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The fall of Beacon had a great impact on communications. Towns lost contact, people were confused, and, of course, grimm activities got worse. Former Beacon students, who were having a hopeful life some time ago, each roamed different paths. The three kingdoms each tried in their own ways to recover from the damage.
Salem didn't want to stop there. She wanted the downfall of humanity to happen, and in order for it to happen, the rest of the kingdoms had to fall. The problem she had was that resistance was gathering. Some unseen group was being run, hidden from her pawns.
Will our crew be able to find out what's going on and stop the terrible plan? Or will they perish in front of a great force?
Cuprum blinked. After the fall of Beacon, everything seemed to be going down to hell level. His team was split, and he couldn't hear from them. His dad had works to do. In fact, he was one of the few dust ammunition designers around the town, so he had too much job. For Cuprum himself, he was waiting for someone who shared the same pain with him.
Four former Beacon students, once in different teams, now promised to gather up as a new team. Their first job was to meet near the border of Vale, to prepare for a journey they might have. In his way, he got calls from his mom every twenty minutes, and heard gunshots and howls from afar as he got closer to the borders.
Clearly things weren't good.
A guard protecting the border gate walked towards Cuprum. He showed the guard his scroll, with his profile on it.
"Former Beacon student. I'm waiting for my friends to arrive."
The guard investigated the scroll, shrugged, and walked back to the gate.
Alice looked around slightly on edge. She'd never tried somthing like this before, something this bold. Could she really survive outside the kingdom? Can she count on her skills to get her through this? Most importantly- could she count on the people she will meet to help her? These were the questions in the back of her mind as she approached the gate. She showed her scroll to the guard without saying a word.

Alice glanced at the student already here. She avoided watching him for too long, don't want to look creepy... She sat on the ground cross legged, sometimes her rabbit ears would twitch or turn to face somthing if there was a noise.
Cuprum put his hands into his pockets when he saw another student approach. Without any hesitation he approached her, hands now out of the pockets. He saw that she was a rabbit faunus.
"Hey, are you one of the Beacon students that promised to meet here?"
He said. If she was, he had someone to wait with and one less person to wait for. If she wasn't, he'd say sorry and stay awkwardly in the corner. Either ways he wouldn't know if he didn't ask.
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Alice's ears perked up and she was quickly looking up at the stranger before her "I am." She said simply, quickly standing up to her modest height of 5'1, ears would make her 6'1 though, so she had to look up to the person in front of her. Alice held out her hand "Alice Blue, Beacon's best bunny. Nice t' meet cha!" She had actually rehearsed this line the day before just so she'd make a good first impression.
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Ruby was walking to school, having a messenger bag as she looks around before soon after a bit seeing two students. She stops and tilts her head, watching the two curiously standing there before suddenly sneezes giving away her position
Umber leaned up against a tree and looked up at the sky. He missed his teammates a lot nowadays and he was sure that he would miss them even more. During the attack on beacon, one of his members died protecting a regular civilian, and the other two were gravely injured. He was sure that they would eventually heal, but the two probably wouldn't come back. He pushed a hand through his hair and thought about his parents. He was sure that they were worried sick, but since they hadn't been hurt, he was glad.

The deer Faunus, moved away from the tree and approached the gate that separated vale from the rampaging grim.He heard the roars and saw two other students, one a faunus. He gave her a polite nod, and showed the guard his scroll. "You know going alone is a suicide mission right?" Umber just nodded mournfully. "Why don't you wait for your team?" "I can't. They fell during the attack." The guard looked sympathetic, but stern. "Look I can't let a student go out alone right now." He frowned but started to walk away.
"Cuprum Buckshot, firesupport with extra three eyes."
Cuprum smiled a bit and lightly shook her hand.
"Now we got two more to meet."
He said. He then turned his head to see at two others. Who were now in his sight. One seemed like a possible party, one other seemed to be a stranger passing by. He got to the girl first.
"Hey, are you one of the guys who promised to meet here?"
He said, and turned to the deer faunus. The faunus seemed to be going alone. An extra member wouldn't hurt. He thought. He called the faunus too.
"What if he does have someone to go with?"
He told the guard, winking at the faunus.
"If the team gathers, we'll get the basics prepared and get going."
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge angelbim10 angelbim10 Moonflight Moonflight
Grey after a long walk alone had finally found the gate he is supposed to find. He looked exhausted as he walked very slowly across the ground. He appears to have that he has been through a previous attack with his teammates. All of them died in front of him. His brown colored whip holstered to his left side of his whip covered in red stains. Small puffs of steam leaks from under his mask in every breath he takes. Upon reaching the gate guarded by security guards he saw what it seems to be a group of student figures. His gas mask didn't really help. Walking closer to the gate. He approached the them without second thoughts. He walked to them like a limped zombie with his scroll held tight to his left hand. RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Duke of Doge Duke of Doge angelbim10 angelbim10 Moonflight Moonflight
Alice followed Cuprum, she smiled at the deer faunus and opened her mouth to speak, but cut herself off as she saw the new student enter the scene she took a step forward to help him, extending a hand half way before stopping herself and taking two steps backwards, clapping her hands together over her chest she turned away from him a bit. 'That mask...' In Alice's mind, there were two kinds of people who wear masks, those who use them to hide their identity so they are not associated with the actions they may take (usually bad ones) and those who are disfigured in some way.

The mask, coupled with the zombie like walk. Made Alice actually scared of the newcomer. It was just so... outputting. It wasn't visible much in her face, but her ears were drooping low. A clear sign she was distraught if you knew what to look for in faunus behavior.

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Moonflight Moonflight Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre angelbim10 angelbim10
While walking towards his destination. Grey noticed a figure was staring directly to him. He can't tell the facial expression they are making nor what they clearly look like. The cloudiness of his mask was blurring his vision. Wiping the mask while walking he has now a better view in front of him. He was now closer to the gate. Grey stared back to the figure earlier. It was a young female faunus. The rabbit ears gave him the idea. He stood still in his spot and stared back to the faunus. He stood in complete silence, chest out with fists clenched. Seems like he's thinking of what to say towards the group. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Alice returned the state, she was now visibly creeped out by this guy. But she was a huntress in training! She can't let some creepy guy prevent her from reaching her goals. She sucked up her fear and took a few steps towards the boy "Don't you know it's impolite to stare at a lady? At least take off the mask so I know which part of me your looking at!" She spoke firmly, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked him up and down.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Grey puffed a small puff of steam under his mask after the faunus spoke to him. Walking five steps forward he came to a complete stop after the fifth step. Placing his left hand over his hip, finally he spoke.

"Look i'm sorry for the long stare. Please don't think of me for that kind guy. I'm not into that kind of stuff."
Grey spoke with a soft accent. His low voice sounded very hollow and echoing as if he was talking through a empty hallway.

"Besides i was just clarifying if what i am seeing is correct. If there are survivors sweet cheeks." But despite his strange voice it's sounds like he can't be taken seriously due to how soft spoken he sounds. Sure the the Faunus maybe a bit rude and assuming but at least he's gotta make some polite apologies for staring he guessed. The "Sweet cheeks" part simply slipped form his tongue without him noticing.

He crossed his arms almost imitating the Faunus. "People nowadays are too assuming" he said in his mind. He completely ignored the Take-off mask demand. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Ruby watches staying silent the whole time, a ghost she presumed. She was use to being a ghost by now, she looks down and just walks past the group hoping no one would notice her as she quietly hides her face behind her hair not wanting to be noticed by anyone
Looking at the situation change, Cuprum stepped between Alice and the gas mask man.
"Woah, calm down. We don't want to fight with a possible future teammate."
He said. The atmosphere could turn hostile, and it would not be a good start. He looked at everyone. Alice, the other girl, the faunus, and the gas mask man.
"Now, any of you, except for me and Alice, who have confirmed, who came to form a team to travel outside after talking to other students via your scroll, raise your hand."
He said, attempting to settle things down.
Moonflight Moonflight Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre angelbim10 angelbim10
She stops and looks over confused, "S... scrolls? What scrolls" she asked quietly not having one for some reason
She stops and looks over confused, "S... scrolls? What scrolls" she asked quietly not having one for some reason
Cuprum looked at the girl.
"You don't have a scroll?"
He said, and rummaged through his pocket. He then pulled out his own, showing it to her.
"It's a communication device given to.. Beacon students. Some of us managed to contact each other and promised to meet here."
Then that one's out. But that's strange... There were total of four people. Cuprum thought. He shrugged. Maybe the fourth member decided to go solo or something.
She checked herself before finding one, "Huh....I seem to have got one myself." She looks at him, "Who are you"
Alice narrowed her eyes at the boy, finally dropping her arms "S-" she went to speak but was cut off by cuprum 'I wasn't going to fight him...' she sighed before looking around to everyone "right. Well I'm going to wait by the gate. My stuff is already paaaacked. Wait." She took off her bag and quickly dug through it. "Found it!" She pulled out a map, laying it onto the ground as she then knelt down to study it. "Where to go..." she thought out loud, scratching a non existent beard.
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Moonflight Moonflight angelbim10 angelbim10
Grey's attention was cut off by the rest of the group. Grey looked ever the human male who seems to know what the situation is. "I am not looking for trouble right now chap. Besides we are in the brink of danger here. There is no time to throw down a duel or two. " He assumed the guy is just worried but really there is nothing to worry about since he was just talking like he always does. Upon mentioning the scrolls Grey realized he was holding his. "You mean the thing texted in this dohickey?" Grey raised his scroll up before tossing it to the boy. Grey noticed just now that there is an extra female with them. Impressive she managed to get around without him noticing her. Grey was quite impressed while staring into the girl. RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan angelbim10 angelbim10 Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Moonflight Moonflight
She looks over and saw Grey, she felt immediate shyness as she quickly looks away and back at the man who seemed to be the leader though she was not sure. Ruby quietly plays with her hair, trying to calm herself
Cuprum caught the scroll the gas mask man threw. He checked the messages and confirmed. That was the third guy.
"Yeah, and its name is scroll."
He said as he walked over to hand it back. He then turned to the red haired girl.
"Cuprum Buckshot. Nice to meet you."
He then turned to everyone.
"I'm one of the four people who promised to meet up here and go out the borders. But since we don't have the fourth member, we'll have to finish up the official team, and move on or something."
He announced. An official team is a team of four, but they didn't care about it for now. More firepower would make their travel easier.
Ruby looks through her bag, "Wait I found it!" She pulls out her scroll and shows him, it was just like theirs. She looks at him, "My name is Ruby.." she replies back quietly
Alice looked up at the other three. "So we're a team? Ok. That's fine." She paused "what's our goal, here... exactly?" She asked. "I was just told to be here. Like... what's our goal?"

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