Snake grumbled in frustration, and put the rifle away. He then pulled out his tranquilizer pistol. The tranq rounds looked exactly like a normal 9x19mm bullet, so he had hoped that even if the round didn’t hit and take effect, that she would take it apart like the 5.56 round and inhale it’s contents, which should also put her under long enough for him to take a lethal shot, or just slit her throat, and break whatever control she had over everyone.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Please, I've had the likes of a giant ape hold me back! And by the looks of you, you ain't a giant ape!" Captain Falcon breaks free from Benrey's grasp before grabbing him by the arm and throwing him on to the ground "Don't stop me, kid! You dont want none of this!...But thanks for the heal though, that was real nice of you" Captain Falcon rushes off the reach Mabel
Lars picks up the strange watch and looks at the rando. "Sir, you might want to get somewhere save!" Lars keeps on to the watch and heads off to find the next opponet
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

After smacking Jury Rig against the wall, he gets an idea on how to stop Rex for the time being, he taunts him hoping to he’ll take the bait; fortunately for Ben, Rex does.

“No. I can also kick things.”
Ben’s plan to bait Rex looks like it could backfire, but could use it to his advantage. But Jury must be careful cause even though those boots look heavy, Rex still moves like everyone else with them in addition to having giant metal hands in ice.

Crow Crow


As Red Hood appeared from the smoke, he unleashes a barrage of bullets of unknown healers to Sora. Whether he knows them or not, he uses Reflect to stop the bullets and save them from injury.

“(We’re never gonna end the fight at this rate. Okay, think Sora. Wendy said the twins are in control of Will, so either they have his powers, or Will is somewhere in the room. But how do I stop them? C’mon, your friends are at stake. Think!) Gah! What am I supposed to do?!”

Sora racked his brain up down and all around for any ideas that may help everyone break free.

USER=42752] thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore [/USER]
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Lealan glances down at where the Stim Pack dropped by Megumin was. It seems the little bird was more resourceful than she had given him credit for... Above! Lealan swiftly Dashes back as the water infused hammer smashes through her afterimages. Lealan draws and swings Hokucide, releasing a shock wave of water several meters in front of her, sweeping away anyone unfortunate enough to be in the same general direction as the penguin.
"Sneaky Sneaky. But a Hunter must always be on the lookout for their prey."
Crow Crow

  • "Reptile? I hope you are as tastey as you are sssstupid!" Lealan lunges for the Agent, her Gold colored Perfect Armor forming around her, as well as her massive, tri-clawed gauntlets. Mid flight, she boosts at him, her form blurring and leaving behind a trail of blue afterimages. One claw leading to impale the bird, one held back for a second strike or block.
    Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
    "Lealan, what do we do?!" Megumin cried. Unfortunately, she had no answer, as the Floran flew off to deal with their penguin enemy. The poor archmage was, once again, completely alone.
    "Subdue." Hiryu commands as he walks ahead the two Another Riders grunted, getting to work. Another Wizard places his ringed hand onto the belt, glowing as a Magic circle appeared below Megumin.

    B I N D

    Chains erupt from the circle and wrapped around Megumin tightly, making sure she WON'T escape.

    Another Ex-Aid, however, began to jump around the place, charging towards Lars with a volley of kicks and punches, all the while jumping from one invisible block to another!

    Meanwhile, Whisper and Hiryu go toe to toe, her cube hammer clashing against Hiryu's blades!
    ...And her loneliness allowed for Hiryu to capture her. "N-no!" She wriggled and thrashed, but the chains remained tightly hugging her. "'re willing to change loyalties, just like that?!" She whined. This was a pure nightmare. Lucky...was right. These weren't true party members she had. They were all fake friends, willing to drop the MPF just like that!

    If it wasn't for the presence of Another Wizard and his ensnarement of Megumin.

    It's clear that this...whatever it is, will not abide by the master's new lack of morals. Compared to anything that Orbeck has faced so far in his life, this may be the most intimidating. This armored fighter with powers that could give his sorceries a run for his money. This was a prominent reason for the vairus tweaks done to his spells, cast times, "holding" the spell in place, spell range, The sort of stuff that most Vinhiem sorcerers would have not thought about. Now, it's time to put that to the test.

    "Is that how it is?" he said to Another Wizard "...then we are through and done with the formalities."
    Orbeck makes the first move as he brings out his Cort sorcerers staff, light blue energy forming as he slashes at Another Wizard with a Soul great sword.
    "Please hurry, Orbeck!" Megumin breathed a sigh of relief. At least her fellow wizard was still her friend?
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Sora was still thinking of all kinds of ideas until something clicked. He hesitated on this, but it might be the only way. “Hey!” Sora shouted to Mabel.

“I challenge you to magic duel, I win you let us go.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As Rex closed the gap and finally gave Jury Rigg a kick, Jury Rigg would evade thanks to his small size, before jumping on the Punkbuster's sole, then swiftly run to his leg before his foot can stomp down, and finally scaling his body to reach his back and hopefully his head.

"Ehehehe! I'm ready to break break break and fix fix fix!"

During this, the spreading lava would find its way below his Punkbusters, and as it continued to spread throughout the room, its levels would rise. Even without being frozen to rock, it was viscous, gooey...

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

"Gah!" the Agent says as he was knocked back. "Ah, of course. This strategy should've been obvious to me from the start."


As he rolled back up to fight, his hammer dematerializes, before he uses shurikens imbued with ice, this time aiming for a ranged approach as they were all aimed for Lealan, his motions homing in on her. Wherever they struck, hit or miss, they would freeze with cold and damage with force.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Well apparently Cap looked much stronger than he looked, which was going through his brain as he was thrown away from him and onto the ground. ‘But hey, at least he threw me away from that explosive’ as he recalled Jason throwing some sort of explosive bat symbol onto the floor. But now he had a new problem, as he quickly got up and dodge rolled the bullets fired at him by Jason, a song playing in his head as he began to run away from the bullets.

He then quickly took out his ToolGun and spawned in a prop to use as cover, which was a medium sized metal crate that was slightly bigger than him, and went behind it to be safe from the hail of bullets. He then searched through his mod list before spawning in a sleeping gas grenade in his hands. He then yelled out to whisper “If your mask does not stop the sleeping gas, then get away as quickly as possible from this.” as he threw the grenade onto the floor near Jason. The grenade would explode, enveloping Jason completely almost instantly while the gas began to spread. He then spawned in a gas mask and put it on, the entire face of his covered by it. He then switch out his ToolGun for a tranquilizer gun, preparing to put either cap or Jason down with a couple of darts.


Well it looked like all the fighting was happening on the stage, and he did not know what happened recently, so he charged head first at Mabel, him jumping into air as his hammer glowing with electricity, his eyes glowing red. He then yelled out in Icelandic “Engin miskunn fyrir óguðlega, búðu þig undir að vera sleginn af hamri Þórs” (English translation: No mercy for the wicked, prepare to be smited by Thor's hammer) as a red circled appeared underneath Mabel, it being the radius effect of the attack as he prepared to slam his hammer onto the floor and cause a large shockwave. But then he stopped mid air as he heard Sora trying to challenge Mabel to a magic duel, to which he turned mid air... confused, before gravity took place again, making him fall back down to the floor.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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Lealan scoffs when the penguin begins his barrage. "Icy Shuriken, I've... never seen that before." She comments dully as she draws her Dragon Head Pistol. Bullets of fire easily shooting down most of the barrage, with only a few glancing hits putting a dusting of ice on her armor. Lealan pulls some off and in a flash of blue, fashions it into a shuriken of her own.
The Floran continues to shoot at the projectiles, throwing the one she made in a long, curving ark to hit the penguin from the side. Unlike the penguins own, this shuriken slices AND freezes.
Crow Crow
"For such a lucky rabbit, your impressions are rather poor."

The following words were spoken by Mabel after she quickly deflected Snake's tranq bullet. She wasn't fond of doing anything twice, and she'd already made a show of inhaling the gunsmoke. Besides, her current prey was much more enticing. By the time Not-Dipper turned around, he would find Mabel staring down at him from the top of the stage, smirking menacingly. "Did you really think for a fleeting moment that I didn't see past your little ruse?" Mabel chuckled, before merely turning her head to the side. "Dear brother, won't you reveal yourself?"

"Of course, sister." The familiar male voice of Dipper Gleeful spoke from none other than Lucky's body. "Lucky" hopped up onto the stage. The jade on Lucky's heart was pulsating violently, and Mabel glanced down to her brother, smiling sweetly.

"Now, why don't you show the curious why we allowed this mirage in the first place, hm?" She hummed again, and "Lucky" only nodded in response. Quickly, a nub slammed onto Lucky's jade, and despite him not having fingers, somehow "Lucky" managed to rip it off with ease. The possessed rabbit hopped over to Mabel and handed her the Jade, dropping it in the palm of her hand. "And now, for Act Two of our little show!" She chimed as she held onto the Jade. Her eyes turned to face the real Lucky, who was still possessing Dipper, before she turned to face the back of the stage. "As you may already know, this particular little trinket of your's latches itself onto broken hearts. And, it just so happens, we have what is perhaps the most broken heart in the Multiverse at our disposal~!" The magician girl turned to face the back of the stage once again and lifted her arm up to the air. Then, suddenly, a giant birdcage that was covered in a light blue cloak erupted out of the stage's floor. Mabel grinned and gripped the cloak tightly, yanking on it to reveal...


A tiny, blue, one-eyed triangle. He was wrapped in matching light blue chains, and appeared to have been sobbing violently mere seconds before his grand reveal.

"This adorable little demon's name is Will Cipher! Long ago, his dimension was destroyed, including all of his family! And since then, he's been enslaved by my brother and I, and used as a means for our personal amusement!" She turned back to face Lucky and smiled sweetly. "If that doesn't simply scream a broken heart, then I don't know what does!" Mabel snapped her fingers again, and when she did so, Lucky's vision turned dark once more. When he awoke, he was no longer in Dipper's body, but rather, his own. He was standing next to Mabel on the stage, who now looked much more menacing as an up close giant. Dipper, who was now back in his own body as well, walked up onto the stage without a second thought and stood beside Mabel.


"Ugh... I stench of pellets..." He grumbled, though Mabel ignored him, and merely continued to stare down at Lucky. Slowly, she began to raise her hand, and once she did so, Lucky would begin to levitate in the air. Slowly but surely, he would find himself unable to breathe.


"Now... squeal like a pig for me~"

Just as Mabel said this, her grip began to tighten as her fist slowly began to close. As it did so, Lucky would find it harder and harder for himself to breathe. If he'd ever seen Star Wars, he'd basically compare this to Darth Vader's force choking. And, just as her fist was about to close completely and snap Lucky's neck, ending his existence in this Multiverse for good, a certain little Keyblade warrior called her out. As soon as he did so, Mabel turned to face him, dropping Lucky out of the air. A soft exhale was heard as she was given the challenge, and she couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at the notion.

"Well, who am I to deny such an... invigorating request?" She asked, tapping a finger against her chin delicately. She hummed in thought for a moment, before turning around to face the nearly dead Lucky and Will. "Let's make this more interesting though, shall we?" She asked, before lifting her palm and curling her finger upwards. Upon her doing so, Lucky was wrapped in the exact same chains Will was wrapped in. "If you win, not only do I let your friends go, but I also won't peel the delicate little strips of fur and flesh from this little rabbit's body." Mabel turned to face Will, who was too busy sobbing and violently shaking to even notice anything else going on around him. "If I win, then I'll hand Will the jade, and see what kind of nasty things he'll do with it while still under my control. Sound fair?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Venom Snake Venom Snake
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thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
The chaos was what Delsausage lived for. He lived to see all of these fools burn. He did his best to contribute to the chaos and raging flames, firing his rocket randomly across the tent. THERE WILL BE NONE WHO LIVE...other than the ones who do. Unfortunately for Delsausage, his blind rage didn't make his aim particularly good, and Rocky the Slaughsage wasn't particularly obligated to provide any aim assist for the Conduit Sausage. The stream of flaming explosive hot dogs hit everything but the members of the MPF or the ones converted to Mabel's side. His unholy hotdog screech rang through the air as he pointed his rocket launcher at the ground and fired, propelling him into the air and towards Mabel. He had to take out his raw, unrestricted rage on this stupid town somehow, and this stupid witch was the figurehead of weirdness.

While in midair, Delsausage chunked Rocky the Slaughsage straight at Mabel. The Tediore rocket would explode upon contact, but Delsausage would unly use this as an opportunity to unleash his powerful ability of Mabel: Concrete Sausage Impalement. While Rocky exploded, Delsausage would cover himself with concrete and charge through the flames as an armor penetrating sausage. He did this all while screaming, "AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! DIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! OVERWATCH LEAGUE OF AVENGERS, ATTACK!!!!"

(Overwatch League of Avengers means y'all who want to join Delsausage's crusade of chaos. I'm looking at you, Deadpool and Benrey)
Orbeck of Vinheim
status: a sorcerer vs another wizard
Condition: shocked by lightning.
Getting hit by the sudden shining blue magic sword caused the Another Wizard to flinch, the magic circle flashing as the chains stopped wrapping tightly around Megumin. At this rate, it may be possible to free her! The Wizard tapped his belt again, a magic circle appeared in front of him and behind Orbeck.


The Wizard threw his hand inside the circle, and on the other circle, a much larger hand appeared, wrapping itself around Orbeck as it clenched its fists. Using his free hand, he tapped the belt once more.


A green thunderbolt surged through the Another Wizard's enlarged arm, opting to shock the other grand Wizard in his grasp!
Drats, he would have been able to see the attack coming. Certainly feels as if he lost his touch on those sorts of things, or maybe it was a case of dumb luck. Regardless of how it occurred, Orbeck is now in the literal grasp of another Wizard as he is being shocked. With his arms gripped firmly on their sides, he was forced into casting another sorcery in this unfavorable condition. In this case, he casted the Cyrstal hail sorcery, a spell that would normally rise int the air and rain down magic homing projectiles. but with his arms caught in a massive fist, the spell has nowhere to go, releasing its payload of crystal hidden prjectiles on Orbeck and the inside of another wizard's fist.

Megumin's expression suggested otherwise. He watched her change from pain to fury.

"W-well, I hate you too, Rex!" She shrieked, waving her staff around. If she still had Explosion, th-then FUCK IT! She wanted this traitor dead! "I thought I knew you! I thought I knew ALL of you!" She thrashed within her chains. "I can't believe you traitorous scum were the best we could find! Especially you, Jason and Sonic! As soon as I'm freed, I'l send all of you down to the Twilight Realm!"

"Have you been paying any attention?!" His yelling was not out of his own free will, but rather the from the pain and grunts of being hit by his own sorceries.
"It was mind control, it should have been obvious!" Now, will he be able to free himself from Another Wizard's grasp?

"Hey, you, Lassie!" He called. "Nice prop you have there! May I put on a show with it?"

Lucky whispered something into her ear, something that seemed to make her smile again. Then she pretended to faint. "Oh, I am so tired from having all this mighty, powerful magic!" She held her staff out to Mabel. "Please, handle my powers for me, almighty one!"

"All right, allow me! Mabel, your bullet stunt was truly impressive. Now watch ME!" Lucky graciously took the staff, which was much heavier than it looked. Then he performed an improvised, but still fairly graceful dance all around the tent. As he dipped and swirled, Megumin quietly chanted an incantation, which brought dark-colored magic collecting into its orb. Every time she felt that the spell was going to detonate, she interrupted herself, then started again. Jumping over Sage's flames proved difficult, but Lucky managed to put away the pain.

"Did you just?!" apparently she did just hand her staff to the nefarious version of Dipper, because...why not?! It wasn't as if he was unaware of the odd personally switch. but it seems fate has it in for orbeck as the Lucky actions prompted Mablt to reveal their...

A tiny, blue, one-eyed triangle. He was wrapped in matching light blue chains, and appeared to have been sobbing violently mere seconds before his grand reveal.

"This adorable little demon's name is Will Cipher! Long ago, his dimension was destroyed, including all of his family! And since then, he's been enslaved by my brother and I, and used as a means for our personal amusement!" She turned back to face Lucky and smiled sweetly. "If that doesn't simply scream a broken heart, then I don't know what does!" Mabel snapped her fingers again, and when she did so, Lucky's vision turned dark once more. When he awoke, he was no longer in Dipper's body, but rather, his own. He was standing next to Mabel on the stage, who now looked much more menacing as an up close giant. Dipper, who was now back in his own body as well, walked up onto the stage without a second thought and stood beside Mabel.

Even BIll, BILL was somehow affected by this. Not the overly controlling manipulator. but a crestfallen blue triangle whose mood was worn on his sleeve...enough with the distractions. There is still the matter of dealing with this armored...thing in front of him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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Lars comes across Red Hood and immediately gets into his fighting stance "You know I dont wanna have to fight you. I know you arent yourself. But so long as those two twins got a hold of you, I have to go through you, to free you and the others!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Snake deactivated his octocamo and stepped out, bolstering his pistol. He knew now he’d have to be within hand to hand range of the twins to dispatch them. He looked around. Everyone was occupied in their own fight. He was on his own for this one. Snake dove to the ground and activated stealth camo, moving as quickly and quietly as possible to the stage where the twins were. While he crawled he pulled out his MK.23 SOCOM and the Stun Knife.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @tentwiththecrackheadinit
Lealan's very own ice shuriken seemed to curve away as the Agent's flippers motioned about, swaying like waves, causing it to curve back like a boomerang right back at her the moment he motioned his flipper towards her!

"So, you know fire, water and snow," the Agent says as great flames formed at the tips of his flippers, "but have you mastered them?"

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
As soon as Benrey yelled about the sleeping gas, Jason already knew what to expect. He would have more than likely been able to get out of the way anyways, but him shouting the attack before even initiating it just sealed the deal.


"Oh my goodness gracious! I've been bamboozled!" He shouted during the backflip. It looked like he kept his quippy neature despite being mind controlled, at least. He landed on one knee, brandishing his two pistols out by his sides as he did so. Having reloaded mid-air, Jason didn't waste any time in aiming both his guns towards Lars right as he approached, firing a hailstorm of bullets towards him without even flinching. Then, he turned around to face Benrey once more. Once he did so, jason pulled out his Zip-Kick, a grappling device that locks onto an enemy and propels him towards them.


He swiftly aimed this device towards Benrey and fired it. If the hit was successful, it would latch onto his chest and propel Jason forward at an extremely fast pace. Once he was close enough, he attempted to deliver a kick right to his chest!


Meanwhile, when Delsausage tried to penetrate Mabel, the magician would merely catch him mid-air. "A talking hot dog... how quaint." She said flatly. As Mabel held onto Delsausage, he would feel her palm begin to heat up rapidly around his small little body. If he didn't somehow get out of her grasp in time, Mabel would engulf the poor talking food in blue flames, before unceremoniously tossing him off the stage.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 QizPizza QizPizza
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  • View attachment 739041
    View attachment 739042

    (Art credit goes to NeoNeko5000! Thanks for the older Jak Commish!)​

    Jak pulled out his Mass Inverter, loaded it and aimed the "bullet" at Mabel. The surprise would come eventually as the gravity under Mabel would suddenly disappear. It was soon followed up by a Peacemaker shot which was a dark eco ball of energy that would home in on Mabel until it hit her.



    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"DIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Delsasuage screeched as Mabel wrapped her fingers around his shaft. That is to say, his entire body. As Mabel began to heat up and use her blue flames to heat things up, Delsasuage felt agony like he had never experienced. Not physical agony, though. Hotdogs can't feel pain. But rather, it was the sheer mental agony of mixed feelings about this Mabel chick. Sure, she was evil and the representation of the universe that made him the way he was, but then again...she was pretty more ways than one. The sausage quipped for a moment, "Do you grab all guys you meet by the shaft the first time you meet them, or do you just like me?"

Then, Delsausage's pure burning rage began to ignite, fueled by the flames of Mabel's hand. The concrete around the hotdog crumble as he began sucking on the flames, searing his inside but causing not the slightest bit of pain. In his hatred, he ate the flames bit by bit until his body began to produce flames of their own. The hotdog was now on fire and screeching like a banshee as he shot flames out of his butt...or whatever that thing at the end of the hotdog was so that he would be propelled closer to Mabel. Delsausage was going to unleash 1% of his power, enough to give Mabel a fighting chance gainst his power. "MY SAUSAGE WILL BE THE ONE TO PIERCE THE HEAVENS!!! IRON SAUSAGE OF THE FIRE SAUSAGE!!! ATTACK MABEL DIRECTLY!!!"
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
As she was about to deal with Snake, he... disappeared. Despite the fighting that was happening, she could hear what sounded like crawling on the ground. It was subtle, but thanks to the advantages of being a cat faunus, she could hear it with her cat ears.

Switching Gambol Shroud to her pistol/kusarigama form, she quickly fired a few rounds at his legs. "
You don't think I can't hear you?" If he got up, she'd immediately throw it around his neck and if it succeeded, yank him down hard towards the ground.

Venom Snake Venom Snake

It was in that moment as everyone was fighting that she got an idea. Maybe, if she used her Piercing Scream, she could stun those that were turned against them long enough for the others to knock out. It was risky due to how they could maybe go deaf from it, but it was a risk that needed to be taken.

She looked at everyone that wasn't turned. "
Cover your ears! I'm going to try something!" Stepping away from the cowboy and the unconscious Aloy, she started focusing on the memories that made her extremely angry. Then...

she started to scream.

Piercing Scream

The scream unleashed from her, if the ears wasn't blocked or covered up, could be enough to cause the ears to bleed and maybe make them go deaf too. This was enough to make those that wasn't used to screams like this or anyone that didn't cover their ears up to be in pain as they heard it.

If someone got too close to her as this happened, not only would it be hard to die to the amount of force from the power she was giving off push them away, but whoever would be able to stay close to her would find that their head started to feel like it was about to explode.

Of course, the chances of it exploding couldn't happen, right?


FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , darkred darkred , everyone else
As the fight continued, Mabel reveals her second part of her little show, revealing Will Cipher. She explains his backstory to the MPF members, and returns Lucky to his original body. She almost kills the bunny, but Sora manages to stop and challenge her to a magic contest. The bet she makes however is what Sora was afraid of, but feels like he has no choice, the MPF and Lucky were on the line.

“Before I accept, let’s make this more interesting. In addition to our standard terms. If I win, you let Will free and never sadden his heart again. Deal?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
‘Catlike hearing... meaning sensitivity to loud noise... Gotcha.’ Snake thought to himself as he grabbed a flashbang from his pouch. If the flash didn’t get her, the insanely loud sound would. He unpinned the grenade and rolled of to the side a bit, throwing the grenade to the ground near her.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Jak's matter gun indeed succeeded in lifting Mabel up off the ground, however when he fired the dark matter towards her, she simply deflected it back towards Jak with a wave of her arm! All the while, that smug little grin stayed on her face, enjoying the chaos that was currently ensuing. "Your attempts to subdue me are entertaining, but I'm afraid that they've grown tiresome by this point..." She said, even stifling a yawn. Whether or not the yawn was fake was another question, but it was a yawn regardless. Once she landed back on the stage, she turned to face Delsausage, who tried flirting with her.


"You know, as far as sentient hot dogs go, you're not half bad yourself, sugar~" Mabel replied to Delsausage with a wink and even blowing him a kiss. Though, whether or not she meant it was up to the eyes of the beholder. More than likely she was just screwin' with him. Either way, when he propelled himself towards her, she casually swat him away with the back of her hand like one would a fly.

Back to the matter at hand, though! As Sora tried to alter the deal Mabel gave, she shook her head and wagged her finger slightly. "Sorry, but I'm afraid that I don't bargain, sweetheart. Especially not with children. However..." She rose her hand once more, and Lucky began to slowly levitate off the ground again. "If you'd rather skip our little duel and let me kill your friend right now, that could be swiftly arranged."

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts QizPizza QizPizza darkred darkred
Lealan stores the wayward snowflake with her Matter Manipulator before it can come back around and hit her. She is about to respond when she hears a warning, and switches her helmet to mute outside noise. She draws her Klux Staff and begins to spawn sharp read crystals in the air, before they being to shoot foward at and around the Penguin, with some stray shots heading to strike the chains holding Lucky and the blue Dorito dude.
Crow Crow P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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