After that anti-climatic battle, normal Benrey would have laughed at Red Hood at what he did. But, his personality is still glitched, causing him to look around for the closest target to him. Seeing the fight between Another Den-O and Deadpool were the two closest threats his code processed, he began to make his way towards the two, him taking out his ToolGun and spawning in a new weapon. Now running with an IWI Negev Light machine gun, his run looking unfamiliar to those who do not know it. (I am sorry for doing this)
Once after reaching them, he began firing upon them with the LMG, planning on taking both of them down with it, his face still showing signs of rage and blood-thirst. If either one survives, he will probably go after Den-O, but he may target Deadpool instead.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>"It appears to be weakened. Finish him off!"

>Another Ghost is now weak thanks to your and Lars' efforts. With him weak, you proceed to fire fireballs from your Semi-Auto Blade, hoping that it will take him down for good.


Take-Over: Toayî, the Entity of Fire

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, heavily edited by me

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Dark Vintage Pattern from WallpaperBetter

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Just as It was getting worked up about punishing the insolent Kitsune, the Entity of Fire would feel something unnexpected, someone else was reaching through the 'gateway' and tapping into Its power. Another Anomaly?, It had briefly thought to Itself, almost immediately remembering that there had been very few occasions of twins in this bloodline... No, it was something worse.

Toayî would glance over in the direction the temporary newly made magical connection came from, observing as a silver-haired human female thought she could simply bend Its Concept to her will without any consequences. It snarled in annoyance and anger at the fact that Its power was capable of IMPRESSIVE COMPLEX SOLID CONSTRUCTS and the human was merely throwing fireballs and setting her weapon on fire like a dumb, impulsive, button-mash child playing a wizard class in a video-game. It was beyond humiliating.
At least the Anomalies had an understanding of their Inherent Talents, but this?! This was ridiculous, it wasn't even toddler level feats... It could not bear to watch another second.

Directly under Shujinko, the ground would flash a light blue before erupting into a furious pillar of flames, aiming to char her into ashes and then also burn the ashes themselves until nothing is left. If she still managed to survive this somehow, the fire set, --or re-set now--, to her weapon would begin spreading upwards attempting to burn the hand that held it, as if the fire itself was out for revenge against its wielder.

Which it was. INCREDIBLY SO!
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thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
2 of the sniper bolts hit Snake, 1 in the chest, and 1 in the right thigh, once he got out of the male twins grip, he rolled to the side and aimed his M16 at the boy. "You've got a .45 wound in your shoulder. WIthout treatment kid, you're as good as dead. Tell your sister to stop this, before this get too hairy." Snake himself was bleeding a lot, but he seemed to ignore the pain.
The invisible entity faded into existence, wiping his sweat off.


"Well, that was something. Oh yeah, I forgot to shout my name to strike fear into the hearts of enemies - Chamalien!"

It looks like everyone was wrapping things up.

Oh, right!

Turning invisible once more, he prepares to sneak past Mabel's guards to get to her from behind. Mabel's guards were very focused on very visible things after all...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Another Riders: On War--
Another Den-O Vs. 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower (Deadpool) Vs. Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Benrey)
Another Ghost Vs. Topless Topless (Shujinko and wife) and Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Lars) Ft. Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Fire

Another Ghost bent his body backwards as the fireballs were thrown, floating, circling around Shujinko as it once more, conjured more Parka Ghosts..However, as they swarm Shujinko, a pillar of flame appeared from below her, burning his opponen as well as his ghosts. This caused Another Ghost to conjure more ghosts to swarm Lars, ignoring Shujinko as she dealt with fire.

Another Den-O, still clashing with the all mighty Deadpool, was caught off guard with bullets pelting his armor. This prompted the Another Rider to turn to Benrey, giving Deadpool an opening to decapitate his head while he attempts to throw one of his swords at Benrey!

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>"Shujinko! Get out of there now!"

>Your shots has been dodged, but you look down and saw flames. Immediately you jump out of the way as a flame pillar rises. You let out a sigh of relief, but not until the flames that covered your weapons begin to crawl up to your hands. You quickly throw them to the ground and start blowing your hands which got a bit burned.

"It appears that someone is not happy with you using his powers. You might have to change skill sets to get an advantage. Wait, this level of power. It's incredibly high! Shujinko, be careful!"

>You turn to the one responsible and it turns out to be Sage. Except he is not himself. Perhaps his own mind control is unique than the others, which is troubling. Looks like Lars is back to being busy on a one-on-one session with Another Ghost. You got to help him. But then there is Sage and he wants you dead.

>What will you do?
>Help Lars
>Fight Sage

>Would you like to change skill sets?

>Set to "None"?

>The change of your skill set has freed your weapons from the flames. Careful, they're still hot. You gingerly pick them, trying to resist the residual heat left by the flames. You aim your Semi-Auto Blade at Another Ghost and start shooting bullets at the back of his head while trying to avoid accidentally shooting Lars.

kindpng_5029417.pngLars was caught off-guard by Shujinko suddenly being engulfed in fire. He couldn't ask questions, though he was greatly concerned for his comrade. He had to finish Ghost off while they had the chance but unfortunately, he found himself surrouned by more ghosts. He didn't know how to handle them but he knew he couldn't waste much time on them if he wanted to end this battle. Lars forward flips into the air and comes down fast at and angle with one of his legs stretched out aiming for his head.
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Orbeck of vinheim
Status: forciing another build on another wizard.
Condition: punched in the face, and sorcery related injuries.​

Orbeck's maneuver caused Another Wizard to miss his fireball, causing it to hit Another Build, making him stumble off of the dashed lines before grunting, the red and blue clad Another Monster simply leapt and kick the shield as planned, not seeing Another Wizard with a knife to his throat.

With another build obvious to it's actions, Orbeck shoves another Wizard into the attack of another build. He intends for another Wizard to take the full blunt of the attack, but whatever or not he gets sent flying with another Wizard has yet to be seen.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Mid-Chapter Update
"Sweet Dreams"

When Lucky disappeared off stage, Mabel simply watched the sight with her usual smile, her eyes lighting up with anticipation as she watched it. "Oh? And what do we have here, hm~?" She asked, curling a finger under her chin. It wasn't long after that Bayonetta had made her grand debut, which made Mabel's smile only widen. She listened to Bayonetta's clearly sarcastic compliments and took them in stride, bowing in response once the witch was finished spewing her useless bravado. "Thank you, thank you! I certainly try and put on the best show I can~!" She chirped, only to tilt her head slightly once Bayonetta aimed her gun at her. However, before she could engage in some grand battle with the Umbra Witch, Mabel held up a finger. "Hold that thought!" She exclaimed, before turning to Lilith. Dipper stood up as well to look at the ghost girl in response, and the two stared down at her, with Mabel resting her head on her brother's shoulder.


"Isn't it obvious?" Dipper asked, his voice cold and flat as usual.

"We simply adore theatrics!" Mabel exclaimed as a follow up to Dipper's rhetorical question.

And then, the flames grew brighter around the room, thanks to the combined efforts of Willow, Alexis, and the newly insanity driven Sage. Mabel pushed herself up off of Dipper's shoulder and took center point on the stage, holding her arms out beside her. She smiled wildly and breathed in the smoke through her nostrils, even as her audience was burned alive by Alexis. In fact, one could quite possibly argue that the decrepit smell of sizzling, melting flesh only added to the overall experience for Mabel. She just stood there, taking it all in. The destruction around her, the betrayals...

It was what a girl like Mabel lived for.

However, in that moment, that exact same moment, time seemed to stop for everyone in the room. It was hard to explain, but to everyone, even those of you who were mind controlled, things just seemed to... stop. The fires continued to burn like normal, but the intense heat and everything that came with it just didn't seem to matter anymore. All that mattered was the sound of faint, quiet sobbing from the back of the stage. Sobbing that was coming from none other than Will Cipher, who had remained quiet up until this point.

"Oh, for the love of..." Dipper groaned as he heart the sobbing come from the back. His pensive expression soon turned to one of deep seated annoyance. He growled and stomped towards the back of the stage, while Mabel watched from the side with her usual complacent smile. "Cipher, you'd better quiet the hell down!" He demanded, but the sobbing only continued. In fact, it got louder. So loud that there wasn't a single soul in here who couldn't hear it. Growling, Dipper swung open the door to the cage and delivered a swift kick to the demon's back, calling him to fall over onto his hands and knees. The demon grunted and cried out in pain, and Dipper simply continued kicking him. Each kick was met with a harsh scold from Dipper's mouth, and each subsequent kick was harder than the last.


Suddenly, the kicking stopped, and Dipper Gleeful gasped as he looked down. Mabel lifted a brow at this and walked over to him quietly. "Brother?" She asked, peering over his shoulder, as Dipper silently stared down at Will in a look that could only be described as pure shock. "Brother?!" She asked again, this time more nervously, placing a hand on Dipper's shoulder. It wasn't until she looked down that Mabel saw what was happening, and she let out a quiet gasp at the sight.

Will had caught Dipper's final kick in his hand. And he wasn't letting go.

And then, quiet, high pitched giggles began to emit from the triangle.

Then, slowly, the blue rectangular shapes that made up his triangular body began to shift and turn like full prisms. And when they were done, they had changed color entirely. From blue, to yellow.



Dipper and Mabel had no chance to even think, let alone react, as the chains around Bill slowly melted away, and the triangular demon snapped his fingers. And just like that, Dipper and Mabel collapsed. Not only that, but their bodies began to glow in a bright light, enveloped entirely in them. And, when the light finally disappeared, two much smaller, weaker, vaguely similar looking teenagers took their place.


(Note: This is just an image reference. Dipper and Mabel are still knocked out on the floor.)

Bill let out a loud laugh at that before finally turning around and facing all of you. Except, instead of looking at any of you specifically, he stared at the fires that were still erupting behind you. "AH GEE! YOU CAN'T EVEN TURN AN ENTIRE TOWN'S PERSONALITIES UPSIDE DOWN WITHOUT A FEW DEADLY FIRES BREAKING OUT, CAN YOU?" Bill asked, before looking over towards the walls of the Tent of Telepathy. "BRING IN THE HOSE, BOYS!"


A few seconds later, a firetruck literally drove in through the walls of the Tent, leaving a giant hole in its place. If any of you were to look outside, you would see a sharp contrast of the city you had just been in before. What had once been a beautiful, serene town, was now a burning hellscape with monsters running amok and a giant fire breathing water tower walking around.


Three much smaller Bills all leaped out of the fire truck soon after, all three of them wearing tiny fire hats and carrying a firehose above their heads. The trio of triangles was shouting, "HUP! HUP! HUP! HUP! HUP! HUP!" As they marched along the floors of the tent. The Bill in the back of the trio sprinted over to the firetruck, while the other two lowered the firehose and aimed it at the fires. The other Bill turned a wheel on the firetruck, resulting in a large stream of concentrated water shooting out the hose's nozzle. It sprayed all the fires in the room, and in the process, Alexis, Willow, and Sage had been sprayed by the endless stream of water.

"ALRIGHT BOYS, LET'S PACK IT UP AND ROLL OUT!" The lead Bill fireman shouted as they reattached the hose to the firetruck, before it backed out of the tent and sped into the burning hellscape outside.

"OH MAN, I LOVE THOSE KIDS!" Bill sniffled, wiping a tear from his one eye with his index finger. It was then that his attention was redirected to all of you and let out a laugh.



And then, Bill snapped his fingers once more, and you were out cold like that.


Slowly but surely, you all slowly began to wake up in an open field of some sort. However, it soon came clear to you that something was off when you noticed that everything around you as a boring, almost eerie shade of grey. The skies, the grass, the ground... all of it was just this eerie shade of grey. Your memory was fuzzy at first, but it didn't take you long to remember what had just happened with the evil twins and Bill. On the bright side, those of you who had been mind controlled by Mabel were back to normal.


"Ugh...." Jason groaned as he stood up lightly holding the side of his head. "Is... everyone alright?" He asked all of you.

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
Virus as Blackhat (Villainous) and Spinel (Steven Universe)
GeorgeTownRaja as Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Hahli Nuva as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
P PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
Topless Topless as Shujinko Kanaou and Venus Aelon Di Lamia (OC)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Willow (Don't Starve)
Andrita Andrita as
Gilgamesh (The Unwritten)

  • Whatever emotions going on would be interrupted by the loud crunch of Megumin stomping her communicator into dust.

    Her eyes used to have a warm, peppy light. Now they were as cold as her ex-friends' betrayals had left her heart. She glared at Jason in particular. "If I'd known that Samus and Mao Mao were dragging me into an organization of backstabbing marauders, I would have taken my chances with the White Wolves." She picked up her crunched communicator, then unceremoniously shoved it in Jason's hands. "In case your retarded, traitorous mind didn't hear me the first time?" She flicked his nose twice. "I. QUIT."

    "I thought I knew all of you. Especially you, Rex."
    She pointed to the E.V.O., her voice turning into the most spiteful of growls. "I thought you liked me! I thought I was your friend!" Her eyes squeezed out a few tears. "But now I know that you only liked me because we were forced to be together, and, at the drop of a hat, you'd hate me. Well, w-well…" She stammered, shaking all over. "Well, now I hate YOU, too! Anyone who would fake friendship is the lowest form of shitbag. But MY friendship wasn't fake, Rex! I was so happy to see you coming along on this mission! What an asshole I was, right?!" She pointed to Cap. Falcon and Aloy as well, making more or less the same statement. "You two seemed so nice, and fun to be around. Now that I see who you really are? I can't believe anyone likes to be around you at all! And now look, thanks to your opportunistic natures, Bill just trapped us in this field! You developmentally disabled APES just cost us the mission!"

    Her cheeks were blazing hot now, her jade pulsating like a broken lightbulb. "I'm done being groomed and manipulated by all you fucks. Not only do I hope that you fail in your endeavor, I hope you traitors die in the worst kind of accident possible, and burn with your precious new friend, Mabel, in HELL."

    With that, she stormed away. "I'm forming my OWN group. Any of you who wouldn't ditch me for some sadistic bitch is welcome to join. Unlike Nick Fury, however, I am going to be VERY strict on who I let in. All you backstabbing vermin are staying in your OWN crooked little group." Then she looked off into the horizon. "I don't care where I'm going. I just want to be away from here, and away from you. Because with friends like YOU?..." Her hateful scowl returned to Rex, Jason, and Hiryu. But her voice fell apart, becoming meek and frail. "...Who even NEEDS Ganondorf…"

    With that, Megumin's head drooped, and her corruption completed itself with total gray-ification. (If you wish to be specific, it was a -19% saturation difference, a -12% luminosity difference, and a -4% hue difference) Then she stormed away, mumbling about how she couldn't believe that these traitorous pussies were the best the MPF could find.

    Meanwhile, America's favorite Draconequus, who had been around the tent out of curiosity, had himself a victory snicker just out of sight from everyone. Then he vanished into the fields.
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon wakes up abruptly looking around frantically "Who? What? Where? Where are we?" Falcon sees they're in the desert "Oh my space gods! WHY?! WHY?! I don't--!" Falcon sighs in defeat "Yea....I'm alright....Is what I would've said if I it true! Cause as it stands I'm livid as heck!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"That's enough, Megumin! I'm not going to allow you to berate my friends any further!"

Ben shouts at Megumin as he rushes to Rex.

"Hey, Rex, did you remember acting all funny? You sorta tried to kick my butt back there."

Meanwhile, the Agent scratched his head with a flipper.

"Anyone want to explain what just happened? Why was I using Card-jutsu to fight you all... and I was seriously using the Stinky Cheese Sword to fight you... well, at least I'm free from my stone prison."

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Megumin just stared at Ben like this.

"Oh, I still like you, Ben. If I were you, I wouldn't try to change that." She also blew a wholehearted raspberry at Agent Penguin.

Crow Crow
"I've gotten a dose of reality, Ben." Megumin snarled back. "Your 'best friend' literally ditched you, and beat you up, for tits." She wandered back to Agent Penguin's rock encasing, and flicked it. "And you can help yourself, Agent Blubberbutt." She snickered snidely at the penguin's misfortune.

Crow Crow
He didn’t know what was happening outside, but whatever happened, he was knockedout by something. He then wake up in a large field with everyone else and no longer in chains. He was confused but he responded to what Jason said with a nod. Picking up his hammer up his hammer in the ground, he said out loud in Icelandic “hey, hvað gerðist, ég sat fastur í einhvers konar steinbyggingu lengst af bardaga” (English translation: hey, what happened, I was stuck inside some sort of stone structure for most of the battle), him directing it towards Jason since he can understand him.

Whatever happened after shooting his gun was stopped when he glitched out again, his personality returning back to normal. He was confused, and was gonna say something until a fire truck went through, and out came three tiny yellow versions of the blue triangle earlier. After watching them take out the fires.... and some of his teammates who caused them.... he raised a sign with the number 10 and said “bravo triangle man...... excellent performance...” before putting away the sign. After a while and learning about the surprise reveal of the true mastermind behind this, but was knocked out before he can say anything. Now waking up in a large field, along with the others, he said “Well looks like we’re fucked unless someone comes to bail is out from this place.....and also what happened.... because I was holding a weapon I did not recognize earlier and also standing near a bullet filled Deadpool.” he said, more confused than every before.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"This is the worst time and place to be unreasonable, Megumin," Ben says, "however you're acting isn't just 'a dose of reality'. If that's how life challenges you, then you've already lost to life itself. You're calling them horrible people, but keep it up and you'll be one too. It's a cycle, and people like you and I live to break them."

Ben dials his Omnitrix, ready to slam it down as he looks Megumin in the eye.

P PopcornPie
Tandem casual.PNG
Oh great, I lost a YoYo, you know, the only weapon I know how to use, and I woke up in a cocoon of stone and vines! What happened back when I got knocked out anyway?! I know it was for the best that I got defeated since I was ruthless towards the dame but at the same time: Nobody beats the Goddamn Italian Swindler, alright?! The only reason she won is that I gave her it. So, it doesn't count! Not only am I ashamed at my defeat, but this tiny child also called us all apes. At least Tayne knew when to shut up!

"Kids these days, amirite, folks?"

I spent my time dolphin cackling at my own joke.

Man, I'm a riot.

". . . So, Can somebody get me out of this coffin?"

P PopcornPie @GrayPlains​
"Unreasonable?!" Megumin snapped. "Okay, how about your 'best friend' gives me a valid reason why he started fighting for Mabel!? In case you haven't noticed, HE PRACTICALLY ALLOWED BILL TO WIN!" She threw her hands into the air. "He's no multiverse protector! He's a bootlicker! And look around! Mabel isn't even here anymore, AND it turned out to be fuckery by Bill! He abandoned us for NO GOD DAMN REASON!"

Then Tandem weakly called for help, prompting a sneer out of Megumin as she scooped rocks out of the ground. "Oh, okay. Since you're so polite..."

Yeah, she actually ran up and performed a double kick into Tandem's stomach while throwing the rocks. "Whoops! Sorry! I must have tripped over your massive boner for Mabel!" Another snicker.

Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching
"I think I can explain that, my Icelandic friend!" An older sounding voice exclaimed from the side, to Gretar's question.


The man walked over to the group and lifted his hand in a six-fingered wave. "I'm Stanford Pines. But, for conveniences sake, you all can just call me Ford." Ford said with a warm, friendly smile while he walked over to the group.

"Wait.... Ford?" Leo asked quietly as he slowly stood up. "But... weren't you encased in gold by Bill? I read the file on the incident, and--"

"You would be correct, my boy!" Ford interrupted as he rose his index finger into the air. "When Bill took over Gravity Falls, he turned me into one of his infamous statues of human agony. For a while, he ruled over Gravity Falls with an iron fist, and I was kept as a statue in his quarters. Eventually, though, the pure chaos got boring for him, and he decided to spice things up by remodeling everyone's core personalities." Ford explained as he slowly paced around the group. He lowered his head and sighed quietly, his friendly smile quickly flipping into a saddened frown. "That is why my niece and nephew, Dipper and Mabel, were turned into those monstrocities you saw earlier. It was all Bill's doing." Ford looked up at the darkened skies above you all, gesturing to them with his arm. "However, Bill didn't exactly have much room for me or my brother in his remodeled world, so he banished us here, to the Nightmare Realm."

"Wait..." Leo paused. "Your brother's here, too?"

"Indeed he is. However, Bill made sure to place us far apart from each other, and I've yet to find him." It was then he overheard Megumin's argument with Ben, and the man stood between them. "Woah, hey! Hey! This is certainly no time to argue!" Ford exclaimed, before turning to face Megumin specifically. He knelt down in front of her, making sure his eyes were leveled with her's, before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Megumin, was it?" He asked, having overheard Ben say his name. Whenever she answered, he continued. "Megumin, your friends were not themselves. They were under the control of Mabel, and by extension, Bill." Ford rose a finger and pointed it towards his own head, tapping it against the side. "You see, Bill is a demon of the mind more than anything else. His true power lies there. When he remodeled Mabel's mind to fit his... very disturbing image of her, he also gave her a fraction of his own power. Part of that power was dominion over other people's minds, I'm afraid. He had to shake their hands to control them outright, but he was able to retool them enough to plant hypnotic suggestions there, which is what made them turn against you. They had no control over their actions. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

P PopcornPie Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
This is where Megumin's actions got interesting.

As Ford clarified that her friends were still her friends, Megumin's hackles lowered. The old Pines could see her trying to smile with relief, only for the corners of her mouth to fall back down. She knew she couldn't argue against him, but the magic within her heart didn't care if it lost a silly debate. Her Barrijade simply tightened its grasp on her heart as easily as Ford could clench his fist. Tears tried to come out of her eyes, only to be pulled back in.

"You see, mind control isn't very common in my world..." She tried to say it outright, to no avail. "I was possessed once, and Kazuma had to fight it out of me...But I knew he was still my friend. We didn't take it seriously. The one who did it was just kind of a jerk." Her bottom lip quivered. "I...It just really looked like they were leaving me...I know that Jason isn't really like this. W-why can't I..." The last bits of color in her mind struggled to push against her new shadows, with Barrijade on the assist for the latter. Yep, going on in her head was just a reenactment of what happened in the tent, with the bad guys having twice as much chance of winning."Ford, I think I'm being mind controlled myself...HELP! HELP!"

Then she whirled around to snap at Ben. "NO! I'M NOT GOING TO! AT THE VERY LEAST, THEY SHOULD APOLOGIZE FOR GIVING BILL HIS VICTORY!" Unlike the genuine scowl she had up until now, her expression was now strained, her hands trying to reach up and shut her mouth. "And Tandem? You can suffocate in that cocoon for all I care!"

"Ben, whatever you did for Rex, do it to me..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching
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Ben nods.

"I see, I see."

He smacks his watch down, allowing him to assume the form of a fairy-like being that had a high-pitched purry voice.


"Pppppesky Dust~ prrrrr~."

Pesky Dust unleashes a strange dust towards Megumin.

"Maybe I should just have a proper direct conversation... nah."

This strange dust made Megumin drowsy, and allowed Pesky Dust to enter her dreams.

"Hmmm... if this is a Dream Realm, and I'm... darn it, I'm ripping off a movie!"

P PopcornPie
Tandem casual.PNG
Ouch. What the hell. Fuck this girl. I clutched the kicked part of my stomach. This idiot gives me great mental and physical anguish. I tried standing up only to crash down from the pain of her attack. I tried keeping the grin on my face to make myself look tough. Smiling after an attack like that would make me look like a complete badass. . . Or a masochist. Eh, those weirdos can be cool in their own way. I dusted myself off, still clutching my stomach. I had a Yoyo ready for my payback but it's just a kid so I won't use them on her.

Instead, of physically harming her: I'll resort to mental bombardment instead!

"Boner?! Boner?!! I knew you were young but--"

. . . Am I really going to ridicule a child for the entirety of this journey?

Of course, I am. Stupid question.

P PopcornPie

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