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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

"Because I couldn't leave you here with the Little Souls." He replied. "And is that any way to treat the only Dragon that knows anything about humans?" He reached into the sack and pulled out a pig's leg, still warm, still bleeding. "I can be subtle when I want, and I know what it's like to live amongst them. I mean, how do you feel? Weak, small, blind, deaf? I know you're not well rested. The look in your eyes and the fact that you've overslept by about four hours is testament to that." He tossed the leg to her, watching it sail gracefully through the air.
Mal snatched it from the air, but did not eat. She kept her gaze on Noz'Onn instead, and growled, her chest vibrating in the sound.

"You speak with such concern to me now, but don't think I can forgive you so easily." Mal dropped the leg to the floor as she spoke. Eating it would mean accepting his rebellious behavior, and she knew it was far too dangerous to even give him a semblance of excuse for that. "I cannot trust you, and I find you dangerous. Being in this form is more than constricting, it's dying. But I made that choice, the choice to remain in it until the humans are willing for dragons to walk among them, when I answered the Elder's call. I had thought you were the same, but you have more than proved me wrong." She walked for the door now, and still spoke in that hissing, roaring language that she'd known from the time of her birth. She stopped just before, turning back to look at him, a sigh escaping through her nose in two long clouds of cold. "Sleep here tonight as I have, or leave and return to the mountain. But until you have thus proven yourself, I want no company with so dangerous a fool."

Uncaring for his answer, she made for the Dining Hall, straw still in her hair, and clinging to her clothes. She did not notice the stares and covered smirks as she strode through the keep, nor as she strode into the Academy. She only knew that she was late, and hungry.
Nozz sighed and pulled a leg of his own from the bag, chewing on it as he thought. She's idealistic. I can respect that, to a point. But she doesn't know what I know, nor would she believe it. There's a reason these humans want us to sleep in these forms, other than their fear. They must know it weakens us, kills us, and yet they give us straw and tell us to have at it. Mal looks like she aged an entire year on one night, this can't continue. I don't know how Arr's holding up, but he at least knows humans. I've got to get her to see. The thought struck him in an instant as he quickly swallowed the rest of his meat, then placed Mal's back in the sack, which he left on her bed. Grabbing a loose brick from the floor, he began scratching draconic runes.

You forgot to eat this. Meet me at the top of the temple, 8:00 PM. You need to see.

It was brief, but there wasn't much space to write. He dropped the brick next to the sack and hurried out of the temple.
Rowan, was surprised by this astute knight. He should have known, Templars were the most learned in the matters of the Gods. Like most her attitude changed upon learning the focus of his worship. He swallowed some more chicken and and answered the Templar girl, "I just returned from the Even Hand this morning, I have yet to offer the tokens of my three deeds to Eesna."

Rowan paused respect from a knight for choosing the Gods over combat was oft said but rarely true, especially from the Teutonic. "Eesna saved my life" Rowan said to Emmie, flashes of the foresworn attack passed through his mind "Devoting my life to him is the just thing to do. And the most important pursuit of my life" He emphasized the word just with pride.

Rowan looked at Emmies earrings and wondered if they had been a gift from one of the divines. Rowan consciously avoided staring at the girl and looked over to the Lionhart knight.

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Lureana paused at the sight of the girl and man that sat at her table. She was really going to have to watch her tongue among so many people. Least to say, she was growing uncomfortable with the fact. The more people she interacted with, the more chances she had spoiling the image of her name, the image her family worked so hard to maintain.

"Lureana, Lady of the house Rompth, and heir to the Rompth estate," she said, meeting both the man's and girl's gaze, "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Lureana paused when she finally took the man's appearance. One eye was obviously not functional, staring ahead and his missing arm, while almost repulsive in appearance, fit his image. She had seen many knights that were missing a limb, from battle, or who had atrocious scars, but his boy was obviously a student. She gave a small frown at the thought of him being injured at a younger age.

She watched as the girl seemed somewhat reserved when speaking to the man. Any person who was so devoted to be an acolyte deserved respect for their faith. Lureana wasn't fully devoted to her own Temple studies, but she admired those who spent their life with a cause they deemed worthy. They may not always be the most logical in a situation, and tended to be misguided at times, but she felt that both the temple-devoted maiden and religious acolyte would be the most understanding of each other. Afterall, they both held believes so strong that their lives and destiny would be determined by what they did under the guise of their god.

Looking at the frozen-fire gem in her left wristband,Lureana watched as it glittered under the light. It was a gift from an old friend, and though he said it would protect her, she wasn't sure how. At any rate, it was a beautiful gem.

Lureana heard the entrance of the female dragon before she saw her. She was covered in straw and the other Academ, especially the Lionharts were making a spectacle of her, not that she noticed. "Excuse me," she said as she stood. She quickly, faster than most people her size use, reached the dragon. She stood in her way and softly grabbed her wrist. "I'm sorry, but please come with me," she said as she felt quite abrasive, but she couldn't let the dragon walk around in such a state. Pulling her into the kitchen, Lureana began to remove the straw from her hair and clothing, making quick work of the clean up.

"There you go. I'm Lureana, by the way. Sorry 'bout pulling you about. I meant no offense," she said taking a step back to remove herself from the dragon's space.
The rumble of wheels and the clatter of polished hooves pounding into the dust like dirt, the sound ringing round the ivy green forest. The morning sun glowed, shining in it’s red and pink hues, the bright colors swirling in the sky as if stretching to welcome a new day. The birds who had once begun their melodious twittering before dawn was lost in the deafening neighing of wide eyes horses. Men rode their steeds, heads held high, holding the blue flag of their lord. The blue material fluttered in the wind gracefully, the crowned white swan imprinted on it’s sides seemed to be raising its outstretched wings, declaring it’s freedom and liberty.

Cordelia glance up at the flag that had haunted her for years now. Oh how she despised that wretched symbol. Her family crest, a sign of some kind of nobility. But she saw it as a decree of pride and haughty egos. But who was she to judge, her ego was above far the highest. She sighed, watching the sky beginning to turn blue, small clouds blowing to the east. She wished that she could be one of those clouds and just float away from her upcoming future.

“My dear girl, whatever has you looking so depressed?”

The voice of her uncle’s deep voice grabbed her away from her weary thoughts. He rode next to her on his pure white stallion. The house nickered and ground it’s teeth into the bitter metal of the steel which restrained his mouth. The poor horse walked stiffly, it’s head forced up unnaturally high due to straps which held him in position. Her eyes rose to her uncle. He was a lean and muscular man for someone his age. Streaks of gray ran through his jet black hair making him look somewhat more distinguished. His eyes glistened in a childlike joy, making her wonder how he kept such a happy disposition. She mentally scowled at the man, hating him for what he was doing to her.

“I would think you would know. Afterall, I’m being forced to go to an Academy for Knights. I don’t see the point really. I’m a better fighter than most experienced generals and captains in the armies and yet I’m pushed into such a lowering situation.”

Her uncle clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disappointment. The black robe which clung to his velvet jacket blew in the sudden wind that picked up. His gaze turned dark for a moment before he spoke. To Cordelia, he became a dark figure, filled with treacherous intentions.

“You know why you are going there, girl. It for the better of our homelands and our society as we know it.”

“All because of a few dragons? I don’t understand why the beasts are allowed to even so much as breath among us.”

Her uncle rolled his eyes, heaving a huge sigh. He turned to her, and spoke slowly as if he was speaking to an infant.

“It’s too bering peace, my dear Cordelia. I know you don’t like the idea of spending your time in front of creature whom you hate. But I need you there to keep me updated on what they are doing. While I open my arms to the ideals of peace, something can’t be trusted as easily.”

“How very poetic. And you decided to throw your only niece of your beloved dead brother into the hungry mouth of wolves? I must say, I feel very much appreciated.”

“It’s not like wolves have ever stopped you from causing trouble. Why should dragon be no better?”

“Are you saying I can slay them? Since thats what have come of the wolves that have come in contact with me.” A smirk was growing on her pink lips, knowing that a battle of words was about to start.

“Must you always resort to violence? It’s so very unbecoming of a lady. Especially a lady who is unwed and soon be called ‘old’.”

Cordelia huffed, flipping her silver blond hair over her shoulder. Of course he had to hit a sensitive mark. She had been of age since she was 13 and while men of all ages young and old had asked for her hand, she refused them. They were all so dull and lifeless. She needed a challenger who could wrestle with her thoughts and emotions and actually win.

“It’s a shame that I’m not a lady. Blood doesn’t tend to arouse men into passionate fantasies. Though I have been called and angel, which I will humbly accept. “

Her uncle tilted his head, his boisterous laugh filling the air. His belly seemed to jump as he tried to regain his breath.

“You an angel? Who has told you such lies?”

“Oh, there not lies uncle. Mere truths that have been foolishly blinded by the naive. Some call out to me saying, you blessed angel. Others call me an angel of death. But still and angel all the same.”

“Only my men curse you with death. You’ve nearly killed some of them.”

Cordelia snorted, her nose wrinkling at his words. “And rightly so. They should know better to ask me to a duel. For some reason, being a woman makes me less dangerous.”

“Well, feminine curves seem to do that to a man’s mind. Can you judge us?”

“Yes, I can. Here I was thinking you are all gentlemen. I have been proven wrong.”

Up ahead, the wooden gates of the academy could be seen. It seemed more like a fortress than a school. She sniffed in distaste.

“Are you positive I will be accepted here? Most of the apprentices have been here since childhood. They will surely look down on me for coming at this age.”

“Nonsense. It has been arranged and it will be done. Just remember your assignment and complete it. Then I’ll marry you off to some rich old fool.”

Cordelia pulled the reins of her horse, Artemis, to an halt. Her brows furrowed in anger and resentment.

“Have you lost your mind!? I will not be married to anyone! I wish not to deal with some moronic man!”

Her uncle called back over his shoulder, his challenge obvious in his tone.

“Then go find yourself one before I chose for you!”

“Is that what your mother did for you?”

With that she turned her spotted horse around, leaving the middle aged man to sputter in indignance. She instead, looked for her maid. Her horse trotted around the men, hearing them mutter of her rudeness. She spotted the young woman, clinging to the back of one of the knights seeming a bit winded. She rode over to them, taking her place by the girl’s side.

“My dear, Rosa. Why you look as if you’re about to faint.” She chuckled, watching the girl groan at the horse she was riding jostled her. Both of the two women rode with their legs on one side of the horse. It would be indecent to ride with legs spread and dresses riding up past their ankles. Cordelia grinned at the thought. It never stopped her before, she always went riding her stallion sometimes even bareback.

“Mi’Lady… I’m sorry. I must look terrible right now. But...I fear I may indeed pass out from being treated like corgo! My stomach can not handle this movement. “

“Ah. I pity you, Rosa. The rush of riding with the wind blowing in your face. Everything speeding past...it’s what birds must feel while flying.”

Rosa groaned, her cheeks a greenish shade. Her eyes were glossed over in pain as she lung the back of the male. He made no gesture as to acknowledge the woman.

“They are like statues, no emotion whatsoever”, she thought to herself. “So stiff. That’s why they are the most boring men in the world.” She frowned, inwardly resenting that she would have to live with people like that at the academy.

“Mi’Lady, are you sure that you must go there?”

Cordelia sighed, her head bowing to her chest. “Yes. It’s my responsibility, I suppose.”

“But haven’t you heard?” The brown haired girl lowered her voice as if keeping a secret. “Dragons now lurk the halls of the Academy. What if you gobbled up by one of those nasty beasts?!”

Cordelia blinked and raised a hand to ruffle the girls hair. A soft smile turned her into a sweeter being, her honey eyes glowing in love for the girl.

“You silly goose. I doubt they would allow man eating dragons into the academy. It’s based on a treaty of peace. Though I have my suspicions that won’t last long.”

“Then why go there?” Rosa’s voice quivered in fear for her friend and mistress. She was a softhearted girl, who thought with her emotions rather than her brain. She was a bit of a ditz but Cordelia cared for her deeply as a she was her own sister.

“What? Will you miss me? I’m sure some else can warm your bed while I’m away.” She winked, teasing the girl from out of her sorrowful mood.

It worked. Sort Of.

Rosa nearly passed out right there and then only keeping herself up by keeping grip on the knight, who yelled out in surprise. He glared at the two women, looking miserable to hear their banter.

Rosa regained herself, pursing her lips into a pout.

“But Mi’Lady...only you can make me feel what I feel.”

“Hmm. You’re little squeals have to be muffled all the time. It’s really bothersome, having to be so gentle.”

“Oh hush! The others will hear you and you know how quickly rumors fly. Your dignity will be questioned outrightly. Cordelia noted she was blushing even though none of this was true, but she had seen the way how her friend looked at her while helping her dress. It was one of curiosity and lust, but Cordelia ignored it. She knew she held the attention of men and women alike. She was often thought to be a dragon herself. From behind her white hair would make others think she was one of the beats. It was only until one saw her eyes, they knew she was human. Brown orbs weren’t exactly mythical like. But the golden speckles in her spheres did add an exotic touch.

Cordelia reached her arm out and pulled the girl upright, leaning to whisper in her ear. She did enjoy teasing her so, it was almost too much.

“But I’m sure you get excited everytime I mention it aloud. You love that attention don’t you?”

She returned back to her proper personal space, leaving Rosa in a flushed heat. The knight also seemed to be red faced after listening to their exchange.

She gave a ruthless smile and moved back to where her uncle was. She passed the white carriage that held her aunt and nephews and nieces. The carriage itself was a magnificent piece of artwork. Golden trims and etchings, etching into the outer walls. A window was on the door, covered by a red curtain. And the horses pulled the carriage, being white themselves.

“This family has an obsession with white…” She muttered lightly.

When she had reached her place next to her uncle, they were already at the gates. The guards glared at them, looking over the party. When they saw the Family Crest, thier eyes widened in shock. Bowing their heads to greet the Duke of Rodel. They called for the doors to be opened in a hurried panic.

Cordelia sucked in a breath. This would be it. She would now be living here and learning about these knights. And most of all she would learn about the dragons so greatly talked about throughout the villages.

“I do hope they are interesting. I would hate to be bored so quickly.”

The group rode into the entrance of the Academy. Cordelia took in the sight. It was a grand place, graying brick walls built ever so high. Ivy leaves draped across overgrown areas made the environment seem enchanted or magical.

She lowered herself off her brown and white steed. Her laced dress flowed around the ground spreading around her. The curling designs of silk layers, flowed like a soothing river as she walked to the front of her stallion. His dark brown eyes stared at her, unmoving. They stood like that for a moment before he finally pushed his head against her cheek. It was such a strong nudge she nearly lost her balance. She swatted the horses side as he whinnied in what she thought was mocking laughter. Her hair wildly was tousled in a breeze that came upon her, sending small shivers down her spine.

Guards and knights had stopped what they were doing to watch the nobel family. Her uncle stepped down from his horse as to find someone he could talk too. She only stood where she was, leaning against her horse in a judgmental silence.


(Family crest if you're wondering. Sorry that took so long. Ugh.)
When Rowan watched as the Lionhart girl who introduced herself as Lureana, did what so many before her had done. The acolyte, watched her eyes pass from his face down to his missing arm and back to his eye. Rowan understood, it's hard not to notice. Rowan could see Lureana's slight frown afterwards, he chose to forget it right after like the hundreds before it.

That's one thing that is nice about being in: the Academy, amputees are not as uncommon as they are on the street. Rowan remembered the gawkers from the city roads, he imagined the stares a dragon must get. Just as he thought of the devils, one walked in. This one was a female with, beautiful light blue hair. It was quite amusing to see the hay stuck to her. Rowan laughed with some of the other students.

He watched in shock as the Lionhart walked up to the dragon, why don't they fear, them he thought to himself. This whole dragon situation is strange and dangerous, it gave Rowan a bad feeling.

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Emmie nodded slowly to the acolyte, smiling a little wistfully. She understood the dedication, though with Eesna, she supposed it was a relationship that was a bit more... cold, for lack of a better word, than anything she'd known with Airesh. The legends went that Airesh saved humanity from Eesna's frozen judgement with a warm, protective breeze. Eesna hated the corruption that took root in humanity because of the Dragons, and his priests were always seeking perfection in the eyes of their god. It was far too much pressure for Emmie to comprehend. Her own relationship with Airesh was nothing like that; she felt accepted by the breezes and soft winds that answered even her most frivolous prayers. She couldn't imagine dedicating her whole life to so aloof a god as Eesna, but she nodded nonetheless.

She had little else to add to his words, as she felt that the man in front of her was very foreign, a different kind of being entirely. She was glad when the Lionhart girl spoke up, and introduced herself.

Emmie smiled at the introduction. Lureana. The name rung familiarly through her mind, and the girl's own face was one Emmie had seen on occasion, and only ever on the training field, hitting endlessly away at the pell. Dedicated was the word Emmie had come to associate with that small form.

She was about to reply in kind, and breach the subject of 'current affairs' when Lureana suddenly sprung from her seat. Emmie followed the Lionhart with her eyes, and stiffened when she caught sight of the dragon being escorted away, disheveled and covered in hay.

She would've laughed at the sight of the creature so clumsily presented, but concern at Lureana's reaction stayed her humor.

"Devils among us, eh, acolyte?" Emmie said, not removing her gaze until the two had disappeared behind the kitchen door. "The other orders have invited trouble in, haven't they?"


Mal had been a bit bewildered, pulled so forcefully into a room full of the smell of fresh blood. Her mouth was watering at the scent, but she closed it with an audible click. The human was running her hands all over Mal, brushing and combing, and Mal quickly grew tired of the inexplicable treatment and smacked the human's hands away.

Cold eyes beheld the human. Mahl'Iss tilted her head in askance. "I am Mahl'Iss. I have taken none but that you touch too much." Her eyes were drawn to the bloodied animals slain across the kitchen, and a tongue flickered out to lick her dry lips. That she could not taste the air was still disconcerting to her. This form took some getting used to. She scratched at her hair a bit impatiently. "Was there something you wanted from me?" She added in an attempt to extend some sense of goodwill to the human.
The two twins stood at the entrance of the tower while they waited for their parents to finish their business up in the headmaster's office, they knew it would be boring so they decided to stay out of it.

"This is all your fault, we're gong to be stuck here for who knows how long," Cecile muttered with her light brown eyes starring at her blonde twin. Sure some people believed that twins were usually born with the same hair color as well as the eyes but the girls enjoyed having their differences, it made their bond stronger. While Cecile got her beautiful red hair from her father and brown eyes from her mother, Celeste got her blue eyes from her father and blonde hair from her mom.

"It is not, 3 years ago you suddenly started fighting almost everyday, this was the only escape I could think of," Celeste huffed with her thick Italian accent in her voice as she put her hands on her hips and looked at her sister, probably the only person who could get her worked up over small matters.

"Not my fault, those snotty little brats were practically begging for it! Besides... I never wanted to come to some Academy I've never heard of," Cecile wanted to thank her sister but she wasn't about to admit that of course Celeste already knew it without her sister having to say it so she just changed the subject a bit.

"You've never of heard of Galt Academy? Have you been living under a rock?" Celeste squinted her blue eyes at her sister as if she was mentally ill or something.

"Your the nerd out of the two of us, it isn't that surprising," Cecile snorted as she fixed light colored dress she had on and then reached over to straighten out Celeste's dark purple dress.

"Excuse me, are you two Cecile and Celeste Agnes?" A woman walked up to them with a manners Cecile lacked completely, she had looked at Celeste while saying Cecile's name and looked at Cecile while saying Celeste's name.

"I'm Cecile,"

"I'm Celeste, how may we help you?" Celeste asked the lady with a small smile on her face that was all business, something Cecile some times wished she could do.

"Follow me to your dorms, your parents are almost done with the payments," She replied and motioned for the girls to follow after her. With a bit of hesitation both girls gave each other a look before following her with their luggage in hand.
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Nozz walked slowly around the grounds. He was unsure what the day would bring, in fact, he hadn't even seen an itinerary in his time on the grounds, something that he wasn't exactly eager to rectify. He'd spent decades learning combat with the elder dragons, and he'd fought his fair share of battles. Being treated like a child by people that would rather rip his wings off and leave him to bleed was the last thing he wanted for this day. For some reason unbeknownst to him, he'd kept his trunk strapped to his back. It held everything he held dear in this world, and after his last confrontation with Mahl, something inside him wanted to keep it close. He saw the procession coming in through the front gates. He recognized the flag they bore from his travels... but from where he couldn't say.

His meal was done, his plate clean and he was contented. Ma'Arr stood up from the bench and returned his plate and cutlery to the Kitchen. From there he left the dining hall altogether and went towards the training field, he wanted to see how the humans fought. He scampered through the halls, his bare feet pattering against the stone. He dodged and weaved through students and teachers alike, many of them tried to grab at him yelling "Damned demon!!! Have you no respect!?!?" Ma'Arr paid them no mind, to him they were simpletons wrapped up in their silly religion. Their gods might have been real but that had nothing to do with how treated other beings. He broke out into the sun, his hair waving in the wind and he almost felt as if he were flying.

At the training field he spotted the group of 'noble' born boys who had insulted him the day before. They were directly in Ma'Arr's way blocking him from getting to the training fields. He slowed down, he was unsure and nervous. He didn't need to fight with these uppity loride and he certainly didn't want to. Unfortunately their leader spotted him before he could backtrack and he signaled his group to surround Ma'Arr. The Dragonling sighed and his shoulders slumped.
"Hello lizard, you looking for your little gutter trash mates?" Ma'Arr bristled at the comment, he had been called it many times when he lived in the village. "That's ok you don't have to say anything. Your friend Tony doesn't want to see you anymore. I just saw him over on the ball field, he said he hated dragons." Ma'Arr frowned, the boy's argument was stupid and he knew that but it didn't keep Ma'Arr from feeling hurt. Upset, the young dragon pushed through the blockade behind him and ran to the ball field hoping to get answers.

He arrived minutes later to find a group of kids in a big huddle. Ma'Arr approached them cautiously, he didn't want to panic anyone. When the group caught sight of him ,they began to spread apart. Ma'Arr jogged forward to see what had happened but two burly boys blocked his way. "S'all your fault!! Tony's hurt!!" Ma'Arr tried to see past the two impeding his advance but he was met by a quick shove that pushed him from his feet. Ma'Arr let himself fall, though he was raging to throw the two boys aside. "Go away Mason, I can't be friends with a filthy lizard like you, you should never have come here." The words stunned him, he almost couldn't believe what he heard and by the looks on everyone's faces; neither could they. The two boys moved out of his way. Ma'Arr got to his feet and watched as the crowd parted. The young dragon winced when he saw what had happened. Tony's face was covered in cuts and purple bruises that looked like welts. "I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!!!!"

Ma'Arr ran. He ran away from that voice, not just Tony's, there was another voice in there too and tears welled up in his eyes. The young dragonling bolted from the playing field and through the Academy Proper. He sped passed Nozz without a word and slipped through the incoming procession as lithely as a cat. He sped off the road and over a small plain. His feet flew fleetly over the grass and he sped into the nearest bank of trees he could see. He ran until he came to a small clearing, it was surrounded in thick bush and would take a human a few hours just to come into sight of it. He slumped to the ground and yelled, his boyish human voice giving way to the ferocious roar of a dragonling. His body changed slowly, he was not yet used to transforming back and forth. In minutes he stood on all fours, his wings were already beating and he lifted into the sky, his body blending in with the clouds above.
Jakob stood amongst the trees near the training field, hands clasped as his waist and in full plate as usual. His helmet rested on a rock nearby, the winged horns adorning it marking him for his Teutonic background, and the symbol of Airesh etched into it's side. His tabard fluttered in the breeze as he scanned the grounds, hoping to see that the dragons had taken his request for a meeting seriously.
Lureana shook her head and gave a soft smile. "Nothing at all, ma'am," she said, not sure of what title to give the dragon, settling on a more generic term. She took no offense to having her hands slapped, almost cursing herself for such brash actions. She couldn't help herself. It just wasn't fair or right or even honorable to let anyone, dragon or no, be in such a fashion that would disgrace them.

"I'll be taking my leave now. It was a pleasure to meet you," she said, giving a curtsy of sorts. With that, she left the kitchen. She thought about returning to her table, but having already finished her morning meal, she was wasting time socializing when she could be training.

Turning toward the exit, she walked at a brisk pace as she went to the training field. She felt the need to get away from all the interactions, and she was at home in the training field. When she reached the field, she handed off her cloak in trade for a bow and arrow. Putting her hair back into a pony tail, she readied herself at the line, and began to shoot at the targets, ranging from closest to furthest away. At least with this, she knew that she wouldn't have to hide behind pretty words, silly politics. She wouldn't have to feel like she was giving away her secrets by saying too much.

She hit near the center of the first, closest target. Cursing, she tried again. Getting close wasn't going to earn her a knighthood. Only flawless hits would do. Her mentor hadn't show up yet either, and she was taking the time to perfect her archery. She pulled back her arrow, aiming, and as she breathed out, she shot again.

She hit the center, and without hesitation or celebration, she moved to the next target.
"Damn!" Noz'Onn cursed aloud as clouds rushed past him. He'd attempted to follow Ma'Arr after he'd seen the boy take off, but even though he was bigger and faster, the air dragon had taken off in such a rush that it was nigh impossible to find him. He dared not move below the cloud layer, and he had to hope the dragonling had the same sense. "Ma'Arr!" he roared into the sky. "Talk to me, little one!" all he could hope for was a roar in reply.
Cordelia paced around the court yard. Her impatience was suffocatingly unbearable. Her uncle was talking to a guard explaining the circumstances concerning his niece.

"She has already been appointed to be attending here." She had heard him say to a doubtful guard, insisting that the Duke was in the wrong place.

"The children here have been studying here for years now. Its not usual that newcomers come at...her age."

Her eyes flashed towards the guard in such a hateful stare, you would have sworn he would be dead right where he stood. But she held her tongue, clenching her fists to her sides. She was here to seek out the dragons and report back with their movements. But how was she suppose to do anything when a single guard stood in her way.

She saw red behind her delicate orbs, wanting nothing more than to spill the maggot's blood. A hiss of rage escaped her and she stormed off. If she stayed a moment longer, she feared her reputation as the lovely Duke's niece would be spoiled.

"The nerve to stand up to someone of power.... the fool." She had not noticed the fiery haired male, most likely because she was to busy grumbling to herself. But she took notice when she saw the fleeting sight of crimson pass. She narrowed her eyes, curious on the matter.

But her attention was dragged away when Rosa came up from behind her breathlessly. "Mi'Lady you must come see the battle arena! I believe some of the knights are fighting!"

Cordelia frowned, unhappy with the disturbance.

"Take me there if you must."
Rowan looked over to Emmie, "it would seem so" he said quietly, the Templar's gaze was fixed on the dragon until it and Lureana turned around the corner out of sight.

Rowan gave Emmie a serious look "Have faith Emmony Nightingale, the Gods have plan." Rowan smiled before saying more, "This is a test". Rowan pushed away from the table and used his arm to help himself up. "the dragonkind severed us from the Gods once, the divines are simply seeing if those with faith will allow such a thing to happen again." Rowan gave the Templar a nod and left. He headed to the temple to offer the tokens of his pilgrimage to Eesna.

On his way Rowan clenched his fist and silently prayed "Give me strength o Lord, and give strength to those who waiver under the presence of the devils. Forgive them for they know not who to trust, and give them guidance, as you have so graciously guided me." Rowan always felt better after prayer. A cold chill ran up his fist and arm, through his blood into his heart. Rowan knew Eesna was with him and the dragons bothered him no longer.

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Ma'Arr hovered just within a plump white cloud, his magic helping to keep him aloft without too much effort. Sadness toiled about inside his heart, he missed his parents. He missed ranging far and wide over the dessert. Most of all though he missed the security, he didn't have to worry about hate amongst his own kind. For moments he wondered why they hated dragons so much, no human alive could know the attrocities his ancestors had committed and here they were. Ma'Arr realised the error of his ways, he had expected the educated humans to be different from the close minded villagers he knew. He expected too much from them and thus had his heart broken once more. He was alone, even amongst his own clutch. They were all worried about their own lives, his elder siblings had long since left to roam the world and they were too far away from another clan of dragons that he essentially grew up alone.

Soon enough he heard Nozz's roaring question, for a Ma'Arr was not going to answer. The fire dragon sounded sincere though and Ma'Arr did not like to worry people. The young dragon beat his wings once more and rose from the cloud he hid in. He caught his bearings and circled above the clouds until he spotted the larger Fire Drake ahead of him. Ma'Arr folded his wings ever so slightly and dove into a rising wind. His wings parachuted and he glided silently towards Nozz. His speed was increased by the wind current.
"It is fine Nozz'On, do not worry any longer. I have been foolish, I should not have expected so much of the loride." Ma'Arr called out as the wind expedited his flight. He banked to his left and came up beside Nozz. "The flight has calmed me, even in the village I had more freedom than this." Ma'Arr began his decent and shot through the clouds like a bullet, he angled himself towards the clearing he had left earlier.
Cordelia followed after her rambling maid, who excitedly chattered about the grounds. She on the other hand seemed to have the bored expression that only grew worse by the passing minute. She wasn't sure if she would actually enjoy it here. The thought of having new sparring partners had cheered her up some.

"So do you know whom is fighting?" Cordelia questioned Rosa, a dull note of curiosity flooding her soft voice.

"Well, I may have been not as honest as I should have been. Really, its just a girl fight an dummy and shooting arrows." Rosa looked her hands, grasping them in shame. She refused to look at Cordelia, which made the ill tempered female grow bitter.

"Rosa!" She slat out snappily. "You brought me here to watch so done duel themselves basically?"

She rose her delicate hands to rub her temples, her eyes closed in frustration.

"I really am sorry..." Rosa spoke up, quietly. Her voice shook, barely being able to pronounce her words.

Cordelia automatically regretted being so hostile to the female who was only trying to lift her spirits. Her bad mood must have been spreading for now the brunette was crying, big crystal tears flowing from her eyes like a waterfall.

"Come now, Rosa. Please do stop that pitiful sobs. I apologize. I was too caught up I myself, that I forgot you're of a weaker heart. I will still gladly accompany you to the court yard. Perhaps my uncle has finished with all this nonsensical foolishness. I wish to leave this place and hopefully he has seen my side in a clearer light."

She held out her arm of Rosa to grasp, seeing as the young woman was too tired for her tears. Rosa nodded, now clinging to Cordelia. She didn't understand why she apologized. It was her right and place to ridicule a servant. But Cordelia couldn't strange the sight of the round faced girl crying. Her eyes were red and her nose and cheeks red from chocked tears.

They passed heavily thick trees, the green grass softening their steps. Both the women's dresses flapping lightly in a cooling breeze. Cordelia was beginning to feel more jovial. Until she say that her uncle's nights were unpacking her things from the trunks and carriage. Her stomach dropped and she knew it was settled. She would stay and spy on the beasts.

This wasn't how she imagined it at all. She was suppose to hunt the devils down, burn them in the white flames in which they had cast down on so many before her. Her family was among the death tolls of what she thought was an outright attack devised by the ungodly creatures. Now to live with them and breath the same air as them. Hah. She would surely either be killed by them in some outraging fit of be thrown out by the school.

Rosa tugged on her arm and she sighed for what seemed the millionth time that day. And so she followed the girl to where a young women displayed he skills of the bow and arrow. Cordelia watched, slightly interested. She had hunted her her cousins before. And the rush was incredible.
Noz'Onn exhaled when the Air Dragon came to him of his own free will, and followed him back down to the clearing, landing at the same moment, and shifting back in seconds. He adjusted the trunk strung across his back before he spoke. "Ma'Arr... The humans fear what they don't understand. They frustrate me too, and have cost me so much over the years. So please, tell me what happened. I can help you."
"Do you have all of your things?" The woman asked just as Cecile grabbed her light brown bow with her quiver of silver arrows around her back, her long red hair was down in its usual curls. Celeste has her long blonde hair in a long braid that was just as long as Cecile's hair, around her wast was a long sword in its scabbard as well as two white and black daggers; Cecile's daggers were concealed underneath her dress just like Celeste's.

"No need to rush us," Cecile grunted as the two girls walked out of the room they would be sharing with a few others, in all honesty both girls were a bit curious about what their personalities were like. Hopefully they got along with everyone or else getting away from a stress free environment would be for nothing.

"Stop being so rude," Celeste elbowed her sister in the side and Cecile couldn't help but scowl like a little child.

"I am not being rude, she was clearly rushing us," Cecile defended herself as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked around while following the woman toward the training field she had mentioned a lot of other students were.

"Where in the world did you get that horrible way of speaking to your elders?" Celeste huffed with furrowed eyebrows on her delicate facial features, while the twins argued the woman was clearly getting annoyed by being called an elder.

"Last time I checked elders were supposed to be sweet old women and men" Cecile snorted with a roll of her eyes as she raised her hand to touch the smooth skin under her eye were her marking (tattoo) lay, both twins had them since they were 16 years old. Those in the main Agnes family all had similar markings but just in different areas, those who were just branches of the Agnes family like aunties and uncles had smaller markings.

"Nuh-uh, take a look at Grandma. She always had a cheeky and smart-mouthed personality," Celeste countered with a roll of her blue eyes, both twins didn't even notice that they had made it to the training field and that the irritated woman had left them.
After a time, Jakob had ceased watching for the dragons, instead letting his gaze linger on the students as they arrived in the training field. Some were quite skilled of course, but such was not what he had eyes for. He wanted a showing of generosity, mercy, chivalry and honor more than a show of martial prowess. Such things were more to the Templars tastes as a whole. Inner strength mattered most, not the strength of your arm.

When the real sparring commenced, he would be watching for such things, and might even take on a squire. He was one of the highest ranking members of the land, and as such, could bestow knighthood on any he saw fit. Shifting his stance to more comfortably watch the woman currently practicing her archery, he continued his wait.
Aristaeus had already been at the training fields for an hour. He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his arm and faced the dummy.

"Again," Master Xenahort called out.

Aristaeus struck the dummy with his staff, first high right, then low left, a jab to the center and a sweep to the bottom with his weak side.

"There, did you see it? The hestiation? The arc of your sweep was too long, the enemy could have anticipated and jumped it. Again, and instead of pulling on the left side for the sweep, push with the right side, it will give you more force for less movement."

Aristaeus nodded and struck again, high right, low left, center jab, right sweep. He felt the impact of the sweep jar his arm. "Good, much better. Now reverse it."

Aristaeus set to work, high left, low right, center jab, left sweep. He used what he learned on the previous repetition to make this one better. Master Xenahort nodded with aproval. "You learn quickly. Alright, speed things up. Double speed."

Aristaeus did it again, but messed up on the jab and the staff slipped, hitting him in the stomach. "Sloppy. Lesson over for the day, you have another, with your bow instructor, do you not?"

He nodded and grabbed an apple out of his pack, taking a bite and walking toward the archery range.
Ma'Arr landed softly, he was as the leaf alighting upon a placid pond. While he was young for a dragon he was still a very skilled flyer, a skill that came rather easily to most Air dragons. His change however was not quite so skilled. He marveled as Nozz transformed fluidly, Ma'Arr thought he looked like flowing lava setting into stone. It took much longer for the young dragonling to transform into his human form, longer even than it took for him to become a dragon. Once the change was over Ma'Arr stretched out his muscles to avoid getting a cramp later. Transforming was a task for him.

Ma'Arr sighed and ran a stressed hand through his hair. "This is not something anyone can help with, no. All I can do is come to terms with the truth. For now we should get back, there's a man waiting for us." Ma'Arr wasn't ready to talk about it, right then he just wanted to ignore it. He smiled winsomely at the Fire Drake and shot off through the small woods and over the plain. Ma'Arr wanted to know why Tony hated him, he wouldn't let Maria happen to him again. Ma'Arr slunk by the procession once again and headed off towards the training fields. He wove through moving crowds and small groups alike until he stood in front of a knight.

Ma'Arr had yet to formally meet this knight but he knew the armour well enough. His chest heaved with his spent energy. He hadn't had quite so much exercise and the quick transformation was still a little hard on his body, though he was getting better and better at it.
Nozz exhaled as he moved to follow. He'd been like that once, long ago. Adapting to living with humans had been the second most difficult thing he'd ever done. And even then, he'd had help. He withdrew a small piece of paper from the pocket sewn into the inside of his shirt. It was a sketch he'd drawn when he was younger, a massive dragon wheeling through the sky above a small village. The drawing wasn't coloured, but he remembered her brilliant gold scales.

"I wish you were here, Sky. You were always so much better at talking to people than me."

With a defeated sigh, he stuffed the paper back into his shirt and moved to follow, almost forgetting that the Knight had been waiting for them.
Jakob kept very still as the newcomers approached, both looking half out of breath for some reason. He frowned, but did not bother with asking, if they weren't alright they would never have shown up in the first place.

"Honored guests, it's a pleasure to see you again." He bowed low to the ground, as he should for a visiting guest of the academy. Most of the other knights seemed to have forgotten that modicum of decency, thinking themselves above the need for such things. "I have a matter most... urgent, to bring to your attention."

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