"Yes, I'm fine, thank you. I just lost my footing, is all." Ford replied to Ciri, adjusting his glasses as he began to slowly walk up the stairs. To those of you heading upstairs, all you would hear is a violent crashing through the roof as you began venturing up the loose staircase. This caused Ford to jump again, though luckily he didn't lose his footing this time. "What in the heck was that!?" He shouted after gasping loudly. Slowly, he took point in front of the rest of you as you all began venturing down the hallway towards the noise. He made a signal for you all to be quiet, and then once you reached the room, he leaped out in front of the doorway, suddenly holding a ray gun of sorts in both hands!


"Don't make another move, you triangular and/or other shaped monstrocity!" Ford shouted as he leaped out right in front of the doorway of the bedroom that Lealan was in.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow @Upstairs

"Ford, wait, that's-"

Lealan's shards scattered. While Megumin held Ghostfreak close, he unleashed grottesque tentacles from his chest to swiftly grab and crush the shards.

"- an ally..."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Upstairs


"Well, if there's a serial killer down here, let's just hope that they're not some reality warping, mind controlling freak like those twins were," Jason said as he watched Gretar and two girls he hadn't really gotten to know take point and head down the staircase of the basement. Jason was about to follow as well, when suddenly, that thing he'd met back in Wakanda started huddling next to his leg. Jason sighed and glanced down at the alien. He knew it was scared, but he also knew that the thing would have a better chance at survival if he stayed with a group. "Hey, it's okay, little guy." Jason said in a softer, more comforting tone of voice than his normal one as he reached down to pet it... hoping that it even liked being pet in the first place. After doing so, he stood back up to his full height. "Just... stick behind me, okay?"

Without much more to say than that, Jason began to head down the staircase along with everyone else. As you all ventured down the suspenseful steps, the heat from before began to get worse and worse. For those of you in heavier close, perhaps it was even unbearably so. The light ahead of you began to glow brighter and brighter as well, until you finally reached the bottom...


And what else did you find than a boiler room with its engine still running? The twists and turn of the gears made for an eerie backdrop to the already creepy room. "I don't think this was a very good idea..." Vivian, who had joined the group heading downstairs, muttered. Jason ignored her for the time being and looked around the room silently.

Topless Topless Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Crow Crow Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Chungchangching Chungchangching @BoilerRoom

"I'm used to more friendly-looking boiler rooms, guarded by puffles..." the Agent seemed nervous, but he quickly shook it away. He briefly took his night vision goggles off. "Looks like there's enough light to go around."

Topless Topless Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Crow Crow Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Chungchangching Chungchangching thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BoilerRoom
Well it looked like Lealan understood her mistake right now. He just raised a hand into the air and said “I don’t need the medicine... that’s why I got this...” as he took out his ToolGun and pressed its screen. He had a shortcut on the ToolGun in case he needed any medical needs, and what spawned in his hand was a medical pack. He then used the medical pack, the item disappearing as his wounds began to heal. “So..... what are you doing up here..... did you just crash into the roof a few seconds ago.?” he said to Lealan.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Upstairsgroup
--Another Ghost--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @UpstairsGang

"...!" Hearing something shooting out the door, Hiryu summoned a Parka Ghost that protected Ford, disappearing as soon as they were hit. He was about to go and take care of the assailant when it's revealed to be their ally. "How did you even get up there?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Ok. In order. A. It broke. I landed just fine. B. I aman expert of traveling any terrain." Lealan explains. "It was just bad luck I hit a weak spot in the roof. That or the place is alive and herding us together."
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

  • View attachment 739041
    View attachment 739042

    (Art credit goes to NeoNeko5000! Thanks for the older Jak Commish!)​

    The smell of chaos or was that fire caught the smell of the eco warrior who was busy moving past his own attack being redirected at him. A lot of things happened while the battle went on: the two evil sister and brother duo were being used by a triangle named Will who was chained up who was actually Bill in disguise.

    It actually made him scratch his head more than once after thinking about it all.

    But there was a brief rest spot in the action, Everyone had split up to different areas to talk and know each other.

    The city was at least good enough for relaxing with a drink in the bar while listening to the others chat away.
    But things started to pick up with Ford alerting everyone to get moving toward the dark forest toward an old abandoned shack.

    Daxter would have given him the longest lecture about things in a horror film never went according to plan.

    As Jak closed his eyes and turned Light Jak, he used the roof to fly down near the others and frown, quickly meeting the upstairs group, keeping his Morph gun nearby, sticking with the upstairs group as Ford aimed a gun at whatever was in the room.

    @Upstairs group-
    thatguyinthestore darkred darkred

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Lilith brings out a sigh of relief. "Finally something I'm familiar with!" She says as she follows the downstairs group, Lilith turns over to Blake with a small smile on her face. "Let me tell ya this place really makes me fell like I'm at home or something."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake)

  • Arthur was glad that Ciri was quick to step up and take his side, despite the two still being relative strangers. Same thing went for the black-haired boy, who also seemed to tense up just in case. Neither seemed to buy into Micah's disgusting, twisted lies, which was a huge step up from the Van Der Linde gang's blind faith in the rat.

    ...Excluding Megumin, who seemed more than oblivious enough to fall for it all. On the one hand, she was just a kid, but that still didn't make his past a really touchy subject. The last time he divulged on his family was with Rains Falls, who'd interrupted him a couple times too many just for a few plants, and he certainly wasn't going to talk about it to Megumin even if they'd shared the same organization for a year. He opened his mouth to say something, but the Witcheress shooed Megumin off just in time. After she asked if he was okay, he shook his head and waved her concern off as he pulled out a bottle of Guarma Rum.

    "I'm fine, don't worry." The truth was that he genuinely wasn't. Having his buttons pushed- which was exacerbated by the clueless mage- was more than enough to make his blood boil, as much as he didn't want to admit it. When Micah pressed back, Ciri reciprocated the efforts, prompting the psychopath to accuse Morgan yet again of being the rat.

    "That ain't the truth. Even Agent Milton admitted you were their 'good boy' after Guarma, and he hadn't no reason to lie to me." He would've continued piling on evidence against the fact that Micah was the nut job, but he was interrupted by that insane rabbit... who was even drunker than a skunk, and was definitely hallucinating things. He didn't even know how to react to this, though both Megumin and Ciri were quick to pull the idiot off, warranting a nod towards the latter out of gratitude. Thankfully, Ford came in to call everyone outside, diverting the gunslinger's attention from the horror show that was quickly turning into the inn. He chugged down his entire flask of Guarma Rum before putting the bottle down on the table, leaving it and a quarter for the bartender to compensate for the "litter".

    Essentially, the group was going to head to a place supposedly active enough to attract Bill himself. Sounded pretty simple to Arthur, so he shrugged and followed along to a ruined house. It definitely wasn't a Shady Belle, but at least it looked relatively safe structure-wise... right? He pushed the thought out of his mind as Blake suggested the group split up to cover more ground, warranting a nod from the American. The party was huge by default, more so than the Van der Linde gang; they could easily take both upstairs and downstairs without being too split up in terms of sheer numbers.

    As people started shuffling upstairs, Arthur pulled out his lantern, taking the rearmost flank of the group heading upwards. That said, the loud "CRASH" alerted him to someone's presence, and pushed forwards to be one of the first people to enter the bedroom. Thankfully, it seemed to be nothing, as it was only snake-girl Lealan who'd apparently fallen through the roof.

    "Well, you definitely caused a bit of a stir there. And I don't think this house has any sort of sentience. 'Cause if I was this house, I don't think I'd be too happy being a dump." The American replied to her theory that the place was alive. He pushed forwards into the center of the bedroom just before his eyes focused on his surroundings, activating "Eagle Eye". Objects of importance would have gold particles emitting from them, and things that could be potentially interactable would also be highlighted bright for him. And if there was something important, he'd definitely go check it out.

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  • Kassandra probably had went a little overkill. Okay, maybe she could've just kicked Benedict for the same effect. But she'd honestly had more than enough of the midget and his shit, and yelling at him actually made her feel a little bit better. Only now she was feeling a little bit sorry for kicking his ass into oblivion.

    ...Well, until he came right on back.

    "Oh, malaka."

    Ikaros, meanwhile, had made a sound that resembled something like a bird's laugh at Josh plummeting to the earth just before chirping softly at both Blake and Vivian, turning his gaze to the cat girl and the ghost. As the two went inside, so did Kassandra, though not before shooting Benedict a look that said she actually meant her words earlier. When the brunette entered, she took her place in a corner of the room, leaning backwards and folding her arms to quietly listen to the trio. That, and make sure Benedict didn't come inside to continue haranguing the women. Thankfully, this was right after Mayor Dour had brought out the tea, so the Spartan didn't have to politely reject any drinks. When Blake explained the group's situation, the Greek merely nodded her head in agreement.

    "We aren't exactly tourists, to say the least. Still, I guess your town's pretty nice." Sitting around this quaint town sure beat having a little kid try to swindle you out of money- through some "Minotaur Hoof Elixir" or some actual bandits- or having your nose broken by a "Cyclops" of Kephallonia's goons. Though that really didn't last long at all, since the glasses man came in to warn the group that they needed to regroup. Kassandra let the other two leave first before nodding once at the mayor respectfully and leaving silently.

    And that's how they went off to find Bill Cipher. An eternity had passed before the group managed to make it to a giant run-down house. The smell made even the mercenary wretch slightly, causing her to immediately wave her hand around her nose at first and shake her head disdainfully. Ikaros had the right idea when he perched himself on a tree just outside, since the indoors made him irrelevant unless he spotted someone else sneaking inside. Plus, it spared him the stench.

    Either way, everyone seemed to agree that splitting up was their best bet of minimizing the time they needed to spend in this horrible place. Aloy began heading downstairs, which immediately prompted Kassandra to go down with the Nora, though the latter stayed relatively close to the rear flank.

    "By the gods, who's turning up the heat?" The Spartan murmured as the heat grew the further down the group went, reaching a basement door. As people debated on who should head in first, Kassandra donned her Hephaestus Suit's helmet, both shielding her from the heat and giving her a motion tracker to watch for. As the foreign-speaking man began to freak out over a bug, the armored swordswoman looked over at Lilith, who exclaimed she felt like she was at home.

    "Well, that makes just one of us." Kassandra's suspicious expression was masked by her helmet, though she shrugged once to get her point across to the ghost and nodded out of agreement to Vivian's remark. She pushed past the group to get a good look at the working boiler. Sure, she probably wouldn't get much out of it considering she wasn't remotely as "educated" on contraptions like these compared to most of the others, but maybe she'd spot something important.

    "Think we should do something to turn down the heat? Maybe freeze it with something?" She suggested to the group just before utilizing her Revelation ability- once again, using "echolocation" of sorts to scan the entire area for any collectibles or secrets.

    "...Though on second thought, maybe we shouldn't touch anything unless we know it's safe."
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Rex was doing well in fighting Ben so far and it seemed like he’d met his match. That is until he would turn into another alien which looked to be made of rocks, and luckily for him, he would catch Rex off guard by holding Rex in place.

“Ahhg. What kind of.. “thing” are you?”

Suddenly this weird demon sneaks up behind him, causing Ben to turn into something else, freeing Rex of the rock’s grasp. “Thanks for that.” Rex forms his Slam Cannon to try and take a shot at the now invisible Ben.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay hidden..” Lucky for Rex, he wouldn’t, revealing himself to be a weird ooze colored chameleon. Rex smiles, preparing his shot as he sees Ben reveal himself. “Say goodbye!”

Once he fires his shot, Ben turns invisible again, leaving Rex to miss his shot just seconds away. “C’mon out already!”


All was looking too well for Sora, but his victory would be short lived. Even in Ultimate Form, he and Mabel were evenly matched, she always seemed to have the upper hand. What’s more is that she managed to turn one of Sora’s swords of light into a flock of butterflies. Sure Sora could always make another one, but not even Xehanort could do something like this, simple, yet feels like a joke that was mocking the young Keyblade master.

“(Huh? But that’s- She’s probably using Will’s power to cheat! How could I be so stupid taking this bet? But if I didn’t, Lucky could have died.. no! Now isn’t the time to get cold feet Sora, you can still win this. Remember, your friends, are your power.)”

Lucky tells Sora it’s up to him, motivating him more and more. “You‘re right. Got it!” As Sora was about to go back to the fight, flames begin to burn brighter and time suddenly slows down for him, but Rex and everyone else mind controlled was still free. It’s revealed to be Bill pulling the strings all along, he turns Dipper and Mabel into little children, and snaps his fingers. Suddenly, darkness.


Suddenly Sora & Rex were in a canyon by the looks of it. Everyone else would awaken by this, but Sora and Rex wouldn’t. They were knocked out cold. They couldn’t hear a thing, who were arguing, or explaining things. Eventually they appear in a town that looks like it’s made of paper called, Twilight Town. Whether the were dragged here or not is unknown, but they eventually they wake up, but not in Twilight Town. Instead they’re in the woods.

“Ow, my head. Hey, where am I?” Rex would finally awaken along with Sora by his side yet again. “Sora again, how am I always paired with you?” Rex went over to the boys side to wake him up. “Hey, Sora. Wake up.”


“Hey. We were knocked out cold for awhile. Sorry for trying to kick your butt back at the tent.”

“Oh, you remember that huh? So even though time slowed down, we still remember everything?”

“Looks like it.”

“Then I’m guessing you know what I’m about to say next.” Rex knows exactly what Sora’s thinking and they say what’s on their minds in unison.


“Yeah, he had those kids with them the whole time, I knew he was behind this all along. I feel so stupid for starting that fight. But if I didn’t, you and everyone else would have been mind controlled for who knows how long.”

“Now that’s a good way to look at it. We probably would have been toast if it weren’t for you.”

Sora cheers up and smiles at Rex for his positive outlook. “Thanks, Rex.” Their conversation is cut short when they hear the others enter the creepy house.

“Look, there are the others. Why are they going into that house and who’s that stranger with them?”

“The old guy? No clue. But it may be a good idea to follow them.”


The two enter the house, only to find no one there; on the other hand, they did hear noise coming upstairs and decide to check it out.

“Up the stairs.”


“Stay together though, this place is giving me all kinds of vibes you see in one of those cheesy horror flicks.”

The boys hide behind a wall, hearing voices on the other side. They ready their swords and turn to see Lealan, Lucky, Megumin, Ben, the old man, and a couple others who they may or may not know. “Oh. Hey guys. Fancy meeting you here. And who is this guy?” Rex said referring to Stanford.

“The last thing we remember was Bill taking over half of us, he snapped his fingers and now we’re here. What’s going on, where are we?” With the duo reunited with the rest of the group, they await some kind of explanation.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow @Upstairs
Ford found himself having to immediately leap out of the way once Lealan fired off her crystals in all directions. He hit the ground and covered his head, and by the time he'd stood up, the apparent "enemy" was revealed to be none other than Lealan. "Yes, I'm aware of that now." Ford replied to Ben as he adjusted his glasses and dusted off his coat with both hands. He turned to Lealan, offering her a friendly smile. "Sorry about that. You can never be too careful when you're inside of an abandoned, quite possibly cursed and/or haunted house." When Lealan proceeded to give her explanation as to how she even got up here, Ford approached one of the nearby walls and knocked on it lightly. When he did so, the wood easily chipped off, forming a small hole in the wall. "I believe that it has more to do with the fact that this entire house is on the verge of falling in, Lealan. You should be more careful next time you go walking on abandoned roofs."


"Yeah. Next time you might not be lucky enough to land on your feet." Midna snarked from the side, having apparently floated up here alongside the rest of you at some point. Where did she keep coming from, anyways...? Not long after, Sora and Rex both made their grand re-entrance, and the first thing they did was ask who Ford was and why they were here.


"Greetings," Ford said as he lifted one of his six-fingered hands in a small wave towards the two. "I'm Stanford Pines. And, at the moment, we're trying to locate my twin brother and hopefully find Bill Cipher. I'm guessing that you two were victims of his manipulation back at the Tent of Telepathy."

Meanwhile, Arthur's Eagle Eye would direct his attention towards what looked like a seemingly normal pile of ash in the corner of the room. However, tons of gold particles would surround it, so it was probably worth taking a look.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @Upstairs

"Ya got that right..." Jason muttered under his breath in response to Venus as he slowly began to creep deeper into the boiler room. However, his efforts were soon stopped by the Icelandic guy repeatedly trying to murder a small cockroach with his giant fucking hammer. The sudden loud noises caused both Jason and Vivian to nearly jump out of their skin, only to soon realize what was actually happening.


"J-Jesus fucking Christ!" He shouted while also trying to keep his voice as low as possible. Without much thinking, Jason ran over to the man and grabbed the handle of his hammer before it hit the ground again, and began pushing it back up towards his shoulder. "Calm the fuck down! Are you trying to get us all killed!?" Jason hissed angrily. Meanwhile, when Kassandra approached the boiler, she would be met by a less than appealing sight. The fire the raged on covered it up slightly, but the unmistakable stench made it all too obvious.


It might have been hard to make out at first, but sooner than later, it would become to clear that what was inside the boiler were human bones. Arms, legs, ribs, even a few skulls could be found. But that wasn't the worst part. No, the worst part of all was that all the bones were smaller than an average adult, and appeared to be pretty small in size. It wouldn't take long for Kassandra to put two and two together and realize that these were the bones of children. Jason approached the boiler to see what Kassandra was seeing, and visibly gagged at the sight. Before he could say anything, though, a chilling, grovelly, almost demonic voice rang out in the room.

"Do you like my... collection?" The voice was followed up by a quiet, sinister sounding chuckle. When any of you turned around, though, you would find that no one was there except yourselves. Kassandra's motion sensor wouldn't pick up anyone else in the room, either, and her scans for collectibles would prove fruitless as well.


"Alright... yup... we're definitely in a horror movie."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @BoilerRoom

  • “‘Bout time you decided to rejoin us.” Arthur remarked to Midna with a nod at the Twilight princess, apparently not too surprised by the latter's abrupt appearance. Then again, this was probably because he was much more worried about the group's current situation. Without much more talking, Morgan moved over to the ash pile he spotted in order to further examine it.

    “I think I got somethin’ over here...” The American called out as he began digging into the ashes with his fingers, trying to find whatever was of such importance.
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You giggled when Gretar freaks out over a cockroach. Then you heard a gasp. You and the others went over to her and are met with a horrific sight of bones being burned...children's bones. And then you heard a voice. You turn around and there was no one but yourselves. You begin to feel that you want to get out.

"Should we get back to the others and tell them about this? I have a feeling that at any moment, he will strike."


  • Kassandra retched the same time Jason did, though her helmet masked her disgust from the others. Those were definitely not animal bones... and almost certainly not bones that belonged to adults. So...

    “Were... were those people?” She asked, even though she knew the answer. She just hoped nobody else answered the rhetorical inquiry. When the voice echoed through the basement, the Spartan pulled out her Spear of Leonidas just in case things were about to get ugly. Her eyes quickly scanned the room, her head darting about rapidly for the sound of the voice.

    “Where’d you get your ‘collection’?” She barked back aloud before glancing back at all the others in the room. Her eyes flicked once to the corner of her helmet's HUD, and spotted nothing on the trackers. That was definitely not a good sign whatsoever.

    “Nothing’s showing up on my trackers. Everyone be on your guard.” She murmured, clutching her Isu weapon tighter as she turned her back to a wall. Surely the person they were facing couldn't break through walls... right?
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Rex and Sora received an answer from the elder man which introduced himself to be Stanford Pines. And they’re here to find his brother and stop Bill. The boys look at each other with shocked faces when Standford mentioned they were at the Tent of Telepathy.

“Let me guess, if we find your brother, we’ll find Bill?”

“Yeah, thanks for asking that, but how did you know we were there at the Tent of Telepathy?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan looks to where Arthur referenced, before glaring at the pile of ashes. "Stay away from that! If this place is a trap you shouldn't poke your nose in obvious piles without putting a few shots into it first!" Lealan draws her Neo Magnum-ZZZ and aims for the pile. "You never know what will pop out!"
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
Chronology: Ultimate

MENTAL CONDITION: Mildly Afraid, Moderately Angry
LOCATION: Boiler Room, Haunted House, Nightmare Realm
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: @Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Basement)
MENTIONS: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher


Following Sage’s lead, Alexis dissolved her tails and transformed them into a pair of charcoal black wings, the wings of the phoenix goddess, Hestia. Alexis found it a happy little coincidence that her wings were from a phoenix while Sage was the descendant of one, though she doubted that the exact definition of "phoenix" between the two differed greatly. Perhaps the key difference between these wings and normal wings is that contrary to their implied biological function, they don’t generate lift, at least not in the way normal wings generate lift. These wings take advantage of the large surface area of all the feathers to maximize Aether collection. It was the same principle behind using large arrays of solar panels to maximize contact with the sun for power, except it was with Aether. With all this Aether, phoenixes could then catalyze it and push back through the feathers to generate lift. This was the reason why phoenix feathers were coveted; they were amazing catalysts and Aether sponges, which allow them to create the extremely efficient system that allows phoenixes to stay in flight nearly indefinitely.

Alexis gave the wings a flap to scoop up a little bit of Aether to kickstart the cycle of lift, bringing her up into the air a few inches. Subsequent flaps stabilized the flow of Aether, and seconds later, Alexis’s wings were generating lift without additional flaps, allowing her to hover as Sage picked Leo up and took to the skies. Alexis followed close behind, enjoying the breeze flowing around her and the enjoyment of doing something with friends. She spent most of the flight without the need for additional flaps, taking wide, slow circles around Twilight Town until Ford called everyone together.

Upon landing, Alexis turned her wings back into the tails she was much more used to. Though she had plenty of extra "appendages", including ones from a phoenix, dragon, and ifrit, but by far, the most comfortable were her fox tails. She’d spend most of her time as a kitsune, and subsequently became used to having nine extra "hands" to use. Anytime she replaced her tails with anything else, it would feel like the equivalent of a human missing all but two of their fingers.

The kitsune listened to Ford as he laid out a plan to find his brother and Bill using a device called the Dream Modulation Reader. Alexis had doubts about how effective such a device would be in a world that didn’t necessarily have to follow the logic of the physical world. However, if Ford insisted that it would help them, Alexis could only take his word on it and give it a shot.

Alexis walked through the ominous woods, keeping close to Sage in case he got scared or startled. The last thing they needed was a renegade spark in a forest of dead trees. Alexis provided light in the darkness by lighting small flames at the tips of her tails and treating them as torches. When they arrived at the house, Alexis got a little tingle as some of her hair stood up on end. It was something out of a horror movie, being as old and rundown as it was, and a little part of her told her not to go inside. However, Ford had already begun to lead them inside with his Dream Modulation Reader going crazy. If there was anything worse than stepping into a horror movie mansion with a group of people, it was to stay outside in the creepy forest all by yourself. Alexis eased her nerves a little bit by laughing at Sage’s complaint about cults and their ridiculous behavior. "Yeah, cults are weird. I’ve had a few cults started up in my name, but things usually take a homicidal or a grotesque sexual turn real quick. Not fun..."

Stepping inside the house, it was far more run down that Alexis expected, and faint smell of burning was all too familiar. She hesitated to touch anything, afraid that she might accidentally break something just by bumping into it. Alexis wrapped her tails around herself tightly, partially in an effort to make herself take up less space than she normally did, and partially to reassure herself a little. Though she was an immortal kitsune with power that rivaled the gods, horror movies still made her queasy. That feeling wasn’t helped when Blake suggested that they split up. Was she crazy? Splitting up in a creepy mansion like this? Alexis didn’t like the idea one bit, but people were already splitting up.

With a sigh, Alexis joined Jason as he descended into the basement of the house. It didn’t take long for Alexis to feel the change in temperature, even if she wasn’t particularly bothered by it. She found it strange that something could heat a building to these temperatures without burning it down. The unsatisfying answer to her question was a boiler room with the machinery still chugging along in direct contrast with the decrepit house on top. Alexis could help but agree with the ghost, Vivian going to this place seemed like an absolutely terrible idea.

Her suspicions were absolutely confirmed when she got a good smell of the room. Burning flesh. Further investigation revealed bones of children in the furnace. If that didn’t trigger any mental alarms, the demonic voice with no clear source definitely did. Hearing the sinister voice, Alexis’s senses immediately went alert as adrenaline flooded her body from fear. Fireballs formed at the tips of Alexis’s tails and hands as if there was nothing that could possibly make her want to burn down this mansion for good than a child-murdering demon psychopath… That was description that sounded uncomfortably familiar, but Alexis didn’t dwell on that as the mixture of fear and anger led to her calling out, "Show yourself so I can add you to my collection, and show how it feels to burn in the fires of hell."

Ford found himself having to immediately leap out of the way once Lealan fired off her crystals in all directions. He hit the ground and covered his head, and by the time he'd stood up, the apparent "enemy" was revealed to be none other than Lealan. "Yes, I'm aware of that now." Ford replied to Ben as he adjusted his glasses and dusted off his coat with both hands. He turned to Lealan, offering her a friendly smile. "Sorry about that. You can never be too careful when you're inside of an abandoned, quite possibly cursed and/or haunted house." When Lealan proceeded to give her explanation as to how she even got up here, Ford approached one of the nearby walls and knocked on it lightly. When he did so, the wood easily chipped off, forming a small hole in the wall. "I believe that it has more to do with the fact that this entire house is on the verge of falling in, Lealan. You should be more careful next time you go walking on abandoned roofs."


"Yeah. Next time you might not be lucky enough to land on your feet." Midna snarked from the side, having apparently floated up here alongside the rest of you at some point. Where did she keep coming from, anyways...? Not long after, Sora and Rex both made their grand re-entrance, and the first thing they did was ask who Ford was and why they were here.


"Greetings," Ford said as he lifted one of his six-fingered hands in a small wave towards the two. "I'm Stanford Pines. And, at the moment, we're trying to locate my twin brother and hopefully find Bill Cipher. I'm guessing that you two were victims of his manipulation back at the Tent of Telepathy."

Meanwhile, Arthur's Eagle Eye would direct his attention towards what looked like a seemingly normal pile of ash in the corner of the room. However, tons of gold particles would surround it, so it was probably worth taking a look.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @Upstairs

"What kind of Leprechaun lived here?" Ghostfreak asked, looking at where Arthur was looking.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @Upstairs

"Ya got that right..." Jason muttered under his breath in response to Venus as he slowly began to creep deeper into the boiler room. However, his efforts were soon stopped by the Icelandic guy repeatedly trying to murder a small cockroach with his giant fucking hammer. The sudden loud noises caused both Jason and Vivian to nearly jump out of their skin, only to soon realize what was actually happening.


"J-Jesus fucking Christ!" He shouted while also trying to keep his voice as low as possible. Without much thinking, Jason ran over to the man and grabbed the handle of his hammer before it hit the ground again, and began pushing it back up towards his shoulder. "Calm the fuck down! Are you trying to get us all killed!?" Jason hissed angrily. Meanwhile, when Kassandra approached the boiler, she would be met by a less than appealing sight. The fire the raged on covered it up slightly, but the unmistakable stench made it all too obvious.


It might have been hard to make out at first, but sooner than later, it would become to clear that what was inside the boiler were human bones. Arms, legs, ribs, even a few skulls could be found. But that wasn't the worst part. No, the worst part of all was that all the bones were smaller than an average adult, and appeared to be pretty small in size. It wouldn't take long for Kassandra to put two and two together and realize that these were the bones of children. Jason approached the boiler to see what Kassandra was seeing, and visibly gagged at the sight. Before he could say anything, though, a chilling, grovelly, almost demonic voice rang out in the room.

"Do you like my... collection?" The voice was followed up by a quiet, sinister sounding chuckle. When any of you turned around, though, you would find that no one was there except yourselves. Kassandra's motion sensor wouldn't pick up anyone else in the room, either, and her scans for collectibles would prove fruitless as well.


"Alright... yup... we're definitely in a horror movie."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @BoilerRoom

"No offense, scary guy, but I think it's a bit bare bones," the Agent comments, "how long have these been here?"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BoilerRoom

LOCATION: Haunted House
INTERACTIONS: Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

When Delsausage saw the haunted house, he was, like, "Nope. Nope. Lucking nope. I ain’t going in there." Delsausage just walked...hopped away...or at least he tried to. As he attempted to make his great escape back into the creepy woods, he tripped on a loose nail, catching tetanus, and then subsequently rolling into through the front door as it slammed shut. Delsausage just laid there as he contemplated his reason for existence, expressing his profound thoughts about the universe in six simple words, "It really just be like this."

After several seconds of depression and pure existential agony, the hot dog hopped up and summoned his rocket launcher from thin air, mounting it so that he can use the communicator device thingy. He created a group chat only for the most sane and powerful people he had ever met on this journey. They were: Benrey, Deadpool, and Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch. If he were to meet new members that were met his high standards, then he would gladly add them to this exclusive VIP group chat. The first message he sent was, "Wassup. Want to kill some ghosts? I’ll get the photon packs, just don’t ask me where I’m gonna get them."
"I'm a busy girl, you know!" Midna retorted in response to Arthur. When Artur dug through the pile of ashes, he only found one thing.


An old video tape that had a white label hastily slapped across the front. It read, "31/10/1967" in what looked like black marker.

"Well... theoretically, yes. But not certainly." Ford replied to Sora, before addressing Rex's question. "Because, the Tent of Telepathy was where Bill had his twisted versions of my niece and nephew work. When you were all transported into the Nightmare Realm, it was only logical that you had faced them."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @Upstairs

Neither Kassandra nor Alexis would get a response, or Agent Penguin for that matter. All they were met with were the sounds of the boiler room growing louder and louder around them.

"If we go back up there, then we might lead whatever that voice was to the others." Jason replied. Right after he did so, a loud, high pitched screeching noise could be heard from the other end of the boiler room...

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @BoilerRoom
--Another Ghost--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @UpstairsGang

"Probably bad luck. I doubt the house is alive." Hiryu nods, crossing his arms as Leelan explained how she crashed onto the 2nd floor. "Then again...This is a dream realm..." Just then, a familiar imp joined them. Midna. Greetings aside, everyone seems to be staring at a pile of ash Arthur found. "Cool. Something burnt down here." Hiryu says, nodding as he saw practically nothing but ash. Just then, Arthur dug through the ass and found an old casette tape with the numbers 31/10/1967...It's a date. He turned to Ghostfreak, asking, "Hey, since you can transform into a boat load of things, you think you have someone that can read recordings on a tape? I'd do it myself, but I don't have a guy who could."
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Lilith stares blankly at the boiler full of body parts looking a little concerned, even for her this was kind of freaky. "You know, there was a part of me that was starting to like this place, but then that part died." While she was staring at the body part filled boiler she comes up with a plan. "Kind of think it I should probably put this up." Lilith then used her spirit conjuring to put up a shield around the group. "Just in case."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Wherever that demonic voice came from)
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You heard a screech. You begin to breath heavily from anxiousness and nervousness. Your heart starts to pump faster and your legs are shaking.

>"I do not like that sound..."

"I'm a busy girl, you know!" Midna retorted in response to Arthur. When Artur dug through the pile of ashes, he only found one thing.


An old video tape that had a white label hastily slapped across the front. It read, "31/10/1967" in what looked like black marker.

"Well... theoretically, yes. But not certainly." Ford replied to Sora, before addressing Rex's question. "Because, the Tent of Telepathy was where Bill had his twisted versions of my niece and nephew work. When you were all transported into the Nightmare Realm, it was only logical that you had faced them."

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @Upstairs
--Another Ghost--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @UpstairsGang

"Probably bad luck. I doubt the house is alive." Hiryu nods, crossing his arms as Leelan explained how she crashed onto the 2nd floor. "Then again...This is a dream realm..." Just then, a familiar imp joined them. Midna. Greetings aside, everyone seems to be staring at a pile of ash Arthur found. "Are those...Gold?" Hiryu squinted his eyes underneath his form, though his face remained expressionless and constantly smiling due to how it looks. He took note of the gold bits found under all those ash, pondering what could it mean. Just then, Arthur dug through the ass and found an old casette tape with the numbers 31/10/1967...It's a date. He turned to Ghostfreak, asking, "Hey, since you can transform into a boat load of things, you think you have someone that can read recordings on a tape? I'd do it myself, but I don't have a guy who could."

"I think Upgrade might be able to do that," Ghostfreak says, "go in, have a look."

He smacks the emblem on his chest, changing his form to that of a liquid metal being that sounded like Ben himself behind a phonecall.


"Upgrade. OK guys, I'm going directly into it. I think that's how it works."

The liquid metal being proceeded to enter the tape to directly observe its contents.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod darkred darkred P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @Upstairs

Neither Kassandra nor Alexis would get a response, or Agent Penguin for that matter. All they were met with were the sounds of the boiler room growing louder and louder around them.

"If we go back up there, then we might lead whatever that voice was to the others." Jason replied. Right after he did so, a loud, high pitched screeching noise could be heard from the other end of the boiler room...

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless darkred darkred ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @BoilerRoom


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