
Sora grunts in frustration as Mabel rejected his offer, there’s no saving Will, but the others are in trouble right now. He needed to accept fast or it would all be over.

“(Don’t worry Will. I’ll save you.)” Sora walks up to Mabel to shake her hand and take the deal. “Deal!”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Shit..... looks like yelling out about his next move was not a good idea, since Jason just dodged the gas by backflipping. His ally, Lars was shot at with both pistols, only to mutter a curse as Jason now faced him. He couldn’t hear anything with that gas mask of his.... so he didn’t know that Jason used his grappling hook until the last minute, in which after a few seconds of being grappled, gets launched into the air and off the stage by Jason kicking him as muffled yelling was heard from him, which sound like “I am gonna Kill that Bitch if I get my hands on heeerrrrrr..!!” as he landed onto the ground. He heard a slightly muffled scream from the outside but he managed to ignore it due to it not really bothering him. He then jumped back onto the stage, some of the wood breaking under his jump. He then took out his ToolGun, pressed the screen, and shot a beam at himself. If someone were to look at his hands, they looked like they were glowing white with energy, as he charged forward to punch Jason in the face. If it landed, it would cause a small shockwave that would launch him very far from him. But if not, he would still feel the after effect of the wind being pushed by his enhanced punch.

His attempted attack was stopped due to that stupid challenge that Mabel seemed to accept. As he stood in disbelief, he did not hear the warning, and thus, his ears began to ring loudly from the scream. By Thor’s hammer, they were much more louder than even his own screams. While his ears did not bleed, he still felt major discomfort as his ears still rang loudly from it. He was now out of the fight for the time being due to the effects of it.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Once again, someone else made the mistake of revealing their hand too early. Having been trained by The Batman, Jason was of course taught to always be aware of his surroundings. Not a sound went unnoticed by the vigilante, and Ciri's warning was no exception. Once she called out to everyone unturned, Jason quickly took the time to bring up his makeshift gauntlet and tap a few things. Once he did so, two rubber ear plugs were stuffed into his ear. Once she let out her inhumane shriek, he quickly turned to face her, pulling out his taser as he did so. Within seconds, he fired his taser towards her, threatening to incapacitate her if she didn't react in time!

As Jason turned around, though, he was met with a flying, enhanced punch to the face. The punch knocked him back a bit, sending him crashing into the empty chairs you were all sitting in a few moments ago. He slowly stood up and grunted, moving his shoulders and neck around to forcefully pop the bones back into place. Once he'd done so, Jason simply aimed both his guns, and began firing.

Meanwhile, Lealan's crystal shots towards the chains wouldn't make them budge an inch. Aside from making them shift from side to side a bit, they really didn't seem to react at all! And neither did Mabel, for that matter. Instead, the magician was too focused on Sora's little game. She offered up a hand when he accepted her offer, smiling sweetly in his direction. The hand itself was engulfed in a bright blue flame as it was extended. Frank West might even recognize this same offer if he was paying attention...


"Shall we shake on it, then?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
This probably wasn't the best time for her.

First came a warning, followed by a scream that could most likely make her go deaf in one pair of ears. Her cat ears immediately curled up as she dropped Gambol Shroud to cover her human ears. That left her vulnerable to the flashbang, but fortunately, she saw Snake throw something at her.

Immediately, she looked away as she doubted that he would throw an actual grenade considering that everyone fighting was aiming to not injure or kill them from the looks of it. And looking away did prove to work as it was a flash grenade. But now that left her in the spot of only kicking to defend herself.

Until the screaming was dealt with, she was at a disadvantage whether she covered her ears or not.

Venom Snake Venom Snake
Sora takes Mabel’s hand in agreement. Sora stands back in preparation and gets into battle stance.
Sora makes the first move by launching Magnet in the air, trying to suck Mabel in it. Along with that, if she were get engulfed, Sora would pull a combo you normally see from the games, a basic four hit to Aerial Finish.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Megumin kept her glare switching between ex, Falcon, Hiryu, Sonic, and Jason. Oh, the shit she was going to do to those boys. Everyone deserved to know what they were really like. She was going to expose every little piece of the true colors Mabel revealed. Jason and Sonic didn't give a shit about the multiverse, and Rex and Falcon only liked her because they were forced to! How long was this lie beneath her nose? Did Jason work to destroy everyone who tried to expose his secret nature in the past? "With friends like those..." She snarled. "Come on, Chomusuke, get this over with so we don't EVER have to speak to those vile felons again!" Actually, that wasn't going to be the end of it. She was going to destroy these cheaters in every way possible.

    Unfortunately, in the course of Lucky's dance, he exposed himself to Mabel! "CHOMUSUKE!" Megumin wailed, wiggling futilely in the chains. Oh, Hiryu was DYING for this.

    Somehow, the Pines...or were they the Gleefuls?...knew exactly how Lucky's enchanted jade worked, and she braced herself. It was going to love feeding on the false hearts of these bitter, two-timing chucklefucks, not to mention Megumin's broken spirit. "Go on, take me!" Her struggles, combined with the beatdown of the Another Wizar restraining her, allowed the chains to fall off her body. "Give me that stuff! Lucky was right to lock his heart away, I know that now! I've given my affection and loyalty to FAKE FRIENDS!" She bared her teeth at Rex in particular.

    The twins, however, didn't seem interested in closing off her heart. Instead, they unveiled...BILL!...Er, Will! Even though he was the one they were all after, Megumin couldn't help but feel bad for him. "His home destroyed?" The young girl started to shiver. "So we could very well be in the same place..." Then again...Just what was this threat to the multiverse going to do if he had no capacity for love and empathy?

    More importantly, Sora was the only one able to stand between Lucky and sudden death! "Not on my watch!" Megumin cried, rushing to the Keyblade bearer's side. "Sora, at least let me provide moral support! We'll take out this girl together, and then we'll MAKE SURE THAT REX AND HIS TREACHEROUS KIN NEVER SHOW THEIR FACES OUTSIDE OF THE MPF PRISON AGAIN!" Just saying Rex's name made her snarl, and her mind was hard at work figuring out just how he would expose his double-crossing nature. Their prison was destroyed, but maybe there was a county jail around her that she could use? No, jail time wasn't good enough. Rex needed to become unable to EVER rebuild his reputation. So did Jason. All of these Mabel-bodyguards did. She would make sure Captain Falcon died in an accident. Alexis was having her tails chopped off. Or maybe...she needed her brain fixed. NOW.

    Thanks to the brewing rage inside her, the jade began to splinter right there in the twins' hands. Tiny fragments started to fly to the archmage's heart, little by little deforming her eyes. What's more...was she turning...gray?

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When Sora shook Mabel's hand, he would suddenly feel a very strange power surge through his body. The flames on the sorcress' hand were cold to the touch as well, oddly enough. The power he felt was hard to explain, but just as soon as it had appeared, Mabel retracted her arm, and it was gone. Then, Megumin rushed to Sora's side, and Mabel couldn't help but giggle slightly. "Mmm... sorry, little one. But this little spar is between Sora and I!" Mabel replied, before twirling her finger in the air once more. When she did so, Megumin found herself being lifted and tossed right off the stage!

Jason, meanwhile, only grunted when the taser was knocked out of his hands. In order to do this, Megumin would have had to be in close range with him on the ground, so Jason used this to his advantage and crouched down, going in for a sweep kick to knock the archwizard off her feet!

And, with that, the battle with Sora had begun. The magnet that he used was good enough to pull Mabel towards him, though as he began to charge her with his attacks, she didn't even flinch. Instead, with the first attack, she merely caught the keyblade and swung Sora to the side, across the entire stage! "I do hope that you have a better tactic than simply rushing me with attacks. Otherwise, I fret this may be a waste of my time." Mabel yawned.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
--Another Riders: On War || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie (Another Wizard watch) Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Another Wizard defeat) FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Vs. Hiryu) Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Former Another Ex-Aid)

"...?!" Another Wizard grunted as he felt spikes pierce through its skin, causing the monstrous mage to let go and withdraw its hand. Its spell interrupted. A chance appeared itself as it clutched its wrist in pain--an opening for Orbeck!

Whisper wasn't surprised at all when her voice didn't reach Maple. Well, to be fair, she's always whispering. Being so she was unable to combat the oncoming attacks from Jason, his throwing stars(?) packing explosives enough to throw her off the stage. Groggy and wounded, Whisper lets out whimpers as she tries to remain standing, gripping her Wispon like a sword as she staggers. The wolf, whose eyes are constantly shut, had her eyes wide open, glaring at the deal Mabel and Sora were having--a duel...For the sake of who gets to live.

"Sora..." Whisper quietly whimpers as she grits her teeth. She's in no condition to deal with Mabel--but she could try and help out the others. "Rocket." Whispers aims the barrel of her Wispon at the Another Wizard, kneeling on one leg as the orange wisp switched places with the blue wisp. The sphere glows, and when the trigger is pulled, an orange missile is launched, flying straight at Hiryu, who's still trying his damnest to deal with Arthur in the way of her actual target.

"AAAGH!" Hiryu's monstrous yelp as he is knocked down, kneeling as he dropped his gun. This gave Whisper another opportunity to fire at Another Wizard, the missile flew through the air with a marvelous whistle, hitting the monstrous mage directly, causing it to stagger. If combined with Orbeck's efforts, regardless of his actions, the Another Wizard would be seen with electricity coursing through its body, falling forwards before erupting in an explosion--a purple watch that bore the face of Another Wizard flew out of the smoke and fire and right beside Megumin's feet, hitting her as it's power taunts her.


The former host for Another Ex-Aid was simply surprised to see that he wasn't in his seat, but clapped for a bit before rushing back to his spot. It's as if the man didn't give two shits about his life.
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Megumin took both hits, but the rage inside her was akin to a train's coals, and she got back up in no time. "Nope! Forget your rules!" She growled. "I'm helping Sora end this battle so we can move on, defeat Ganondorf, and then I can be with TRUE friends again!" So, while Mabel was throwing Sora, she would go for a flying kick in the girl's side! "I thank you for exposing the fake friends, but you won't hold us back any more!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Snake had had enough time and crept up behind Mabels twin brother. He wasted no time pulling out his stun knife going in one swift motion to plunge the knife deep into
the male twins chest, below the sternum. If this is successful, then snake would activate the knife, sending an electric charge through the boys body and knocking him out. If everything works right, her brother would die of blood loss if the fight isn’t resolved. A good bargaining chip.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Exposing them?" Mabel asked, quirking a brow. Did this girl not understand what mind control was? Whatever the case, Mabel would use her free hand to stop Megumin mid-air. She was frozen in place, and Mabel simply floated over to her once Sora was dealt with, the same aura that was holding Megumin in place being the one that appeared to give her whatever powers she possessed. "Aww... what's wrong, dear? Did mommy not play with you enough back home?" Mabel asked sweetly, staring into Megumin's eyes with her light blue hues. "Well, if you truly wish to battle men, then... 'it's your funeral', as the man says." With that, Mabel rose her leg high up above Megumin's head and slammed her heel down into Megumin's skull, sending her crashing down towards the stage!


"Did you really think you were that sly?" Dipper would ask as Snake approached him from behind, without even turning around. When the soldier pulled out the knife, Dipper grabbed his arm and spun him around, locking it behind his back. "Honestly, the lack of intelligence you all have astounds me. That little girl even believes her friends made the conscious decision to betray her." Dipper said, and with a surprising amount of strength for such a thin looking boy, he kicked Snake down onto his knees, forcing the knife he once held up to his throat. His expression remained unmoved throughout all of this, as he grabbed Snake by the back of his hair and forced him to watch Megumin get kicked in the head by Mabel. "Let's watch her die together, shall we?"

Venom Snake Venom Snake P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
As Sora was focused on his fight with Mabel, Megumin rushed to to him, wanting to join in but Mabel flings off the stage.

“Megumin!” His thoughts would be interrupted once Mabel manages to actually catch his Keyblade, and tosses his him around like a rag doll. Sora gets angry and uses Blizzard against the girl, Megumin also tries to rejoin the fight but Sora isn’t too keen on that. “Megumin, stay back. It’s too dangerous.”

After that, Mabel continues to harm Megumin, enraging Sora more. “STOP!” Sora would follow up his Blizzard with a hopeful Stop, which if lands, Sora’ll finish with Thunder.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Mabel blocked Sora's Blizzard with yet another wave of her hand, intentionally propelling it towards Ciri. However, one hit that finally did manage to land was Sora's Stop, which honestly Mabel had no chance of avoiding. This allowed the Thunder to hit her and knock her back down to the ground, causing a small hole in the stage where she landed. As she slowly re-emerged, her hair was slightly ruffled and her nose was bleeding. She wiped the blood with her thumb and licked it off, smiling up at Sora deviously. And then, she said a few magic words which would make any Marvel fan scream.


"All that for a drop of blood~"

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Mabel began to rise from the ground, her eyes glowing such a bright shade of blue that it was hard to tell if there was anything behind them at all. Grinning psychotically, she merely lifted up her hand, and under Sora came a bright blue light. The light was so bright that anyone with their eyes open in the room would be able to see it, and it shot from right below Sora to past the ceiling, ripping a hole through the tent's roof and going into the night sky. The beam's energy would be so concentrated that it would no doubt incapacitate Sora the second it came into contact with him, and prolonged exposure to it would no doubt result in death!

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Shit shit shit shit shit......’ were the only words going through his head as he dodged the bullets from Jason, him jumping off the stage and dodge rolling, before running at Red Hood. Seeing him distracted with someone else, he saw his chance as he sneakily but quietly made his way to him. Once reaching him, he grabbed him, both arms, before doing an German suplex on him.
He then quickly got back up as he grabbed him from the floor, wrapping his arms around his neck as he tried to knockout Red Hood.

After some time, his ears had stopped ringing a bit, he finally got back to full height, only to see megaumin in trouble. He sighed as he began to run towards where she crashed, jumping to her side as he decided that now.... it’s a good time to run away as he put her on his shoulder and started to run away from the battle between Mabel and Sora.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Berney would find that the German suplex was indeed a success! But he would also have to soon learn that Jason had taken much harder hits from much bigger people, and wouldn't go down that easy. As he felt himself being brought down to the ground, the Red Hood quickly rebounded by pushing himself back up with his arms. Upon doing so, he aimed his foot upwards for a swift kick directly to Berney's lower jaw!

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
“To hell with this.” Snake used his other hand to draw his MK.23 SOCOM, and fired 3 rounds into the kid. After that, he stood slightly, and would perform a leg sweep motion, and while the kid was falling down grab his hand to retrieve his stun knife again. The rounds fired are .45 ACP, and focus more on stopping power than range and penetration. It’d hurt like a bitch and is extremely fatal at point blank.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>Things are heating up, literally. Tandem is taunting you to attack him. It might be another trick.

"Shujinko, use your skill sets! Maybe they can be an edge to your opponent."

>Want to switch skill sets?

>Which one?


>As soon as he becomes an inviting target, you use your superspeed to go behind him and hit him at the back of his head with the bottom of your Compact Edge.

Sora landed some successful hits, but his victory was short lived as Mabel was just getting started. She now summons this blue beam of light that manages to catch Sora. The longer he stays in it, the more of a chance he’ll die.

“I.. can’t. I-I can’t give up. Everyone’s- counting on me. The multiverse.. Megumin... Lucky... Rex.. Donald. Goofy.. the whole multiverse... and.” Sora’s eye opens as he begins to concentrate all his strength into breaking free of the beam.

“No! I can’t let her.. no- them, down.” Sora’s life flashes before his eyes, all his memories, all the moments he’s made in his life: With Riku & Kairi, Donald & Goofy, and the MPF.

“(I’ve gotta use it. It’s time to go all out. I won’t let them down!)” A ball of light forms around Sora protecting him from the beam for a limited amount of time. As he’s in the ball, his Kingdom Key would morph into a more traditional looking sword and eight more swords of light begin to appear around him. “HYAA! GIVE ME STRENGTH!”.

Sora burst the ball to reveal his transformation into Ultimate Form and breaks free of Mabel’s beam. He floated above her like a DBZ character with a look of determination.

“My turn!”

Would be all Sora says before continuing the fight. Sora uses stop again, but whether if it worked or not, he would use Magnet again, following up with flinging one sword in front of her, preform a quick teleport from the back to send one at her back, only to fly up to prepare for Ultimate’s base combo.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The first shot struck caught Dipper off guard and struck him in the shoulder, sending him stumbling back while holding onto his bleeding wound. The other two shots, however, were dodged with surprising ease. He proceeded to jump up and above the sweep move, and once he landed, followed up by swiping the knife towards Snake’s eye!

Venom Snake Venom Snake

Mood: ??????
Tags: (Leo)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The crackling of furious flames overlapped and overpowered the sounds of the ongoing battle, dancing wildly as if in the wind, threatening to devour the tent and everything inside it. The familiar orange about half-way eaten by a powerful shade of blue, much like the little fire from stove ovens... Even in the madness of the immediate environment, one space of alleged quietness remained in the audience. Not a sound came from Sage, lumped back on the... once chair and now barely a back-less seat, head hanging low as if having fallen asleep. No matter what happened in the background, the empty husk could not hear it, could not react to it. It was safe to say that while in the transition, the 'drivers' were still to be switched. The Soul locked away for protection as the amount of magical energy piled up, like a vehicle with the accelerator stuck. What a backwards defense mechanism...

As Leo had approached coming for the back however, any fire standing on his way seemed to retract allowing him full passage to the pyromancer's location. Even in such a state the call for help remained, it was almost as if the Magic itself didn't like what was happening and begged to be stopped... Yet, without an attempt to engage the cry went unnoticed, the chance had been wasted and so had the request done in his despairing moments before the lockdown. Had it been too late? Perhaps, perhaps not. It had been too late to interact mentally as there was no one there, but maybe not to stop the transition physically. No one would ever know now.

Time passed, the fight continued, Mabel had even started using the disaster at hand as another task for Kassandra and the others and whether they worked to put out the existing fires or not, another one would spawn regardless. The blue fire continued to take over the softer orange, slowly but surely and then eventually all of it had gone.
Just as soon as the orange fire had finished its hue change a new fire would begin around Sage's seat, aimed to separate him from Leo. The power that had once beckoned him to come and help was suddenly shunning him aside, refusing the assistance, as if it had changed masters. It would take a while for the other teen to see Sage again, the new flames had acted like a bottom to top ragging curtain of fire leaving even the markings of the circumference etched into the ground itself.

But then they grew quieter, still there obviously, but at last, what was on the other way could once more be seen.

Sage's body shuffled in the seat, melted plastic dripping down his jacket with the action, free to flow towards gravity. He looked around, gradually taking in the chaos of the vicinity and then... It laughed. Not a hearty, friendly laugh; Not a relieved 'that was close' kind of laugh; No, Leo would see the pyromancer jiggle with an eerie, unmatching laugher, a malicious tone, a dark tone...

"...Tell me, since I'm rather curious...", the young man's voice echoed wrong, deprived of any warmth, a calculating, rational tone, unlike anything Sage had used before, "Do you always let others down when they depend on you the most?"

It then stood up from the chair, Sage's body imprint left on the what still remained of the poor chair, somehow still standing despite the heat it had been exposed to. This... thing, whatever It was, then took a moment to look at Its borrowed form, putting an arm up, touching a hand to another, as if It wasn't used to being solid. Maybe not even alive.

"It's fun, you know? Fear. He thought about telling it, setting up a task force ready to act when it was needed, but his fear to ruin your friendship with the truth kept him from acting. ...Despite knowing the consequences. Selfishness at its best.", It turned around and what Leo would immediately realize was that the gaze was no longer a fiery orange, neither was it a cappuccino brown. What he saw staring back at him with a contemptuous grin was nothing but a strong saturated blue and inside it, little flames that danced with pent-up fury, "How are the half-truths, lack of trust and omission of vital information treating you..."

"Leonardo Watch?!"

One of the nearby fires would flare for a moment before a whip-tendril of solid blue would erupt from it and attempt to whack Leo to the left, with strength enough to send him flying towards the opposite end of the tent!

How much are you willing to risk for the Anomaly Child who
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Orbeck of Vinheim
status: another wizard defeated.
Condition: some sorcery related injuries.
"...?!" Another Wizard grunted as he felt spikes pierce through its skin, causing the monstrous mage to let go and withdraw its hand. Its spell interrupted. A chance appeared itself as it clutched its wrist in pain--an opening for Orbeck!

Orbeck jumps out from the now injured palm of Another Wizard, he rolls on his landing. Now facing the vulnerable armored foe, he prepares another spell. this one for sure will deal with Another Wizard for certain. Another flash of blue light would reveal a Crystal soul spear being fired at Another Wizard. The resulting attack..."
"AAAGH!" Hiryu's monstrous yelp as he is knocked down, kneeling as he dropped his gun. This gave Whisper another opportunity to fire at Another Wizard, the missile flew through the air with a marvelous whistle, hitting the monstrous mage directly, causing it to stagger. If combined with Orbeck's efforts, regardless of his actions, the Another Wizard would be seen with electricity coursing through its body, falling forwards before erupting in an explosion--a purple watch that bore the face of Another Wizard flew out of the smoke and fire and right in front of Megumin's face, it's power taunting her.

Ends with another wizard defeated. Injured, but standing. He no longer needs to deal with the Kamen Rider minion, It may as well be time to intervene from...

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Mabel began to rise from the ground, her eyes glowing such a bright shade of blue that it was hard to tell if there was anything behind them at all. Grinning psychotically, she merely lifted up her hand, and under Sora came a bright blue light. The light was so bright that anyone with their eyes open in the room would be able to see it, and it shot from right below Sora to past the ceiling, ripping a hole through the tent's roof and going into the night sky. The beam's energy would be so concentrated that it would no doubt incapacitate Sora the second it came into contact with him, and prolonged exposure to it would no doubt result in death!

...change of plans. whatever sort of powers those twins have are now being released in an extremely bright beam aimed right at the key welding boy known as Sora. How the audience is not turning away at the bright sight is an enigma to us all. Sora won't have much time to escape, but there might be a way to at the very least create an opening, if not redirect the attack in some way.

So he did the following. He had enough focus to cast one more spell, so he dashed through the current carnage as he cast twisted wall of light right beside the overwhelming beam of light. The spell manipulates light in a way to deny a spells "claim to physicality " deflecting any magic back in an approximate direction. It can only last for a few goods seconds. But in the case of our current scenario, it should suffice. Will Orbeck have the means to reflect the sibling's own attack back at them?


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake
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After suplexing Jason, his next course of action in order to incapacitate him was stopped when he moved his face quickly in order to dodge a kick to the chin. He then jumped back and looked at Red Hood, before saying “Welp.... looks like I don’t need to hold back my punches anymore.” as he countered with a quick punch from his still enhanced and glowing right hand to his gut. If it landed its mark, it would be combo with two more punches, one to the upper chest and finally one on the head. If it missed, he would jump back in order to prepare himself for another attack once given the chance.
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"Yeah! Exposing!" Megumin strained, tears in her eyes. "I thought the MPF was good and mighty when they took me under their wing. Now that I know that these people are willing to serve you at the call of their name? I'd rather take my chances with you than serve them for another second!" She let out a sob, thinking of the mentors she'd left behind. Samus, Mao Mao...how was she to know that they were really good people? They saved her from death, but now that she knew who Jason was, she could only assume that she was groomed for destruction. And Rex seemed so nice, such a clever mask he put on.

Her anger only grew as Mabel brought up her mother. "My mother...She didn't raise me to become this." She murmured, with a slow growl. "She wouldn't want to see me with these snakes." Tears welled up in her eyes. "She would want me to fight for what's right! So would Kazuma! Just let me take you out, and then I can make sure that nobody ever falls for their tricks again! If you wanted to tear us apart, then MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, BITCH! I'll just start my OWN multiversal group, and we'll crush the MPF and all its traitors! Starting with YOU!"

Unfortunately, Mabel had other plans. Megumin could feel her jaw's hinge coming loose as Mabel dug her heel into her face, with enough force to flatten her across the stage like a badger.

The jade across her chest did not take fancy to this. Lucky's typical bitterness gave Barrijade a steady diet, but the rage and hatred Megumin was now feeling was like a goddamn energy drink. It splintered and spread like the fire Sage had caused, and buzzed around the room like a hive of hornets, hoping to take advantage of the buffet of now equally broken hearts all around them.

Megumin would also see some kind of strange watch landing next to her, one with an angry red face on it. Her eyes held on it...then hardened. For all she knew, that device belonged to one of her newly declared enemies.
"Nice try, MPF!" She snarled with enough volume for everyone to hear. "But I will NEVER AGAIN be suckered in by your fancy gadgets! I QUIT!" As she knocked the watch away with her knuckles, her own Barrijade climbed around her body to hug it, creating weird patterns of...armor?

Lucky's jaw fell agape, and as some of the Barrijade returned to him, he just stared down at it.
"This is exactly what Mismakora said it would do after a while...But Megumin's feelin' the effects almost instantly!" His head moved backwards. "Could it be that she was so attached to Rex, his betrayal has stirred up more bitterness in one show than I've had in me whole life?!" A brow lowered. "Boy, if his breaking up with her has her THIS upset, then maybe I should watch his back. Rex isn't feelin' the end of this any time soon."

Megumin wasn't sure how to roll away from Mabel's attacks, but the jade pieces were doing their best to help by flying into Mabel's eyes and more sensitive bits. Fortunately, she was rescued by Gretar, but she was initially hostile. "Let go, you big brute! You're not using me as a weapon against anybody!"

"Hey, Meg! Gretar wasn't called!"

"...Oh, yeah." Thanks to Lucky, Megumin could feel safe in wrapping herself around the big brute.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

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