Walking back into the bar after his small absence, he had come back to everyone speaking about which team to choose, which confused him a bit. Walking up to the group, he said “Uh..... I wasn’t here a few minutes ago. Can someone explain to me what is going on....” he said, waiting for a response.

Welp.... he still didn’t know what they are exactly doing in there. “Well..... it would help if I at least knew what that plan may be, but considering your out here with me, I’m sure you don’t know either.” taking his ToolGun before going through it for a bit. He then spawned in two items with it, some sort of radio and a M240B machine gun. Taking out his wrench again, he began trying to put on the radio first as he said “So..... why are you out here as well. I have a reason to be out here but I still do not know why you are here as well.” , waiting for Whisper to respond.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"We're aiming to infiltrate Cobblepot's base of operations. We branching off into two teams: Infiltration and Distraction. We're divding ourselves right now. I'll probably lend the stealth team a hand myself." Lars explains to Gretar
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Bitter, Sympathetic, Excited
Tags: (Qrow, GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage, wasn't sure of what kind of answer he was expecting, probably a serious answer, but of course to have expected that from a drunk had been incredibly silly of his part. It was all too obvious given the fact the other didn't have a watch or anything of the sort and the reply just seemed to boil down into more saltyness... So, you're going to be sassy? Two can play at that game mister!

"Hah, good try!", the pyromancer let out with a bit of a mocking tone, bringing a pointing finger swiping down for emphasis, "But even I know that's barely mid-afternoon and I was raised in a temple!!", for some reason he seemed pleased with that, proudly placing his wrists against the waist as he completed, "Maybe use 'seventeen' a next time, then I'd have somewhat believed you~!"

Pettiness or not, all confidence was instantly crumbled into more outrage once he had been told that yes, Qrow knew exactly what he was doing to himself....... The flask had been stared at with piercing daggers the whole time until it had at last been put away.

Why did people even drink?????
No really, the young man just could not understand it! AT ALL. Why would anyone want to ingest something that dumbed your reflexes, your cognition, your emotions?? Why would you put something that basically shuts your body down into yourself??!! And not just like, put you to sleep, NO! It was basically putting it over work-capacity as it tried to undo the damage you were doing to it! IT WAS BASICALLY POISON!!! And eventually, It would ACTUALLY KILL YOU!! SO just WHY?! Was it the relaxation that came with it? Couldn't you just ingest a tea with similar, if not the very same effects, and like not KILL YOURSELF?! Why the insistence in staying with self-destructive, harmful tendencies?! And not just for the person, oh no, with rationally overshadowed the risk to others was also huge!


The Descendant could just remain absolutely baffled and force the thousand and one things he felt like saying right back inside. He should not say them, that much he was aware of. Despite the bias, he didn't want to be unnecessarily mean about something so small. No matter how much it bothered him to the point making him want to scream it all out loud. It was mostly his failure to understand and madness-inducing levels of concern over the stranger's health. Yes, already. That was just how Sage was, his altruism often transpassed boundaries over into the drive to save people from bad decisions they didn't even want to be saved from.
And it was a lot more stress than anything else. A throbbing headache had shown up to seal the deal. Great...

"I never thought that'd be entering a bar of all places... Of my own volition even.", he had muttered to himself with a sigh while following the others inside. Oh well, at least it was protected from the cold rain?

With his current...... dilemma in mind, the pyromancer had made sure to sit as far away from Qrow as possible. If only because he knew that unless distracted with something else he would be judgementally staring at the man the entire time. Far away hadn't been as far as he'd have liked, however, as he could still hear the discussion somewhat. Okay, he knew that he needed to listen to it because they had a job to do and such, but it was a really hard task right now... Aaaand it surely didn't help to have somebody else going haywire over the alcohol in the background. Why did they have to be so loud?!

The annoyance had twisted into a catatonic state of being done with life, it was what happened with things before they could reach into states of anger. Anger was never a good idea and especially not with his powers, so more often than not it just, numbed-out slightly before it could even truly burn. Sage had simply been lumped over the table, trying not to think about anything for most of the back and forths between Jason and the local drunkard. Half-listening, half wanting to be somewhere else.
It wasn't as if he had any good ideas either way, or knew what a 'Trojan Horse' even was. It sorta came with being a pacifist that he'd have no use in strategizing whatsoever, the world was never the easy, nice to solve jigsaw that he longed it to be. You couldn't save everybody, but Sage was stubborn enough to still try over all else. Often even over himself.

Eventually, the mood went bleak. It was fairly simple to get taken by all the heroism and all the happenings, but the truth is that they were fighting a war here. That casualties had already happened and might even keep happening... The pyromancer straightened himself, slowly and with a deep breath put his right hand over his chest, closing his eyes in silence. He didn't know what to say to Blake, he didn't know her enough and he didn't know enough about the ones that had passed away either. But it was still lost lives, of people that had parted way too soon and that would be dearly missed.
The least he could do was hold The Sign of the Soul up for as long as he was allowed to, paying respects and wishing the fighter cat-girl his most sincere condolences. May the Deities welcome their return into the Nursery of Lights with the utmost pride... Perhaps his practices would be solely confusing to the others as they watched, but it was what felt right to do.

"R-robots?!", had been the subject to snap the young man out of it, initially done with a child-like wonderment at the idea. Until he realized something, "Wait, then that means that...", he glanced over at Alexis, the fellow Fire Magic-user who he felt a real kinship with, "We, can go all out without too much concern!"

Not having to worry about taking lives was suuuuuch a big relief to the pyromancer! For the first since their arrival that drive of anticipation, of wanting to get on with it and start helping already had come back:

"Guys, guys, guys! Fire Manipulation!! Explosions should be no problem for us!", oooookay maybe a bit too much, but hey confidence was good right?, "Me and Alexis can just steer it away from people! ...Or not, I'm not sure how her magic works actually, but I sure can~!", Sage had almost bounced in his seat as he had announced it. Oh man, if he got to stay more in the support this time, as he prefered, it would be sooo coooool, "I guess that means I'm Distraction Team then, right? Right?!"

To be honest, there was absolutely no way he could see his powers being any use for stealth, unless they needed an aerial view for something. But hey, it didn't hurt to ask, did it?
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"Your file." Megumin whispered back to Sora. "I...kind of...looked through everybody's files when I was bored." She twiddled her fingers together, grinning sheepishly as she hid her head in her collar. "You'd be surprised at how much the MPF has recorded...For example, turns out that Chomusuke's house did burn down, and he is legally dead. Though I wouldn't tell him that in his current...condition."

Honestly, other than that, Megumin had been kind of spacing out, picking apart the important things. The Penguin had an army of robots. Okay, maybe they could try getting the robots wet. There was a ship somewhere in the plan, but first they had an academy to creep into. "Hm...well...Which team is right for me..." She uttered softly. Unfortunately, she was never the very inconspicuous type. But the Penguin had already killed many of Blake's friends, which made Blake cry, which made Megumin want to just run ahead and use Explosion on Atlas!...But that would kill whoever of Blake's friends still remained. "As with Falcon, my bright clothing could make a good distraction, but my smallness could allow me to slip into smaller spaces. I am unsure...Does anyone think I would be good for infiltration? It sounds more like Chomusuke's area of exper-"


Whoever gets him on their team is going to have a looooong action scene ahead of them.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @Everybody
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You are given a choice between going with the Stealth Team or the Distraction Team. Regardless of the choice, you have a lot of options for every situation (though not ALL of them). Your actions might change the course of the mission, good or bad. So be careful.

>Which team will you join?
Please be reasonable as Venus will (as always) join you no matter which team. After all, she is the entire groups's sole(?) navigator.

>You let go of Blake and then you take off your hat and place it on her head, adjusting it to make it look fit.

"Can you make a promise for me? I'll be going with the Distraction Team. If you're going with the Stealth Team, keep that hat close until we meet again. If ever I die, make that hat as a reminder of me. If ever you die, that hat will serve as a painful reminder of losing a comrade, scraps or not. I am willing to make a bet if you keep thinking that I- no, "we" will live. Don't think negative. Think only positive. You'll never know that what you're thinking will come true. Until then, good luck. Don't lose that hat for me. It kind of looks good on you, honestly."

The Former King of Uruk proceeded as he stared at genuinely the entirety of this scenario. Ever since the conclusion of Megumin being possessed, everything jsut started to get completely and utterly weird from here on in. Well, as weird as his life goes, as genuinely he had the most normal life amongst his comrades, slaying monsters and all of that. To say the least, this was a jump from merely being as good as he was. Welll, he noticed a little girl he didn't see interact with everyone else, just responding as need be, holding a little blue opaque ball. He felt an intense energy from that ball. It was strange. But he decided to leave her be for now.

Later on, for the most part however, everything happened a bit too fast. He did try to help by slashing at the enemies that appeared, be they a giant triangular demon or a man who was trying to win the longest nails challenge and would be the runner up, it still didn't do much. He cursed himself for how weak he was with this nullified variants of his powers, as being on par with whatever you face in physical power only opens you up for a plethora of other things potentially happening to her. As the giant demon got angry with another's successful attempt at pissing him off, The King decided he couldn't face Bill alone. Even if his powers allowed him to keep up physically, Bill had a plethora of other options to use and it was a wrap if he decided to use any of them, especially witht he thread of rearranging his molecules being on the horizon.

So, with that said, he sprinted in the opposite direction of the torpedo, doing his best to avoid any shots intended for Bill, as he was so close to bill when running away, that if he made one single mistake he would either be forced to fight it directly which he'd get destroyed, or anything. Then he sees the little girl again. She was pleading to her crystal ball of sorts to help, but the King sighed. Using all of the power he mustered, he dashed towards the girl and picked her up, running as best as he could. Suddenly, a flash of light from the ball appeared. Then the most primal scream he ever heard erupted fromt he monsterous, green frame in front of him


Immediately, he was scooped up by a massive set of hands , as wellas the girl, as at speeds even he had trouble tracking, he raced off. He then saw that this creature was wrapped in a sort of rainbow ish energy that seemingly was also radiating from the little girl as well. Could... Could she be the cause of this. Both of them also managed to survive the episode due to Megumin's last ditch effort at the potential cost of her life, though from the aftermatch it was clear this wasn't the case.

Later on, both of them awoke, witht he green man still being there, a massive behemoth of a man lightly towering over most, each step likely inducing a min earthquake as he carried the little girl ontop of his shoulders. He noted that the rainbow energy didn't surround him anymore. He looked up at Frankie and asked "... Di.... Did you call him here ?" . The King asked, stuttering for the first time in a long time. The little girl timidly responded "I... I don't know. M-Maybe ?". He shrugged and decided to team up with her. This monster of a man is formidable in strength, he could tell, and apparently listened to whatever the girl said. It was better to stay by her in this case.

In the meantime Byakuya revealed he was in charge. Frankie shuddered at the fact that well, she was sort of sent to that dark realm due to him, but thanked him "Um, T-Thank you for the help. But uhm, If I'm not being rude, can you please warn us .. ahead of time ? " . Hulk and no comment, and genuinely to those who knew the behemoth, surprisingly remained silent. The King meanwhile was seemingly surprised. "I... Respect your strategy to a certain extent. It gave us the advantage we needed. Although, I agree witht he little lady, a simple warning ahead of time would've been better.

Later on they were transported to a different location, and quite a bit of events occurred, such as the unveiling of who the target was and the casualities . Frankie and Hulk walked side by side, the little girl and the giant behemoth took their surroundings, while genuinely the King of Uruk stayed closer behind. They managed to be able to blend in relatively without needing to be either conversed with or asked about something. That was a major plus so she would be a lot more mature. But, she wished she could be a bit better in a sense, she wished she was somewhat older and could help, as she felt a little girl like herself could never truly be able to assist anyone in this type of circumstance.

Immediately, a bright yellow flash of light appeared around the girl, as she seemed different. A much more mature female was in her place, and while she had the same distinguishable features in the sense of hair color, length, and eye color, she seemeed far more matured. "My... Younger self felt she wouldn't be good as anything so I took the lead. Call me Avatar. As for now, stealth is the best option for me. Hulk, my companion, go for the Distraction". The Behemoth seemingly wandered away After hearing of the plan, the King of Uruk nodded "Distraction is far better for me. I am the best at fighting in my world after all". Avatar nodded, and proceeded to head over to the distraction team.

This was going to be an interesting event to say the least.
"That guy is definitely very good at distracting," Ben crosses his arms while he looks at a drunkard Lucky. "Yeesh, he handles alcohol waaay worse than a Benson-class Destroyer. Why did he think that this was a good time to do that?"

P PopcornPie

"And furtherm-more, I was b-born for infil-ful-followin' me dreaams! L-like that song!" He began to sing groggily. "I d-dreeeeeam of J-j-ean...J-joey with the l-l-long, long...dick..." He snickered. And then, to demonstrate his "stealth", he banged his head repeatedly into the wall until he formed a hole, squeezed into it, crawled clownishly through it...and then kicked the pantry door open from the inside, with even MORE beer. "I G-G-GOT AMMO! DIE, AGENT WASHINGTON, D-D-DIIIIIIIIEEEEE!" That same wall from his Sarge hallucination now had even more alcohol hurled onto it. And many of these bottles had been opened and "sampled" by Lucky, so it was a total alcohol shower all around.

Megumin had to huddle over Midna to protect her. "I...As much as I love Chomusuke, I would rather not be on the same team as him while he is in that state."


Crow Crow
Looks like the stealth team got another member, Lilith approaches Lealan and welcomes her to the team by trying to shake her hand but as you my have expected by now her hand goes through her's. "Oh my god why do I keep forgetting about that?" She says as she covers her face into her hands looking angrily embarrassed of herself. Lilith then looks up to see Lucky going on a rampage. "Should someone go check on him?"

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Lealan)
P PopcornPie (Lucky)


(Thanks NeoNeko for the Commision of Older Jak!)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

“It’s complicated, Ciri. Remember when I turned Dark Jak? That’s a side effect of the dark eco inside my body. Everytime my body absorbs dark eco, it gives off a spark of lightning.”

It’s not my favorite thing to talk about by the way.”

But yeah, there’s other types of ecos. Light eco allows me to heal and turn into Light Jak, but it’s a lot rarer in my world to find that most ecos.

But he lifted his Morph gun up and pulled out a mod “Inside these, there are eco powered bullets. There’s yellow eco which makes me much stronger distance wise, blue eco which is the speed eco, green eco, the healing eco except much more common and red eco which is strength.

He turned to Aloy and Kassandra as well and leaned back “Isn’t that true, being a hero is like an exclusive club these days. Everyone and their mother seems to want to save the day.
Jak blinked “Wait, Cult? That’s a new one. I haven’t been part of one. I have seen fuzzy gods named the Precursors that look like my friend who’s a ottsel.

“Don’t worry, I got control over my dark side and don’t plan to use it on anyone except the enemies.”

The eco warrior turned and sighed pushing himself out of the booth. “I’m not the greatest at Stealth so the distraction team I’m going for.”

“You guys take care and be careful out there, perhaps we’ll meet again.”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri) darkred darkred (Aloy and Jak) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra)​
After hearing what Lars has to say, he said “Guess I am with the distraction team.... after all, I am a great warrior and summoning the Jormungandr is something I can do for distracting....” he said.... before remembering there were still people outside. “I think that there are still some of our own who are outside and not know the plan yet.” he said, pointing at the entrance to the bar. Seeing the chaos that Lucky was causing to the poor bar, he sigh as he approached him, before picking him up with one hand and saying to the group “Does anyone have a cage or something to keep him from causing a much bigger ruckus here.” while he tried his best to keep Lucky from going back to the very thing that made him drunk.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- P PopcornPie @AnyonewhocankeepaneyeonLucky
"No, no, we can make it work...right?" Megumin looked at everything with a bitten bottom lip. Whether she liked it or not, she was responsible for this bunny, but she had no idea how one would talk to a drunken animal. "I'll...let me see what I can do..."

"AH! RED HAT! JUST LIKE SARGE!" Thanks to his hallucinations, Lucky painted poor Megumin as Sarge, and began to chuck bottles at her. "DIE! DIIIIIIIE! GO BACK TO THE GULCH WHERE YOU BELONG!"

"Yipes!" Megumin could only leap behind a booth, Midna in her arms, as the assault of Fat Tire, Angry Orchard, Corona, and Heineken threatened to soak her. Her heart kicked into overdrive, making her slip quietly between tables and booths! Why, she moved so quickly, it wasn't long until Lucky completely lost her! "F-fuck...Guys, did I get 'im? I-i-is Sarge g-g-gone? We free? We goin' on Team America?"

"Chomusuke, you don't seem to be in a very stealthy mood. Would you like to be on the distraction team instead?" Megumin landed on her toes right behind him. Turned out that she had pushed herself into climbing across the rafters-it was amazing what you could do when you were being assaulted with beer!

Lucky's eyes widened, taking Megumin in like she was some kind of superhero. "Huh?! Wooooooah, Lassie, where was that sneakin' talent when S-s-sarge was buttfuckin' us? B-b-but hold on now!" He wagged the tip of his nub. "W-we dunno which guy wants us! Tell me 'bout it, fellas. Want us on stealth n' distraction, or distraction n' stealth?"

"Or maybe both of us should be on one team, to keep each other safe? Primarily me keeping Chomusuke safe..."

Crow Crow @Everybody
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Then, others began to try to comfort her, the first being Shujinko hugging her. Obviously, she hugged back, still crying. Followed by that were words from the others that rang true. They needed to deal with Cobblepot before anyone else died by his hands, to make sure that their deaths weren't in vain. Mourning those that were gone would have to wait until after the took The Penguin down and saved Atlas.

Atlas may have been the start of his reign here, but it'll also be the end of it.

She looked at Arthur first, the Qrow, who chose to comfort her, followed by the keyblade wielder known as Sora. Blake let out a small dry chuckle once she was playfully punched in the arm by Sora, wiping the tears away. "
You're right... all of you."

They began to form two teams for Haven: stealth and distraction. It was obvious which team she would choose and it wasn't distraction. "
I'll go with stealth." The faunus looked at Qrow. "Who's in charge at Haven after the last Headmaster... you know, died? And is there anything I should know since the last time we were here?"

A hat was then placed on her head by Shujinko. She then told her to make a promise and by the time she was done saying what she needed to say, Blake nodded. "
I promise." There was no doubt the both of them wouldn't die, they did survive this long after all.

Topless Topless , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , Crow Crow , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts


Kassandra then finally joined them, speaking about what she dealt with and how no one there had normal lives. Yeah, she was right, from the sounds of it, no one there really had a normal life. Machines, being tortured, dealing with cults? That didn't sound normal. Ciri then looked at Jak, who seemed to be fine from the small bit of lightning that came from him, which relieved her.

Looking at the three, she sighed. "
You all shared some things about your worlds, now it's my turn. While I may be a Witcheress, a monster hunter, I wasn't originally one. In fact, I was royalty and I still am, but I chose to leave that behind. I was never going to get anywhere close to a normal life, after all, I was born into royalty and became tied to Geralt, the one I was bound to since birth, due to the Law of Surprise."

Feeling as though they were most likely going to ask about that, she decided to explain it for them. "
The Law of Surprise is something that Witcher's mainly use and some times, they ask for children so they could bring them back and have them train to be Witchers. Of course, only men could become them, but there was a group of women that became Witcheress', the Cat School. So, I never took the trials that gave Witchers their cat eyes and their Signs, but I was trained like a Witcher. Really, I wasn't able to cast any sort of magic, Signs or spells. It's all thanks to the Elder Blood and me being a Source."

Again, feeling like they would ask what both were, she chose to explain. "
A Source is someone who has strong magical potential, commonly found with spellcasters, mainly Sorceresses. The Elder Blood on the other hand... it's caused me more trouble. It's something that only the descendents of an elf named Lara Dorren has and it's allowed me to do everything that I'm able to do that doesn't involve swordfighting. Due to it, I've been able to open portals to other worlds, other dimensions, which isn't possible for anyone but me and... The Wild Hunt. And I've been wanted for these powers ever since I was a little girl."

She was cut short by the announcement that they would be splitting up into two teams. Now, there didn't seem to be a lot of people going for distraction, plus she could handle distracting their enemies. "
I'm going with distraction." Hearing that Jak said he was going with distraction, she looked at him. "Looks like we'll be on the same team."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , darkred darkred , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The Operator paid close attention to the battle plans that were being formulated, learning of what was bound to come next. "Now it REALLY sounds like Blood Gulch doesn't it..", the boy laughed in his Frame's mind, before appearing in front of Umbra with a nod, the warframe, simply keeping his arms crossed as well.

"Stealth, we've done a lot of, probably our best shtick", the young tenno spoke aloud in response to Jason's mentioning of two teams, motioning his thumb over his shoulder to the tall and silent machine. "However, I think it's time for us to have some fun wouldn't you say old buddy."

Umbra looks down at the Operator's smiling face, with a slow nod, beginning to pat his rifle and Skiajati with silent but evident anticipation. Yep, looks like they had the same thought on this one.

"We'll go make some noise with the Distraction Team."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan seems very reluctant to shake hands with Lilith, and when it phases through, she quietly sighs in relief. "Don't worry about it, and Lucky will be fine, He just needs time to pull himself together."
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Jason groaned again as Lucky drunkenly screamed. When Megumin asked who would be best for what team, he decided to step in before anything went to shit. "Okay... Lucky, you're with Distraction. Megumin, infiltration." Red Hood said as he stood up and brushed his clothes off. Qrow then turned to Blake when she asked who was in charge of Haven now, and shrugged.

"Couldn't tell ya. Apparently it's some red-headed freak. Not too much is known about him other than that." With that, Qrow stood up, crossing his arms. "I'll be goin' in with Infiltration myself. I know my way around Haven, and even with Blake here, you guys'll probably need a guide." Qrow then proceeded to turn around and pick up a sword that had been leaning up against the bar until now.


The sword suddenly shifted from a sword, forming what was very clearly a scythe. After it did so, Qrow slung the makeshift scythe over his shoulder and shoved his hands out of his pockets, before walking out the door of the bar.

As both of the respective teams left the bar, you all immediately stepped foot back into the rainy weather. Qrow had taken point ahead of the group, scythe still slung over his back and hand still stuffed in his pocket as he walked. Besides those of you who chose to make idle conversation, there wasn't really much noise around you besides your own footsteps that were pressing down into the wet mud beneath your feet.


Your trek had brought you to a forest of some sort and outside of any nearby markets. The wind blew through your hair as you continued to walk out in the cold, rainy, dreary weather. You'd been walking for a few hours now, with nothing but yourselves and your own footsteps to keep you company.


"Just a few more miles this way and we'll be at Haven in no time." Qrow said as he turned to face you all over his shoulder. After he said this, some of you may or may not have noticed a mysterious rustling in the bushes around you...

Riven Riven P PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Venom Snake Venom Snake ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher darkred darkred Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Topless Topless Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Crow Crow Andrita Andrita

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