Zwei whistled as she looked at Twilight Town.

But perked up when Ford mentioned a Inn!


She was going to zoom in but decided that walking in normally would be a nice change of pace.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • "No, I didn't!" Megumin lightly hugged Jason. "Being angry at you for getting brainwashed isn't fair." She wiped sweat away from her forehead. "I'll have to stay close to you, on account of me crushing my communicator."

    That all being said, she felt comforted by Ford's enthusiasm. Something about him taking such a liking to their special powers made her feel welcome...or was she to take it as a warning? She'd promised Lucky that she would be careful who she befriended.

    His answer regarding her abilities in this world were beyond disappointing, and had her entire body drooping. "Aw, nuts!" She angrily kicked at the ground. "If I had Explosion, I would turn Bill into a pile of chip crumbs! Serves him right for turning me against my friends, and then taking my physical body as a lawn ornament! I better be surrounded by some very pretty flowers!"

Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari returned Ford's smile with one of his own. "I would definitely like to."

He then followed Ford and everyone else to what appeared to be a spooky-looking town. The full moon hung in the sky like an ever-present eye watching over everyone, dead trees with crows stood tall over the relatively short townsfolk (at least, to Akari), and the sky seemed to be in a perpetual, violet state of... well, twilight, hence the name "Twilight Town". "With a moon that big, it wouldn't surprise me if this town had at least a few werewolves lurking about. Oh... the one day I forget my silver bolts."

"Though, to be honest... I'd probably hug one if they were friendly enough..."

Akari noticed Vivian, and yes, she most certainly did look cute as a button to him. "You're a bit shy, too, huh? I know the feeling. Helps that I have a mask to... well, I suppose you could say 'boost my confidence'. But, in any case, Vivian, nice to meet you. I'm Akari, but if you want, you may call me 'Paladin'."

Akari was a bit quick to locate the Inn, stowed his sword away on his back, and proceeded to lean against one of the inn's walls, taking a moment to relax after the utter insanity that had occurred.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Taking the small white device and placing it onto his upper chest, he was about to test it but Ford told them to follow him, to which he did. After a while, they managed to reach a town called ‘Twlight Town’. He ignored mostly everything else, but hearing that there is a inn here, he said something, to which the translator translated as “Welp...... I gonna need some alcohol to calm my already greatly confused mind.” he said casually, not even caring that the translator worked as he went towards the inn.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Well apparently the nightmare realm has a town here for some reason. But hey, at least there is something out here that is not after him. He then asked a question to Vivian, “Hey... Vivian was it....? What kind a buildings are here like the where the shops located or anything else of interest.” he said, hoping that there was a place where he can relax in peace because the Inn is probably gonna be filled by his comrades soon.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Underage!" Megumin spat, whirling around to face Lealan. "I'll have you know that I'm fourteen, which is the legal age of drinking and marriage!"

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"Oh... ummm..." Vivian seemed a bit startled when Megumin approached her, as if she wasn't expecting anyone to actually speak to her. She seemed a bit flustered by the simple question, as she meekly pointed towards the INN behind them. Then Lealan told her that she was underaged, and Vivian quickly realized the mistake she made. "O-oh... wait..." She tried to get out a retort, but nothing came out, and all she could do was bury her face in her hat. She lowered it back up when Akari approached, though, and smiled when he approached her. She blushed a bit as he spoke to her, like she seemed to be doing with everyone else here. "I-It's nice to meet you as well, Paladin..." She said, her voice so low it might as well have been a whisper.

When Benrey approached her asking for a shop, she pointed to a building to the right of them. It had what looked like a picture of an orange flower with eyes hanging by the door.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

Those of you who entered the INN would be met by a large, tidy looking building, with lights hanging from the ceiling, a staircase that led to what could only be assumed were the beds, and of course, the bar.


"What'll it be, fellas?" The... bean(?) bartender asked as he wiped down a glass.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Venom Snake Venom Snake
Of course.... when waiting for an reply from Vivian, he still listened to the other conversations happening from around him. He then turned to face Megumin as she said those words, looking at her like she was crazy. Saying out loud “I do not know anything about your world...... but what you just said tops the fucking cake of the most craziest things that happen so far this day. Now don’t get mad at me for saying it, but where I come from, that’s very illegal.” he said. While his own opinion is not supported due to the different worlds, he still believed it was very wrong
P PopcornPie
"Great where are we now?" Lilith said sounding somewhat annoyed. She was looking around the papery town until she came across a purple ghost, Lilith then started to smile a little bit. "Oh so you're a ghost to, that's pretty cool."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Vivian)
After going inside the building and seeing how tidy it was, he sat at one of the stools in the bar and said “I need the strongest drink right about now...... reason being is that I need something to ease my mind from this chaos..... chaos that my own people at home would not even spend a second believing.” he said, reaching into a pouch at his side and taking out antique gold coins, common currency at his home, and placed it onto the table, hoping it would be accepted.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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"What are you talking about?" Megumin's brow lowered at Benrey. "Fourteen is the legal age in Belzerg, why wouldn't it be the same here?" Overall, Benrey's words did little to stop her from claiming a seat. "You really should get a drink yourself. I saw you going berserk and shooting ay everybody! That disaster of a show must have been very stressful for you."

Then she perked up at the bartender. This was a dream world, so he could just summon any drink she wanted with dream magic, right? "I'd like some nice, strong Neroid, please." Unfortunately, Lealan's order had Megumin remembering something that would greatly hamper her ability to wash away the residual feelings of being discorded and hateful: She didn't exactly get to take any Eris with her to Blood Gulch. "Um...may I pay you in exposure?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @InnBois 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Venom Snake Venom Snake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

Whisper and Hiryu were simply enjoying the sight of flowers around them. Hiryu usually wasn't the kind of guy to visit flower fields but this is new to him.

"You know, this is actually kinda nice." Hiryu commented, looking up at the slightly differently colored sky. "I still don't know where we are exactly, but this feels nice."

"We're in the nightmare realm." Whisper glanced at her human friend, "Bill sent us here, remember?"

"Really? Then why is it so pretty?" Hiryu raised a brow. Just then, Ford called out to the group in order to follow them. "Aw, just when I'm starting to make myself comfortable." Hiryu sighs as he stood back up, stretching for a bit. "Want me to carry the blue guy or...?" Hiryu asked, noticing that Sonic is still not alive.

"It's fine." Whisper nods as she stood up, carrying the unconscious body of Sonic on her shoulder while carrying her Whispon like a cane. "I can handle myself." She says, soon following Ford, Hiryu following closely behind.


The gang arrived at some kind of town, where Ford promptly left them after giving tips to an Inn nearby. This sparked a discussion about drinking at the Inn. Hiryu and Whisper followed the group into the Inn, Whisper setting Sonic on a chair with a table nearby, following Hiryu afterwards.

"Mind if I join you lot?" Hiryu walked over to the drinking peeps, taking a seat beside the people he didn't know his Another Riders attacked. Specifically beside Megumin for reasons unknown. It was the seat empty at the time. "Just gimme some mead or something." Hiryu requested to the bartender, "Whatever you got that's good." He nods, having not drank a single beer in his teenaged life.

"...I'll have some juice." Whisper says, ssitting beside Hiryu.
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari waved to Vivian before he went into the Inn himself.

He wanted to see if anyone would talk to him, but then again, he figured a bar would be a better place for that to happen. The bartender seemed to be a bit... out of place against the otherwise dreary nature of Twilight Town, but Akari wasn't about to complain about something like that.

"I'd like a nice cocktail, if you would. I believe there was one some Chrome Star customers from the U.S. were talking about an awful lot... I believe it was called a 'Sweet Poison'? I'd normally enjoy a nice glass of Nigori sake, but as I'm already on a trip, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try new things."


The plant-person had brought up a fairly good point, though. What exactly was Twilight Town's currency, and, would the bartender accept any kind? "Of course... the only form of money I have is Yen, if you'll accept it. I don't want to make an order if I can't pay for it, after all."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
deadpoolposttop.png & sonicposttop.png
As Deadpool clashed with Another Den-OhMyGodWhereAreHisEyesDoesHeEvenHaveEyes, he was suddenly riddled with bullets along with his opponent, courtesy of The GMod-Man. "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK'S YOUR PROB-" He then noticed that he now had an opening against this thing he was fighting, as it was now focused on the third-party attacker. "Well, that was easy." Meanwhile, as Sonic was being carried by Whisper, he was mumbling a variety of things in his sleep. "...steal your hammer anyway?... ....gonna do about it?... ...reality show?..." Who knew what he was dreaming about, exactly? Back on DP's side of things, the Merc with a Mouth prepared to swing just one of the two swords he had at his opponent's head, only to stop short, realizing that something weird was going on yet again. He looked over to see the reveal of Will Cipher's true identity as Bill Cipher, and retorted, "Oh, big whoop. Clearly I'm the only person here who knows that Bill is just a nickname for someone named Will, so this comes as no big surprise! Also, did I just see a fire-breathing water tower pass by that giant hole in the tent? That's awesome, where can I get one?" He then faceplanted on the floor, and was down for the count along with everyone else.

Moments later, Sonic came to, realizing that he was apparently resting on the legs of his aptly named quiet friend. "What the... Whisper? Man, I had the weirdest dream... Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Eggman, and Vector were in it, but there was also some weird badger girl too... Actually, hold that thought. Where in the world are we? Weren't we in some tent, about to watch some show- hey wait a minute!" He then got up on his feet and ran over to Deadpool, who groggily sat up. "Oh hey Sonic, you slept through the entire show, you missed out on the fun! Wait, that was actually my doing..." "What in the world is WRONG with you?! Do you just knock anyone out if they ask you legitimate questions? And besides, I still wanna know where you even got that-" The two then overheard all of the commotion with Megumin, including the various insults that she flung at the people who were called by Mabel to assist her in battle, regardless of whether they were conscious or not. Walking towards the rest of the group, Sonic said, "Chimp? Huh, that reminds me... there was some chimp in my dream too, and some pretty neat burger place that had chili dogs... But anyways, since I was knocked out for a while thanks to ninja-man over here, I have absolutely no idea why you're angry at any of us, and you really need to calm down." Following the speedy blue rodent, Deadpool somehow managed to analyze everything that was being said, and told Sonic, "Well, it seems like you should be thanking me, Sonic, because I probably saved ALL OF OUR ASSES BACK THERE, BY TAKING YOU OUT. That girl who was clearly god-modding was controlling the minds of everyone who had their named called out, but only if they were awake in the first place. Because I put you to sleep, nothing came of your name being called out."

Caught completely off guard by Deadpool's statement, Sonic stammered out, "D-did he actually say something that made complete sense?! Or am I still dreaming?! Whatever, sorry for calling you out like that, and thanks, I suppose." Wade and Sonic then followed the rest of the group into Twilight Town, with Sonic joining Whisper at the Inn, telling the bartender, "I'll have the same as her. Hopefully you guys do take rings." On the other hand, Deadpool decided to head over to the shop, wondering if there was any cool stuff in there he could buy.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 and everyone else currently wondering what the hell is in that spooky forest that Ford walked into.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Huh...This place is kinda cozy. I good stroll will do me some good. Though I must say, this place gives me Mario vibes for some reason. Actually....I'm pretty thirsty...Let me get myself a drink of water then I'll go take myself a walk!" Captain Falcon heads into the INN and sits down at the bar counter. He looks to the bartender...who has a head of a lima bean "May I have some water, please, dear bartender?" Falcon asks
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BarGroup
"Lealan you... Actually carry gold around with you?" Snake spoke in confusion, considering no one he knew just walked around with gold in their pockets.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"I carry LAVA with me. Gold isnt that impressive. And since my last Multiversal trip, I figured gold would be fine. Many cultures used to value it highly and its good for electrical work in a pinch. Kind of a pain to dig it all up and smelt it, though."
Venom Snake Venom Snake
Well he now knew where to go shopping in this town. But still, the signs are still sorta weird here.... so if he manages to remember it, it would be a bloody miracle. So he decided to go into the Inn for now, because he sorta agreed with Megumin, since he kinda remember himself blacking out and suddenly holding a different weapon. He just shrugged as he sat into one of the stools, but instead of ordering something, he took out his ToolGun and pressed the screen. A glass of water would spawn in front of him as he put away the ToolGun and grabbed the water, drinking a quarter of it slowly before stopping. He then said to Megumin “You gotta learn that in different universes and planets, there are different laws and cultures. Also the berserk mode I took earlier was because of a glitch in my code.” while holding his cup.
P PopcornPie

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