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Combat Continent Rp

Shizu looks over in glee and wonderment. He gets to see someones spirit armor or rear guard. He wasn't a animal spirit person and didnt have the cool guard like him or the others. He was deeply fascinated by this transfomation. In fact he led him to scribble even fast down ideas and notes he would want to take to his aunt later to discuss. He glanced over to yo ua few times to sketch out the armor and the rough appearance of you and he wondered to himself if your armor might evolve with you spirit rings.
"This is all I can show you." Sam said with modesty as he sat back down and took off his rear guard. The teacher then proceeded to explain that armors where the manifestation of spirit growth and that they grew with the user. There were kind of a light armor to suffice attacks and make the user do not get all that damaged from spirit skills from other people. Sam nodded and yawned again
Shizu stood up in the middle of the lecture and began to pack his bags. The teacher looked at him oddly and was about to mention something but the bell suddenly rang and every was quickly packing away. Shizu was already out the door and heading to the forest by the time anyone else was leaving the room.

He walks to the forest and begin to wrap his thorns around the tree branches, burning up lots of spirit energy just to see how much he can do and sustain. His thorns make it around the tree branch and back twice before stopping in growth. He then lets go and returns to scribbling notes in his own book about himself. He begins to wonder what monster he might take and what monster his aunt might have in mind.
Tian look Shizu leave. Shizu understood than i couldn't show him my power. Tian nods softly and stretches a little. Waiting a few moments to see if Yuyao appear in the cafeteria he sit looking the ceiling. Shizu maybe can understand better other people. Maybe even can read people movements. Tian smiles softly as his thoughts flow around him.
A bat and a snake, two things girls were usually afraid of, Retta thought to herself regarding herself and Yuyao. As Yuyao continued, Retta wondered Kind of speed types... curious. She thought poison and speed could be a really cool combination, not that she disliked her own possible future.

Retta went through the food line, grabbing whatever she desired and knowing that she had a lot of work ahead of her. She thought about Yuyao's question as she went through the line. The girl chose a relatively empty table and sat down. Once Yuyao joined her, she answered "I dunno, maybe it has to do with your poison? Only thing I could come up with."
Yuyao was silent as was Retta when they were in line to get food. It was a little bit uncomfortable since her question was just left hanging there, but waiting was worth it. When the two sat down, Retta finally answered her question. "Oh... Yeah. That's really likely. I wonder where though. Somewhere on my body?" She thought out loud as she looked over her body. Yuyao let it go and just ate her breakfast. "Would you help me find out where it came from? We could probably go somewhere in the forest and get some animals to test on..." She trailed off. As she said that, she started to feel bad for the animals. What if they died? @Phineas Forge

(Sorry for the late response)
(My fault, I forgot to tag you, @DreamBeat .)

Retta nodded as she chewed her food. Yuyao spoke and asked a question. "Has to be your body... right?" she answered, and questioned. She couldn't see any other way that Yuyao could have stopped the cheetah without knowing. It had to be something to do with her transformation, which reminded Retta about her own. She hadn't used her transformation to hunt and she had yet to try out her first spirit skill. "Hunt down some animals? Sure, we could do that. Maybe we should practice our spirit skills before we go, just to make it a little easier. Maybe next week?"

The two young ladies proceeded with the rest of the day and before they knew it, a week had gone by. @Yin Yang Warlock
(Ah, no problem really)

"On my body?" She said and nodded slightly as if she was agreeing with something. "Okay. I still need to find out what I'm capable of, and I want to see what you can do too," she said a bit enthusiastically.

The next week went by in a flash. The two were together, finding out what they can do and practicing. Yuyao felt a more close to Retta in the week she had been with her. Plus, she found out that her hair was poisonous! @Phineas Forge
The young spirit masters meet a new friend, Shizu. Yuyao and Retta even feel like adopting him as their little brother. Tian was astonish with his spiritual growth a week and he achieve rank 10. As such Tian convince Sam and Zero, who was passing by, to have a training battle. Shizu and her aunt decide to go to the spirit forest and get his ring, a day after he become rank 10. Yuyao and Retta decide to go to the spirit forest to practicing using their spirit skills, in combat with spirit beast..
Sam was in the forest with Tian and smiles. "Sure, we can have a mock battle". Sam wanted to have by now a self-made trump card skill to use whenever he needed to, but he was still way too far from completing. "What are the rules and conditions?" asks Sam as he knows that last time, he overexerting himself led to no good.He wanted to train more, but a mock battle would be good. Sam was wondering where Retta and Yuyao had been, since he had seen them little since last week
Tian think for a second. "Just a regular battle until someone get exhausted or gives up." This time he asked Teacher Ran to look over the mock battle. He didn't want to end like the last practice. They walk towards the training grounds. "I'm ready, when ever you want?" He summons his staff, and looks the cloudy sky. It's not going to rain? Shakes the thought and put in position.
It was time. It took the five year old a week to get up one rank but it was the most grueling rank of his entire five years of life. He walked hand in hand with Aunt who is smiling bright down at her nephew and her smile is met with his bright shimmering blue eyes and giggles that echo over to Yuyao who sits on the tree. He sees the girl sitting at the tree and lets goes of her hand. He rushes on over to her with a bright smile.

"Wuwao!!" The speech of the five year old wasn't great and might take a few adorable years to fix. He stumbles over a tree root and falls into the girls lap, giggling to himself as he pushes himself off the ground with a bright cheesy smile. @Phineas Forge @DreamBeat
Sam nodded as he got into stance in front of Tian. He activated his rear guard, making his shoulders, arms and fingers to be covered with an amber colored armor made from chitin. His forehead was covered by an amber bandanna. "I am ready, Tian, my friend." said Sam as he moved his arms and hands into a martial arts-like stance and moved his hand up and down signaling Tian to start attacking. This time, Sam, he knew that he needed to counterattack whereas his first match against Tian he attacked first and almost got himself killed by poisoning.
Tian looks at Sam seriously, and nods. Teacher Ran, make the sing of starting the fight. Tian relaxes his muscle at fist glance. So is my turn to launch the first strike. Tian smiles and moves in circles, clockwise, surrounding Sam., with the grip of his staff strong and with easy movement on each side. Tian begin to remember what happen some days early.

Bravo, Tian your skill is magnificent. Teacher bravo smiles fully while praising me. It chills me even wearing some decent cloth. Bravo put a serious smile. Could you feel it? when you power is stronger, is when you are in the north of me. Instead of "Chill wind" like you want to call it, let's call it..."

As Tian arrives in his desired position, and with no delay he breaths strongly and says. "Lingering North Wind!" From the water drop like crystal a wave of cold wind covering the area. Feeling colder in the direction south of Tian, where Sam was located.
Tian awaited the attack and jumped sideways landing on both hands and lifting himself up to his feet. The attack had managed to struck a part of him, but no major damage. Sam grinned as he stepped towards Tian with a charging open palm attack. He felt he was going slow, but if he managed to hit, it would be over in a few seconds. "Chap-fallen Sandtrap". He said announcing that what was going to come was no good for Tian.
He walk outside the palm attack. "Are" Tian feet begin to sunk in the ground. Did Sam turn the ground into sand? But wasn't sand what his feet was on but quick sand. Tian try to reasoning what to do try to escape or not. As he sees a student talking with Teacher Ran, he choice. The sand moves him towards the center in a spiral patron. So Tian only need to wait and block with his staff, when is needed.
Tyson woke up from his sleep the thoughts of his last month aggravated him. it has already been a month since he reached rank 17, but he seem to be at a dead end. "I'll never catch up to dads onions, much less surpass him!" he muttered only upsetting himself in the process. He jumped out of his bed leaving it a mess, he didn't have the mental energy to bother making it.

maybe I'll just go for a walk. he grabs his sheath which slept his katana was given to him by his mother. He hurried through out his dorm room and to the training forest (what's the name of this place), after running for several minutes he seem to come across two boys sparing, he could only smile as these two would need his sweet onion when they were finished. He waited quietly behind a tree as he watch the match.
Sam smiled as he saw that Tian was going for the center. "Good move, but you are unprotected". Sam then jumped towards Tian, trying to give him a kick on his chest, as he saw he was placing his full attention on the quicksand. "Your choice. You fight till you are tired or you get my attacks." Sam grinned as he noted that his attack was concealed as he wanted it to be.
"Third option," Tian chuckles as he put the phoenix of his staff inside the quicksand. The Lingering North Wind can froze some vegetation, and the wind created can move small object. With the right pressure, this quick sand can blow up. "Lingering North Wind!" The quick sand is more close to mud than sand as such, when there is bubbles, it have to release it. Tian choice the exact moment his body was north of the epicenter of the chap-fallen sandtrap. Releasing the power of his attack to the max.
Retta stared out into the forest. She knew it was dangerous out there, the beasts were real and capable of fierce attacks. She was also pretty confident in her and Yuyao's newest spirit skills, plus there was Shizu's aunt, who was a competent Spirit Sage. She knew they'd be alright, that was when she heard Shizu's voice. She hopped down from her perch which was a few trees away from Yuyao had sat. She moved over to the others "Shizu!" She waited for her little brother to come over and hug her next. She did wave a hand to Shinju as she waited.
Shizu rushed over to to Retta with a bright, goofy smile but managed to trip on a root just before falling into the girls arms. He giggles as he pretty much lays against the girl while they are but upright. He moves his head up to look you straight in the eyes and then back down to where ever his head would be against you, probably around you shoulder or chest. He squeezes you tight before letting go and walking into the forest.

"Come on!! Why you so swow!!!" He says to the three ladies. Shinju makes her way into forest with a cheeky smile and a slight eye roll before following behind her nephew.
The noise woke Yuyao up from her little nap and she opened her eyes. "Ah, hi Shizu. Hi Miss Shinzu," she said tiredly as she rubbed her eyes. Yuyao looked over to where Retta was to make sure she was still there. It was just to make sure... She didn't want to be out here alone. She found it reassuring that Retta was there. The little girl dozed off a bit before realizing that Shizu was going into the forest. She slowly got up from where she sat and followed Shizu into the forest. @Edward Valentine @Phineas Forge
Sam looked at Tian and was knocked back by the explosion. "No you won't" He said as he headed in a charge against Tian, dodging to a circle, so he can get a strike with his fists. "Tian, I do not know how you manage to surpass me every time, but I won't let you win on this one. I promised Mama I was going to become strong and I need to prove myself to her. This is the ultimate battle!"
Tian smiles softly. It's not than i surpass you Sam. Is because the strategies i know can counter yours. But Tian has used grand part of his spirit energy, he could probably use one more time Lingering North Wind. Tian begin to breath in rhythm and begin to move his staff in circles. This would be the last moment of the battle, Tian feel it, no trick just skill. The Elemental Phoenix Staff begin to have a faintly aura, than only teacher Ran see it. Although, it can make the difference many battles, in this one wouldn't effect the results, nor Tian have the knowledge of how to use it.

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