Orbick of Vinheim
Status: Of unanswered pleas & and unknown nightmares, "What a fool I was"
Condition: injured from sorceries and many bruises.

Regardless of what happened with the two Rider minions, yet another surprise has it out for them...and it's not a good one.

Then, slowly, the blue rectangular shapes that made up his triangular body began to shift and turn like full prisms. And when they were done, they had changed color entirely. From blue, to yellow.



Dipper and Mabel had no chance to even think, let alone react, as the chains around Bill slowly melted away, and the triangular demon snapped his fingers. And just like that, Dipper and Mabel collapsed. Not only that, but their bodies began to glow in a bright light, enveloped entirely in them. And, when the light finally disappeared, two much smaller, weaker, vaguely similar looking teenagers took their place.


(Note: This is just an image reference. Dipper and Mabel are still knocked out on the floor.)

Bill let out a loud laugh at that before finally turning around and facing all of you. Except, instead of looking at any of you specifically, he stared at the fires that were still erupting behind you. "AH GEE! YOU CAN'T EVEN TURN AN ENTIRE TOWN'S PERSONALITIES UPSIDE DOWN WITHOUT A FEW DEADLY FIRES BREAKING OUT, CAN YOU?" Bill asked, before looking over towards the walls of the Tent of Telepathy. "BRING IN THE HOSE, BOYS!"
So the injured sorcerer of Vinheim, kneels from his injuries as he watches the over the top talking triangle contain the massive inferno that has surrounded the tent. So this was the threat that plagued them during his first time in gravity falls. right here in the flesh.
It honestly seemed more along the lines of Why he went about turning those two into maniacal madmen Or even case of time convoluted into some parallel world, if it can happen with the various invading fantoms of his own world. Then it wouldn't be a stretch to say that it could happen here.


And then, Bill snapped his fingers once more, and you were out cold like that.


Slowly but surely, you all slowly began to wake up in an open field of some sort. However, it soon came clear to you that something was off when you noticed that everything around you as a boring, almost eerie shade of grey. The skies, the grass, the ground... all of it was just this eerie shade of grey. Your memory was fuzzy at first, but it didn't take you long to remember what had just happened with the evil twins and Bill. On the bright side, those of you who had been mind controlled by Mabel were back to normal.


"Ugh...." Jason groaned as he stood up lightly holding the side of his head. "Is... everyone alright?" He asked all of you.

Just like that, Orbeck was knocked out cold. Those that were apparently killed or revealed as tractors were sent to this place. A place that is nothing more than a subconscious realm. And here he was, with everyone else in the group for that matter. As for Orbeck's current condition, it was not ideal. multiple bruises from his face down to his torso and various cuts from there on downwards. Yet he was still standing, a trait of those cursed by the dark sign, like any other undead.

Lucky practically rammed his way into the circle, leaving a trail of joyous tears. "Guys...Megumin is DONE! She says that from now on, she and the MPF are enemies! She says that you guys are the lowest form of shit, and she wants nothing to do with you anymore!" He paused to look at the ground and sob. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just so proud! It's such a hard lesson to learn, but Megumin is taking it like a champ! And not only has she performed her first ever declaration of hatred, but she's going to perform her first ever act of revenge! They grow up so fast!" He wiped his eyes and nose. "I wonder what she's planning? With all the venom in her voice, it's gotta be BIG!

and it looks as if the foolish archwisard had ignored his pleas. Going on a full out tantrum over Bill's forceful manipulation of those few MPF members. a simple turn to the right would reveal the crashing to tensions between a betrayed, jade imbued archwisard, and a teen with a watch. He was about to try and intervene...

"I think I can explain that, my Icelandic friend!" An older sounding voice exclaimed from the side, to Gretar's question.


The man walked over to the group and lifted his hand in a six-fingered wave. "I'm Stanford Pines. But, for conveniences sake, you all can just call me Ford." Ford said with a warm, friendly smile while he walked over to the group.

"Wait.... Ford?" Leo asked quietly as he slowly stood up. "But... weren't you encased in gold by Bill? I read the file on the incident, and--"

"You would be correct, my boy!" Ford interrupted as he rose his index finger into the air. "When Bill took over Gravity Falls, he turned me into one of his infamous statues of human agony. For a while, he ruled over Gravity Falls with an iron fist, and I was kept as a statue in his quarters. Eventually, though, the pure chaos got boring for him, and he decided to spice things up by remodeling everyone's core personalities." Ford explained as he slowly paced around the group. He lowered his head and sighed quietly, his friendly smile quickly flipping into a saddened frown. "That is why my niece and nephew, Dipper and Mabel, were turned into those monstrocities you saw earlier. It was all Bill's doing." Ford looked up at the darkened skies above you all, gesturing to them with his arm. "However, Bill didn't exactly have much room for me or my brother in his remodeled world, so he banished us here, to the Nightmare Realm."

"Wait..." Leo paused. "Your brother's here, too?"

"Indeed he is. However, Bill made sure to place us far apart from each other, and I've yet to find him." It was then he overheard Megumin's argument with Ben, and the man stood between them. "Woah, hey! Hey! This is certainly no time to argue!" Ford exclaimed, before turning to face Megumin specifically. He knelt down in front of her, making sure his eyes were leveled with her's, before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Megumin, was it?" He asked, having overheard Ben say his name. Whenever she answered, he continued. "Megumin, your friends were not themselves. They were under the control of Mabel, and by extension, Bill." Ford rose a finger and pointed it towards his own head, tapping it against the side. "You see, Bill is a demon of the mind more than anything else. His true power lies there. When he remodeled Mabel's mind to fit his... very disturbing image of her, he also gave her a fraction of his own power. Part of that power was dominion over other people's minds, I'm afraid. He had to shake their hands to control them outright, but he was able to retool them enough to plant hypnotic suggestions there, which is what made them turn against you. They had no control over their actions. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

P PopcornPie Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

when none other than ford appeared. The same man that handed out those tasks back then, was somehow here in this nightmare realm. It was just plain odd to see him after witnessing him being turned to a statue " of human agony". So he walks up to the trio, still clearly injured...he'll need a sip or two of estus after this.
"Ford's correct. Much like what occurred during the last incident, Bill made a victim of not just those that were controlled but also the twins as well."
but it looks as if the jade was not in any mood to deal with logical arguments.

Then she whirled around to snap at Ben. "NO! I'M NOT GOING TO! AT THE VERY LEAST, THEY SHOULD APOLOGIZE FOR GIVING BILL HIS VICTORY!" Unlike the genuine scowl she had up until now, her expression was now strained, her hands trying to reach up and shut her mouth. "And Tandem? You can suffocate in that cocoon for all I care!"

Everything about this jade just pushes at the button of Orbeck, why would anyone even consider making a gemstone with the means of depriving empathy and form of healthy positive emotions. he may as well see how far this goes.
"do you truly feel that way?' was all that he asked.
Ben nods.

"I see, I see."

He smacks his watch down, allowing him to assume the form of a fairy-like being that had a high-pitched purry voice.


"Pppppesky Dust~ prrrrr~."

Pesky Dust unleashes a strange dust towards Megumin.

"Maybe I should just have a proper direct conversation... nah."

This strange dust made Megumin drowsy, and allowed Pesky Dust to enter her dreams.

"Hmmm... if this is a Dream Realm, and I'm... darn it, I'm ripping off a movie!"

P PopcornPie

So that's what this teen is capable of, turning into monsters with the watch. And yes, he should have continued with the direct conversation.
For now, he looks towards ford with his bruised face.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Eventually, she woke up. But this time, she wasn't in the tent, no, she and everyone else was in a field. Looking around, it was like the color was drained from the place. It was... kind of lifeless.

Getting up, she looked at Red Hood. "
I'm fine." She heard Megumin and sighed, hearing her resign from the MPF. Did she understand what just happened? Or did she see it as betrayals? The girl looked different too, lIke she didn't seem friendly anymore.

Was she just really convinced that they would betray her like that? It did seem that way.

Someone had to go after her, after all, they needed to stay together. Sighing, she looked at everyone else. "
I... I'm sorry. For what happened. She just... She got rid of our morals and what was right from wrong and gave us an order. I'm sorry for attacking you, Snake." Blake sure as hell didn't expect Megumin to forgive her, she was sure the girl had the IQ of a piece of wood, but the others would listen.

She just hoped they'd accept the apology.

Looking at Lucky, she sighed and then turned to the others. "
Could one of you who wasn't turned by Mabel go after Megumin and explain? She isn't going to listen to me or anyone else that Mabel turned." And her request was answered once a man showed up.

Not just any man, this was Stanford Pines, the man that was there during the initial incident in Gravity Falls. Except he was suppose to be in gold, but he explained that part to them.

She looked at Ford. "
I'm Blake Belladonna. We just need to find your brother and figure things out from there, right?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie , Venom Snake Venom Snake , everyone else

So, what was Ciri doing the entire time in the tent?


Eventually, it stopped once the woman that attempted to burn the rope and the cowboy began to burn her, starting with her clothes. This caused her to snap out of it and rather than pass out from the power she used, she fell to the ground, screaming. Regularly, this time.

Soon, she'd pass out as the exhaustion from using the power would be too much. Thankfully, the fire was put out by someone of the triangle variety.

And here we are, in the field of grey. Ciri began to wake up. She and whoever looked at her would notice that her shirt was a bit burnt, which was a shame but she could live with it. Getting up, those that were turned seemed to be back to normal, which was good. However, the girl in that seemed adamant that this was a series of betrayals and went off on her own.

Looking at the others, she just had to wonder something. "
Does she... Does she really understand what just happened?" Sighing, she looked at the others. "I'll go after her." Ciri then went after the girl.

I can tell that you're hurt, but you have to understand: it wasn't their fault. They were being controlled by that girl, Mabel. It was mind control. Ask yourself: would they really do that? Do people, who are loyal from what I've seen, turn at the mention of their name? Is it worth getting angry at someone and insulting them who did things that wasn't even their fault?"

An older man then made himself known, his name being Stanford Pines. Apparently, he was encased in gold by Bill the last time, but then he and his brother was trapped in the Nightmare Realm. Which meant that they were in the Nightmare Realm. Greaaat.

He then tried to explain it to the girl, in which she was starting to understand, thank God for that. She looked at him. "
My name is Ciri, it's nice to meet you, Ford. How long were you trapped in here and what can we expect in here?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie
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Well it looked like he got his answer when an much older man by the name of Ford had responded to his question. Now he knows that Bill took over the town and put a illusion there, and the twins they were fighting was just an alternative personality of the twins. And now they were in some sort of nightmare realm. He then see Ford talk to Megumin, who seemed to be in some sort of emotional distress right now. He would like to help Ford calm her down, but due to his lack of speaking to them and understanding of the situation. He guess he would have to wait until it’s solved in order to act again.
It seemed like everything was going to shit, because there was one person in the group who was literally hating on everyone who had been mind controlled. He just went as he spawned in a med kit and said “You ok there..... need a med kit for that...” as he offered it to Tandem. If he did not need it he would just offer a hand to help him back up.
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Chungchangching Chungchangching
"Yea...I hear ya....Some of us were mind-controlled by some sadist tsundere and forces us to fight each other and now we're essentially trapped limbo by the Demon Dorito himself. Well guys, its safe to say, the mutliverse is doomed."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan looks at Agent penguin with some disappointment. "I'll be honest, I was kinda hoping you'd still be evil. I'm starting to get hungry." She mumbles quietly. Lealan then turns to observe Megumin "Oh, you're wilting. Oh well." Lealan would walk over to Megumin and pat her shoulder. "Why are you so pissy now?"
P PopcornPie Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Orbeck of Vinheim
status: pointing out something.
Condition: normal
Lealan looks at Agent penguin with some disappointment. "I'll be honest, I was kinda hoping you'd still be evil. I'm starting to get hungry." She mumbles quietly. Lealan then turns to observe Megumin "Oh, you're wilting. Oh well." Lealan would walk over to Megumin and pat her shoulder. "Why are you so pissy now?"
"Because. A certain rabbit's shattered jade apparently embedded itself into her. I don't know of all the details, but I can be certain that her own negative emotions are being magnified." he said. "You seem to know a bit more about that Rabit then I, did he always have that gemstone?"

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

  • "W-what do you care?" Megumin moaned sharply at Ciri. "Excuses! I-i-it's all excuses! Just wait until M-mabel c-comes back, and they'll be throwing themselves at her feet ag-g-gain!" She was fighting to forgive, she really was. The accursed mineral was so thick and so heavy, it kept the bitterness sealed into her heart, nary a drop escaping. Megumin watched from squinted eyes as Ben changed into some kind of pixie, flicking magic at her until she was drowsy. "Don't you ev-v-ven DARE put m-m-me in the same...box...as..." She fell onto her belly in a light sleep, raising the question of whether or not you could have nightmares in the Nightmare Realm.

    The jade reacted VERY harshly to this, refining its coating all across her back and sides in long spikes, elegant but potentially lethal.

    Sure enough, Ben would see a full out apocalypse in Megumin's little dream land. She had a little mind clone of just about everyone in her life, including Ben himself. But the figments made of those who were under Mabel's control were turning gray, snarling threats at the rest. With every step, they spread doom and gloom. All of this chaos came while the landscape turned deep green, cold, and hard.

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I better ignore her before she really gets in my nerves. My stomach still hurts though. Luckily for me, a low-poly man has offered a Med-Kit that casually materialized out of nowhere. I was confused at first until I concluded that he might have popped out of a video game of some kind using cheat commands. I've seen things in my adventures to the point that weird stuff like this does not affect me anymore. I didn't need it though, she was kind of a lightweight anyway with that tiny body she has. I did like the helping hand he gave me though! Much appreciated. I grabbed his hand and stabilized myself with it.

"Thanks-A-Million, bud," I said. "I'll pay you back for this if I get the chance, capiche?"

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Lealan turn to regards Orbeck, thinking for a second before answering his question. "No, he didn't. The jade is a fairly new addition. I also don't know where he got it from, but it sounds kind of like Erchius, from my universe. We should try to rip it off as soon as possible, or it will kill her in every way that matters." Lealan uses her matter manipulator to try and break off a piece of the mineral.
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lucky tilted his head. "Really, Lass?" Then he looked around at the mainstay MPF members. "So NONE of you know about Mismakora? She's a cool chick. Lives in the mountains." As for the attempt at ripping it off...well...

...Lealan would find her matter mantipulator barely making a dent, let alone one that the main clump couldn't replenish in milliseconds! The pieces she managed to chip off would simply fly around like enraged hornets!

"Hate to break it to ya, Lassie..."
Lucky's ears fell. "...at this stage, it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than a fancy pickaxe!"

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Looks like he didn’t need the med kit, as he helped Tandem onto his feet. He then took out his ToolGun as he pressed the screen of it, deleting the med kit from existence. He then replied to Tandem by saying “Hey.... it is what’s allies are suppose to do. Also the name is Benrey, and I’ll make sure to remind you of that promise you made” as he looked around. Looking at Megumin again, he said out loud “Is it that time of the month again for her or is she too young... I can’t tell” he said out loud, it mostly aimed at Tandem but also anyone else who wanted to answer.
Chungchangching Chungchangching
Lealan grabs a couple of pieces out of the air. "If all else fails, I can use the Astral Tear, but that'll probably kill Megumin, and then everyone will be pissy." She stares at the piece in one hand while the other brings a piece to her mouth. She lightly bites down on it and tastes it, trying to see if it tastes like Erchius.
P PopcornPie
Ciri turned to look at the girl in the hat and judging by how she was speaking, there was a part of her that was listening and understood what was happening. "
Because, I know that taking my anger out on those that were forced to fight for the enemy due to mind control isn't right. They're still your friends and only lashing out like this isn't going to make them like you when you do come to your senses and go back to them. It's only going to make them hate you and this time, it won't be because of mind control. You say it's excuses, but it's not, it's the truth."

Then, she was put to sleep thanks to a pixie, followed by armor appearing on her. She turned to the pixie before looking at the talking rabbit. "
Thanks. I think she is understanding, it's just... that jade, it's keeping her from realizing it. It's doing more harm than good and it needs to be removed."

P PopcornPie , Crow Crow
Ford's eyes would widen slightly when Megumin slowly began to contort, obviously indicating she was under the control of someone or something. It didn't take long for his eyes to find the Jade that had latched itself onto her chest, and judging by how it appeared to tighten whenever she yelled at Ben... well, it didn't take much longer for him to put three and three together after that, now did it? "Megumin, if you would, could you allow me to take a look at that there jade on your chest?" He asked as he slowly reached out and tried to turn Megumin around so he could get a better look at the aforementioned Jade.

"The Nightmare Realm is exactly what it sounds like. A realm of nightmares. Bill has complete dominion over this place, and he will easily use that to his advantage. Not even I am fully aware of the horrors that this realm has in store for us." Ford explained melancholically. "As for how we can leave... well, we'll need to defeat Bill before that can happen." Ford then appeared mesmerized as the teenage boy he was talking to slapped down on his watch and transformed into what appeared to be some kind of pixxie. "Jumping jellybeans!" He shouted, astonished by the sight. Still kneeling down next to Megumin, Ford turned his head so he could get a good look at Ben's watch. "Fascinating! A watch that allows you to shapeshift!" He then looked up to the pixxie in question and flashed him a kindhearted smile. "If you wouldn't mind, I would love to ask you more questions about that watch of your's when the opportunity arises, Benjamin!" Within seconds, the pixxie blew what looked like pixxie dust in the archwizard's face, and she fell onto her front, out cold. "A dream within a dream. This reminds me of a movie..." Ford muttered, but he didn't think much on it. There were more pressing matters to tend to, after all!

"You needn't apologize, Miss Belladonna!" Ford said to Blake when she gave out her apology. "You were under the control of Bill. Do keep in mind that Dipper and Mabel were just as much victims of his trickery as you all were. Though, in answer to your other question, finding Stan will be the first thing we must do on our bucket list. It's not a long one, mind you, and there won't be any fetch quests this time." Then, Ciri approached, and Ford smiled. "Ah, and a pleasure to meet you as well, Ciri!" He exclaimed as he extended a hand out for her to shake. "Don't mind the extra finger!" He said, though it was clearly in a joking manner. Once they'd shaken hands, he moved onto answering her questions as well. "Well, I've been in here for a few months now. Like everything else, time is relative depending on where you are, so I can't give an exact estimate. As for what to expect, well..." Ford would shrug. "I know it's cliche, but the unexpected is about all you can hope for in a place like this."

Then, Captain Falcon said something about the Multiverse being doomed, which made Ford raise a finger yet again. "Now now, that kind of talk won't help anyone!" Ford said, before clearing his throat. "You see, although Bill technically has dominion over this world, he is weaker here than in our world. That's because this world exists in the mindscape, which is a place that exists in between our world and the brain. In our world, Bill has nearly infinite power, but here? He's weaker."

He then heard Lucky begin to explain how the Jade worked, nodding slowly along with the explanation. "I see..." He said, before throwing up a finger once more. "So as of now, our number one priority will be to remove that piece of Jade from Megumin's heart! Are there any volunteers?" He asked, before seeing Lealan attempt to remove it with some sort of device, only for it to barely even scratch it. "Oooookay.... are there any other volunteers?"


"Don't worry! I'll handle this!" Came the all too familiar voice of Midna, who reappeared after having been gone during that stuff back at the Tent.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Jason asked, grunting slightly.

"You guys seemed like you had those two magicians handled! Besides, a princess needs her beauty sleep!" Midna chirped, before floating down lower and floating above her unconscious body. "Alright, I'm gonna need concentration for this, so you idiots better stay out of the way!" She exclaimed. Her fiery orange hair appeared to flip over her face and shoot out towards Megumin's jade, latching itself around it. Then, slowly, pure Twilight energy began to shoot out from Megumin and onto the jade. If what Lucky said was correct, then Megumin herself wouldn't be harmed by the Twilight, but rather, her jade and the armor it made. Instead, the Twilight would focus on attacking the Jade, until it had crumbled entirely under the naturally, highly corrosive and destructive Twilight energy.

P PopcornPie Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Chungchangching Chungchangching Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

  • KZXDzEl.png


    Aloy finally woke up off the ground, her head hurting more than it should and sat up. "The battle, it's over?!"

    Aloy eyed her pack which was oddly opened. "Huh? Wait, i thought i had more.."

    She wasn't worried about that for the moment as she bent down, taking some of her healing liquid and placed it on the bump on the back of her head, which went away.

    It's when she picked up her Spear and kept it in her hands.


    Aloy walked toward the others, looking around at everything that had happened while she was "mind controlled and then knocked out."

    She had waken on the ground in the Nightmare realm with the others, seeing a whole bunch of grey.

    She had walked over toward Ford first and nodded "So you are saying a LOT happened while I was mind controlled?"

    She looked back to Ciri, Kassandra and Arther, hoping to see them first.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, NPCS) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri) FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra and Arthur)

Antoneva groaned, her head throbbing as her eyes fluttered open. Her bleary eyes swept across her surroundings once, then twice. Ever so slowly the haze of confusion melted away from her gaze. As she sat up, a pool of what appeared to be dark matter formed underneath her, shimmering with seemingly countless stars. And from it, the ark emerged to hoist its wielder up from the ground in one fluid motion.

"Okay, thats good to know." Lars walks up to everyone else, one side of his face covered in blood "But that also means that we need to figure out a plan to get to Bill before he overwhelms us. This might be the best chance we got despite the circumstances"

"Red Lion over here is right. But that begs the question: How do we go about defeating Bill here? Cause it sounds as though that, despite the handicap, he's still god-like. The imp over there is handicapped too, having been usurped and junk. She was probably more powerful before the downgrade but despite that, you can clearly see that she's more than capable at alot of things that most of us arent. And if Bill is way beyond her level before their respective downgrades, then him being weaket here would make no deference. Theoretically."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Tandem Fullbody.PNG
That weapon he has there is terrifying. It can create and destroy like it's some kind of God tool. Oh, the joy I'll have wielding such a powerful gadget. Now, they call me Tandem "The Italian Swindler" Myriad for a reason. I will find some way to take that gun from him without dying but right now, I'm gonna act all buddy-buddy with him. Planning on gaining his trust enough that he gives me the gun for a short time. Hopefully, nothing bad happens because every time I try to pull off a stunt like this: Things usually end up bad for me. This one is for sure though, I can feel it!

He introduced himself a Benrey! He even called me an ally! How sweet. This man seems pretty innocent so far until he dropped the 'that time of the month' comment, completely catching me off guard as I started laughing. I slapped my knee and wiped a tear from my right eye. Damnit, I already find this guy funny whether he was being serious or not.

"I like you already!" I said. "Only girls with monthlies disrespect me so yeah!"

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
The Former King of Uruk seemingly enough , known as the God-King Gilgamesh, definitely wasn't exactly having the best of days, to say the very least. He had just killed an immensely powerful beast in the name of protecting his village, so he was just about to go home. One of the soldiers said "Pleasant job as always, My Lord. You never fail to help us when we need it". Gilgamesh merely waved his hand dismissively, actually acting rather modest, in his powerful voice that could shake the strongest of wills, but surprisingly had no sense of condescending tone. He genuinely showed concern . "It was no problem. I'm just happy you all are alright. Make sure not to take on such a foe without some form of protection. Is that clear ?". The soldiers nodded, with their leader saying "Of course sire. Now if you'll excuse us". And with that, they left abruptdly to avoid wasting the king's time.

Gilgamesh sighed and sat down. He realized that in all of his years, the only time he ever had anything exciting happen was when he ever actually had a challenge. He could both thank and not thank the Leviathan for such a maneuver. His gift was both a pain and a burden, never getting the opportunity he needs to truly get a challenge under his belt. It was 'he won'. That was it, no matter the adversary. He then asked "Leviathan, my truest friend, do you have something for me than even I cannot face without a good fight ? Please let me kn--" . However, before he could even finish the sentence, something occurred that not even the Leviathan could expect . An unusual notification and a portal to come with it . The message was clear. He was needed. And he will answer the call.

He called upon his pet hawk, and it landed on his shoulder. He proceeded to write a letter. It read "My Men... It has come to my awareness more than my story is in danger. All stories of all places are in danger by a force I do not know of. And I shall do my best to defend their stories and their futures, as all deserve the chance to do so, regardless of their place as a hero or villain " . With that, he entered the portal behind him, which closed immediately. With that, without any fuss, he entered the portals. Due to his abilities however, he actually stayed the imposing powerful older man he actually was in hindsight.


The God=King noticed many new faces and experiences, the likes of which he never had before. The feeling of protecting his allies and his loyalty only pressured the God-King to make more intelligent decisions, knowing the stakes. His story powers still were somewhat active, but not truly enough for him to be the strongest no matter their upgrade or strength level , but only comparable to the strongest no matter their upgrade or strength level. So he continued to avoid being singled out, as if his own allies knew about his hidden gifts, then eventually his enemies would as well, making it even more difficult to assist. The entry into Gravity Falls was likely the most dangerous in terms of keeping his 'I'm a normal human' outlook the most, avoiding the most attention while still being a viable asset. That was until the Nightmare Realm shenanigans showed up and sort of wrecked his day. He has hated the fact he got knocked out 3 times by an unseen force. This and the likelihood this triangular demon could wreck most if not everyone here made him get serious and decide to abandon that notion.

He turned to the desert fields, then looked around his teammates. He then heard someone talking to Red Lion and respectively wandered to him, his powerful voice likely catching some off guard . "If you are going to fight that monsterous triangular object, I shall be there to assist if need be. Though, I would've preferred to fight that monstrosity at his peak, having the advantage is always useful ". He said, holding out his sword and swinging it with immense force, destroying any attempts at labeling him a mere man. He wasn't being cocky, he just refused to fight anything with a handicap on it. It was like being made fun of.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , Anyone Anyone else
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  • As Ford reached for the jade, it replied by sending some kind of wave to Megumin, which shook her out of her light sleep. "STAY AWAY!" She roared, clawing him.

    Now she was in full attack mode. Megumin started to crawl towards Cap. Falcon, snarling with full volume. "The multiverse will be fine, YOU just need to DIE!" She shouted, shooting jade shards at Falcon, and Aloy too. Like the ones she flung at Mabel, these weren't going to take control of them, but they were going to stab. Then, to Ciri, she growled, "GOOD! Let them hate me! They are nothing but rotten little worms, and their false affection means nothing!" She started to laugh like a raven-low, gravely, and loud. "Lucky, I see now why you wanted this! I can never be manipulated again with this magic!"

    Then the stone slid down her arms, forming long, wolverine-like claws. She used these to try and slash at Blake and Jason, and possibly Sonic as well. "Understand?! All I understand is that you only want the multiverse to ROT! I'm not sitting and watching you anyMORE!"

    And then Midna happened...

    During all of this, Ben would be rocked around in her mindscape, as would all the imaginary creatures. When Meg's eyes opened, he would get a front row seat into her attacks.
The entire time the situation about Megumin has been going on, Gretar was just spinning his hammer on the floor, watching in amusement in order to pass the time. He didn’t stop until he heard the situation had ended, looking away from his hammer as he wondered what happened. But of course, the war hammer stopped spinning and instead fell towards him, and it hit a place that no person should ever hit. Making a small squeak after getting hit, he grabbed his hammer and fully got up as he looked at his hammer angrily. He then threw his hammer into the distance, the hammer disappearing as he turned around. But he forgot one part about his hammer, because as soon as it got to a far enough distance, it stopped mid air and flew back to its owner. In the end, he got hit in the back of the head as he fell face first into the ground, him grumbling something in Icelandic.

It seemed like even in a time like this, his remarks still make people laugh like crazy. He just shrugged as Tandem laughed, before responding to what he said “Well, it looks like I can still make someone chuckle.... also I think the situation is over. So it’s probably safe to go back over there without being kicked to death by a midget.” he said, while walking back towards the group.
Chungchangching Chungchangching
"I'm afraid so, yes," Ford replied, nodding in response to Aloy. However, he gave her a smile and outstretched a reassuring six-fingered hand, placing it on her shoulder in comfort. "All that matters now is that you're back to normal, however. You needn't worry about what you did while under Bill's control."

"Not.... HELPING!" Midna would shout to Captain Falcon through grit teeth. She was still focused on destroying the Jade with her Twilight, and that alone took up all her strength at the moment. So you can imagine why she was a bit peeved when the same guy who insulted her people earlier started calling her weak. Regardless, Ford soon gave his own response to Captain Falcon anyways.

"You're right about Bill still being powerful in this realm. However, powerful does not mean invincible. There is still a way that we can defeat Bill." Ford's attention was then taken away by Megumin and her jade, which had been destroyed thanks to the efforts of Midna. Upon its destruction, though, Midna collapsed onto the ground, unconscious. It appeared that she had exerted too much of her power. However, much to Ford's (and everyone else's) dismay, she was still grey colored and mean-spirited. Lucky soon solved that mystery, though, by saying that someone needed to help her regain her color. "I think I have just the thing for that!" Ford exclaimed, before reaching into the pocket of his jacket.


After shuffling around a bit, he eventually pulled out what looked like a multi-colored fur of some sort.

"What exactly is that supposed to be?" Jason asked from the side in a tired tone. They'd just started this quest to defeat Ganondorf, and he already felt more ired than he did fighting that giant turtle thing.

"Unicorn hair, of course!" Ford exclaimed as he walked over to Megumin. "Its magical healing properties, combined with its multi-colored facets and a multitude of other things I don't have time to explain, should provide the cure for Megumin's ailments!" Once Ford completely stood over her, he slowly removed her hat. "One of you hold her steady while I sprinkle this atop her head." He said, which caused Jason to walk over to her and do just that. With nothing more than a nod, Ford began slowly sprinkling the unicorn hair atop Megumin's head. Once it landed, the hair began to glow brightly, before seeping into Megumin's own hair. Within seconds, color should slowly start to return to Megumin, as well as her previous positive vibes.

P PopcornPie Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Chungchangching Chungchangching DerpyCarp DerpyCarp darkred darkred Ineptitude Ineptitude Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Andrita Andrita

Meanwhile, as Leo was off to the side, silently standing there, he walked over to her once he saw the stuff with the dark matter happening beneath her. "Hey..." The boy said after approaching her. "You okay?"

Ineptitude Ineptitude
Antoneva glanced down at Leo from aboard the ark before staring down at one of her hands. Clear, unblemished skin stared back at her. Whatever tension she had in her body dispersed, and she offered a smile to the young man. "Ah, yes, I'd say I'm doing well."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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