[Creepypasta]- Welcome to the Show (Offical RP)

((thank I've been though a lot, I went to the dentist, got two fillings, got a new phone, and am still recovering from a black eye so VERY MUCH THANK TO YOU))

Crow grabbed a fist full of her hair and tugged, drowning in worry for Jane. What if BEN caught up with her and she needed help? What if she got lost? She sprung to her feet and began to dash where Jane had walked off to, hoping to find her somewhere. Crow had no clue about this forest and found herself lost after only a few minutes of running. She spun in circles, trying to recover her tracks to no avail. Jane would probably know a way out, if she could only find her...

Jeff ruffled the dog's fur, laughing a bit at the attention her was getting. Suddenly, something caught his eye. What was that in Smile's collar? A lock of hair? He snatched the hair rolling it between his fingers. Fake hair. His pupils dilated as he realized the source of the hair. "I gotta go handle some unfinished business, guys, be back soon." He muttered, taking his knife out and brandishing it. He quickly swung the door open and rushed out, not bothering to shut the door behind him. He knew exactly where she would be, near or in the pit, how terribly predictable. He slowed his sprint down to a stroll, dragging his knife along the passing trees as he walked. "Here, little Jane. You know you can't hide." He called out, letting out a quiet laugh.
Jane kept walking calmly and quietly. She inspected the place that she had stabbed with the stick. She let out a giggle. "Oh darling I love you so..." she sang. She hummed it before but she hadn't sang since she first saw Jeff and her voice still hurt her. "If you'd ask me for my heart there's no way that I'd say no..." She grinned at nothing in particular. She heard a voice in the dark woods. "Oh darling just take a chance please..." she whispered. "So we can stay together till Hell starts to freeze." She frowned.
BEN blinked as Jeff ran off without even shutting the door behind him. He narrowed his red eyes and spotted the hair on Smile's collar. He reached down and took it out "Jane's hair." he said almost to himself and then placed the hair on his palm before setting it ablaze. "Unfinished business is an understatement." He laughed.

Liu looked after his brother confused then caught the name Jane when BEN said it. 'Jane? Why does that name sound familiar, Jane..Arkensaw. ' He thought to himself. She was that girl that lived next to him before Jeff changed and killed their parents. He looked to Melody and outstretched a hand "Liu. You are?" he smiled
Melody looked away from the husky with its everlasting grin to see Jeff run out of the manor. She didn't really know what was going one and thought it was for the best to not question it, giving the dog a final pat on the head she stood up from her kneeling position. Melody shook Liu's outstretched hand, "Melody." she politely answered.
Smiles whined a bit.

Master can't go out there without me. The Lady wants to hurt Master. Master's in trouble.

He ran out the door, following the scent of Master.
Liu watched as Smile as he ran out the door and sighed. He blinked and turned his attention back to the human in the room. "You seem quite calm for someone in a house of killers." He joked. Unlike his brother Liu could control his urges to kill, other then when Sully takes over then he is just like his brother.
Melody shook her head, "Considering what happened today I feel numb." she responded to Liu. And numb she was as her wet clothes were beginning to dry themselves but didn't do nothing to the coldness she was feeling. 'At least I'm not sick.' thought Melody but after a few moments of thinking that she left out a small sneeze. She frowned annoyed, 'I thought too soon'
He made his way bad to the mansion.

The couple weren't but a mile behind, the girlfriend hanging from a tree, the boyfriend in pieces on the floor below.

Child's play.

He wondered whether had heard anything in relation to the infamous child to assist in the lasting dispute between himself and the ever present Zalgo.

He didn't care for quarrels but when it involved someone attempting to rule a world that was already perfect, he prefered to rise up and show it wasn't for the taking.

Soon the mansion was insight, the door was opened, Jeff could be seen running off into the trees. Whatever could he be doing? He questioned, it wasn't like him to run off without warning, not to mention he would have already had killed by now. He forgot about Jeff and continued on his path.

Voices echoed through the house, there was a commotion and it wasn't common. He made his way toward the door.

Now looming from the light, his silhouette was cast through the already open door, even the shadow made the floorboards creak as it climbed carefully forward toward the human in the hallway. The shadow stretched up her body as he got closer. The door was shut with an almighty slam.

Slenderman was home.
BEN looked up at Slenderman with a lazy look "Hey Slendy's back." he laughed. He then tilted his head to Melody "This is my boss." He said and smiled "He's not a scary as he looks." he put his clawed hands in his pockets.

Liu looked at Slenderman with a fearful gaze. 'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..' he thought to himself as he saw the tall man in the doorway. 'Don't be such a sissy.' Sully sneered. Liu gulped and nodded, as annoying as Sully ways, he did have a point. He blinked and looked to Melody "You'll have to tell me about it later then." he said with with a forced smile.
Melody felt chills on her spine and looked down towards her feet to see that a large shadow was covering her own. Concerned that it was Zalgo, she remianed still till a slam ecohed acroos the maror causing her to jump in fright and close her eyes. Hearing BEN's voice telling her that it was Slendy and that he wasn't scary, Melody gave a small nod to BEN and Liu/ Steeling her nerves she opened her eyes and turned to look behind her to see a suit. Tilting her head further back she saw that Slendy was really tall and didn't have a face.
Smiles didn't make it very far until he caught wind of a different smell.

The Tall One is back! Gotta go say hi to The Tall One! The Tall One might know how to find Master!

He took off in the opposite direction, back towards the manor.

When he arrived, he ran through the doors and bounded up to The Tall One, playfully circling around his long, slender legs and wagging his tail as he grinned up at The Tall One's blank head.
He's not as scary as he looks...

This will be interesting to prove.

Looming over the girl, he tilted his head to one side, Could this be HER? he thought.

Reaching down he patted Smiles blankly between the ears, he stood up straight regaining his height.

Making his way past BEN and the girl, he looked around to check for any reasons Jeff could have scuttled away in such a hurry, finally he noticed the lock of Janes hair now dropped onto the floor.

Jane had returned, nothing to wind up the rest of them like a no holds deathmatch between lovers.

Knowing at some point the girl would have questions, he looked at BEN as he stood idly in the corridor with her.

Hopefully he would get the indication that now he became so intimate with her, that job was his.

The bones in his neck clicked and clacked as he tilted his head from one side to the other. He was now ready to follow Jeff through the woods and make sure he doesn't get himself in too much trouble.

No matter how much anyone could help it, he would always be watching.

Sometimes they wouldn't even know he was there.
Melody tried to show no fear as Slendy approached her, making her crane her face father back to see his blank face. It was unnerving as she felt so small...insignificant, like a rag doll. If he wished, Slendy could have thrown her effortlessly across the room. Not liking his excruciating gaze she unconsciously crept a bit closer to BEN. She kept quiet as she saw Slendy stood up straight and looked around the room before leaving the manor. She let out a small breath as the tension in her shoulders left her.
(( @NebulaSkies come back to me, my love! Thou hath ditcheth thee! :/ )) 
(( So I was thinking about posting some more before I go to bed and something didn't feel right. Didn't I have three characters? BOB OMG I FORGOT ABOUT YOU. Literally. I had to get on the signups to figure out who I was forgetting. Don't be afraid to treat BOB like crap due to his lack of arms and intense skills at shuffling. I love him .. ))

Bob finally stopped staring blankly at the wall when he heard interactions. He slowly made his way over to the noise and stopped, staring at Melody. His hollow eyes were studying her precariously.
It wasn't even a minute since Slenderman left the mansion that she felt eyes drill into her. Getting nervous, Melody turned her head to see a gray dismembered creature staring at her with sunken eyes. Melody slowly side-stepped till she was hidden from BOB's sight by using BEN as cover. Realizing what she did, Melody wanted to hit herself as she thought, '...I'm hiding from a monster by getting close to a killer.....yup I'm gradually losing my mind..'
BOB let out a gurgling sound in his attempt to laugh out of amusement. He shuffled closer, sniffing the air. Not. Normal. His thoughts came to him in short spurts and he tilted his head to examine her further. With a grunt, he turned around and stared blankly at the wall behind Melody. His mind couldn't comprehend enough. If he wasn't killing, he was gazing at something in a way that would seem like a weird mix between boredom and fascination.
Melody had a frown on her face and her golden-brown eyes looked at the gray creature that shuffled closer. Her fingers started to twitch a bit from restraining herself from using her ability, but she knew that if the creature moved closer to her she would react and throw something towards it. As Melody has set a restriction on herself when regards to her ability, so when she used it on Zalgo and his minions she felt that someone opened a shaken soda can as she felt energy rush through her making goosebumps on her skin at the sensation.
BEN stood protectively in front of Melody with a glare at the armless thug. His lips curled into a snarl "The girl is important you idiot. Kill her and I kill you." He said his eye sockets glowing a faint red and glowing with anger and annoyance. He could be killing right now, instead he was babysitting a human. Of all things he could be doing.
Melody felt a fuzzy feeling coursed through her as BEN protected her, but she only assumed that it washer abilities acting out again as there's no way BEN would care for her. Knowing that the dismembered creature was taken care of by BEN, Melody looked around the room briefly for an item to levitate. She spotted a broken chair, raising her arm the leg proceeded to lift a few feet into the air, as a way to provide an outlet for her excess power.
He knew he could feel something but wasn't sure what.

Then he knew, he stopped following Jeff and turned around.

His shadow rose up, once again behind Melody. This time his presence was not an intended greeting

"Lower the chair." Came a voice.

BEN's head was now turned, his eyes wide open and fixated on Melody.

"The one you are running from can detect a singular surge of your power, so lower the chair, NOW!"

It had been a while since he controlled someone in order to speak, he forgotten how natural it seemed.

He cut the connection between them, BEN's head dropped to the floor as it took him a moment to regain consciousness.

He waited for Melody to drop the item before he would leave and return to Jeff.

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