Lars coughs and waves away whatever smoke is left as he sees the blonde with the bloodied knife "Who the hell are you..? And assassin for Cobblepot?"
Lars gets into his fighting stance, preparing for her next move in the event the blonde dodges Leleans attack.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The smoke was cleared, the vision was clear only to see a girl try and cut Blake’s cheek and is out looking for blood.

“You’re not taking anything.” Sora used a Mega-Potion on himself and Blake, healing their knee wounds and the cut on her cheek.

“You mind telling us who you are Ms. Psychopath?” Lealan interrupts as she calls first dibs. “Be my guess, but don’t expect me not to do something if she comes after us.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

  • Megumin would jump to her feet at the first sign of danger. "You've made a big mistake, showing yourself!" She snarled, studying the gas tanks on this girl's body. "Does she need them to breathe, or is it just a fashion choice? More importantly, how do I help stop her?" The answer was obvious: She would finally get to use some of what Samus and Mao Mao had taught her.

    She would shriek and run away like a frightened mouse, calling for help. Then, when she was some distance away, she circled around, then emerged from the foliage behind the enemy. From there, she would charge, hoping to hit her in the lower back with her staff!


  • Well, Kassandra‘s idea needed a revision, but apparently the bi-team idea was still alright. She frowned when Qrow pointed out they’d just get squashed by sheer numbers, but didn’t contest that notion. Chances were that Cobblepot’s army was much better armed than an ancient Spartan or Athenian army, and more resilient considering that “robot” term was thrown into the air again.

    People began taking sides. Aloy went for the stealthy route, whilst Ciri opted for the more aggressive direction team. As for the Spartan?

    ”I’ll join the Blues- er, infiltration team. I can suit both roles, but I don’t think you have someone who can actually disappear into thin air. That, and we might still run into trouble.” With that out of the way, the groups headed off, with the Eagle Bearer returning to her seat to grab her helmet before leaving.

    ...Though apparently they weren’t alone. People began to hear footsteps, though the cat-girl declared it wasn’t the monsters of the world but rather humans. At this, Kass pulled out her Spear of Leonidas before facing the direction of the sound, though her helmet remained in one hand. Some people investigated the bush to reveal a contraption blowing smoke, causing some to begin coughing and wheezing. Kassandra immediately left the smoke grenade for someone else to deal with, throwing on her helmet to protect herself from the smoke. Her eyes flickered to her motion tracker just before two people- Blake and the little boy from Blood Gulch- cried out that they were hit by something.

    “You’ve gotta be kidding me...” She scowled before activating her camo, hunkering down in a bush before switching perspective to Ikaros. Well, she would have if it weren’t for the fact that their assailant revealed herself to attack out of thin air. That said, being hidden hopefully gave her a chance to strike back.

    With the woman’s back still turned to the camouflaged Kassandra, she crouched down before noiselessly slinking forwards and drawing her Spear in her off hand and focusing upon the attacker.

    “Do it.” She murmured to herself, lifting her hand and clenching her fist. The Spear turned gold again just before an equally-golden spectre of herself materialized out of thin air directly above Kassandra’s target, plummeting down at an insane rate before plunging her fake Spear at the girl’s neck- though if it connected, it certainly wouldn’t feel “fake”. Regardless of whether it succeeded or failed, the substitute Kassandra vanished into a puff of golden particles. That said, Kassandra would stay back this time, deciding it was best to hang back even after utilizing Kronos Punishment. Instead, she quickly slunk away whilst her suit’s camo continued to shroud her, trying to reposition for either an assassination or an archer shot.
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“Lealan! Stand down!” Snake rushes forward and grabbed her around her stomach as she fell, pulling her away from the new arrival, although sending him to the ground. “They might not be hostile, calm down.” He spoke from the ground with a groan.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
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"I'm Toga!!" The girl exclaimed in an almost scarily cheery voice, before leaping out of the way when Lealan attacked her.


At all the questions about Penguin, though, Toga just stood up and continued smiling. "Wouldn't you cuties like to know??" She asked in an almost breathless sounding voice. "Jeez, and you all are just SO SO VERY VERY VERY VERY CUTE!" The girl exclaimed as she whipped out her knife and strapped her mask back up and over her face. "I can't WAIT to see you all bleed! Won't that be the greatest!?" Toga exclaimed with a loud, high pitched giggle. She didn't even seem to notice Lucky stabbing her, and when she did, she only looked down at the tiny rabbit. "You like blood too???" She asked, before attempting to plunge her knife right into Lucky's back. "Then let's make each other bleed!"

Before she could get any real hits in on Lucky, though, Megumin took it upon herself to knock her in the back with her staff. The hit managed to land on the psychotic girl, tripping her forward a bit. The girl whined at that, before turning around and seeing Megumin. As soon as she did, her eyes lit right back up!


"Oh my gosh, you are just so ADORABLE!" Toga shouted as she sprinted over to Megumin and knocked her to the ground. She landed on her stomach, planting her foot right into the young girl's abdomen as she brandished a knife. "I bet you'll look even better once I cut you open and taste all that yummy blood of your's, don't you think!?" Before she could stab the poor girl, though, Toga had a golden spear flying right towards her neck! With surprising reflexes, the blonde caught it and tossed it aside. She then turned right back to Megumin with her same crazed glare, holding her knife up above her again. "Sorry about that! You know how annoying some people can be when two girls are trying to have a little fun with each other, right???" She asked, following her words up with yet another giggle.

Qrow, in the meantime, had walked off before Toga even appeared, having gone to go to the bathroom in the woods before this shitshow started. Jason was about to just shoot Toga in the head, but then his thermal vision noticed Kassandra slowly moving in behind her. If Kassandra were to look, she'd notice Jason give her a small nod from the back.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Venom Snake Venom Snake TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Topless Topless StaidFoal StaidFoal Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss darkred darkred
Zwei would take out her swords, and zoom through Toga, cuting her with her swords.

Supergirl, for some reason, is just watching the fight with a bemused expression on her face. She probably doesn't consider Toga threatening enough to fight.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Shujinko, someone is sneaking up behind her. You have to make a distraction."

>Venus whispered into your ear upon sensing. You nodded as you take out your Skypierce, which is in shield mode, and shift it to it's bow mode. You aim your arrow at Toga. By the way, the arrows you have are meant to destroy walls and other defenses. Firing it would be just overkill, but you are not going to. You are just distracting her so Kassandra can make the attack.

"Get off the girl or I'll shoot!"

>Then someone made the decision to straight up attack her, might ruin the chance for Kassandra to perform a sneak attack.

Third P.O.V
Now waking around in a forest, Benrey was given the plans for their next action, to which he decided to do is join the infiltration squad. Just as he was about to stay something else... when a certain few events with the smoke grenade happen. After managing to remove the smoke, both Benrey and Gretar would see that the one who committed the deed was some sort of young girl with a knife. While Gretar waited for the next course of action Benrey decided to fuck listening to a plan since he couldn’t see Kassandra and pulled out a completely normal revolver. Except..... it wasn’t a normal one....... for he just held it with one hand and did the middle finger with the other, he said “How about you leave us the fuck alone right now ‘cutie’, the last part said in a sarcastic way as he fired the revolver. Except..... it didn’t seem to work like a normal revolver, because as soon as he pulled the trigger, he began shooting the weapon in a unbelievable fire rate and the revolver had more ammo than it clearly showed. If toga did dodged the attack, he still had much more bullets left inside his revolver.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • "Geyah!" Megumin grunted as she was forced to the ground. "Only my close friends may call me 'adorable', you twisted cretin!" Remembering Samus's lecture, she would wrap her right leg around Toga's left, freed her left arm, then wrapped it around the same side. Using her other leg, she would kick as hard as she could muster. If her move worked properly, this would flip their positions over, allowing Megumin to strike more blows on Toga's face and collarbone.

    "So this is fun for you?" She grimaced. "'Fun' is using Explosion on an abandoned castle! What you're doing is helping along the destruction of the multiverse by stalling us!"
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--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

"Well, to be fair, an actual Rider's transformation's drastically different..." Hiryu tells Megumin before she asks to try and reverse time on Lucky. Just before he could do anything, a smoke bomb is revealed, prompting Hiryu to take out an Anotherwatch and transform. He turned into a large metallic knight with knives all over his sides holding a giant blue blade with a buzzsaw guard



The smoke cleared, revealing a crazed blonde yandere, laughing and cackling about blood. It initially went for Lucky, however, with Megumin's attempt to defend herself, she went for her instead. Soon, Megumin would attempt to flip their positions, which prompted him to get near and ready his blade to cut the blonde's arm in order to prevent her from stabbing the mage--or anyone, really.

"Who sent you here?" Hiryu asked, growling as he pressed the tip of his sword at the blonde's arm.

Following Hiryu's lead, she readied her Wispon in case anything goes wrong.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"SPACE JESUS, what're you shooting at?!" Captain Falcon asks as he makes his way back to the rest and sees Toga "And who's the adorable creep with the butterknife over there? Seriosly, why is it that these pscyos just use knives? Like...None of yall wanna use a fork or nothing? Forks are dangerous too, ya know. Forks need love...But don't make love to the fork, cause that'd be weird...And painful." Falcon then sees Megumin attack Toga "Oh, shoot...The little mage girl is getting it in...! YOU GO LITTLE MAGE GIRL! WHOO!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie
“Yeah, sorry lady. You play too rough with others and you’re not my type!” Rex would wait for his chance to do something if Megumin would get herself in a corner. If something were about to happen to her, he would smack his chucks together creating a shockwave to get her off.

Lucky on the other hand would be bleeding buckets. Sora thinks fast and heals him up quick. He goes on to grab him by the arm and put Lucky behind himself.
“Stay behind me, Lucky. You’re not gonna anymore take anymore stabs like that with your size.” Sora tries to use Gravity to hold the girl in place for questioning or a beatdown.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
"Sorry lady, but I think this show is done for!"

Ben smacks his watch down, initiating a transformation. Vines would veil his body, becoming his new muscle.


"Wildvine? In the middle of a forest? Yeah, you are soooo toast!"

Wildvine, as this form was called, began to manipulate the flora. Starting off with the grass underneath the Toga lady transforming into vines that entangled her feet! More vines would shoot out from various trees in the environment, further binding her in place.

"Yeah, you like that? You like that?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @etcetcetc​
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Whoawhoawhoa! Hold on there, weed-whacker! You forget how close the mage girl is to the adora-creep!" Captain Falcon voices his concern to the flora alien "Plus, let my girl be great! She's whoppin' some tail! Yo, I am impressed!"
Crow Crow

Mood: Frightened, Thoughful, Hopeful
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Luckily for everybody, the gas wasn't flammable and the cannister of the grenade had been kicked away by one of the others. As soon as the coughing had subsided the orange fire-aura had begun to die-down as Sage slowly calmed, the sensation of danger passing gradually, his eyes a bit irritated with tears in the corner. But at least, they were mostly fine...

Sadly. That peace had not lasted long.

Out of the bushes jumped a blonde Missy, an unstable Missy, brandishing a knife. All the pyromancer could instantly think was 'why the heck were they running into psychos this often?', while taking a step back, watching the scene with utmost apprehension. Shoot, they were dealing with a psychopathic ninja girl!! All of this talk about blood was making him feel rather sick. Honestly, how could she say all those horrific things in such a giddy state??!
It kinda reminded him of a certain vampire he had come to know, both with the same apparent disregard for Life, and a penchant for sadism.

Though this Missy, definitely took the whole darn cake.

And some of the others had begun their charge, prompting Sage would come to realize just in how much trouble he currently was because, he was the only source of fire nearby.

Sure, it didn't mean that he was completely defenseless, but with the rain pouring down and putting out any fires, maintaining any kind of construct about now would take waaaay too much effort. A lot of focus to create, a lot more to maintain and the constant threat of inviting It over. Taking a couple more of steps back, the pyromancer tried to be as away from the bulk of the fight as possible, extremely worried. Anything he tried was a risk, even the most simple of things like summoning his wings would be troublesome right now... Even if he did think of going up high to block the rain with them, to then use the dry ground for this constructs would work, he didn't know how much time he'd have while still being himself after.

So he scooted over to his fellow fire-user, with a frightened expression that said everything. He didn't know how her magic worked, the young man could only hope that the Kitsune of Deity-tier wasn't bond to the same limitations he was...

"Alexis... I, I can barely do anything in this weather... At least n-not without-", his voice trembled as he had whispered it to her, trying to keep it from the enemy, "It needs a source or a surface and I'm the only fire-making thing around, it's just too risky to keep it on my own. What about you? The only way I could help safely is if you acted as the source and I just focused on giving it a shape later..."

It was, a bit of desperate idea... But maybe, maaaaybe it could work? H-hopefully.
They were very much screwed right now.
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AC6FFD30-7855-4C67-B93C-D7DBA554DDC2.jpeg & 95A40F0A-ABF5-47B7-9F0C-4DFD6B53E818.jpeg

Considering his options, Sonic made his decision as to what team he’d go on. “If I’m gonna get to bash some bots, then of course I’ll go with distraction! Besides, running is more of my speed than sneaking.” On the other hand, Deadpool decided to go with the other team. ”You guys probably won’t believe me, but I am INCREDIBLE at infiltrating places! One time, I broke into some guy’s apartment, specifically his bathroom, and managed to order a pizza, as well as take a shit in his cat’s litter box, going completely unnoticed by him for 10 minutes, until the pizza guy, who I was hired to scare shitless, arrived. Fucker was stalking this Megan chick, and a crapload of money was in it for me if I managed to instill the fear of god in him. I even got the apartment owner’s wallet, which also had a Sam’s Club card, without even asking! He thought that I was there for him! HA! What a fucking wimp!”

A few moments later, the group would suddenly notice a rustling bush, only to find a smoke grenade rather than any lifeform. In Deadpool’s case, he “knew” who was responsible for this. Drawing both of his katanas, glaring at the bush, he yelled out while coughing, ”*cough* I KNOW IT’S YOU, BRAD PITT! I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT *ack* NOT ONLY DID SOMEONE BRING YOU BACK *cough* FROM THE DEAD, BUT YOU’VE ALSO BE-*hack*-TRAYED X-FORCE! IT WASN’T MY DECI-*cough*-SION TO HAVE YOU KILLED OFF EARLY ON!” Shortly after, the smoke was cleared, and the culprit was identified as clearly NOT Vanisher, much to Deadpool’s disappointment.

Sonic approached Captain Falcon, meanwhile, and shook his head. “I’m pretty sure Plant-Man here’s got everything under control. Besides, if Lunatic Chick is tied up, Megumin can definitely give her the goods while she can’t move.“

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and everyone else completely unsurprised that it was never Vanisher in the first place.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon looks to Sonic and instantly he brights up "SONIC! YO! I knew I saw you zippin' around here somewhere! C'mere, you blue-tiful blunder!" Falcon bends down and hugs Sonic...Before feeling a pinch of pain "Ow!"
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
Zwei's sword slashes managed to strike Toga head on, though despite them, she still held onto the archwizard throughout it. Her attention was taken away by Shujinko, who threatened to shoot her with an arrow. Toga smiled at this and jerked Megumin up by her collar, holding the girl in front of her. "Oh really???'" Toga asked. "Well then, take the shot!" She giggled madly as she held Megumin in front of her, only for the archwizard to surprisingly trip her over! She fell on her back with a grunt when Megumin tackled her. Because of this current position, not only would Benrey's bullets be more likely to strike Megumin than her, but so would Lucky's knife!

Toga only continued to giggle while Megumin punched her in the face. "Oh! This is VERY fun!" She giggled again, and as she said this, Megumin would feel a sharp pain in her back, one that was similar to the one that Blake and Sora had felt. If anyone were to be looking over at her, they would notice a needle jabbed into Megumin's back, which was connected to a tube of some sorts. The tube quickly began to show a red liquid in it, which meant that this was most certainly Megumin's blood being drained from her very body! And, if that wasn't weird enough on its own, Toga was doing... this while Megumin had her blood drained...


"Suck... suck... suck... suck..."

Her attention was brought away from whatever weird trance she was in when Hiryu made his sudden transformation and poked the tip of his sword against her arm. She smiled up at him all the while, though. "I'll never tell! It could have been Cobblepot, or Ganondorf, or anybody~!" She giggled again, before watching as Rex used a shockwave attack to send Megumin flying off of her. Toga stood back up and brushed herself off, glancing over to the blood that had just filled up her container. "Now that's more like it!" She chirped as she giggled to herself, only to suddenly find herself held in place by Sora's Gravity and Ben's vines.

"Oh, I love this! A girl loves a struggle~!" Toga said in a breathless, almost moan of a voice as those vines proceeded to wrap around her arms and legs. "So what're you gonna do to me?" She asked as she pushed herself forward.


"Go on, tell me!! Are you gonna cut me open?? Make me bleed??? Don't leave me in suspense here!!!" The psychotic girl shouted loudly, even blushing a bit from the excitement of it all. "And there are so many cuties here!! I'm imagining that fire boy in the back tattered in the smell of blood, or the spikey-haired magic boy cut open and bleeding all over the ground!!! Oh, it's gonna so great!!!" She shouted passionately, despite being tangled up in the plant's vines. She struggled against them as she plunged herself forward in them, but for whatever reason, she didn't seem to be trying to escape at all.

Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Topless Topless FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Venom Snake Venom Snake Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts StaidFoal StaidFoal Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 darkred darkred
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain falcon sees Megumin get her blood drained by Toga, and immediately lets go of Sonic "MAGE GIRL!" He sprint over to her before sliding the rest of the way to her on his knees "Mage girl, are you alright? Speak to me!" He quickly takes his scarf from around his neck and wraps it around her back and chest "It's alright, child!.. We all take L's in life but what matters is, you still came out a winner! I couldn't be more proud of you, okay...?" Falcon sniffles
P PopcornPie
The girl was held in place, but Megumin was blown off and bleeding. Sora couldn’t compose his position with Ben, so he ask Rex a favor.

“Rex. Hurry! Reach into my pocket and give this to Megumin.” He gives him a green star in a jar, Rex takes it and runs off to Megumin.

“Got it. Megumin. Quick take this.” Meanwhile with the girl, she seemed to be enjoying the moment of being held up at the moment and even ask what they plan on doing to her or go on about watching them bleed again.

“We’re not here to deluge in your fantasies! Tells us why you attacked us or you’ll bite the dust!”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Jesus christ, I'm supposed to be the monster here, how are you scaring me?!" Hiryu felt chills as the girl practically demanded torture as she is tied up on the tree with vines and magic. "You know what, fuck this, tell us who you're working with and who else is with you or I swear to god I'm gonna turn you into my goddamn mindless minion and chuck you off a cliff!" He growled, pointing his blade upon the girl's throat, taking out Another anotherwatch to see he's not fucking around.
kindpng_5029417.png"We won't get any information out of her so long as she still has her range of motion. She'll come at us, aswell as hold the information we need until we subdue her. Once we got here where we want her, should could be more inclined to tell us more." Lars deduces
Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

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