• Megumin just...hung there, from Hiryu's shoulder, her pupils enlarged and focused on Midna. "B-but it was the only magic I had left. That was strength. Blunt strength." She slid off the boy's back, rubbing herself. "I liked it. It was compensation. I liked it so much..." The pupils began to wobble as she fidgeted. "I won't kill you all, I promise. I just want to use it to give me the strength to kill Cobblepot...I just want to get Explosion back, and then I'll be a valuable party member again..." It felt like food was being dangled just beyond her reach. And, by God, she was going to go through whatever lengths were necessary to get it.

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

"Again with this shit?!" Hiryu growled, seeing no choice but to transform once more, just to stop Megumin from grabbing hold of Lucky's own Jade. A blue holographic screen appeared then quickly collided with Hiryu, transforming him into Another Blade yet again. Moments after Megumin tackled Lucky to the ground, Hiryu used Megumin's cape, directly at the collar, pulling her away from the rabbit. "Enough of this!" Hiryu growled as he moved her as far away from Lucky as possible, "Deal with the goddamn Jade later, for crying out loud."
"The Main Man don't need no friends," Lobo grunted in response to Lealan. When the grenade contacted with his feet, Lobo didn't really think much of it, since those things usually don't harm him anyways. What did shock him, however, was the burning sensation that spread across his bare torso moments later. One that made him bite down on his lip so hard that blood began to trickle out. "The hell'd you just do!?" He shouted in response to Lealan. These kinds of attacks normally didn't even make him flench, after all. Why the hell were they hurting him now? Regardless, Lobo still had the foresight to see the laser coming his way, and rose his arm to block the attack... only for the laser to cut clean through his skin. Lobo hissed in pain before staring down at Whisper. "You fraggin' bastitches ain't supposed to be able to hurt me!" Lobo screamed as he began to give chase to Whisper...

And then Deadpool trying to ride his hog. As the mouthy merc landed on the space bike, Lobo let out a loud, inhumane, animalistic growl, and began charging towards him. "I'M GONNA RIP YOU IN HALF, CHUMP!!" Lobo shouted angrily, before breaking out into a full on charge towards Deadpool and, once he was close enough, Lobo hoisted him off the ground, held Deadpool over his head, and....


Yeah. He then tossed Deadpool's arms and legs to two totally different ends of the sewer, before redirecting his attention to the rest of the group.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Meraki quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz @Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers

Worriedly, Weiss glanced back to the group behind her and Blake, before turning back to face her friend. "What about that one in the red helmet? Is he your leader?" She asked curiously as she walked alongside Ruby and Yang as well.

"Promises don't mean much during blood induced frenzies." Midna replied to Megumin with an eye roll as she crossed her arms and remained floating in the air. Jacques, in the meantime, just continued staring down at Lucky as the rabbit continued to rant, before scoffing, rolling his eyes, and continuing to walk down the hallway. Then, Megumin began trashing around, trying to steal the Jade from Lucky.

"Oooookay..." Jason said as he proceeded to lift Megumin up by her collar once Hiryu pulled her away from Lucky, holding the girl at eye's length. "Looks like you're the one who needs to chill now, kiddo." Jason said, before hoisting her over his shoulder. However, his grip was a lot stronger than Hiryu's, so much so that any attempt to slide off would be met with little to no breathing room at all.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Meraki Topless Topless @darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Yamperzzz FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @Prisoners
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Seeing that his first attack was a success, but his second attack was met with a simple backhand that launched him quite bit back, his body slamming against the wall and slowly sliding down it. After getting his footing back, he then looked at Lobo as he yelled out “Why won’t you die.” (you can make a metal gear reference if you want to) as he charged Lobo, trying to attack. But this attack was a fake one, for he feinted it mid-air, and instead attacked from a different direction, aka the left side, the attack being a heavy one.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Lobo fight

The walk was..... quite the eventful one. Now knowing that the ‘old’? man was in fact Weiss’s father, some interesting conversations have popped up left to right. He really didn’t pay much attention to it, as he made sure to keep his eye on any corners, making sure that nothing was heading their way.

But, in his peripheral vision, he saw Megumin trying to go after something Lucky had, like a drug addict to a drug dealer. He sighed as he put his M1911 away and approached the two, before seeing that the situation was resolved already by Hiryu, as Benrey said out loud
“Can’t we go five minutes without having someone wanting to rip and tear someone to pieces..” as for he was tired of everyone fighting...... before continuing his patrol along the path.
P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @Why is everyone fighting with each other
B.J. Blazkowicz

"What the..." He lowered the LKW in disbelief. "Seems Nazi laser tech don't work..." He watched as Snake's bullets simply bounced off of Lobo's skin. "And neither does lead." The brute of a man was already tougher than any super soldier or mech he faced back in his world. Now that most of his arsenal was pretty much off the table, B.J. did his best to avoid most of the attacks. "Even with everyone around me, I still wonder what kind of hectic events led to these people getting these powers." But as Lobo's motorcycle seemingly took on a mind of its own, Deadpool—the crazy man who tried riding the sentient bike—shouted an idea with a strange, but likable way of payment. "Then you better bring me along for the ride! But, uh, mind getting off of it 'fore I fire?"

Oh. Too late. Lobo caught up to Deadpool, tearing him in half. Blazkowicz, not knowing that Deadpool would survive that, felt his blood boil. "God fuckin' damnit!" He aimed the LKW at Lobo's bike, firing five consecutive shots in an attempt to melt it like the door. You killed the guy who promised to kill baby Hitler... "You just saved Hitler's life, you damn asswipe!"

With a yell full of rage and adrenaline, he ran straight down the tunnel, towards Lobo just as Gretar striked. Ram Shackles primed, Blazkowicz would charge at the Main Man from his right, planning to sandwich Lobo between him and Gretar.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @LoboFight
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

"Tell me about it. " Hiryu sighs, facing Benrey after he handed Megumin to Jason. Shortly after that debaucle is settled, Hiryu went back to guarding Jacques, making sure he didn't run away from the group, as well as making sure nothing jumped at them.

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 StaidFoal StaidFoal

Distracted by his own bike blowing up, Whisper circled around Lobo's position, shooting lasers at him before Gretar rushed at Lobo. Following the lead, Whisper had the Cube wisp equipped, aiming to nail down the strike between both B.J, and Gretar, attacking Lobo from above...!
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari felt the tremors grow increasingly stronger as the brick wall to his right suddenly collapsed and a motorcycle-riding figure emerged from the hole, along with a deluge of sewer water. Akari leaped backwards in order to dodge both, his hand firmly on his sword handle.

The dust cleared, and inside it was... Lobo?

Akari recognized him as the man that was bound in chains during the Twins' magic show back in Gravity Falls. "Well, it certainly seems you're enjoying your freedom, now."

He could only watch as attack after attack bounced off Lobo's muscular body like they were made by kittens, perhaps due to some unknown power, at least to Akari. Akari's zweihander and crossbow seemed like they would do almost nothing against this enemy, and so he had a different idea in mind. "He's a tough one. Have some of this, everyone!" Akari cast Marakukaja on all of his allies, purple light lighting around them and increasing their defensive power.

Focusing his attention back to Lobo, Akari then cast Kougaon on Lobo while some of the others also went for him. A twin spiral of rainbow light appeared above him, then crashed down and burst upwards into a pillar-shaped fountain of light, as bird silhouettes scattered from it.

If bullets and lasers didn't work against this hulking man, would magical attacks suffice?​

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>The moment Lucky have made another fit, Venus snapped. Immediately, she walks up to him, grabs him by the neck, and looks at him with a very scary angry look.



  • "GIVE IT TO ME, LUCKY! HAND IT OVER! IT'S MY KEY TO SUCCESS!" Megumin rolled and flipped all over Lucky, pinning him only to screech as he bit her hand to escape, then attempting to pound him with her bleeding fists. It was like watching a kitten fight for a scrap of food against an adult feline who hadn't eaten in months, and, for once, Lucky didn't stand a chance. Not without alerting the whole building, anyway. Finally, she had the rabbit beneath her heel, and had her fingertips snugly wrapped around the jade. "You don't need this, Lucky. You're fine. You still have your power. You still have your life's purpose." Her eyelid twitching rapidly increased as her fingernails managed to slide beneath the mineral's edges. "With this, I'll have magic again. I'll be a real hero, and nobody will have to worry about casting me out..."

    Her fingernails were beginning to lift from their beds, but that was okay. She could feel it loosening. "...Explosion took me my whole life to master, Lucky! Every goddamn day was spent nuturing that spell like my little sister...But it's gone now, you see? You were right there when I proved I couldn't use it anymore! And the Director's still out there, ruining the lives of talented magic users! If you would just share for once in your life, Lucky, we wouldn't have to worry about the Director anymore!"

    Before either of them could hurt themselves, however, Jason came to Lucky's rescue, lifting Megumin onto his back. "No...NO!" Megumin began to chew on Jason's back with her canines, pounding on his spine and kicking his shoulders. "Let me have it, Jason! You don't understand! You don't know the agony of knowing who killed my beautiful spell, but not having the courage to eliminate him without that boost!"
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon gets hit with the chain and gets slammed into the sewer wall. He lands on his feet and sees that one of his legs got frozen. It felt chilly but not cold. Thanks to all his years getting hit with Freezies his resistance to freezing temperatures was up some...He always haed when he got hit by those dang things any time he was off stage...He performs his Heel of Shame and and breaks the ice around his leg. He then catches Lobo claiming them lacking guts for not taking him one on one.This gave him an idea. One that probably wouldn't work but was worth the try. "So! You want a fair fight, huh, big guy? I feel ya'! It's not enough to have to put p with all these Toy Tossers and Jumping Beans and frickin' Bender. Nah, you want that good aold mono-on-mono type fight. Where it's just you, the other guy, and their bare fists, right? No thinking involved, just throwing of hands and the crushing of bones! A battlefield to paint the ground with our blood! No tricks! No gadgets! No limits! Just a battle of the strongest! If that's what you want, than look no further than here!" Captain falcon gestures to himself "I too am more of a hands-on fighter myself! And you look like your in need of a real challenge! So why not spare the kids their spanking and tussle with a REAL man!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @VsLobo

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"That don't matter. Just look what have you done to Megumin. She isn't supposed to be like that. Someone should just teach you a lesson."

Orbeck of vinheim
Status: getting thrown by the main man. and soul streaming the main man
Condition: normal, if not made filthy​

Well, that was a mistake on his part. Of course, he would see an attack like his coming. So the "main man" himself would throw him off to the side, leaving the sorcerer rolling across the filth of the sewer. Still despite that, he was able to get himself back up, just in time to witness Lobo's obsessiveness over his "Hog" ash he called it. By riping the aslant of the vehicle in two.

And then Deadpool made the mistake of shooting at his Hog. The sound of bullets clanking against metal immediately drew the attention of The Main Man, who immediately whirred around to face the mouthy merc once he realized where the bullets came from. "I'M GONNA RIP YOU IN HALF, CHUMP!!" Lobo shouted angrily, before breaking out into a full on charge towards Deadpool and, once he was close enough, Lobo hoisted him off the ground, held Deadpool over his head, and....


Yeah. He then tossed Deadpool's arms and legs to two totally different ends of the sewer, before redirecting his attention to the rest of the group.

How does one even...even in his time as an assassin, there was nothing, NOTHING, that could compare to what he had seen. Yet this red suited mad man will not die without regrets. This will provide the means for a proper attack, as three of the group members attempt to sound him at three sides. Another would attempt to provide some sort of defensive encasement. And as for Orbeck...well.
Akari cast Marakukaja on all of his allies, purple light lighting around them and increasing their defensive power.
If bullets and lasers didn't work against this hulking man, would magical attacks suffice?

His sorceries and Sages powers were the only things that had any major effect on Lobo so far. So he gets himself ready...waiting until the result of three way attack, before starting to cast that one spell used during the skirmish with Jerome. The same swirling mass of blue energy converging at his stave, he prepares to hold it in as he waits for that moment where Lobo will be distracted. At that moment, he releases the volley of souls, constructed in a beam of pure magic damage,



There was also a question on his mind, WERE WAS QROW?!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun StaidFoal StaidFoal Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

Rex didn’t hear anything from Weiss yet, but Blake stepped in and told him they’ll have to put up with father until we get they codes. “*Sigh.* Okay, understand. I don’t like guys like him, but I understand.”

Weiss then decided to say something to Rex, calling him delusional. “But, I-I thought. I just got here, how am I supposed to know your family relations?” Rex then saw Megumin going nuts and chewing on Jason’s back, so and he went over to her to put her in the same bubble, he used to trap Lucky with. “Thanks a lot Lucky. Now you’ve made her just as crazy as you!” He said annoyed out of his mind.


More Thunder seems to do the trick against Lobo, but he tries to ram Sora at high speeds, he’s stopped in the end, but before that, some fast thinking and quick moving by this blue rat managed to “save” him.

“Whoa. Thanks for the save. You’re pretty fast.” Sora focused on Lobo again, but not before getting the idea to attack his bike some more as a way to get his attention. “Hey, Lobo. There’s more where that came from. Time to fry up some bacon!” Sora proceeds to zap the bike more and more to a point of possibly grinding his piss to a boil!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Lucky breathed in through his nose. What he was about to say had a 40/60 chance of getting through, but fuck it. He was not going to be labelled as the group psycho this time. Mad scientist, maybe, but not the psycho.

"I know. We all see a crazed young woman now. But you know what I saw before I gave her the goddamn jade? I saw me. I saw meself on the day I realized me paws wouldn't grow back. The difference is, I learned to operate without me paws. Megumin looks like she'd shoot everyone in this building, and then herself, before she'd accept the notion that Explosion won't come back. Not without help, anyway." He leaned his head to the right, seeing Megumin seething, her flaming eyes fixated on him. "It was a mistake, I admit it. I thought Barrijade was a once-size-fits-all solution to any heartbreak. I guess, in this case, it was just the final push she needed." Just then, Megumin released a scream of pure anguish, threatening to break Jason's neck. He felt his hackles raising and staying up, as though they were piling over themselves to see the damage. He even found himself cringing a little, as he struggled to find the right words to say. "I guess Megumin right now is how the rest of you have seen me this whole time, huh? All scatterbrained and shit. On the other hand, consider the following: I'm not the one acting out of pure desperation to cling onto the life that's familiar to me. Sure, I didn't ask to be put in Blood Gulch, either, and I didn't ask to have me anger nerfed. But I'm willing to just roll with it...well, reluctantly. If what she's been sayin' is true, then Explosion really is all she had in store for herself. Think about it. What if you lost your friend there, Lassie? Or you, Rex, what if you lost your nanotech, or whatever the fuck it's called? Wouldn't both of you consistently look ready to just jump off the Brooklyn Bridge with ropes around your necks?"


Lucky's face was pale and grim as he concluded. "...So, do I admit that the Barrijade was a fuckup? Yes, I do. I wanted to help her get pumped without thinkin' of the side effects. On the other hand, I don't think Barrijade was the primary culprit here."

Topless Topless Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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  • Being completely on the offensive wasn't exactly a good idea. Kassandra’s onslaught was cut dead short when Lobo went for a melee to her chest, prompting her to be knocked backwards a good distance. The only reason why she wasn't sent all the way back to the sewer entrance was because she dug her heels in as she slid backwards before ramming her Dagger into the wall, slowing her momentum down further. However, being shoved out of the combat ring gave her more than enough time to get herself re-armed and re-prepared. She sheathed the Dagger of Kronos before pulling out her sword alongside her Spear, dragging the blade against the latter's tip. Once more, her weapons sizzled with the same Poison that had weakened Lobo's attacks and defense from Blood Gulch; if it wasn't broken, why fix it?

    That said, she did have time to sidle up to Lealan, who seemed to be keen on abstaining from the fight. When the snake prattled on about Lobo being a badass and having honor, the Spartan snorted underneath her helmet before shaking her head.

    "Honor is knowing where a misthios' (mercenary's) obligation to finish a contract ends. There's a fine line between a contract and mindless killing." She retorted, albeit felt a twinge of pain internally just for saying that. She kind of sort of couldn't be a judge, considering how many Greek soldiers she'd slaughtered in her quest for drachmae. Granted, she stopped killing people a long time ago (sans bounties on murderous mercenaries) once she'd had enough money to last her a lifetime sans bounties on some murderous mercenaries, but she'd been confronted once by other people for her ways. But now definitely wasn't the time to take a philosophy class on whether or not the Eagle Bearer was as bad as Lobo; this was the time to defend everyone's asses from the nut job, including her own!

    After Lobo bitched about the group not having the "stones t'fight me fair", the warrior rushed in with her poisoned weapons out- going for a head-on collision. Whilst Gretar faked left, BJ went right, and Whisper fell from above, the rival mercenary rushed forwards at a blistering speed!

    "If we don't have the stones, I'm sure you won't mind if we take 'em!" Lobo's apparent arch-enemy declared, thrusting her Spear of Leonidas right at Lobo's crown jewels as everyone else's attacks would collide! And to add further insult to injury...


    ...Kassandra, still utilizing her Suit and her Spear to their fullest extents, would put her entire strength into her own Sparta Kick at Lobo's stones! If Lobo's kick was supposed to be an imitation of Kassandra's country's "signature move", she sure as shit would likely end up showing him just how it was done unless he was prepared for it!​
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Venus thought for a moment before dropping Lucky.

"Perhaps my temperance has gone low. My apologies."

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Upon being dropped, Lucky rubbed his collarbone. "Jesus, Lassie, what a grip...Anyway, unless one of us happens to be a top notch mindscape explorer, I have no fuckin' clue how we're gonna get Explosion working again. The Director must've broken it by mistake when he was switching our consciousnesses between those clone bodies and our real ones. I hope it was a mistake, anyway. Otherwise, with all the access to our thought railways, I'd think that the asshole would've known how much mental agony he was gonna cause."

"I wouldn't hold your breath on it being a mistake, Lucky." Lupé stood by a weird boiler, studying all the tampering done to the pipes that regulated his anger flow. "Your nerfing was ABSOLUTELY deliberate. He stuck barbed wire around the twisted pipes and everything. I think I even smell Gorilla Glue between them."

Topless Topless
“For your information. They’re called Nanites, and yeah, I did lose them; but I got them back, Megumin got her explosion back and she defeated a giant triangle. The point is Lucky, that jade may be how you deal with stuff and even then it still fails, but think how it’ll affects others okay? I won’t always be there to save your tail. You still have a chance to do good, just don’t do it this way by using cursed jewels. Don’t let me down, Blabberbutt.”

He said that last part in a sincere way, hoping that Lucky’ll finally get the message through his thick skull that the hades are bad news. Megumin shouts at Rex, pounding on the bubble like deranged lunatic. “Oh, will you give it a rest. Look. Forget what Lucky showed you, you can do explosion whenever you want right? You took out Bill just fine, you don’t need anything to help you. (Sheesh. Just when I was startin’ to like this kid now, now she’s basically Lucky number two!)”

P PopcornPie
"No, Laddie." Lucky stepped up beside Rex. "Remember how we were in Caboose's mind, and we could use our powers, but then we lost them again when we were back in the physical world? It's gotta be the same principle here. We were all basically in a shared dream when Megumin fried Bill's ass, but when we were in Haven, in the real world, it just backfired again. Something in her physical brain is busted, but it's not busted in the subconscious world."

Megumin roared, clawing at the bubble like a hornet in a jar. "I CANNOT SURVIVE ON A SPELL THAT ONLY WORKS IN DREAMS, REX!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
“WE WERE IN DIFFERENT BODIES THAT DIDN’T HAVE OUR POWERS! How many times to I have to tell you numbskulls that? Need I remind you that, when we were out back in our old bodies WE GOT THE POWERS BACK! Gee-“

Rex is frustrated beyond relief, constantly rubbing his face and taking deep breaths, trying his best not to slap the hell out of these two.
(Rex right now)

P PopcornPie
"Yes, exactly." Lucky snorted back, rolling his eyes. "But didn't you hear Agent Washington explain what they did? They compiled our consciousnesses into code, then uploaded the codes into the clones." He tapped his chin. "Obviously, the fuckup wasn't uniform, considering that you have your nanites back, that I can still talk and shit, and that I haven't seen anyone else we know blow themselves into chunks trying to use their powers. That's probably what happened to all the Blood Gulch victims who aren't here, but they're in a better place now, so let's not worry about them. But something must have happened with the code made from Megumin's brain. There were, like, twenty codes to make, so a glitch somewhere is plausible."


"Yes, Lassie, we have been made fully aware."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Looking back at the group, she saw that it… wasn’t going so great. At this point, part of her expected this group to be the insane one. Blake looked back at Weiss and nodded.

Well, he and a few others back in an advanced city named Wakanda were the ones that contacted everyone in the group, so you can thank him and those back in Wakanda for me leaving so suddenly. His name is Jason Todd, but he goes by Red Hood. As for him being leader… well, he’s trying, but I'd be surprised if he doesn't snap at any of us at any moment. Ever since we got here, while we did have the occasional argument and fight within our group, it got worse here.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

One by one, more and more attacks began to hurt him. Maybe with a few more hits, he’d finally be done. Would she need to tell them that melee attacks seemed to be most effective? She doubt it considering that people seemed to be dealing damage to him.

Attack’s kept getting sent his way, Kassandra kicking him. Running back into the fight, she Blinked behind him once again, this time her slashes aiming for his ankles and calves. If they got rid of his ability to move, then they could win this. And hopefully the guy that was torn in half was fine.

He was fine, right?

Once she was finished with that, if he tried to grab her again, she'd Blink back to where she was before. If he tried to hit her however, she'd jump backwards.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
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“She’s just traumatized that’s all. Any little girl that has to go through all of that would be scared to a point where she’ll forget a few things. And the director said he got rid of the clones. So there’ll be no clone wars, no glitching, no anything. You’re just being paranoid again.”

P PopcornPie

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