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Combat Continent Rp

Marietta sat and listened to these geniuses discuss their spirit essences and the progressions they should take. Having taken so long to get to this stage, she'd stopped considering what to do once she got here. She waved as Tian left, though he didn't particularly say goodbye to her. "I was thinking about a bird type or something flying, I think that'd be useful though maybe too difficult to capture." She said with a slight frown which near instantly was replaced by a smile. "That's where you guys come in! The geniuses of Wǔ Xíng can surely help me, I believe in you!" She seemed more like a groupie than a comrade or compatriot, but that was because, no matter how peppy she was acting, she still saw herself as less than her classmates.
Zero looked back to the girl almost wiping his long and messy hair saying to her "sure I'll help you out, you are going to be are new partner aren't ya Marietta" he said smiling as he wrapped both of his hands in bandages do to practicing with his scythe, saying "well Marietta what's your spirit essence anyways" he said as he was about done wrapping his hand he wanted to know more about his new companion to get a better understanding so they could get along better in the future.

@Phineas Forge
"Oh snap!" she exclaimed with a smile. "I forgot you don't know me that well. My essence is the Raging Vampire Bat, its, obviously, a beast type. Mostly used as speed assault type essence." She explained quickly. "And please, call me Retta, that's what all my friends call me." She announced, though What friends? ran through her head after she said it. It was at this point that she realized Zero said they were going to be partners and she wondered if he meant for the foreseeable future or just for this one hunting trip. Either way, it was nice of the boy to be so kind to her.
"Retta?" Sam asked with politeness. "It's nice having a fellow beast spirit user. There have been way too many tool essence users." He chuckled. "Please allow me to train with you later. It might come in handy learning breathing and fighting techniques later on. Anyway, I think we should head to class. I am really anxious for our school trip to begin. I really want to catch one of those Trapdoor Spiders!"
Zero looked at Sam saying "yeah and one of those tool essence users saved your but so you should be happy right" zero said chuckling then saying to Sam "why don't you train with me we haven't trained yet, and yeah we should head to class, I just want to go on the field trip so I can get one of those weeping angles" he said smiling then getting up to throw his left over food away and heading to class.
"Yep, Retta sounds good to me, thanks Sam." She confirmed to the fellow beast spirit master. She nodded in the affirmative as he mentioned training together, as she was up for it. Trapdoor spider, have to look that up when I have time, she thought to herself as Sam mentioned getting one.

"Yeah yeah, class. Can't wait!" Retta said with obvious excitement in her voice. She was a little over-the-top, but, in her mind, it was better than being Debbie Downer. Weeping Angle, look that one up too, she thought to herself as she put away the remnants of her breakfast. She waved goodbye to her new friends, needing to grab some books from her dorm before heading to class. Luckily, she was a speed type so she knew she could make it.
Tian after his duties with some teachers, goes to the class room. There is 1 classroom for each year and have from 10 to 12 students. The class are divided in 2 sections one in the study of spirit beast and the other in the study of the history of the continent. After those clauses, the student are free to cultivate their spirit, work or have physical training. Tian normally tries to met with his friend in those hours. Somehow, he have a bad feeling today. I hope nothing happens. After class he goes to renovate the books he borrow and try to find his friends Sam, Yu, Zero and Retta Qiánbèi. "Why i have this odd feeling?"
Sam goes to classes with everyone else, trying to learn more about spirit beasts and the benefits the bring to the body. He had been having an ominous feeling on what was going on ever since Tian was a bit hurried. He decided to go to the library and look for a book about his clan, to know a little more about their past. As he was going out he decided to catch on with Zero and Retta to train them.
During class zero did the same thing as always he was learning but he was learning about beasts that would give him good boosts for his scythe. So after class he walked out but did notice tian was rushing so he didn't want to bother him so instead he went out side to train he was training his strength and his stamina.
During class, Retta listened more intently than normal. Subconsciously, she was working harder to keep up with the geniuses, though she thought she was just terribly interested in the subject matter. When class ended, she went looking for Sam, as she had time to train. She was going to see if he was free.
(I'm going to try and be on my own until I'm done with my activities. I'll get the spirit halo on my own if you guys already go ahead and get yours before Friday.)

Yuyao finished her usual training and thought of an idea. I've never really tried it before but... she trailed off in her mind. The little girl thought of summoning her spirit essence. She closed her eyes and concentrated her spirit essence on the mark, which was located on her neck below her right ear. Her mark glowed a bright light green color and when she opened her eyes, the blue eyes were now glowing lightly and they were slit like those of a snake's eyes. Everything looked sharper, and her senses were slight more acute than they already were. As she walked towards the tree, her movements seems slightly more fluid even though she was only walking around. The last thing that changed about her was that the pink tint to her hair was more pronounced than before. It might look more girly, but it was actually slightly poisoned. Yuyao wasn't aware of her physical changes, so she called off her transformation. Other than the slight changes in her senses, she didn't sense anything changing. Even if my appearance changed, I can't see it right now. She realized. Yuyao wanted to see it, so she started to walk over to the stream she knew was around in the woods somewhere.
Tian anxiety begin to take his body. What is happening? Why i'm so worried? He haven't seen nothing out of the ordinary. He swiftly move around the student body. I have to move fast. If not, something bad is going to happen. As fast as he could he reach the training grounds. He sees Zero, Sam and Retta Qiánbèi. I don't think than this feeling is could be caused by a practice battle between Zero and Sam. As he see all of them training, tries to relax. But he fails, so he decides to go to the peaceful place in all the training grounds, the spring of water. Few people know of the body of water than have the forest, and even less know where it comes. he leaves his friends behind before they discover he was there.

In the way to the spring, Tian believes than he have seen Yu. But the color of her hair didn't match with her. Yu have more golden hair with a little pink. Although is hard to admit, i like a little his hair like that. He cannot image Yu being complete blond nor with complete pink hair. He finally arrives to the spring, and sit in a little rock formation. Staring to the spring there his spirit is calmed. He begin to think loudly, unconsciously. "I want to see, Yu." Yu was a mystery in front of his eyes and probably Sam and Zero, too. Apart of her name, liking spicy food, he really didn't know anything of her. "What kind of spirit Yu have?" He have seen her training, although it was a mix and match of many martial arts, her movement are far more precise than any on the class. "I hope than when we have age for entering to the Colosseum, Yu could become my partner in the team battles?"
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Sam placed his books under a tree and waved to Zero and Retta as they came into the training grounds. He took off his shoes, thing he usually did because he trained barefoot, and took a stance. He looked at Zero and Retta. "Feel free to train with me. Follow my lead." He said as he began to move his body in circular motions, doing poses every single step he did and taking deep breaths. He was showing them the basic breathing techniques of controlling the spirit aura. After being able to dominate breathing, the could be ready for more complex physical training. Concentrate, Sam.

He continued with these movements. He did them slow, so that they were easy to copy and imitate. As he was doing his training, he saw Yuyao doing some of her training and Sam thought of seeing her hair change a small amount of hue in her color. Nah. Might as well be my imagination. Although she looks even slenderer. He thought as he continued training.
After class zero went and to do tai-chi it wasn't really fun to him but hey hell do anything that will have to do with training in any way since he determined to show Sam and tian he could be helpful besides being a supporter, so he followed same movement perfectly and soon he felt kind of relaxed but not all The way this felt strange to him since he wasn't physically training or doing meditation.
Retta placed her stuff next to Sam's under the tree and began following his movements. While she wasn't terribly confident in combat situations, this activity proved that she was quite skilled in the control of her body. This undoubtedly came from the training she'd received from her father in her youth. She picked up the physical movements masterfully, the only thing she really had to focus on was the breathing methods that Sam was exhibiting, as those were both new and, as class had told her, quite useful for halo absorption. Once she felt comfortable with the basics of the breathing, she closed her eyes in order to focus more heavily on the breathing.
As Sam saw that Retta and Zero were getting the hang of the movements, he opened his eyes and made a signal for them to follow him. He drew a big circle on the dirt around Retta and one around Zero. Finally, he drew one around himself. "Follow my movements and stay always on the perimeter of the circle." As he said this he began to move, making poses in his hands and feet around the circle. He always kept control of his breaths. He then started to add some punches with open palms, with the elbows, knee kicks or foot kicks, but at the same time always moving around the circle.

(This is the principle of Eight Trigram Palm)
[QUOTE="Sombra Arcana]As Sam saw that Retta and Zero were getting the hang of the movements, he opened his eyes and made a signal for them to follow him. He drew a big circle on the dirt around Retta and one around Zero. Finally, he drew one around himself. "Follow my movements and stay always on the perimeter of the circle." As he said this he began to move, making poses in his hands and feet around the circle. He always kept control of his breaths. He then started to add some punches with open palms, with the elbows, knee kicks or foot kicks, but at the same time always moving around the circle.
(This is the principle of Eight Trigram Palm)

(I always wanted to do this exercise in real life)

After Sam drew the circle and said to follow him and but stay in the circle so he started doing the movements after he saw Sam do it a couple of times and did it with minor miss ups but he got the hang of it after a couple of times but started changing the movements a little bit to get the hang of it better, while he was doing this he thought "wow this is better then tai-chi I'm actually moving around" he thought staying inside the circle.
Retta watched intently as Sam began doing the new exercise. She didn't quite get it, just seemed like moving around a circle and kicking or punching. Is that useful in combat? she thought to herself. Regardless of how she felt about the exercise, she began trying to do it. Keeping her feet on the circle seemed pretty easy, her punches were a little lackluster though. She wasn't used to this kind of training, or these kinds of punches and it showed. If someone had been punching at her, her actions would be much more heart-filled and precise.
"With this training you'll be able to catch off guard people." Sam said with a smile on his face. He then saw Retta having trouble understanding or graspings the context on why doing this in circular motions. "Retta, I am going to show you why the training goes this way. If you wish, we could spar later for you to see the fruits of the training." He looked for a medium sized tree with a trunk almost the size of the circle. He then began to control his breathing standing in front of the tree. "Observe" He said in a friendly way. He started with a straight punch to the center of the trunk with an open palm, but then away ducked and rolled towards a side and struck it with his elbow and knee. he then ducked and rolled agained and struck it with his fist, leg, foot and palm. He ducked and rolled again and struck it with both palms, fists, knees and elbows. It was kind of a dance, but each time he ducked and rolled, he doubled the amount of hits. "The secret is to astonish the enemy. He can't predict with what you'll be striking nor from where if you circle him."
Retta observed Sam's attack on the tree. She watched intently, mostly as a means of better understanding how Sam attacked and would function. She saw some beneficial aspects of the exercise, though she also realized that it's usefulness wouldn't particularly merge with her own style of combat. Retta couldn't help but place herself in the position of the tree, thinking about how she would attempt to survive the onslaught Sam was placing on the tree.

She moved back to her circle and began the exercise again. This time, Retta's movements were more precise and she seemed to better grasp the exercise, though her attacks still lacked her entire strength behind them.
Zero watched Sam do some moves on a tree like he did in the circle, he actually liked the moves that Sam was doing and wanted to learn it to get better in hand to hand combat so he followed the moves directly like Sam did in his circle but was putting to much force into it to where he would tip over a little, zero wanted to learn this move really badly to so he just kept doing it.
As Sam finished doing the punches, he looked back at both and smiled. He used his shirt to dry the sweat that was dripping from his forhead. "Retta, try to imagine your spirit essence flowing through your body and concentrating in the part you are going to hit with. Zero, try to use less spirit essence on your strikes since they will deplete you." He smiled and began to do some breathing and spiritual tai chi training again, keeping an eye on both of them so they could be ready for actual fights against the beasts they were going to slay.
Tian returns from the spring of water and laughs softly seeing the training of Zero and Retta Qiánbèi. "Who would through you can become a decent teacher, Sam?" Tian call from behind Sam. "Your mother sure teach you well enough than you can mimic her teaching to others." Tian yawns softly as the day slowly turn into night. "Is better go to rest soon this day." Tomorrow is going to be a great day, our first spirit halo. "better not stay sleep in the morning and wait another whole week for it." Tian chuckles. "Let's go." He begins to walk to the cafeteria to have a light dinner and then go to sleep for the day.

In the morning Teacher Bravo, Teacher Kenshiro and Teacher Ran is going to take this 5 children to the spirit forest than is outside the school grounds. They would expend all the whole weekend in there, trying to find a spirit beast to fit their spirit and style of battle.
Sam nodded and smiled. "If you are finished training, why won't you come with us, Retta and Zero". Sam said as he walked next to his first friend, Tian. "I sure want to become a great teacher like Mama, Tian. Let's have some light supper, since tomorrow is the great day!" He said super excited. He was thinking of having some ramen for carbohydrates and some grilled chicken for protein.
(I'm staying with scythe to much work to change it)

Zero was still practicing with the punches when he heard Sam asking him about coming to eat, so zero stops saying "sure I can eat some rice and fish" he said as he started walking to the cafeteria with them hearing tian telling them that they are getting they're first spirit halo tomorrow saying "I hope I can find a good spirit halo that will have something to do with earth manipulation or something" he said smiling a little.

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