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Fantasy Codlark Academy


There is an academy known as Codlark Academy that is located in the old state of Massachusetts. Instead of bored pupils and dry, posh teachers - there are shape shifters, witches, warlocks and other things that you have only seen in fantasy novels. Its the beginning of the year at Codlark and the magic has just begun.
Mr. Ragno speed walked down the hall as the bell rung loudly, his leather bag bouncing against his hip. He was hoping he wasn't going to be late to the class that he was teaching and probably was going to be, but he wasn't the one the blame. It was the sleeping pills he took that made him sleep more longer and deeper and made it so every morning he was frantically getting ready and he was supposed to be already out the door. He sighed lightly as he turned the corner, the classroom a few rooms away.
Greg was scurrying down the hall when the bell rang. Running around as a small cat was not his best idea, considering nobody watches their feet. As he evaded the feet of others Greg was contemplating wether to go to class or not. It's probably best if I go, at least to one class. Greg thought as he weaved his little cat body through the remaining students in the hall. Greg made it to his class and slid in silently. Greg hopped on to a desk his tail swaying behind him. Greg sat patiently awaiting class to begin.
He quickly entered the class, looking at the students before noticing... a cat sitting on a desk. '' Ok then... '' he said quietly. He put down his leather bag as the final bell was about to ring to signal the beginning of class. He looked at the mirror in the backroom and glanced at it for a little. He saw in the reflection , a tannish skinned man with brown quill like hair with 8 spider like eyes. He had a skinny, spindly figure except for the girlish and rather.. big hips that were luckily covered up by the trench coat, a little. He looked back at the cat. '' Sir, may I ask you to please change out of your.. feline form. '' he asked, his voice laced with a faint Italian accent.

( Im going to sleep, I'll be back tomorrow)
Dawn frantically picked up her fallen books from the hallway floor of Codlark Academy. Flustered she stood up with her witchcraft spell text books and sighed, hearing the few girls that had pushed her down. She smoothed her skirt and continued her walk towards her locker.

Dawn had a simple frame. She was 5'5", and with a slim figure. Her face was simple and could be accounted for as "pretty" or "cute". She had honey brown hair that landed just above her collar bones and her bangs were tucked behind her ears. Her face structure was soft besides her edged jawline. The girl wore minimal to no make-up; Light foundation, that blended equally with her skin; thin, brown eyeliner, and a small amount of mascara. Her lips were full enough that they didn't need lip-balm, and her cheeks were rosy enough that they didn't need blush. Faded freckles danced on the bridge of her nose, and her deep brown eyes put her whole elegant face together.

She clicked her locker door open and she stuffed her books on the top shelf, only to replace them with more spell books for her next class.

The bell rang right as she entered the classroom, it was already filled and there were minimal seats left. There was a desk open near the teachers desk and hustled over, setting her books down quietly. She kept her head low as she took out her notebook and pencil, while flipping her text book to the right page...

(Sorry, this was my entry post from last time, I didn't feel like changing it x3)
'' Ok, since its the very beginning of the year. We will learn about simple spells. The more harder ones will begin at the end of the year '' he said in a baritone voice. One of his eyes turned to look at Dawn while the others ones focused on the classroom.

(( Sorry I didn;t reply earlier. I have to go to bed at like 9:30)
Adelina leaned against a locker in the hallway of the large school, looking at her deep red nails. They were filed into short, fine points that looked deadly like the bloody fangs on a snake. She glanced up, seeing several rude looking girls shove a small framed girl onto the ground. The small girl's books splattered the ground as she fell, but she soon picked them up and smoothed her skirt, walking along once again. Adelina tilted her head, her eyes flashing like the sockets of a skull as she looked over the other girl. Dawn Hollenwell, 16, witch. Death at age 57 by wizard. Adde thought to herself, shrugging and opening the locker she was leaning on which happened to her to be her own.

Adelina was a grim reaper with a tall and average frame. Black hair framed her face like the framing to a portrait but with one gray streak running down near her right temple. She was wearing thick and heavy dark makeup to make her eyes seem a bit larger as well as a light gray dress, letting the dress compliment her hips and chest. Adde pulled out a textbook from the locker that had the title: Casting and Conjuring; A Reaper's Guide. Adelina carried the book by her side as she walked to class. She sat near the back, already looking at the clock and counting down the minutes until class was out for the day. She looked up at her odd looking teacher, Mr. Ragno.
Greg took notice to his teacher entering the room. He didn't care much, but he took notice. Greg thought the guy was kind of strange, but he couldn't quite figure out why, maybe it was the guys accent, who knew. As Mr.Ragno finished his sentence directed towards Greg he simply liked his white paw and stared.

Greg also noticed the girl slip in to the class and sit in the back of the room. He turned his head to look at her. Greg's black fur slightly misplaced by the movement. He meowed towards the girl and went back to staring at Mr.Ragno.
Adelina sit up a bit, seeing the boy near the front of the class room meow at her. Her eyes flashed a black, in fact, her whole eye sockets flashed once again like they did when Dawn fell. She rested her elbows on the desk and used her hands to hold up her face and she inspected him. The looks that Adde could give people seemed as if death itself was looking at you, and in a sense it was. She was just another form of death. She smirked a bit at Greg and then sat back again, satisfied with seeing the fur on his back rise a bit. I wonder when you shall die... Maybe you'll be lucky. But I'm too lazy to find out. Adelina thought, shrugging a bit to herself and looking down at her sharp nails before clicking them on her desk and looking up at Mr. Rango.
His eyes darted toward the cat and sneered lightly. '' The spells we will be learning are simple ones. Such as floa.. floatation spells '' he said, having a hard time pronouncing the last word. '' Like this ''. All of a sudden the small cat floated only a few meters off the desk, the tall teacher which did with little hesitation.

( you know when he uses you as a example your screwed for the rest of the year )
Kenna sprinted down the empty hallway, already late for class. She paused to catch her breath as she reached her locker, searching frantically for her spellbooks. Fortunately, her locker was right next to her first class. Unfortunately, as she rummaged through her locker, there was no sign of the books. "Crap" she cursed under her breath. No matter, she still need to catch her class. As she jogged over to the backdoor of the classroom, she smoothed down her pale blonde locks before entering. At 16, Kenna was 5'3 with pale blonde waves down to the small of her back and startling purple eyes. As she snuck in, she caught sight of an adorable cat floating in the air. She hurried to a seat beside a girl with dark hair.
Mr. Ragno looked over at Kenna. '' You are late Ms. Kenna '' he said flatly, still making the cat hover in the air. Mr. Ragno looked lightly upset at her but simply went back to teaching. '' Making something simply hover is rather easy but making it go higher is a little hard ''
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Kenna acknowledge the reprimand by slightly bowing her head. She sighed in relief as Mr. Ragno moved on with the lesson. Lifting her head, she quickly surveyed the rest of the class. The classroom is nearly full. Not surprising. It is a spellcasting class after all.
Adelina crossed her pale skinned arms and inspected the girl that was sitting next to her. Oh how smart... Being late to Ragno's class. Good luck... She thought to herself, smirking at the other girl then turning her attention back to the teacher and watching him levitate the poor cat that had meowed at her when she first walked in. Had it coming to him too. Adde thought, laughing to herself softly and raising an eyebrow at the scene. She sat up a bit and raised her hand, looking at Mr. Ragno and asking her question before he had even called on her, "Exactly, why aren't you teaching us the conjuring and death spells so may of us need to know?" Adelina put emphasis on the word so because she was the only one in the class that might ever have a use for that.
He looked at her. '' Well, those we will cover in two months. Those are more harder for some, even for me '' he said before dropping the cat. '' I know that you Ms. Adelina need to know those but we will cover the simple ones first '' he replied to her, all of his eyes focusing on her. '' You can't just begin learning death spells off the bat. Some students in here can't even make a stone float without making it fly at someone's head '' He glared at a red haired girl who slumped in her seat before he look back at her. '' Imagine if we just began with death spells at the beginning of the year, Half the students in this class would be dead already ''
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Adelina laughed once again at his reply, shaking her head a bit. "Mr. Ragno, do you know what I even am?" She questioned him, her face flickering several times to look like a skull before returning back to normal. "More death around me equals a better reward when I take them back to Hell. Think about it, if half the students here were dead, I would be incredibly strong." She crossed her arms and sat back in her chair, looking over her teacher and almost glaring at him. Cocky bastard. Doesn't even know how I do what I do. Adelina thought, turning up her nose to him, glancing around at the other students.
'' I know exactly what you are you are Adelina Rydell. '' he said sternly to her, glaring right back at her, empty dark eyes staring right into hers. '' I am not an idiot. Don't think I don't know who you are and what you are''. Most students had began to shift uncomfortably in their chairs.

( oooooooo )

( it seems she has some pride )
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OOC: Haha yes she does ^^

Adelina glared at him and said, "Then what am I? Who am I?" She was clearly challenging him and smirked, sitting up more and staring him down. The girl then scoffed, looking out the window as she muttered, "Snarky prick." rolling her eyes and putting her feet up on the desk. "Fight me." Adelina said simply.
Greg was enjoying lazying around as a cat, of course that was until he began to float. To add insult to injury Greg was pretty sure Mr. Ragno had called him simple. Of course his little flight didn't last long, but Greg's pride had already been damaged. Apon his paws hitting the desk Greg scurried into his seat and shifted back to his regular state. Greg was an attractive boy, at least by many females standards. He stood at around

5' 9" with yellowish eyes and a darker skin complexion.

Greg was most pleased when Adelina called the teacher out. A smirk slowly crossed his face.
(Sorry it took so long -_- )

She sat back doodling until the teacher hustled in. First day and the teacher's late? That's the first... She gave her full attention on the lesson but was interrupted by the intimidating girls' comment.

Dawn covered up her mouth with her hand, listening to the confident girl and Mr. Ragno argue. But her attention snuck back to the cat as he shifted to his normal state, eyeing his features until Adde said "Fight me" and she covered up her laugh with a cough. She tucked some fallen pieces of hair behind her ear and listened in on what the teacher was going to say next.
He blinked. '' Your Adelina Marie Rydell, a grim reaper from Sarlet, France. Was the jewel of her family. '' he said to her, a small not noticeable smile. He looped his arms around his back. '' Now Ms. Rydell, need I say more? ''

( heh heh )
Adelina looked at her teacher in shock, gasping and searching his face for any hint of a joke. She found none. The girl sat back in her seat awkwardly, biting her bottom lip and dropping her hair. Adde played with the gray strand of hair that came from her temple. "N-no sir..." She said gently, any sort of power she had disappearing. Adelina bit her lip and glanced at the other girl in the class, Dawn. She didn't focus on her too much before looking at the cat. This is so embarrassing... They will all think I'm a fall out now. Adelina thought, taking a deep breath and shrinking back a bit more.
Fighting the teacher on the first day? Heck yeah! Kenna felt the mortal emotions swirled around her; arrogance, anger, and fear. Fear is the best of all. Kenna took a deep breath as as she absorbed it. Power ran through her body as her eyes glowed lighter purple. As soon as it came, it vanished.
'' Anyway, Floatation spells aren't very hard usually, though it depends on what object it is. For example. Mr. Greg in his cat form is more lighter, that's why I chose him. Also, sorry about that, you were the lightest in the room that was in my range of vision, Mr. Greg. Making a heavier object such as.. a lamp float is more harder. That's why you should start with lighter things first '' he said. Most of his eyes were focused on the class though one was focused on Adelina, it had a sad look as it looked at her.

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