"So you think that just because the clone bodies were destroyed, any problems that came with them were also destroyed? I dunno, Laddie." Lucky mewed. "That is possible, but even I haven't been able to get as angry as I used to without fainting, yet I don't feel paranoid about shit. Sarge and Grif have already proven themselves too stupid to know what to do with the genetic samples the Freelancers created, so that takes care of that fear. Unlike Megumin, though, I see the kind of shit that went down in Blood Gulch on a daily basis." The little lagomorph stuck the tip of his nub into his mouth. "Then again, I'll admit I did react pretty harshly to seein' Kassandra in the Meta suit, so maybe I'm just unknowingly hiding me paranoia. The jade helps, of course. So, again, it's possible. But if the experience literally scared it out of her, then wouldn't she forget how to cast Explosion at a-"


"Jesus Christ, Lassie, we'll figure out how to fix you faster if you stop stealin' me behaviors."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Being the lone wolf she was Lilith didn't seem to be too inclined about heading back with everyone else, she was by herself far away from the others and felt obligated to write in her diary due to her being on her own, after she finished she sit at the nearest wall to unwind for a bit and reflect on the situation.

Unfortunately today was pretty eventful, but if you were sent to some random city and be forced to be held hostage only for a guy in a red mask to save you then what else would you expect? I will admit I've screwed up a few times, which kind of makes me feel worse about myself, especially when Blake scolded me and that other girl. But we became a little close at least. What I didn't expect however was to cheer someone else up, I never thought I would be doing that when I'm usually on the receiving end, it felt pretty good honesty.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Red hood)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake)
Topless Topless (Venus)
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“Yeah, I think you are. I don’t blame you for being paranoid, but it’s over now Lucky, it’ll be fine. All we have to do is take down Ganondorf so we can go home AH.”

Megumin surprises Rex by speaking up, interrupting his sentence. “You need to calm down, Megumin. What’s it gonna take for you to calm down besides getting that stupid jade back?”

P PopcornPie

  • Yeah, this Jacques man was certainly not going on Arthur's "Nice" list. When called a brute, the American narrowed his eyes out of irritation, though it seemed like RWBY had similar notions to the angry old guy. When Hiryu began to threaten Jacques, Morgan nearly made a move before stopping himself. Partially because Jacques wasn't exactly a likable man (in fact, the old guy reminded him of a certain Leviticus Cornwall), and partially because it seemed like Jacques wasn't going to help them in the first place. Only afterwards did he watch Megumin stomp off in a fit, forcing a soft groan from Morgan. Thankfully, some people dealt with the rampant girl- and a handful of people who wanted to get rid of Jacques.

    If Morgan was brutally honest? He wouldn't have minded knocking Jacques out and leaving the angry old man in a corner. Sure, they kind of needed him for the codes, but he had a sinking suspicion that Weiss' father was going to drag his heels through the entire process. He mentally chewed on this thought for a short while- as though he were savoring some chewing tobacco- whilst walking over to a nearby window (if there was one), trying to look outside and see what was going on.

    Too bad his train of thought was interrupted by the sounds of a potentially bad fire brewing. He looked over to see people trying to calm the insane little girl down, to no avail.


    At this point, Arthur couldn't help but facepalm for a good few seconds.​

    Only once he felt like he wasn't going to pull a Micah and start blasting people's faces off did Morgan walk over to the trapped Megumin, who was screaming about killing a "Director". At least she wasn't a threat any more thanks to newcomer Rex, whom Arthur nodded at gratefully before addressing the insane kid, hiding his frustration as best as he could.

    "Look, kid. You don't need no stinkin'... giant explosion spell to make a difference. Or some gismo that makes you turn into a bloodthirsty monster. And trust me, you don't want to become a monster anyways, unless you want to end up a nut job like Micah." The disgust in his voice when pronouncing the rat's name was warranted anger, unlike Megumin's unjustified fury.

    "You think Jason or I have some fancy schmancy ability to make things we look at explode on command? You don't need powers to make a difference, but common sense definitely is a good way to start." He remarked, though at this point he looked over to the Red Hood for at some help. Once more, he didn't have a silver tongue, so talking someone down wasn't exactly his specialty.
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"Hmph. I don't care how long ago it was, we were treated as a pawns, and we shouldn't take it sitting down." Otherwise, Lucky nodded in agreement. "Look, Lassie, I'm pissed about what happened to us, too. But we have bigger fish to fry. We wanna get to Toffee? We have to beat Cobblepot down first. And, hey, I could teach Luffy to use a gun. I can teach you, too." He couldn't help but chuckle. Now Lucky was finally on his way to becoming sane in the others' eyes!

Megumin's seething hot rage burned away the dam in her tearducts, and she kept pounding while crumpling to the bottom of the bubble. "None of you get it! Explosion was my pride and joy since I was a little, little child. It saved my life, and, since then, I've pursued the archwizard path solely to master Explosion magic. I never asked for it to be taken away. So what if I can still use it in dreams? You just can't get by on spells you can only use in dreams. When this is over, and I'll be sent home, I'll be a laughingstock! Beyond that, I can only assume that the person who disabled my magic is the only one who can give it back to me, and chances are slim that we'll meet him again." She couldn't even bring herself to look at the three. "Do you understand my stress now? This spell I fell so madly in love with, this spell I'm renowned for far and wide, was lost to circumstances beyond my control, and there's nothing I can do to bring it back! It'll forever be an unsettled score!"

"I'll say it again, Lassie, I don't know what else to tell you." Lucky shook his head, his ears dangling. "Nobody here is a brain surgeon, or a psychologist, or whatever it is we need to help you. All you can do is whatever you can with the weapons you've been given, right?"

Megumin went quiet, rubbing her Spartan Laser. "My staff is pretty much useless now..." She mumbled. "...I know, I was already forced to use non-Explosion weapons as a Red Team member. But I never wanted to be forced into it permanently. And nobody in Belzerg will want this laser around. They might accuse me of cheating at best, and its mere presence in my world will cause a disruption at worst."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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“We weren’t paw- well.. yeah the director is an idiot but that’s not the point.” Megumin then decided to go on this giant rant, kind of like how Lucky does all the time.

“(So it begins.) It doesn’t matter if we’re in dream worlds or not. You can use it whenever you want. You just got to believe in yourself, that’s all. (Ugh, AND I’m starting to sound like Sora.) if you were scared in the dream world and still managed to use it, then you can do it here.”

P PopcornPie
Chronology: Ultimate

MENTAL CONDITION: Horrified, Furious
LOCATION: Atlas Sewers
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
MENTIONS: @SewerGroup

Alexis wasn't surprised when Lobo shrugged off her Point Blank Thermite like nothing, seeing as she only targeted his clothes. However, him shrugging off Point Blank Anti-Armor was definitely unexpected. Normally that spell could melt through several inches of steel armor with ease, much less flesh and bone. The alien man''s durability wasn't his only outstanding quality, seeing as he easily shrugged off sword slashes, bullets, and ice magic as well as fire magic. This man's Shard capacity was insane, but remained to be seen just how far it could go. Alexis was willing to wager that at some point, if she expended enough Aether into a spell, she could kill him. That was only a guess though, and she wasn't willing to expend so much on a lesser threat when they still had Ganondorf to handle down the line.

The kitsune was ready to deliver a round of Point Blank Thermites to Lobo’s more vulnerable areas, but her attention was soon taken up by Sage determining that it would be a good idea to rush straight towards the nearly invincible man and use martial arts on him. Judging by how strong Lobo had proved himself so far, she could count the number of people she trusted to handle the alien in close quarters combat on her fingers. All of these people had godly strength and martial prowess that surpassed mortals...qualities that Sage did not possess.

Alexis practically held her breath as Sage landed his first two attacks, which were admittedly effective, but then the boy got overconfident. It was nice to see him growing more and more comfortable using his powers, but it was definitely getting to his head a little. That said, there was nothing worse than seeing someone you care about pay the price for their overconfidence. Sage probably got in some lucky shots the first couple of times, but after his latest move, Lobo got ahold of the boy’s leg and crushed it. Alexis cringed at the sickening crunch, but it didn’t stop her from running for the Sage as he was being tossed aside. Ignoring her previous reservations against sewer water, Alexis leapt to catch Sage as he fell. "SAGE!!!"

Once the boy was as safe as he could be while in the middle of combat, that is, being cradled in Alexis’s tails, Alexis did her best to care for him. While the kitsune couldn’t see the full extent of the damage, from what she could see and feel, what Lobo did to Sage was not pretty. As soon as Alexis used an Aether knife to cut open Sage’s pants to see the damage, she could tell that the alien practically shattered Sage’s tibia and fibula into a dozen pieces with several pieces sticking out and causing severe bleeding. The flesh around his shin was mangled and torn open such that bone was visible from the outside, while the entire leg itself bent twice from the knee to the ankle. "Oh God, Sage..." These were open fractures, and if Sage didn’t get surgery immediately, he would run the risk of infection and losing his entire leg. It didn’t help that they were in a sewer. All Alexis could do right now was to use Aether to stop the bleeding and hold the leg together. She had to protect Sage until they were out of the sewers so she could perform some field surgery on the boy. It was times like these that made her wish that she had a greater grasp on healing magic, but it is what it is. "Just hold on, I’ll make sure you are okay… Don’t give up."

When she determined that Sage would be okay for the moment, she decided to turn her attention back to the fight, only to see Deadpool getting torn into two like nothing. That sight, combined with the horrific injury sustained by Sage flipped a switch in Alexis’s mind. She didn’t care about how much Aether she wasted, she was going to make sure Lobo isn’t going to walk out of this encounter alive. No one who’s hurt one of her cared ones gets to live if Alexis has a say in it. "Lobo, you f###ing degenerate excuse of a living being…I am going to MAKE. YOU. B U R N !!!"

With three of her tails occupied by Sage, Alexis settled for using only six. She bundled them into two bundles of three and began to gather Aether from the surrounding air, filling the spaces in between the fur and the tails with more and more Aether. As the tails were filled with the embodiment of the concept of energy to perform change, Alexis set her tails ablaze, turning the Aether that was being drawn in into pure fire. At first, there was only a faint glow emanating from between the strands of fur, but the fire quickly grew in intensity, and before long, each of the two bundles raged like furnaces trying to contain a sun. The roar of flames filled the tunnel as Alexis pointed the two bundles at Lobo. Alexis’s own roar rang out with same intensity as she released all the fire built up in her tails, "KUROKI LETHAL MOVE: DOUBLE FOXFIRE THERMOBARIC RAILGUN!!!!!"

The release started out with two thin lines of flame that locked onto Lobo’s head and chest, somehow burning far hotter than her previous attack. As the milliseconds ticked away, the beam would grow in diameter and get even hotter. At its peak, the beam was nearly a foot in diameter and burned as hot as the surface of the sun. Alexis would maintain this for several more seconds, but in the meanwhile, paying attention to where her teammates were was an optional task.

ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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Hearing Megumin, she sighed. Explosion really was the only thing she had... But didn't she know anything else? There must be something else she can use. Blake looked at her teammates. "Hold on a second." Looking at Megumin, she called her over. "Megumin! Come over here, please."

Once she would come over to Blake, she looked at her. "Megumin, listen, I know you're upset about Explosion. But, this doesn't mean you can't learn any other spells until you get it back. Don't you know any other spells? If you do, think of it like your backup spells. That way, you can still help without Explosion. And if we get to stay here for a little bit after Cobblepot, there's an ice cream shop here."


Mood: Fearful, Hurting, Proud
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage had once been aiming to roll safely back to the ground, but had somehow gotten caught before he could do so. Even as he was dangling face-to-face with the huge scary man, --holding finger guns at first because the banter couldn't be stopped landing or no landing--, he still glared back at the enemy with hints of annoyance, attempting to bring his hand back up to flamethrow him in the face as the high wave of confidence and determination proportionated no hesitation whatsoever. Yet all movement came to a halt once the other had begun to squeeze his leg with impressive amounts of force, the sheer intensity of pain being enough to disrupt the pattern he had going.

He had pushed his luck too much...
The pyromancer's eyes widened as the previously set-aside fear came back gradually. It began with a normal in-between of grunting and yelling and shot through the roof into STRAIGHT PAINFUL SCREAMING, prompted by physical damage that once more set a new record, as the white and red pattern of his pants gained an added blood crimson splosh. And he STILL KEPT GOING. Enjoying the young man's suffering like one enjoyed a good piece of music. Then it had finally broken like nothing, the sickening noise being the cruellest final punch to the stomach of both physical and mental trauma. Lobo's bike, or whichever was left of it by now, had spontaneously combusted for being the one and only free object in the background where the emotional shock could manifest at. Maybe one day he would learn to target those outbursts into the actual source of the problem, but it was not this day.

With mental faculties slowly shutting down, Sage would find himself in the air again, his vision blurring and vignetting as his almost limp body was sent towards one of the tunnel walls. Even so, even in this state he, couldn't help but be filled with some kind of fulfilment, a speck of pride, for doing his absolute best in such a tough situation; For sticking to it until he ultimately could not anymore. He might have gained a new max for felt pain, yet, not having stayed inert once more came, with a bit of a backwards wave of refreshment.

Experience or no experience, he had given it his all.
Though maybe, it shouldn't have been Leo the pyromancer should have worried about, but himself.

He felt his trajectory get thwarted, caught by Alexis, despite not having seen it in his current state. Even her calling his name sounded muffled and distant even though she was right there. It didn't take too long for the world to go black; The combos of ridiculous amounts of pain, bloodloss and mental shock taking an incredible toll on him.

He passed out, but despite everything, Sage had left into unconsciousness with a soft, satisfied smile for still trying and holding it out for as long as he had managed to. He might have been beat, but he had surely left his mark in the ongoing fight and their brutal attacker.
And to be able to help somehow, without causing more trouble felt, truly accomplishing...
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"Cuz I'm better than YOU!" Lobo shouted in response to Gretar. Even with the feigned attack, the literal nuke of a man was able to raise his arm and swat Gretar away, before he could do any real damage. He then turned around to see some human shouting about some dude named Hitler that he apparently saved, which made Lobo arch a brow in confusion. "Who in the hell is Hit--" But it was too late, as B.J. just struck Lobo in the right as he was dealing with Gretar, which combined with Whisper's strike to his noggin sent The Main Man crashing into the brick wall before he even knew what hit him. Before he could even strike that wall, though, Kassandra decided to play dirty and strike The Main Man's Nads not once, but twice, the latter attack of which sent him flying back into a wall near the back of the sewer, with Akari's shot only adding insult to injury. Due to Lealan weakening him, this attack left Lobo dazed much more than it should have. Lobo shook his head to reconstruct his thoughts, sending debris flying throughout all corners of the sewer. Right when he recovered, he saw that sissy in the blue leotard talking about wanting a one on one fight with him, which made Lobo smirk despite his weakened state.

"Y'er in fer a world'a hurt, but if a clobberin' from the Main Man's whatcha want..." Lobo said as he stood up and wiped the rubble off his body with both hands, slowly walking over to Captain Falcon. He cracked his knuckles, before pulling his arm back, revving up for a punch in the same way Donkey Kong would. "Then a clobberin's what yer gunna ge--" Lobo's bravado was soon cut off by Lealan shooting another grenade at him, and shooting him some more, the former of which just weakened him even more than he had already been. Lobo growled and snapped his head around towards Lealan. "CAN'T YOU FRAGGIN' LET THE MAIN MAN DO WHAT HE DOES BEST AND GIVE THIS FAIRY A KNUCKLE SAMM--" Once again, Lobo's screaming was cut off by the beam of pure magic striking the side of his chiseled abs, leaving a sizable hole in his side, one which propelled smoke like a grill.

Also, if you read back a few posts, the GM stated that Qrow had been knocked out by Lobo's initial assault. Orbeck would find him in the back, buried in rubble, clearly knocked out.

Anyhoot, upon Sora firing at Lobo's Hog even more, the Main Man screamed like an ape. "FRAGGINBASTICHTHINKINHECANTOUCHMYHOGWITHOUTPAYINTHEPRICE" He would mutter all in one single syllable as he charged towards Sora, fueled by nothing more than anger at this point. Once he was close enough, Lobo would deliver a thwack to his head that would make even Superman dazed, before following up with a massive punch to Sora's gut, which would send the Keyblade Warrior more than likely soaring through the air. Before Lobo could follow up, though, Ciri followed up with a slash towards his ankles, which sent him falling to his hands and knees after being like... triple debuffed at this point. The explosion of his Hog behind him just about gave him the push he needed to climb back up to his feet, only for The Main Man to turn back around and face Alexis as she charged directly towards him. And in that moment, everything slowed down for Lobo, as he used his super speed to light up one final joint.


"Helluva way t'go out..." He mused in an... oddly somber moment for a man such as him. He took in a sharp inhale, before blowing out a puff of smoke. With that final exhale, he was shot through both heart and mind, the first shot sending him reeling back, while the second blew up his head entirely. And with that, Lobo's body collapsed to the floor, right next to his destroyed Hog.

The Main Man was no more.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers
Captain Falcon stands there silent for a moment as he looks at Lobo's motionless body "Aw man! ...I was actually looking forward to one-v-one-ing this dude! Ive been robbed! Robbed I say! The robbage is real!" Falcon exclaims
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @SewerTeam
Right as she was about to go in for one last attack, the man was then shot through the chest and his head proceeded to explode. They had won the fight, but someone was complaining. Ciri looked at him. "Is this really the best time to complain that you didn't get to fight him? Be glad we all survived!"

She then looked at everyone else. "
Is everyone alright?" Any normal person would start freaking out about how their enemy just died because of them, but she has killed others before in self defense, so that could be the reason why. After all, while there were monsters back in her world, man proved to be monsters as well.

Well, some of them back home proved to be monsters, like Whoreson Junior, and how he treated women and treated her friend, Dudu. But, that's a story for another time.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , @ sewers gang
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"Lobo..." Lealan looks forlornly at the unmoving body. "I'll remember you as you were. A powerful, honest, and badass bastich. Goodbye Friend." Lealan uses her Mater Manipulator to store the Remains of Lobo's Space Hog in her inventory, she'd try to fix it later.
"I have healing for anyone who needs it.... Like Deadpool. Someone bring me his halves. We need to put him back together. And Qrow, I'll wake him up." Lealan announces to the group as she buries Lobo's Remains, digging a hole and then encasing it in Obsidian. The Main Man deserved a proper Grave.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Venom Snake Venom Snake Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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"Pfft, maybe you guys were surviving! I was gonna have the time of my life! Which you losers stole from me! I was good and hyped too! I wanna refund..." Captain Falcon coughs furioisly wants the stench kicks in. He takes a deep breathe and holds his breathe in his cheeks
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @SewerTeam
Jason's grip on Megumin was firm enough that even with all of her clawings, there was no way he'd be letting go of her any time soon. "I know a lot more agony than you might think, kid," Jason said with a sigh as he simply continued venturing down the hallways behind Jacques. He'd only turn when Megumin was entrapped in the bubble by Rex, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Rex." Was all the Red Hood said, before turning around and walking in the other direction once more.


Weiss, meanwhile, would seem to be increasingly irritated by the fighting behind her. She and Ruby hadn't even bickered this bad back when they'd first met! And Weiss couldn't stand Ruby! Blake's words were kind of drowned out by Weiss growing irritation, until finally, Weiss firmly planted one of her heels into the ground with an audible clicking noise. She quickly turned back to face everyone who was arguing, fists balled up by her sides as she leaned forward, her white pony tail swaying behind her as she began to yell, "CAN YOU DOLTS PLEASE SILENCE YOURSELVES AND QUIT BICKERING LIKE CHILDREN FOR TWO MINUTES? THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE, AND ALL OF MY FRIENDS ARE AT STAKE, AND THE ONES APPOINTED TO UPHOLD AND PROTECT THEM CAN'T STOP WHINING OVER INDULGING IN CHILDISH POWER FANTASIES LONG ENOUGH TO REALIZE THAT YOU'RE PUTTING EVERYONE'S LIVES AT RISK HERE!"

With that, Weiss let out an annoyed "Hmph" noise, and turned in the opposite direction, storming off away from her team in the process. Ruby, who was worried for her friend, gave chase to Weiss, calling her name as she jogged after her. Yang just stood there and whistled, crossing her arms. "Ouch." Was all she said, before turning and walking off after Ruby and Weiss, pulling Blake with her in the process.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Ineptitude Ineptitude Topless Topless darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Yamperzzz Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Prisoners
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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Before she could get a response from Megumin or respond back to her if she did come over, Weiss basically blew up on everyone. She was known for not having a tolerance for this sort of thing back at the start of their first year at Beacon. Honestly, she probably would've resorted to yelling at them too at some point soon.

Blake looked at the man who was trying to relate to her race's situation. "
We can talk about this later." Then, she looked at everyone that was the cause of Weiss' yelling and annoyance. "Fight again and I'll have Yang do a demonstration of why that's a bad idea." Yang then dragged her away, Blake following her and the rest of their team.

P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , darkred darkred , @ prison gang


Ciri just stared at him, ignoring the loser part. "Too bad, learn to deal with it." Putting her sword away, she looked at Aloy, hearing that she was okay. "It's good that you're still okay. And you're welcome."

Then, she said to stay still as she was hurt. Oh right, she had been ignoring the burns she received back in Gravity Falls. So, she allowed her to place the healing berries on her burns and once she started, she looked at her. "
Thank you, Aloy."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , darkred darkred
This talking shit he kept hearing while walking around the hallway kept getting more annoying and annoying each second in his miserable life. It’s not like the group can go a single second without wanting to rip someone’s head off, and a few other shared this same thought. But, not everyone here who shared the same thoughts could have the patience of a fucking Wu Lin Monk here, because Weiss yelled at everyone in their group. A few seconds later of the harsh truth, Weiss then stormed off with some of her teammates trying to catch up to her.

Looking at everyone in the group.... he just said
“What she said was true.... we are supposed to be the ones trying to save the multiverse, but instead here we are, fighting amongst ourselves like animals. If you need me, I am gonna make sure those four don’t get into trouble...” as he followed after them, trying to make sure that nothing sneaks up on those four after the small argument.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Prison Group

Soon after the fight with Lobo, Spider-Man had landed on the ground on his feet, breathing heavily. "You guys did pretty cool back there!" He said with a smile. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sage with Alexis, knocked out with a mangled leg. Peter's eyes widened at the sight as the teenager quickly rushed over to Alexis' side. "Oh... that does noooot look good..." He winced slightly, before glancing over his shoulder towards the group. "Uhh... do we have a medic here? Or someone who can heal??" Spider-Man would shout as Sarge, Grif, and Micah began to crowd the boy, the former two wincing behind their helmets at the sight, and the latter merely staring on with contempt.

QizPizza QizPizza Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers
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"And it'll be a good demonstration, too!" Yang added onto Blake's comment with a smile as she shot finger guns to the group, seeming to be in a much better mood than she'd been in earlier. With that, Yang kinda just... turned around and looked at Blake. A much more somber expression replaced her relaxed smile as she placed a hand on Blake's shoulder. Blake was her friend, probably her best friend at this point, and ever since they'd been reunited, Blake just... didn't seem right. Of course, Yang could clearly tell it was because of Penguin.

So, with her hand on Blake's shoulder, the blonde brawler glanced in front of her faunus friend, forcing a small smile. "Hey... you know that if you need to talk, I'm here. And so are Ruby and Weiss..." Her voiced faded a bit when she saw Weiss still storming off, ignoring Ruby and instead keeping her fists balled up by her sides. Yang pursed her lips a bit, before slowly turning back to Blake. "Well... Ruby and I are, at least."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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"I don't doubt that, Yang. They clearly need something to keep them from almost killing each other and you'd definitely give them a reason to stop fighting." Seeing as how Weiss kept walking away as Ruby and Yang stayed with her, Weiss was definitely pissed off by their actions.

When Yang turned to look at her, putting her hand on her should, and Blake saw the expression on her face, she knew that despite Blake saying she was fine, Yang knew otherwise. And she was trying her best to comfort her, like back at Beacon when she was obsessed with stopping Torchwick. "
Yang... thank you. What did I ever do to deserve you as my partner?"

This time, they'd stop Penguin for good with her team alongside her. Just like the good old days back at Beacon.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Yang merely made a "pfffft" sound with her lips as Blake asked that. "Don't get all sappy on me now!" She said, following her words up with a laugh as she took her hand off of Blake's shoulder, lowering both arms by her side as the two continued to walk. "But... thanks anyways, Blake." She said with a smile, happy that she could make her friend do the same thing. After a bit more walking, the group finally reached an elevator at the end of the hallway. Jacques stepped ahead of you all, his hands behind his back before he extended his hand outward, pressing the up button on the elevator's panel.

"Hurry up and get in there. I'd hate to waste another second around you..." He took a pause, eyes narrowing as the elder stared at all of you. "...People..." With that, you all managed to squeeze into the rather spacious elevator, and it carried you up to the second floor of the building. Once that familiar DING! noise hit, the doors slid open, revealing the long hallway before you. It looked almost identical to the hallway you'd just found yourselves in, except this one had one significant difference...

Before you all, dozens of destroyed robots sat on the floor. Or, more accurately, laid (and even that was an overstatement). It was hard to tell just how many had been taken out, but it was clear that it had been more than just a few soldiers. Everyone in the elevator, even Jacques, was speechless at the sight. Slowly, Jason drew one of his pistols and made his way forward. "Alright... looks like we're not alone here..." He'd mutter to all of you. Jacques, who was still in a state of shock, kinda just stood there in awe and worry, before Jason put a hand on his shoulder and shoved him forward. "Lead the way, old man." He said, causing Jacques to glare back at him slightly, only for him to stop and turn back around once Jason cocked his gun. Slowly, Jacques led you all to the server room, before opening the door and granting you all entrance.


The server room was mostly what you'd have expected it to be. Large, blue holographic displays of seemingly random numbers and symbols lined the wall. The room was mostly empty, aside from the various destroyed robots inside of it, and one man who stood at the end, typing away with both hands, and a flask set right beside him on a table. Upon your entrance, the man turned to face all of you, only to groan in anger and annoyance once he saw you.


"Oh, great. What the heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee--urrrp--eeell are you clowns doing here?" The man, who some of you would recognize as Rick Sanchez, one of the lead scientists of the MPF, asked all of you with a clear disdain in his voice.

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  • Kassandra couldn't lie- crushing Lobo's children felt pretty damn good, especially since she figured it would at least take the man down a notch or two. Either way, the giant was walloped with dozens more attacks, finally leading up to someone blowing his heart and head to smithereens. The headhunter was definitely dead as doornails at this point... right?

    She would've sauntered over to Lobo, but Aloy gave her a smile, warranting the Greek to nod underneath her Hephaestus helmet. The duo had absolutely won their second rodeo against Lobo, and hopefully it would be the last one they'd have to deal with. Ciri seemed alright, too, asking everyone if they were okay.

    "Yeah, I'm good here." She gingerly touched the spot on her armor where Lobo'd kicked her. There wasn't a single scratch, but she could already feel a mild bruise forming underneath the metal. Oh well; she'd suffered way worse in Greece. Unfortunately, Falcon thought it was hilarious to start antagonizing everyone for finishing off the one-on-one he probably would've lost miserably to. Thankfully, the sewer stench stopped his tirade dead short, causing her to snigger aloud.

    "Might want to hold your breath, bird boy." Kassandra remarked as she walked over to where Lealan had apparently dug up a grave for Lobo. Cute, but he definitely didn't deserve it.

    At this point, Kassandra made a huge mistake by removing her helmet.​

    With the helmet off her head, she stared down at the Obsidian hole where Lobo's gory bits were now "buried". She opened her lips to say something- probably about her being the better mercenary- but she immediately forgot about this the second she inhaled the sewer stench yet again. This was made even worse with the mixture of blood and smoke from the cigarette in the air. Sure, she was acquainted with the latter two, but the sewers?

    The mixture of smells was strong enough for the Eagle Bearer to pucker her lips before succumbing to her instincts, tucking over and throwing up the contents of her stomach... which, unfortunately, included Delsausage's remains.

    "Maybe... maybe I should... try my own advice... some day..." She managed to hack out between coughs, finally pulling herself back together and wiping her mouth on her armor and shaking her head. At this point, she definitely wasn't going to put her helmet back on; the last thing she wanted was to clean up vomit on her visor. Remaining helmetless, she held her breath as she made her way over to the crowd. She recognized the boy as the same flying kid she'd saved back in Twilight Town... though this time, his leg looked like it had exploded. She winced at the sight, holding back any leftover urges to throw up yet again, before glancing back at the Nora.

    "We could definitely use some berries or something to help this boy!" She called out to her redhead friend, hoping Aloy was experienced enough in her medical skills to help out.
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