Crimson Canines (Complete!)

Sai and Sandai halted just as Izaya came out of the power core room. "Hai!" they replied to Sora's command.

Sandai looked at Robert while Sai gave an apologetic shrug. "Orders are orders." she said and the two withdrew back to the pods. Hikaru had come back and was tossing grenades and laying cover fire on the swarm of squid-monsters. The Amber Fox soldiers jumped into a pod each, and when the Crimson Canine soldiers who wanted to retreat with them were in, the pods submerged and retreated back to the surface through a rain of falling debris, the swarm of monsters chasing them.

How will I ever manage this? I need at least some substantial data.

Vikram ran back to the flash drive, a blinking indicator on it showing the progress. It didn't look full enough to make anyone back home happy. He would just have to think of something new in the moment. He pushed a button on his suit, and a hologram shifted to his left, an identical copy of him. He spoke into his suit and the hologram sprinted off into a dark alleyway deeper inside the base. He ran and crouched behind a pile of debris, hiding within reaching distance of the flash drive.

"Guys? There was a hostile following me, so I had to escape and now it looks like I'm a bit lost. Don't leave without me, I'll be back in an instant!" He informed everyone over the comms system.
Randus groaned.

"Alright, fine. Vikram, I'll wait for ya."

He said, as he heard a horde of the small creatures rushing towards him. He charged a thermite spear and carefully placed it down on the floor towards the horde.

"Try to be quick, will you?"

He said, as he aimed his gun at them. The barrels started spinning fast, ready to rain hell on the creatures. He counted to five until the creatures were within reach of the spear, and detonated it. The spear burned down with bright flashes surrounding the area, and Randus moved a bit backwards to avoid getting attacked by his own weapon. Then, he fired his gun towards the monsters.

(OOC:Is there a possibility for the thermite to make a hole deep enough to reach the ocean?)
"Okay. We will be at the pod

.again..when you need us. All the best Vikram." Robert replied over the comms and tappee Sandai's shoulder and headed for the pods.

"Umm i think we are a bit lost so Sai can you lead the way?" Robert said with a cheeky smile. Sai hit him with her gun and took the lead. He silently Hi-Fived Sandai and kept close to Sai.
"Don't nobody, f*ckin, move." Connor said as he slowly raised his LMG to point at the orange eye that was above them. If it didn't think it saw anything, he figured, then it would just move on or go back to sleep. The octopus armadillo thing could wait, something that could comfortably fit them in it's jaw was eyeballing them.
The orange eye looked intelligent. It moved from Komodo Rhino, to Sora, then to Connor, and then squinted as if annoyed. Then the colossal serpentine head withdrew, causing the base to groan and shake. It watched the control deck from a distance.

@Beowulf, to the south, your character sees a large swimming mass of hundreds of small fleshy purple squid-creatures chasing the white pods of the Amber Fox split into two, with the other half turning around and unmistakably rushing towards the control deck.

"Retreat!" yelled Sora. He quickly typed something on the control panel and a window popped up in Japanese that had symbols of files being deleted.

Komodo Rhino propelled to the entrance of the Control Deck, where he waited for everyone to come out before he shut the heavy blast doors.


@thespacekid , your character sees what seemed like an ERROR message in Japanese flash across the computer screen. The download couldn't continue, the flash drive was able to acquire seventeen minutes worth of data out of twenty.

Then the base moved again. The crack that had been spewing in water fractured and ocean water burst forth like water through a dam, the tear grew longer and was now stretching across the floor and ceiling. Machines exploded and huge chunks of the ceiling dropped, the room will be torn in half any second.


@CkSmalling , @randomizedrp, @Musical Dragon, debris fell on two of the pods leaving only one. All the Amber Fox soldiers had already retreated. It was like being under an avalanche during a storm, water was rushing in from the walls and ceilings, and the squid-monsters were still coming. Three latched on to Robert's leg, while ten jumped on Randus, and an uncountable amount was going to sweep over Evie and Crimson.

"Izaya!" came Sora's voice through the comms, "Set off the charges in five minutes."

". . . Hai." came Izaya's voice.
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Connor panicked. How was he supposed to escape them? Going backwards was an option, but that just put their back to a wall. And going up was equally as risky, considering he didn't know where that serpent went. "What the hell are those things?" he asked, panic edging it's way into his voice. There was so many of them, and it didn't look like they were nice in the slightest. He had an lmg, but only a flamethrower could keep back that many creatures of that size. The only problem with that was that they were underwater. 'F**k it.' he thought to himself as he grabbed the panic cord and prepared to pull it.
Pequods hovercraft lazily floated about a foot above the water. the craft has been sitting there for some time waiting for the rescue teams to return. laying on the deck of the craft with her head dangling out. Sarah watched as large amounts of bubbles and debris surfaced, churning up the water. something was going on down there and it left a small knot in the pit of Sarahs stomach. 'what are they doing down there?' she mentally asked herself, actually worried that something bad might have happened.

"Anything?" Pequod radioed her from the cockpit dragging her from her thoughts. "Negative, all my scanners are getting is bubbles and rubble." she replied. it was a bit frustrating actually. the base was so far down that her suits systems couldn't reach. all this recon and data collecting giving her everything from the molecular make up of everything in a visual range of three feet to a self system predicted weather forecast for the next 48 hours. But nothing that could tell her what the fuck is going on with the base.
Seconds later, your character, @Commissar Darman, detected five allies ascending rapidly into the surface followed by a swarm of hundreds of smaller living things. Three transparent fish-like pods leaped out of the water two hundred meters north of the hover craft. For a second you catch sight of masses of pink wrinkly looking squid-like creatures plastered all over the pods like some kind of disease, all trying in vain to get inside, before the pods dived down again.

The Amber fox soldiers seem to be trying to shake the things off, but they were grasping on tight.
With a sickening crunch, the mass of monsters crashed into the windows of the control deck as one breaking through the glass. Dozens sped for Connor tentacles wide open.

There was a great shuddering, then the entire base was turned over as the serpent began to uncoil itself.

Komodo Rhino cursed and fired at the mass of creatures as Sora sped out of the control deck and into the hallway.

"No, stop!" yelled Komodo Rhino, but too late, Sora pushed down the lever that closed the control deck doors and broke it, leaving Connor inside. Komodo was speechless with shock and rage. Sora didn't say anything, only looked at him with an expression that said he knew the gravity of what he did, but wasn't sorry, before speeding off and opening the opposite blast door and retreating from the chaos.

Sarahs head perked up a bit. her sensors lit up like a Christmas tree. "Whoa, Friendlies incoming and something is chasing them!" Sarah radioed excitedly as she jumped to her feet and dangled herself out of the craft. "Wait what? did you say chasing them?" Pequod asked, not entirely sure he heard her right.

"Yep, and they should be surfacing two hundred meters north in three, two, one!" Right on que, three pods broke the surface and immediately Sarah could see that something wasn't right with the pods. Speeding towards the pods. Pequod circled where they dove. "What in the world were those things?"

"I have no Idea, but they got to go." raising her free hand to her helmeted head, Sarah scanned radio channels till she found the right one. "This is Bishop of the Crimson Canines to the allied pods. you need to resurface, We will attempt to remove the creatures with small arms fire. I say again Resurface so we can clear your pods!"
"Copy, Sarah-san." said Hikaru's voice. "We'll move one kilometer north away from the blast radius!"

After they were safely away, the three pods stopped leaping and stayed afloat on the ocean surface. There was no sign of any fellow Crimson Canines among them. The Amber Fox soldiers inside waited with tense and worried faces. There was only four minutes left before Izaya was going to blow up the reactor.

@Commissar Darman
Following the pods, Pequod hovered a few feet away from the pods as Sarah slammed a magazine into her SMG. they had to make this quick if they were to pick up anyone else from the extraction zone before the explosion. Taking aim, Sarah began to systematically gun down the squid-like creatures on the pods. after twenty seconds and two magazines later, Sarah realized she wasn't removing the things fast enough so she opted to use her explosive rounds instead since they shouldn't damage the pods and take out more of the little buggers. Continuing her work, Sarah noticed that the new rounds where working a lot more effectively.

going through three more magazines, Sarah felt that enough of the things have been removed from the pods for the occupants to get out and board the hovercraft. "Alright, you should be clear. now get your asses on board now!"
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Now panicking, Randus threw few thermite spears to the wall, hoping to make a hole.

"Come on, come on!"

Luckily the swarm of monsters passed him and chased the pods. Unluckily he didn't know where the pod was. He had just moved to another section, where the hallway had thin walls good enough to be pierced. The thermite spears detonated, melting down the wall., and generating bright red and orange flashes. Randus nervously glanced left and right.
"Evie, if you have something that may kill them without damaging the building, now is the good time to use it." Robert said as he fired 3 shots in quick succession at the creatures at his leg and they blew up to a purple blob.

"Vikram wherever you are we need backup..and fast. I don't know how long we can manage to keep these things off." Robert took his knife out and lunged himself to Randus to help with removing the squid-ish things off his back.
"Thank you."

Muttered Randus. The wall didn't seem to open up.

"You know a shortcut to water or a pod?"

He asked Robert. He reloaded his gun, and started spinning the barrels. Just then, a drop of water fell from the wall, revealing a small hole. Randus cursed under his breath, counting the thermite spears he had left. There was exactly one. Randus cursed again.
Robert slashed his knife one more time and the last squidy popped. He sheathed his knife and took out his rifle and started shooting at the oncoming horde, trying as much as possible to shoot more than one with one bullet.

"Really dont care as long as we are out of this place i am down for what you have planned. And also promise me to buy me food then we are square." He looked at Randus and gave a brief smile before going back to his scope.

"Evie, any time now. I dont know how long i can do this."


@Musical Dragon
Pequod threw down the rope ladder and the Amber Fox soldiers climbed up. A minute later Sora resurfaced followed by Komodo Rhino.

The Amber Fox soldiers shot the squid monsters off and pulled both cocoons up. Komodo Rhino and Sora climbed up.

"Where's Kitetsu?" asked Sora.

"He wasn't with you?" asked Sandai, surprised. Sora shook his head. They attempted to call their comrade, but there was no reply. Only two minutes left before the explosion.

Komodo Rhino stood near the open cargo door, silently angry. He already lost Connor, he didn't want to lose any more. "Crimson Canines, withdraw." he growled. "That's an order."

@Commissar Darman, @Beowulf (Komodo just thinks your character is dead), @CkSmalling , @thespacekid , @Musical Dragon , @randomizedrp
Randus detonated his last thermite spear, making a hole big enough to fit through.

"You got floatation kits they handed out?"

He asked Robert.
"That i do. Waiting on your go then we can float. Still waiting on Vikram though" Robert said as he fired more shots and seeing the squidy light up in a bunch. "Vikram better rush here. I am almost out of ammo."

Randus yelled in the comms as water poured down the hole. He fired his gun as a mob of creatures poured from everywhere.
Oh no. They're all in trouble because of me and I couldn't even complete my mission.

Vikram stood up, grabbed the flash drive and raced out of the room through crumbling hallways. "I'm here guys! I'm coming towards you." He glanced at his minimap at the flashing green dots. He stumbled into the room, jumping over the small creatures to his teammates. "I was stuck under some rubble. Let's go!"
"I dont care if rubbles disturb you, I hate these things!"

Yelled Randus. He signaled the others to get near the hole.

"We're gonna dive through this hole, and use the floatation kit! If you don't have one, get a rubber tube or something!"

He said over the gunfire. He stopped shooting, holstered his gunnon his back, and jumped into the hole, and into the sea.
"Well Vikram you took your sweet time. Watching porn or what?" Robert tapped on his shoulder as he flashed a cheeky smile. "Well lets go i am running low on ammo so we gotta jet..or float...or whatever."

He packed his gun on his back and jumped head first through the hole and dove into the big blue sea.

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