Crimson Canines (Complete!)

"Id rather not piss off the locals Sergeant. I've ridden shit like that before. It ended with me nearly becoming lunch." Caine maneuvered his mech around the lyosaurs as he looked around, scanning the area.

Robert was left alone at the debriefing station so he just went to the construction crew to help them out. He saw the others going sightseeing and decided he will save the best for last.

He descended down the hill to the ongoing construction and approached Construction Manager Phil. "Goodmorning sir. Reporting for duty. Where can i offer my assistance?"

The baby sharkwolf's crying turned into curious sniffing as it padded closer to Connor.

@Beowulf, you character suddenly spots seven incoming large brown dots in your mini-map. Illuminated by the lights of your mecha, you see seven pairs of gleaming eyes and snarling teeth from a pack of angry full-grown sharkwolves bounding towards you in the downpour. You have this feeling that two of them are the baby sharkwolf's parents.

(OOC: Feel free to control the sharkwolves)
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The lysaur's massive head as big as a house bent down to look at Sarah, sniffing the mecha and nudging it lightly. The training mecha didn't even reach the knees of the lysaur. Then it snorted, as if it didn't like the smell, spraying her cockpit with grey-blue slime. It then resumed grazing nonchalantly, uninterested.

Then a flash of lightning struck nearby with a deafening clap of thunder and the massive beasts startled, shaking the ground as they stomped in place warily, looking around at the source. One lysaur, the biggest of them, gave a loud booming cry which seemed to calm the herd, but some of the lysaurs still looked a bit spooked. They don't seem to like sudden loud noises.

@Commissar Darman , your character's suit is picking up dozens of tiny life forms somewhere in the middle of the lysaur herd that didn't show up in your mecha's sensors. These dozens of tiny life forms were moving as a group and making their way towards the direction of the construction site.
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The data base revealed that the Avia's were commonly found in four areas, the nearest of which was a lonely spire of rock in the Lysaur valley, a ten minute flight from the construction site heading further south. Because of the storm and the dim light of the morning, the rock spire couldn't be seen from where your character is standing, @Orpheus.
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It could be just your character's imagination, but as a flash of lightning lit up the valley, you could have sworn that you saw the outline of someone running swiftly between the gaps of the trees of the grove the Lysaurs were munching on, but it didn't show up in your sensors. Artemis and Grizzly Sloth didn't seem to notice anything.


(OOC: Everyone, allies wearing suits who aren't in mechas show up as green arrows in the mini-map)
Phil had Robert transport heavy construction materials together with the other training mechas on duty that morning. As the day wore on, your character, @CkSmalling , begins to hear rumors about an engineer named, John Sart, who went missing four days ago during another thunder storm, including stories about seeing a ghost of a man at night.
Caine did a double take as he Intently looked at the trees, waiting to try and see the flash again, his mech coming to a complete stop. He wasn't sure what he saw, and they didn't pick up on radar, that was the worrying thing. It could have been his imagination, but Caine knew better then that. His instincts said to investigate it. "Command, this is Caine. Are there any other fiendliy forces out here besides up on perimeter patrol?"

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"That's a negative, Caine." came a man's voice from the comms. "Send us coordinates of your position and tell us what you saw."

Artemis and Grizzly Sloth's mechas had stopped moving. Grizzly Sloth's giant rifle was up and he was looking around warily. Artemis followed Caine's gaze and pointed her rifle at the grove of trees the Lysaurs were grazing on, but her mecha's lights illuminated nothing odd.

"What is it?" she asked, quietly.

Sarah was just slimed, again. "Oh come on!" Sarah just threw up her hands in the cockpit. " every damn time. I better not have to go to Decon again for this." Slouching in her seat, Sarah watched as the giant creatures get spooked followed by her suits sensors going off. "The hell?" Acknowledging the alert, Sarah pinpointed the readings towards the center of the herd.

"This is Bishop, Im picking up unknown lifeforms on my suit heading towards the construction site, they seem to be too small for mech sensors. I'm moving to investigate." She reported, carefully navigating around the giant beasts. As she did so, red flags started to mentally pop up.
"Damnit I can barely see

Simon sighed hoping he could at least catch glimpse of the spire from where he was, deciding it'd be best to look for them at a later time his plans of an early sightseeing out the window he decided to go back to the construction site to do some work. He went back to his navigation panel go find a way back. It'd be best try when the sun's up.

"Strangelove here I'm heading back to the construction site, I'll meet you guys there"

As he turned back he noticed the lysaur herd acting awry, something mustve spooked them


"Copy that, Bishop." came a man's voice through the comms. "Give us a sit-rep in two minutes."

@Commissar Darman, in the middle of the lysaur herd, your character sees dozens of small flayers scurrying along in the storm trying to avoid the light of the mecha, but failing. The little monsters parted into two groups, one group hurriedly moved underneath one lysaur to another still heading for the construction site, while the other group leaped for Sarah's mecha.
"Roger, I'll report what I find." Following the signals, Sarahs Search lights swept the area until the unknowns were spotted. when she illuminated the Flayers, they broke into two groups. While one maintain their current heading, the other flat out attacked Sarah. "Shit, Flayers!" She yelled into her comm unit as she swatted at the little creatures more out of surprise than anything else.
There was a few seconds of pause before the operator replied, "Bishop, this is command, send us the coordinates of your position and we'll fly over a unit with flamethrowers. In the meantime, don't let the flayers come near the construction site."

The flayers hit the ground with a wet smack, but some managed to latch on the fingers and were crawling their way towards the cockpit. The ones on the ground leaped onto the mecha's legs, while some circled to leap onto the back, then they all began to suspiciously make their way towards the external manual lever that opens the cockpit hatch.

@Commissar Darman

Simon yelled as he got startled by Sarah's screams into his comm. he opened up his navigation panel to see any friendly units in his HUD.

"Sarge I'm heading back to Bishops location something's Gone wrong"

"Bishop whats happening!?"

He starts firing his thrusters and starts moving near Sarah's location machine rifle ready and hoping hes not too late

@Zer0 @Commissar Darman
@Orpheus, your mecha's lights reveal Sarah is in the middle of a herd of grazing Lysaurs with dozens of flayers latched on to her mecha and attempting to pull the heavy external lever that would open the cockpit hatch.
"We're being watched." Said Caine to Aretmis.

Caine rose his mechs rifle as he walked closer to the trees, at the sound of his teammates over the comms he fired several rounds I into the trees, ready for whatever may pop out.

"Command we have possible hostiles, standby for report."

The lysaurs that were munching on the groves startled at the sound of heavy gunfire and began to stomp away, shaking the earth and making loud booming cries that carried across the herd. Then there was a deep loud moan and the earth began to shake as something thundered towards Caine.

@DJGomez, in the light of your character's mecha you see the lysaur herd part and a lysaur bigger than the rest was charging forward, bellowing angrily.

"Move!" yelled Artemis flying away to the side away from the construction site. Grizzly followed suite, firing at the gargantuan beast. "Command, engaging lysaur." she reported sending her coordinates back to the habitat.

(OOC: Some pictures to give you all a sense of how big a lysaur is.)





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no words needed said, something was definitely wrong. he maneuvered from the grazing herd and flew straight toward Bishop

(the hell are those things?)

Simon took out his Mecha's Neosteel dagger, brandishing it in a backhand with his left, leaving an open hand on his left. the moment he found himself in the right distance he quickly pushed out the maximum output of his thrusters to dash him towards Bishops mech propelling himself farther towards her. in quick succession his dagger penetrated the fleshy thing that neared her cockpits External lever. the dagger pierced into its soft flesh spurting whatever manner of bile or blood onto his hull, as it connects he quickly took his free hand onto the other N-00B's waist and used her mech as an anchor to let him switch the force of his propulsion to turn, bursting his shoulder thrusters to help with the momentum whilst lifting up his left hand, ripping the flayer off the lever.

"Bishop! you okay!?"

he ground his feet on the soil using the momentum to circle in front of bishop now facing opposite of her by her right side. he fired another thrust to make another dash-propel to push them both further away from the attacking group, hoping the force gets to the rest of the flayers on her

@Zer0 @Commissar Darman
Connor quickly switched his attention from the single baby sharkwolf to the many full grown ones, like any sane man would do. With his gun raised and switching from target to target, the sharkwolf adults slowed to a halt in a semi-circle around him. This wasn't the first time they've seen a gun, and they were wary of it. On the baby's part it was completely oblivious to what was going on around it. "There's your parents little guy. Go on, go that way." Connor said as he realized he might be able to avoid all of this if the baby joined up with it's parents. So, he tried to move it with his foot, which wasn't all that successful and caused the adults to growl in fear for their offspring. 'Great' he thought to himself. Now what was he supposed to do? This thing wasn't going to leave him alone just like that. Wait a second, he said he was going to give it something. Well, the bag of jerky he managed to sneak aboard (I'm sorry, this will be the only thing that spontaneously generates I swear) would have to go. Carefully opening both the cockpit and the bag, he throws it's contents out and quickly closes everything up again. The pup happily ran around eating it, and when it was all gone sat back down and continued to stare at him. "You f**king d@mn thing!" he shouted as he saw the pup just sit there. "You're causing me a lot of trouble, you know that?"

The pup, ever oblivious, just lolled it's tongue out and waited for something else to happen. That just left Connor with one more stupid idea. Putting his gun away, he couldn't exactly drop something that was attached by an ammo belt to the mech, and made sure where his knife was before slowly walking towards the pup. The sharkwolves growled in anticipation, moving closer to the pup as well. But he made it there first, and slowly picked up the pup. It squirmed a bit, of course it would it has never been picked up before, but Connor made sure it wouldn't fall. With step one done, it was time for step two, return it to it's parents.
Robert got out of his mecha and moved to a small hill a few meters from the construction site. He collapsed on the hill and stretched as he took in the smell of fresh air. "Wow who new air could smell so nice." He took a long strand of straw and popped it in his mouth as he laid back and basked in the sun. He was joined by a fellow worker who was also tired from the heavy lifting.

"So if i may ask, can you please explain the legend of the lost mechanic? Looks interesting to solve since i have nothing else to do apart from lift heavy pods and chew straw..."

Vikram gingerly walked around in his mecha, trying to get a sense of balance. He had lagged behind the group thanks to his usual sense of poise taken away from him in this lumbering giant of metal, but once he got acquainted with his mecha, he was running around happily, the ground stomping under him, almost shaking with each impact. Pointing his gun at a medium sized sharktooth, one grazing quietly to one side of it's herd, he let the bullets rip right through the beast, severing it's legs from under it, and leaving gaping holes in the body. As the beast screamed with pain, Vikram realised that neither was he a very good aim, and his actions might cause the other animals to panic.

He slowly backed his mecha away from the herd. In his awkward backward walk, he tripped, and almost instinctively, grabbed his controls, letting loose a stream of bullets into the herd as he fell onto his back, his heavy mecha thudding onto the ground.
Sarah was freaking out, the Flayers were all over her mech and no matter what she did, they wouldn't come off. "Get them off! Get them off!" She screamed repeatedly as she tried desperately to rip the things off of her mech. She now understood why everyone hated the things. their swarming and how they seem to act intelligently. watching the things crawl all over her mech. It was so claustrophobic and terrifying that she was barely maintaining control of herself trying to keep them away from the lever.

Feeling something collide against her nearly sent Sarah over the edge if she didn't catch sight of Simons mech. As he removed the Flayers and dragged her away from the swarm, Sarah started to calm down but her nerves were shot. Trying to control her breath, Sarah focused on regaining her composure. With her time as a ranger, Sarah has never once experienced a situation where she completely lost it. But the way they attacked her, she just couldn't help it. grabbing Simons mech, She finally acknowledged his presence. "I think im good." She finally replied in a shaky voice.
Simon nodded after hearing her response now a few feet away from the flayers

"You sure?, mind telling me the situation?"

He asked with concern for his squad member after being swarmed like that. He knew it wasn't over yet, there were still a few straggler flayers from the attacking group.

Simon sheathed back his dagger in exchange for his machine rifle, and fired a slew of bullets at the rest of the flayers from the attacking group, he managed to Nick a few but due to the visibility he wasn't able to get most of them.

"Shit!! What are these things!?"

@Zer0 @Commissar Darman
The lysaurs startled at the sudden sound of gunfire. The earth shook as they began to galumph away from Simon and Sarah's mechas in panic, colliding with each other in deafening thuds and almost trampling the two who were in the middle of the spooked herd. They gave loud bellowing cries, and began to stampede like one massive wall of thundering stomping meat towards the direction of the construction site, except for one, the biggest lysaur in the herd who gave an angry bellow and raised its massive foot shadowing the two mechas and brought it down.

@Orpheus , @Commissar Darman

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