Chronicles of the Thousand Fists - New Game

Most probably both.

I don't like the idea of an artifact (or a weapon for that matter) used inappropriately... I'd rather have to create a new weapon with its artifact equivalent (easiest way to do so would be to give it the stat of the pointy wrackstaff).
Nah, I was hoping I could use it with two separate styles of MA, but I can make do with just one....Besides, I'm a big fan of the Wrackstaff's existing versitility
Hey, I don't know how many players you want, but I'd like to try this game, and an idea I have for a Lunar character. I'm pretty new to Exlated, and have only player Solars so far, but would like to try playing a Lunar.

He's very much a hands-on hunter. He likes to hunt his prey with his bare hands, and his spirit shape is a boar. I was thinking about using the Tiger Style, but would like to try and find a style devoted more to clinching, grappling and the use of his war form's tusks.

Well, if you're looking for a style using clinches, look no further than Mantis.
After looking some martial arts over, I'm kinda leaning towards making my Lunar use the Solar Hero martial arts style, all this grappling and then throwing seems to be a good match for the boar
I just had this picture of an elephant totem Lunar using Solar Hero Style that popped into my head... :lol:
Are you still looking for players?

I've got an idea for a heroic mortal. He's a student of the martial arts style Even blade, he's aiming to gain the charms for the variant of Master Azure Cane. (page 69 in the Scroll of the monk)

Though I feel I must ask... Could he end up matching against a Solar? I honestly don't mind loosing but he'd be lucky to get out alive if he met such one or a lunar.
The game is always opened, though at one point I might have to take in another ST when I reach 10+ players. :)

No problem with your concept, but I must warn you matching celestial power with TMA is probably not a good bet for surviving... but don't worry, I know how to dose the opposition according to the pc level of power.

The game is about individual chronicles of martial artists with some crossovers during their chronicles and with some tournaments.
I'm finding myself somewhat interested in this game, being a big fan of martial arts both IRL and in Exalted. What do I need to do?
Should I just give a bit of a blurb about what I'm thinking of doing, or would you prefer me to just use your chargen rules and PM you a completely made character, etc?
It's nice to talk about what you have in mind before crunching the numbers :)

Right now we have:

2 lunars

1 god blooded

2 Dragon Blooded (an "outcaste" and an Immaculate monk)

1 water elemental

1 heroic mortal

2 other are coming in soon, a siddy and another heroic mortal.

The game is mainly solo, but you'll get crossovers some time, during the tournaments, and your chronicles.
Well I got no max, I installed a 1 post per day max policy for starters so it runs pretty smoothly.

Plus of the 8 players active, only 5 of them were really active. A sixth is on its way, and I have maybe 3 to 4 more incoming.

If it becomes too much for me, I won't hesitate to call for help but I think I can take like 10-15 pcs running solos at the same time with this slow but steady rythm.
Well I do have a job and a girl I'm living with (and also working for that matter), both are very similar...

Unpredictable, challenging, as well as time and chi consuming :lol:

A faster pace will be probably possible in the coming weeks, it's just that I had to face the post holidays overload of work !
no worries, while I hadn't done anything during the holidays, this week it's back to college, so while I might have lots of free time now, it's gonna change soon. Not to mention that I'm looking for a part-time job.
The game status list says this is still open, and the premise is interesting. Now for the hard part, coming up with an interesting character ... assuming there is room for one more?

I think I'm going to put an "always open" tag on this game status ^^

Yes there is room for many more. And yes coming up with an interesting character is the hard part of the thing, because without a good background, since it's going to be a solo chronicle, I'm going to have a hard time exploiting your character.

But so far everyone managed to make excellent drafts and very interesting characters.
Just want to say I'm working on my character. School is consuming a good deal of my free time, but I should have it up sometime this weekend.

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