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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

His missed shoulder throw made him grit his teeth, his target being more nimble than he'd given her credit for as she rolled up behind him. He twisted his lurching stumble, letting her hit connect with his bicep that would likely leave a pretty bruise.

"Ah! Damn it!" He couldn't keep the curse down when he landed so heavily on his back and jolted his injured ribs, dropping his sword in the swirl of dirt. Once he was able to breathe again, he tried to show a smile through the pain and held up both hands in mock surrender. "Alright, you got the cripple."
"Aw~ Don't make my victory sound like a failure." She snickered, lowering herself to be on level with the male. Like before her entire disposition changed. She smiled warmly almost looking sorry for hurting the knight in training. Her hair was now a disorderly mess, tangled and nappy. She looked like a wild child from nursery rhythms.

She held out her black gloved hand to help the other up. "I don't believe you told me your name." She clicked her tongue in playing mischievousness. "Weren't you taught manners? It's impolite not to introduce yourself to a lady."
He grit his teeth as he grabbed her proffered hand, the pain of using his abdominals to stand up making him wonder if he'd broke them again already.

"Heinrich- Sssthhh... Von Vanderfell." He stood up slowly, leaning on her a little heavily. "At your service."
She held him up, patting him down from any dust. "What a strange name..." She grinned like an idiot, her pearl white teeth gleaming. "I like weird. Anyway, you own me a dragon visit and I suppose I own you a walk to either bed or a doctor."
Emmony raised an eyebrow when the Lionhart said she didn't mind the Academy's horses. She'd long heard the complaints groused and insults thrown about by the Lionharts at the poor quality and behavior of these horses. But Emmie said nothing, believing Lureana to be of kinder disposition than those peers.

After dismissing Beatrice, who left quite put out, they rode across the empty field and into the forest beyond, following the creek. Emmie continued in conversation, talking about the beauty of the nature around them, praising Airesh and her good works, and eventually rolled the conversation around to current Academy affairs. She had just been about to breach the topic of the Dragons when she caught sight of a deer prowling around the thick trunk of a royal oak, just over the lake.

"Would you look at that..." She murmured. And then she turned to see Lureana looking the opposite direction, her bow raised and drawn. Following the woman's line of sight, she saw the bent figure of a young man staring out over the lake. Emmie yelped in surprise. And Lureana let loose the shot in alarm.

The arrow flew curved and shaky, but right for the boy. Emmie's hands flew to her mouth as the arrow struck him.
"Ja, either one will do." Heinrich limped along beside her, one hand touching his side while he did his best not to lean so much of his weight on her. An idea began to form in his head as they walked, and he almost wanted to cackle at his own genius.

"About that dragon visit, I may have just the thing. Can you do me a favor? find a place near the castle with thick enough walls to hide a dragon, and i'll get you a real show."
She looked up at him, suddenly her golden eyes glazed in question. "For what reason? Dragon's come in human form as well as the original." Cordelia sounded serious but in are truthfulness, she wanted to see the actual being of one of the beasts. If anything, she needed a small States of what a dragon looked like up close. But she couldn't simply just say that aloud. It would have her be looked down upon for actually liking the creatures.

She led him inside of the academy, glancing around. She didn't know where to go and not wanting to have herself laughed at she simply waited for instructions from Heinrich.
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"Just like I said," Heinrich nodded his head for the medical lounge entrance not far away to get them moving again. "You find me a hidden place for a dragons full form, and I can make it happen." He put as much confidence in his voice as he could, hoping that she would think it a done deal.

And even if he doesn't, I will find another. I must. And she will make a wonderful witness for my reveal to the Hockmeister.
Walking down in the path which he nodded to, she thought carefully on his offer. "If I do this, I could get in some kind of trouble. I can feel it, otherwise why would they need to hide their true forms? But if I don't... I may never get this chance I need", she debated with herself. Biting her tongue, she made her choice. "Alright. I agree to your terms if and only if you assure that the dragon will do what you tell it to." Cordelia's voice sounded like laughing water, calm and smooth. But her eyes betrayed the weariness she had hidden so well.
As Rowan meditated silently in the torch lit chamber's dedicated to Eesna. The acolyte kept as still as stone, kneeling in front of the silver circlet of truth. Rowan could feel the cold from the relic, the touch of Eesna; but now Rowan felt the presence of a different God, a closer God, more truthful and less corrupted by the petty views of men. Gaol had given Rowan a great gift, and the acolyte knew it. Feeling fulfilled, illuminated and firm in his faith of his God, Rowan opened his eyes.

Rowan looked up at the relic, shadows danced around the silver band and over the stones of the chamber. Suddenly the acolyte was inspired, he decided he was going to make up for his misjudgments of dragons. Eesna expect a preist to confess his sins to one of the wronged. I must find a dragon, Rowan thought.

Rowan stood up left the chambers, determined.
"Of course! Of course! Why wouldn't it do as I ask? It'll just be a friendly request from two eager, 'fresh from the fields' students." Heinrich laid the sarcasm on heavy for the last bit, smiling at her willingness to assist him despite not having all the facts.

This was exactly the kind of thing I needed to happen. Once I get what I want, I wont need help from anyone. "Just set me down here, if you would." He pointed at a bench to the side of the room.
She sniffed, somehow feeling as if he wasn't telling her something. She shook it off as her own nerves at the prospect of seeing the dragons. "If you say so. Well, since you can manage, I'll be off. I have things to unpack." And with that she skipped off to her room.
"Appreciate the talk, Cordelia!" Heinrich called after her at the expense of his ribs. The same nurse from before happened to still be on duty of course, his luck wouldn't change in every regard. He held up a hand to forestall any comments she might have been building up as she planted herself before him. "I don't wanna hear it, woman. Just get me my bandage again."
Rowan exited the temple, under the entrance door the acolyte bumped into an Airesh priest who must have approached on Rowan's blind side. The priest scoffed at the disciple of Eesna, closing his eyes and lifting a pointy chin before continuing into the temple. The followers of Airesh always had an air of superiority about them, Rowan shrugged the insult off and continued on his quest for redemption.

Rowan decided against asking people where the dragons were, many still believed trust was treason. The acolyte last saw a dragon in the fields during his walk with Gaol. The blue haired female, Rowan decided that was the best place to start looking.

As he crossed the courtyard over to the training area, Rowan recognized the wounded Teuton being carried by a silver haired girl armed with a very ornate sword. The wounded knight looked as though he was beaten again. Teutons never know when to give up Rowan chuckled to himself. Rowan noted the knights odd expression, even though he looked defeated, the knight smirked a sinister smile as he talked to the girl.

Rowan found two dragons beside the sparring field, where he spied them last. Even better, There was the blue haired female and a younger one Rowan had not seen before. The acolyte was still afraid of the creatures, but even worse, what if someone saw him. Rowan said a little prayer to Eesna asking for courage. Rowan believed with all of his heart his plan was righteous and the consequences were under his Gods control.

Rowan approached the dragons with a steady pace. He stopped infront of them and made sure to look both of them in straight in the eyes.

"My name is Rowan Archard" He introduced himself with a bow, holding his arm close to his chest. "I am an acolyte of Eesna and apprentice to Master Shaman Gaol." Rowan was nervous and talking to fast. He look a deep breath and lowered to one knee. "I have come to confess my sins to you and your kind. To redeem myself in the eyes of my lord God Eesna and follow the ways of the Just." Rowan exhaled and looked the dragons in the eyes. "I have falsely judged your kind, whispering devil under my breath and wishing ill-fate on you and your brethren. Like many others I did not show dragons, proper gratitude for your aid in the war of the foresworn." Rowan felt relieved and imagined Eesna smiling down on him. "I will punish myself in what ever way you see fit, to give your souls peace." That's right, they do have souls.

Kneeling in the grass, Rowan felt pious like a true priest of Eesna.
Nozz still lay atop the tower, gripping the Griffon horn in his hand still. He'd calculated the dosage needed to not kill himself, but the human body was ever such a frail thing compared to his real form. With a groan, he pulled himself back into a sitting position and started putting his reagents back in the trunk, sparing a glance at the landscape painting that decorated the inside of the lid. He'd painted it on the trunk as a gift to Sky, but she'd died before ever seeing it.

He placed the Griffon horn in its compartment, then the golden scale. But still he was too weak to rise. He sat there waiting until the poison metabolized, staring at the painting of the great blue skies of the west, with two dragons and several Griffons sailing amongst the clouds.
Jakob strode through the halls of the Holy Sepulchre, the many relics and artifacts bringing to him a sense of calm while he thought. There were many things in motion at the academy recently, and he felt as though he were treading water just above the undercurrent and could be swept away at any moment. Politics were like that, usually. One mistake, one slip, and you were defeated as sure as if you'd been riddled with arrows on the battlefield.

He wondered if making a trip to the temple and speaking to the relic there would be worth while, but didn't want it to become an obsession. Just because it had spoken to him once did not mean it ever would again. The thought made him slightly depressed, but at least he could say he'd spoken to a god before. It was more than most got.

His knights strode the halls fully armored and armed, as was their duty. They would defend these relics to their dying breath, each and every day until there was nothing left to guard. His men were chosen for both dedication and chivalry, and so felt safe in leaving them here to guard. He needed more recruits though, should the worst come to pass, and so made for the training fields once more.
Aristaeus should have know he couldn't go much longer without some sort of accident. He just expected that he would accidentally shoot someone, not get shot himself. He let out a yell of pain as the arrow struck, completely piercing his foot. He lifted it up to try to relieve the pressure and held himself up against the tree. He looked around for who had shot him, spotting two girls riding towards him, one of them clearly holding a bow. Of course he had to be shot by a woman. His luck just got better and better. He growled and snapped off a branch from the tree, using it as a crutch so he wouldn't have to put his foot down.
Emmie descended from her horse once she'd reached a close distance to the now-wounded fellow. Concern broke out across her face, and she immediately came to hover over the older boy.

"Are you alright?" She asked in alarm. "Can you walk?"

His horse was close beside him, so even without a foot, he should be able to make it back. Emmie glanced over at Lureana nervously. She'd hate for the first riding experience with the prominent woman to have ended on such a sour note.
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The moment her horse was close enough, Lureana leaped off the side. She walked over to the boy and knelt down to peer at the wound. She swiftly broke the top of the arrow off, as to keep it from catching onto things.

"You're going to have to see a medic at the academy," she said, concern on her face. She narrowed her eyes at the boy's foot. As long as the arrow wasn't removed, the medic should be able to fix the damage easily. She finally stood and gave an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I should have been paying more attention with my shot."
(Just saying, Aristaeus is 20)

He nodded.

"Yes I can walk, no thanks to your friend there. Who just lets an arrow fly without looking around first to make sure there isn't anyone downrange," he shook his head, "You should know better if you use a bow, I'm surprised they let you pick on up if you didn't know that." He grumbled to himself a bit and hobbled over to Century, using the brank to hold himself up as he stepped into the stirrup and onto the horse.
Lureana followed and waited for the boy to settle himself onto the horse. She nodded. "Rightly so. I can say that I am humbled," she said as she watched the boy's foot. She felt terrible about her shot. The fact that she broke concentration and forgot to check downrange was unacceptable. She figured after she saw to the boy getting to a medic, she would have to punish her wrongdoings. "Careful," she said, watching as he situated himself.
"Oh, don't be so hard on her." Emmie said. "The fault lies largely with me. I don't know what she aimed at, but I believe the thick trees and brush blocked her sight of you, but not the arrow. Because of my involvement, the arrow flew false, and struck you."

She moved to help him up, but was surprised that he handled himself well enough. "I hold a debt with you." She said. "Let me escort you back... it's the least I can do."
Aristaeus looked at her, a mischievous gleam in his eye. Perhaps he would mess with them a little. He yelped as he pretended to bump his foot against the other stirrup, growling in pain. He glared at the girl who shot the arrow, pretending to be upset. He then made his face go pale, and swayed slightly in his saddle.

"Oh, I do feel a bit light headed," he said, then fell forward onto the horse's neck, nudging her into a gallop as he did so. He smiled, the pain was bareable, and this was just fun.
Lureana paused for a moment before leaping onto her mount. She barely paid much attention to Emmony before she pressed the steed into a gallop. She chased after the boy's mount, dodging around trees in the woods to match his mount. The stable's horse wasn't trained for the kind of speed that Lureana was insisting upon it. It would start to slow soon if she didn't catch up.

With another kick of her heels, she came just close enough to reach the reins of the boy's mount. She reached forward, grasping them and pulled them in order to slow the horse.
Lureana handled that rather well. Emmony had only managed to watch this unfold in shock and paralyzed surprise, but the Lionhart had managed to chase down and rescue the now pallid boy.

Delayed in reaction, she now went for her horse, and hoisted herself up to follow after the two of them.

She saw the boy fallen over the horse's neck and sucked in a breath. From her position beside Lureana, she asked quietly, "Did you poison your arrows?" It would be an act most dishonorable if Lureana had, but Emmie supposed it was better she know now, while the boy still might be saved, than later.

But that this might be taken as a slight spurred Emmie to quickly add, in a tumble of words. "I mean no offense, of course, only that the boy reacted as though the pierced foot had affected his entire body as well; I have never known anyone to fall faint after such an accident, and it seems odd to me that he has, and I sought some explanation. He could only have a weak mind, easily fallen under pressure and now that I think of it, this is probably more likely, so--" Emmie clamped her mouth shut before she said anything further. Her voice had risen in nervousness and the boy would no doubt be most offended. Inwardly, she dreaded a reaction, and bore her eyes into the horse's mane in silence.

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