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Combat Continent Rp

[QUOTE="Yin Yang Warlock]
Apart of her name, liking spicy food and hating veggies, than only Sam and he knew, he really didn't know anything of her.

Unless something happened within the time skip, nobody should know that Yuyao does not like vegetables. When she mentioned that she didn't like vegetables, it was in her head.

(I'm back, but I don't think I'll have the spirit until tomorrow.)

Yuyao found the stream she was looking for. Clear water was flowing through the forest while the fish were swimming idly around in it. The animals lurking around the river for water and bathing were now nowhere to be seen as they had fled as soon as they heard her footsteps. She crouched down over the river enough to see her face and concentrated summoned her spirit essence. Yuyao noticed that her senses grew sharp once again, but this time she saw the physical changes as well. "Wow," she breathed out and her eyes widened slightly. It was cool. Her eyes were glowing a pretty blue color, her eyes were slit, and the pink in her hair had grown more noticeable. Well, she learned something new today after a good day of training. Her form, precision, strength, and grace weren't even close to the level her parents were at but she would build up on that. That was what her parents told her to do. The sun was starting to set, so she decided to head back to the dorms. Time for dinner, the six year old thought happily and skipped her way back to the school building.
Retta was all too happy to learn things from this group of geniuses, but at this point, she still didn't see them as friends or comrades. She was sure that after this hunt, they would pass her by and ignore her existence when she fell too far behind. In that regard, she didn't really want to go and eat with them. "I think I'm going to head back to my room, I want to work on this breathing some more," she said, followed by a big smile. "But you guys have fun, and I'll see you bright and early in the morning!"
Sam went to the cafeteria with his friends. He grabbed a bowl of mixed fruits and some yoghurt. As he finished eating, which he did in a hurry, since he was excited about the next day. He headed to his shared room with Tian. He jumped on his bed and did some praying before heading to sleep. Mama, I know you can't hear me, but I want you to know, Sam, has been a good boy. He had been teaching just like you did to me. I wanted to make friends. I also want to become strong for our family and for you, Mama. As he finished praying, he drifted into slumber.
In the morning the 5 young spirit master awake, or stay awake all night, ready to get the spirit halo. The tree master wait for them outside of their respective dormitories.

Tian was pumped in the first minute he awake, than could scare Sam if he wasn't awake already. "Come on Sam is time to out halos" he rush through the dormitory, he even didn't wait to Sam answer to exit the room. He feel so light and as he reach to the door, where he collides with the Master Bravo. Bravo, say the teacher, is good to see the young students in so high spirits. Tian chuckles in embarrassment and gets up of the floor. Master Kenshiro was waiting in the 4 dormitory and master Ran in the 6 dormitory. A soon everyone was ready they would depart, Tian was rush of joy like never before.
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Retta had trouble sleeping. She'd trained her breathing long past midnight, but even then, while she laid in bed, she had trouble letting her mind shut down. Even after falling asleep, she'd sit up quickly and check the time. Every time she did so, she was surprised that it had only been an hour or so since last she'd checked. Finally, as the sun's rays were just barely beginning to come over the horizon, did Retta check the time and decide that it was time to get up. She prepared herself clothes wise, wearing a sturdy pair of pants and a suitable shirt. She grabbed a small knapsack which she placed some snacks into the night prior. She headed outside, surprised to find one of her teachers waiting for her.

"Guess I'm ready," she said, obvious amounts of hesitancy in her voice.
Sam got up as soon as he heard Tian leaving the room. "It's time!" He said with an excited voice. He jumped out of the bed and grabbed a small backpack he had prepared with some energy bars and supplies for the trip. He couldn't believe it. He was just some steps away from becoming a spirit master. He left the room and saw Tian standing next to teacher Bravo. He looked at the teacher and vowed. "Samuel King, ready for action!" He said with a polite greeting.
Zero got up stretching a little it was the day he would get his first halo he was happy and said "yes my first halo I wonder what spirit beast I'll have to beat to get it" he said smiling as he got dressed he was thinking "I wonder what spirit beast everyone is going after" but he put that aside for now and focused more on getting together with everyone. So he started walking where everyone is and as soon as he got there he said "I'm here and ready" he said enthusiastically but yawned because he barley got sleep but that would wear off as he moved aroun.
The group of young students with the three teachers go to the spirit forest. The spirit forest is a reserve of spirits beast reaching from 10 years to 1 000 years. This places is reserve for the academy students, it have multiple types of spirit beast, From plant type to bird type. Although there isn't dragons nor phoenix in it, since is a rare to encounter few spirit master have find once in their life. Tian, Sam, Zero, Yuyao and Marietta look around, seeing many types of beast. Some where small like the Poisonous Red Mushroom and the Light wolf. It was midday when they achieve the location of the cabins in the forest. This would be their location for the rest of the weekend.

Tian look around after seeing the place and look to the lake in front the cabins. It said than there is a lot of spirit inhabit that lake, since it doesn't have a master. Teacher Bravo, seeing Tian alone looking to the lake decide to talk with him. "Teacher Bravo, Is possible than some of us doesn't get their spirit ring this weekend" Tian frowns still not knowing if he would find a spirit monster to fit his quality. Not worry, neither Kenshiro nor miss Ran have ever failed in find a perfect spirit monster to their students. I'm sure even if miss a monster they would find it. Bravo laugh over it and calm a little of Tian worries. The group eat a small meal and get ready to hunt for the beast to the young ones.
After dinner, she headed back to her dorms early. Nobody else seemed to be in the dorms right now. She was bored, so she decided to meditate until she felt tired. Yuyao crawled onto her bed and crossed her legs so that she was sitting in a lotus position. She relaxed her body and cleared her mind. This kind of meditation was one she learned from watching Sam, and it was pretty useful when she wanted to get her mind off of things. Tomorrow would be the day she would get her spirit halo. Yuyao couldn't help but smile slightly and didn't notice the students filling the dorm for bed.

The next thing she knew, she was waking up in her bed. ..... Oh. I feel asleep, she thought absentmindedly and yawned. Suddenly, she was jolted awake by the thought that today was the day she would her spirit halo. Yuyao was ecstatic and rushed outside where she saw her teacher and students. She saw Marietta. I think I've seen her with Sam somewhere.... Yuyao and Marietta didn't really know each other well. Heck, she didn't even know Retta's name, but she looked pretty nervous. Girls gotta stick together right?

Yuyao skipped over to Retta to say hi. "Hi!" She smiled. "All ready to go?"

@Phineas Forge
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Sam walked around with the group until the found the cabins. He looked around the place and listened to what teacher Bravo told them to. He was sure he was going to find the perfect earthen spirit beast. He walked towards Bravo-sensei, and listened to him reassure them they would find their perfect matching beast. He tugged onto Bravo's shirt and looked at him. "I think what I want to look for." Sam said with wisdom. "Since, my essence is an insect and kind of an arachnid, I want to find a suiting arachnid. Maybe a spider will work. Also, since my spirit is sand-based, maybe something that revolves around sand works." He looked at the teacher to see if he had an idea of what he was looking for.
Bravo, Teacher Bravo said with a smile in his face. Well. since i'm charge of you two. Let's go and search first, Student King. with a single nod both Tian and Sam follow him. Earth and arachnid. Teacher bravo thinks to himself passing some 30 years old necrotic tarantulas. Tian was a little scare of many types of spiders. The worst are beast spirit spiders so he follow very close and cautiously teacher bravo.
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Sam looked at teacher Bravo pointing at a small clearing in the middle of the forest. The clearing seemed to look like a desert. "Teacher, maybe if we wait there, there might be something that comes to mind or maybe it can help us think better of what were are looking for." Sam decided to move a little forward excited to look at the sand. As he was getting closer by running towards it, he did not notice the small vibrations the sand made and that some of the reddish rocks that looked pointy that were coming out of the sand looked kind of unnatural. "Teacher, isn't this the best spot to look for sandy things?" As he said that, he looked at the clearing that kept on like a desert for a good half a mile."
Titanium Cloth! Teacher Bravo yell as he begins feeling the presences of a spirit beast under Sam feet. In Tian eyes Teacher bravo change of cloths in a blink. Although it look light as normal cloth some how he know it isn't. Life Thread of Salvation! Some of his cloth transform into something similar to a lasso and save Sam of the spirit monster under him. A spider erupts from the sand whirlpool than was create. It was the size of Tian and Sam combine, Making Tian faint while seeing it. Sam, You shouldn't go ahead with out the teacher. You don't know what door you are knocking by accident. The teacher exterminates the human size spider. It's a Sand Trapdoor Spider instead silk, it shapes the sand around her to create a quicksand trap, so her prey can fall towards her. Teacher bravo smiles. It fits your kind of spirit beast. You are a lucky fellow. Bravo rise his fist and engage combat with the spider. Five secret Bravo Technics; Bravo Punch!
Sam felt how the sand under his feet began to tremble and sink down. He starts to feel scared as he sees two large spider legs come out of the quicksand and several eyes come to view. Sam trembled in fear as he began to feel how he was getting trapped. Soon, he saw teacher Bravo use his skills to pull him out. He was both excited and terrified by the fact that he found what he was looking for, but also that he was just steps away from being eaten. He saw teacher Bravo and smiled even after being scolded at. "Thanks, sensei."This might be just what I was looking for. This might o well for the Dojo's secret martial arts. He saw that the teacher was about to engage. "How can I help you sensei?"
After few seconds after Sam asked, and a uppercut, the Sand trapdoor lies unconscious. Well, is time to do the finisher. Sam is your turn you have to kill it, that is only what you need to do. Teacher bravo offer a dagger, The only one than can absorb the halo is the one than kill it. So he let the young one finish it.
Sam takes the dagger and feels nervous. He felt the anxiety surge as he grips the blade into both his hands. Is this what Mama and Papa felt the first time they killed? He thought. He walked towards the unconscious creature and walked towards its head. He pointed the dagger into the part where his brain might be. "Sensei, what is the age of this thing?" He felt the adrenaline rush into his heart and with a loud yell "Kyaaah!" he punctured the forehead of the creature and pushed the dagger until the blade sank down to its fullest.
Around 400. He wasn't that sure but at least was 400 maybe some years older. The yellow halo show up over the corpse of the beast. Absorb the halo with this you would grow up to become a spirit master. You earn it.
Sam felt proud as he had killed his first beast. He sits down in a meditation stance. He placed his hands on his legs and begins to meditate on the halo. Papa and Mama once said that when the time comes, you have to meditate on the halo and feel its power into you. He did as his parents said and began to focus on the halo and the halo alone. He began to feel the power reaching his body and filling him as a surge of power. He had to remain still for a few hours so that he could absorb the ring correctly.

When the spirit ring was absorbed Tian awakes. "No more spiders..." he sighs and relief looking to Sam who look 3 stages more powerful than the last time he seen. "Sam? you did it?" And looking the teacher bravo he nods softly. "Wow" So this is the feeling of someone over you but in your reach. Tian can feel the spirit power more o less well but he can not feel the spirit power of the teachers at all. i need to find a spirit beast soon.
Sam looks at Tian and waves with pride. "I did it, Tian! I became a Spirit Master!" As he said this, he began to open and close his fists as he began to feel the new surge of power. "Tian, now I have a rear guard too! I am so excited!" He said to Tian as he walked towards him and placed his hand on his shoulder. "We need to totally find you one." He then looked to teacher Bravo and walked towards him. He stopped in front of him and bowed. "Bravo-sensei, thank you for helping me. Thank you for saving my life. And thank you for being such an awesome teacher!"
Bravo! Teacher Bravo catch phrase he says it to much. The group move towards the camp at dusk with no findings a proper spirit beast for Tian.
After zero got to the camp site he got ready to look for his spirit halo so he packed some healing stuff and some snacks in case he got hungry or fatigued he looked back to teacher kenshiro asking "do the spirit beasts get big in this forest" he asked while looking at teacher kenshiro with a worried face it was rare to see him worry but zero didn't like giant bugs that much or infant any bug at all he was deathly affraid of them and would run at first sight but he was determined to find his halo.

(Face your fear zero!)
Kenshiro looked at the young Zero and patted his head with his hand. "Yus. When the creatures are getting older, they begin to grow. Yus." He started walking and signaled Zero to follow him. Kenshiro thought about what could possibly suit Zero better. He's got some kind of mutation so maybe something that dwells in trees? Or something to strengthen? Anyway, Kenshiro motioned Zero to follow him into the forest.
Upon hearing teacher kenshiros words zero shuddered a little thinking "dang I just had to ask didn't I" but saw teacher kenshiro signaling him to follow so he did they were passing giant trees from time to time so zero was amazed at how big they were it looked like sometimes they were alive and moving but that was just his imagination but the forest was beautiful what kind of creature could be scary to him.
Kenshiro looked at the trees and saw some huge bees buzzing by. No. He thought as he continued forward. His essence is a scythe. Not as durable. Might as well toughen it? As soon as he said that, he saw it. "Yus". He said it as he pointed at the huge Goliath Spider that was before them. He pointed Zero to stand back. His spirit power came into view as his arms, belly, shoulders and legs were covered in white armor. His hands were covered with golden claws. "Stand back"

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