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Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

Sarah is progressing further and further with her digging. Like a dog with a bone.

While her brother wants to find out why she looks like shit and has his eyes set on the very high and beautiful @SassyWobuffet
if you need help....rachel admitted she loved aidan today. aidan lost his mom today. that's traumatic. He didn't die like the other ill fated students....he got DRUGGED by someone....and is currently very drugged.....you have a lot of points to go here

or frikken erin and salve where homage will ask you a brilliant question and you have the chance to open your character more...
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Will do. Eventually
Hold up. If you're going to join an RP you should do what you can to interact with other PC's, or even NPCs as often as possible, unless there is a specific reason that you don't that actually builds the story. But you have to show it building the story. Otherwise, why even bother joining in the first place? Someone told me once when it comes to writing characters that "someone who is a lone wolf explicitly for the purpose of being a lone wolf is ultimately useless as a character because they contribute literally nothing of importance to the story." you could easily replace them with a lamp and the scene would not change in the slightest. Clearly Cosmic is frustrated by your lack of interaction and I'm starting to get there as well from a writer's perspective. Outside of that little bit with Aidan and Rachel, and Ember keeping guard over the nurse's I can't think of much that your characters have contributed to the story itself. I don't care how rude it sounds, but if you can't give any meaningful contribution I don't know if you should be part of a "detailed" RP. I don't pretend to speak for the others though.
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SirDerpingtonIV said:
I understand your concerns. I am not intent for a lone wolf sort of thing. I am merely lazy.
Honestly, for a "detailed" rp that's even worse. I think @SkyMedic007 has contributed more to the story in the half dozen or so posts that he made a while back than I think your characters have done combined. If you are going to be part of an rp specifically designated detailed you can't be lazy about it. I'm guilty of half assing a couple posts or being minimalistic here and there. I freely admit that, but I always try to contribute to the story somehow even if it's to push things along. And more often than not I overdo it on my next post to make up for it.
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SirDerpingtonIV said:
I understand your concerns. I am not intent for a lone wolf sort of thing. I am merely lazy.

i've...i've literally been begging you to....

*Beats head against the wall*
Brinni said:
Honestly, for a "detailed" rp that's even worse. I think @SkyMedic007 has contributed more to the story in the half dozen or so posts that he made a while back than I think your characters have done combined. If you are going to be part of an rp specifically designated detailed you can't be lazy about it. I'm guilty of half assing a couple posts or being minimalistic here and there. I freely admit that, but I always try to contribute to the story somehow even if it's to push things along. And more often than not I overdo it on my next post to make up for it.
SkyMedic works the medical field in real life. he gave me the outlines for his teacher character which will be used further down the plot. he apologized that he had to peace out buttercup
Let's be patient, please. Some people just hit moments of block for certain characters and parts, and need time. Honestly, this RP moves incredibly fast for a detailed RP. I've seen some go a week with only one post cycle, whereas we get 1-4 a day. Not every character has to be in every scene (That said, if that were the case he shouldn't have even mentioned in ooc what Rachel and Lux were doing).

I wrote Vi out of the scene on purpose because I knew she wouldn't fit. Louise, Natalie, DuValt, and Nialla all got written out by me guessing wrong regarding timing, but none of them will be in the scenes. Hell, half the reason I wrote Salve and Erin in so early (I intended to have them start as NPCs) was to make sure I could get some interactions in since otherwise I'd be sitting here waiting for the posting cycle to finish.
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Brinni said:
I think SkyMedic007 has contributed more to the story in the half dozen or so posts that he made a while back than I think your characters have done combined
That is uncalled for, wrong, and just plain mean.

While I enjoyed Sky's writing, his characters contributed to one class of interactions and (For me specifically) it helped me lead up to the Vi-Louise fight, something which would have happened regardless. Derp's characters have been part of the story since he joined. Is he neglecting two of his characters? Yes, but he's also played a major role in the development of several of my characters (Nialla and Louise). I can't in any way condone or approve of what you said.
Homage said:
Let's be patient, please. Some people just hit moments of block for certain characters and parts, and need time. Honestly, this RP moves incredibly fast for a detailed RP. I've seen some go a week with only one post cycle, whereas we get 1-4 a day. Not every character has to be in every scene (That said, if that were the case he shouldn't have even mentioned in ooc what Rachel and Lux were doing).
I wrote Vi out of the scene on purpose because I knew she wouldn't fit. Louise, Natalie, DuValt, and Nialla all got written out by me guessing wrong regarding timing, but none of them will be in the scenes. Hell, half the reason I wrote Salve and Erin in so early (I intended to have them start as NPCs) was to make sure I could get some interactions in since otherwise I'd be sitting here waiting for the posting cycle to finish.
Fair, and I admit I'm the one that dragged Allysia into the scene. If I did that before you were ready for her Derp I apologize. But if he wanted out of the whole dance scene he could have written his characters out a while ago. But to me this seems like a consistent thing where his characters barely interact with others. The Lux/Ember fight was pretty good and the collab you did with him for Ember/Nia was fantastic. it baffles me that those are the only two times I've seen serious effort put in to his characters, besides some of his Beast posts.

Was what I said mean? Yeah probably. Uncalled for, possibly. But I don't think it was wrong. What Sky did in the once class has affected every single one of us. You've stated how it affected your charaters, it pushed Aidan in to trying to make things easier on his and lexi's friendship because he likes her, and making the the pact with leon to ask both of their crushes to the dance, which has contributed to Jean trying to steal Min both because he likes her and to ruin his brother's life. Yes what Nia did to Ember will have lasting effects, but that one class with sky has done so much more in my opinion. You are more than free to disagree with it.
Homage said:
Let's be patient, please. Some people just hit moments of block for certain characters and parts, and need time. Honestly, this RP moves incredibly fast for a detailed RP. I've seen some go a week with only one post cycle, whereas we get 1-4 a day. Not every character has to be in every scene (That said, if that were the case he shouldn't have even mentioned in ooc what Rachel and Lux were doing).
I wrote Vi out of the scene on purpose because I knew she wouldn't fit. Louise, Natalie, DuValt, and Nialla all got written out by me guessing wrong regarding timing, but none of them will be in the scenes. Hell, half the reason I wrote Salve and Erin in so early (I intended to have them start as NPCs) was to make sure I could get some interactions in since otherwise I'd be sitting here waiting for the posting cycle to finish.
@SirDerpingtonIV @Homage @Brinni @My Pet Poro @The Suspicious Eye @SassyWobuffet

I get very caught up and swept in stories, I begin blocking and setting up future events. This passion can lead to me being to eager, and aggressive when I see potential in characters and where they can go...it can be beautiful or it rears an ugly head in me. I'm sorry Derp. I think I'm mostly frustrated because two years ago you were in the original and you and I bounced off eachother very well. I could be trying to recreate the magic and forcing something that isn't there this go around.

I don't want you getting lost, Derp. And it's part of my neurotic behavior worrying you will get lost on the two seperate plots forming that I'm being more aggressive to get you in.

Everyone here knows i post like a fiend and probably need to calm my tits on the posting level I do. That said....if everyone wants to wrap up the dance in the next couple of posts we can. starting fresh on school monday might be easier....


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