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Combat Continent Rp

"I was training. You see, Shizu, when you get spirit halos, you get the ability to use skills absed on the creature you defeated." He tried to avoid using the word slayed. "And the skill that I got makes me to put both my hands on the ground before activating it." He paused and smiled. "So I decided to train myself to hide the activation of the skill so my opponents don't notice I am using it."
Yuyao watched as Retta zoomed from tree to tree in awe. She couldn't do that... probably if she trained really hard she could, but right now, Yuyao was amazed at Retta's skills. An ape tried to hit Retta, but Yuyao guessed it missed until the teacher said it was messing with Retta. Yuyao thought the same thing as Retta did, although she didn't know it. I didn't know spirit beasts could play.

She was starting to feel tired. It was already nighttime, and Miss Ran hadn't found a suitable spirit beast for Retta to slay yet. She sighed and looked up at the sky when Miss Ran suddenly shouted, "That one! GO!" The teacher's sudden shout made Yuyao flinch and look at Retta who was already hunting down her spirit beast. She watched as Retta threw herself off the perch and had a strong urge to make sure that she didn't land the wrong way, but stopped herself. Retta was capable of fighting, and she knew what she was doing. Yuyao knew that much from watching her so far.

Yuyao gave out a sigh of relief after Retta managed to absorb her spirit halo and followed Miss Ran back to the cabins. She was a bit too tired to do anything else, so she looked over Retta once before curling up next to her and falling into a blissful sleep.

@Phineas Forge
"So like if you get hit backwards and have to use both hands to stabilize yourself, you'll also be using and ability? cool!!"

Shizu smiled when Sam didn't say kill or slay the beast. It just was easier on his innocent little ears.

His head perks up like he had an idea.

"You should train so like you only have to use one hand so if you use a flip or something than it will be less noticeable."
"That's impossible, little Shizu. The condition for my ability is to place both hands at the same time on the ground. I understand why, since it is a monstruos skill. I need to be wary of others not to be hurt by it." He said as he scratched the back of his head. Sam had already tested his skill back at the forest when he was hunting and while Tian was unconscious.

Some hours ago:

"Bravo!" said Bravo sensei. "Now show me what you can do with that carcass over there." said the teacher as he pointed at the body of the dead Sandtrap Spider, also known as Ambush Spider. Sam placed both hands on the ground and said "First Tier Spirit Skill: Chap-fallen Sandtrap". As soon as he said this, the floor began to glow a light brownish color with the mark of his spirit marker on his mid back. Nothing happened. "I don't know why it didn't work, sensei." Sam was worried that he had acquired a useless skill. "Bravo! Just watch, little one!" said the teacher as he waited sixt seconds and then the soil began to flow loose and twirl like a whirpool towards the center of the ground. He had created a sand whirpool that was sucking the carcass and burying it. Since it did not fought back, it sunk and was buried beneath the sand. Five minutes later, the soil had become normal again and no traces of the spider were left.

"Bravo! Little one, remember your skill is a delayed skill. It will take 60 seconds to form, will be working for 300 seconds and will slowly fade out the last 60 seconds till it becomes rock solid again.You will also have small amount of uses on this. If this ability doesn't hit its target the soil will return to normal after 60 seconds."
Tian begin to eat his breakfast. He is rather hungry, maybe because training with his real guard is a little over the top. Still i would need to learn how effective use his guard. Although are just a pair of white cloth armlet with a golden outline. it feels than they grant me the ability to channel more energy to my staff. He is eating a sandwich with some tomato juice, no salt added, waiting to see if some of his friend come to the table. he take his time with leisure.
The boy trains for a little more time before wrapping up in exhaustion and sweat. He heads back to his dorm where he showers up or baths or whatever the academy provides. He makes over to the table next to Tian and eats some salami, fresh goat cheese and baked bread. A simple and yet satisfying meal as the young boy kicks his legs under his seat and people watches with big cheeks full of food.
As the boy left, Sam shrugged and continued training his back flips, front flips and cartwheels. He then proceeded to do some Tai Chi training, endurance training and spiritual training as a morning routine. He knew that eating before training wasn't the best of the ideas, but he wanted to become stronger sooner. He also began to realize he could use his spiritual energy in a new way. As he began doing Tai Chi, he began to imagine his aura to compress and expand in his hand area. Mama, said you could sometimes make things by yourself if you persevered enough.
Tian look the boy who sit at his side and coughs. "Hello, who might you be?" With a smile ask the boy. Tian have a relative good memory, so he know is he first time he seen him. With his gentle smile. "I'm Tian Feng. Spirit: Elemental Phoenix Staff. Spirit Master, rank 14. Is rude of my part ask for your name with out presenting myself."
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The boy turns his attention to the boy with an elegant aura and smiles up at him. He swallows his food and begins to meticulously make more food for his next bite. "Hewwoo!! I'm Shizu Ransurotto. Spiwit: Phantom Thorns. Spirit Schowar, Rank 9." He noms on another bite with a bright wide smirk on his face. Seems he is content with the food and the casual atmosphere of the dining hall.
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Tian drink his tomato juice, no salt added, as he finish his sandwich. "i haven't heard about you." Tian softly says. "You are a new student?" He haven't heard anything of a new student or transfer student. Even if a month happen of the beginning of the semester, it feel odd of a new boy joining the ranks of the school. That in itself was astonishing but that his rank is 9 is a mouthful. His smile didn't wave by the surprise, he know the policy of the school. If there is an awaken over rank 5 or superior the school would accept it. Is a odd policy. The school is full of people of people than begin in rank 5 or 6, the rest begin in rank 7 or 8. So Shizu being rank 9 it would be immediately accepted.
Retta slept comfortably that night and enjoyed the trek back the next morning. She was glad that her Yuyao seemed to becoming friends, Retta didn't have a lot of those so she was pleased to have made one. Inwardly, she still worried that the geniuses would no longer give her the time of day, now that the hunt was completed. She didn't feel like Yuyao would abandon her though. The feeling was only strengthened when they got back to the academy to find out that they'd been made roommates.

As the two got their things back to their room, Retta asked "So roomie, what should we do now? I bet Sam and Tian are training or something already." She giggled a little at the thought, those hard working boys back to training. "I dunno about you, but I could go for some food."

He looks up at you with his puffy cheeks and nods his head. He swallows some foods and speaks to you. " Yea! I awwived yesteday night." He noms on the sammich and smiles up the boy. "So you got youw spiwit wing??" The young boy just learned from his aunt what spirit rings were and how they worked. So everything about them fascinated him. He took another bite and smiled up at you with bright blue eyes.
Tian looks to Shizu suprised. "Ara, If isn't a knowledge one." Shizu didn't stop surprising him. He continue "Yeah, i got my Spirit ring." he muted for some time. Tian didn't know what to say. Isn't like he will show His new found power just because requested. Tian looking around seeing a lot of student of second and third year. Alas, this would become a refrigerator, if i use my skill here. Tian smiles softly.
"Thats alright, it might be to dangewous to ask." The little boy, probably the smallest in all the school with a deep understanding of what he was talking about, or atleast he seemed to know. Its pretty obvious that he is a genius in his own right just like a few more of the other students that went on the hunt. Though it is odd that he looks younger than everyone else in the school. Shizu finishes up his food and stands up. "Thanks fow the company." He smiles and walks off to put his dishes away and then walk towards his dorm to study.
After a peaceful night's rest, Yuyao woke up with a feeling or renewed excitement. My spirit halo!! She squealed inwardly. On top absorbing her spirit halo, Yuyao got to watch Retta in action! It was a rare chance, and being her was really comfortable. Although the boys were nice hang out with, Yuyao admitted that she felt more comfortable with another girl to hang out with. They were also roommates. How could she have not noticed that?

"We should probably go eat breakfast first. I'm starving," she practically whined. As she walked out of the dorm room with Retta, Yuyao thought of a question she wanted to ask her for a while now. "Retta, what's your spirit essence? I mean... I saw how fast you were, but I don't know what spirit essence that would be," she asked, tilting her head to the side from curiousity.

@Phineas Forge
Sam conitnued training, having been awake long before the others. He had become tired trying to compress and expand his spirit energy onto his left hand. He was able to create a bubbly fog of amber color around his hand, but could not succeed in anything more. He shrugged and thought: Maybe Mama was right and I have to train lots more before creating a skill of my own. I wonder if I can have the Scorpion's dagger just like Mom. As soon as he said this he took a breather and drank water. He then proceeded on double jumping into treee trunks and doing push ups by hanging from a tree branch.
Retta was glad Yuyao was also interested in getting some food. She walked with her roomie, looking at her as she began speaking. "Mine is the Raging Vampire Bat, you're right in that it is a speed type. But what is yours?" Retta was also curious to find out what Yuyao's spirit essence was. She'd theorized from Miss Ran's words regarding the Nimble Cheetah, that both Retta and Yuyao were speed types. She was curious to see if that were true. She also wondered if that put them in direct competition. @DreamBeat
Sam finished his routine and headed back to his dorm. As soon as he headed to his dorm, he entered the shower to clean himself from all the sweat. He changed himself to a set of clothing in which he had some white sneakers, green cargo pants and a shirt that read: "Scorpion's Dojo". He headed down the hallway towards the classroom, where he took his seak near the front and next to the window. He sighed knowing he failed to create a spiritual self-made skill.
The teacher walks in and makes sure the class is settled before waving the smaller student over. The boy of familiar blue hair and eyes stands in front of the class trembling. The teacher pats him on the back and whispers into his ear.

"Why don't you tell them something about yourself before taking your seat next to the boy over their." He points to Sam and then smiles at the boy who finds some relief in seeing someone he knows.

Shizu takes a deep breath and then exhales before speaking in a soft tone. "Hewwo, Im Shizu Ransurotto. Spirit: Phantom Thorns. Spirit Scholar: Rank 9 and umm....Im 5 years old." He smiles as he does what the teacher tells him to say before taking the seat.
He looks at Shizu as he enters the classroom and raises an eyebrow. I can't believe he is in my classroom! Sam thought to himself. As soon as Shizu took seat next to him he smiled. "I hope we can be best classmates, Shizu." He looked out the window to see what was going on about today. He heard the teacher make introductions to spirit halos and yawned as he knew the class would probably be boring.
The young boy just watched the teacher and took notes while most of the students seemed to be bothered by his comment about only being five years old. He on the other hand didnt care. He was happy to learn more about his spirit whilst making the knowledge of physical with theoretical to make hypothesis about what might happen and what could be. Shizu was actually enjoying this a lot and it showed with his bright blue shimmering eyes and his ecstatic smirk.
"That sounds cool," she said and smiled as she looked at her roommate. "Mine is Poison Fanged Serpent. It gives me a few traits. Since we're both kind of speed types, we would probably do well in a fight together." The little girl smiled. She currently wasn't thinking about competing with her new friend. That thought was saved for another time. "By the way, do you know why that cheetah froze yesterday? I think I got pretty lucky," Yuyao said curiously as they arrived at the cafeteria.@Phineas Forge
Sam continued to look at the window not eager to take notes down. When he heard his name was when things got rattled up for him. He was told the people to show his spirit skill from the ring he recently obtained. "I am sorry, teacher. I can't show you or people might get hurt". He said with modesty, still worried for them to find out about his concealed ability nor his trump cards.
The teacher notices this and smiles. He in turn shows the class his own spirit ring and walks aorun the class to show the students up close. Shizu seems to be uninterested in the actual spirit ring and more the spirit. He starts jotting down his own ideas and notes at a insane speed and much to the teachers disapproval with his interest in his own spirit ring.
"Anyways, although I cannot show you my spirit skill, I can show you my rear guard and my spirit." As soon as he said this, Samuel stood up and activated his rear guard, creating a chitin armor on his shoulders, arms, hands and fingers of color amber. On his head a small bandanna formed. "This is my rear guard and my spirit is the Armored Sandtrap Scorpion. Known as the deadly concealed attacker"

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