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One x One Completely Obsolete Directory Engineered for eXplanations


That Lass Over There

Constant Panic


Honkai Disaster
Honkai Corruption
Herrscher Core

Historical Events:

Circa 500 - Muro appears for the first time in history, influencing the second rise of the Roman State
1347 - First colonists in the Americas
1468 - Contact with American colonies lost; Atlantic Ocean deemed unsafe for voyage
1735 - Invention of Electricity is spread by Valerio Anselmi
1742 - Valerio Anselmi, last surviving member of House Anselmi, succeeds leadership of Muro
1743 - House Pajari announced to have no surviving members, House Shirakawa founded in their place; Contact reestablished with the Americas via the Pacific
1744 - Day of the Black Ocean, several European countries document massive casualties to their navies due to an unprecedented storm at sea during exercises, recovery efforts deemed impossible; The Atlantic Ocean is once again opened to voyage two months later
1809 - Valerio Anselmi steps back from leadership of Muro, successor unknown.
1814 - The War of the Houses erupts
1826 - A ceasefire is officiated by Amalia Lupei
1967 - The First Eruption
2006 - The Second Eruption
2007 - St. Ruth is founded
2008 - Muro abandons Africa
2018 - RP Start


St. Ruth Valkyrie Academy
North American Federation

Important Organizations:



Tesla General Industries



Physical is directness and bravery, often to the point of foolishness. These characters often find themselves facing their limits, falling just short.

Ice is to be withdrawn, disciplined, and sometimes cold-hearted. They often have a single anchor point that keeps them from being completely rigid

Fire is hope and the will to push forward, blazing a trail forward, but also most fire characters are ill-fated as they burn themselves out trying to lead others to a better future

Lightning is for those who are quick-witted, clever, but also incredibly rash and will go to any lengths to achieve their goals.

Quantum and Imaginary have their own things they represent, but as I said nobody would start with powers or equipment adjacent to those. Mech, Bio, and Psi meanwhile are quite literal and rarely have symbolism with few exceptions
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Referring to many things, most know it as some sort of secretive new energy source some groups are secretly working on to possibly supplement or replace nuclear power.

To Muro and those who have had direct encounters, however, their first thoughts go not to the energy - but to the enemies and dangers that accompany it. The beasts, zombies, and corrupted machinery that have slain so many once known and loved. The corruption that gnaws them from within, a silent sentence.

Honkai energy is an unrivaled source of power, unreasonably efficient in reactors designed to process it and destructive without rival in weapons engineered to utilize it. Yet it is a corrupting force, causing people, creatures, and objects with prolonged exposure to die, warp, and even rise again to perform the destructive acts signature of the creatures of Honkai.

The creatures of Honkai have been around as far back as the dawn of history - where humanity has been, there has been Honkai. Appearances of corrupted creatures in prehistoric days were astronomically rare, and their forms remarkably weaker than those of the present day. These 'Monsters' leave their traces today in fairy tales and heroic epics, speaking of how men with wit and steel alone defeated near deific entities and claimed their prizes of fame and wealth.

The Honkai monsters of today, however, are remarkably more vicious, more impervious, and more numerous than even those that were fought fifty years ago. And with numbers, Honkai have displayed a trait that until now had only been theorized - a coordination signature of a hivemind-like social structure and communication network, with Honkai monsters being known to travel hundreds of kilometers to participate in coordinated attacks.

While Zombies are created from the corruption of living things by Honkai and mechanisms are similarly susceptible, Honkai Beasts seem to appear in endless numbers where Honkai energy gathers.

Honkai Disaster

Honkai Disasters are a mostly new development in humanity's ongoing struggle with Honkai, starting only shortly before the advent of the First Herrscher. Disasters are rare and small-enough scale to be covered up as natural disasters of various natures, which until now Muro has happily done to maintain public ignorance of Honkai. That, however, is not to undersell the destruction they wreak - as Muro taxes itself with larger and larger incidents, it is less able to respond in full force to every Disaster that takes place, and more people end up dying.

Disasters are somewhat predictable, as they are often preceded by a surge in local Honkai Energy detectable by instruments. This surge can happen as late as only eight hours before a disaster, however, so this is not a steadfast way to be able to deal with them. Currently Muro has adopted a policy of casting a wide net, stationing Valkyries as far as possible to keep as much of the globe safe as they can.

When a disaster happens, Honkai Beasts will appear out of thin air with the high levels of Honkai Energy. Those with low Honkai aptitudes find themselves turning into Zombies within hours, and machinery runs high risk of breaking down if it was not designed to withstand the corrosive environment.

A Disaster is a single event that is done after a few days at most, but the destruction it leaves in its path can render a place and the surroundings uninhabitable - not to mention the cleanup operations and attention needed afterwards.
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Honkai Corruption

"Corruption" is to a degree a catch-all term to encompass the effects that Honkai Energy has on material objects and life, both corrosive and mutative. When an individual with low Honkai adaptivity is exposed to Honkai Energy, one of two fates await them in their corruption: death or Zombification. Those who experience death are the lucky ones; Zombification is a living hell, where the brain experiences only an overriding sense of pain as the body is mutated and manipulated to the designs of the Honkai Hivemind.

There is no cure for Corruption, though there are suppressants that one can take to slow or temporarily halt the buildup of Honkai energy in the body. Due to the nature of their work, Muro keeps most of its suppressant production held in reserve for Valkyries that need every possible support in their fights against impossible odds. Valkyries don't only run the risk of Corruption from contact with Beasts and Disaster zones, but also from using their own equipment - weapons and power suits - that use Honkai energy to combat the threat.

Corruption is the second main reason for the overall disturbingly young average age of Valkyries, both due to younger individuals who have practiced from early on having higher Honkai adaptability and the buildup of Honkai Energy being a morbid timer on a Valkyrie's career. Or, more often, her life.


A German word for 'Sovereign', an apt description for this spawn of Honkai. Even within Muro, those who currently know of this classification of Honkai entities are only the top brass and the S-Rank Valkyries that are responsible for forfeiting their lives to stop these deific entities.

Thus far there have only been two born, one in Liverpool in 1967 and the second in Atlanta in 2006. Both led to then unprecedented loss of life.


The two Herrshers that have been born displayed notable characteristics in defiance of all preconceptions of Honkai's Monsters. They were remarkably human in appearance, having been born from humans yet not turned into Zombies. They did not seem to experience Honkai Corruption in the process of their transformation, with an almost instantaneous appearance. They are the first and only entities that displayed both the intelligence and ability necessary for speech, with both divulging important details about the nature of Honkai that are still being investigated.

Herrschers also appear to have control over a given aspect akin to a god, materializing things out of thin air and creating unnatural phenomena or spiting the laws of physics and nature with a mere thought. These abilities are fueled by the near infinite energy contained within and generated by their Herrscher Core.

Most importantly, the second Herrscher demonstrated the ability to summon and command Honkai Beasts at will, and with her use of this ability three states of the North American Federation were overrun almost in totality, with remainders too small to continue independent governance under the Revised Provisions of 1820. Nuclear weapons were deployed to halt her destructive advance with the heroic sacrifice of three S-rank Valkyries, but there are worries that even such drastic measures won't be enough next time.

Herrscher Core

A source of near limitless energy, and the engine for the prodigal powers of Herrschers. The core forms with the birth of a Herrscher and falls into a dormant state upon their death. It is hypothesized that in a similar fashion to how a Herrscher is first born, if a suitable individual is brought to contact with the core then a process overriding Zombification will occur turning the individual into a new Herrscher.

Until now, this theory remains unproven through the captured core of the First Herrscher.

Examination of the Core has sparked some debate about the origin of the Divine Gifts belonging to the Houses of Moru, which all bear energy signatures reminiscent of a Herrscher Core.



Valkyries are an all-female combat division utilized by Muro in fending off the forces of Honkai. While nothing in doctrine specifically stipulates that a Valkyrie must be female, there has yet to be a male that meets even the barest minimum requirements for Honkai Adaptability to safely utilize Valkyrie equipment or engage in operations inside a Honkai Contaminated zone.

The arms and armor of Valkyries are crafted from the remains of strong Honkai Beasts and Honkai-altered materials in order to have the strength necessary to combat the threat. This, however, means a Valkyrie is always at risk of Corruption, and few who don't die to a Beast escape that fate.


Valkyries are divided into five ranks, representing their combat capabilities and role in a deployment:
  • D-rank Valkyries are non-combat personnel and logistics officers who meet the bare minimum Honkai Adaptability requirements to be a Valkyrie. These individuals are vital in large-scale operations at Disaster sites and other such situations, but for the most part are viewed to be more in line with Muro's mundane armed forces.

  • C-rank Valkyries are combat personnel that have not met the requirements to have a battlesuit designed for them, utilizing standardized firearms with specialized rounds to deal with small-scale Honkai threats. Much like D-rank Valkyries, these individuals are vital in large-scale operations where numbers are necessary but do not contribute significant individual firepower.

  • B-rank Valkyries are Valkyries that have passed the standards to have a battlesuit designed, though they often still only use standardized weapons and firearms. It is an unfortunate truth that these girls mainly exist to overwhelm an enemy with the power of numbers, or to bide time until a stronger Valkyrie can come and reinforce. Most do not survive their first real deployment, and those that survive their second typically have earned the recognition necessary for A-rank. Students of St. Ruth are automatically qualified as B-rank Valkyries, and in emergency situations may be deployed as such beyond the scope of training missions.

  • A-rank Valkyries are Muro's elite, Valkyries that have seen the battlefield several times and come out with their lives intact. Each represents a wealth of resources, time, and luck spent nurturing her into a warrior capable of holding the line and acting even in the most dire of circumstances. A-rank Valkyries are too few to cover all areas under Muro's veil, but they are stationed at key points for the best hope of responding to a threat anywhere in as short a time as possible. Their mortality rate is still high, appallingly so considering what each represents to humanity's resistance, but those who reach this rank never go down without a fight.

  • S-rank Valkyries. Anomalies and monsters, these women have the finest support Muro can offer and the strength to make the strain on resources worth it. Most S-rank Valkyries come from one of Muro's eight Houses, carrying the Divine Gift of their House. Currently, only 16 are still in active service. Two have retired to St. Ruth to teach, one is MIA, and three were lost in the engagement with the Second Herrscher.

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