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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

The young woman yawned. She was growing tried of watching the knights play their games. Swords and arrows glinted in the high risen sun. Her hand clenched, the need of having her own blade in her palms. The heart pounding in excitement of two trained fighters clashing in a battle of strength and wits. She licked her lower lip, her pink tongue dragging slowly across the soft skin. She blew out a small puff of breath, thinking that would somehow shake off her growing inner turmoil.

It didn't.

Rosa, somehow was still fascinated by the men and women in front of her. "Of course she is", Cordelia thought coyly. "She rarely sees such things while in the court. She spends her days tending to my needs."

Rosa's voice perked up. She was kicking at the golden dirt, dust spreading into the air only to fall into a different destination.

"What will you do without me?"

Cordelia smiled. She couldn't help it. The woman actually thought she needed a maid. That she needed someone to bend over for her every desire. "How lowly you think of me, Rosa. I am quite capable of tending to myself without your assistance. It's not like I'm some lame child."

Her tone was curt, edgy with harshness. She couldn't understand why people thought of her as some glass doll that could break. Even her uncle had warned her not to overdo herself. "The old man needs to just mind his own business", she sniffed haughtily.


The pale colored girl turned around, her dresses flinging round in her sharp motion. "Speak of the devil...", she growled softly as her uncle approached.

"Girl! I've been looking for you everywhere. Sneaking off like some bandit in the night, really the shame of it all."

"For the sake of the Gods, Uncle Landon! Just speak of the reason why you disturb my peace! You seem to have habit of tearing me way from the little sanity I have while living with you all these years!"

Her uncle chortled, unable to contain the bubbling laughter in his belly from his relative's short tempered outburst. Without even as so much as explaining himself, her pulled her away from prying eyes and tilted ears.

"Girl. This is no time for that nonsense. The wife and I are leaving. Seemingly enough, as we were not properly greeted you'll be left on your own accord. But remember you mission."

Cordelia waved her hand, disliking the fact she was hidden in the shadows like some common hoodlum. "Yes, Yes. I understand what I am too do. It has been driven into my brain so much, I fear your voice will never leave my memory."

Yes, she knew exactly her mission. She knew what her purpose was. And she hated it. Her family, before her uncle had destroyed the family heritage by his own cowardice, were hunters. Not mere hunters by any chance either. They sought after dragon blood. They searched for their scales to decorate their homes and clothing. But what they were most moved by was the bones and teeth of the magnificent beasts. They were very difficult to mold but that's what made them so valuable. The sharp hardness of such material would be used for weapons, a single aimed blow slicing though a man's skull like butter. She snickered at the idea. In fact she was sure that the one of her swords was made from such bone but she would never know for certain. But what she did know what that over the centuries of her kin's bloodlust and greed, the scent of the dead drifted over her head so gently, like a light mist that hung over a sparkling lake. A lake of crimson.


She groaned loudly, irritated that the man refused to leave her be with his demands.


Her uncle's eyes narrowed at her disrespect, but choose to ignore it. A wise judgement on his part.

"Keep your anger in check. You know all too well of what you do when angry. The last thing I need to hear is that my niece has mauled some unfortunate child with her sword. You must keep yourself in check. I won't have to you pose a threat to my position with the council. So restrain yourself."

The sassy girl shrugged in her own incompetence. "Can I help it if my blade cries out for the sweet taste of an living persons life supply? How am I to ignore such a plea?" Her lower lip trembled in a mocking poise of a frightened girl. But her eyes held the truth to her pitched soul and heart.

She swiftly twirled away from the graying man, a playful but impure carnal swing in her words. She lowered her gaze, a barbaric threat resonated in the dark confines of their concealment. "Besides... you should have thought of that before you allowed a killer into your home."

Stepping out into the open, her entire disposition changed drastically. A bright smile was playing over her once grim features. Her whole stance seemed to lighten the yard as she skipped to her maid.

"Dearest uncle! I do hope my things have been taken to my room? I would hate to bother anyone to help me after you leave", she called out in a sing song voice. Her uncle was no fool, for he knew what a deceiving trickster the girl could be. She lived in a world of masterful delusions and museful lies, just so she could twist and wrench the lives of her chosen prey. She indeed was a true demon hunter.

"Of course, my dear. I would never leave my brother's only child in such a miserable state. I wish I could stay and help accommodate you to your rooms, but the wife and children grow fidgety. Rosa say your goodbyes. We must leave." With not even a hug, he left to his horse and men.

"What a deliriously obvious man", she crowed viciously. She then moved to her maid and closest friend. Wrapping her tender arms around the once more sobbing girl, she patted her back to sooth her pain. "Child, take care while I'm not there to get you out of trouble. You were always such a clumsy servant."

Rosa only broke out into more hysterical choked sobs. "You are the cruelest yet kindest person I'll ever had chance meeting. Please by safe and take care of your dreams." Rosa then ran off to where the parade Cordelia's uncle had brought. She watched tiredly as they left leaving her to her own doing. Maybe her own demise.

But she honestly wouldn't be taken out of the world until her revenge was sealed in the scarlet of her father's killer. What a blissful smile she had that moment. A smile that called for any being of death to help her in this ungodly quest. And she accepted it.
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Emmie spread a wide smile across her own face, one well-practiced at the local tavern. She nodded. "Good afternoon."

The range had a volley of arrows spread across it; and most had been either in the red or just outside it. "How impressive.. you're quite the shot." Emmie remarked. "I wonder how well do you do from horseback?" She laced a smile into her words, and walked toward Lureana as she spoke, keeping her voice soft above her breath, all friendliness.


Mahl'Iss found Ma'ar a brooding figure beside the sparring field, crouched and picking at the grass below. She approached him readily; they'd rarely had a chance to speak since their arrival, but she held confidence in his gentle nature. Taking up the space beside him, she dropped a hand to his shoulder, catching his attention.

"Hail, brother. It has been long since I have seen you. But it is good that we have now met. Rising Wind, I have a request, both for you and Wildfire. Us three should take this time to come together as one, and get our bearings on this place." She said. "We are in a foreign land, and we have been separate for too long; we must be united and face this challenge together. There is aught that has touched to my ears, and because of it, I do not think we will have so great the luxury of freedom come sundown."
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Lureana nodded at the compliment before walking towards the targets to remove her arrows. She assumed that the girl would follow. "I'm decent on horseback," she said, pausing for a moment as she concentrated on pulling out a deep arrow, "I have the unfortunate weakness of short limbs. Otherwise, I would be better." She waved her arm slightly to show what she meant before pulling out another arrow. She was honest about her short-comings. Thinking about the horses brought a long-missed yearning to ride. She would have to visit the stables after dinner.

Emmony seemed to have a kind smile, but Lureana did feel that it was as sincere. Maybe it was the hard upturn of her eyes, the too-perfect form of the smile itself. "Were you interested in sparing on horseback with me, by chance?" Lureana asked, trying to figure what the girl wanted.
Emmie laughed. "Me? No, no, on no account would I challenge you." She floundered a little before adding, with a self-deprecating smile, "I am leagues apart from your match..." There was a reason she sparred with academ three years her younger, after all.

"No, I was going to ask if you were in the mood for a hunt. I've sent Beatrice, she's a middler, to ready some horses. I think it would be good practice for you; some action to freshen your senses." She added slyly.
Lureana raised a brow slightly, but she gave a soft smile and nodded. She pondered going out to hunt. It would be a nice break from the normal routine, and she had yet to practice with her bow on one of the horses. It couldn't hurt in the long run, from how she figured it.

"A hunt would be grand, actually," she said. Pulling out the last of her arrows, she turned toward Emmony. It probably wasn't great that she was to be out hunting with another, but she figured she wouldn't have to speak much during a hunt. Mostly aiming and shooting a moving target, if anything.
Rowan trailed slowly behind Lifrus Orfus, trying not to be noticed as the man slinked down the halls of the Academy. Academs, mentors and priests walked by in a steady stream. Rowan was never any good at being unnoticed, eyes trailed over his body as he walked, he just hoped that one pair didn't.

Lifrus walked fast when he thought no one was watching, Rowan had to keep a pace. The man walked through the hallway, to the lounge and stopped for a moment. Rowan wasn't expecting the madman to stop and stopped late, he only three paces away, a little to close for his liking. The ex-priest turned his head slightly and then shook it back and forth, in a very strange manner. Rowan didnt think the Abbas son made him. Dragon lover, Rowan whispered with distaste.

Lifrus continued walking turning left. The lounge was open enough Rowan could watch him standing still. The acolyte's eye trailed behind the madman, Lifrus ruffled through his cloke and pulled out an old iron key. A key? Rowan's curiosity was push further. Lifrus walked over to the big wooden wine seller door and slip the key into the rusty iron lock, whilst looking all around him. Rowan looked away for a moment not to be discovered, and looked back to see the door closed. A madman, dragon lover...... and a drunk Rowan thought to himself, why should I expect anything more from Lifrus Orfus.

Giving up the pursuit and assuming Lifrus locked the door behind him, Rowan jsut stood watching the academ. Many of them had youth in their eyes, even some of the upper majes looked youthful. In that moment Rowan felt old, even though he was only 17, his years felt full. Rowan remembered he was hungry and turned around to walk back to the dining hall.

"Rowan" a familiar voice spoke quietly from behind the acolyte. Rowan turned around to see Master Gaol standing close behind him, his hood drawn low over his face. In the shadows of his shroud, Rowan could see the man still had a concerned look, a frown locked under his hark beard. "Walk with me, we must speak."

Rowan nodded, Gaol walked ahead without another word and headed straight for the exit of the academy. What is going on? the boy wondered as he obediently followed his master outside.

"Put your hood on." Gaol ordered as the exited the building. The sun was still up and it was strange to wear a cloak covering ones face in the academy, but Rowan listened and pulled the blue hood over his head. Gaol's pace slowed as they reaches the fields, they started walking along the edge of the training ground, a leisurely pace that to an outsider would look like another lesson between master and student. Rowan had a suspicion this much more than that.

Unable to withstand the suspense any longer Rowan spoke up. "What is it Master?"

Gaol shot a look over to the acolyte, "What do you think of these dragons?"

Surprised by the strange and sudden question Rowan answered, "I hate the devils, with all of my heart. The beasts broke our connection to the gods!" The acolyte answered with as much honesty as possible, for an acolyte who lies to his Master also lies to himself.

Gaol nodded solemnly after hearing his apprentices answer. "Such was taught by the gods, every priest knows the story Rowan." Gaol looked over to the Lureana and Emmie talking under the cover of the archery range pill box. "but, what do you think of these dragons?"

Rowan didn't understand his masters point. With a shrug he simple stated "Their devils, like the ones before them." Rowan looked back at his Master waiting for him to reveal the purpose of all of this.

Gaol shook his head and stopped walking. Rowan took an extra pace and stopped in front of his master. The sun was shining brightly behind Gaol, hiding his face in contrasting shadow. Rowan squinted his one eye. "My father was a horrible man. Who hated the gods for what they did to him" Gaol paused "He and I lived in the Teutonic lands, where as you know strength is valued over anything else. My father was not born a strong man, but he was smart, he was able to climb the Teutonic ranks by defeating stronger men with poisoned blades. After he defeated them he would turn their farms into dust, gamble away their wealth and sleep with their women." Gaol stopped to take a breath. Rowan listened intently His father was the opposite, hard working, strong helped make him who he was. Who helped make Gaol? Rowan thought. "Am I responsible for my fathers sins?" Gaol asked. Rowan imagined an eyebrow being raised in the shadow.

"No master, but you are no dragon." Rowan stated.

"I am a person, Rowan" Gaol answered quickly "Much like the dragons we have here.They are no more responsible for their fathers sins as I am for mine. I followed a different path than my father I devoted my life to Eesna; the God justice, honest judgement and objectivity. These dragon have not hurt us, they have saved us and do not deserve the judgement so many are passing on them."

Confusion caused Rowan's brow to wrinkle. Dragons are people? "But the Gods teach!"

Gaol held up his hand, interrupting his apprentice, as a master should when he walks down the wrong path. "Men teach." Gaol watched as Rowan's wrinkle grew and head start to shake. "Over all of the years I have studied Eesna, I have learned one thing. Justice and punishment is used by the gods to bring peace to our souls and help us learn the few lessons our hard lives try to teach us. Justice is not vengeance, it does not aim to utterly destroy and should not be fueled by hate but by love." Rowan's wrinkled forehead, wrinkled less. Gaol loved this boy because he was a quick learner. "Airesh taught Eesna this lesson when she begged the ice god not to destroy all of humanity for praising dragons, Airesh begged to give every human the chance to learn."

Gaol stopped talking and took a step closer to Rowan putting his hand on the acolytes shoulder. "You are the son I never had Rowan, and I cannot watch you tread down the path of vengeance."

Son. The word almost struck Rowan with emotion. He loved the man and could barely stop himself of shedding a tear. Besides his sister, Gaol was the only person alive who gave Rowan love. Rowan dropped his head and spoke "I have learned your lesson Master. Justice not vengance."

Gaol smiled and held up Rowan's chin. "You're a good man Rowan Archard." Gaol took his hand off the the acolyte's shoulder and started to walk pass him. "Eesna favors you Rowan, you did well during your rite" Gaol took his hood off and sighed as is a weight was lifted off his chest. "I could not have asked for a better student." Rowan smiled to the praise from his master, pride was the only emotion that made sense at his moment. "Now go and mediate, my apprentice"

Rowan left his master to walk in the fields and headed straight for the temple.
Heinrich stood in the medical lounge beside the training field, one eye twitching in annoyance and the occasional jolt of pain as his bandaged abdomen got unwrapped. He tried to think about something else as he waited for the torment to end, like who he could trust to help him in his scheme to harness a dragon, but got inevitably sidetracked with each tick of pain.

"Will you just get it over with you ham-fisted swine hunda!" He yelled at the nurse, who in reality was quite pretty, but his anger once more got the better of him.

Like I don't have better things to be doing right now than getting poked and prodded. It's bad enough I was ordered down here.
Emmie positively beamed. "Grand! Indeed."

There were two things that Emmony liked about Lureana; that she was hardworking, and that she was alone. The fact that the woman seemed married to the quintain and pell seemed a fine opportunity for Emmie, who had long squandered her six years at the Academy, to obtain someone better to latch onto, like a grappling hook over a high ledge. If she could befriend Lureana, Emmie might find catching up to her peers less difficult of an endeavor. And that the Lionhart exhuded solitude like a gas made this opportunity all the more obtainable.

Emmie slipped her arm in around Lureana's, and entreated they walk together to the stables, located just outside the castle walls, where the wide open field, perfect for riding, awaited.

"What's your horse like?" Emmie asked easily as they walked. "My family's not the most well-off, so it's rather embarrassing to ride one of the stinky underbreds that the Academy holds in stock." She laughed a little at her own quip. "It must be splendid to live in the luxury of Lionhart fortune... Not that I'm envious; there's a charm in my own quaint lifestyle, I only meant that it must be quite comfortable for you where you are."

She nudged Lureana a little playfully, face colouring at her own thoughtless words. "Now I sound like a green monster... I speak more often than I think." She sighed dramatically, trying to write her mistake away in jesting. "I pray you do not think badly of me for it."
Aristaeus collected his arrows from the targets littered around the field, placing them back in his sheath. He sighed and unstrung his bow, coiling the string and placing the shaft in the pocket of his sheath. He walked over to the horse stables and into the stable his brother had given him, stroking the nose of his horse Century. He fed her a carrot and saddled her up, hopping on and taking her out into the field to gallop and stretch her legs.

While he was out with her he pulled out his bow shaft and an arrow, pretending to knock it and adjusting his body to flow up and down with Century so that his aim would remain true. He turned all the way from straight forward to backward, and then to the other side as well. He stood up in the stirrups, making the same turns and aiming. Finally, he slowed her to a canter and stood up on her back in a crouch, aiming within the first 180 degrees of motion. He slipped back down onto the saddle and placed his feed back in the stirrups, letting her go full gallop around.
Heinrich slammed the door to the medical lounge loudly, the resounding bang echoing across the training field where he now stood as he seethed anger at the woman behind the doors.

"How hard could it possibly be to unwrap a bandage without causing pain? One might think some modicum of competence would be the rule of thumb for the medical practice, but nooooo." He continued to mutter under his breath as he stretched the sore side of his body, and grimaced when he had about half his usual reach.

Still muttering, he grabbed a blunted weapon from the rack and took it to the nearest pell, slowly working on his accuracy instead of his power. One must train at all times, either mentally or physically. It just so happened that his particular choice of training usually meant physical.
Aristaeus reigned in Century at the edge of a river, getting off and letting her graze and drink. He leaned against a tree and pulled an apple out of his pack, biting into it. He smiled and watched Century graze, taking out an arrow from his sheath and sharpening the tip on the edge of his belt buckle.
Cordelia traveled down the tilted hallways to her chambers. It had taken her such a long time just to simply find the right floor. If she knew any better, she would think she had explored the whole academy in the past hour of wondering helplessly from room to room.

Her soft heeled shoes pattered quietly until she had found the right room. Her eyes narrowed into angry slits when she read the note, plastered onto the door. "Cordelia, I hope you didn't have trouble finding your room. It can be quite difficult to find, don't you agree?", she read allowed, finding it impossible to breath as her lungs refused to relax. She ripped off the hurried written, chick scratch of a letter. Shredding it into small pieces, she cursed her uncle for toying with her.

"The damned man purposely ignored the fact of telling me where my room was!"

A long hiss escaped her clenched teeth as she opened the door. She barely bothered even glancing at the furniture or what she had brought with her. Instead she threw opened a blue crested chest, throwing out miscellaneous items. When she found a red rounded blade was in her hands, a look of unsavory satisfaction crossed her face.

She then began a search for her training clothing. The dress she wore was hardly appropriate for any training. After all, it was a dress. A dress which was much too tight and made her feel like a roasted stuffed pig on Christmas morn.

She wiggled free of the confines of the garment, pulling on a pair of worn pants and a loose fitting black shirt. Before leaving the room, she decided it would be best to put on her boots and gloves. Simply what she found tasteful.

Bounding out of the room, she raced toward where she had seen the knights fighting. She would find a sparing partner and release every tense muscle in a frenzy of sword play. She could only pray she would stay in a calm order.

Upon entering the training grounds, she saw a young male battling with a dummy.

"You there! I am a new student here. My body aches for some test of exchanging attacks and I believe I will find you quite amusing. So do you wish to spar with me?"
Heinrich blinked when the feminine voice behind him reached his ears, and he lazily turned to face the woman who looked to be practically bouncing with eagerness.

She must be a morning person, she has the exuberance down.

"I would, but I'm afraid im not at my best. Right now you'll have to settle for touch contact sparring." He looked her up and down, idly working his sore arm and rib as he did so. "You a Lionhart?"
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She tilted her head, a look of confusion passing over her expression. It was a complicated matter to readily answer. Her father was of Teutonic heritage and her uncle and guardian of Lionhart. She decided it best to keep to her uncle's wishes. She did have to represent him and his family anyway. Might as well start.

She swung the contraption in her hand, her free hand resting on her hip. "I am of Lionhart", she replied smoothly. The lie was spoken and she felt her stomach fumble in agony and her soul screeching in a mocking laughter.

She turned her gaze to the male quickly taking notice of his form. He was hurt. Disappointment flew over her golden eyes, now believing she would have to play kindly to the injured peer.

"You may call me Cordelia... How did you obtain your injury?"
Lureana forced herself to relax after Emmony hooked their arms. She wasn’t used to people being so forward with her, and she frowned ever so slightly. Not enough for the girl to realize though, for she continued a bit of babble. When they approached the stable, Lureanna unhooked their arms as a young girl was bringing forward horses that she had prepared.

“Well,” she started, “My parents have yet to send me my steed. I don’t find this stable’s horses to be too terrible in their usage.” She felt a ping, being rather compassionate about the beasts.

“I find that the horses of this stable keep me humble, in any case,” Lureana said, mostly hoping to shift Emmony’s attention away from Lureana’s Lionhart lineage. “It is not bad to speak what you think,” she said sincerely, taking a neutral way toward things.

When the small middler handed the reins to the two of them, Emmony immediately dismissed her. Lureana didn’t think much of it, as many of the Upper Maje used the young ones as servants. Taking the reins, Lureana immediately mounted her steed. As she adjusted her arrow and bow, she vaguely listened to what the girl had been saying. Something more about the way the academy did things, or some such. They rode about in such a fashion with Lureana giving vague nods and answers.

After riding for a bit, Lureana finally saw something in the distance, a moving target. She placed her arrow into her bow, and aimed. That was when Emmony said something rather loudly, the sound of her voice enough to shock Lureana into flinching as she released the arrow. She turned to Emmony, a rather stern look on her face before she heard the familiar thump of arrow against skin. Her stern gaze immediately turned into a confused one while she glanced around for the source. That’s when she noticed the boy by the river.

“Oh dear,” she said, chewing her bottom lip.
"I was thrown by a dragon," Heinrich smiled at the memory, "Landed on my side here hard enough to crack a rib. But do not think me weak for my injury, I assure you, this will still hurt." He hefted his blunted sword with one hand, his large shoulders rolling as he placed himself across from Cordelia. "Ready when you are, milady." He only just kept the snarkiness he felt out of his voice, the woman had no idea who she was so eager to fight.
"Oh, one of the rumored dragons. You then must be something of interest."

She rose a brow, trying to keep a smile from appearing. Or maybe it was a smirk? It was becoming harder to tell the difference between either. She flicked her wrist, the angle the thrust opening the closed weapon. The two sharpened blades seemed to glimmer in a forebonding as the rays of the shining sun shine down from the skies.

"I'm sorry, but I will have to take it easy on you. It would be an embarrassment to be beaten by a woman and a dragon, no?" She teased, tempting the other to playing into her challenge. Then an idea came to mind.

"Let's make this game even more so engrossing. We'll play by bets. If I win you take me to meet ... your dragon."

She fell into a relaxed stance, the corner of her lips twitching in a urge to grin like a mad fool.
My dragon? I rather like the sound of that. And if I win?" Heinrich raised his blade as well into the typical boxer stance, feet braced to meet a charge and not be bowled over. "Come on, make it worth my while." He winked, a smile just barely curving the corners of his mouth.
"Well, since I've only just met such a brave gentleman you would have to tell me. Hell, I could do whatever you want. So take a chance, I like high risks."

That was it. She couldn't keep a straight face. A smirk broke through what she had tried to keep as stone. The lewd purr in her voice was sharply clear as the male flirted.

Perhaps she would get her worth while.
Heinrich grunted in amusement, his ribs irking him because of it and causing a slight hiss to escpae his clenched teeth. Instead of relaxing, he gripped the sword harder and began circling her. he wanted to get an idea of just how far along she was in martial training. He was among the best of the teutonic students in the academy, and excelled at offense even with an injured body.

"Careful what you agree to, Cordelia. You might find yourself surprised."
She took a step back, her eyes keeping a careful watch on her opponent. She knew he was hurt and an injured man was a dead man in her book.

"Is that a warning or a threat?" She twisted full round, her gold forest themed necklace, the jewel safely tucked away from harm. It was hot against her chest, almost burning and she couldn't understand why. But she had to ignore it. His circling was beginning to annoy her to no end.

She sprung at him with the speed of a small cat, quick and precise. She raised her blade, carefully aiming for his legs. If he reacted as she wished, this fight would be over in a matter of minutes.
Heinrich crow hopped to the off side of her swing, and backhand swung his own sword to knock hers aside. He didn't advance, keeping roughly the same distance as before. He had studied hard on hand to hand drills and tactics, and knew full well his disadvantages. When under such a disadvantage, strike only when you know beyond doubt you will hit, rather than a barrage of attacks.

"Come come, try again." He tapped his blade on the ground in a taunt, a smile wide across his face.
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She had leaned to the side, the glint of the metal warning her of it's downward attack. Her feet landed firmly into the ground, dirt being thrown into the air as she dug her heels into the soft ground to catch herself.

Cordelia scowled when she saw the mockery he displayed. Either he didn't take her seriously or her was trying to make her lose her cool. It was most likely both.

She directly advanced, seeing her refusing to fight her dead on. She would force him if she must. She lost all sense of mercy or compassion. She just needed him to make one fatal move and it would be undoubtedly over.

Favoring the right side of her weapon, she began to batter him as if to drive the male into the ground. A low growl rose from her throat, sounding more feral than human.
Making parry after parry, Heinrich began to grunt in effort as his ribs protested his every move. He needed to hold on just long enough to find a spot to swing for, her furious attack would tire her out quickly enough... if he lasted that long. In an attempt to get space between them, he dropped his uninjured shoulder and tried to bash into her with it, using his superior body weight to his advantage.
"That's it!" Her grin became one of the devil. Due to the constant moving of her body, slashing away at the other, the thick braid she had so carefully done had come undone. Now a wild sea of silver blonde, it swished and swung with her every strike.

Taking the opportunity of his brash drop to throw her off course, she fell to the ground avoiding the collision. She sprung to action, unlocking the double sided sword. She took pride in her weapon, seeing it was her personal design. Light and deadly, it was quick enough to slice down whatever in it's path.

Standing to an upright position, she bended her arm and brought her elbow down at such violent pace to make contact with his unprotected spine. She was now fighting as if she was about to kill the boy and it didn't bother her in the slightest.

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