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Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

Homage said:
Since I've spent years trying to escape being called a dude by people, I would prefer not being back there >.>
Why would they call you dude? unless its like me...i call everyone dude
CosmicChangeling said:
I meant suke's waking up to boys and homage waking up to girls.....

Homage said:
Eh. I think Sukes likes boys and girls, so I doubt she'd much care either way.
I don't care either way. Honestly if the girls around here weren't mean/straight and the boy's pathetic I'd be 100% sure I'm not a virgin.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Ugh. People call you dude too? I hate it. Literally why? I have boobs respect the boobs at least call me dudette.

fuck that... you're a broette
I too, have the bewbs. They are not as nice as any of yours I am sure. I'd have to inspect and double check to make sure. But they are mine.
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CosmicChangeling said:
You don't wear the proper bra
I've never been measured/fitted so duh. But like I'm bored enough generally that if you're like "wanna go bra shopping for you?" i'd be like "hell yeah, but in return fair is fair and I get to see some on you." and then you'll give me this look as I try to bargain down how many until i go "fine. None. But you owe me a drink"
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Welcome to this weird portion of the OOC


I am going to die alone. My only contribution to this topic
Brinni said:
I've never been measured/fitted so duh. But like I'm bored enough generally that if you're like "wanna go bra shopping for you?" i'd be like "hell yeah, but in return fair is fair and I get to see some on you." and then you'll give me this look as I try to bargain down how many until i go "fine. None. But you owe me a drink"
Jokes on you I've been fitted and I know what I get...bra shopping for me at this point is like buying socks, I'm in and out of stores like that.
One of my coworkers pulled me aside yesterday telling me that my arch nemesis is out to destroy me.

I mean I felt it and I knew it but she was talking about it I didn't realize how awful.

I asked her why, what did I do so I can fix it and she said nothing, it's just jealousy. He doesnt believe I deserve the success I'm getting so he's going to take it.

I feel like I'm a character in a book right now. I mean I've shared with you guys how I was bullied and it was really bad....like....really really bad. There was one time a girl invited everyone but me to her bday party filmed it and brought it to school for show and tell just to specially show me that I was not invited. Like....I'm no stranger to being bullied.

Idk this kid makes me feel like a little kid again. I hate feeling so small and feeble. I should be thrilled and happy that I got this reward but this fucking kid.....get over yourself kid.

I'm on my way to work internally freaking out about his backlash today.
You should go over his head to his boss and have him talk to whoever told you that and nip it on the bud as fast as possible new that it's not just a feeling.
I talked to my uncle about him. He was a state school graduate and bow is a vp for a company has been a vp for several companies.

He told me this is common, it means I'm doing the right things but going over his head to snitch on him will ruin my career, I'll come off as a whistle-blower and being in the tech industry as a girl I'm going to have more challenges than most just on gender and coming off aa someone who complains and is not a team player is the worst thing I can do for my career.

The best thing I can do is maintain my relationships with the managers as is, build on them and beat him because I'm better.

He told me I have to start getting dirty too, that's just the business world and honest people get demolished. When people recognize you for the good you build more enemies thst try to tear you down. I need to stop looking at it like I'm being bad and thst I'm just defending myself. He did stress don't tear someone down just to tear them down for a promotion....but if someone is out to take you out do whatever it takes to take them out first.

Today the kid was critiquing my calls again and made a comment going "you're going to get super chilly responses doing that."

"Well ill just wear my new jacket for those cold calls." I put on the thing in front of him and his face soured.
Homage said:
Become the Rush. Turn him into dust.
Beat him by being super lame too. You guys realize that the Vps love me because I'm a dork?

When I book a call I'm proud of I take a moment and out on shades and internally say a pun about closing that call....not out loud just the glasses part. The vp of sales saw me do it and laughed....only for the directors then to start encouraging reps to have dork rituals like I do to bring up spirits.

Social anxiety and having zero grasp on how to actually communicate with people is somehow working.

I'm gonna beat this kid.....and he can forever complain how I don't deserve anything but....fuck him
Homage said:
Did I mention I was going there in one week?
Because I'm going there in one week.
(:'()(:'()(:'()(:'() I love Disney, I can just never afford to go there (I've been there 5 times but that STILL isn't enough). One day though I will go every year

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Ohhhhhhhhh
I don't care either way. Honestly if the girls around here weren't mean/straight and the boy's pathetic I'd be 100% sure I'm not a virgin.

Well at leas't we know Suspicious is a straight savage now

SirDerpingtonIV said:
I am going to die alone. My only contribution to this topic
Me too actually. It's a great feeling

On another note my internet is back! (woo!) so I am gonna work on a Jean post now. (I changed the font on this and now it looks funny... kill me)
Side note part 2 is I have a tux fitting pretty soon because I am going to prom so I may have to pause in the middle of writing this

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