Collins Academy

Akahana entered Collins Academy presumably late. She immediately made her way to the office to check where she would be staying. As she entered, the little dingle of small bells were heard. She made her way up to the front desk.

"I am Akahana. Where is my room?" She asked with a slightly irritated tone. The lady at the desk lowered her headset, glaring at the girl. She typed in her information nonetheless, as Akahana would hand the lady her student card.

"Room 268," The lady said in a neutral tone. Her face looking unamused. Akahana just shrugged it off, taking back her student card and heading to her room. Once she arrived there, she dropped her bags on one of the beds, but then stopped. She took a look around. There were 2 beds. Someone else's stuff was there. She was sharing a room with someone. Akahana suddenly got irritated and a little angry. Maybe I can just avoid her, She thought. Maybe their schedules were completely different and they would never run into each other. Akahana sighed and lie down her bed. Or at least she thought it was hers. She let it slide and made herself at home. She put away all of her clothes and other things, and used her own bedding for her bed. Afterward she decided to take a nap, and she lied down once more, falling asleep.
"Well how are you fairing here in the school?" Mr. Manly looked down to see a small girl with neko ears. What was her name again? Elvis was it? No, no, no.... Prima? Prissy? Presly? Yes, it was Presly! Mr. Manly shot Presly a big and shiny smile.

"I'm doing quite well, thank you!" Mr. Manly's voice boomed through the halls, shaking some of the decorations. Oops. Maybe I should speak a little more softer. "And how are you today?" Mr. Manly asked the small girl in a more softer tone, managing NOT to break some of the artifacts around them. To Mr. Manly, the current voice he was speaking in was like a whisper, to others around him, he was pretty much yelling.
Akahana finished drying her long brown hair and returned to the room she was staying in. The woman that had owned the school told her rather to avoid the office lady she was not very nice and told her where her room was. She in any aspect came out of the bathroom and stopped the moment the witches smell reached her nose.

She backed up quickly resting the towel she was using to dry her hair over her fully clothed chest. "No one told me I would be sharing a room!" She whisper-hissed under her breath. Taking a moment to calm down she peered around the corner and saw the girl sleeping soundly. "Boo!" She heard directly behind her scaring her into a hissing fit. She glanced around seeing a boy with flame red hair behind her laughing. He was simply leaving at this point having seen her be scared thought he would make a joke out of her. Knowing what she had to do now she knew she had to do it as a cat.

Approaching the pretty girl Akahana could already tell she was not welcome. The girl had fallen asleep on her bed where she had earlier unpacked the cat bed her adopted mother put in her bag.

It went a little like this,

Akahana opened her bag after being told where her room was and saw the tiny snowflake cat bed that would fit her normal cat self. She dropped her ears and glared at the distance like "seriously mum?" Then she decided which bed she would use and too one closest to the window knowing she would wind up sleeping on the window bench directly below it. Barely having a three foot gap between them she knew it would be easy to explain.

So now Akahana was staining at her almost crushed bed. It was just a fabric bed nothing to be bent out of shape over and she knew that so she swallowed and closed her eyes jumping on the bed from the floor. A good hop but she walked over the girl her small less then 8lb body moving almost unseen, unfelt beneath her. She walked up to the girl's face and began to paw at it her tiny paw tapping a few times then pulling back and doing it again. She would not risk meowing as it seemed the girl did not want her there so she was to be as little trouble as possible. But she kept pawing at the girls face to reclaim her bed.

{Kotomi post for you.}


{Ronkaime I has a character named Jessie in the las post he was in the hallway still is if you wanna interact with him.}


Sirirus jumped slightly at the thought the girl was so increasingly interested in what he had to say not many people did and less of those that did really truthfully cared, this was something he knew from when he was very small.

"Oh I hunt vampires, werewolves, things that have lost their control over their creature side." Now he realised he had to explain what he was, knowing this would not go over to well with the girl he swallowed. "Mary gives me and her family a blood supplement. It is a very close replicator to the humans blood using the qualities of a humans blood to craft the drink. Mary invented it, keeps her coven members in line. Though sometimes they get out of line and though I may understand it I cannot endanger my sister so I kill them. The price for killing a human now a days is a high price." He finished saying and wondered what she must be feeling now. He was only an quarter blood vampire whom did not himself have a lot of control since a halfblood bit him. It just went to show how much he was saying he actually believed and strangely it was all but for the first time someone asked he believed she was being serious and responded upon that seriousness.

{ethericalAlchemist your post.}


"Ah, I know what you mean." In truth Coyoty did know what Liz was talking about she got the same exact way her mother and her after all were pure bloods highest in the world of vampires they simply robbed anything living just by standing near them. Coyoty even found Allen incredibly tiered whenever she was near her. But the two of them had better control over what they were. The girl said she wanted Coyoty to go get the guardians of the school and technically Coyoty herself was one so she simply stood still flicking her ears. Then she struck an idea.

"Here." Coyoty turned the girl and handed her a wine glass and filled it with a type of red liquid then she dropped her hand. What once was a wolf took the shape of a blade and she took it across her wrist dropping her blood into the cup. "Alright that should do it." She smiled and looked at Liz almost as if to say; alright I know you would not drink it if I did not explain so;

"It is a type of blood supplement my mum and I drink it keeps the demon down and allows for better control over a prolonged period of time, it tastes like blood smells like alcohol and most importantly has all the qualities of a normal human. Just drink it." She forgot to add that in case it did not work her own blood being mixed in it would more then just help her. Drinking the blood of a pure blood allowed for that pure blood of full control only on a vampire though.

{Sadlyimnotbatman I am not trying to god-mod your character I swear by it. Just trying to help.}


Kirghiz pulled back her face shocked. "I- I," who was she to judge if this girl thought of her has a princess why would she argue. The girl simply smiled baring her vampire teeth at the girl. "And you are?" She asked realising she had not picked up this girls name. It had not dawned on her yet that Viol was not being serious on the aspect of princess, that she meant it as to say all girls were princesses it was their given right.


"I- I am doing fine." Presely said suddenly after jumping when a picture halfway down the hall fell to its merky death. The school itself had five floors. One of the floors was for the offices this was the top floor, and the bottom floor was for lunches and hanging out as well as the gym and club rooms. The three floors in the middle were the classroom floors and at this point little Neko Presely was hoping to be on any of those floors besides this one where subatomic waves could kill her.

"Do you have everything settled in?" She questioned her ears still pulled back against her brownish black haired skull. She looked up at the man feeling like nothing more then a mouse and at any moment she could change.

A second later this was proved correct because another picture dropped off the wall suddenly and made Presely jump so high when she came to the ground she was nothing more then an eight or so pound tabby cat with dark stripes and white paws. She was scared but she did not scurry away, she had a job to fulfill and it did not matter of she was a cat while she did it, she looked up and waited for an answer none the less.

{paipai900 poor Presely, sorry your posts are so short....}

{TO EVERYONE I WANT YOU TO INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER AS WELL AS ME. I dont mind having all your characters interact with mine and those I have requested to be with YES I would like to continue roleplay with you but I don't want this roleplay to turn into a three on one or whatever I like groups. Just dun kill et!!!! Also sorry it took so long to respond I at a friends house now. Her Internet is sucky}
"Oh," Ava said, "So you're a vampire? That must be tough, having to hunt and kill beings that are so similar to you." She paused playing with a flower. "So is vampirism spread through biting or by drinking a vampire's blood? I guess there are a lot of stories that differ on the details." She plucked the flower and put it in her hair. "You know, I could always give you some of my blood. I mean, if you could drink it, I'd be happy to give you some." She turned to him and smiled.
Noah walks onto the Academy grounds. He was late due to transportation problems and decides to look for the Music section of the academy. He looks at his map and follows it to find the Music classroom and hopefully the mentors as well.
Viol stood up properly and smiled at Kirghiz, and when the young woman heard the other woman's words she gasped and apologized mediately. "Oh! Where are my manners! My name is Viol, pleasure to make your acquaintance." Smiling confidently, she noticed the girl's unnaturally sharp teeth. Figuring out that Kirghiz must be some sort of vampire, Viol grinned and thought to herself, This is going to be an interesting school year. Glancing around the room, Viol politely asked Kirghiz, "Do you need any help with your luggage?" Wanting to make a good impression with her room mate, Viol kept hearing the words of her mother echo through her head.

Be nice, Viol.


Mr. Manly nodded at the small girl, deciding that it would be best if he didn't talk just in case he scared the neko even more. Frowning at the broken pictures, Mr. Manly sighed and walked out of his room, ducking under the door frame to pick up the pieces of the glass. Maybe Mr. Manly was just too manly! Letting out a tired sigh, Mr. Manly quickly picked up all the little pieces and threw them away in a nearby trash can. "It is getting late now," Mr. Manly said in the lowest voice he could possibly manage. "I must bid you adieu and retreat to my chambers. Goodnight, Ms. Presly." Nodding at the petite woman, Mr. Manly ducked back under the door frame and closed the door gently.

Maybe I need to become more feminine.

Remembering that teachers didn't sleep on campus, Mr. manly crawled out the window and fell to the ground, his muscular body sprawled out on the ground. In the most ninja kind of way, Mr. Manly began to shuffle back home, his body still on the ground. I wonder what Jenniman is making for dinner. Was the only thought Mr. Manly had as he moved his sore body all the way home.

((CoyotyZephyrWolf is that better? Sorry, I'm really absent minded haha ^^"))
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Akahana woke up to the odd cat pawing at her face. She flinched a couple of times before actually getting up, but when she opened her eyes, she jumped at the sight of the cat. She hated animals, and she moved into the corner of the bed/wall, staring anxiously at the cat.

"Who's pet is this?!" She shouted, still breathing a little heavy from the shock. She sighed, realizing how ridiculous she was acting. Akahana unwillingly pet the cat, looking into it's large eyes with boredom.

"How did you get in here?" She thought aloud. She looked away as she pondered on the thought for a moment. She didn't leave a window open, or a door. So it must be her room-mate's cat. Well that's just great, She thought sarcastically.

[ CoyotyZephyrWolf ]
{I am getting to my post nows! I have ~counts~ five people to reply to...? Yeah I think so... I will be a while...} 
I have just realised (As I have completed my post) That there is still as person to wait on, so as much as I would love to post I cannot risk killing a person over the confusion, you guys can make more characters interact with one another but I DO have a post completed for the ones currently involved.} 
Jessie was walking, he was minding his own when suddenly a quite attractive young man walks up to him and literally calls him a cutie. Jessie was all down for this, maybe pretending to be lost would be nice. Sadly though Jessie was not a player and he hated people who were. He simply batted his huge eyelashes and stared for a moment. "You are one to talk sweet thing, and no i am not lost, but I could be." He decided against his better judgement of the guy and decided to push his luck a little. He was not after all going to get this opportunity twice.

Jessie was always the flirtatious type, though not showing it often enough he assumed it was simply because his mothers were in a relationship, even still, they always had been, and it was not that he hated it or judged them it was that he wanted them to be happy and he was never sure if flirting with guys was since they did not like guys. After all they did marry each other, but every once in a while it clicked in Jessie's head that his mothers loved him enough to adopt him.

He was nothing more then a fire dragon spirit that could summon fire from the murky depths of NOWHERE at all. His skin was almost always feeling as if on fire at the slightest touch, he over heated a lot and more often then not exploded science beakers. He did however love playing with fire. How he loved this.

{Ronkaime We should write a book dedicated to gay guys: "How to pick up a gay guy in 20 words or less" Also sorry for not responding to PM's I keep forgetting and get lost when I remember it. DX}


"Yeah sounds a bo-" Sirius cut himself off his jaw dropping. picking it up again he knew setting poor Ava straight was key here. "No, it is no problem. I think all vampires are vile creatures. Believe me the ones I hunt are. I am not close to them at all I still have human in me." And at any moment I could be one of them Sirius shook those thoughts away and hung his head like he had said something incredibly wrong.

Generations of hunters one by one all came crumbling down in less then a year. Sirius let a sigh pass his lips. "Vampires are like snakes, in the sense if they wanted to change you they could, sometimes in pure fear or anger a vampire will change by accident. Mostly only purebloods have most control over this, halfbloods have minor control over it and quarter bloods have almost none. Anything less then a quarter and you have a demon waiting to happen. No one is supposed to craft vampires anyway. Only Mary currently has control over who becomes a vampire and who doesn't for being a vampire she is the single most inexpiable hunter in our academy right now. Her daughter to say the least though is another story. She is the only vampire I can credit or am willing to credit for anything since she nearly dies every year due to not feeding."

Sirius realised he went way off track and shook his head again, he often did this but it was strange, maybe all the fresh air was getting to him. He had no idea. Sirirus was then shocked completely into reality by Ava's bold offer, he backed up and even though is ice blue eyes flashed deep red he waved his hands in front of him like that was not what he meant. "Ava- please, do not offer yourself to anyone that you do not love. Even if it is just blood a vampire can become easily addicted to someone such as pure as yourself. Please." he knew he could not tell her what to do but he hopped with this knowledge she would not make the mistake to give herself away.

{ethericalAlchemist POST!!!!}


"n- No thanks Viol-san. Jack should be getting the one bag from in the lobby I left. I am not a sour person I swear I just don'g want to haul that bag up two flights of stairs and he offered so... He is the family butler I thought why in the hell not?" She looked around the room too wondering what the girl was looking at. "Something I forgot? Oh! Which bed would you like? Me and my sister have always shared a bed but she..... she...." Kirghiz paused and looked at the window shaking her head.

"She moved away, anyway, which one?" She wasn't bouncy anymore like previously but other then that nothing else had changed, her voice was still kicky with her normal high tones and her smile still lay on her face, she just quit looking happy. It was always really hard to tell how Kirghiz was feeling without knowing her for several years at a time.


Presly walked away slowly her whole body shaking form ears to tail. She managed to pass by Mafry whom simply looked down and then at the walls. "What-" "Don't ask." Presly almost demanded hissing and then walking away a few feet more and she almost collapsed in fear. She was not good at being so short, and Mr.Man really put her in her place. She closed her eyes though and kept walking. Mary walked up to Mr.Manly's door and knocked on it the way preasly had only she had what looked like a set of keys for him.

"Mr man, your keys to the lockers, gym, and track as well as the horse stables and your office." Mary called from outside his door. Teachers were getting ready to leavbe at this point TOP RETURN TO THEIR HOMES BECAUSE THEY DON'T LIVE ON CAMPUS and Mary was hoping to deliver the keys before HE LEFT FOR THE DAY.

{paipai900 Think I exaggerated the teachers DO NOT SLEEP ON CAMPUS bit? Teachers do not live on campus Pai... yous should know this I posted it in all caps on the home page.}


Akahana jumped when the girl woke, she jumped again being called a pet. "hardly such dear." She said rolling her green eyes as she was petted. "I am not a pet, your pet or anyone else's PET I am Akahana a witches cat." the girl narrowed her eyes looking he uppermost upset. This was the first time she had ever been called a pet, of any type. She thought silently that she liked being called a freak better then a pet. "And more importantly you laid on my bed."

The cat could almost think being a cat and speaking would be shocking and hard to grasp, but this was going to be interesting if this Akahana hated animals. She however pointed to her bed the small snowflake one she had unpacked earlier. "And if you do not like animals then you are going to have one hell of a year. Say aren't you a witch?" Akahana, having grown up with a witch knew how they smelled and this girl raged HOME and it in any effect of it had been tattooed on her face would not have been more obvious for this cat.


{Sadlyimnotbatman has not responded and we have two new members who are in need of a starter. can someone assist them in Roleplay?}

As Akahana heard the cat speak, she jumped in shock. "Wait, wait, wha?" She blurted out. She then listened to the cat, hearing as it was a witch, and in fact not a pet. "Oh, that makes sense, I guess?" She said.

Soon after, the cat continued to ramble about how she was sleeping on her bed. "This is your bed?" Akahana asked, scratching her head. "Mm, well it didn't look like it. But alright, I guess." She unwillingly agreed. She soon moved her stuff onto the other bed. This is why I hate room-mates, She thought to herself.

Soon after packing, and unpacking all over again, she realized some of the things the witch said were odd. "No, I'm not a witch. And um, how did you know I hated animals?" Akahana wondered. She sat on her new bed, looking at the cat for answers.

{ CoyotyZephyrWolf }
Viol had the slightest feeling that Kirghiz was upset, but decided it would be best not to get into a heart to heart talk on the first day she had met her. "I'll take the latter of whichever bed you choose." Viol bowed to Kirghiz lowly before standing up straight and patiently waiting for her room mate to choose which bed she wanted. Personally, Viol didn't really care which bed she got, as long as she got a bed she would be happy.

"Oh! By the way, do you know what time it is?" Viol inquired, knowing that she could just look at a clock but decided to start up a conversation with her new roomie. Glancing out the window, Viol could tell it was obviously PM. Ignoring the clock behind her, Viol gently set her hands over one another and waited patiently for her room mate to reply.

((I actually don't know what time it is in the role play, that's why I'm asking. Haha ^^"))
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"Oh," Ava said, "It's just that... My moms would tell me a story about a forest spirit falling in love with a vampire. And somehow, her blood cured him of his vampirism. THat's where the story gets fuzzy though... Either the vampire turned human, or he turned into a forest spirit like his lover... I'm not saying I love you or anything, but shouldn't I try to help? I mean, you don't even have to bite me to get the blood, I can just cut a wrist or something, we tree spirits have a healing factor."
{I am replying now @Angel Evans Your response is back a few posts.}

Sirius glanced over at Ava disbelief filling his mind. He was never told of this story, perhaps it was because the story did not exist or maybe it was the fact that he did not believe there was a cure, whatever it was he tried to simply shrug it off. "Ah." Was all he cometed on the subject, "Well I should be getting back to my room but for now." Sirius stepped forward and held out his hand. Flicking it a rose appeared, a yellow rose meaning friendship and like. "I best be off it was nice meeting you Ava." Sirius said leaving the room waving his hand behind his head.

{ @ethericalAlchemist Your post is incredibly short, I am sorry.}


Akahana's years twitched. "I can sense you. You appear not to like pets or roommates for that matter." Akahana was born as a cat, she knew things most did not and a cat could almost always sense when they were not liked. "I was meaning this bed anyway." She continued grabbing her blue snowflake bed. "You were crushing it with your body I just wanted to keep it's shape, my foster mother gave it to me after all." Akahana took her human form. Her long brown hair flowed down her shoulders as she sat crisscrossed on the bed now, a black short sleeved dress covered her body and feathers from her hair lay down her left shoulder.

"If you want I can request to leave, I can tell you do not like me so." She shrugs and grabs her bag like she was ready to leave, though not wanting to, also being born a cat it was in her occupation to force someone to like her. That was almost always the reason why a cat crowded around humans that did not like them, or why dogs barked at humans, they knew, they wanted to be liked such as humans wanted it, only animals were strangely more or less blunt about it.

Though it looked like she was ready to leave her cloths were still on the closet. All of her night cloths and her bed remained on the one she accidentally forced Akahana off of. "I am not a horrible person." she mumbled placing her bag inside the closet anyway. "So I guess I can stay, it will barely be like I am here, unless you are allergic to cats." She took her bed off the big one and put it under the big bed sighing slightly.

{ @Kotomi Sorry it kinda rambles I was not entirely sure where to go with this one. }


{ @paipai900 You should read your post again and respond to it...}

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Sky smirked "Well then maybe you and I can get lost together and find out way back to our room?" Sky extended his arm for the boy to take and winked at him,he loved when guys didn't act like they didn't want him and were honest with themselves "Your blunt and I like it,Sha'll we?"

"O-Oh, um okay. Sorry," Akahana apologized after hearing about the way cats can sense certain things about people. This surely would be a problem in the future, with lying and such. She tends to do that alot.

Hearing about the cat girl suggesting to leave made Akahana relieved, but she felt terrible. She can't just come into someone's home and claim it, letting the previous owner just let her. She was about to tell her not to, when the girl resigned anyways, putting her stuff back where it was. Akahana got a little irritated by how she didn't let her decide, but she was going to let her anyways, so it was no big deal.

"Uh, I'm.. sorry. You can stay, you know. Maybe I'll... get to know you?" Akahana said almost doubtfully, and awkwardly. She really did doubt that would ever happen, but she decided to play nice until then.

[ @CoyotyZephyrWolf ]
and has no idea on how to revive this...))
{Maybe I can help revive it}

"Why did they send me here?" Esther thought as she walked into the building. She pulled down her skirt a little and adjusted her shirt and the collar of the shirt. "Why did mother buy this shirt a little too tight?" she thought as she walked to the office. "Hello?" she called out lowly as she opened the door slowly. "Can anyone show me where I'm supposed to go?"
In the office a woman with jet black hair was talking looking over a file a moment. "One moment please, Esther we will be with you momentarily." The woman closed her green eyes passing a smile over to the girl. In a moment she had sent the other nearly identical to herself girl away with the file. The only difference in the two was an inch or so in height and the curliness of the other girls hair. "Hello Esther, welcome do you need a room?" She questioned sweetly smiling the entire time. This was Mary sister to Mindi the girl who owned the school.

She was coy with her personality and aside from her dark hair and green eyes, she had pale skin, dark suit type clothing on and possessed qualities closely related to that of a wolf or a dog who was alpha. She was mostly kind however, she had her perks but was happy to always lend a hand.

{sorry I just got to the conversation and realised someone asked for the link. xD can you do me a favour and send it to Hunny? I am not on my computer at the moment and my safari is not working.}
Esther nodded. "Yes please." she replied with a smile across her face. "I'm sorry if I arrived a couple days late." She then adjusted her shirt again and hoisting her backpack across her shoulder. "Are you the principal?" she asked her.
"Good," Mary responded looking down, then she looked up and pulled a census of the students. Her perfect hands were tipped in black nail polish, or as it seemed and when she grabbed a pen did she hear the girl's question.

"Headmistress dear, and no, unfortunately I am not I am simply here to watch the school." Queen was more like it, but staying here in the school was easier for her, staying with her daughter at least and speaking of her the same girl she was speaking to earlier re entered the room.

"Ah good of you to join us Coyoty, Esther this is my daughter Coyoty she will take you to your room. You will be boarded with..." The woman trailed off, "my it seems there is no other applicants in need of boarding. Looks like for my you will have a room to yourself Esther." Mary sent a coy smile towards the girl and gestured to Coyoty who walked up handing her a file.

"It's the activity in the school, all the students names and what they are are listed there." The girl sounded, just like her mother. Then she turned to Esther pushing back her hair and throwing her hand out to the girl. "I am Coyoty," she said smiling similar to her mother. "I will be taking you to your dorm."

"Come back if you need anything okay? Oh and I am Mary. Jack will be in to service your food needs soon, be nice Coyoty." Mary responded as Coyoty gestured Esther towards the door back out where she came.
Finally arrives at the school, schedule and campus map in hand. Although incredibly nervous and scared of what awaits, heads inside the front door. Looking down at the map, he quietly mumbles to himself.

"I can't believe I'm here right now..." He says quietly. Looking around himself once again, he wonders where he should go first.
"Oh, that's nice. It must be fun watching over a huge, beautiful school like this?" Esther replied as she followed her.

Esther was looking around her thoughts trailing off. Then suddenly her glance turned back to Mary . "I get my own room! Sweet!" she thought as there was no one to be in her room with her. It was a good thing towards her that she didn't have a roommate for now. "Will I get one soon because if not that'll be fine." she said.

"I'm Esther." she told her she shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."

She nodded. "Ok. Thanks Headmistress Mary." she said as she followed Coytoy. "So you live here?" she asked the girl.
Caricon straightened his toga as he tapped his briefcase. He walked up to the giant building as he smiled. He doubted he would get the job, but he would love to actually have a job. He hated living on the ruins floor. He walked inside as he walked into the the principal's office and set down his briefcase getting out his application papers out.
After wandering around a bit, he wonders if he is destined to fail. "Why is this place so large...? I can't seem to find anything..." He sighed, finally entering the main office, hoping to get some assistance.

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