Chronicles of the Thousand Fists - New Game

Here's a question. Do you track each artifact that the character starts with separately, or do you only allow them to start with up to 5 dots worth of artifacts.

Example: Hearthstone bracers and a wrackstaff under the first method would yield two separate 2 dot Artifact backgrounds. Under the second method, it would be a single 4 dot Artifact background, and would require the requisite BP expenditure.

Also, just how many styles does a 4 dot master know?
Artifacts are treated separately. So x for this item, x for another, for a respective count.

I'm not going to limit you to 5 dots of artifacts for 3backP and 4BP... that would be a shame.

Around 8 or 10 styles, depending what type of master you have chosen.

If it's a terrestrial or a spirit he'll probably have mastered like 3 CMA tops and probably more than 5 TMA. If he's a Celestial, I doubt that he would know more than 3 TMA.
A 4 dot master would know 5 TMA styles, and 3 CMA styles from what i remember.

Also, i'm pretty sure he counts each asa separate artifact, at least that's how it appears on ym charcater sheet, and I wasn't told to change that.
Sames as the rest: send me a pm with a draft :)

Wooden swords with even blade... that's original :)
I'd like to join.

I've uh....never actually managed to finish a game though so I'm going to be pestering this group a LOT about mechanics, and significant sections of the setting. Not sure if you'll still want to take me on? on.

I have an idea about a (solar, either Eclipse or Zenith I think) scam artist who makes use of Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style.

Still needs some work/hashing out but...

So uh...willing to put up with me?
As I said in the Game Status thread, I am actively looking for a 2nd ST to let new players come in.

Wear your belts high and proud and show me what you got ! :D
Cyl, I am interested in trying out a character using the crimson pentale style (Pan-elemental) spear/shield combination. I had put her in combat but we never actually fought anything. should I send you a sheet?

And a second question, how does the dice system work on this forum? is there one?
Xormis said:
Cyl, I am interested in trying out a character using the crimson pentale style (Pan-elemental) spear/shield combination. I had put her in combat but we never actually fought anything. should I send you a sheet?
And a second question, how does the dice system work on this forum? is there one?
Truth be told, I already have 2 more chronicles to launch, 3 waiting for updates for at least 10+ days (work's been hell lately), which is why I have been calling for a second set of brains and hands.

But if you got something hot and ready, send it my way, I can make you team with one speardancer pretty easily actually... unless you planned on making him/her a solar :mrgreen:
cyl said:
Truth be told, I already have 2 more chronicles to launch, 3 waiting for updates for at least 10+ days (work's been hell lately), which is why I have been calling for a second set of brains and hands.
Which reminds me. I still owe you a character I'm happy with. If my F2F PC wasn't the pointy end of a Solar Circle that treats Creation like a romp through munchkin land ... this wouldn't be a problem.

Dragonblooded it is then,

So what genre of game would this be?

Fighting(I am sure, using martial arts), Social stuff?

it's like an arena or a tournament?

is there more a greater storyline that encompasses it?

I always feel hesitant throwing all of my charms onto combat stuff.
Xormis said:
Dragonblooded it is then,
So what genre of game would this be?

Fighting(I am sure, using martial arts), Social stuff?

it's like an arena or a tournament?

is there more a greater storyline that encompasses it?

I always feel hesitant throwing all of my charms onto combat stuff.
Try checking out some of the threads in the game forum.
The base is individual chronicle of your character as a martial artist (so combat isn't everything), and you could also do a enlightened mortal, the speardancer we have is actually one.
Xormis said:
Dragonblooded it is then,
So what genre of game would this be?

Fighting(I am sure, using martial arts), Social stuff?

it's like an arena or a tournament?

is there more a greater storyline that encompasses it?

I always feel hesitant throwing all of my charms onto combat stuff.
yup lots of the stories haven't even broken into combat yet..
go to user control panel (top of any page) -> usergroups (on the left) -> select Chronicles of a Thousands Fists -> hit the ‘submit’ button

Some STs want to see a concept via PM before acceptance, but the above is the first step. Feel free to PM STs. We don't bite ^^
These seems like a decent game. ^_^

If you guys want a PM concept it might take a bit, as I'm just barely learning the rules, and this would be the first game I apply to, and possible my first game of Exalted. ^_^
Hey, I'd like to get in on some of this action. I imagined a dragon-blooded, but it seems there are lot's of Terrestrial Exalted already...

After I apply, to whom do I send the PM draft too, cyl or Esbilon?
Both then we discuss which ST's going to eat you ali... play the chronicle with you :)

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