be seen running toward them, having waited patiently for her mistress to finish training. The dog was long haired with white and brown fur, and greeted the group with enthusiastic licking.

"Hikaru, meet Hester. She's the newest member of the Crimson Canines." Hester allowed herself to be pet by them all before returning to Evie's side.

"So what do you need help with?" Evie was interested to see what would bring her Japanese friends to their base.

"Wahh, she's so the beautiful!" cried Hikaru, scratching Hester's belly with so much gusto. "Ah, the help was just a figure of speech," she said laughing again, "you know, with our base destroyed and everything . . ." her voice faltered a bit and her and Sai's face became moody for a moment.

A familiar male voice spoke quietly from Hikaru's helmet. Hikaru said something back in Japanese to which the male voice quickly said, "Iie." Hikaru slapped her helmet.

"Hi, Evie!" said Aki the AI quickly, in a nervous voice was too loud.

@Musical Dragon



Grizzly Sloth entered the room, his suit bulging with food he stole from the kitchens. He tossed some grub to each of the guys.

"Check this out." he said dumping the contents of his MOLLE on the table. Some very strange fruits, plants, meat, and what looked like a purplish, green spotted casserole rolled out. "They're adding these to the menu starting tomorrow."

" . . . You've gotta' be kidding me." said Komodo Rhino.


(OOC: Grizzly Sloth didn't bring the live creatures from the pictures, just meat and food that looked like they were made of them)
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"Well..." Muttered Vikram, picking up a piece of meat curiously. "This looks interesting. How does it taste?" He looked up at Grizzly questioningly, and before waiting for an answer, threw it into his mouth and started chewing.

"Hmm. Quite delicious. The meat's soft, kinda like crab. I can't figure out what it tastes like though." He looked around at his teammates as if waiting for them to join in too.
Grizzly Sloth took a bite from each. "Mmm . . . tastes like peanut butter and banana," he said, chewing a chunk from a worm-like meat that has been barbequed. He made loud chewing noises as he ate. "mixed with soy sauce . . . "

Komodo Rhino just shook his head and ate his baked potato. "Hey, Vikram," he said after a while, "why the dual blades?"

Vikram chewed slowly, swallowed and picked up another piece. He looked at it, turning it around, and then turned his head to look at Komodo. "Nobody's asked me that question. What a curious little question." He chuckled.

"Well, when I was younger, I used to be a trained classical dancer and a martial artist, and I guess my fighting style's evolved from that. Trained for speed and agility." He popped the piece into his mouth, made a face. "Tastes like shellfish. Anyway, if you wanna hear the more dramatic version, it's because I wouldn't like depending on a gun. With a sword I know it's all me - whether I hit or miss. Dual swords so I have speed, and that freedom of movement." He looked at Komodo and smiled, "Wanna try then out?"
Komodo Rhino shrugged, "Sure." He held the blades the way a military man would, uncertain about the blade in his left. Marines were used to fighting with only one knife, while the other hand was used to distract, grab, or set up the stab.

"Guns are more practical . . ." he said, making fanciful swish, swish stab movements like the ones he saw in old ninja movies. "What are you going to do if the enemy's got a longer reach than you?"

"Heads up, team, we have a new squad member." said Artemis as she ascended her training mecha for another flight run. Just as their thirty-minute break ended, another training mecha flew in from the mother base and landed in the patch of land they were using as their training grounds in Lysaur Valley.

The man piloting it carried a weapon no other modern soldier probably uses: a modern bow.

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Robert's mouth went agape at the sight of food right infront of me. "Its like you know me brother." He did not waste anytime and he took a plate and filled it with the meat. He took a bite, savoring the taste in his mouth then swallowed. He stood up, a smile from ear to ear as he high-fived Grizzly.

"Brother, now this is what i call FOOD!!!!. These things are delicious. Especially this one.." He stuffed it in his mouth and ate happily."..tastes like chicken. Hey after this Vikram should dance for us with those blades of his. All in agreement lift your hands up!" Robert thrust his hand into the air.

@thespacekid @Zer0
As the mecha grounded itself on the training grounds from the base Simon felt unsure about how to approach his next step. He hadn't expected to be part of a new team nor did he have any experience working with one. His job for the most part was to gather intelligence, do reconnissance, and test experimental equipment in the field. Most of the work done on his own, no squad or platoon. He was a special case.

The cockpit flew open for him signaling the time to get out of the hunk of metal, his heart was beating faster the more his body moves out "what kind of people are they? Can I get along with em? Can they get along with me..?" These thoughts cloud his head as he climbs out of the mech his feet now firm upon the ground. Pack ready, essentials check, and of course his bow.nothing else he prizes more than the glimmer of his bow. He had also made sure to carry the experimental bio suit which he would use in his field operations. "Ready as I'll ever be now" he thought to himself

He went forth awaiting the officer to assign him for further instructions. No going back now, wherever e was going was something he didnt know what to expect. He took a deep breath to ease his heavy heart taking in the sight of Lysaur Valley once more.

First things first though. He took a selfie with his camera along with the mech he was in.

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Vikram smiled at Komodo, a twinkle in his eyes, "I often thought about that, and well, I've got a little tweak done by the guys down at R&D for range."

Hearing Robert's comment, he said, "Why not kill two birds with one stone? I could give a little demo out in the training field sometime. This room is a bit too small to be swinging electric swords around."
Artemis smiled, amused when she saw their new squad member take a selfie'. 'This guy is going to be fun', she thought. She nodded at Simon in greeting.

"I'm Sgt. Artemis." she said. "Everyone, this is Simon. Simon, this is Robert (the sniper rockin' a beret), Vikram (the reserved man with the dual blades), Evie (the cheerful short-haired lady with a dog), Randus (the muscular man with an artificial lower left arm), Connor (the rugged man with a beard), and Sarah (the blonde lady sniper with blue eyes).

@Musical Dragon, @CkSmalling, @thespacekid , @Commissar Darman , @Beowulf , @randomizedrp , @Orpheus

(OOC: Wow, our little RP group is growing.)

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