"Nonsense, brother!" Mabel replied to "Dipper" with a laugh of her own. "Of course it will impress them!" She turned back to her adoring audience and winked. "After all... when has a little suspense hurt anybody?" Just as she said this, she threw up her hand and snapped her fingers. When she did so, the walls behind them seemed to open up, revealing an all too familiar sight for those of you involved in the Blood Gulch Incident.


"Why don't you tell us your name, dear~?" The girl asked before waving her hand, causing the clasp around the beast of a man's mouth to become unfastened.


Before Lobo could finish his threat, Mabel waved her hand again, and the clasp returned to the man's mouth. Securely fastened, I might add. "That's very nice, sugar." Mabel said, giggling soon after. Like drones, the audience laughed soon after. She then turned to Akari and Kassandra. "So, my faithful, lovely, astonishing assistants, here is the proverbial "gameplan"." Mabel said, standing between her "assistants" and Lobo. "That fiendish brute there wants to rip the skin, skulls, and vital organs from every lowlife denizen in this very tent." Mabel snapped her fingers again, and suddenly, two blue flames began to surround the chains that wrapped themselves around Lobo's body. "You two have until these flames reach that big, strong lock around that dastardly beast's burly chest to put them out! If you fail to put them out, he goes free, and kills every poor, incompetent fool in this room." Mabel's leaned forward a bit, her soft lips shrinking from a maniacal grin to a small, sadistic smirk.


"And don't you worry your pretty little heads. I'll make sure he rips the spines out of all these innocent worms in the audience before you even have the chance to stop him~"

The audience (the part that wasn't comprised of MPF members at least) didn't seem to react to Mabel's pretty clear threats at all. Instead, they all just sat there like good little boys and girls, with complacent smiles resting on their faces. Without any more time to waste, Mabel rose her hand up into the air, flicked her wrist, and snapped her fingers loudly. And then, the flames slowly but surely began making their way towards the center of Lobo's chains.

P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow Venom Snake Venom Snake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Topless Topless Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @literallyeveryoneishere​

  • "ThhhEeeeeEeeeEEE jAaaaAaaadEEE!" Megumin shrieked, with the last bit of her might. Then she fell into her chair with a little sob. What could she do?! Could she do anything at all?! It didn't seem like anyone heard her, let alone believed her. It looked like Sora and Rex were right, that all they could do was watch the show, and wait for their emotions to be sealed off.

    What did the Pines have in store?

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"Heeello! I'm right here you know?" the Agent says to Lealan, then hands the entire box to Rex, "I've lost my appetite, take the entire box."

He took his EPF phone out.

"Oh right... they disabled all electronics... good thing not every gadget runs on electricity..."

He keeps the phone and reaches into his pockets for something else.

"Looks I have to go fast... XLR8? Good candidate... Jetray? He's fast, but I need muscle too... maybe I'll have to use this..."

Ben dials his Omnitrix to a specific hologram, preparing to take form.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Both the black haired cat faunus and the ashen-haired woman had no choice but to do as the girl asked. After all their bodies were being controlled by her and they couldn't resist, so no choice but to follow what she said and go to the audience to sit in their seats. Once after that happened, everyone regained control of their bodies.

ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
When she regained control, she scanned the room to try to see if there was anything that could help them stop this. Either these people were really used to this and they enjoyed this sort or thing or they were brought there against their own will. Whichever one it was, they were civilians and they needed out.

Her eyes then went over the twin of Mabel, Dipper if she remembered right, and noticed that he was... kinda off. She hadn't been here that long to get a feel on what each twin acted like, but she had a feeling that Dipper didn't seem astonished by his own hands. Looking over at the others, she saw that the talking rabbit, Lucky if she also remembered correctly, had the same shade of blue the twins were for his eye color.

Something was wrong.

Then, things got worse. Mabel then revealed someone that was there during the Blood Gulch incident, giving the two she picked out as assistants a job: take out the flames so that everyone in the tent doesn't die.

They had to figure something out before people would end up getting killed. And fast.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , P PopcornPie

Noticing that they were missing two members, she looked at the stage to see Kassandra and a boy up there. The girl had chosen them to be her and her twin’s assistants, which didn’t sound good at all. And the next part didn’t sound good at all.

A man in chains was revealed, followed by the two receiving a job: take out the flames and everyone in the tent wouldn’t be murdered.

As she looked at the residents of the town, they didn’t seem fazed by the threats that were made. Were they also under some sort of mind control too? Or was this just normal for them? Either way, they had to help them, they were just normal people!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Lealan turns her attention to the suited penguin. "Are you offering yourself as a snack? If not, then maybe find a better use of your time than griping." She then spies Megumin's convulsing self, for lack of a better word. "Did that idiot cast explosion again?" Before waiting for an answer, she tosses a Red Stim Pack at the archwizard.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow P PopcornPie
Up until this point, he had been snoring loudly in his sleep, until he was woken up from the loud noises from the stage. What he saw was apparently some sort of large dude in chains, which probably looked like a very clear and very dangerous threat due to the chains used to keep him in place. He then saw the fire slowly make its way to the center of the locks, making him stand up from his seat as he held his hammer with both hands. Sensing that this will go badly if he escaped, he made sure to be ready for a fight as he began saying an Viking prayer Sjá, þar sé ég föður minn. Sjá, þar sé ég móður mína, og systur mínar og bræður mínir. Sjá, þar sé ég lína fólks míns, Aftur til upphafs! Sjá, þeir kalla til mín. Þeir bjóða mér að taka sæti mitt á meðal þeirra, í sölum Valhalla! Þar sem hugrakkir mega lifa að eilífu.” (English translation: Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers. Lo, there do I see the line of my people, Back to the beginning! Lo, they do call to me.They bid me take my place among them,In the halls of Valhalla! Where the brave may live forever), preparing himself in case the battle would break out.
Well things went for bad to ‘this is not ok’ in a span of a few seconds. After seeing the Man named Lobo revealed on the stage, he instinctively knew that this man would wreck their shit, even with the combination of everyone here. Well... they may be able to take him down... but not without civilian casualties in the matter. He then checked his ToolGun again only to see it still not working. He muttered something before putting it away.

At least there was one weapon he did not need the ToolGun to spawn it in, as he took out his passport, the combine pulse rifle appearing in his hands as he said
“If this emo wannabe gets lose, it would not end well. So I am gonna be at the ready in case he gets lose because without my ToolGun, I can’t do anything to help take out that fire.” as he kept his pulse rifle aimed at Lobo, ready to fire when necessary.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Tandem casual.PNG
These two are demented. I've seen some scumbags in my life but the pair is on a whole other level! Gosh, they're like Saw antagonists! I was petrified of our current situation. I know my luck saves me every time I'm in trouble. Hell, I never faced jail time because of my power but that doesn't mean that I don't feel fear whenever I'm in deep trouble. I always try to hide behind a smug grin when I'm scared so people wouldn't think I'm some kind of scaredy-cat but not here! I hid behind the cartoon girl since she did give me consent that I can use her as a meatshield.

Speaking of her: She was clapping happily.

"Ooooh, this is going to be good!" She exclaimed with a smile.


". . .What?"
Chronology: Ultimate

AETHER: 100%
LOCATION: Tent of Telepathy, Gravity Falls
COLOR: #E1914F

Concrete Conduit Hotdog
Insane, Traumatized Hotdog
Tent of Telepathy, Gravity Falls
INTERACTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM)
MENTIONS: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla quadraxis201 quadraxis201


Alexis felt the powerful presence fill the room, and it felt uncomfortably out of place. In contrast to pressure of Aether in the rest of the Gravity Falls, this was unnatural, like there was an otherworldly presence among them. That said, it wasn’t the greatest Aether pressure she’d experienced before, but it was definitely concerning given how strong some of the group looked. It was then that the lights dimmed and the curtain rose, revealing a young woman and a young man, announcing that the show had begun.

The next thing she knew, the audience was filled with all the people that were waiting outside earlier, and the rest of the MPF members were in the tent. She watched cautiously as the siblings in matching outfits put on their little show, with their apparent command over the crowd like hypnosis. The next shock came when they called up Leonardo and Jason, and they actually listened. Sure, Jason still sounded as unpleasant as usual, but it seemed pretty out of character for him to just follow requests of such suspicious strangers.

And then the girl on stage insisted for the rest of the group to make their own introductions. Strangely enough, people actually began going up on stage, and Alexis felt her own will being bent towards that direction. As everyone else went up onto the stage and announced their names, Alexis felt something in the back of her mind crawling to the forefront. A small tinge of panic spread through the kitsune’s mind as an uncomfortable realization came. Introductions must be made, but Alexis was carrying more than just one soul along for the ride…

When it came to her turn, Alexis felt her body walking without her intention, and she could feel herself slipping into her Soulscape. The kitsune that was now on stage was not Alexis, and Alexis’s normally snow white tails turned raven black to reflect this. It introduced herself in a confident voice filled with goading triumph, "Oh, it’s just wonderful to see you all! I am Kagutsuchi, Goddess of the Flames, and this body I’m possess is a meager little wh##e named Alexis Kuroki...or was it Alexis Tenshi? I always forget. She thinks it’s cute to keep her maiden name and her married name."

However, it wasn’t just Kagutsuchi who made an appearance, it was all the other major souls in her that made an introduction.

Her tails turned back to their snow white, but it wasn’t just her tails, it was her ears and hair too The now white furred fox awkwardly stumbled a little before speaking, "Uhm...Shin Don, God of the Gentleman’s Blade...nice to meet you guys..."

Her hair returned to their normal black shade, but her tails and ears dissolved into ashes and reformed into a pair of charcoal black wings. She bowed as she introduced herself, "Hello, I am Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth. I am pleased to make an appearance."
Next, the wings morphed into a scaly tail and a pair of wicked horns. This one growled her intro, saying "Bisterne, Goddess of Scales. I can’t believe I woke up for this sh#t...."

Following Bisterne, the scaled tail and horns disappeared while the hair lit itself into a fiery mane. The voice this time was introduced herself with a roll of her eyes, "I am Iblis, Goddess of Wrath. Are you happy now?"

With the introductions done, Alexis’s appendages returned to normal as she absentmindedly walked herself off stage and tried to process what just happened. All the major souls in her took control for a short period of time, but for that to happen, the Contract that bound them must have been broken. However, if the Contract was broken and Kagutsuchi had control, the goddess would’ve kept control. This was some strange magic that Alexis couldn’t afford to let her guard down around. Shaken, but not entirely thrown out of it, the kitsune took a deep breath and recomposed herself as best she could.

As the "show" went on, Alexis was surprised that Kagutsuchi didn’t make any snide or wounding remarks as she would always do when she had the slightest foothold. Either Kagustuchi was intentionally holding her tongue, or the Contract was still ongoing and there was some magic that allowed Kagutsuchi to bypass it. Both were equally unsettling. The Gleefuls were definitely dangerous.

She watched as Mabel Gleeful singled out a woman in red power armor and the blonde teen who threw stealth to the wind earlier, and made them don outfits befitting magicians’ assistants. While this was happening, the boy known Dipper Gleeful began to lose composure, a fact that Mabel seemed to be aware of. This was strange...

And then the "main attraction" was brought in. A large, very angry, gray skinned man bound in chains was revealed. The challenge: put out the blue flames on the chains before they set this man free and allows him to murder everyone in the tent. It didn’t sound like an empty threat, but what was more unsettling was the fact that the audience acted like this was actual entertainment. Something told Alexis that her attempting to put out the flames from here with her powers would not end well for anyone. Mabel gave off the impression that she would know if unauthorized magic was used.

Ah, finally someone who understood Delsausage. This gimp suit dude was another side character made only for memes. However, before he could speak more to this genius, the communicator strapped to him started to beep and just wouldn’t stop. The sausage was forced to go to the Pavillion of Psychokinesis along with his gimp suited friend. It was drag, but he went along with it. For the extra bit of speed, Delsausage continuously fired the rocket for extra propulsion.

With a snap, crackle, and pop, Delsausage was within the Tepee of Thoughts, sitting in a warm toasted bun watching the show. He agreed with Deadpool, seeing people get sawed in half was hilarious, especially when it was for realsies. He did that once before, but instead of pain and death, all he felt was nothing and the realization that death could not relieve him of this.

Then he saw the Gleeful twins. That was strange...they seemed a bit familiar. It’s almost as if he’d met that chick before. Delsausage thought...remembering that he fought someone like her before in another alternate universe before that universe got destroyed. What was her name? Mapel? Mason? Mable! That was it. Wait...Mable...that was a familiar name. It was then that Delsausage realized where he was and screamed louder than any sausage had screamed before. "OH GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!! OH INTERCOURSE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! NOT THIS PLACE. OH GOLLY GOSH!!! OH SHUCKS!!! IT’S GRAVITY FALLS!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! NOT THIS AGAIN!!!"

The mental trauma caused to the hot dog was just too much, causing him to flop onto the ground and pick up grains of dirt and sand. However, this wasn’t all...it seemed as if the dirt and sand started to draw themselves toward Delsausage, orbiting the sausage in a shell of protective debris as the purple glow from Eridium subsided for the moment. Delsausage had unlocked his Conduit Sausage powers and now he stood on a pillar of dirt burning with pure rage and anger.

Seeing Lobo be brought out, Delsausage let out an unholy screech, "AAAAIIIIIIIIIIYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAA!!! LOBO, WE MEET AGAIN!!! JOIN ME AND GIMP SUIT MAN IN OUR CRUSADE TO BURN ALL TO THE GROUND. THIS WORLD MUST NOT REMAIN IN THE MULTIVERSE. IT. MUST. DIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" Delsausage subsequently picked up his rocket launcher and fired a barrage of sausages at the stage in an attempt to burn the chains quicker and sic Lobo on the audience and Gravity Falls.
--Another Zi-O|| Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"This isn't good." Hiryu gulps, secretly taking out his Zi-O Anotherwatch and activating it, transforming into Another Zi-O once more as he rests on his seat staring at the stage snug as if nothing was wrong, all the while the clockhands on his head glowed purple, spinning as he started to try and predict what's gonna happen soon. This obviously tipped off Whisper, gripping on the Wispon's grip as the Cyan Wisp switched with the Orange Wisp, putting it onto its default laser mode.
Lobo narrowed his eyes at Lealan from the stage, and immediately started to wriggle and writhe within his chains. Muffled screams of what could only be assumed were various obscenities could be heard from behind Lobo's muzzle. It seemed as though he hadn't forgotten Lealan's betrayal, either. In the middle of the hulking man's tantrum, however, a strong shock was delivered that caused even the Main Man himself to scream out. In fact, the shock was so strong that it literally had the potential to blind anyone who stared directly at it. It lasted a good few seconds, too. By the time it ended, Lobo was shut up entirely, having slumped forward and began taking in large breaths through his nose.

And all the while, Mabel didn't even bat an eye towards the man. She simply continued staring at the audience until the punishment had been thoroughly delivered. And, when it was, she turned and strut over to Lobo with the confidence and presence of a supermodel, before cupping a hand around his cheek. "Aww... don't worry. The poor doggie will get his bone soon enough~" She said in a sultry, flirtatious tone, before planting a light smooch on the beast's cheek. And then, she turned back around and faced the audience once more.

Of course, once she did so, it didn't take her long to notice the various MPF members preparing for battle. Instead of warping their weapons, though, Mabel only tilted her head to the side slightly. This was getting interesting.


"Tell me, what exactly do you plan to do with your toy hammers and pea shooters?" Mabel chimed as her gaze flickered between everyone who had decided to take a stance against Lobo. She placed a finger against her chin and began tapping it against her lower lip in mock thought. "If I'd known we were going to be having a watergun fight, I'd have packed my bathing suit!" She joked, before ultimately shrugging. "Well, if you wish to play dirty, then I suppose it's only fair that I do the same, hm?" She asked, and just then, her eyes began to glow a bright blue. And then, there was a quick flash of light from her eyes, which entranced everyone in the audience. No matter who you were, you all easily fell under her trance. It was as if your mind had just crumbled, and there wasn't a single thing you could do about it.

"Mmmm... let's see..." She mused in thought, humming to herself. After picking who she wanted in her own mind, her eyes returned to normal, and so did all of you. Kassandra, Lucky, and Akari remained untouched by this charm, obviously. They still had a job to do, after all! But the rest of you all immediately forgot what had just transpired seconds ago, as soon as Mabel's eyes returned to normal. It was like the last few minutes were completely erased from your mind. That is, until Mabel spoke again. "Red Hood, Captain Falcon, Agent Penguin, Hiryu, Alexis, Blake, Aloy, Sonic, Rex, and Tandem!" As she called out your names, you felt a dark cloud overlap your mind. It wasn't like before, where you felt like your body was merely on autopilot. No... no this time, all sense of right and whatever morlas you have have had began to just... fade away. Like wet paper. It was brought down into a pulpy, insignificant pile, and all rational thoughts were replaced by one simple, very easy to understand command.

"Won't you be good little pets and protect me from those brutes?"

And just like that, the suggestion was put into place. Jason was the first of you to stand up and approach the front, standing in front of Mabel as he tightly gripped both his guns.


"Of course, Mabel. Whatever you say."

The rest of you who Mabel called soon followed suit as you felt the need to protect this woman at all costs. Meanwhile, those of you fortunate enough to not befall Mabel's bewitching charms more than likely stood your ground as well, against your hypnotized allies. Yes, this only meant one, simple thing.

civil war baybeeeeeeeeeeeee

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie QizPizza QizPizza ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Venom Snake Venom Snake Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Chungchangching Chungchangching FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @CIVILWARBAYBEEEEE
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  • Megumin nodded weakly, helplessly watching the Stim Pack land on her lap. Oh, God, no...moving her muscles brought so much pain...

    Then she heard the metallic wails of the burning chains, which made her heart leap. If she kept disregarding everyone else's danger for her own pain, she would essentially be helping Lobo seal their fates. Once again, her mind summoned memories of Samus and Mao Mao. They would have been brave. They would have put aside their pains. Everything she learned in the MPF led to this moment, did it not...?

    As soon as she began to move her arm, the air became filled with Megumin's despairing wails. Her face turned pink all over, striped with tears and snot. It felt like someone was twisting her arm in every direction an arm wasn't supposed to twist. Hell, it even looked that way. Pain crawled up and down her arms like tiny bear claws, as intensely as the flames working to free Lobo. Many times, she paused just to sob. She would rather have been forced to chop her arm off with an ice pick. Even a sting from a box jellyfish would have been more tolerable than this!

    Somehow, she managed to work her hand above one of the syringes. Home stretch. All she had to do was move her fingers...

    One...the tears went for a second round.

    Two...nobody in this tent was unaware of her grief.

    Three...she just wanted it all to end.

    Four...this finger felt as though it was breaking.

    Five...she was almost free.

    With one more series of screeches, she had the syringe positioned over her arm. Sweet relief was coming...

    ...and then Mabel performed her hypnosis. As Megumin's brain just...stopped, the syringe dropped from her fingers and fell onto the floor. This was the first thing she saw after reawakening.

    And the sobbing continued.
Nothing slipped past Mabel Gleeful's sight, however. As soon as "Dipper" attempted to slip off stage, Mabel turned around and rose a hand. "Where do you think you're going, brother?" She asked, as a light blue aura enveloped her not-brother, holding him in place. She slowly turned him around, lightly brushing her finger against "Dipper's" cheek. She made him watch the fight, once again speaking in a very... knowing tone. "Don't you want to see the show first-hand?"

P PopcornPie
"Errrrrrr" Lealan watches as part of the group turns traitor and sides with Mable. Now who was she goong to eat?... Oh wait. The Penguin has volunteered! Before she could go on with her hunt, Megumins whining grated on JUST the right nerve. Lealan Blinks in front of the mage, and if she isnt stopped, picks her up by her hair.
"Stop doing this to yourself and. SHUT. UP."
Lealan takes another Stim Pack and Jabs it into the Wizards neck, filling her with more healing juices. She'll drop Megumin back into her seat and lean over her. "What did I say? Repeat it to me."
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Stand behind me, Mabel! I need someome to have my back afterall!"Captain Falcon gives her a thumbs up and a smirk of assurance before turning to the others "Allll-right! Which one of yall losers wanna be sent to hell first? Cause I got tickets for any and everyone who hurts this girl behind me!" Falcon slams his fist into his palm and cracks his knuckles
Well it seemed like he was knocked out again. He then woke up a bit later, seeing some of his allies in the the front facing them, like they were the enemies. He sigh as he raised his hand into the air, him being in awkward silence for a minute. Until a large portal appeared above him, spewing out electricity as a large hammer went through into and landed into his right hand.

He then put his arm back as the hammer became covered in electricity, before jerking it forward as it shoot beams of electricity at his opponents, before jumping into the air as his eyes glowed red, a red circle appearing on the floor beneath the mind controlled group as he yelled out “Raaaagnarooook!!!!!” , preparing to slam his hammer onto the floor and cause a large shockwave.
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"You disabled electronics." Lucky explained smoothly. "And Rex is full of electronics. He's worthless. Just chuck him back into the cage." Poor Rex, this would definitely be enough to break his spirits! On the other hand...heeeey, a broken, grouchy Rex...A Rex who finally saw the world as realistically as Lucky did...

"Lucky! HELP HIM!" Lupé snapped, flicking his retina with her tail.

"She's holdin' me back! What am I supposed to..."

Then his mind raced. "A gambit...I need a gambit..." He watched Lobo thrash around. Could he possibly work this into a master plan?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts


Megumin said nothing, fearful of what Mabel would do.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

  • The Spartan mercenary barely heard Ciri ask her about why she stopped for a few moments, and only stopped to point upwards at Ikaros, who continued soaring above his companion on his own doing.

    "Let's just say they don't call me the 'Eagle Bearer' for no reason." She vaguely responded, not explicitly revealing her ability to see and hear through her bird. Of course, Ciri'd probably be able to put two and two together pretty easily, but that wasn't on Kassandra's mind. What was on her mind was the fact that she was dealing with idiots who had no idea what they were doing yet again.

    How in the name of the gods was it possible for an old timer like her to have more common sense than a few other morons? Her grimace remained etched on her lips as the white-haired girl asked how many "incidents" had happened before. At this, she shook her head out of frustration.

    "Too gods-damn many. We've had a lot of interesting people do stupid things like this back in Blood Gulch." She commented with a shake of her head just before the fire boy declared he hadn't made a fire but rather some sort of "construct". Whatever. She rolled her eyes, though visibly seethed when Benedict called her his maid.

    "I. Am not. Your. Maid. And no amount of drachmae will convince me to do so." The brunette pointedly remarked, though when Ciri inquired about Benedict calling women maids in general, she shook her head.

    "I don't listen to him that often; there's no point in taking what that idiot says seriously." At that point, everyone's "communicators" went off, and after the ashen haired sword-wielder declared they needed to go, the misthios (mercenary) nodded quietly before putting on her helmet and following.

    Of course, since they were heading indoors, Ikaros was left outside, though he perched on a nearby rooftop to keep guard over the doors. However, everything definitely seemed wrong. Of course, this was absolutely confirmed the second she felt any sort of control leave her body. Now something- or someone- else was in control, and she found herself stiffly walking up to the stage. As much as she fought every step, the force doubled itself. Eventually, Kassandra realized it was absolutely useless, and just let go only to conserve whatever mental strength she had at the time being. Whatever controlled her moved up to the top of the stage, taking the helmet off yet again to reveal the Spartan's face wearing an (extremely forced) smile, and a quick brandish of her prized Spear of Leonidas.

    "My name is Kassandra of Sparta. Or, as some people better know me, the Eagle Bearer."

    And with that, the ordeal seemed over... until it wasn't. Instead of going straight off the stage, that girl running the show stopped her and... changed her entire attire?!?! The brunette glanced down to see she wore a hideous dress; this was even worse than having to dress up for the Athenians. At least they had her put on some decent attire, even if it wasn't meant for being a mercenary, instead of this horror show! She glanced over at Akari, hoping he'd speak up, but the boy seemed more than 'happy' at his new look.


    The Greek murmured under her breath, only audible to herself. When this was all over, she was getting her equipment back... and that bitch would be taught a lesson. But for now, she looked back to see that little shit pull out the crazy man from Blood Gulch.

    Uh. Oh.​

    Extinguish those damn flames before it reached Lobo's chains? Are you kidding?!?! Her lips twitched angrily behind the mask, balling her fists up as she watched Mabel turn this thing into a freaking drama show. Oh, when I break out of this I'm going to mess you up so bad...

    The very first thing Kassandra did was reach for her Spear. If she had it, things would hopefully be much easier to handle; if not, this was going to be way tougher.

    IF her Spear was somehow still intact, the Spartan couldn't use it to kill that malaka. At least, not yet. Her priority was to instead slow her perception of time down, at least to give her an extra few "moments" to observe the situation.

    REGARDLESS of whether the Spear was gone or not, the brunette also began to utilize her "Revelation" ability, inherent to herself rather than the Spear. This would work similar to echolocation, marking out anything important she could use in her fight to stop the flames. That, and mark out anyone who was an enemy, which just so happened to be everyone who was picked...

    ...Including Aloy.​

    "You're gonna pay for that, you bitch..." She growled quietly at Mabel, her fists tightening at the thought of teaching the little brat Mabel a lesson. Who cared if she was a little girl? If she was going to fucking play with fire, she deserved to be burnt so she never played her tricks again. Unfortunately, there was no time to save Aloy; it was more important to save everyone else's hides from Lobo, who'd go crazy if he was unleashed. And this time Kassandra didn't have a team of close allies to gang up on and incapacitate Lobo.
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"Yeees Master... your wish is my command..."

The Agent rose from his seat, ready to protect Mabel.

"Rest assured, my Masters, they will be but rust on my sword by the end of this. Ahahaha... GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


From his 'inventory', the Agent unveils a sheathed blade. Unsheathing it, a sword, made of stinky cheese, was revealed.

To be struck by that blade would be a fate more frightening than being struck by any other blade.

"So it is you who sees me as prey? I suggest you know your place in the food chain, both the metaphorical one and the literal one, reptile," he says to Lealan.


"Rex! No!" Ben exclaimed, astonished and anguished. "Rex! Snap out of it! You're a hero, like me, remember?"

He prepares to smack down on his Omnitrix.

"I'd hate to kick your butt in this scenario, but it looks like I have to!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
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--Another Zi-O|| Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
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Before Hiryu could even get a GLIMPSE on what's gonna happen, his sight darkened, as he suddenly jolted. He stood up, growling and snarling like his Another Rider minions, glancing over at Whisper as she stood up on her seat, changing Wisps as Hiryu took out his clock hand blades.

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". . .Understood, Mabel-sama." Hiryu growled, raising his blade. Just as he was about to swing down, Whisper's Hover Mode activated, causing her to launch straight up, the ball end of her glow green, as a parasol like dome appeared around the ball and barrel of her Wispon, propelling her upward and making her fall slowly onto the aisle, deactivating the green wispon and switching it with the blue one and activating it as Hiryu lunged at Whisper, his clockblades colliding with Whisper's hammer, parrying as he is sent right beside Jason, growling and snarling like a zombie as he activated another Anotherwatch, one that he hasn't even used before.

The watch's face glowed, as dark purple energy swarmed around Hiryu, transforming himself into a white and red clad monster with large red horns obscuring his eyes. He appears to be clad in some kind of red armor, with white strips trailing down onto his knees, drawing out two knives, snarling as his fanged mouth opened slightly.


D E N - O
"Ore...(I...)" Hiryu tapped his chest with his right hand's thumb, soon throwing his arm to the side as he raised his left arm, pointing the knife straight ahead. "Sanjou.(Arrive)." He mumbled those words with great seriousness, tilting his knives before belting out a throaty roar, charging straight towards Megumin in an attempt to subdue her and Whisper!
kindpng_5029417.pngLars notices Mabel's control over several of his allies and already knows this was going to be a tough fight "Damn it..." He knew the logical way to snap them out of it was to get to Mabel and incapacitate her...But the people she has guarding her are no doubt going to be some tough customers. But....With any luck, everyone takes atleast one of each of Mabel's guards and if they're too busy fighting them off, that'll leave Mabel wide open "Alright...Anyone one else who hasn't been mind-controlled, form up on me!"
"Nonsense, dear brother," Mabel chuckled. "I only disabled that little imp's online video streaming." She replied to "Dipper", clearly referring to the ToolGun incident from earlier. Lobo, on the other hand, was still limp and hunched over, still breathing heavily from Mabel's previous assault via electric currents. He certainly didn't appear in any shape to fight for any cause. Unfortunately for Kassandra, her spear had been taken from her and placed... somewhere when Mabel changed her outfit. It probably didn't fit the "look" that the psychic had given her.

Though, once she used her ability, she couldn't necessarily find anything in her inherent vicinity. All that was in the room was the currently brewing fight, a chained up Lobo, two psychotic psychic twins, and flames in between all of it. "You're going to have to use your own resourcefulness if you want to stop those flames~!" Mabel chimed, having noticed her using her power. "That means no cheating!"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla P PopcornPie quadraxis201 quadraxis201
"Reptile? I hope you are as tastey as you are sssstupid!" Lealan lunges for the Agent, her Gold colored Perfect Armor forming around her, as well as her massive, tri-clawed gauntlets. Mid flight, she boosts at him, her form blurring and leaving behind a trail of blue afterimages. One claw leading to impale the bird, one held back for a second strike or block.
Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Once again, he hated that magical girl, because she once again messed everything up. First, he was put to sleep, not even having a chance against it. Next, she chosen a few of their allies to mind control and use them as bodyguards. And the last straw, was that she turned off his ToolGun. He sighed as everything started becoming chaotic, like he didn’t had enough to worry about for one day. But it seemed like everyone is gonna distract the mind controlled group, as he got an idea that might work. He then silently but quickly made his way around the group of bodyguards, planning on getting onto the stage with everyone else distracted by the fighting. But of course, if there was someone who went in his path, then he had no choice but to fight his way through

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