--Another Zi-O|| Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
OST: Revolutionize ~ Instrumental

Seeing that she is targeted by Hiryu, Whisper's eyes shot wide open, angered by Mabel for having to do what she must. Whisper lunged ahead, her Cube Mode Wispon serving as a means to block and clash with Hiryu's blades. With a kick, Whisper was pushed back, putting aside his swords and drew out two Another Watches--one that bears a Wizard and the other, unknown. Without even looking, he activated the watch and shoved it onto a random person--hoping that it would help him defeat Whisper.

The all so familiar Another Wizard enters the fray, spinning fabulously as it hops in front of Megumin, brandishing its magic ring with its creepy eyes staring at the poor crimson demon.


The other one was clad in pink and green, dirtied with black. Its shoulders are spiked and its forearms bladed. It bears bright pink hair with black jamaican braid, raising its hand up as it stands from it's feet.


E X - A I D

"Subdue." Hiryu commands as he walks ahead the two Another Riders grunted, getting to work. Another Wizard places his ringed hand onto the belt, glowing as a Magic circle appeared below Megumin.


Chains erupt from the circle and wrapped around Megumin tightly, making sure she WON'T escape.

Another Ex-Aid, however, began to jump around the place, charging towards Lars with a volley of kicks and punches, all the while jumping from one invisible block to another!

Meanwhile, Whisper and Hiryu go toe to toe, her cube hammer clashing against Hiryu's blades!
The Agent saw through her attack, taking a big leap before jumping onto the non-bladed part of the forward gauntlet, now close enough to strike her face with his stinky cheese sword! Even if the following block of the second gauntlet was successful, the odour was far too strong and the weapon's proximity was far too close.

"I am many things - a full-fledged pirate is one of them. My ability to wield this blade without suffering what some would intepret as 'toxic fumes' and 'deadly pungence' is evidence of this. You are at a disadvantage."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
As she was looking to see what could help them in their situation, Mabel then began to speak. She was going to do something, you don’t just ask something like that and not follow up by doing something. Then…

Her eyes glowed.

Like a few minutes ago, she couldn’t resist against her powers no matter how hard she tried. Just how powerful was she? Suddenly, the last few minutes disappeared from her mind, followed by her calling out some names.

Unfortunately, her name was called out.

Right as she finished calling out names, she felt… different, moral wise. Everything she knew that dealt with knowing right from wrong and her thoughts were gone, replaced by the command Mabel ordered to them to protect her.

Standing up, she went to the front and stood next to Red Hood, readying Gambol Shroud. “
Don’t worry, we’ll protect you, Mabel.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , the rest of the group

Then, the girl began to speak to everyone, specifically their group. Honestly, she was a bit worried about what would follow next and she had a right to be worried. With how much power she had that she was unable to resist, she could take over towns if she wanted to. Hell, even continents!

And those worries weren’t put to rest as her eyes glowed and they all found themselves in a trance-like state. Ciri had experienced this sort of feeling before once or twice and like before, she couldn’t resist. Whatever she did stopped and everything was back to normal.

...Weeell, except for the part where the last few minutes were gone from her mind.

But the most worrying part about this was that as soon as she called out some names, those people then began to get up and go towards the young girl, protecting her. This was some sort of mind control, it had to have been! Getting up, she saw Aloy amongst them.

Aloy… why did it have to be you?

Let them go!

Looking at Aloy, she had to make sure that she didn’t hurt her and hoped the others didn’t hurt them as well. They had to free them, but they needed to take them out first. “
Aloy… forgive me.” She grabbed her sword, reluctantly ready to fight someone that she was starting to like. Maybe after this, they could still become friends, if they weren't already.

Ciri looked over at Kassandra, calling out to her. "
Kassandra, I'll take care of Aloy, just handle the flames!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , darkred darkred , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Venus was right. Something bad has happened. First, a chained up brute, flames, and the twin mind controlling some of your fellow MPF members...including Tandem.

"Tandem! My dear Tandem, no!"

"It's no use for you to tell him to snap out of it, or them. You might as well give them a little beating to snap them out."

>As she said that, she immediately hides under her seat while you unfold your Compact Edge and draw out your Semi-Auto Blade. If you want them back, you gotta have to fight them back.



>"Just in case you are wonder what's this meter. This is an "Overdrive Gauge". Just to remind you, rage is built up every time you fight. Have enough rage and you can unleash an Overdrive Attack onto your opponents or help your allies. Do note that OVERDRIVES DO NOT OUTRIGHT KILL YOUR ENEMIES, RATHER DAMAGE THEM HARD. Got that? Without further ado, ahem..."


>You stare at Tandem, waiting for him to attack first. This fight might get a bit nasty.

kindpng_5029417.pngLars was caught off-guard by the Ex-Guard's sudden attack on him. He was able to block just a few of the punches and kicks but the rest connect with his body. He was going to be in a bit of a pickle with this one. As the Ex-Aid is jumping about, seamingly in mid-air, Lars times himself before delivering an attack of his own: A mid-air jump kick with a twist [Red Sprite] "Bayeah!"
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

  • Morgan continued smoking quietly, though when Blendin confused his words yet again and Micah heckled the former, Arthur gave his ex-comrade a nonverbal glare that said "Shut up". Thankfully, Blake saved their hides yet again, remembering to make sure Blendin wasn't a Bill Cipher puppet before essentially revealing the notion of different universes. The idiot finally got the message, and apparently called off a small swarm of "time police" officers. Honestly, how could those guys tolerate Blendin?

    No matter. He was interrupted by his watch going off, revealing the Red Hood seemingly calling for help. Arthur immediately threw away his cigar, stomping on it a couple times to make sure its smoke was put out, before glancing over to Blendin.

    "If our friend's desperate enough to call for trouble, you'd better have your 'time police' people on speed dial." With that, the gunslinger ran off with Blake and the others, though what awaited them was definitely a trap.

    And a trap it was. The second he and the other MPF members walked through, the damn curtain closed. His right hand immediately went for a LeMat, readying himself for what could happen in the next few seconds. Too bad he couldn't prepare for mind control; before he could even say a word or react, his body was taken over like a puppet's. The American couldn't even scowl as he was slowly dragged to the stage by an invisible spirit before unholstering a LeMat and spinning it around.

    "I'm Arthur Morgan. Ain't much more to it than that." Whatever was controlling him holstered the revolver before he thankfully trudged his way back to a seat, unlike a couple of unlucky souls there who got turned into essentially dolls before being forced to... extinguish the flames on Lobo, someone Arthur'd read up on recently. He was definitely not someone to be let loose; there was a reason he'd been taken into MPF custody earlier.

    "...Shit." He grunted under his breath. If that smug little brat managed to steal Lobo from the MPF, then she wasn't to be underestimated, as much as she was already pissing Arthur off. Thankfully, everyone else seemed to be on the same page, and readied for a battle. But before Arthur could do anything, he too was frozen yet again in time before that annoying kid completely possessed a handful of other people- including Blake!- to be her bodyguards... and erasing any memories about what was going on with Lobo, though Arthur still understood how dangerous the chained man was.

    Regardless, the "bodyguards" stood directly between everyone and Mabel, seemingly blocking any straight shot at the little brat.

    Well, seemingly.

    "If you're really here to help, you'd better do your job. And don't be killin' none of the people who're possessed." Arthur added, knowing Micah's chaotic nature. His hand slowly but surely reached for his revolver just before...


    Arthur's eyes seemed to glaze over as time bent down towards his will yet again. The LeMat slipped out of its holster as Arthur suddenly dove towards the side, away from all the brainwashed folks. Once his body hit the floor, he had a good line of sight straight at Mabel without anyone to obstruct it.


    Unlike most other scenarios involving Deadeye, Morgan didn't need as much time as he could get. Instead, he knew just what he was going to do as he began to get up into a crouching position.


    A big, red "X" appeared right on top of Mabel's smug, shit-eating grin. As Arthur got up, his right thumb pulled down on the thumb as his fingers pulled the trigger.


    Thus, instead of fighting any of the possessed people, Morgan chose to attack the threat herself; time resumed its normal course for him as he pulled down on the hammer yet again just in case, and braced for another dodge if he had to get out of the way ASAP.​

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Lealan lets the cheese slap her upside the head. "I have explored Apex labs where the shambling victims wail in agony as their corpses rot around them. I have plundered irradiated worlds where the air is putrefied and the oceans are toxic waste." She shifts her free gauntlet away and quickly grabs at the back of the penguins suit. "If you thing some smelly cheese will stop me, you are mistaken." Lealan growls out. Even so, her face has scrunched up, but if this is actually the smell or something else can't be said.
Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon was still close to Mabel, having not had an opponent to fight as figured it was best he stay close to hear, just in case things got too hectic. As he was surveying the fighting, he heard a distinct 'Tick' sound. Captain Falcon knowsthis sound too well. He quickly gets in front of Mabel and feels a sudden, sharp pain in his stomach. Falcon had taken the bullet and was bleeding.... "Huh...That usually never happens....Is that all you got, cowboy...Cause I can eat all the bullets you got in that gun..." Falcon teases with a smirk as he looks at Arthur
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


Mabel simply stood there, hand firmly placed on her hip as she watched Arthur aim her gun at him. Even as he slowed down his perception of time, the girl didn't move a muscle. In fact, her gaze only narrowed and her smirk grew even more sinister. Her fingers visibly dug into the side of her well pressed clothes, as if straight up saying "Do it" to the man. Her eyes flashed with excitement as she anticipated the shot, even leaning forward a bit throughout it all. She was counting the seconds in her head. Every fleeting moment that went by was like an entire year for the psychotic young adult.

And then, just as Arthur fired off the bullet, Captain Falcon leaped in front of her and took the bullet, directly in his stomach.

"Good pet~"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
--Another Riders: On War|| Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
OST: Revolutionize ~ Instrumental

Another Ex-Aid was hit by the spin kick, causing him to be tossed onto the tent walls, crouching as he then rises up, charging towards him. Just as it was about to throw a punch, it slides down, delivering a sweep on Lars' legs instead before performing a backflip away from Lars, soon charging onto Lars once more with a raging tackle!

Hiryu was about to deliver another strike at Whisper when he hears the gunshot ringing off, prompting him to glance and see that one of his comrades is shot. With a growl and clenched fists, the two auxiliary blades on its straps moved, attaching itself onto Hiryu's swords as it glowed red, lighting coursing through the two blades. He roared, shooting one of the swords towards Arthur with a loud whistle!
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon smiles "Anything for you, sweetheart...But you oughta get out of here. Don't want these guys getting the drop on you while we aren't looking." Captain Falcon ruffles Mabel's hair slightly
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Nonsense," Mabel giggled. "I wouldn't miss this little show you're giving me for the world!" She exclaimed. When Captain Falcon ruffled her hair, though, Mabel immediately grabbed his hand. Maybe it was the mind control, but those delicate fingers of her's definitely felt like they could outright crush every bone in the F-Zero pilots hand as she squeezed down roughly. Continuing her smile, she yanked on his hand, pulling him in tantalizingly close to her face. "And never touch my hair again, or I'll rip your throat out~" She said in a sultry sweet tone, before releasing her grip and pushing a single finger right into the exit wound in his stomach, and by extension, back into the fight.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Well.... it looked like everyone was distracted enough that they didn’t notice him sneaking about with his pulse rifle. He only smirked as he can finally get revenge on Mabel. He then finally got close enough as he aimed his rifle, his weapon not making the same clicking noise due to being a completely different weapon, and fired a four bullet burst at Mabel. In case that did not hit, he also fired a Dark matter ball from his gun and said out loud “Try to block this you bitch.” as he waited for the bullets or the Dark matter ball hit its target.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Chronology: Ultimate

AETHER: 100%
MENTAL CONDITION: Kagutsuchi-Controlled
LOCATION: Tent of Telepathy, Gravity Falls
COLOR: #E1914F

Concrete Conduit Hotdog
Insane, Traumatized Hotdog
Tent of Telepathy, Gravity Falls
INTERACTIONS: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
MENTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Mabel)


Mabel Gleeful seemed to be not content with dangling the imminent threat of releasing the monstrous man on the crowd. That is what Alexis thought when the girl called out her name among several others. She felt...compelled to defend Mabel from the others, as if her fundamental character was changed to serve Mabel. The kitsune scowled, noting that this was a type of magic that she couldn’t counter. She was ready to set fire to the MPF members when a voice whispered into her head.

"Little Alexis, having trouble? I’d gladly protect Mabel for you. I hate that b###h, but just letting you be her b###h? That really pisses me off. If anyone’s going to control you, it’ll be me. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt your friends too bad...and I’ll give back control… eventually."

While what semblance of control was melting away from Alexis, she made the split second decision that between Mabel and Kagutsuchi, she’d have to pick Kagutsuchi. She trusted both of them equally, or rather, had a similar level of distrust for both of them, but at least she knew what Kagutsuchi wanted and how she would act. The goddess inside her was petty and angry—Kagutsuchi only wanted to ruin Alexis’s social standing and maybe cause a little chaos. Mabel was just unpredictable. And with that, Alexis handed control over to Kagutsuchi.

Upon switching control, Alexis’s tails turned into the raven black fur that was associated with Kagutsuchi. The demeanor of the woman immediately changed from a caring, mother-like figure into a far more haughty, aggressive, and seductive person. If Kagutsuchi wasn’t as prideful as she was, she might admit that she wasn’t that much different from Mabel. Upon assuming control, Kagutsuchi smiled, grinning from ear to ear as she gave Mabel the finger. "F##k you." Turning to the MPF members, she also flipped them off, "F##k all of you, too. For the moment, though, you guys aren’t going to be laying a hand on the b###h behind me. I’m keeping that right for myself."

Kagutsuchi conjured a fireball at the tip of each of her nine tails and began to take aim at random people. However, before she fired, shots rang out from a certain cowboy. She didn’t know who he was, but he thought he could get a cheap shot in. The goddess could care less about Mabel’s health, but some man in a ridiculously bright jumpsuit leapt in the way and took the bullets for the psychic with gusto and treat Mabel as if she were a princess. "Simp-a$$ masochist f##ker."

She now had a target. How nice. Kagutsuchi launched each of nine fireballs at the cowboy, each of which would split into eight darts of flame. The 72 darts of flame shot towards their target aggressively and would burst into flames should they strike. Each of them would give some moderately serious burns at worst, but overwhelming fire was her goal. "Ninefold Shiranui Straight Salvo."

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The duo continue waiting for the show to continue until the penguin gives Rex the whole box. “Oh, thanks. This’ll help take my mind of how insane this is becoming.”

But at last the sow carries on, and Mabel has a little surprise for the audience. Mainly those who were featured in the Blood Gulch, the surprise revealing to be the returning Lobo.

“Whoa! Sora. Sora.” Rex keep tugging at the speechless Sora’s shirt on the shoulder wanting to get his attention.

“I know. He’s one of the guys from the Blood Gulch.”

“Yeah, the one who join the Meta’s side just for money. What’s he doing here of all places?”

“I don’t know. Maybe the Cape had some kind of universal traveler, and he stole it.”

Mabel decides to make a sick game out of this and make flames appear in front of his chains. If Akari and Kassandra manage to put out the flame before it breaks the chain, they’ll be safe, if not she plans on letting Lobo kill them all. Some people decide to give Akari and Kassandra a little hand to avoid this horrible game, but Mabel takes note of this and decides to even the score.

“Nhg. What.. just? Huh?” Mabel speaks some names of the people and the tent, including Rex. “Rex, where are you going?” they got up from their seats going to the front of Mabel and began taking orders from her. “Rex? Hello? Anyone, what the heck are you doing?”

“Whatever you say mabs. I can’t say no to a little, murder.”

Before Rex could do anything to Sora, Ben steps in to try his best and snap Rex out of it. “What’s a hero? A pathetic little fairy tale made for children. But I’m done messing around.”
“Engarde, Benny.” Before Rex could have a chance to make Swiss Cheese out of Ben, Sora steps one using magnet, to fuse him to a wall.

“Stop Rex. We’re your friends!”

“What friends? All I have is Mabel.”

Rex would deform his hand back to normal to break free of Sora’s spell and tries to grab him. “Don’t make me do this.” Rex gets closer, as he uses a Smackhand to slam Sora into the ground, only for him to Counter Raid, hitting him in the face, and leaving his hand frozen. Rex uses his another hand to form another Smackhand to free the other one, but Sora uses Gravity to hold his free hand, down and freezes that too. “Sorry Rex.”

“You can’t ignore me forever key boy!”

“Keep telling yourself that. Ben, help keep him here. I’m going after the flame. They’ll pay for this!”

Sora runs to over to the twins, and the Keyblade begins to glow blue and begin to form slight Ice around it. Anyone around it would feel a slight chill. “Water!” Sora would shout as he slams his Keyblade on the ground, as a big wave of cool water was coming near the twins and tried to put out the flame, maybe even wake everyone up.

(Watch the beginning to get an idea how water is in KH)

Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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  • The missing Spear was definitely going to be an issue. Kassandra sure as shit wasn't leaving this place without that; as much as she hated the attire, the combat suit and her armor was fine. But her grandfather's Spear was something she absolutely needed. Maybe not now, considering the dire scenario, but definitely in the near future. Either way, when Mabel heckled Kass, she scowled behind the mask as her muscles tensed up.

    "There's no such thing as cheating if you didn't establish a single rule!" The brunette retorted, though her eyes watched the fight quickly unfold between everyone possessed and unpossessed. Thankfully, Ciri seemed to understand the Spartan's concern, reassuring her that Aloy would be taken care of. The horribly-dressed woman nodded gratefully in response just before her eyes looked right back at the problem at hand: The flames.

    "How the fuck am I supposed to deal with you..?" She grunted, focusing upon Lobo's predicament. There was no water around at all- yet- to extinguish the flames. At least, unless it was raining outside? Her ears strained for a split-second, trying to determine if this was the case, before shaking her head. Maybe she could "stop, drop, and roll" this?

    "Alright, big guy. Sorry for this." Kass walked over to one side, immediately pushing on Lobo's chains to try and get him knocked to the floor. If this was the case, she'd start rolling Lobo around with her entire strength, hopefully rolling the big brute around quickly enough to at least begin to try and snuff out those stupid flames. If Akari could come and help out, that'd be brilliant. Otherwise... she might be in trouble.
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--Another Zi-O|| Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
OST: Revolutionize ~ Instrumental

While Hiryu is distracted, charging towards Arthur, Whisper sees this as her best opportunity to try and take out the general. Switching to the Hover Wisp, she rose to the highest point she could before the Cyan Wisped switched with the Hover wisp, now aimed at Mabel as she held onto the Hover Wisps' orb hand balls, she aimed her Wispon onto Mabel, firing a cyan laser beam. Afterwards, Whisper had the Hover Wisp return, now hovering above the crowd, trying NOT to get hit.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon winces in pain from his hand and bullet wound but still keeps his smile "Aren't you the most adorablest thing ever~? Alright, no touching the hair. You gotta keep appearances aftera-" Captain Falcon quickly looks around as he has a feeling creeping up behind him. And he was never one to ignore is intuition He quickly grabs Mabel and tosses her in the air suddenly feels another pang of pain in his side "Ooooauughh!" Falcon clutches his side and feels his legs weakening but forces himself to stand. He catches Mabel just as she comes down "Sorry about that...Hope I didn't mess up you suit..." Falcon then feels a buring pain hit him in the back "GAAAAH!" Falcon falls to one knee, breathing heavily. Falcon slowly looks up just in time to see the Dark Matter Bullet closing in on them. His body feels to weak to move. It was shaking heavily from the immense pain but in one last effort to protect Mabel, He musters enough strength to turn his back towars the bullet and curl up "You've always deserved the best, Mabel....So if I die...I just wanna say....I'm sorry I if my all....Wasn't enough..."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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Despite being mind-controlled, I kept my flair for the dramatic. No matter what happens to me I keep acting flashy. It's permanently etched into my mind since I've been like that ever since I got good at my job! I held out both of my hands clearly in front of Shujinko and her buddy. I closed both of my palms before opening them again revealing four Yoyos tied to my fingers. I swung them wildly at my dame, reaching for her limbs.

Topless Topless
"And you think whatever's going through your mind is any more realistic? Whatever floats your boat, robot boy - but don't expect me not to sink it!"

Ben smacked his watch down as transformation began. He grew smaller is size, his skin redder. In Ben's place was a little Gremlin-like alien that was only a little bigger than an average shoe.


"Jury Rigg!"

Jury Rigg, as this form was called, cackled as it took a great leap towards Rex.

"Let's fix fix fix this problem - Jury Rigg style!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

"It appears that my strategies have proven poor. Fortunately, I have others."

Removing the suit, the Agent quickly alters his outfit as he was engulfed in a puff of smoke, performing a combat pose.


"I have concluded that this profession is the most efficient way of dealing with you."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>Tandem swings his yo-yos at you. You swing your blades to deflect them and then you charge towards him, hoping to land a knockout blow on his head.

Of course that guy in the really tight blue suit went in to save Mabel, because that’s what Simps do. He then quickly take out his ToolGun to see if it’s working, and to his surprise it actually worked. He needed something to throw in order to stop it, to which he spawned in a teddy bear, before throwing it by kicking it into the air. It flew past the Dark matter ball, as he pressed on the screen of his ToolGun, freezing the prop in place, essentially making it invincible. The Dark matter ball would bounce off harmlessly of the prop and went bouncing about as it went behind Benrey, no longer being a threat. He then unfroze the prop as he pressed a button on his ToolGun, before shooting a bright blue beam from it, which spawned in a med kit next to cap. He then said “Hey.... idiot, pick up that med kit, and lets have a fair one on one fight...” as he waited for him to pick it up.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
OST: Revolutionize ~ Instrumental

As Whisper floats slowly down, she noticed how Captain Falcon was ALWAYS there to protect to protect Mabel. Muttering a soft sorry with each time he was hit by a bullet, even when it's not her own. Maybe there's a way to get rid of him, somehow. Whisper nods to herself, using the Hover Wisp to fly right onto the stage, standing in front of Captain Falcon as her Wispon switched modes into its Cube Hammer Mode, proceeding to whack the Captain's wounded side as gently as she could while trying to push him aside!

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