Chronicles of the Thousand Fists - New Game

Same thing, PM :)

Ad trust me, you really don't want to be part of his chronicle :lol:

I'm pondering your concept with my co ST PK.
Awesome. Let me know what you guys think. I have the char written up if you'd like to see how he looks on paper (and really, he's not as overwhelming as I thought he'd turn out, which is a plus =] )
BAH! I've been busy working on other characters to get the hang of this thing and completely forgot to make one for this.

I shall commence with the charactering now! Before I forget again...

Edit: REadding through more of the thread, I think I might need to wait for a more simple game to come up, and for when it does have read through more of the core book to get a better understanding of WTF is going on. All I can really do as of right now is Character creation from the core book, and I haven't really read much on the Setting, so can't really do a whole lot about backround information, which bothers me quite a bit. :P
Citadel said:
How would I go about reading this Chronicle and see if I might be able to fit into its confines?
To read games you are not currently a part of, follow the instructions here.
If there's still a free slot, I'd be tempted to play a Night Caste martial artist. I'll need some inspiration for the background, and I don't know yet if he will favor Snake, Tiger or Ebon Shadow style :?:
The game's always open though we're preparing a tournament in the coming weeks.

I had many delays because of the overload of work this past 2 months but a new character is totally manageable.

Just PM me a draft of your character so we can talk about the themes of your chronicle (ce sont des chroniques solos qui s'entrecroisent de temps à autre et pour les tournois) and we will start from there.
Hello, yes it's still open yet on hold for the moment.

I had difficulties managing my work overload and STing activities these past weeks, so I can't promise you a quick start, but you can send me a PM with a draft of your character and I will include him into the tournament coming.

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