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Seraph Trinity sat down at her desk, staring at the clock with a gaze that could kill most people. Well, not literally, but she had been told her stares were severe. It was almost time for the night class to begin, and there was no one around but her and the custodians. She sighed and tore her eyes from the clock. Maybe there was no one this year. Maybe they decided to suffer through the prejudice of the main classes. Maybe they-

Her thoughts were pushed aside by a dull thump, as a figure slumped into a desk. “Oh, hello!” Seraph smiled brightly. The figure only grumbled, pulling a textbook out of their noticeably heavy backpack. The figure produced yet another thump as the book was moved to the desktop and flipped open. Seraph sighed. “Well, at least you’re here....?” “Orpheus.” the figure spoke in a soft, shy voice, unlike the exterior it came from. “Oh, Orpheus Underseer! Well, welcome to the night class!” Seraph smiled once again.

“Not to be rude, but you’re gonna blind someone if you keep doing that.”
Clovis rushed through the halls, his heavy backpack weighing him down, filled with books sized for human proportioned creatures. There were books made for people of his stature, of course, but they were inexplicably MORE expensive. Supply and demand, he supposed.

He skidded to a stop in front of the classroom and was almost overbalanced by his backpack. But he caught himself at the last.moment, and with a deep breath, put his hand on the door knob and pushed his way inside.

"I apologize for being late, Ms. Trinity!" Clovis said, giving the woman at the front a wide smile. "It's my fault. I thought I could get here faster than I actually could." But when he looked up he only saw one other student, and then he looked up at the clock. A minute late, but there was still only one other?

Clovis stepped deeper into the class room.
"My name is Clovis Andyre, if we've taken attendance already." He said, and sat down next to the only other student. After all, if it was only the two of them, that meant they were in this together. It was best to make friends. He stuck out his hand to the other student. Clovis wasn't quite sure what they were, an unsettling aura emenated from him, some sort of fear effect, but Clovis wasnt one to be daunted. He wouldn't be harmed by a classmate in full view of the teacher, now would he?

"Pleasure to meet you." He said, intending to turn back around and give his full attention to Ms. Trinity once the brief introduction was completed. There would be time for more later.
Fred Colon Fred Colon

Orpheus looked up from his book. Who was this.....oh, a halfling. Interesting. He stuck his hand out as well, shaking the halfling’s hand. “Orpheus Underseer. Biomedical major.” he introduced himself. Then quickly drew his hand away, turning back to his studies.

Seraph smiled widely once again. It was rumored that Clovis was quite the studious one, she assumed she wouldn’t have any trouble. And Orpheus.....well she’d have to work to bring him out of his shell.

“Alrighty then. I was sure there were supposed to be more students today. Lily Hart, Cassidy Falk, eugh these ones are hard to pronounce....” Seraph spoke aloud. The students would most likely ignore her, one of them seemed to engrossed in whatever he was studying to even bother.

Shureina arrived at the school about an hour earlier than she was supposed to with the intention of wandering around and still make it to the first night of class. She can take her time to check out the layout of the school a bit before class, right?

Unfortunately for her, she neglected to remember the fact she has no real sense of time or urgency, resulting in this little stroll causing her to head to class late. She opened the door and was about to walk in casually, until she realized the other two students already there. She couldn't hide the clear confusion on her face.

She gave a soft, long drawn out whistle.

"Yiiiiiiikes. Now I don't mean to offend here when I ask this, but...am I late or am I early, I really can't tell. Oh wait, did I walk into the wrong class, or--"

Without even waiting for someone to answer, Shureina steps back out the door, only to come back after a few seconds. She did not look any less confused than before.

"Nope, unless my eyes deceive me, this is the right room. Did everyone else decide to walk around the school before class, too? I mean, I can't really blame them, this place is huge!"
Last edited:
020936fbd929209c2650ed756289b25b.jpgSephta Noxmere
Interaction/Mention: R River Rose Oof_Mobile Oof_Mobile Fred Colon Fred Colon
Before anyone could even respond to Shureina's question, yet another figure appeared in the doorway behind her. Bigger than the doorframe itself, a massive grin formed behind her as a large pair of hands approached. But what didn't fit this ominous figure's appearance at all, was the voice.

"Ohmygosh!" it cheered as its hands began patting at Shureina's hair "Just look at all this puffy hair she has, awwww~"

Dressed in colorful clothes with a head consisting entirely of a giant maw, Sephta laughed as she leaned down so she could fit into the doorway without smacking her immense head on it. Her fascination with Shureina's hair didn't last long, as soon her face tilted up towards the other two students in the room. Despite not having any visible eyes to speak of, the sight of the two made her gasp before leaning past Shureina to get a better look.

"Now let's see, let's see." she lifted a long, manicured finger to point to each of them "We got us a creepy boy, cute. Tiny guy, adorbs. And-"

The giant head gasped upon spotting their teacher, Slipping past Shureina to place her elbows on the desk. She leaned forward to examine her, cooing the entire time.

"Awww, look at you at ya little desk~" she sang to herself before, leaning up and whipping a hairbrush from her purse "Oh you are just the cutest wittle assortment o' sweeties now aintcha?"

Saying that, she spun around and leaned against Trinity's desk whilst brushing her own multi-colored hair, "Why I could just swallow up all o' you lil' delights in one gulp! Hahah!"
Lily HartLily's hooves clicked lightly against the floor tiles, falling like little rapid raindrops as she hurried through the halls. She didn't run, because frankly that was embarrassing and she didn't want to upset any teachers... even if she was pretty sure there was only one in the school right now. Even still, she limited herself to an awkward half-jog and hoped that Mrs. Trinity was nicer than she feared.

What if she shouts at me? Lily thought in a rush of dread. What if she kicks me out of the class and I can't come back? I was only in the library! Surely she will understand? But what if she thinks I'm lying? I can't believe I almost forgot about night class!

Finally, she rounded the final corner to the class's hallway, but her previous hurry was halted. There in the hallway was a giant girl with a face made of teeth. She heard some students talking about her earlier, saying that she eats people like snacks! Her hooves skidded on the tiles so quickly she lost her grip and fell over, dropping her book bag.

"Oww..." Lily winced, opening an eye to see that a few pencils and books had fallen loose from her bag. This is what she got for packing in a hurry. "Oh no, now I'm going to be even more late..."

Lily glimpsed nervously up at the really tall girl, who thankfully ducked into the classroom. For a moment, she wondered if she should skip night class entirely. What was worse? Embarrassing comments or a scary girl? She couldn't be that bad right? Lily picked up a book and stared down at it nervously. But what if the people in the night class were just as bad as the people in the day classes?
Mention: Juju Juju GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Shureina's hair felt rather strange, more like soft velvet than actual hair. She didn't flinch at the sudden hands petting her head, but did look rather confused. She looked over to the incredibly tall girl, raising an eyebrow at how energetic she was, casually stepping aside as she moved past. She could already tell this is going to be a rather odd bunch she'll be spending this class with, but she'd take an odd bunch over risking getting into it with the day class people. She didn't come here looking for serious trouble, but it didn't take very long for the day folk to get under her skin.

Her sensitive ears twitched a bit when she heard the sound of something heavy falling in the hallway. Another student, or something else? She glanced back over to the scene in the classroom before ducking out the room to investigate. She was already late, and she knew slipping out like that might not be a smart idea, but curiosity always did get the best of her most of the time. She scanned the hall until her eyes stopped at another girl, her eyes brightened a bit at another new face.

"Oh! Was that you or the backpack that dropped like a bag of wet cement?"

She fully slipped out the door, walking over to the girl, tilting her head curiously as her eyes scanned the newcomer. Her expression was hard to read, but it didn't feel as though she had bad intentions. More like she was trying get a feel for the girl before continuing a converstion.

"I'd give it a minute in there, that last girl that came in seems like a bit of a lively one. Nice enough, though, kinda reminds me of someone I used to know a looooooooong time ago! Oh uhhhh...I guess since we're here and gonna share a classroom for a while, I should introduce myself. The name's Shureina, also go by JayCee - don't ask, just roll with it. I'd shake ya hand, but I usually reserve that for folk who want wishes...unless ya got a wish to make, that is."


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~Outfit: ~
Cassidy's converse made light noises as he quickly through the halls but not fast enough to raise suspicion that he was unintentionally late. His wings lay fairly limp at his back, the strong muscles aching painfully from the 4 am out of the blue test that only he had to do. His cheek having gauze tapped to it as well as both his knuckles being bandaged from the knuckles up to past his elbow. The pain of both his split knuckles and cuts throbbed lightly as he walked. His lateness caused by his quick medical work on himself.

He absentmindedly adjusted his skirt as he walked, the mornings rush making it also a little dishevelled like himself. As he was adjusting his skirt he felt his shoe make contact with a soft object causing him to land on top of something. Or well, someone. A tiny yelp escaped his lips as his wings fluttered out behind him, a few feathers falling loose as his satchel yoinked the feathery limbs.

"Who the hell is just laying on the ground and why," he spoke annoyed as he rubbed his head. His voice didn't even help give away his male gender, it managing to be high enough to pass as a girl's voice naturally. definitely more gender beautiful but who is going to tell a girl her voice is deep? His eyes turned to a glare as he stared at the succubus who had been the one to cause him to fall.
Juju Juju Oof_Mobile Oof_Mobile
Lily Hart
Mention: Oof_Mobile Oof_Mobile seasonedcat seasonedcat

"Oh! Was that you or the backpack that dropped like a bag of wet cement?"

Lily rubbed the back of her head and looked up at the girl standing above her. She had really poofy black hair an an expression on her face that was neither openly friendly nor aggressive. If anything, she looked curious. Regardless, Lily felt her face redden from embarrassment. "Ah... I guess it was both."

Her eyes widened at the mention of the 'other girl', knowing exactly who she met. Was she really nice? It was possible, but it was a bit difficult to believe with all of those pointed teeth. Lily gulped at the thought. Then again, people always assumed that succubi were all flirts. Maybe, just maybe the tall girl was alright.

"Oh, sorry! My name's Lily. Lily Hart. Umm, no thanks I-I don't need a wish!" Lily stammered, looking away nervously to pick up some pencils. Hopefully this girl wouldn't recognize the surname and jump to conclusions. It was hard enough in day classes. She placed the pencils back into her bag and reached out her hand to pick up a book when something hit her.

"Eep!" Lily squeaked in alarm as someone fell on top of her. Whoever they were, they smelled like sweet perfume and had soft skin. Definately a girl. Her voice was pretty, and as far as Lily could tell seemed just as feminine as the colorful skirt. Unfortunately, this voice was used to scold her. Lily shrunk back and shuffled away from the winged girl, "Ah! S-sorry! I-I just fell and was picking up my stuff!"

As if to reinforce this, Lily picked up a book and held it tightly against her chest, as if to shield herself from this angry bird-woman.
~Outfit: ~
Cassidy clicked his tongue at the girl's apology, standing himself up and fixing his feathers and skirt from their littler mishap. His face visibly frowned as he now looked down at the girl, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to get my feathers to look neat?" he asked her angrily. His feathers were worse than hair. They never stayed put and would even fluff out with his own emotions. Like they were doing mildly now, anger fluffing them up lightly making it even harder for him to try and make them nice and neat again.

He glanced down at the girl, finally taking in her cute appearance. She was small, weak, and helpless. She was going to let him step all over her and not do a single thing about it. He felt his anger rising. Maybe it was because of their little incident a moment ago or maybe it was because she got the luxury to be weak while he didn't get that chance. Or maybe it's because she was born a girl. In his family that made you at the top, making you better than the males. And here was one, a female, and she is letting him talk like this. She is acting as if he was equal or even above her.

It annoyed him so much. He knew he would not be able to get along with someone like that. Someone who was lucky enough but wasn't bothering to use any of it. Huffing to himself he gave up on his wings. Maybe with some tough love, he could help her gain more confidence. He glanced down, noticing her hooves, and sighed to himself. She would most likely slip and fall all the time from now on. "Why don't you do something about those hooves, I don't have the time or energy to be worrying about falling over some girl who can't even walk right." he hissed out at her, crossing his arms as he wings fluffed out in anger behind him.
Juju Juju
Clovis watched the general mayhem as the rest of the class slowly filtered in. Already there were problems, it seemed. Clovis watched the proceedings attentively, politely, until an actual altercation broke out between some sort of Bird Person and what looked like a succubus.

"I feel as if we're all making quite a bad impression in front of Ms. Trinity." Clovis said loudly, folding his hands on his desk, sitting up straight. He smiled, knowing it was pointless, he'd still seem like an asshole to some of them, but there wasn't much else to be done. Clovis wanted to learn something. Or at least do something with more of a point than making noises.

"We're all new to class, why don't we all just sit down and see if our teacher has anything to say before opening hostilities." He smiled at the bird person in particular, and the tall, girl whose face was just a mouth. He wasn't sure if the tall girl had been threatening anyone with the 'eat you up' comment, but it had defenitly sounded like it could have been a threat.
"I'm Clovis, by the by. I hope we're all friends by the end of this." He glanced at the Succubus. "Take a seat and a breather, if you want. It's the first day, everyone's probably grumpy and a little scared. Don't take anyone too personally, is my advice."
Regards: Everyone

“Andyre, I mean this with as much respect as possible, but that was unnecessary.” Seraph rose from her seat. “Everyone, to a seat. And Sephta, please get off my desk. Just because you are an Abyssal Devourer does not mean that you can do all that you wish.” she carefully walked past the tall girl, moving out to the hallway.

“Cassidy, if you don’t have anything nice to say, shut your mouth and take a seat.” Seraph gestured towards the classroom. “And Lily,” she addressed the clumsy succubus. “Please do take care in the hallways. Ask for help if you need it, truly. Orpheus can help you with your books, he’s strong enough. Right, Orpheus?” Seraph grabbed the zombie’s arm and dragged him out into the hall.

He lifted her backpack like it was nothing. “Name’s Orpheus. And I guess I’ll be carrying these for you.” his voice held little emotion, mostly a tired tone with a hint of joy. “Let’s get you sat down somewhere then.”
~Outfit: ~
Cassidy felt his back straighten at the sound of the teacher's voice. A woman in authority, his one weakness. His prideful expression slipped off his face. "Y-yes ma'am," he spoke, embarrassment highlighting his cheeks. His eyes fell on the other male's blank face and he couldn't help his heart from speeding up a little, his face already dusted with blush from earlier. He quickly brushed past his emotions and entered the classroom, terrified of the teacher becoming madder than she already was.

He took his seat without much more incident, choosing to shut up once he was in the presence of the teacher. She reminded him of his mother, simply for the fact that the teacher was a female in authority, and that was enough to terrify him. He spared glances at the other's in the room, his wings tight to his back as he picked at the bandages on his forearm. The class was a lot smaller than he expected it to be, but that to say wasn't an unwelcome sight.

They all were of different species, thankfully. Meaning he did not have to deal with any other harpies outside his homestead. He continued to fidget with his bandages as the rest of the class trickled in. He tried to regain some of his prideful exterior, though the fear from earlier was still ever-present in his mind and body.
Lily Hart"S-sorry!" Lily squeaked when the girl went on to complain about the state of her feathers. She honestly felt terrible, but even still, the bird lady looked much more upset. There was so much hatred in those eyes, enough that Lily could no longer find words. For some reason, she was a lot scarier than the teeth-girl. She opened her mouth dumbly in response to the question about her hooves, but like a deer in the headlights, no words came out.

Thankfully the other students took note of what was going on, one of the shorter ones even trying to intervene. However, it didn't take long for the teacher to get involved. Just perfect. It had only been a few minutes and already Lily wanted to dig a hole into the ground and hide in it until the end of days. How could she mess this up so badly? Falling was one thing, but having the whole class see it and the teacher having to go out of her way to help... this embarrassment was surly going to outlive her.

Her face was a complete shade of red as she slowly (and carefully!) pulled herself onto her hooves, flattening out her skirt with her hands. She watched Orpheus pick up her bookbag without a single ounce of struggle and blinked in surprise. "L-lily...Ah... yes we should should find a seat..."

Seeing as he had her bag, Lily followed silently behind Orpheus, holding her hands to her chest nervously. Her tail twitched and she kept her eyes to the ground and away from the others. She did note the sudden change in Cassidy's voice, but didn't dare to glance at her.

Things were off to a good start!
020936fbd929209c2650ed756289b25b.jpgSephta Noxmere
Interaction/Mention: R River Rose Fred Colon Fred Colon seasonedcat seasonedcat Juju Juju Oof_Mobile Oof_Mobile

Before Sephta could fawn over Ms. Trinity any longer, some sort of kerfuffle drew the attention of her classmates. Immediately thinking that there were more cute classmates arriving to shower with affection, Sephta tried her hardest to lean forward from the Teacher's Desk without actually removing herself from it. Only due to her unnatural height was she able to lean her head far enough to spot even more cuties getting all bothered with each other. Sephta smiled, planning to ask Ms. Trinity if she could ever so studiously volunteer to to carry them inside in her loving arms.

Before she could, the tiny cutie went and garnered everyone's attention with a rousing speech declaring the need for civility in the face of their teacher. He introduced himself as Clovis, prompting Sephta to applaud his speech loudly with several giggles. But Ms. Trinity didn't seem to think it was necessary, if her words were to be believed anyway. She then ordered them all to a seat, and for Sephta to vacate her desk. As Trinity slippped past her to resolve the situation in the hall, Sephta gasped before stepping away from her desk and grinning.

"What what? Oh! This is Scolding!" she declared happily before turning to Clovis "I'm being scolded!"

Placing a hand on her hip, she sashayed towards the students desks merrily as the scene out in the hall calmed down, "I'm getting a serious surface-dweller comeuppance right now~" she sang before glancing to Clovis again "Sweet Speech, by the way. Got my tongue all slick with saliva, it did."

Whether it was the truth or a joke was once again hard to tell, as finding Sephta's rumored tongue in the maze of teeth that was her mouth was impossible. But she did take a seat... partially. It would be easier to say that she stood at a desk, not lowering herself to the chair and instead propping herself up with her arms as she leaned over the desk to stare at the procession of new cuties that Trinity ushered in with Orpheus and Shureina

"Okay, okay, look at you lil' heartattacks." she cooed whilst leaning even further to watch them "We got us a pretty little birdie lookin' all ready to mingle with her tasty-lookin locks, and... oh? Is that the taste of a Sucker-thingie in the air?"

Sephta took a deep breath, mouth opening and teeth stretching for a moment before her maw snapped shut into a grin again, "It is! Oh my god, I can feel it in my veins already!" she gave a chuckle before waving "Feel free to Sucker me any time you like, you scrumptious lookin' lover you."
Regards: Juju Juju

Orpheus set Lily’s bag down on a desk and slumped back into his own seat. “Good luck trying not to die in here.” he grumbled, a somewhat lighter note to his voice. Seraph sighed. That was going to take a lot of work. “Well, anyway, let’s get class started. First, I am Ms. Seraph Trinity, and I am a winter elf. I know all Honors class knowledge, and more that they won’t teach you. So, who’s up next? Give a brief description of who you are, and what you do.” Trinity gestured out among the students.

“How about you, Miss Hart? Would you like to start our class off by introducing yourself? We’re all dying to know more about you.” Seraph sat down at the main desk. Orpheus lifted his head from his book at the ‘dying’ part.
Lily HartLily stiffly sat at what she supposed would now be her desk during Night Class. Slowly, she placed the only book she carried flatly on her desk, trying not to draw any more unwanted attention to herself. Even if she had probably made the worst entrance possible. Orpheus took his place at his own desk and made an attempt at what Lily hoped was a joke. She tried to smile, but it ended up as a nervous grimace.

Things finally seemed to be settling down when Sephta leaned over her desk and spoke in her strangely sweet tone. Lily tensed up the moment she heard the word 'sucker-thingie'. It was a unique way of putting it, but it was clear as to who and what the void-worm girl was talking about. Oh no, I knew night class wasn't going to be any different, she thought with a rush of dread. She flicked her heart-stamped eyes to the side, daring a glance at the towering girl. She swallowed, her mouth feeling dry.

"Um.. th-thank you but no thanks..." Lily squeaked as politely as she could while also feeling like her heart was going to burst out of her chest from fear. If her sisters were here they would have scolded her for passing up a free and easy meal, but something was very off about the Sephta girl. It almost made Lily wish for the usual catcalls and overused comments.

She shuffled in her seat uncomfortably, but somehow things got worse whenever Mrs. Trinity asked her for an introduction. "Ah.." Lily said, freezing up. Her mind panicked while her face turned pink. "I'm Lily Hart... second, I'm a second year... I..." She looked down at her desk, where her book sat, "I like books?"

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