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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot) - Additional IC

Artorias one of the four knights of Gywn had time off for once which was odd for him he had constantly done his duty and never wanted a reward or time off for it he was just doing his duty and doing what he was told to do but having time off felt suprsingly good for him he smiled under his armor he never seemed to want to take his armor off as he felt week without it the same with his greatsword and shield he felt defenseless without them aswell but just as he was taking a step forward he heard something running at him from behind him he quickly unsheated his sword spun around and cut what was running at him in half, upon closer examination he could see that the creature was human like but it was corpse like almost Hollow.

Artorias heard crumbling almost like a building was being destroyed he looked around and noticed everything around him was changing it was becoming more depressing and withered it was as if the gods themselves were changing the clock forwards, then everything stopped Artorias looked around gripping his sword tightly the buildings were almost rubble moss had made its way onto every wall and into every crack the plants certainly seemed over grown, Artorias heard footsteps to see a group of the creatures he would call Hollows charging at him with swords in there hands with a roar Artorias charged into the group and swung his sword.
[QUOTE="Knight Artorias]Artorias one of the four knights of Gywn had time off for once which was odd for him he had constantly done his duty and never wanted a reward or time off for it he was just doing his duty and doing what he was told to do but having time off felt suprsingly good for him he smiled under his armor he never seemed to want to take his armor off as he felt week without it the same with his greatsword and shield he felt defenseless without them aswell but just as he was taking a step forward he heard something running at him from behind him he quickly unsheated his sword spun around and cut what was running at him in half, upon closer examination he could see that the creature was human like but it was corpse like almost Hollow.
Artorias heard crumbling almost like a building was being destroyed he looked around and noticed everything around him was changing it was becoming more depressing and withered it was as if the gods themselves were changing the clock forwards, then everything stopped Artorias looked around gripping his sword tightly the buildings were almost rubble moss had made its way onto every wall and into every crack the plants certainly seemed over grown, Artorias heard footsteps to see a group of the creatures he would call Hollows charging at him with swords in there hands with a roar Artorias charged into the group and swung his sword.


Thel Vadam

Dark Souls Universe

A portal appeared and out of it fell the Arbiter: Thel Vadam but before he could register where he was, he heard Hollows roar as they charged at him and before he could blink, he had drew Prophet's bane was cutting them down, certain traits of these opponents reminded him of the flood though they lacked the mutations, and they seemed to be almost a lesser threat to the arbiter the flood could think were these hollows could not, but Thel Would be a fool to underestimate his opponents.

When Thel had cut down the last hollow, he finally registered he wasn't on Sangheilios and instead he appeared to be in some primitive human village that was in a state of ruin as most wall were covered in moss and were crumbling around him, he seemed to be the only life around aside from the Hollows and as Thel wandered around the village he encountered more Hollows. And cut them down just as fast.
billthesomething said:

Thel Vadam

Dark Souls Universe

A portal appeared and out of it fell the Arbiter: Thel Vadam but before he could register where he was, he heard Hollows roar as they charged at him and before he could blink, he had drew Prophet's bane was cutting them down, certain traits of these opponents reminded him of the flood though they lacked the mutations, and they seemed to be almost a lesser threat to the arbiter the flood could think were these hollows could not, but Thel Would be a fool to underestimate his opponents.

When Thel had cut down the last hollow, he finally registered he wasn't on Sangheilios and instead he appeared to be in some primitive human village that was in a state of ruin as most wall were covered in moss and were crumbling around him, he seemed to be the only life around aside from the Hollows and as Thel wandered around the village he encountered more Hollows. And cut them down just as fast.
Artorias was breathing heavily the Hollows were relentless as they kept charging towards him he had been at this for about an hour now he tried to figure out what actually happened it was obvious that time had aged itself or possibly the gods could be doing this to punish him somehow yet Artorias had not done anything wrong at least from what he was aware, Was serving Gywn wrong do the gods have something against him, The sounds of Hollows being cut down distraced him from what was happening he looked towards the location of the noise to find something not Human in any way cutting down the Hollows.
[QUOTE="Knight Artorias]Artorias was breathing heavily the Hollows were relentless as they kept charging towards him he had been at this for about an hour now he tried to figure out what actually happened it was obvious that time had aged itself or possibly the gods could be doing this to punish him somehow yet Artorias had not done anything wrong at least from what he was aware, Was serving Gywn wrong do the gods have something against him, The sounds of Hollows being cut down distraced him from what was happening he looked towards the location of the noise to find something not Human in any way cutting down the Hollows.

As Thel Cut Through another Hollows, he took notice of Artorias, who much like Thel seemed to be tiring from the hollowsrelentless assault, knowing that he might need Artorias assistance if he were to know where he was or perhaps how he possible got here then he need the knight alive. Thel Drew out his Type-51 Carbine and shot the Hollows that surrounded Artorias
Originally posted by @Noivian

Frisk seemed to have wandered through a portal, into another universe! Things were so different here that the girl got all turned around and wound up in a battle of some sorts. What was going on? Who were these people? Where they monsters? Was this the surface? It was all so confusing!

@Knight Artorias @billthesomething
billthesomething said:
Originally posted by @Noivian
Frisk seemed to have wandered through a portal, into another universe! Things were so different here that the girl got all turned around and wound up in a battle of some sorts. What was going on? Who were these people? Where they monsters? Was this the surface? It was all so confusing!

@Knight Artorias @billthesomething
Thal glanced back and noticed Frisk, he didn't have time to question why she was here, only that she needed to be somewhere safer like closer to him and Artorias "Child Come Here!" Thel Shouted to Frisk as he shot Hollows that were charging at her
billthesomething said:
Thal glanced back and noticed Frisk, he didn't have time to question why she was here, only that she needed to be somewhere safer like closer to him and Artorias "Child Come Here!" Thel Shouted to Frisk as he shot Hollows that were charging at her
Originally Posted By @Noivian

Giving a terrified squeak, Frisk ran over to the one who called her, dodging his bullets and the attacks of the Hollows on her heels. "Where are we? What's going on?" she asked.
billthesomething said:
Originally Posted By @Noivian
Giving a terrified squeak, Frisk ran over to the one who called her, dodging his bullets and the attacks of the Hollows on her heels. "Where are we? What's going on?" she asked.
"I Do Not Know Child, Just Keep Down And I Shall Handle This" He placed the carbine back onto his back thinking that he might need to conserve ammo for the future. He drew Prophet's Bane and Began cutting through Hollows keeping them away from Frisk
Originally posted by @Knight Artorias

Artorias was getting extremely tired by now and was contemplating letting the Abyss consume him as he had contact with it before but then he noticed his supposed ally and a child so he knew that if he did he would probably go on a rampage and kill the both of them.

@billthesomething @Noivian
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Originally posted by @RedTeam Grif

"Stomp and smash, Torr!" Echoed the rather high-pitched growly voice and a deep growl answering her and the sound of something being smashed. "Big bossy not here, where we?!" The little high-pitched voice seemed to get aggrivated as heavy steps echoed as well. "Bone men not in Outworld, we in NetherRealm?" A grunt came from the one she was talking to, Torr.

@billthesomething @Knight Artorias
billthesomething said:
Originally posted by @Knight Artorias
Artorias was getting extremely tired by now and was contemplating letting the Abyss consume him as he had contact with it before but then he noticed his supposed ally and a child so he knew that if he did he would probably go on a rampage and kill the both of them.

@billthesomething @Noivian
"A Tactical Retreat would be advisable" Thel Shouted to Artorias as he sliced a Hollows in half with his blade "Take The Child"
billthesomething said:
"A Tactical Retreat would be advisable" Thel Shouted to Artorias as he sliced a Hollows in half with his blade "Take The Child"
Originally posted by @Knight Artorias

Artorias just gave Thel a weird look before picking up Frisk with ease and spun around doing a 720 and cutting a few in half before sprinting off like a mad man.

originally posted by @RedTeam Grif

Ferra heard some fighting and the loud shout from Thel. "We not alone, Torr." She said, then made a light growl to Torr and he walked toward the sounds. They noticed all the Hollows and Ferra's blades switch forward. "Knock down puny enemies" She growled to Torr, who let out a loud roar-ish sound and ran right through the horde. Ferra growled and Torr picked her up off his back and threw her. She landed on a Hollow and stabbed her blades into its head before Torr got close enough and she jumped and she caught her and she moved back onto his back. Torr could take damage, swinging his huge fists and decapitating a Hollow/
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originally posted by @RedTeam Grif

Torr didnt move until Ferra decided it was best to not be surrounded by enemies. "Follow, Torr" SHe pointed whenre the armored alien went and Torr ran after him, knocking anything out of his way.
billthesomething said:
Originally posted by @RedTeam Grif @Noivian
Thel's mind was wrecked with confusion and three question laid in the forefront of his mind, where was he? had he traveled back into earth's past? and why were the flood here? surly the human could answer some "Human Where are we?"
billthesomething said:
Thel's mind was wrecked with confusion and three question laid in the forefront of his mind, where was he? had he traveled back into earth's past? and why were the flood here? surly the human could answer some "Human Where are we?"
originally posted by @Knight Artorias

"I don't know anymore this place used to be what I protected but It has changed to drastically." Artorias said being mentally defeated still confused as to why all this happened
billthesomething said:
originally posted by @Knight Artorias
"I don't know anymore this place used to be what I protected but It has changed to drastically." Artorias said being mentally defeated still confused as to why all this happened
The Arbiter sighed as he nodded "What is the name of this land?" Thel found it would do him good to get himself as well informed if he were to stay here for long
billthesomething said:
The Arbiter sighed as he nodded "What is the name of this land?" Thel found it would do him good to get himself as well informed if he were to stay here for long
originally posted by @Knight Artorias

"Lordran this land is called Lordran it is my homeland I myself serve under Lord Gywn with three other knights, what land do you come from you must be new here and if so have these creatures been in your land?" Artorias answered and then asked Thel
[QUOTE="Knight Artorias]"Lordran this land is called Lordran it is my homeland I myself serve under Lord Gywn with three other knights, what land do you come from you must be new here and if so have these creatures been in your land?" Artorias answered and then asked Thel


Thel Vadam

Dark Soul Universe

"Lordran i have never heard any other human speak of this land where the dead seem to rise on their own accord. as for where i hail it is called Sangheilios and no they have not" Thel shook his head "though i have faced similar creatures, the flood"
Origianlly posted by @Vampiress

Claire Hart:Angel Grove/Power Ranger Universe

Claire Hart was sitting in Angel Grove high cafeteria holding her morpher in her pocket. "I'm so bored now that Trini, Billy, Zack, Tommy, Kat, Rocky, Adam, Aisha, Jason, and Kim are all out of school." She said to herself since no one was sitting by her. "I wonder if Jason is back from his trip yet." She said. Claire decided to go to Earnie's since she didn't have a last class. She got up morpher tucked safetly in her pocket and she walked to Earnie's. Perhaps my sis is there working. She thought happily as she walked.
billthesomething said:
"it is not a far away land human, but a distant Planet" Thel had shut off his energy blade, but if anymore Hollows were to come after him then power it up and begin slash on a moments notice. He turns his attention from the knight over to the child "What of you child, this land your home? or are you from elsewhere?" @Noivian
"A distant planet?" Artorias thought to himself "I always thought that was impossible, guess I must have been wrong I mean we do have flying lizards that can breath fire." Artorias thought.

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