Lealan pauses, seeing Lucky vanish in a strange symbol. "Uh... okay then." She hears a thump and turns to spy a newly knocked out Red Hood, and quicky encases him in stone, just to be sure the mind control doesn't last through unconsciousness. She then turns to the other figure in chains. "Allright, lets see what this does." She equips Hokucide and slashes the chains holding Will Cipher.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
It seemed like his own element was being used against, as he felt the effects of the green electricity hit him. While he was used to the effects of electricity, it does not mean he was immune to it as he grunted in pain from the attack. He then managed to get onto his knees, which was a much better position than being face first onto the floor and stared at the Another Wizard, wanting to kill it so badly. But unless the chains were taken cared of, he cannot do anything to fight back against the assault. He began thinking of a way to try and escape these chains, but he would really appreciate it if someone were to be a hero and saved him and Megumin right about now. He noticed Obleck get launched towards them as he said in bad English “Hey..... help me nooowwww....!” as he waited for him to respond.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
Lucky closed his eyes and sighed. Wow, the first chapter of this team mission, and half of them had been forcefully turned into complete jerks. And Megumin seemed to be becoming a jerk of her own volition, if that sneer when Jason fainted was of any indication.

"Good. That terrible leader is down for the count." Megumin grinned. "He's totally getting overthrown. And I'm reporting him the first chance I get. Just wait until they find out that one of their 'best members' will turn on his scouts after the first display of power! What an opportunistic fuck! Some hero!" Now, more pressing matters. How would Megumin and Gretar get free? These chains felt like two giant electric eels being wrapped around them!

How would Lucky get free, for that matter? His answer came to him in a strange symbol before his eyes, which his initially struggled against. "Shit, one of Mabel's tricks? Is she going to turn me against everyone, too?" He glanced again at Megumin's murderous expression. "Please don't. I would rather not be on that girl's permanent shitlist." Then, like a rabbit in a magic show, Lucky was pulled through some kind of rift by a hand.

"Wooooaaaaahhh!" He tumbled head over nubs, stopping at the feet of a tall lady with blue eyes. This was not a good time to trust blue eyes. "What are you, Mabel's final form?" His ears folded, unable to drum up the courage to sass this lady off without Barrijade. Everybody around them had turned into a ghost, more or less, their silhouettes outlined in purple. What purpose was this? Could they even attack in this position?...Well, Lucky couldn't, regardless. "Still up to you, Sora. Let's just get this over with, and then hopefully we'll all get split up before Megumin enacts whatever's in her head."

FoolsErin FoolsErin Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (mentioned)
--Another Riders: On War || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow (Gravatack Vs. Another Zi-O II) Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (A.Zi-O II assisting Generator Rex) 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower (Whisper trying to knock out Sonic) Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Vs. Another Build) Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Vs. Another Wizard) P PopcornPie (In Gratar's arms)

Another Build walks up to him, cranking the lever of his rotten belt as his eyepieces open to reveal mechanical looking eyes. Snarling, Another Build charges towards the mage as what seems to be giant white dashed lines appear out of thin air headed for Orbeck's shield. Another Build leapt and kicked its blue foot, following along the dashed lines until it made contact with the shield, grinding it for a few moments with the tank threads on its sole move quickly. He then kicks his red foot, activating the spring which would bring much needed force to the kick as it glows bright red, sending the shield and its bearer flying.


Hearing Gretar ask help made Another Wizard glance behind him, tapping the belt once more as magic circles appear around him and the two prisoners, surrounding them with giant rock walls as Another Wizard brandishes his ring in front of the stone wall, tapping the belt once more as a magic circle appeared in front of the monstrous wizard, which would soon spew fire!


"Just try me, I can speed through your Heavy Acceleration." Hiryu grunts as he takes out another one of his watches, activating it, covering his body with dark energy and transforming into some kind of broken down robot made to look like a red car yet broken beyond repair. Springs, wires and tubes can be seen poking out of his body as his left hand bears what seems to be a car door and a broken car speedometer on its waist as a buckle.


T R I G G E R !

Hiryu's feet seems to rev up as he takes a lowered stance, Another W switching colors beside him, the blackside transforming into a blue one. Another W aimed his gun towards Gravatack, firing off yellow shots that home towards the red spot as Hiryu speeds off in a lowered stance, without moving, like a fucking car--which is what Drive is apparently. Hiryu drifts around Gravatack, bashing the planetoid with the shield over and over while making donuts on the tent floor. Once again, he's a car man.

Whisper, now seeing that Jason and a few of the other mind controlled people knocked down tries to do the same, switching her Wispon to Hover Mode as she then floats up, surveying the battlefield for a sign of Sonic--a blue blur running around,quick whooshing noises, something, anything just to get a hint of the location of that damn hedgehog!

Hours in the past...
As Deadpool grabbed ammo and his watch from his ammo drawer, he also grabbed three tranquilizer darts. “But Deadpool, don’t you only use regular bullets to kill people? Why are you bringing tranquilizer darts with you? GOOOOOOD QUESTION, READER! It’s for any innocent civilians that possibly get in the way. ...What, you expected some really ridiculous explanation? WELL, FUCK YOUR EXPECTATIONS, I’M HURT! Now where was I... My boombox!”

Minutes in the past...
Deadpool and


both went up on stage, with Mabel having no need to control either. Whereas Deadpool went up out of sheer excitement and impatience, Sonic had caught on to the mind control that was going on with everyone else, and happily played along. ”Hi, I’m Deadpool, and I kill people for money! Now PLEASE start the fucking show!” “Sonic’s the name, speed’s my game! Wanna see me run to the tent entrance and back? ...Wanna see me do it again?” Both proceeded to join the others in their seats eventually, and Deadpool took his bag of popcorn back out, after putting it away for his introduction. Sonic, completely confused as to how DP had this snack, asked, “Wait a minute, where did you-“ Suddenly, Wade’s colored pencils spilled out from one of his pockets, and Sonic looked down to see what fell. Unfortunately, Deadpool’s distraction worked, as Sonic, who was trying to pick up the two different shades of green, now had a tranquilizer dart stuck in his back. ”I had a sneaking suspicion that whoever I sat next to would end up asking me about my food. Now, everyone’s favorite hedgehog gets to take a nap, because ONE: you do NOT ask where I get these things from. And TWO: SHUT UP, I WANNA HEAR THE SHOW!” And so, Sonic fell onto the floor out cold, with Deadpool casually kicking his body away under the chairs. From a distance, he’d look like one of dozens of dead rats underneath the general audience’s chairs. Despite his name being called by Mabel, he was incapacitated, thanks to Deadpool’s insanity.

In the present...
Throughout the entire fight, Deadpool was sitting comfortably in his seat, eating popcorn as he listened to the glorious sounds of carnage. He was grazed by various projectiles, flames and other random debris every now and then, as well as had blood pouring from his ears, but with his healing factor, none of these were the least of his worries. However, as Red Helmet Because It’s Clearly A Helmet And Not A Hood flew into the seats nearby, one chair ended up hitting DP’s left hand, sending his bag of popcorn flying. ”OKAY, THAT’S IT! FIRST OFF, NOBODY GOT SAWED IN HALF! SECONDLY, THE RABBIT IS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT OF A TOP HAT, NOT BECOME A VICTIM TO A FUCKING BONDAGE FETISH! AND THIRD, MY SNACK IS COMPLETELY RUINED, AND THAT’S MOST UNFORGIVABLE THING OF THEM ALL!” He then marched to the stage, deciding to go assist Snake and Arthur with Dippy Not-So-Fresh, only to realize that a jabroni in some sort of demon outfit had hit him with a bunch of thrown swords, whereas the weapons were really meant for Arthur and Ciri. ”Oh, I’ll show you who’s the boss of THIS TENT!” Taking two of the blades out from the side of his head and shoulder respectively, he turned to face Yet Another “Her-O“, and leapt at him, brandishing both weapons as if they were his own.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Venom Snake Venom Snake TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher and everyone else wondering what the hell Sonic has been doing this entire time.

Gravattack curled his body up into a levitating sphere as the yellow, curving shots began to orbit around him like a satellite around a planet as they began to revolve at greater speeds, strong enough to clash with Hiryu's incoming assault repeatedly to counter it! Simultaneously, the strengthened gravitational force would cause Hiryu to be caught or pulled into this very same orbit...

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Another Riders: On War || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower (Vs. Another Den-O // Oh, there's Sonic) Crow Crow (Vs. Hiryu/Another W -Luna/Trigger-)

Whisper felt relief when she saw Sonic's unconscious body lying there on the floor...Odd thing to say considering their relationship, but at least she wouldn't have to hurt him. Whisper floated down to wherever Sonic was, picking him up before floating away from all the other fighting that's going on, trying to keep the hero of her universe safe.

Another Den-O roars as he brandishes his other two swords, letting Deadpool charge at him, their blades clashing epicly as sparks fly, their duel was something to be beheld for centuries!...I think.

Hiryu was caught in the orbit, still drifting, however. He got hit by Another W's shots, causing him to be knocked away, the transformation becoming undone in an explosion as Hiryu was finally knocked out of the fray. However, despite their leaders absence, the Another Riders remained active, continuing their fight while Hiryu is unconscious. Good thing is, you'll only have to last until he wakes up!

This in mind, Another W switches color palettes again, the yellow side turning red as he fired off fire balls towards the planetoid...
Okay, making myself wide open for an attack is a bad idea, but I can't go back now or else I'm gonna look real stupid. I heard Shujinko's buddy talk about using a skillset and it scared me a little. Whatever, whatever, whatever! I must solidify my status as a badass, damn it! I can't be pathetic! Plus, what is she going to do anyway? I've been dominating her this entire time so how bad is this going to be?

Pretty fucking bad is the answer.

"Wh-- Gak!" I exclaimed, flabbergasted before getting knocked out, landing on the floor.


Topless Topless
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Gravattack undid his spherical form to tend to Hiryu, putting him down on the ground in a comfortable position, before Another W's fireballs splattered soot over his rocky crust!

"So you still wanna play huh? I guess I'll play a different game this time."

Gravattack smacked the Omnitrix emblem on his head, and in a green light, he took the form of... nothing? Ben Tennyson had disappeared! Suddenly, Another W would feel his legs whipped by something too thick and girthy to properly be called a whip, causing him to trip, before some invisible force snagged (or if he was holding onto it, tugged at forcefully) his blaster.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>You've won. Tandem is out cold. At least you didn't hurt him seriously. Venus comes out of hiding and walks over to you to congratulate.

"Bravo, Shujinko. However, the fight is not yet over. Let me handle Tandem for a while."

>Venus picks up the unconscious Tandem and carries over to a seat. She raises her index finger and vines grow out from the ground and wraps itself around Tandem, binding him.

"That should hold him in case he wakes up. Treat this as like a precaution until he is free from that girl's mind control. For now, you should go help the others. I'll stand by here and provide support whatever I can. Be careful, some of them are much stronger than this femboy."

>You nodded and went off to help your allies. You went over to man named Lars, who appears to be having his time dealing with Another Ghost who is flying around terrorizing with kicks. You aim your Semi-Auto Blade and start firing shots at him.

Orbeck of Vinheim
status: playing the hero and dealing with another build
Condition: sorcery-related injuries​
It seemed like his own element was being used against, as he felt the effects of the green electricity hit him. While he was used to the effects of electricity, it does not mean he was immune to it as he grunted in pain from the attack. He then got onto his knees, which was a much better position than being face first onto the floor and stared at the Another Wizard, wanting to kill it so badly. But unless the chains were taken cared of, he cannot do anything to fight back against the assault. He began thinking of a way to try and escape these chains, but he would really appreciate it if someone were to be a hero and saved him and Megumin right about now. He noticed Obleck get launched towards them as he said in bad English “Hey..... help me nooowwww....!” as he waited for him to respond.

The Viking was asking, no pleading for help against the recently revived another wizard. He looks towards the pair traped in those same magical chains about to reassure them. But yet again. he was interrupted by the presence of another builder.
Another Build walks up to him, cranking the lever of his rotten belt as his eyepieces open to reveal mechanical looking eyes. Snarling, Another Build charges towards the mage as what seems to be giant white dashed lines appear out of thin air headed for Orbeck's shield. Another Build leapt and kicked its blue foot, following along the dashed lines until it made contact with the shield, grinding it for a few moments with the tank threads on its sole move quickly. He then kicks his red foot, activating the spring which would bring much needed force to the kick as it glows bright red, sending the shield and its bearer flying.
So, the red and blue armored figure was planning to aim for his Sacred Bloom Shield. An odd choice, but given that he was sent flying across by that thing's kick, it would be disastrous to face it head-on. He won't have much time to think as a dotted line formed, guiding the attack by another Build. So he ran, in the opposite direction right towards...

Hearing Gretar ask help made Another Wizard glance behind him, tapping the belt once more as magic circles appear around him and the two prisoners, surrounding them with giant rock walls as Another Wizard brandishes his ring in front of the stone wall, tapping the belt once more as a magic circle appeared in front of the monstrous wizard, which would soon spew fire!

Another wizard. Another Build's attack will presumably stay persistent with the dotted line. so why not lead the attack towards one of his own? Orbeck rushes toward Another wizard, as he attempts to swing around and restrain him towards Orbecks front. One hand with a knife to Another wizard's neck, the other holding him by the torso with the shield. If his hunches are correct, then Another builder will end up sending Orbeck And another Wizard flying with its attack.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @Sorcerer gets kicked, again.
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Take-Over: Toayî, the Entity of Fire
Tags: (Leo)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, heavily edited by me

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Dark Vintage Pattern from WallpaperBetter

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

It had not expected that it would have been so easy to break the human, Its borrowed gaze widening sightly in amusement as Leonardo had crumbled to the ground in despair, just shortly before the fire-whip had sent him into the air hitting the closed-in tent wall with force enough to knock the air out of his lungs. Obviously, It could not know of the intrinsicacies of the kid's mind, all It could know was everything Sage had ever known, who had been thrown into the back of his counciousness and wasn't aware of anything. Who, depending on how long this went on, might never come back to see the disaster his emotions wrought...

It had expected more of that sentimental nonsense of 'you can snap out of it' like the very first time, and still was very much pissed that it had worked. Tsk, humans and their grinding noises, so pointless, so useless, just accept your inevitable death already won't you? It would have come sooner or later anyways~ It had to admit though, the noises coming from the despairing teenager in front of It were a lot more bearable. After the initial interest had burned out, It let out a sadistic, delighted laugh, the kind of sound that'd sent a shiver down your spine, like a predator enjoying their prey's attempt to flee.
Oh yes! Much, much better~! If there was one thing that humans were good for it was for screaming.

Without giving Leonardo time to process things or snap of whichever state the teenager currently found himself into, It had begun to close in again, gradually walking in-between the row of chairs that erupted in more wild blue flames as It went. The other was cornered already, but It seemed happy to drive the point even further, approaching slowly, towering in on the human child little by little. It wanted him to realize what was about to happen, It wanted more of that fear reaction, to look directly at the teenager, take in his final moments before sealing the deal. Oh Leonardo, if only you had been smarter, if only you had complied with the Anomaly's request...

Standing right there, It looked at Leonardo as one would a bug they were about to crush. There was nothing in there but contempt, but the need to see everything burn. First, it would be this child, then the rest of the room, then the world and if by then there was still anything left from 'Sage', the Universe itself. Who knows? Maybe It could learn to use the Multiverse watch to Its advantage...
Now wouldn't that be a fun time?!

As the Entity considered which end to give the mentally frozen teenager, however, a new challenger had entered the ring...

The Kitsune.
The Magical Detection had accused her approach unnecessarily. The moment that Kagutsuchi had entered Its territory and stepped into Its flames It already knew what to expect. Feeling left-out, are we? Or was it threatened over having to share? Fire didn't care either way, and as the fox Youkai had attempted reaching for the body's neck she would find her attack thwarted by a solid wall of blue fire, seemingly spawned from the air itself. It let out a chuckle, entertained by the action and only then had spared the challenger a glance, as cocky as ever:

"Did you really think it would be that easy,

Immediately, the fire wall would morph, protruding spikes on Kagutsuchi's side prepared to either impale her to death here and there or at least force this creature out of Its space. Who did she think she was to dare interrupt like that?! The Entity of Fire was furious, not only had another fire user invaded Its territory, but now it was trying to tell It what to do and the Kitsune would pay for that! NO ONE TOLD FIRE WHAT TO DO!

"Usually I'd warn you to watch for where you're getting your dirt-filled muzzle into... But, seeing as you've decided to so unceremoniously
and that my toy is currently broken..."
, It kicked Leonardo aside as if he was a piece of garbage, smirking all the while, "I SHALL MAKE YOUR WISH A REALITY!!!!"


As It jumped back, Kagutsuchi would suddenly be assaulted by about twenty different and quite fast lance-like constructs which had spawned in the air in a matter of seconds, floating around the Entity. Around It, an aura of ragging flames would come to life delineating Sage's silhouette with a dancing vivid blue. What the others might realize though is that while It seemed to be perfectly fine, the skin of the borrowed body sizzled sightly against the new fire it could not handle; It was slowly burning Its vessel down but apparently did not care nor could feel the damage being made.
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--Another Riders: On War--
Another Ghost Vs: Topless Topless (Shujinko/Venus) Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Lars)
Another W Vs.: Crow Crow (Ben - Gravatack -> ???)
Another Wizard & Another Build Vs.: Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Orbeck)

Another W lowered his gun when the large planetoid disappeared..Naturally, he looked around like a detective, trying to find the perp. However, it was short lived when all of a sudden, he stumbled, momentarily letting go of his gun. Now unarmed, the Another Rider is forced to switch forms, reverting back to the black right side, Another W now remains vigilant.

Another Ghost managed to get hit by Shujinko's bullets, causing the ghastly Rider to be pushed back, flying away like a ragdoll as it starts to circle Shujinko putting his hands together as if in buddhist prayer, conjuring black clad ghosts shaped like parkas with red eyes, swarming Shujinko.

Orbeck's maneuver caused Another Wizard to miss his fireball, causing it to hit Another Build, making him stumble off of the dashed lines before grunting, the red and blue clad Another Monster simply leapt and kick the shield as planned, not seeing Another Wizard with a knife to his throat.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Shujinko, be careful! Those are ghosts! Nothing physical can harm them. Use a supernatural skill set to gain advantage."




>As Venus advised, you need to change to a skill set that is supernatural in nature. Problem is that you need to guess what it is.

>Want to change skill set?

>Which one?


>Hopefully you don't get things hotter enough. You look up at the parka ghost swarming you. You take a deep breath to gain focus as you set your Semi-Auto Blade in fire. You begin to shoot fireballs at the ghosts than regular bullets.

Something tossed the unconscious Hiryu towards Lealan. She knew what to do.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

The 'floating' gun began to repeatedly shoot at Another W at a variety of dynamic angles, ready to smack him down every time he tried to get up.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Another Riders: On War--
Interactions: Topless Topless (Vs. Another Ghost) Crow Crow (Vs. Another W)

The parka ghosts seemed to burn up at the presence of fire, moving away as Another Ghost swoops in and launches a kick at the back of Shujinko's head, before reeling back in a flip, the burning Parka Ghosts now continuing to swarm although bit by bit, their parkas burn off.

Another W would attempt to fight back and deflect the bullets as well as trying to find the invisible thing's wrist, its hand aflame. Although he flinched with each shot, it doesn't seem like the Another Rider was the kind who'd give up so easily.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>"Shujinko! Behind you!"

>You turn around to see Another Ghost going down for a kick. You quickly block it with your swords, only pushing you back as the burning parka ghosts swarms you, but one by one, they begin to burn off. You begin to move around away from the ghosts as you begin to fire at Another Ghost.

--Another Ghost--
Interaction: Topless Topless

As the Parka Ghosts finally disappear, Shujinko would see Another Ghost flying towards her, touching the ground as he swept the floor with his leg before performing karate chops at the woman ending the string of attacks with a palm push.
As Another W's flame lit, he would see the very faint sign of a shadow, but no opaque object to block the light. The blaster continued to shoot, distancing itself from Another W the more he tried to close in for a melee fight.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Another W--
Interaction: Crow Crow (Vs Ben)

Another W see the shadow--indeed, the enemy turned invisble. Nothing much he could do by try to avoid getting show, which is hard considering how the enemy's hitting every shot. Another W tried to deflect it, only to get shot in the neck. The Another Rider's body coursed with electricity, weakening...!
The blaster was crushed by some invisible hands, its smithereens littering the floor, before an invisible moonsault was performed on the soon-to-be-destroyed Another W, the shadow clearly overshadowing him even if there was nothing visible, impacting him with great force!

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>"Shujinko! Watch out!"

>Another Ghost comes at you to deliver a series of karate chops. You quickly deflect some, but not the palm strike which sent you away. You get back up, setting your Compact Edge on fire, and went charging at the Another Rider to deliver a series of flaming slashes.

kindpng_5029417.pngLars instinctively blocks blocks his head as Red Hood opens fire on him. The bullets hit his Tekken Lord armor and he feels tinges of pain through his body. It's a good thing Red Rood didn't have any heavy artillery on him. If he did, he'd be in real trouble. Unfortunately, his relief is cut short as Another ghost ha kicked him in the head, knocking him to the floor. Lars felt disoriented, his head head was bleeding and he felt like he was slipping in and out of consciousness. Everything around him seemed to be going in slow-motion. But despite that, he couln't stop now. There was a fight to be won. No matter the cost! Lars rolls himself on to his hands and knees and slowly stands up. Lars closes one eye as the blood runs over it, leaving him one eye to see with. Everything seemed blurry but as he took deep breathes, his vision began to clear up. With the watch still in hand, he survey's the area and sees Shujinko facing off against another ghost and his dark apparitions. He rushes over to Ghost while he's distracted before sliding in from the side, aiming to double slie-kick his ankles.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless
--Another Riders: On War--
Vs. Another W - Crow Crow
Vs. Another Ghost - Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Topless Topless

With a grunt and a cry, Another W's stitches become undone, separating the two halves as they both explode separately.

Another Ghost was having a bit of a pickle, taking in the damage from Shujinko's blades caused the ghost to stagger back. However, it was the slide kick that made Another Ghost fall, lying unconscious for moments until his body crackled with electricity, rising up like an apparition. However, it seems that it's weakened quite a bit.

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