Well it looks like he was finished with his game, as he saved the data before getting off the couch and taking out his ToolGun. He said “While I would like to play on the PS3 all day, there is something called a ‘job’ that I have right now, and I do not want to be too lazy here.” as he pressed on the screen of the ToolGun, the props he spawned disappearing into thin air. He then walked over to where most people where at, looking at the cryptogram. Chuckling a bit at Captain Falcon’s response to it. He then said “Well, might as well stay on guard for the Chinese Knockoff of the Illuminati.” as he took out his passport again, holding the black pulse rifle as he began to patrol around the Tent.
He sighed as he stood back up, not even understanding what the symbols even meant. But he guess since he had nothing else to do, so he stood back up and rested his war hammer back on his shoulder again, before saying in Icelandic “Jæja ..... ef ykkur vantar mig mun ég eftirlits með framhlið tjaldsins núna ef einhver kemur” (English translation: Well if you guys need me.... I will go patrol the front of the tent now in case someone comes...) as he started to exit the tent and made sure nothing else came in that was not part of the MPF.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- darkred darkred Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Crow Crow quadraxis201 quadraxis201 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss QizPizza QizPizza Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Tch! Please! The Illuminati doesn't exist! Just a tall-tale for the middle and lower-classes to deflect their gripes with the economic system and their paranoid fears of their governments supposed hidden agendas on to!"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

  • Megumin nodded again. "NnnnnnEeeeEed...NeeeEeeEEdllLLllee..." It was her only guess. Lealan saved her before with that syringe, she'd be able to provide another, right? Except...was she even here? "Oh, no."

    "IiiiiiiiIiiIIIII hAAAAaaaaad to sh-h-hoooOOOOOwww P-p-pAAAAaaaaAAcIIIiiific-c-cAAAAAAAaaa thAaaaAaAAAAt I cAAAAnnnNNNN't-t! U-u-uuuuse my poOoOooOOOweEEEEErrrsss!" She cried, wincing with every muscle moved. Every nerve felt like it was being fried in a skillet.

    Megumin's eyes crawled over to the Pacifica Juice. It reminded her that she didn't finish her milkshake...more importantly, maybe she just needed to ingest something in order to reawaken her nerves. With her arms as stiff as those of a mannequin, she had to try twisting her body toward the glass. Sadly, all she recieved for her efforts was the wonderdul little feeling of her muscles being ripped apart by Therizinosaurs. "MmmuuuUUUUUUUuusssssTTT b-b-bEEEEeeeeeEeee driiiIIIIIppp feeeEEEEEeeed..."

"Hey now, don't blame me for his reaction to you threatening us", the boy replied with a bit of laughter to Umbra's antics, the warframe simply crossed his arms, seeming very much quite proud of himself. The Operator keeps a smug grin as he chuckles shaking his head as he waves a hand dismissively. "I'm sure your book is fine, he didn't do ALL of it."

The boy keeps his smug look as he perks an eyebrow, "Oh really huh?" He returns his arms to the crossed position in front of his chest as he shrugs, "So you're telling me that NOT ONLY that book DOESN'T belong to you, you DON'T know who wrote it, and you don't even know exactly where it came from. Sounds to me like you stole it, or better yet, found something that wasn't supposed to be found."

"So, I'll ask you then Mr. Thief since you haven't convinced me otherwise that you aren't one, what's going on here."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Deadpool, rather than following the rest of the group to the Wigwam of Wackiness, was completely lost in his thoughts. He just stood there, unmenacingly, trying to come up with a logical explanation as to why time travel made sense in the case of Gravity Falls seeming way too normal. Yet, all of the theories that he went through in his mind were anything but logical, with Wade getting even more confused by the minute. "...but if Jean has 3 apples, and Bobby has 5... and Scott's age is 5 less than-FUCK! WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO FIGURE OUT?!" Thankfully, his train(wreck) of thought was interrupted by the second best character in the entire roleplay (with himself being first, mind you), sentient deli meat with a "weapon" of mass destruction. Listening to Delsausage's words of wisdom, DP responded, "Having been dragged into all of this only a couple of hours ago, half of what you just said is stuff that I completely don't understand, BUT I definitely agree with the things that I do understand. Us comic relief characters deserve more respect!" Although he was focusing on his thoughts for the past few minutes or so, Deadpool was fully aware of the fact that he was left behind, and started heading to the Canvas of Clairvoyance, telling the hot dog, "Not sure where you're gonna go, but I'm pretty sure Angry Red Riding Hood and his group are probably gonna need my very special set of skills, whether they like it or not."

Eventually, Deadpool found his way into the tent with the rest of the group, now eating a bag of popcorn he seemingly obtained out of nowhere. "Soooo... when's the show starting? OOOOH I hope they saw someone in half, that stuff's always hilarious!"

QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and everyone else who's questioning where the hell Deadpool got his popcorn from.
As everyone else was doing their own thing Lilith was tying to find Bill in the cobweb filled room. "Where is this guy, he's gotta be around here somewhere." She looked basically almost everywhere in the room except for under the couch. (Kind of makes you think why she didn't look there earlier.) "Maybe he's under here?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lucky's fury instantly flared up. "You don't need to feel sorry for me! I'm fine!" On cue, Lealan sent a downpour of water that squished him against the floor. Though it finally pushed his fur down, the electrical charge remained, and now he was cold on top of that. "Eh, at least I don't look like a pipe cleaner anymore. Thanks, Lass..."

Topless Topless DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @TentGang

"Real or not, I know for a fact that this triangle is supposed to Bill." Hiryu says when the blue clad Captain tried to disprove the Illuminati.

When Whisper discovered the panel, she opened it, and examined its contents.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Well, if he looks as fragile as he looks on this here circle then we should have little problem, right? Unless its one of those 'small but deadly' type situations. In which case, we might aswell say our prayers."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @TentGang

"The thing literally caused a buncha shit last time I was here--so it's safe to assume he's small and deadly." Hiryu says, putting his hands on his pockets. "Heard from the original Pines that the thing can bend realities."
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

When "Deuce", as he was apparently called, asked what everyone was doing, Akari simply about-faced when he passed him and started walking backwards, responding with, "It's this great, magical thing called 'entering the tent of mystery, fun, and excitement'. Watch me do it." When Akari crossed the tent's threshold, he joined in the search for anything of significance, but seemed to find nothing of remote interest.

He was, however drawn when someone literally produced a game console and started playing it. Akari watched them play the game, allegedly called "Heavenly Sword", for a short time. "This game looks like fun. Might pick myself up a copy when I get back home."

Then, someone had spotted something called a "Cipher Wheel", with a strange, triangular figure carved into it. Akari went over to the wheel and put a hand to his chin. "This figure allegedly destroyed this place? Still, if that bouncer we encountered earlier had hidden ninja powers, the same power that makes this tent indestructible, no less, I suppose virtually anything is possible here, even a top-hat-wearing nacho leveling an entire mountain town. Well... I'm here in case anyone needs healing for some inevitable second battle."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
(Open for Interactions)
"Well, we're looking for this guy named Bill. In case you missed the briefing, he's the reason we're here." Jason said to the man who'd just entered. Alexis, meanwhile, would be able to not only sense a large magic presence in the room, but the presence was almost overwhelming. It felt as if it was growing larger and larger by the second, as if some unfathomable power was right under their nose. The cryptogram itself had nothing wrong with it, but it was more like the entire room was filled with this overwhelming, powerful presence. To add to this perplexing mystery, once Whisper opened the panel, she found what looked like an indentation for a... pendent? Before she could dwell on what it meant, though, Deadpool entered, and it began.

"Oh, my dear, delusional Wade..." A seductive, feminine voice could be heard emitting from.... somewhere in the tent. It was hard to tell if it was behind the curtains, because the voice itself bounced off its enclosed walls, making it come from all directions. The voice carried a certain elegance to it, one that hadn't been seen in this town thus far. And then, without warning, the lights began to dim, and the curtain began to slowly rise. Those of you on the stage would be oddly compelled to get off of it, almost as if you had no control over your own bodies. Still, you left it nonetheless, and in the curtain's place stood two young adults dressed in rather fashionable clothing.


"The show's already begun~"

Story Update
"Enjoy the Show"

No matter what part of town you were in, no matter what you were doing, the communicators that Shuri had given you began to vibrate violently in your pockets (or wherever it was stored). Once you lifted it up, it automatically answered itself without having to press any buttons, and on the screen in front of you, sat the face of the Red Hood. The connection was bad, however, and both the screen and the audio were filled with static.


"E...RY...NE C...ME...NT...TELEPATHY.....EAD...ILL."

And then, it lost signal.

"That doesn't sound good..." Leo said as he quickly turned to the back room as a whole. "Come on guys, I think we'd better see what's wrong." He said, before leaving the room and jogging down the hallway. Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a Typhlosian leaving with what looked like vials of hot dog water, but he didn't think much of it. Instead, he looked to everyone in the Mystery Shack. "Guys, I think Red Hood needs are help." He said, though moments later, his eyes fell onto Megumin. With his expression now more worried than ever, he looked to Pacifica and Orbeck. "What happened to her?"

"I don't know!" Pacifica replied, throwing up her arms. "Apparently she tried to cast some spell and it paralyzed her!"

"Great..." Leo sighed, before approaching Megumin and lifting her up, hoisting her over his shoulder. "Well, we don't have much time."

"W-what do you mean? You guys just got here." Pacifica replied as she looked up to Leo, confused.

"One of the people we work with needs our help," Leo said as he approached the door. "We appreciate your hospitality, Pacifica, but I think he's in trouble." He turned the nob and pulled open the door, and as he began stepping outside, he muttered, "He said something about telepathy..."

"Telepathy?" Pacifica asked, her ears perking up as she heard that. Without a moment's notice, she ran towards the door and stood in the frame, holding onto the side as she slightly swung outwards. "Like the Tent of Telepathy?"

Leo turned mid-jog to face her and shrugged. "i don't know. Do you have any idea what he might have been talking about?" Leo asked quizically.

"Uhhh... I think so." Pacifica replied with a nod as she sprinted out the door. She hopped down the steps to the shack and took point in front of the group. "And if your friend's involved with who I think he's involved with, then he's in a whole lotta trouble!" She exclaimed, before turning and running in front of the group. Leo didn't even have a chance to get out a reply as she shouted, "Follow me!" And ran down the path back into town.

"S-Steal it!?" Gideon shouted back towards Umbra angrily, gripping onto the book tighter, tucking it under his arm. "I-I didn't steal nothin'! Y'see, there was this secret compartment in a tree in the woods, and I was out puttin' up signs for the Mystery Shack one day, when I found it with this book inside it. The Author left messages, like he wanted people to find it, which I would SHOW YOU had you not--" Gideon was interrupted by the sound of several people running through the streets towards the nearby Tent of Telepathy. He turned around, only to find several people he didn't know, and a familiar blonde leading the pack.

"It's just past this road!" The young, blonde girl shouted as she ran towards the tent, which already had a fair amount of people shuffling inside it.


"P-Pacifica??" The boy asked as he watched the mob run towards the Tent. Umbra and The Operator would both more than likely recognize the group behind the little girl as their fellow MPF operatives. Gideon appeared to lose all interest in the two, though, as he grabbed hold of a ladder that was on the back of the roof and slid down it without a second thought. Once he landed on the street, he screamed, "Pacifica, wait up! You know how those two Gleeful Twins are!" And ran after the mob.

Before long, you had all finally entered the Tent of Telepathy. Once you entered, you immediately took notice of the crowd that was sitting in the chairs that lined up the room, all of them with eager smiles on their faces. You also saw your fellow MPF Members beside you, and just as the last of you entered, the tent closed behind you and appeared to seal itself shut. And then, as the last of you entered, there was no time to exchange pleasantries as you gazed upon the main attractions of the evening.


"My my, brother! Would you look at this adoring crowd that has gathered before us tonight?" The female of the pair asked with a devious smirk, her arms outstretched in a grandiose gesture. The crowd cheered, causing the twins to laugh quietly to themselves.

"Yes, sister. We do appear to have quite the crowd in front of us tonight." The calmer, more collect one of the two mused, before turning to face his sister. "Such a sight deserves a standing ovation, don't you think?"

"I simply couldn't agree more~!"
The woman said. She proceeded to place one hand firmly on her hip, while slowly raising the other into the air. As she did so, the crowd stood up and all began to clap simultaneously. By the timing, it was almost as if they were all puppets, and this woman was holding them all by their strings.

"Now, brother," The female began as she faced her twin in a less grandiose manner once things had calmed down. "I do believe that we have several... special guests in the crowd tonight, hm?"

"That we do, dear sister." The male said as the two looked at all of you specifically. "Why don't you all come up here and introduce yourselves?"

As if on cue, Leo and Red Hood began to slowly walk towards the stage in almost... zombified states. They climbed the steps and waved to the audience, giving them bows.


"My name's Jason Todd. But you can all just call me Red Hood." Jason said in his usual serious, almost stern tone of voice.


"And I'm Leonardo Watch. But you all can just call me Leo!" Leo exclaimed in a much... friendlier manner, offering the audience a toothy grin and even a wink alongside his greeting. Moments later, the two snapped out of whatever trance they were in and shook their heads. "W-what just happened???" Leo asked in a bewildered tone.


"Come now, the rest of you. You wouldn't want to be party poopers, hm~?"

Whether you liked it or not, you all soon were compelled enough to begin walking towards the stage and introduce yourselves like Leo and Red Hood did. Whether you wanted to or if you resisted didn't matter. It was like... something was forcing you to do it.


Cast List
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
Virus as Blackhat (Villainous) and Spinel (Steven Universe)
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Hahli Nuva as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
P PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
Topless Topless as Shujinko Kanaou and Venus Aelon Di Lamia (OC)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 as
Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as
Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Willow (Don't Starve)
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon smiles "Well, I'm glad you asked!" Captain Falcon heads up stage and faces the audience "I am the Reckless Wonder! I am The Relentless Flow! I am Number 1! The one! The only! CAPTAAAAIIIN FALCON!"Captain Falcon strikes a pose
C. Falcon Victory Theme (Melee)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Benrey just walked up to the stage normally like any normal human being would. Once there, he said in the most disinterested voice “Hey..... the name is Benrey..... there is nothing else to say.” as he stood in place, wondering why he even said that in the first place.
After the recent turn of events, he, like the others followed suit onto the stage. After reaching the stage, he said in perfect English “The name is Gretar the Jormungandr.... if you cross paths with me, your face with meet the end of my hammer.” he said while chuckling, before realizing what he just did. Confusion was the only thing on his face as he thought about he was able to speak English all of a sudden.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Rex doesn’t agree with the redhead’s point of view, and tries to give him a little perspective. “I told you, he’s done countless other things and hurt other people. We are heroes, but sometimes, there’ll be times you need to fight. Don’t get me wrong, peace isn’t bad, but people like Benedict can’t be reasoned with.”

He gives Rex a respectful bow and gives Benedict a choice to go with him, or let Rex continue playing wrecking ball with his forehead. “Well, you do seem like you’re legitimately sorry, as long you you give a warning, we’re cool. Plus I’ve had enough of people trying to kill me on accident. I’m Rex” He extends his hand for the boy to shake.

His good mood would shortly be ruined, once Benedict said he would not give so easily.
“Then I guess you’re gonna have to be stuck here then. Look dude, can you put him in that ‘fire cage you just mentioned?”


Wendy tells Sora they’re at the Tent of Telepathy, but claims she has nothing on Will other then what she already told him.
“(Okay. It seems like she’s telling the truth, I think I saw a tent on my way here. Guess my work here is done.) Thank you Wendy. I’ll be sure to visit sometime.

Sora exits the room and runs out the church. “See ya Mr.” Sora’s outside and was going to reach out to Rex via his communicator until he saw him outside along with Benedict and the previously mentioned, redhead boy.


“Hey, Sora. Welcome to the party, Benedict was the one making all the noise we heard earlier.”

“Alright, that’s fine. But look, you gotta listen to me. I found here, there’s this Tent somewhere in town called the Tent of Telepathy, it’s owned by these Twins, and they have Will Cipher.” That last part struck Rex very confused, was Sora okay?

“You mean BILL Cipher, y’know, with a B?”

“No, I mean WILL! Long story short, I don’t know why we’re here or why we can’t find anything on Bill, but the twins may have something that could lead us to him. We need to find the Tent!”

Right as Sora says that, their commutators would vibrate like crazy, when Sora and Rex answered theirs, Red Hood would appear on screen, saying something but the boys can’t quite make it out.


“Oh, no I think we’re too late. Look, don’t do stupid stuff like this to other people’s belongings or I’ll kick your butt again! C’mon, Sora.”

“On it.”

Rex lets go of Benedict, and the two head out on their way to the Tent of Telepathy. “I saw a tent on our way here, this way!”

The boys were on their way to the Tent when they saw a bunch of other people headed their way there too.

“Well. Glad to see the gang’s all here! What happened to Megumin?”

Rex couldn’t get an answer in time, and they all make it to the tent. The twins call Red Hood and Leo up to the stage, but something felt off. “What’s going on? Why are they doing this when we should be asking questions? Whoa. HEY!”

“Whoa! Not cool!” Soon, Rex and Sora would introduce themselves just like Red & Leo.

“Call me, Sora.”

“Rex. Rex Salazar.”

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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  • 1591664079471.png

    Jak blinked as his comm lit up where Red hood was in trouble and his words were suddenly jumbled. Jak questioned "Telepathy?"

    Seems like everyone was moving toward the same area for some reason and suddenly everyone sat down to see Leo and Red Hood suddenly introduce themselves. Everyone was soon forced to stand up like some sort of zombie and forced to move toward the stage.

    "I'm... Jak.. but you can call me Mar. "

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


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