Crimson Canines (Complete!)

Sarah helped pull the Amberfox soldiers up, a minute later Komodo an sora. As more people piled in, Sarah became less talkative. she hated groups, they just made her feel uncomfortable. instinctively moving away from the other, Sarah stepped on something squishy. kneeling next to the thing she stepped on. She realized it was one of those creatures, dead of course. It must have snagged on someone when they were brought on board. pulling out a knife, Sarah inspected the thing as her suit took readings of the thing. everything from visual readings, creating a one for one scale 3d image to body composition and even X-rays. Everything the scientists would need for initial testing. truthfully it all went over her head but she liked the suit and if she had to sometimes take scientific readings to keep it then so be it.
(OOC: Sorry this is so late I have really bad signal)

The next few minutes passed in a blur - dark hallways lit by shaky lights, her ears filled with the panicked yells of her team mates. What have I gotten myself into? Evie wondered as she sprinted through the tilting halls.

They arrived at the pods, but before they could get inside, the hall collasped and she ans a few others were left behind. Suddenly, Evie became aware of her own mortality. I might die tonight. Her heart was pounding quickly in her chest, her stomach clenched and breaths shallow.

Turning, her heart skipped a beat as she saw the squid creatures pouring down the hall toward them. Everything seemed to warp as Evie froze, too scared to move. I'm going to die. Dimly she heard someone calling out to her, but she couldn't think, couldn't act.

It was finally the explosion behind her that pushed her to action. There was now an escape, if only she could move. But while her suit was waterproof, Crimson wasn't in luck. Desperately she looked around. She couldn't leave the dog behind.

As the others pushed out into the ocean and water poured in, inspiration hit. "Come, Crimson!" She pulled out one of the evacuation pods for the injured, closing Crimson inside and pushing them both into the water. Then she punched the button, feeling the pod expand and riding the flotation device up to the surface.

While floating towards the surface, Randus screamed into the comms.

"If any one of you who took the pods come back dead, I'm gonna chase you till the end of the world and kick you in the face! You get it?!"

He said. He then spotted a group of creatures swimming towards him.

"Crap, these things swim?!"

He said, hastily grabbing his combat knife. The mob swam steadily towards him.
The titanic serpent was uncoiling itself as the Crimson Canines ascended to the surface. Suddenly, as one, the swarm of squid-monsters turned back and retreated away from the base as hundreds, and hundreds more poured out from holes and gaps in the structure like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

@CkSmalling, your character saw the titanic serpent open its mouth and all the squid creatures rushed inside, including what looked like dozens of Amber Fox soldiers with the bulbous monsters sticking out the back of their necks- including Kitetsu, one of Sora's men. The monsters seemed to be controlling them. The squid-creatures pulled the soldiers carefully into the serpent's mouth before it shut and the titanic sea serpent began to pull away from the sunken base.

A second later, there was a giant flash of light inside the structure followed by a blossoming red-white explosion that enveloped the entire Amber Fox HQ and part of the retreating serpent's tail. A powerful expanding onrush of boiling hot water pushed the Crimson Canines soldiers up and erupted out of the surface in a giant column of sea spray.

(OOC: Let's wrap it up everyone. Include your ascension to Pequod's hovercraft on your next post)

@Musical Dragon , @randomizedrp , @thespacekid , @Beowulf
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Randus cursed loudly as he surfaced.

"Who the HELL suggested the blow up after five minutes idea?!"

He yelled in the comms. Pequod picked him up as he was grumpy and kept glancing at the Amber Fox crew. He checked his gears, and sat inside the hovercraft, waiting for others to surface.
Robert could not help but stare at the scene unfold before his very eyes. He saw the squidy things return to the serpent and when he took out his binoculars for a closer look, he saw Kiketsu being controlled by something attached to his back. He saw him and the other squidy being swallowed by the serpent and start to swim away.

However the time could not be more wrong as the timed explosion went off but only managed to burn the tail of one serpent. Suddenly he felt the water become warm and he swam desparetly towards the surface. Soon he broke the surface and looked for Pequod. He saw him wave and swam to his direction.

"First of all, Randus you better stop yelling at the comms. The bext time you do that, you will swallow your tongue." He said as he boarded the extarction pod looking at Randus with death eyes.

"Second of all, the plan to blow the serpent to hell was a bust. The time went off to late and the explosion blew off the tail. And ..." He took a deep breath as he sat down."....Kiketsu is gone."
Randus calmed down.


He said. He made himself a mental note of lowering his mic volume or muting it while he screamed.

"Always a loss."

He said. It wasn't a special event, but still, it always felt bad. He looked outside, searching for any sight of Vikram.
Connor's back bumped against the door right after it closed. "Shit" he said, now officially starting to panic. But that was about when a mix of instinct and training kicked in, and he pulled the cord. Quickly expanding gas caused a canvas like material to expand around him, protecting him just in time from the clawing creatures. And the gas inside caused him to start rising. He would have been stuck in there, however, had it not been for the creatures bumping him around and through a hole. Some had a hold of his safety cocoon, but they were to few and to weak to pull it down. And the resulting explosion of the generator overload fried them from it, and singed the cocoon a little. The biggest problem he had with the explosion was how it quickly pushed him up and out of the water. He was airborn for about three seconds before he crashed back down into the water.

He sat there in silence, dazed by the landing and the fact that he was still alive. But rather quickly he started to laugh. First it was soft, barely more then heavy breathing. It soon evolved into full throat-ed, stomach cramping laughter. "I'm alive!" he shouted to the inside of his safe room. He repeated it several times, wriggling around in his excitement to be alive. Then it dawned on him that he should get someone to pick him up. "Guess who?" He said into his radio. "You can't get rid of me that easily."
Robert stands up and moves next to Sora. "What i mean is i saw Kiketsu had one of those..things attached to his back. I took out my binoculars and looked through them and i noticed that he was being controlled by that it. If i was to guess, it attached itself to the spinal cord and the brain stem thus achieving complete control. He went right into the serpent's mouth and disappeared into the belly of the beast." He placed his hand on her shoulder. "I am sorry for your loss."

Sora didn't answer for a while and just stood there with a dark expression. He nodded his thanks to Robert and then sat down in deep thought. The two Amber Fox ladies looked crestfallen, while Sandai was silent as he tended to the only survivor they rescued: the girl with the troglobyte-monster attached to her. Izaya was sitting away from the group with a steely expression, his eyes like chips of ice.

The Crimson Canines pulled Evie, Crimson, Vikram, and Connor out of the ocean. Komodo Rhino nodded at Connor when he got onboard.

They were back on the shore in a few minutes where Colonel Maki greeted and thanked them. Sora told him something quietly in Japanese and walked on without waiting for the others. After Izaya uploaded the fragment of his AI, Tama, from Vikram's suit, and Hikaru took two containers that had a squid-monster each from Evie, they said their good-byes and the Crimson Canines departed for the mother base.

(OOC: @CkSmalling , @thespacekid , @Musical Dragon , @Beowulf , @randomizedrp , @Commissar Darman , congratulations your characters all gain +1 attribute slot and are promoted to Private First Class, except for Robert and Vikram who are promoted to Corporal. Click on the spoiler below for the additional rewards.)

Your characters may now choose to be an officer of one specific area in the Crimson Canines mother base. Each area focuses on a specific important task for the survival of the base and come with their own perks.

*Please put your rank before your character name, and state your area somewhere in your character sheet.

Combat Unit

+1 Chimaera property


+1 Suit property


+1 bomb property

Base Development

+Skill: Repair Mechanical and Electrical

Medical Platform

+Skill: Medicine & Medic Gear Profficiency

Wildlife Dome

+Skill: Pet


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The ride to the surface had an unearthly feel - no sounds from the outside, only the shouting of Canines. Evie rose quickly, watching the serpent swallow the squid creatures. Or maybe the squids were swimming into the serpent? It was hard to tell in the dark water. Before she could think on it long, the water exploded, launching her and Crimson up to the surface.

With a gasp, she flew into the air, landing hard back in the water. She waved weakly at the ship, pulling Crimson from the bubble. She let herself be dragged out, hugging the dog closely. Evie felt exhausted, too tired to speak, but smiling through it all. The mission had been draining, not something she wanted to repeat, but the joy of being alive was overwhelming. I made it, she thought as the ship flew back to base. I made it.

It was late afternoon when the team touched down in Hangar 51.

The hovercraft doors opened to reveal The Boss and L, the director of the Intelligence Sector, waiting for them.

The Boss was a tall solid man whose face bore old scars from a lifetime of military conflict, including a black shrapnel protruding from his forehead like a demon's horn, and a left red bionic arm. Beside him, L leaned against a crutch since he was missing his left lower leg, and wore shades that didn't hide milky grey-blue eyes that looked as though he was blind.

L was flanked by eight masked soldiers who had their rifles pointed at the squad the moment the hovercraft doors opened.

"No need to be alarmed." said L pleasantly when he saw their reactions. "This is just a precaution."

Crimson bounded out of the hovercraft to The Boss, his tail wagging. The Boss gave him a small pat that made the wolf-dog close his eyes lazily and sit contentedly at his side. "Good work." he nodded at Evie. The two left and boarded another hovercraft that left Hangar 51.

L turned to Evie. "Griffin, we were told you are carrying two highly dangerous creatures. Surrender them here."

A masked soldier approached Evie, and after receiving the containers, the four soldiers left escorting the holder.

"All of you will follow me for a debriefing." said L, "Leave your weapons in the hovercraft and do not speak to anyone about your mission."

The team boarded the hovercraft again with L and the three masked soldiers. They landed in the medical platform where L led them to a guarded room where they were welcomed with a warm meal and five medics who immediately attended to those who were wounded.

@Musical Dragon
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When the hovercraft landed on hanger 51, Robert stepped out and stretched "Aaahhh finally on solid ground. If you all excuse me, i am going to sleep" Robert just turned only to see weapons trained on him. He slowly put his hands up and backes up slowly.

After being told to get back to the hovercraft, he sat down at the far edge and took out his aviator glasses and baret and wore them and just sat there silent. After a few minutes they reached the medical ward and the smell of food quickly knocked him back. "Finally!!!"
After the relief of surviving their mission, their welcome back at base came as a sharp jolt to Evie. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the guns waiting for them. But the Boss' arrival and Crimson's departure gave her time to catch her breath. Of course as soon as she was approached by L, her stomach clenched.

"Uh, yes sir, right away," she stuttered, scrambling to pull the cases from her MOLLE. As she saw the squirming creatures, she finally understood the Base's caution. If these escaped... Evie shuddered at the thought.

Once they were fed and alone, Evie voiced her thoughts to the group. "So... Are all your missions like this?" She didn't explain was 'this' meant, as putting it into words was too hard. Evie wasn't sure she even could if she tried.

@Zer0 @CkSmalling @Beowulf
Robert helped himself to another plate and sat down to eat it. He took a glance at his surroundings and saw how it was guarded, a soldier in every hallway. "This must be huge" he thought to hinself.

He looked up after hearing Evie's question. "You have to me more specific that that Evie. Do you mean the mission or the reception back to base?"

Robert stood up and took a bottle of water and wasted no time in drinking it.

@Musical Dragon
Vikram turned to Evie, "The missions are kinda like this. This one was next level though. The reception... is very scary to be honest. I have no idea what's going on." He took a bit of his meal and looked to Robert. "What's your take on this?"

However, on the inside, Vikram was freaking out. What if they know? How will I get out of here?

@Musical Dragon @CkSmalling
After everyone had finished eating and the five medics left leaving only L and his three guards inside with the squad, L asked them to recount everything that happened inside the sunken Amber Fox base.

For an hour he listened very attentively to their stories, asking a question every now and then, mostly about how the creatures behaved. When they were finished, he leaned back against his chair surveying them all with his piercing grey-blue eyes before speaking.

"The attack on the Amber Fox base and what you all saw today has proven that there are creatures living in our world that are as intelligent as humans and are capable of coordinating not only with their own kind, but with other creatures without speech.

"As far as we know they are the four titanic serpents we're calling 'Leviathans', 'Paravita' the crustacean that kept the rescued girl alive, "Flayers" the squid-creatures that control the human body once attached, and "Armapus" the armored octopus that was going through Amber Fox's data base in the control deck.

"We understand that these intelligent creatures are hostile and curious about us. They can understand English and Japanese.

"This knowledge will shake up the soldiers and might create a panic in mother base. If we have already been infiltrated by these creatures, we do not want them to think we are going to head out and destroy them now; that might provoke them into attacking us soon, which will only end in our loss . . . you all saw how they easily upturned the Amber Fox 's mother base.

"This is top secret, death is the penalty for breaching security. If you want those you love to experience the same horror you saw beneath the ocean, then by all means blabber and then die an unfulfilled traitor.

"This is what you will tell anyone who asks you what happened down there: you were attacked by a swarm of Flayers, simple scavengers that gathered to eat the corpses of the soldiers-hence the reason why there were no bodies. The girl you rescued was being eaten alive by a Paravita, which you couldn't remove because it was attached to her spine. And the leviathan simply swam away before you could blow up the fusion reactor. Do not add, nor subtract anything from this story . . ." L's voice changed to one of deadly calm. "Understand?"

@CkSmalling, @thespacekid , @Musical Dragon, @Commissar Darman , @randomizedrp , @Beowulf
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"The mission was certainly hardcore nut we managed to pull through..barely iof course. The reception on the other hand, that was new. Never have we been returned from a mission only to be pointed guns at... and the food is new too. You should eat some Evie." Robert took a large bite an cleared his plate in a matter of moments.

Robert looked at L while he was giving instructions and noticed how serious he was about the mission. He mentally took notes on the briefing and and silenty nodded when he finished. After the briefing he went back to the entrance and grabbed himself a soda.


@Musical Dragon
The I.S. Director let them go after he acquired their promises to keep their silence, except for Komodo Rhino, Evie, and Sarah whom he wanted to talk to in private.

"Griffin, I'm giving you restricted clearance." L told Evie. "You will secretly work with the head of the Wildlife Dome, Professor Arrow, in the Quarantine Zone researching on the two flayers you captured."

He then addressed Sarah. "Bishop, please hand over the hard drive with all the data about the flayers to me. I'm also partnering you with Griffin on field missions. When the both of you are out in the field, you will capture all creatures you think have the intellectual capacity of humans, or analyze them on the spot if you can't bring a body."

After the two ladies left, L spoke with Komodo Rhino alone.

@Musical Dragon, @Commissar Darman

(OOC: Everyone, @CoconutLeaves' optional mission is now available in the IC RPing 2 tab. His mission occurs a week after today in game-time, so you can make your characters have some slice-of-life episodes if you wish before you jump into his campaign.

I will move the main story forward on Monday next week, 3/21/16 in real-time.)

@CkSmalling (Assassin Marmot is already awake, but she still can't fight), @thespacekid (time to reveal some characters from your cult), @randomizedrp , @Beowulf
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Evie shrugged at Robert's question. "All of it. I never expected to be met with guns. And those creatures..." She fell silent as L spoke. Her unease was growing, even though she understood their worries. If these creatures were to attack our base...

She took Robert's advice ans was grabbing some food when L called her over, making her stomach drop. "Yes sir," she said when she received her orders. She would be happy to study the creatures. "Of course." Evie smiled at Sarah. "I guess we'll be working together now."

@Zer0 @Commissar Darman @CkSmalling
The briefing room was quiet when Filosofia made her way to the stand. Dark hair, medium height, and a slight build, she was the type of person you would pass and never notice. Her eyes were framed by glasses quite thick that it made it impossible for one to see her eye color. However, as she stood on the ledge and began to turn on the monitor to begin the briefing, she looked like the perfect person to give the mission.

"Good Day," She began to speak, her voice a calm monotonous sound that made one think of machines, "My name is Filosofia, I am the assistant of the target of the mission today."

The monitor switched to an image of a woman in a lab coat, her face apathetic even as she gazed at the camera. It was clear she had better things to do then stay but was polite to just go along with it.

"This is Sgt. Sabrossa Sarapa Umaire of R&D. She specializes in the study of flora and fauna and its application for future reconnaissance missions and defense for the Mother Base. A week ago, she went to an area in the mountains to study the environment and the creatures that live there. However, the transport that delivered her never returned and she herself had not made any update. With most of the manpower devoted to assisting the Amber Fox group, we had little choice but to send a scout to check the area. A few days ago, we received a transmission from Sgt. Umaire. She requested rescue and sent the coordinates she was in, but the message had to end short."

Filosofia paused and flipped through some pages, affirming the information she gave was correct before continuing on, "Based on the message, we can safely assume that she is currently in danger. From what, we do not know."

The monitor switched to the coordinates as well as the topography of the area based on the satellite images captured. "Your mission is to locate and rescue Sgt. Umaire. If you find her alive, she will most likely have additional requests and thus you must assist her in her needs. If you find her dead, gather all her notes and her valuables and leave the area. Now, if you will take this mission, here are the things you should know."



"Sgt. Umaire was curious about the land farther from the base which we had not explored due to the dangers involved. The area is mountainous and goes on an incline. Soil is rocky and poor but the scouts have confirmed that trees exists in the distance, thus the land is able to support life. Scouts have also noticed mushrooms the size of pets, but the thick density of the fog made it impossible to see anything else."


"The air and the fog is filled with carbon monoxide, thus it is extremely toxic to any creature with hemogoblin blood. This should not be a concern however with your suit and we will only remind you that once you enter the area, do not take in the air. You may as well just write a suicide note while you're at it."

Flora and Fauna

"Currently, our scouts have only noticed that the forest of the area is filled with barren trees and mushrooms. We have no further information as to what exists."

Potential Hostiles

"Clearly there is one, however we cannot ascertain as to what the hostile is. Before Sgt. Umaire can explain, the message was cut off short. No further contact could be made."


"Due to the thickness of the fog, it is recommended that you create marks around the trees and stay together to lower the chances of being lost."


"The mission will commence in six hours," If you would like to assist in our aid to rescue Sgt. Umaire, meet me after this briefing." She opened her mouth then shut it once more, trying to remember something then saying it, "One more thing. Due to recent events, we recommend that you do not destroy the local environment. If it is necessary for your survival, you may do so. However, you must file a report to justify your actions. Do keep damage to a minimum."

Briefing Over.
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Sarah was silent for the majority of the trip, she just stayed in a corner reviewing the data she recorded about the thing. it was safe to say she didn't understand a single thing about it. it made no sense compared to what shes seen on creatures of old earth. the closest it resembled was a parasite, A really big parasite.

Upon landing, Sarah didn't even get out of the craft before she noticed to guns pointed at them. causing her to instinctively place her hand on her SMG. But with everyones reaction and that the Boss was there, Sarah complied with all orders. After they were examined, ate, and debriefed. L made Komodo, Evie, and her stay behind. Apparently he wanted her suits data which she gave to him. He then assigned Her and Evie together while out in the field. Turning to her new partner, Sarah shrugged and tilted her head slightly. " Looks like it."
"Well, that was a lot."

Muttered Randus. After all the things, the mother base gave them a warm greeting. Great. It was still good to touch solid ground once again. Randus relaxed a bit. Then there was a briefing about a rescue mission. He shrugged, and decided to join the rescue mission after a quick session of thinking. The more they gathered, the better. He followed Filosofia some time after the briefing, eager for a mission.

"Right in for another one."

He told himself.

Evie was surprised to find that when the debrief came the following week, she actually wanted to be involved. After the failed rescue mission, she had thought she'd never want to enter the field again. But a week of studying the strange squids in the Wildlife Dome had sparked her interest anew. All the new wildlife and fauna out there... Someone needs to record it!

The new mission seemed safer than the last, and Evie couldn't resist seeing giant mushrooms and the wildlife they would bring. Making up her mind, she approached Filosofia after the debrief. "I would like to help in the effort. I've been studying the environment and could help collect data during the mission." She silently added: Or decode Sgt. Umaire notes if we don't find her alive. It seemed too morbid to point out, though valid. After a week in the wild, her chances aren't too good.


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