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Fantasy Converging Fates - OOC Page

Grimm Outwardly:

Grimm Internally:

Grimm @ Rosaire putting his name in the hat for Leader:

Grimm when Marcy denies Rosaire:

Grimm's thoughts on Rella's practical applications of Ersatz's charms.
wondering what ersatz backup weapon should be whenever she needs to get up close and personal

like i was thinking smth like a cloak and dagger type fighting style, both because i never see cloak and dagger styles used in media despite the fact that its BALLER, and for the fact that i can see some unique combinations with it and her charms later down the line (attaching charm spells to the cloak or dagger)

on the OTHER hand, dual wielding rapiers by multiplying her arms might be the coolest sounding thing ive ever thought of
GojiBean GojiBean
Well, I guess we're talking finances now, lol, so here goes...

What is the currency of Ikthara and can you give some basic info about the cost of typical adventurer things, such as what a simple meal, or a room in a tavern, or a new sword or armor, or stabling a horse? Also, what does the average monthly rent for a tiny apartment look like, etc, etc? What does a typical F-Rank quest pay, versus a typical E or D Rank quest?

I can wing it in my next post, so I don't need a super duper deep dive into economics, but would like a baseline, so I don't butcher your lore.
GojiBean GojiBean
Well, I guess we're talking finances now, lol, so here goes...

What is the currency of Ikthara and can you give some basic info about the cost of typical adventurer things, such as what a simple meal, or a room in a tavern, or a new sword or armor, or stabling a horse? Also, what does the average monthly rent for a tiny apartment look like, etc, etc? What does a typical F-Rank quest pay, versus a typical E or D Rank quest?

I can wing it in my next post, so I don't need a super duper deep dive into economics, but would like a baseline, so I don't butcher your lore.

No worries.

I'm keeping it ultra simple in this RP world.

We're on a Copper - Silver - Gold standard for currency.

Copper = $1
10 Copper = 1 Silver ($10)
100 Copper/5 Silver = 1 Gold ($100)

I'll have a list of common prices soon. But I have to run right now. Check back soon!
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No worries.

I'm keeping it ultra simple in this RP world.

We're on a Copper - Silver - Gold standard for currency.

Copper = $1
10 Copper = 1 Silver ($10)
50 Copper/5 Silver = 1 Gold ($50)

I'll have a list of common prices soon. But I have to run right now. Check back soon!
Nice. Would you mind if we made it even simpler by changing that last bit to "1 gold = $100?" The math is a lot easier when everything is in increments of ten: 100 copper = 10 silver = 1 gold.
Nice. Would you mind if we made it even simpler by changing that last bit to "1 gold = $100?" The math is a lot easier when everything is in increments of ten: 100 copper = 10 silver = 1 gold.

Sure. Edited.
Nice. Would you mind if we made it even simpler by changing that last bit to "1 gold = $100?" The math is a lot easier when everything is in increments of ten: 100 copper = 10 silver = 1 gold.

Okie dokie.

So, a list of basic and otherwise everyday items for cost references.

Note: All of these are open to consideration for adjustments if folks think they're a bit odd or otherwise imbalanced.


- Guild Lodging: 10 Copper per room, per week
- Tavern Lodging (food/drink included): 2-4 Silver/week
- Inn Lodging (food/drink not included): 1-2 Silver/weel


- Single bedroom, single bathroom: 4-6 Silver/week
- Double bedroom, single bathroom: 7-10 Silver/week
- Double bedroom, double bathroom: 8-12 Silver/week
- Triple bedroom, double bathroom: 14-18 Silver/week

Basic Items

- A bushel of apples (around 10 apples): 5 Copper

- A basic meal at a restaurant: 8-15 Copper (15+ for "fine dining")

(if I say "common" or "basic," it means mass produced and all items are basically the same from one to the next with no customizations)

- A common sword and shield set: 14-20 Silver (common swords are between 10-14 Silver, basic shields are between 4-6 Silver)
- A basic leather armor set (head, chest/back, groin, arms, legs): 6-8 Silver
- A basic iron armor set (same pieces): 15-20 Silver

Guild Payments

All Quests pay based on the client's ability to do so. The higher the Rank of the Quest, the more money the client has to shell out for the Guild to accept it and tack it on the Quest Board for the Parties to see and accept. There's a lot that goes into a client's decision on how much to offer, but here are some basic examples to get the idea down.

For the below examples I'll use Copper only, but any division of Silver/Copper/Gold will also be applicable to how the payment is distributed once the Quest is complete.

F Rank Quests:

- Find my lost pet: 15-30 Copper
- * Kill a problem monster (F-Rank): 50-100+ Copper

* The Guild will investigate any and all reports from Parties of monster culling requests which don't match the Rank requirements in the original document submitted by the client. If found guilty of having withheld knowledge of the monster's Rank in order to avoid paying higher amounts the Guild has the legal authority to charge the client a minimum of 50 Silver as compensation (often charging closer to 80-100 Silver), and distribute 80% of that charge (rounded up) to the Party which completed the Quest. If the client can prove they didn't know the Rank of the monster then the Guild will charge around 20 Silver (usually closer to 10-15 Silver, along with giving a stern warning) and distribute 90% (rounded up) to the Party.

(this exact scenario might be in our immediate future, by the way 😉😈)

- Help me travel safely to X location: 10-50 (if in same village/town/city), 100-500 (if in neighboring villages/towns/cities), 1,000+ (if outside the current nation's borders)
- Assist (insert higher Rank) Party (insert name) with Dungeon Exploration: 200-500 Copper (if F-Rank, and 1,000 minimum if E-Rank or higher)
- Assist (insert higher Rank) Party (insert name) with Dungeon Conquest: 1,000+ Copper (if F-Rank, 5,000 minimum of E-Rank or higher)
- Deliver (insert goods) to (insert destination): 40-80 Copper (if in the same village/town/city), 100+ Copper (if destination requires travel), 500+ Copper minimum (if outside nation's borders)
- Gather and deliver materials for (insert client name and location): 20-80 Copper (if in same village/town/city), 150+ Copper (if travel is required)
- Help (insert local business) advertise themselves/their latest product: 20-200 Copper (depending on how many Party members are assisting, and for how long)
- Investigate my family member's disappearance: 100+ (the exact amount depends largely on the client's pocketbook and how much they're willing to part with to find this family member, but it can go into the hundreds if they're desperate enough to recover this family member)

Those are some basic examples. And, of course, you're free to come up with your own Quest designs for this RP and such. Since the Party is F-Rank, they don't have negotiation power to ask/demand more of any client.

As we rise in Rank the Quest payouts will go up since higher Ranks demand a higher premium on rewards. But even then it's only when we get up to C+ Rank that we'll be able to barter for better wages and expect to get away with doing so without backlash. Disgruntled clients can and will report attempts to barter to the Guild which can result in reprimands and/or monetary fines.
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The cruelest plan of having the party figure out how to survive off of 5 coppers per day kekeke

Gonna be real Grimgar economics.
if GojiBean GojiBean doesnt respond today im gonna respond because its been a week since my last post, and i usually have a week limit for responses
GojiBean GojiBean
Can a party take on multiple quests, if the quests are sufficiently small and the party is sufficiently large? For example, a couple of members can look for a lost pet while some others do materials gathering. Seems hard for a party of seven or more to make a living unless they're multitasking... or speedrunning.
GojiBean GojiBean
Can a party take on multiple quests, if the quests are sufficiently small and the party is sufficiently large? For example, a couple of members can look for a lost pet while some others do materials gathering. Seems hard for a party of seven or more to make a living unless they're multitasking... or speedrunning.

Yes, a Party can accept more than one Quest providing they have the personnel necessary to put at least two members on each Quest.

Regardless of individual Quest paramenters, it's a basic safety measure for the Guild to not allow any Quest to be undertaken by only a single Party member.
i was going to actually have ersatz make the suggestion of taking multiple quests at once lol, good to know in advance that its reasonable.
Seems like splitting into pairs is the only way to do it in an ‘make enough money to live’ manner. Also dependent on what’s actually on the board though.

Killing a problematic monster for $40 is crazy tho kekeke
These 'helpless' citizens be lowballing. They are shrewd negotiators.

Average transaction at the White Lotus Guild Hall:
Sahlsbane Citizen: “Hi, I’d like to hire some adventurers to move a couch.”
Guild Admin: “Okay. How big is the couch?”
Sahlsbane Citizen: “Hmmm…. Seats four. Maybe five if ya don’t mind butts on nuts.”
Guild Admin: “How far is the move? Are there stairs involved?”
Sahlsbane Citizen: “Nah.”
Guild Admin: “Have there been any bodily fluids on the couch?”
Sahlsbane Citizen: “Do animals count?”
Guild Admin: “Yes.”
Sahlsbane Citizen: “My cat pissed on it once.”
Guild Admin: “Oof, hazard pay applies. That’ll be 20 copper.”
Sahlsbane Citizen: “10 or I’m out.”
Guild Admin: “Okay, but they get to keep any change they find in the cushions.”
Sahlsbane Citizen: “Deal! Pleasure doing business with ya.”
*later that day.*
Party Leader: “Hi! We’re here to move your couch.”
Sahlsbane Citizen: “No cart? You’re just gonna carry it to the next town? Wow, adventurers really are something else.”
Entire Party: -_-
Sahlsbane Citizen: *takes a seat on the couch* "Well, come on then. Ain't got all day..."
bet money on ersatz using her big ass stature and dark figure to haggle the everliving HELL out of peoples wallets with pure intimidative aura
like if you see a 7 foot woman with red pupils that carry little less than the despair of a thousand in them staring down at you with a dark cloak that occassionally has tentacles slithering out of them and a spiked tome for 20$ extra on the monster extermination you probably wont argue too much about it, thats all im sayin

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