"Uh, maybe it's because it would most likely scar Ruby for life you brain dead loon!" Lilith angrily shouted at him. "Whatever let's just try and ether disable or enclose her or something." She then tries to trap her in one of her shields that she somehow broke out of.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Penny)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Hiryu)
Bars / Pillar Skeletons
Well...... their plan was kinda working, but Penny was still focusing on others. Since others were attacking her, might as well put pressure on her as well. But some floating swords were swiping at them, to which Sans and Pans simply dodged in either left or right, but Bars simply raised his wrists to block the swords. The swords hit their intended target, but might as well hit something else since his wrists block the attack like a baseball bat to a titanium wall. But it did draw some blood from his wrists, because he wasn’t invincible to everything.

Now, it was their turn to fight back. The skeleton that was right of Bars spawned in some sort of weapon, which was a weaker copy of Benrey’s passport, and began covering fire at Penny. The other Skeleton, opened its mouth instead, and fire a blue beam made of circles, but it wasn’t meant to be used as a a weapon, for it once it landed on Penny’s leg, it seemed to act as some sort of web that spiders use, and tried to stop her from flying. Bars would then speed up to try to catch up to Penny, before jumping up a great height into the air, and tried to punch her back down to the floor below. While this attack was suppressed so that it may not kill Penny, it was still gonna hurt a lot.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Penny fight
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Penny then made her move, firing swords at three of them, one of them being Blake herself. Rolling out of the way of the sword, she heard Rick's response. The plan now was to restrain Penny or find some way to knock her out.

Blake then ran after Penny after Ruby tried to reason with her, failing to do so. Using her afterimage to jump off of it, she then started to run on the wall. Once she got close enough and right after Penny dodged Weiss and Yang's attack, she jumped off of the wall with enough force to land on her shoulders, wrapping her legs around her neck.

If this worked, she'd forced herself to go backwards, making herself and Penny go backwards and then she let go of her, sending her towards the ground and hopefully, it didn't result Penny getting hit by the gun in the process as Blake landed on the ground.

And this would hopefully allow Lilith to trap Penny underneath a shield while she was on the ground.

If it didn't and Penny dodged, let's just say that either she falls to the ground and gets back up or gets hit by the gun. Hopefully, it was just she fell to the ground and got back up as after she would get back up, she looked at their weapons supplier. "
Do you have any rope or anything that could restrain a person?!"

However, if she got hit by the gun... let's just say that getting hit by a railgun hurts. But it didn't hurt a lot as Blake did still have her aura up, taking the damage of the shot.

Unfortunately, none of that happened as when she went to jump towards Penny... she was knocked out of the way by someone going to punch Penny out of the air. When she was knocked out of the air, she went towards the wall and hit it, falling to the ground. She then got up, moving out of the way before anything was fired or thrown her way.

Yeah... they really needed to have a talk about teamwork and patience.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
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  • Megumin had done her best to ignore the situation behind her. Penny was back, big deal. Not like she could help...Y'know, despite having a Spartan Laser on her person. Speaking of lasers, she heard another one blowing things up behind her. There was also the metallic hum of a sword heading right for Rex, herself by extension.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>The shot has been blocked, thankfully. However, Penny is flying around dodging everything your companions throw at her. It would be best if you do the same.



>Would you like to change skill sets?

>Which one?
>Captain Falcon

>Time to fly as you produce a pair of flaming wings and jump off the air. The first thing you do is aim your gun at the thrusters and begin shooting in the hopes that they be disabled to prevent her from flying around.

"Be careful Shujinko! If Penny dies, Ruby cries! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT BREAKING HER HEART! SHE LOVES HER!"

>That was totally unnecessary.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​
Snake looked around the area. Some people seemed to not give 2 shits about lobo, being killed, but some people like Lealan didn’t seem to take it well. Snake walked over to her, crouching down. “You okay, Lealan?”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Chronology: Ultimate

LOCATION: Atlas Sewers
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
MENTIONS: 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower darkred darkred @SewerGroup

It didn’t take long for the beam of fire to reduce Lobo’s chest and head into ashes, but coming down from being drunk with parental rage did not take nearly as long. For several minutes after the threat was slain, Alexis was still seething, with her tails ablaze and her body practically steaming as it turned the moisture in the sewer into steam. She was on extreme guard for the sole reason that Sage was hurt and she didn’t want anyone else to hurt him.

Even though Sage wasn’t even related to Alexis by blood, she still considered him to be one of her own. It wasn’t just because he was a pyromancer like her, though that certainly helped build some bridges initially. Alexis considered Sage to be like her child because he trusted her, allowed himself to be vulnerable with her, and needed someone to be there for him. It wasn’t exactly the relationship between mother and son, but she couldn’t turn away a boy that was hurting so much. She had a soft spot for people who needed help, and there were quite a few individuals aside from Sage that Alexis had taken into her extended family. For these people, there was little that Alexis wouldn’t do to protect—even brutally murdering threats to said people.

With that in mind, it was somewhat understandable when Alexis almost blew up at Sora’s actions. Sure the wielder of the Keyblade may have done some healing on Sage with his magic, but to subsequently go on to shake him like he was perfectly fine? That was grossly inappropriate and potentially harmful to Sage. The kitsune let out a growl, baring her fangs as she batted Sora’s arms away with a blazing tail. Ally or not, anyone who put those she cared about in danger or treated them carelessly was subject to her wrath. "Let. Go."

When Aloy moved closer, Alexis was still hesitant to let anyone approach the gravely injured Sage, but she eventually cooled down enough to let the girl heal Sage however she could. Whatever those berries were, it appeared as if they did a lot of work to heal the leg, as horrific as the damage was. A little while later, Alexis uttered her thanks to Aloy and to BJ Blazkowicz’s offer of a medkit, "Thank you, but please...stay away for now. Let Sage rest."

Several moments later, Qrow managed to dig himself out of the rubble that Lobo’s entrance caused, indicating that the group must keep going. It took Spider-man’s queasiness of picking up the upper half Deadpool that the mutilation of the man was brought back to Alexis’s attention. First, she thought he was dead. Then, she realized he was still alive and began to think about how she could help him. Next, she observed that the mutant man was rapidly regenerating and wasn’t really in need of any medical assistance. Finally, she realized that Deadpool’s suit wasn’t regenerating with his body, and the unpleasant implications of him regenerating past a certain point.

Alexis put that thought out of her mind as she followed Qrow further into the sewers until they reached a four-way intersection. It appeared to be their destination, and all they could do was wait until the other team was able to disable the defenses. Alexis would be lying if she said that she wasn’t worried about the other team. There were...quite a few questionable individuals...but Alexis had to trust them. AS they waited a tiny man appeared, before growing into a normal-sized man that announced himself as Scott, or otherwise known as Ant-Man. So now they had a Spider-man and Ant-Man. What’s next? Beetle-man? Alexis stifled a little laugh before she asked Scott, "So, Scott, are you going to help us with this mission? And are there any others that managed to survive the attack on the...MPF Headquarters, was it?"

Lealan watches Spiderling take her paitent away, re-ripping him in half, spilling blood and entrails back onto the ground. "..." She looks down and huffs, before looking to Snake. "Yeah. I know Lobo said we weren't friends, but still."
She stands, licking the blood off of her fingers, before making a disgusted face. "Ew. Deadpool tastes like Cancer and Unicorn Shit." She waves her hand free of blood, then moves to follow the group, nodding to Snake and tossing a Stim Pack to Orbeck. "Thanks for caring, you two."
Venom Snake Venom Snake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
deadpoolposttop.png & sonicposttop.png
Much to nobody's surprise, Deadpool's actions were stupid and resulted in him getting injured. While trying to gain control of the motorcycle, he was suddenly grabbed by Stan Lee's Favorite DC Character, ripped in half, and had both parts of him tossed away in different directions.

"OH MY GOD! I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!" He then turned his head to look at the other side of the sewer tunnel, and saw the new location of his legs, while overhearing others in the group believing that he was unfortunately dead. "OH NO WONDER I CAN'T FEEL THEM, THEY'RE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING SEWERS! AND YES, I'M STILL ALIVE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, IT'S CALLED A HEALING FACTOR! AND IF I DIDN'T HAVE IT, THEN THE ONLY SUPERPOWER I'D EVEN HAVE WOULD BE UNBRIDLED CANCER! ...SOME HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED, GUYS!" Sonic, meanwhile, who had put Sora down by the time he cast Thunder, jumped out of the way of Lobo's sudden assault on Sora. "Jeez, this creep is a lot more sentimental about his bike than I thought!"

Eventually, The Giving Tree attempted to put him back together by aligning his two halves and injecting him with Stim Packs, but there were two problems: his legs were backwards, and injecting him with the serum would speed up the process of growing a new lower half rather than simply being put back together. "I appreciate it, but this isn't how the healing factor works. Until I've fully regenerated, you guys are stuck with me having no pants, meaning that you're gonna likely see my shlong out in the open for a while, whether any of us like it or not!" Luckily for Wade, Spider-Man managed to turn him into a backpack just like Domino did after he was torn in half by Juggernaut, making sure to take his old legs along with him for the journey, having a clean suit in one of his many pouches in case something like this happened. Soon, they encountered Scott Lang upon finding some hatch in the tunnel, much to the surprise of DP. "HOLY SHIT, IS THAT ANT-MAN?! I CAN'T SEE HIM, BUT I SURE AS HELL RECOGNIZE THAT SWEET, SOOTHING VOICE OF PAUL RUDD!" Sonic was equally surprised. "Wait, you're telling me there's both a Spider-Man AND an Ant-Man?! At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to see some guy named Bee-Man show up next!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts and everyone else wondering why Scott didn't come along sooner, enter Lobo's ass, and then grow big, defeating him much earlier.

  • “Does anyone here have any idea of what teamwork means..?” Arthur grumbled loudly, shaking his head in disdain as Weiss went off on the whole group. He didn’t even defend himself, letting everyone go off before following the flank.

    Within minutes the group had reached their intended destination, where one Rick Sanchez was working. Morgan wasn’t exactly on good terms with Rick; the latter’s sociopathic nature made it kind of hard to bond with, so usually he just stayed out of the scientist’s way. The same applied here, letting everyone else perform the operations that Rick demanded.

    Unfortunately, it ended up attracting the Penguin’s attention, and without warning Penny burst through the wall, knocking out Jacques and the Red Hood alike.

    “Shit!” He pre-emptively cursed, flinching as the robot-girl broke in. At this point, Hiryu thought it was a smart idea to try and seemingly kill Penny with the railgun. Without thinking twice, Morgan lifted his own rifle and shot the railgun a few times, trying to get the clearly-crazy boy to stop.

    “Stand down, kid! Y’er gonna get her hurt, you moron!” He growled, though his attention was drawn away by both the downed Jacques and the downed Red Hood. He tossed the rifle away before rushing over to the former, lifting the old man on one shoulder like he would an animal corpse, before grabbing Jason’s good shoulder with his other. With both in tow, he began dragging the two through the collapsed wall, hoping to put them in the other room where they’d both have time to recover.

    “We could definitely use some kinda stun-blaster thingy, with that magic toy of yours! Maybe nonlethal doohickeys for everyone, while y’er at it!” He called out to the other guy who’d been giving out weapons like candy earlier. Hopefully he’d follow through and arm everyone with some actual nonlethal options...
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Lobo had been taken care of, Sora was now was Sage seeing if he was okay, but the woman from before shockingly to Sora, has a tail and uses it on Sora’s arm telling him to let go. Sora does so without question. Now Qrow said they now have to wait for a signal. “What signal? WHOA!” Sora screamed as someone named Scott showed up who was also with the MPF. “How did you do that? How are you? ”

As if Spider-Man wasn’t enough, now Sora was geeking out over Scott’s ability to shrink and grow. And to make matters worst, Sonic spills the beans about him being Ant-Man and Sora’s geek bar is maxed out right now. “Wait, so you’re a Ant-Man, and he’s a Spider-Man? How did you guys get your powers!?


Meanwhile with Rex and the others, a fight broke out with Penny and now they have to stop her.
“Okay, I’m going for it. (C’mon Rex, time to work your techno magic again.)” Rex reaches for Penny and tried to shut her down with his Nanites.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore QizPizza QizPizza 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (mentioned)
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"Well... I guess... unless some other big guy rips him in half..." Spider-Man would mumble in response to Ciri. When she introduced herself to Scott, the latter lifted his hand in a small wave and smiled.

"Nice to meet you too," Scott replied with a small nod, before turning to face Alexis. "Uhh... I dunno, sorry. We lost half our members to Ganondorf's initial attack, and the last thing I saw before escaping with Rick was Iron Man and Captain America taking Ganondorf head-on, along with everyone else who chose to stay behind." He paused for a moment, pursing his lips as he glanced down towards the ground, before finally smiling awkwardly and looking back up at Alexis. "But the good news is that I'm here to help you... I think.... you guys are here to stop Penguin, right?" He then let out a fake, sarcastic laugh in response to Sonic's quip. "A hah, yeah... totally haven't heard that one before..." He said in a very obvious sarcastic tone that matched his sarcastic laugh, before raising a hand in response to Deadpool. "Well actually I'm... I'm Scott... not uh... not Paul..." Then Sora approached, asking how he and Spider-Man got their powers.

"Oh, I was just bitten by a radioactive spider." Spider-Man replied matter-of-factly with a wave of his hand.

"And I... don't have any powers. I just have this fancy suit." Scott said, before holding up a red button of some kind. "You just press this button here, and..." Scott shrunk down to the size of an ant, before growing right back up. "It's that simple. I can also do the opposite and grow really big, but uh..." Scott turned his head upwards to look at the ceiling. "Well... that probably wouldn't be a good idea right now."

QizPizza QizPizza @Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower @Sewers

Hiryu's electric shots towards Penny actually had the opposite effect than he'd hoped. You ever seen The Avengers? Remember this scene?


Yeah, that's basically what happened with Penny. Her robotics merely absorbed the power that Hiryu had oh so graciously gifted her, and once she did so, her eyes lit up with the same green energy that came from her swords. And, after a mere second, she fired off a beam of pure powered up, heat-fueled energy towards Hiryu, directly out of her eyes. If the shot struck Hiryu, it would send him quite possibly flying right through the wall and out of Atlas Academy itself. When Lilith tried to trap her behind a shield again, Penny merely charged forward like a bull, breaking through it entirely with her superhuman strength!

The shots from one of Benrey's new pals missed Penny as she began to fly away again, the girl narrowly dodging the bullet fire. However, this left her open to the spider web attack he did, which did indeed latch down onto her leg in such a way that it began pulling her down. As she tried to get the webbing out of her thrusters, Bars attacked her from above, the punch sending her crashing through the wall to a nearby room.

Yang, meanwhile, would smile up at Lucky as he landed on her head. "Woah, cool!" The blonde brawler exclaimed, watching as Lucky shot at the currently recovering Penny. By the time he proposed an idea to her, Penny had recovered and was on the move once more. "I think I have a better idea!" She said to Lucky, before lifting her up with her fleshy arm and placing the rabbit down on her prosthetic one. "Lemme just give you a hand here." She said, trying her best to hold back from laughing at her awful pun. With that, she detached her prosthetic arm from her body, revealing a golden yellow nub underneath. Then, she held the arm over her head, acting as if she were about to throw it (and Lucky) like a football. "Hold on tight, little buddy!" Yang exclaimed, before facing the arm away from Penny. Then, she pulled down the trigger on the gauntlet that was attached to her fake arm, and when she did so, the arm would fire off towards the robot girl at the speeds of a rocket ship, giving Lucky the opportunity for a more head on strike!

In the meantime, Penny merely flew up and dodged the gunshot towards her thrusters, before countering with one of her floating swords, making it slash towards Shujinko. She also slashed a sword at Rex's arm before he could touch her. If it wasn't outright cut off, it would have been countered at the very least.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Meraki Topless Topless darkred darkred @Kameron Esters- @Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Meraki @Prisoners
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“THAT’S SO COOL! I wish I had the gadgets you guys have.”
Sora was having the time of his life to say the least.


Rex was close in touching Penny, but thanks to Hiryu he supercharged her like a kid on a sugar rush making it harder for everyone to stop her, in addition to Rex’s arm getting slashed.
“(Can’t use my Nanites yet. I’ll have to wear her down)”

Rex uses a sword & shield combo with the B.F.G, and the Block Party. He dashes at Penny slashing to wear her down and blocking the swords.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>"Shujinko, sword!"

>Your shots have been avoided and Penny throws one of her swords at you. You party it with the chainsaw attachment of your Lancer and continue to fire at the thrusters.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​
Sora turns to Lealan and simply rubs the back of his head in embarrassment. “Hehe. Sorry, Lealan. It’s that you’re not cool, it’s just that I’ve never seen anything like these guys anymore. C’mon, spider powers and ant suits? That sounds like a amazing fantasy!”

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Bars / Pillar Skeletons
It worked like a charm, for their coordinated attack, with one distracting, one restricting, and one directly attacking, they managed to knock Penny through a wall. Pans and Sans, the ones with skeleton heads began posing, while Benrey heard Arthur’s need for a non-lethal weapon. Taking out his ToolGun quickly and spawning in a E-11, he then tossed it to his hands and said “Use this, it has a stun function on it.” before seeing the re-emerging form of Penny from the hole of the wall.

The Pillar Skeletons prepared for battle once more, while also posing menacingly, yeah....... don’t question it. Bars decided to go in for a strike, while Sans and Pans stayed back, as Bars charged forward to Penny. This was all a lie, for he stopped in front of her and instead tried to grab her by the leg. If successful, he would proceed to slam her into the ground, before trying to put her into a grapple. If it didn’t work or Penny escaped, he would jump back and prepare for an counterattack.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @ Penny Fight

Walking more into the sewer, and going through a path, they were almost at their destination when they met the so called Ant-Man. A small conversations ensure, but he just walked up and said to the entire group “While I would like to socialize a bit more here, we have a mission here and wasting time is not gonna be good for the Prison team who might be in trouble, whether imprisoned or out of their cells fighting something.” as he waited for the group to hurry up now.
@ The entire Sewer Group
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"Not cool? I have Power Armor and a Mech Suit! I can Teleport and roll up walls! I can throw Magma, Healing Water, and Toxic Waste from a dead world! The world around us is literally at my fingertips to tear appart and build how I want! In fact, Fuck you!" Lealan reforms the Vent Gate she stole from Haven, wrapped around Sora's skull like a mascot mask, making it look like he's wearing a cage on his head. He could probably squeeze it off, but it'll be a tight fit.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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Or, Sora can just use the keyblade to take it off since it’s a gate/door of sorts, as said. “Okay, I get that you’re mad at me, and I’m sorry, but did you really had to do that? We’re supposed to be on the same team.” Sora snapped furiously at Lealan.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"Well, if you can get some smart guy like Tony Stark or Hank Pym to make it for you, then uh... welcome to the club, I guess." Ant-Man replied to Sora, shrugging again. He then paused as Gretar explained something about prisoners, which made him fall silent for a few moments as he tried to process that info he'd just been given at once. "Prisoners team? What?" He'd ask.

And then, things started to heat up between Sora and Lealan, which prompted Qrow to step right in between them. "You two, cut it out. I had enough of whatever teenage drama you kids've got back on the plane."

QizPizza QizPizza @Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower @Sewers

Rex's first few attacks would have hit Penny head on due to the fact that her swords were currently useless against him. Penny whirred around mid-air a bit as she tried to fight him off, but her attacks merely bounced off of his shield! Just before he could knock her out of the air completely, though, a giant green laser beam shot at his shield from behind, courtesy of her swords, which were spinning around together in a circle as they were before, creating the beam in question. As it continuously struck Rex's shield, said shield would rapidly begin to deteriorate under the beam's intense heat and pressure, until it eventually struck Rex! Shujinko's shots towards Penny barely missed her this time, as she turned a corner just as they were about to strike her.

Benrey, however, managed to successfully trick Penny and grabbed her leg, slamming her into the ground soon after. However, when he attempted to grapple her, Penny grabbed onto Benrey's collar with some not-so-surprising reflexes and strength (considering the whole robot thing she had going on), and proceeded to reel her head back, before thrusting it forward, trying to strike Benrey in the forehead with her own. If this worked, Penny would simply fly up once more.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Meraki Topless Topless darkred darkred @Kameron Esters- @Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Meraki @Prisoners
"You're fine. If I wanted to hurt you, it would have been Something dangerous, like Obsidian, Or said Toxic waste." Lealan flicks a small yellow seed at Sora, her long, pointed tounge sticking out at him. "Now are you going to open this gate, or can I? And also, I think your super key sword is cool. And on that note, FUCK YOU, YOU OLD BIRD! I DONT OBEY AVIANS! GO DANCE LIKE AN IDIOT FOR A MATE AND THEN HAVE HER GO FOR A GUY WITH BRIGHTER PLUMAGE!" Lealan raises her voice, but the grin stretching across her face tells she isn't taking any of the arguments seriously.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As if Hiryu provoking the fight wasn't stupid enough, he ended up giving her battery and extra charge. Even Lucky was facepalming at this point, snorting and shaking his head. "Damn it! And you guys think I'm the fuckup of the lot!" After watching the electricity send Hiryu flying, Lucky tried moving his attention back to the ceiling, only for his eyes to strange ritual by Benrey. Somehow, the man was able to summon the spookiest of skeletons, complete with their own theme music, so, apparently, Sarge was not alone in having that ability. "What the fuck is this, 'Jojo's Undead Adventure'?!" Lucky bristled, pressing himself up against Yang's scalp as the bunch performed a chain of attacks that ended with Penny being slammed into a wall. Unfortunately, Lucky's own bullets didn't cripple the girl for long. "All right, Lass, what's your new plan? I'm all ears."

Before he could really process it, Lucky was sent for a ride on Yang's impromptu torpedo of a prosthetic arm. "Daaaaaaamn, I wish me paw could do thiiiiiisss!" He treated it like being on a roller coaster, throwing his nubs up in the air and such, before remembering that this was no theme park. "I think a good stab would work well..." He snickered, aiming his knife for Penny's eye. As a backup attack, his machine gun would aim for her lower chest and shoulder!

Even if Penny managed to dodge Lucky's attacks, she would see notice a targeting laser aimed at her body. If her eyes followed the thin red beam, they would lead to Megumin, who had spent the battle working up courage! "Okay, Megumin, you did this in Blood Gulch, you can do this here, however shameful it may be. Do as Blake said, just ignore the death of Explosion for now. If you do this, you're being rewarded with an extra large scoop of ice cream, preferably something to do with chocolate...I could really go for some chocolate right about now..." Sweat caked her forehead and cheeks as she activated the Spartan Laser!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Qrow scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"You know that you live in the Multiverse too, right? And you're kinda screwin' it right now. Or are you just so nihilistic that you wanna act like you don't give a shit?"

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Not long after saying it, Ant-Man questioned about a prisoner team. “Well.... there are supposed to be two teams, one infiltrating the academy as prisoners, while we go in the sewers for a sneak attack. The prisoners were supposed to relay information to us after we get inside, but we were stuck fighting this Lobo person. That’s why I am saying to hurry, because they may be stocked inside some cells or they might be in a fight right now...” as he explained to Ant-Man, waiting for his response.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Sewer time

Bars / Pillar Skeletons
When his attempt worked, his grapple.... not so much considering Penny was much more faster than expected. As Penny attempted to headbutt his own, she would find out that this new forms endurance and his helmet made sure that he wasn’t effected as much as she expected, and instead, Bars returned a headbutt of his own. Except.... he wasn’t expecting an attack from a Spartan laser due to him being the much bigger target, and such, got blasted away, with Penny now freed from his grapple. The other Two pillar skeletons, Sans and Pans, jumped to his aid and stopped him from slamming hard into the ground. Bars would slowly get up and say “Well...... that would have worked if I wasn’t a much bigger target. But remember to always have patience and wait for an opportunity.” he said out loud, mostly to Megumin in a regular tone.
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Penny fight
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Scott then showed off what he could do, which was shrinking and growing. That did seem like a very helpful power when it came to getting in somewhere. Before she could talk to Scott more, she heard more arguing.

Turning her head, she saw the girl who talked so rudely about Megumin arguing with the boy with the key. If she understood correctly, it was because Spider-Man and Scott's powers and equipment were better than hers. Really? Was she this petty?

Extremely tired of all the in-fighting done by those two as well as most of the others in the other group that was done before they all split up, she looked at Scott. "Give me a second." Going over to the two after Qrow did, she took out her sword and stepped in front of the two, pointing it at the both of them. "I have had ENOUGH of everyone's squabbling! We're suppose to be saving the multiverse, right?! So WHY are we so adamant on fighting each other instead of sucking it up and dealing with it?! The only reason Toga's not defeated was because of YOU people, fighting amongst each other! One more fight and I swear, I will ask Yang to give you all demonstrations on why it's a bad idea to argue with each other like back with that child!"

Her head snapped at the plant girl. "And you really need to stop being a bitch and not be so offended when someone says that your powers and equipment aren't as good as someone elses. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion and the only one who needs to worry about what they think about their own powers and equipment is you."

Then, she looked towards the boy. "And you. You need to learn that saying that kind of stuff will offend people, especially ones who can't seem to handle it. Learn to have better people skills. Any more arguing or in group fighting and I will inform Yang." With that, she walked away.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , @ those in the sewer group prone to being bitch babies comparing the size of their dicks and arguing about it

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