Orbeck of Vinheim
status: Mind control, Another Wizard, and a soul greatsword.
Condition: intense thoughts.
The last few moments seem to go by quickly. The distress call from Red Hood, the overwhelming manipulation of the Tent's audience, Dipper and Mable, and their somewhat disturbing mannerisms. The grand reveal of Lobo didn't relay faze him as much as the others. Yes, he knew he was locked up for some sort of incident, but he does not have the best idea of his absolute power. Then came the mind control. The literal loss of function. And the forced betrayals. The kind that just reminds him of those countless killings during his time in Gravity Falls.

Of course, once she did so, it didn't take her long to notice the various MPF members preparing for battle. Instead of warping their weapons, though, Mabel only tilted her head to the side slightly. This was getting interesting.


"Tell me, what exactly do you plan to do with your toy hammers and pea shooters?" Mabel chimed as her gaze flickered between everyone who had decided to take a stance against Lobo. She placed a finger against her chin and began tapping it against her lower lip in mock thought. "If I'd known we were going to be having a watergun fight, I'd have packed my bathing suit!" She joked, before ultimately shrugging. "Well, if you wish to play dirty, then I suppose it's only fair that I do the same, hm?" She asked, and just then, her eyes began to glow a bright blue. And then, there was a quick flash of light from her eyes, which entranced everyone in the audience. No matter who you were, you all easily fell under her trance. It was as if your mind had just crumbled, and there wasn't a single thing you could do about it.

"Mmmm... let's see..." She mused in thought, humming to herself. After picking who she wanted in her own mind, her eyes returned to normal, and so did all of you. Kassandra, Lucky, and Akari remained untouched by this charm, obviously. They still had a job to do, after all! But the rest of you all immediately forgot what had just transpired seconds ago, as soon as Mabel's eyes returned to normal. It was like the last few minutes were completely erased from your mind. That is, until Mabel spoke again. "Red Hood, Captain Falcon, Agent Penguin, Hiryu, Ciri, Aloy, Sonic, Rex, and Tandem!" As she called out your names, you felt a dark cloud overlap your mind. It wasn't like before, where you felt like your body was merely on autopilot. No... no this time, all sense of right and whatever morlas you have have had began to just... fade away. Like wet paper. It was brought down into a pulpy, insignificant pile, and all rational thoughts were replaced by one simple, very easy to understand command.

"Won't you be good little pets and protect me from those brutes?"

And just like that, the suggestion was put into place. Jason was the first of you to stand up and approach the front, standing in front of Mabel as he tightly gripped both his guns.


"Of course, Mabel. Whatever you say."

The rest of you who Mabel called soon followed suit as you felt the need to protect this woman at all costs. Meanwhile, those of you fortunate enough to not befall Mabel's bewitching charms more than likely stood your ground as well, against your hypnotized allies. Yes, this only meant one, simple thing.

With half of the MTF members fighting in a forced conflict, it would have been the best scenario for him to sneak about the tent and incapacitate this alternate version of Mable. That would have been his most ideal course of action...
The all so familiar Another Wizard enters the fray, spinning fabulously as it hops in front of Megumin, brandishing its magic ring with its creepy eyes staring at the poor crimson demon.
"Subdue." Hiryu commands as he walks ahead the two Another Riders grunted, getting to work. Another Wizard places his ringed hand onto the belt, glowing as a Magic circle appeared below Megumin.


Chains erupt from the circle and wrapped around Megumin tightly, making sure she WON'T escape.

If it wasn't for the presence of Another Wizard and his ensnarement of Megumin.

It's clear that this...whatever it is, will not abide by the master's new lack of morals. Compared to anything that Orbeck has faced so far in his life, this may be the most intimidating. This armored fighter with powers that could give his sorceries a run for his money. This was a prominent reason for the vairus tweaks done to his spells, cast times, "holding" the spell in place, spell range, The sort of stuff that most Vinhiem sorcerers would have not thought about. Now, it's time to put that to the test.

"Is that how it is?" he said to Another Wizard "...then we are through and done with the formalities."
Orbeck makes the first move as he brings out his Cort sorcerers staff, light blue energy forming as he slashes at Another Wizard with a Soul great sword.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie @magic_battle?
Lealan looks at the penguin in a Ninja outfit, and without hesitation, Dumps Lava at where they both are standing. In a flash of light the Molten Rock Engulfs her feet up to the ankles, and more than that on the poor avian. Lealan opens her mouth to scream, before teleporting out and then screaming. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Lealan injects herself with a Stim Pack, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- I'm OK now." Lealan scans the area for where the Agent went as the Lava begins to spread.
Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Arthur Morgan wasn't sure what to think about Micah. On the one hand, his lazy ass meant the non-possessed people had one less man in terms of firepower. But on the other, it also meant there wasn't a loose cannon ready to go off at any second.

    Too bad he didn't have too much time to think about Micah at all.​

    That idiot Captain Falcon got in the way of his shot at the very last instant, blocking the bullet with seemingly ridiculous reaction speeds. Arthur's mouth twitched at the brainwashed brute's taunt. Things might get bloody at this rate, as much as Morgan didn't want it to happen. People would have to be incapacitated if they were so damn keen on protecting their bratty queen.

    ...Or keen on having Arthur's head.​

    Morgan was quickly alerted to an incoming attack via an absolute light show coming from one of the machine-like bodyguards, something looking like a sword immediately flying right at the gunslinger. Thankfully, you didn't become a high-ranking MPF member without some combat training; despite the sheer speed of the incoming attack, Arthur dove backwards, letting the sword scream right over his head and barely miss its target.

    His work wasn't over yet, though; that nine-tailed fox girl, also possessed, threw dozens of flaming darts right at Arthur. He cursed under his breath as he immediately swapped to his crossbow, pumping the action to load an explosive bolt before firing it in the centermost flame. The bolt exploded, most shrapnel intercepting the flames and causing them to prematurely explode. That said, he didn't miss it all, and diving a third time wasn't enough to save him from one of the stray flames coming in contact with his arm. The small flame burst was enough to make Morgan grunt, immediately slapping away at it to extinguish the flames and as a result only gaining a minor burn and a singed shoulder.

    "You've gotta be kiddin' me..." He grunted, pumping a new arrow into his crossbow. The gunslinger slung it back over his shoulders, pulling out a lasso instead; he didn't want to resort to wounding anyone else just yet, just take them out of the fight. If he could help anyone incapacitate someone, there'd be a much better chance of giving that brat a taste of reality rather than her stupid show.

    The only issue was that most people seemed to be more than capable enough of avoiding and/or resisting the lasso. Alexis was out of the question, since she'd just burn Arthur through the lasso, and Captain Falcon was... well, himself. And the machine bodyguard would definitely just cut through the rope. And he definitely stood no chance against Sonic or Blake.

    But what about that redhead girl? As Aloy notched an arrow to fire at everyone, Arthur's lasso wrapped around the Nora's hand, likely stopping her from firing an arrow against her will. At this, Morgan yanked downwards, trying to knock the archer to the ground temporarily. He glanced about, noticing that an ashen-haired woman seemed to have been readying herself to fight Aloy, before calling out to the newcomer.

    "Now! Take her out!"

    ...Of course, in this process, Arthur was definitely making himself exposed to more attacks. Whether anyone else would capitalize upon this was yet to be seen.​
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Chronology: Ultimate

AETHER: 100%
MENTAL CONDITION: Kagutsuchi-Controlled/Annoyed
LOCATION: Tent of Telepathy, Gravity Falls
COLOR: #E1914F

Concrete Conduit Hotdog
Insane, Traumatized Hotdog
Tent of Telepathy, Gravity Falls
INTERACTIONS: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
MENTIONS: darkred darkred


It was a shame that the cowboy pulled out his explosive crossbow and blew up most of the fire darts but Kagutsuchi had plenty more up her sleeve to make this man burn. She watched as he swapped between his revolvers, crossbow and lasso. He had quite the arsenal with him, but it didn’t seem like the man had much in regards to defense. While he wasted his precious effort to keep a random redhead from firing her bow, Kagutsuchi took full advantage of the opening. She created another nine fireballs, but this time they wouldn’t be launched. Rather, these orbs will shoot streams of flame in a manner not unlike a flamethrower. The jets of flame shot towards both the lasso and its wielder, aiming to burn both into ashes. "Ninefold Shiranui Scorching Stream. Yippee ki yay, motherf###er. Burn in hell like the rest of f####t cowboy friends."
Rex was still mind controlled, and frozen in place thanks to Sora, Rex was about to break free, but Ben transforms into something that could help “fix” Rex.

“The only thing I’m gonna fix is that noise of yours, Jerry Twig!” Rex manages to get his hands free, but not completely. They were still covered in ice, Rex uses this advantage to smack Jury Rig away.

“My boat’s still up, ya gremlin. Hungry for more?”

Crow Crow
Aloy raised her bow against her and the others, standing firmly in between them and the girl that they called Mabel. “Aloy, this isn’t you! Snap out of it!” Before she could move forwards to try to disarm her, some rope came out of nowhere and tied around her hands. Immediately, she ran forwards, using Blink to get there faster and if she went down to the floor, she’d kneel down and quickly knock her out with the hilt of the sword hitting the back of her head.
If she was still standing, she’d step behind her and quickly knock her in the back of the head to try to knock her out.

Either way, if she was successful, she’d Blink back to where she originally was and looked at who told her to take her out, giving him a nod. “
Thanks.” And she had Blinked back in time too as fire had been fired towards the cowboy and the lasso. Quickly, she used Blink again to go to him, grab his arm, and Blink out of the way.

Now, there was the matter of the lasso, which was probably on fire. Blinking over there one last time, she cut the rope before it could reach Aloy's hands with her sword and Blinked over back to where she was to keep Aloy with the two.

Ciri looked at who it came from, only that it came from that woman who said she was a kitsune. But most importantly, she was one of their allies, which meant they had to try to not hurt them or kill them. She readied her sword, staring at the woman.

darkred darkred , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , QizPizza QizPizza
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--Another Riders: On War--
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @FactionGuerrilla(Vs. Hiryu/Another Den-O-->W) @Laix_Lake(Vs. Another Wizard)
--Another Zi-O|| Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
OST: Revolutionize ~ Instrumental
OST: Vs. Another Wizard OST

Getting hit by the sudden shining blue magic sword caused the Another Wizard to flinch, the magic circle flashing as the chains stopped wrapping tightly around Megumin. At this rate, it may be possible to free her! The Wizard tapped his belt again, a magic circle appeared in front of him and behind Orbeck.


The Wizard threw his hand inside the circle, and on the other circle, a much larger hand appeared, wrapping itself around Orbeck as it clenched its fists. Using his free hand, he tapped the belt once more.


A green thunderbolt surged through the Another Wizard's enlarged arm, opting to shock the other grand Wizard in his grasp!

Meanwhile, Hiryu's blade returned to him as he raised another Anotherwatch, activating it onto himself as darkness once more wraps around him. He transformed into what seems to be a Rider with two colors stitched in half. One side is green-ish teal in color with gold highlights, bearing tattered robes while the other is black and purple, spiked with claws on its wrist.



Shortly afterwards, Hiryu held the stitching in the middle, soon throwing his arms to the side as both sides changed colors--the once green side turned yellow while the black side turned blue. The blue side now holding a peculiar looking gun on its hand. He raised the gun, firing out multiple yellow plasma shots, homing onto Arthur himself like some heat-seeking missile!
"YEOWCH! My butt's on fire! My butt's on fire!"

The Agent jumps up and down before spinning about mid-air, converting the smoke emerging from his butt into the smoke that would allow him to vanish in an instant.

Where was he, exactly?

Lealan would notice that another Stim Pak was gone from the batch on the floor.

It wouldn't be too long before Lealan would feel someone prepare to strike her from above with a hammer imbued with the element of water!


DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

"Break break break break break!"

As Rex's frozen Smackhands charged on, Jury Rigg's arms moved about swiftly, before he was smacked away.


"Oof! Huh, my powers! Why don't they... oh yeah..."

He looks towards some lava that just up and appeared on the battlefield, having an idea. Stepping closer to it, he taunts Rex.

"Hey, Rex, that the best you've got? Or rather - that all you can do? You won't do much to me if all you can do is punch things!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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Tandem Train Array.png

An evil chortle escaped my lips, doing a quick dash backward and pulling the Yoyos back in my attempt to hit Shujinko at her behind AND drag the weapons to my hands. That scream, accompanied by the evil laugh: I really am that over-the-top, huh? No wonder people compare me to mustache-twirling villains, I can see that now. Kinda ashamed of myself but I can excuse that sudden shout and fit of laughter as the mind-controls fault. Sure, I would be lying but these people don't know that I make falsehoods every day, being the suave con man that I am.

Topless Topless

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>"Shujinko! Behind you!"

>You stop dead in your tracks to look back and get hit in the touchie by the yo-yos which went back to it's owner. It hurts a lot. You cringe in pain. You are left open.

Cue the dolphin cackle coming out of my mouth. Look at my evident success of giving her a mighty hit with a simple little trick. Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! I got full of myself and decided to stroke my own ego like a complete asshole. Even when brainwashed: Tandem will forever be Tandem. I attempted to swing one YoYo around her neck, wrapping the string around it and if I do succeed with this little stunt I tried pulling off: I'd run around wildly while dragging her around like a sadistic jerk. Hopefully, she won't take this to heart! I am hypnotized, after all! That's my top excuse when she questions me about this.

Topless Topless

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>"Shujinko! Look out!"

>Your neck gets wrapped around by Tandem's yo-yo. You're now choking, struggling to break free. However, you still have your blades with you. In one full swing of your Compact Edge, you cut the string of the yo-yo to break free. You begin to gasp for air.


Mood: Nervous, Terrified, Numbed-out
Tags: (Leo, GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage understood the other's point of view perfectly, but still as the pacifist that he was he could not agree with it. Sure, even he who greatly disliked violence and had a ridiculous gripe with guns knew to give in and fight sometimes, but in his eyes, Benedict wasn't a threat that warranted violent approaches. Also, he was probably mentally ill, which after meeting Lucy he had been trying his best to comprehend, respect and be careful towards, despite never having to deal with them himself; Despite everything else in his life...

No matter how hard things got, Sage was still attached to living, even if part of him had the conviction that it would be much safer for everybody if he didn't anymore, if he just let his convoluted dangerous magical bloodline end right there. Surely, that's what the others thought too, and still he didn't want them to win. Nope, he wanted to prove himself instead. If not for someone else then at least for him.

"Well, you do seem like you’re legitimately sorry, as long you give a warning, we’re cool."

"Who wouldn't?", he had replied too fast, realizing the most obvious loophole, 'The bad guys wouldn't, Sey!' it's what he would have expected his Punk Biology friend to retort with, "Right", the pyromancer nodded to himself in acknowledgement, "Biiiiig oversight on my part to assume I wouldn't be scaring somebody with it in such a diverse group, will definitely try to remember that!", as Rex had introduced himself with a handshake, the Descendant hadn't taken it right away, honestly surprised at the gesture. Yes, he did know what those were, but they were incredibly uncommon to receive, "Sage. Sage Kaelber, sometimes it gets shortened to 'Sey' if you're into that..."

Just as he had remembered to put the communicator away, the top-hat man had once more shouted delusions at everybody and called him a ... maid? Even if he had been in Temple attire, Sage was pretty sure he looked nothing like a maid. Strangely though, that had to be nicest name that he had ever been called which was probably sad. The cartoonish individual insisted that the church was his and that he had to take it down...
Rex, who seemed to be done with this guy's antics, had requested for the aforementioned fire cage getting a chuckle from the pyromancer who had been about to oblige with the idea when the communicator had buzzed and emitted noises from his pocket again, interrupting them.

"E...RY...NE C...ME...NT...TELEPATHY.....EAD...ILL."

"Oooh, shit!", a very uncharacteristic swear had escaped his mouth, "That's a call for help if I ever heard one!"

Luckily for their group, it seemed like Rex's friend, apparently called Sora, had already gotten some information of his own that made connecting the words sent in by Red Hood a lot easier.

"Ah! I do remember seeing a white and blue tent from up there!", still he'd glance over to Benedict one last time pointing at him, "YOU. Stay out of trouble, we'll be back to finish this mess ASAP! DO. NOT. DESTROY. ANY. PROPERTY, got it?! I mean it! We'll make sure you fix aaall the things you break!"

Taking a step back from Rex and Sora, Sage had taken off once more, maybe startling the later one with the re-summoning of the fire wings. At a good distance to both follow and guide, maintaining a soft glide at the same paces as the others, he had accompanied the pair until the location of the tent, landing at a safe distance beside them.
One look at the new environment and the eeriness of everything had already settled in. Gulping down in nervousness, he briefly thought to himself whether the adventure with Katie made this the second time he would be infiltrating a villain's lair and sticking behind the group of teenage heroes, stepped inside...

"What the-?", Sage had blurted out as soon as the sight of the stage was in front of him, "A magic show??"

The pyromancer wasn't entirely sure of what he had been expecting, but it certainly had not been this... His eyes widened as he saw the two magicians, --teenagers not much younger than himself, probably High School age--, address the crowd and his heart instantly sunk. This was bad, it had Moon Clan vibes all over it, the cult-like religion composed mostly of thieves, thrill-seekers, rebels and those prolific in lying, cheating and manipulating. The worst of the worst, the Black Sheep of the Clans.
Before he could even finish processing what exactly was going on, Red Hood, whose name was apparently Jason, and Leo had stepped forth into the stage and introduced themselves. By Leo's reaction, however, it was clear that this was not voluntary, which just seemed to amp up the sheer terror that Sage felt as he powerlessly watched others follow suit, under the influence of some terrible inconceivable unGodly power.

And then just like that the terror seemed to fade from his expression, the suggestion had gotten to him too...

The young man seemed to relax a little, while his mind struggled to understand what was happening and panicking in epic proportions. The compulsion had been to hop on stage and introduce himself, and with all concern seemingly disassociated from the action, he had complied with giving a little hop in the air and a few flaps over to the elevated ground, something that given they were in a tent full of people, Sage would have never dared to do. At the same time he involuntarily complied with the task the air around him seemed to get warmer and warmer; The most observant might have noticed that his fiery-orange eyes seemed to glow stronger than usual.
The emotions were there, but as they were granted no expression, no release, the magical tension and stress were forced to accumulate, pile up volatile inside. If he had been smarter, the pyromancer would have placed the armlet back in place before this... But he had not.

"Hiya~!", his body had stopped with a friendly grin, a typical hero pose with his hands by the waist and a confident stance, no sign of the usual socially awkward, nervous college-student he was, "I'm Sage, Sage Kaelber, The Phoenix Descendant!", and even the often omitted title had been shared as if there was pride to have over it instead of mostly hardship and regret.

For the brief moment he had been released from the compulsion, the proudful grin had melted into something towards despair, eyes widening with the terror from earlier, but before any of the pent up energy could have escaped, a new compulsion: everyone was to leave and sit down in the audience. This time he had just walked, queueing up behind the others and obediently sat down in eerie sync, the ground sizzling under every new step. Then it was over. He was free for now.

For a moment, there was just silence, as his mind was allowed to catch up with his body.... And the terror would come back full force.

The whole area around the audience would catch on fire suddenly, starting from a middle point in the back and spreading in a half-moon around everybody. Unlike the sudden high-strain incident of before, the flames would not 'relax' afterwards, if anything they were tall, fierce and flicked wildly as if exposed to extreme back and forth wind. If Sage had been okay, he'd have as usually panicked to put out the flames, probably with the water bottle he had pocketed from Wakanda, but in the current situation, he had been anything but okay.

I-it had been like the Take-Over, but he had been there still. No blackouts, no memory loss, he had just been made a passenger in his own body and forced to watch as it reacted with someone else's inputs. The pyromancer had always thought that the risk of dying without knowing, of unleashing a rampaging Entity with his abilities into the physical world was the scariest thing that he had to worry about. And suddenly it was not. Being taken for the ride and screaming inaudible despairing words the whole time had been equally if not a lot scarier than anything he had faced thus far!!! He had been ready for a fight, for trickery, but something of this level???? A second individual that threatened the sovereignty over his own body??!!

He couldn't breathe. His chest ached, as if squeezed by the sides by some unseen force, more than usual. The plastic of the chair struggled to keep itself together in the presence of the heat aura amped up to beyond sauna equivalents, the melted white substance sticking to the back of the jacket. Erratic panicked gaze, breath shallow, he just couldn't seem to calm down, how could he after what has just happened?! To the avoidant Sage this felt like the end, he felt cornered and terrified, more terrified than ever, the fight or flight response flashed towards 'flight' in a situation where he couldn't do anything about it... BUT MAYBE THE ARMLET COULD!

Like an asthmatic reaching out for their inhaler in the middle of an attack, Sage too frantically scavenged his pockets for the magic dampener relic; His powers still going out of control in the background, the flames threatening to begin licking upwards the tent's cloth. Man, Rex was going to be mad at him again... The water bottle that had been in the way ended up knocked out of the jacket, falling to the ground with a resounding 'thum' of a filled container and rolling out away from him, but the next item had indeed been the armlet! For a moment there was a relieved sigh as the pyromancer thought things were under control now...

And then he glanced up to see just the chaos they were in and his mind just seemed to ...stop. Especially given that Rex and Alexis, wait not-Alexis were apparently defending the magician girl. A tip of the fire seemed to tint itself a vivid blue and it began to gradually spread throughout the whole thing; Similarly, the usual orange shade of the Descendant's eyes had the middle start to flash blue and as spilt liquid paint overtake the shades of orange and red. It was too late to try and calm down now.


He would suddenly slump back onto the still melting seat, almost like a disabled appliance, an emotionless, doll-like expression in his face. Inert. The pyromancer had blacked out.

Sage was no longer home.
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kindpng_5029417.pngLar's was sweep-kikked off his feet but managed to rebound of his hands and hoist himself back on to his feet. He gets into his stance and once he sees the Ex-Ai charging him, Lars does a swift, flashy dash slide on his feet towards him, quickly closing the distance between them, then follows up with a hard uppercut to the gut "Yeugh!"
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Another Riders: On War || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
"Hush now, it's okay. We'll handle this." Whisper simply whispered as she handed her MPF Comrade that her other ally tried to give him. Shortly after, she pushed the Captain aside, now pointing the barrel of her Wispon against Mabel's head, still in cube mode. "Please, release them." Whisper pleaded, gripping her hammer. "I don't want to hurt you."

Another Ex-Aid would cough up something when Lars uppercut landed on him. He stumbled back a little, clutching his stomach before staring right at him, proceeding to jump around invisible blocks yet again.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"MABEL! I swear to the space gods, fox-girl! You pluck a a hair on her head and I'll skin you alive with my bare fingers and feed your flesh to your kind!" Captain Falcon threatens Whisper as he attempts to breach the cube
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Another Ex-Aid--
Interaction: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-


What came out of the Another Rider was a bulky, purple pocketwatch of sorts. If Lars was observant enough, he'd recognize these from the time Hiryu got up on stage and raised a similar watch. Just then, Lars hears a thud where Another Ex-Aid was, now reverted back into an unconscious rando.
Speaking in response to cap asking why they helped him “Because even though we are fighting each other, your still my teammate and I gotta make sure you don’t die.” as he began to run to the stage in order to stop cap from beating up Whisper. Once there, he grabbed Cap with both arms, before in a sudden act of strength, raise him into the air on his back with both hands. He then said “Sorry about that, but I am not allowing you to mess with my teammate not.” as he continued holding him in the air, making sure he did nothing to fight back. He then looked at whisper and said “I got this lad under control, keep doing what your doing over there.”.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

In all the commotion, snake had used his octocamo to turn his suit completely black, and moved off to the side in the shadows. Snake pulled out his modified M16, switched it to full auto, and mounted it in a bench, lining up a shot on Mabel. Beforehand he thought of negotiation, I mean they’re kids, but he now knew they were to organized, they knew what they were doing and didn’t care. His thoughts as he prepared to fire went back to the events at Shadow Moses, and Psycho Mantis. The guy grew up with his powers, abused, and in the end found the wrong leadership, and snake had to kill. Snake focused again and lined up the ironsights to Mabels chest.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @literallyeveryoneintheillusivetent
ok time for the real big post

The chaos that ensued around the psychotic, female twin was absolutely delightful. The smells of blood in the air, seeing allies that were once friends with each other turn on themselves with the literal wave of a hand, and all with the threat of a colossal level beast destroying things in the background... well, it made for quite the event. And the audience seemed to think so, too. With every crack of bone or rip of flesh that could be heard, they seemed to cheer even more, absolutely loving the carnage. And Mabel just stood there throughout it all, with a soft grin on her face. Her eyes darted between each individual who was fighting around her like a kid in a candy store. That comparison was more literal than one might think, in all honesty. Seeing everyone's morals and relationships crumble before her eyes as all so sweet.

Ah! But she couldn't be a mere spectator in this show, could she? No, no, Mabel was still the star! And she intended to make everyone know it! So, with a spin on her heel, she bountifully skipped over to the scene with Lobo to watch how it was playing out! And Kassandra herself had quite the creative idea, too! Flipping Lobo over the fires was nothing short of a stroke of brilliance on the Greek's part, and she deserved to be rewarded as such as the fires were successfully extinguished! "My my, look at you, my resourceful little Greek bunny!" She said as she slowly pulled Lobo back up. His impervious skin made for quite the extinguisher. Why, there weren't even any singe marks on his massive biceps! She lifted him up with ease and placed the gourney back on the stage. And with a hefty kick aimed towards the backstage, Lobo disappeared from sight entirely.

On the floor, another storm was brewing as Sage began to heat up. Leo had stood in the back until now, trying to find a good spot to come in and play hero. He'd already tried using his eyes on Mabel previously, but as soon as he did, his eyes began to crack and bleed... just like with the vampires on his own world, and just like with Cobblepot. Whatever her power was, it trumped Leo's eyes to the point of overheating them, making him useless against both her and her mind controlled servants, who's brains had the same blockage her's did. However, moments later, he heard an all too familiar voice call out his name.


"S-Sage...?" Leo asked as he saw the boy having... some sort of issue out of the corner of his eye. "Sage!" He shouted, repeating his name as he broke out into a sprint over to the boy. But by the time he realized what was happening, and saw the blank stare on his face, it was too late....


"Now then, you may have put out those fires..." She began, hand firmly placed on her hip as she confidently strut to the centerpoint of the stage. Her other hand was by her side, waving alongside the other hip with the grace of a model. Once directly in the center of the stage, Mabel firmly slammed her foot down, as if she couldn't already draw enough attention to herself. "But can you put out..." And then, like on cue, Sage's fires began to glow brighter than the northern lights. And, just as soon as they did, and Alexis' own fires began heating up the place, Mabel threw her hands up to the sky, slung out her hip, and tilted her head back, as the pure, sizzling hot flames of disaster enveloped the room behind her. "These~!?"


On the floor itself, however, a much more brutal story was being told. As Benrey and the others were attacking Captain Falcon, they would suddenly see what looked like a red, bat-shaped boomerang enveloped into the ground beside them? It buried itself between Whisper and Benrey, and within a matter of seconds, it began to emit a loud beeping noise. And, as beeping things usually do, the boomerang soon exploded in a ball of pure flame! Whether or not it hurt them was a different story, but all that mattered was that as soon as the smoke cleared, who came in none other than Jason Todd himself! And he was back with a vengeance, too, brandishing two handguns and firing upon the two healers with a barrage of bullets!

Meanwhile, as Snake began to line up his shot towards the flamboyant Mabel, it only made sense that his shot should have hit, right? I mean, she was so busy putting on the show, and everyone was so busy fighting each other, that there was no way he could have possibly missed? And, without any interference, Snake was able to take the shot with ease. No one came into stop him, or break his gun, or anything like that. The bullet was merely fired, and it began traveling directly towards Mabel's chest. And then, it didn't strike with a BANG!, but rather, a thwip!

Wait, thwip?

Yes, for if Snake were to keep his eyes on his target the whole time, he would soon find that Mabel had casually swiped the bullet out of thin air like it was nothing more than a ping pong ball, and was now holding it up to her eye. "What a cute little trinket~!" She hummed out all too innocently, observing the round in her grasp. She turned to Snake and flashed him a wink and a smooch, before saying, "Let's see what's inside, shall we?" Just then, her eyes began to glow a bright blue hue once more, and the bullet began to slowly levitate out of her hand. Like magic (which was basically what it was), the bullet undid itself mid-air, and its powdered contents were poured out into the palm of Mabel's hand. She giggled at the sight, before gesturing towards herself. "Awww~ You shouldn't have!" She giggled again, before leaning in and inhaling the gunpowder through her nose like cocaine. She then let out a satisfied sigh, and turned away like nothing happened.

Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Chungchangching Chungchangching DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Okay, at first this was fine since she only got a hit on her behind, nothing that would gravely injure her but at this point: It's just me killing her slowly. I tried choking her to death, damn it! How could I do that?! The worst part is that I can't do anything about it! I skipped circles around her, taking my sweet ass time with this since I am getting way too overconfident of my skills. When I was on her side, I rested my arm on her shoulder and checked my nails on the other hand.

"Come on, cool cat, I expected more from you!"

I did a little spin as I made my way in front of her.

"Hit me with your best shot!"

I made myself an even more inviting target than I usually am!

Topless Topless

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