Chronicles of the Thousand Fists - New Game


Creepy smile
So, despite my current situation as a ST and player in many games and my ongoing work, I had this simple idea (based on the Brawl section) of storytelling the chronicles of lonesome and glorious martial artists through various tournaments and contests in the RY 780.

The game will clearly be creationwide and include lots of action for starters, revealing a more complex plot along the way, but will focus on each character in a separate thread (so each one of the player has his own chronicle), unless some of the player become friends and decide to join team, but that would not be an obligation at all.

The original idea of the Brawl Section was excellent, and I encourage everyone who wants to test their "template" to go and fight there, but I wanted to build a real game around Martial Arts.

Anyone interested ? (I could even use a help STing the whole thing if I have too many players).
I just so happen to not only have a wandering martial artist I've wanted to play, but have already put him on the forum some months back. Check the concept at the bottom of the first page in this thread:


I'd likely modify him slightly, and of course accomodate any house rules you run with, Cyl.
cyl said:
So, despite my current situation as a ST and player in many games and my ongoing work, I had this simple idea (based on the Brawl section) of storytelling the chronicles of lonesome and glorious martial artists through various tournaments and contests in the RY 780.
The game will clearly be creationwide and include lots of action for starters, revealing a more complex plot along the way, but will focus on each character in a separate thread (so each one of the player has his own chronicle), unless some of the player become friends and decide to join team, but that would not be an obligation at all.

The original idea of the Brawl Section was excellent, and I encourage everyone who wants to test their "template" to go and fight there, but I wanted to build a real game around Martial Arts.

Anyone interested ? (I could even use a help STing the whole thing if I have too many players).
If you need help STing, I'm available (and suitably crazy to take on even more games).

I'm having trouble resisting the temptation to draw up a character... curse my lack of Temperance.
I don't have the specifics in mind yet (chargen, xp, bonus etc etc), but I'm glad there are people interested :)

I think all types of players buildable in the 2e will be allowed, including siddies (beware of the Arcane Fate though), heroic mortals, god blooded, exalts, maybe even free/rogue spirits.

I'm also thinking about establishing limits on things like maximum soak and damage rating (martial arts people...)... but I'm not there yet. In any case I'll personnally take a look at the MA you've picked to fix it if there's anything wrong with it.

I don't expect the game to open before mid january (I have work + a 20 days trip coming next month).
Mid-january? Well, I'll probably be a bit more free then.

Maybe I could make a character... I've always loved Mantis, and some of the Arguments Of Virtue seem interesting. On the other hand, I've got this old concept for a Blissful Sage rattling around.

Hmm... yeah, a smiling trickster type, I'm thinking. So probably Changing moon, given my tendancies. Coyote, maybe? Almost certainly practicing Celestial Monkey, possibly with a bit of Mantis thrown in. Probably a very carefree character, one who barely noticed his own Exaltation perhaps.

From the south, considering his totem. From a 'barbarian' tribe, having left on some sort of spirit quest and fallen in love with just travelling, never bothering to return.

Anyone want to try a test-run in Brawl?
I was thinking a Rooster-Totem Full Moon, possibly using Valor Style

Tome said:
Anyone want to try a test-run in Brawl?
I wouldn't mind, does standard CharCreation only with, say, 15 charms to split between your chosen MAStyle/Native Charms/Knacks? I could knock that out in a couple hours and it would give me something to play over the weekend.
Leary said:
I was thinking a Rooster-Totem Full Moon, possibly using Valor Style
Tome said:
Anyone want to try a test-run in Brawl?
I wouldn't mind, does standard CharCreation only with, say, 15 charms to split between your chosen MAStyle/Native Charms/Knacks? I could knock that out in a couple hours and it would give me something to play over the weekend.
Sure. See you there.
Heh. Well, mostly because I'm quite fond of native american tales of Coyote. So there'll be a bit of influence from there.
I have yet to check the virtue styles.

And as a sidenote, it'd be better to be somehow connected to a martial arts society (even a Mr Myagi will do) so you can at least hear about the tournaments... oh and be able to read too ^^
Hmm... working in a connection to a society shouldn't be too hard. Maybe make it part of a small Thousand-Streams project, maybe?

Yes, yeeees. I have a good idea along those lines... :D
Woah, from what I've seen the 4 Virtues styles needs a little rewrite here and there.
Also I was thinking: different battle arenas, with surroundings that can be used/work against the MAist to spice things up a little.
cyl said:
Also I was thinking: different battle arenas, with surroundings that can be used/work against the MAist to spice things up a little.
Good reason to look into Lunar Hero style then?
I was more thinking about things like:

- pits

- moving ground

- circle of fire

- restricted / open space
Lunar Hero Form doubles the bonus dice from stunts that strike at the foe using the enviroment, making it relevant, I think.
Ooooh there are some nice official supernatural tournaments:

- Heaven and Earth Invitational in Yu Shan (every 25 years)

- All Creation Tournament of Dragons (in the Imperial City)

- the Flaming Area (in the far south sponsored by the Master of Duels)

- The soon to open tournament of Thorns

Don't worry I won't throw them all at you at once.

But I had some nice thoughts for cool backgrounds for tournaments, in most major cities.

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