-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Let's just get this over with. This useless in-fighting won't get us anywhere."

>You went along with the others, and then you see Yang putting her hand on Blake's shoulder and having a laugh.


>Enough jealous time. You enter the server room and meet up with a scientist (and certified meme legendary), Rick Sanchez.

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Rolling her eyes at her saying to not get sappy on her, a small smile appeared on her face for a few seconds. "You're welcome, Yang. Now, let's get this mission over with."

Eventually, they made it to an elevator and trying to ignore what Jacques said, she entered the elevator. Once they reached their floor, she then saw the robots and held on tight to the katana. They were definitely not alone and maybe whoever it was, they were on their side. Why would someone on Cobblepot's side destroy all these robots that belonged to him now? It didn't make any sense.

They then reached a room, seeing more robots, followed by a man she knew from her visits to the MPF to read up on the file for each incident. This was Rick Sanchez, a lead scientist in the MPF and just like Qrow, he was an alcoholic. "Rick? We're here to stop Cobblepot, what are you doing here?"

"Same thing as you--urrp-- assholes." Rick replied to Blake as he unscrewed the cap to his flask and tilted his head back, taking gulps larger than even Qrow ever would. The old man grunted as he lowered the flask, before screwing the cap back on. "Which, by the way, I'm doing a substantially better job at." He said, before reaching into his lab coat pocket and casually tossing four very fragile looking metal objects with prongs and glass tops up into the air, one of which was directed towards Blake. "But while you're here, go ahead and make yourselves useful by plugging those into the four outlets surrounding the computer." He said to the group, before turning back around to continue typing away at the computer.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Meraki Topless Topless darkred darkred @Kameron Esters- @Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Prisoners
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"Nice to see you too." Catching the object, she went over to where he said to inject them. She knew better than to ask questions as the answers usually resulted in him not being the kindest man. But, he was smart and right now, they needed brains on their side as they lacked some.

Getting to one of the four outlets, she plugged the object in.

Lilith follows the group as they arrive at the server room, upon entering they come across a guy who looked like he was going to puke at any moment. "Uh...is this guy okay." Lilith says as she witnesses him drink out of his flask. The drunk guy requests that they plug in of the four outlets. "Well alright as you wish." Lilith says as she possesses one of the plugs and inserts it into the one of the outlets,

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Pickle Rick)
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Undoing his transformation, Hiryu went inside the Elevator. Arriving at the second floor, which is coincidentally, the server room, an old man with cyan hair was already there, hacking away. It seems that he was there first, trying to take down Cobblepot as well. His name's apparently Rick.

Catching one of the plugs quite easily, Hiryu proceeded to plug one of things into the thing--the thing being an outlet.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You catch the plug and insert it into the last remaining outlet and see what happens.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​
After some time was spent walking, the group went through a much longer hallway that had many destroyed robots in it, and Benrey only raised his brow at this. Now going into to where the control room was supposed to be, he was met with one of the lead scientists that he read the profile of, Mr. Rick Sanchez, who had probably did everything for them.

Guess he might as well wait, as he waited for the effect of the insertion of all the plugs to take effect.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Rick is here

His attack didn’t seem to work as he was backhanded by Lobo. But, by the time he got back up, Lobo was already done for. So, he just stood back up while watching the group, especially Lealan who decided to give a burial to the now dead fiend...? Well, he didn’t care at all, so he stood and waited until they continued down the sewer.

@ Lobo is now gone
"Uh huh." Was Rick's only very non-interested reply as he wiped the... liquid off his chin with his forearm as he continued typing away. When Hiryu, Lilith, and Blake plugged their respective objects in, the glass part of them proceeded to brightly light up before emitting a strange, blue energy. The energy began to cause a high-pitched whirring noise, while static began to form underneath the glass. When Shujinko plugged in the last plug, all four of them shot out bright streaks of electricity, and within seconds, the power to the building shut off, trapping you all in darkness. Moments later, the power shut back on, and everything seemed to be back to normal. "Alright," Rick said as he picked up his flask and pocketed it in his coat. "Cobblepot's been locked out of all of Atlas' networks and security system, meaning he no longer has control over that G.I. Joe ripoff army of his. You're welcome."

Moments later, though, a bright green blast shot through the wall. The blast struck Jacques and Jason, with the former taking the brunt of the blast directly in the chest, and the latter simply struck his shoulder. Jacques' aura absorbed most of the damage from the blast, but it still scorched his jacket and left the Schnee elder knocked out. Jason was downed as well, the blast having messed up his shoulder pretty good.


"Sal-u-tations!" Exclaimed the familiar voice of the girl who most of you would know as Penny by now. She had her hands placed on her shoulders and her seemingly endless smile stretched across her face, as her swords circled behind her, preparing another blast. The other familiar chuckle of Oswald Cobblepot then rang out over the speakers for all of you to hear.

"Thought you blokes could pull one over on me, did ya?" He asked, before laughing again. "Well, let's just say that I've got a little surprise in mind for little birdies who can't do what they're bloody told! Innit that right, Penny?"

"Right you are, Mister Cobblepot!" She exclaimed back at her new boss as she rose a hand into the air, pointing her palm towards all of you. "You are all in direct violation of Mister Cobblepot's direct orders, and as such, I will only ask you once to cease and desist immediately!"


"Penny..." Was all Ruby could manage to muster up, tears in her eyes as she watched what Penguin had turned her friend into.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Meraki Topless Topless darkred darkred @Kameron Esters- @Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Prisoners

lobo was furious, Sora’s plan worked, but at a cost. He’d knock Sora the hell out with a punch to the head and the gut. Sora could barely stand, and keyblade flew out of his hand, but Lobo’s taken out along with his precious bike before things could get worst. Sora stands up summing his keyblade back in hand and leaning on it. “He's... gone..” Sora starts to feel a little sorry for Lobo, despite the fact he tried to killed them. This could have been avoided had Lobo not been consumed by greed. "Am I to blame for this? I did help, but.. to kill him..?" Sora's somber thinking is cut short when he sees Sage passed out in pain and he runs over to him to give him a hand. “I don’t know if this’ll help with the blood lost but..”

Sora does his usual shtick and heals the injured boy. He shakes him a while to see if he’s okay. “Sage. Sage, are you okay? C’mon.”


Red Hood thanks Rex for keeping Megumin at bay but Weiss loses it and tells everyone to shut up, in addition to Yang threatening to kick everyone’s asses if they don’t behave. “Well excuse us for trying to keep a rabbit and a crazed kid under control!” Rex whispered under his breath not taking likely to the threat when part of it wasn’t half their faults.

The prison group make it to an elevator and lead by Jacques who’s still taking displeasure of being with the MPF.
“Yeah, you too gramps!” They get out the elevator and were lead to the sever room, inside they find Rick Sanchez, asking what they were doing here. “We’re here to stop Penguin, who are you?”

Rex didn’t get an answer yet, but he manages to lock Penguin out of the servility system. “Thanks.” Before they can have a chance to relax, Penguin comes busting through the wall, with another gingered haired girl screaming Oh ye- I mean, “Salutations.”

“No me gusta..”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"I have a better idea." Hiryu says as Penny reappeared after the servers went down, asking them to stop and come with her as per Cobblepot's will. He aimed his railgun at the orange haired girl, seeing the chance for vengeance. "Why don't we pick up where we last left off--you on the ground, damaged." He threatened, ready to pull the trigger at a moment's notice. "Only this time, you're not going anywhere."
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With that, the lights went off and Rick explained that Cobblepot was locked out of everything. But then, a bright green blast came through the wall and dealt with Jacques and Jason. She and the rest of her team instantly knew who it was that fired it.


"Oh no..." Just then, Penny came through, Cobblepot then coming over through the speakers. Penny then asked them to stand down, making Blake look back at Rick for a split second. "Rick, can you reprogram her?!" Blake then looked at Ruby, seeing her hurt by the sight of their friend. "Ruby, we'll get her back."

She then looked at Penny. "We don't want to hurt you!" Hearing someone threaten Penny, Blake looked at the man who threatened their robot friend. "Wait! We don't want to damage her too badly!"

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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

"Don't worry, without Another Zi-O II, my strength is severely crippled." Hiryu glanced at Blake, worried that he'll end up destroying her. "I'll be real gentle." He growled, soon firing his railgun at the robot girl.
"Alright you sick freak what did you do to her?" Lilith yelled in anger, she then looks over to Ruby who looked distraught from her once best friend turn into a lifeless shell, Lilith wouldn't want to wish that on anyone, seeing her tremble in fear only made Lilith more angered. Hiryu then shot at Penny but before one of the bullets could hit her Lilith put up one of her shields around her.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Cobblepot Penny and Ruby)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Hiryu)
Lealan looks to where other of the group had gathered for their own healing circle. "No, its fine, whatever. It's not like I've made hundreds of these damn thing and can just throw them away." As she says this, she drags Deadpool by his arms, to his legs, and mushes them together before injecting him with five Stim Packs.
She observes the Merc with a Mouth for a second before piping up. "Wait, are you backwards?"
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
B.J. Blazkowicz

Blazkowicz breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the silence set in. "Yeah, I'm good. Been through worse before the whole multiversal danger n' shit," he said to Ciri. He glanced over at Lobo's corpse. What kind of grass that guy was smokin? But he decided not to dwell his thoughts any longer on their attacker, not with people on their team injured or split in half. "Can someone even survive bein' ripped in two?" he asked. Even so, he helped drag Deadpool's legs over to Lealan. "I took care not to let any of his organs spill out... If you save him, tell him he still needs to kill Hitler."

Before Lealan worked her magic, B.J. would turn his attention to the group surrounding Sage. "And that's one kid almost dead by your hands, Lobo..." But once he ran over, it seemed that his wounds were already being taken care of... by berries... "Right... If the berries aren't enough, I have a spare medkit here." He laid it besides Sage, sticking with the group to ensure that he made it back in one piece. It was enough watching one kid die on his hands; Fergus would probably curse him if he let it happen again.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PeopleAroundSage

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>With Cobblepot now out of Atlas' system, things should be easier now, right? No, because Penny and Cobblepot himself just busts in with Jason down and Ruby tearing at her friend now reprogrammed enemy. Hiryu fires the first shot at Penny, not good. Ruby might get pissed at him. You aim your Lancer, waiting for something to happen.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​
Not long after doing that, Cobblepot is now no longer connected to the robotic army he uses, but now they have a new problem. What was once a wall, was now destroyed by this so-called Penny coming through, still under the control of Cobblepot. Quickly going through his ToolGun, he not only took out some smoke grenades to use, he was also preparing to change his skin and for some reason spawned a Radio.

Some popping noises can be heard at the back of the group, along with some strange noises. But, if one were to look in the back, which is where Benrey was supposed to be, there was instead a cloud of smoke, too deep to look into. But, a strange song began playing from a radio, which was ironically out of the area of smoke behind the group.

There were three strange figures as the smoke began to slowly disappear, one of them having the same head as Benrey, but the other two were strange. Then, the three figure walked out of the smoke and finally revealed theirselves.
It was none other than a very buff Benrey along with some skeletons that somehow had skin and muscles, but still have a skeleton head. “yo..... it’s me, Bars, and I got some friends with me. We got Sans, Pans, and me, Bars here in this little group. We are called the Pillar Skeletons, and we are here to knock out Penny.... so that my friends can save you or something.” and after those words were said from the now named Bars, they charged at Penny and tried to gain her attention. They made it look like they were gonna attack her, but they were instead planning on dodging what attack she may launch and make her focus mostly on them.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ AWAKEN MY SKELETONS
Orbeck of vinheim
Status: The main man made his mark.
Condition: normal.​
And in that moment, everything slowed down for Lobo, as he used his super speed to light up one final joint.


"Helluva way t'go out..." He mused in an... oddly somber moment for a man such as him. He took in a sharp inhale, before blowing out a puff of smoke. With that final exhale, he was shot through both heart and mind, the first shot sending him reeling back, while the second blew up his head entirely. And with that, Lobo's body collapsed to the floor, right next to his destroyed Hog.

The Main Man was no more.

Indeed, the main man was as dead as he could be. Nothing more than a corpse on the ground. Despite all of the banter, the rage, the...defying of sorceries, Orbeck could have sworn that he had some sort of somber expression.
"Lobo..." Lealan looks forlornly at the unmoving body. "I'll remember you as you were. A powerful, honest, and badass bastich. Goodbye Friend." Lealan uses her Mater Manipulator to store the Remains of Lobo's Space Hog in her inventory, she'd try to fix it later.
"I have healing for anyone who needs it.... Like Deadpool. Someone bring me his halves. We need to put him back together. And Qrow, I'll wake him up." Lealan announces to the group as she buries Lobo's Remains, digging a hole and then encasing it in Obsidian. The Main Man deserved a proper Grave.
The same could be said of Lealan, as she somehow collected and buried the remains of this killer for hire. Odd how in the midst of this fight, she was the only one that attempted to reason with the brute and hold a conversation. On the comment of her having a few healing items, he proceeded to walk over as she was preparing to revive that man that was split in two.
Aloy immediatly squeezed the healing berry paste on Sage's legs and anywhere else that needed healing.

hrough the magic of video game logic (Or in this case HZD logic), Sage's wounds should heal from the berries Aloy picked in her world.

"They should work."
Estus makes more sense for healing compared to what Orbeck was seeing. Was it meant to be an ointment? some sort of magic cream? Who knows/ None the less...
"If you can give me one of those...syringes for Qrow..."
Regardless if he was given any or not, he would make his way towards the pile of rubble. In the midst of the fight, he didn't realize that Qrow was knocked unconscious during Lobo's initial appearance. So he clears as much of the rubble as he could, straining every now and again due to some of the larger chunks of rubble, until he manages to clear the area enough to pull him back up.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

  • “We weren’t paw- well.. yeah the director is an idiot but that’s not the point.” Megumin then decided to go on this giant rant, kind of like how Lucky does all the time.

    “(So it begins.) It doesn’t matter if we’re in dream worlds or not. You can use it whenever you want. You just got to believe in yourself, that’s all. (Ugh, AND I’m starting to sound like Sora.) if you were scared in the dream world and still managed to use it, then you can do it here.”

    P PopcornPie
    "I tried using it in Haven, remember? You saw me. I just fainted again." Megumin sighed. "And I was believing in myself. Everyone else believed in me, why wouldn't I?" She crumpled up in the bubble, her cape covering up her body.
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    Hearing Megumin, she sighed. Explosion really was the only thing she had... But didn't she know anything else? There must be something else she can use. Blake looked at her teammates. "Hold on a second." Looking at Megumin, she called her over. "Megumin! Come over here, please."

    Once she would come over to Blake, she looked at her. "
    Megumin, listen, I know you're upset about Explosion. But, this doesn't mean you can't learn any other spells until you get it back. Don't you know any other spells? If you do, think of it like your backup spells. That way, you can still help without Explosion. And if we get to stay here for a little bit after Cobblepot, there's an ice cream shop here."

    P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
    It took Blake's call to make her turn her head a whole two degrees. Then the faunus gave the forbidden suggestion: Having Megumin learn something else. "I...always loved Explosion above all else. Even above the other spells in the detonation family." She hugged her knees, her voice wavering. "Learning another spell was always beyond unthinkable." Then she ran her fingers up and down her laser. Lasers were definitely unneeded to her, in the good days. Then she remembered that these were unquestionably bad times in store for her. If she didn't have Explosion at her disposal, then...Who was she?! Some random girl with a laser? That wasn't nearly as respectable or satisfying!

    ...But that would still be a somebody. As a nobody, Megumin had no chance of being victorious against Ganondorf. Then again, learning any other spell would be a betrayal of all her studies and achievements. One option was laced with poison, the other would just leave her starving. Her lips shuddered open and closed as she struggled to come to a decision. Then, compromise of sorts was proposed. "...If I do take the time to learn another spell, will I get an extra big scoop of ice cream?" Temporary pain relief was better than none at all.

By the time Sora and Aloy had both healed Sage, Qrow had recovered from being knocked out, and he was in the process of climbing his way out of the rubble when Orbeck approached him. "Geez... I took one hell of a beating back there..." He said, wincing slightly as he stood up. He looked to the rest of you, and then to the recently made grave for Lobo, and the ripped in half Deadpool... and sighed. "Geez..." Was all Qrow could muster, before taking out his flask, unscrewing the cap, and swallowing a nice, good swig. With a satisfied sigh, Qrow closed the flask back up and stuffed it back in his coat, before trudging onwards. "Come on. And someone grabbed the ripped in half annoying one." He called out. Spider-Man nodded in the affirmative, before lifting Deadpool up.

"Ugh... this is so gross, man..." He said, almost vomiting under his mask from the sight of the dripping, gunky torso. With a gag, he slung Deadpool's arms over his shoulders and wore him as a backpack, before continuing on with the rest of the group.

After a bit more walking, you all reached a fourway of tunnels. Qrow turned to face the group, before pointing towards the right tunnel. "This one leads directly under Atlas." He said, before turning and leading you all through said tunnel. After a bit more walking, he stopped you all in the center of the tunnel. If you were to look above you, you could clearly see a gigantic hatch marked "PROPERTY OF ATLAS MILITARY" as well as a latter that led up to it. "Alright, now we just gotta wait for the signal..." Qrow mused aloud. A couple more seconds follow, until you all began to hear a very faint voice. It was almost like a man screaming...

"WAIT! HOLD ON!!" But the voice was very faint, and it sounded like it was coming from... below you? Well, you soon got your answer in the form of a tiny speck none of you probably noticed suddenly turning into a full fledged man!


"Uh, hi! I'm Scott!" The man, apparently named Scott, said as he opened up his weird motorcycle helmet to look at all of you. "I'm guessing that you're all from the... Foundation, right? Multiverse one?" Whenever one of you answered his question, Scott would merely nod and continue, before clasping his hands together. "RIght, right... see, I'm also part of that whole... thing, I guess. Some of you may even know me... Ant-Man. It's... it's a whole thing." Ant-Man then turned and saw Spider-Man, offering him a wave. "Oh, hey. You're here too?"

"Yeah. I kinda just got here, though." Spider-Man replied.

"Cool, cool. And what's with the whole...." He gestured towards the disembodied Deadpool on Spider-Man's back. Spider-Man looked behind him and sighed, before lowering his head.

"It's a... it's a long story, man..."

@QizPizza @Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Meraki @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz @Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers
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Then... he chose to fire at Penny. Did he not listen because he wanted vengence more than anything? Whatever happened to promising that he wouldn't hurt her?

Seriously, it was like he just forgot that Penny and Ruby were friends and forgot how Ruby broke down back at the base!

Luckily, Lilith blocked the attack before it could hurt Penny. Blake quickly looked at Megumin, answering her question before she had been dragged off. "
Yes, if you learn a new spell, you get an extra big scoop of ice cream. But we have to knock Penny out or reprogram her first."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials , P PopcornPie


Once Aloy put the berries on her, she felt and saw the burns just... go away. Those were some miracle berries, alright. Eventually, the burns went away but then they had two problems: the man that was torn in half and someone's mangled leg.

Heading over to the poor kid who's leg had seen better days, it was soon healed thanks to magic. Eventually Qrow woke up and lifted the man who was in half, the other half being carried by Spider-Man, they started to head off.

Looking at Spider-Man, she put a hand on his shoulder. "
Weird thing is: that isn't the worst thing I've seen. But look on the bright side, at least you won't have to see him in half ever again once he's put back together." With that, she followed the others.

They eventually got to where they needed to be, standing underneath an entrance. That was then followed by hearing someone and when Ciri looked around, she didn't see growint before looking at the ground to find it came from there. A few seconds later revealed someone appear after growing in size, making her jump a bit and reach for her sword. This man then said he was with the MPF, making her lower her hand.

At least he was on their side, which was good.

He introduced himself as Scott, or Ant-Man as his alias, making Ciri look at him. "
It's nice to meet you, Scott, I'm Ciri."

darkred darkred , 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"So that's a no, then! Okay! Don't say I didn't warn you, though!" Penny exclaimed happily in response, before tilting her fingers forward, which sent one of the swords flying towards Hiryu, and another towards Blake, and another towards Rex. Rick, in the meantime, turned his head to face Blake, seeming annoyed as ever.

"No I can't 'reprogram' her! What do I look like, some kinda... kinda guy who can just reprogram shit with the snap of my fingers?" Rick would duck as an explosion went off behind him from one of Penny's lasers, before he looked back up at Blake. "Well, I'm not, and i won't be able to do shit until she's not FUCKING TRYING TO KILL US!"

In the meantime, Penny easily evaded Hiryu's gunfire by flying out of the way. "We need to find a way to restrain her!" Ruby would shout over to the rest of the group as she zoomed off after Penny in a flurry of red rose petals. Once she caught up to her friend, Ruby winced a bit. "Penny, please listen to me! This isn't you!" Ruby begged in a desperate attempt-- as fruitless as it may have been-- to get her to listen to reason. Penny merely turned to Ruby and delivered a quick superpowered punch to her gut. Once which caught Ruby off guard and sent her flying back. Yang and Weiss had given chase in the meantime.


Yang used the bullets in her gauntlets to give her an extra speed boost...


Weiss using her glyphs to run along the walls and ceiling. When they were both close enough, they attempted to deliver their own attacks to Penny, only for the robot to dodge them. Yang turned around, motioning for the rest of the group to follow her.

"Guys! Come on!" Yang screamed. "We have to stop her!" With Penny flying in the other direction, she merely turned back mid-air to face the skeleton things that were giving chase, before having her swords swipe at them while she flew away from a distance.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Meraki Topless Topless darkred darkred @Kameron Esters- @Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Prisoners
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

"Dammit, I had her right there, why the hell did you block it?!" Hiryu snarled at the ghost, soon having no choice, narrowly dodging the flying sword that's after him, Hiryu transformed into Another Blade, lightning coursing through the armored beetle's body and sword, he swung his blade, making sure the sword that was after him was parried before setting sights on the robot girl, "Don't stop me this time!" Hiryu aimed his railgun using one hand, soon shooting at her from a distance as he attempts to close in--his current theory would be that the electric nature of the railgun WOULD shortcircuit her which, if any electronics would show, cause her to shutdown. Thus, he wouldn't have to lay a finger on the gal! If he's wrong, then let's hope she has an off button somewhere.

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