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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

"Walk with me, if you would mein herr. This subject is best kept secret." Jakob walked back from the training field and more towards the academy walls, making sure no one was nearby before speaking quietly to them both.

"I'm sure you're aware the orders do not trust you? An edict has been spoken by our Templar leader, calling for the faithful to expose you and your brethren as devils. They wish to find evidence of treachery and cry foul." He kept walking, waving to those who looked at them as if they were discussing the weather. "Should you be found out of your human form, they will push for war."
"That's probably where you get it from you tree climbing monkey!" Celeste huffed at her twin with narrowed blue eyes. Cecile frowned at her sister seeing as how it was pretty much true, Cecile enjoyed jumping from branches to branches as well as from tree to tree. She had gotten a lot of practice from it when they were at home as kids.

"At least I know how to nimble on my feet, before you trained with swords you use to be a clutz!" Cecile retorted and just when Celeste was about say something the other students practicing caught their eyes and both of them forgot they even had an argument going on.

"This is interesting," Celeste grinned as the both of them took a seat on the floor and continued to watch the others. Cecile was concentrating on how they moved, it was how she learned about new styles before she practiced them.

"Maybe you should see if they have targets in the forest, you like practicing in forests," Celeste told her twin sister who nodded her head in agreement, that would be a good idea but who was she supposed to ask? Everyone looked busy or already in a conversation.

"Maybe that would keep your loud mouth shut..." Cecile narrowed her eyes at the extra words her blonde sister had added, for some reason they usually ended up in an argument if they weren't completely distracted.

"I have a loud mouth? At least I don't sit around drooling over a book or how someone practices with their sword," Celeste snorted with a roll of light brown eyes. Cecile felt a bit offended but instead of using words she kicked her sister on her leg.

"Hey!" Cecile gasped before punching her sister on her arm, if though it didn't seem like none of their moves were hostile or meant for an actual fight. Which is why Celeste had to hold herself back from hitting her sister again.

"Your fault," She muttered.

"Shut up and watch them practice, nerd," Ceile grunted with her thick Italian acent clearly noticeable.
Ah, so that truly is their plan. They wish to keep us weak, malleable. I knew we couldn't trust them. Mal would never go for it, and Ma'Arr is too young, so it seems my nightly escapes will have to continue, if I am to keep my strength up.

"Thank you for telling me this, my friend. But... why are you telling us this? I know that humans take treason seriously, especially when dragons are involved." Sky and her friends learned that one the hard way. "Are you not afraid?"
Jakob chuckled a little to himself at the question from Nozz, as he knew before yesterday his answer would have been immensely different.

"No, mein herr. I am not. I will not stand by while those we've invited under a banner of peace are plotted against. I cannot in good conscience allow for such dishonor from my own to go unopposed. Make no mistake, if I am called to, I will fight against dragons. But honor must be preserved."
"The answer of a truly honourable man." Nozz replied. "A rarity these days. Herr Jakob, if this goes horribly, meeting you on the battlefield would be the greatest day of that war, no matter who comes out on top." he finished with a respectful bow. "But there still lies the problem of remaining in these forms. It's slowly killing us. I can work around it, I've had years to adapt, but the others... Ma'Arr's barely a drake, and I'm sorry to say, young one, but you might not survive like this."
When he managed to catch his breath Ma'Arr had the presence of mind to look for Mal. The ice dragon was nowhere to be seen, a crease of worry worked its way onto his forehead. She had slept in late, he surmised it was because she was not yet used to being human. He remembered that he slept for an entire day, as a dragon such a thing was common place but he was picked up and taken to the village because he had fallen asleep on top of a boulder. He shook the memory from his head and shrugged, he would inform her of any developments thus far.

The knight bowed, something he had seen the loride do on frequent occasions. He had assumed it was a greeting ritual of some sort though the knight before him bowed uncharacteristically low. His armour moved smoothly with the abrupt action and Ma'Arr noted the metal's likeness to the scales of a dragon. The dragonling returned the gesture albeit to a lesser degree, he only knew it was right to bow back. Ma'Arr grew more concerned at the warrior's words, he hoped it wasn't too dire he had had enough of bad news for the day.

Nozz followed the knight and Ma'Arr followed Nozz. The young Air dragon doubted his elder's anger not his character and certainly not his prowess in battle. He had heard more than enough from the humans and other dragons to tell that Nozz'On was a ferocious drake and would become quite a formidable warrior. Ma'Arr himself was a skilled flyer himself and that translated to the fleetness of his feet when in human form. He was more like a cat than boy or dragon at times.

Ma'Arr was unsurprised by the information, the elders had practically foretold this conclusion. The young dragon feigned surprise as at the news if only to continue the charade. He was much older than the man in front of him and though they counted their years differently Ma'Arr was just as wise and foolish as a human being, it would be centuries before he would be counted a full grown dragon. For the moment he would act under the guise his human body provided him. He was for all intents and purposes a thirteen year old boy and would be exactly that the humans.

He moved behind Nozz to cement his surprise. Fear slid ever so easily across his face. Easy because it was real, he had been chased after by a mob of knights on horses along with his parents. Most dragons knew what it was to be hunted and for most of them it was a foreign concept. Nozz was right, even Ma'Arr could feel it, his parents had warned him as much. His worry faded and all that was left behind was resolve.
"Don't worry for me, I know what I'm doing." Ma'Arr let his facade slip, this human was trustworthy enough to allow him that respect. Ma'Arr's hand drifted to the dagger that sat at his hip and felt life spread through his limbs. He would survive so long as he had the weapon at his side.
"I understand. I rather imagine changing from one to the other would be like me changing from a human to a frog." Jakob laughed again at the absurd mental image and patted the fiery haired man on the shoulder. "There is not much I can do, but I will try and appeal to the Ordernmarshals to relax that restriction. I do not see much chance of success in the matter, however."

"Greetings, herr Jakob!" A guard from the top of the wall waved down to them, and he smiled wide to return the wave. Turning back to the dragon, he exhaled heavily.

"Be wary of the young and ambitious, dragon. They will try the hardest to bring you down."
"As is always the case." The Dragon replied. "The same should go to you, Herr Jakob. I feel that before my stay is done, there will be changes in Gallace, though in which direction the scales tip is yet to be determined." With that he moved on, looking for a place to meditate, to put his soul at rest.
Jakob nodded solemnly at the parting words, knowing full well he could be tried and punished for treason for what he'd just done. But his back straightened and his chin came up in defiance at such a notion. He was doing the will of the gods, and would be proven victorious by their guidance.

With a final salute of fist to chest, Jakob watched the two young dragons leave. His only wish being for someone else to share the burden he now carried.
Rowan walked through the temple. His pace quickened with the anticipation of completing the last task of his pilgrimage. Many acolytes failed the Even Hand and either went back out or stopped their training. Rowan knew his token's would be accepted by Eesna, and even if they didn't he would gladly go back out.

The acolyte entered the cold underground chamber of Eesna. Relics of the Ice god were placed in intervals through out the chamber. A few priests were praying including his master, and another acolyte was repeating his prayers with a pen in his hand. Everyone fell silent when Rowan entered. Master Gaol walked forward eyes fixed on the boy, the bald man had a serious almost troubled look on his face. "Are you ready acolyte? Ready to offer symbols of justice to your god?" Gaol watched as Rowan knelt before him. Normally Gaol didn't refer to Rowan with such formality, but he occasion called for ritual.

"Yes, master" Rowan couldn't help but smile. He had waited for this moment since he became a student of the Gods. This rite is the first time an acolyte is allowed to invoke the power of the gods through a relic. To his left sat a stone altar waiting patiently by the wall, three large bowls full of holy water were line up. Beside each bowl lay one of his tokens.

"Good." Gaol turned around and walked over to one of the relic stands. Rowan looked up in curiosity as his Mater paced away from him and stopped, from behind Rowan could see Gaol had picked up something very delicate. Gaol turned around and revealed what he held. It was a simple silver circlet, the silver on the band was as thick as a finger. Most of Eesna's relics gave the impression of strength, durability, honor; objects like helmets, shields, armor and mantles. But this circlet was different, it had a simplicity that Rowan understood. Gaol walked closer to the kneeling acolyte and placed the relic on his head. "Go and make your offering acolyte."

Rowan could feel the cold silver through his hair and sent a shiver down his spine. Rowan stood up slowly and walked to the altar with the bowls. The bowls were made of glass and shimmered under the torchlight. From left to right he saw his deeds, the bloody rag, the coin and the bread. Rowan picked up each token and placed them into their own bowls of water. Rowan paused trying to remember the words of the rite. If Eesna accepted the offerings the bowls of water will freeze with the tokens inside. A hesitation of fear passed through the boy What if it doesn't work? Rowan could hear impatient sighs coming from the priests spectating.

"Go on" Gaol said, Rowan didn't want to disappoint him master. Gaol voice seemed distant, almost lost in thought. Rowan closed his eyes, took a breath and held his hand over the bowls.

"I have prepared a sacrifice of holy water , purified by Flamberge’s flame, a holy sacrifice for you my god, take hold of it my god and reveal your frozen strength, if this be thy will, then let it be done" Rowan recited the words perfectly. The ringlet on Rowan head instantly became ice cold, a chill ran through his arm. The sweat on the acolytes head froze and the surface of the water started to show patterns of cold crystals forming.

Suddenly with a white flash the bowls were solid ice. The other priests gasped from the display of power. Rowan opened his eyes to see the Eesna had accepted his offering. I should never doubt you my god he know Eesna was reading his thoughts. Rowan suddenly felt his energy drained.

"It is done" Gaol walked up behind Rowan and picked the cold silver circlet from his head. "Eesna is pleased with you my apprentice. Leave the token's on the table to show your accomplishment to those loyal to Eesna." Gaol walked back over to place the circlet back to its rightful altar. Rowan looked over to see the shocked faces of the other priests, they looked at Rowan with awe. It troubled Rowan that his master didn't seem surprised or even proud. Gaol turned back to Rowan after setting the cirlet down "We are done, you may leave, meet me tomorrow in the fields" Gaol gave a stern look over to the other dumbfounded priests, they stopped staring at Rowan and resumed their tasks.

Rowan was almost hurt by his masters treatment, "I'll take my leave then, master" he replied and left the chamber. What is wrong with master Gaol? Rowan thought as he left the temple. One word came to mind Dragons.

Rowans head was still cold from the relic, and the acolyte couldn't help but feel pride from Eesna's acceptance. But such an accomplishment was bittersweet without Gaol's approval. With the rest of the day free Rowan decided walk over to the fields to watch the knights train.
Heinrich stood atop the academies walls, eyes straining to see where would be the best place for his plan to succeed. The trees outside the battlements weren't really thick enough to be feasible for a dragon to feel comfortable in its true form, but he held out hope for somewhere that might work. His hopes relied entirely on the relationship he'd built with the red haired one as of present, but he could befriend others if Nozz decided not to play along.

All he needed was just one moment of weakness in one of the dragons, a moment of desperation to be free of humans where he could be their out. Once he found the right spot, it would simply be a matter of time. Deciding he wouldn't find anything on this end of the grounds, he went back to the training field with a smile. The others might not think much of him, but that certainly hadn't bothered him yet, and they knew he could probably beat them as well.
Rowan arrived at the fields and watched all the knights training. The Lionhart girl Lureana practicing archery. A stereotypical Teuton, full of pride, walked across the field his head held high looking for something. Despite his efforts Rowan could see he was hurt.

The sun was warm and shining, it truly was a beautiful day. Rowan would have felt better about the rite, if Mater Gaol didn't act so strange. Eesna watch over him, he prayed to himself. Rowan walked among the knight-in training peacefully lost in thought.
Jakob watched the others train again, worry nibbling at the back of his mind at what he could do to convince the order leaders to lighten the restrictions on dragons. His trained eyes scanned the field while he thought, ensuring everyone continued training in safety. When his gaze passed over a familiar face, he smiled and began walking towards the young priest.

"Rowan, isn't it? How goes your rite, mein freund?" It was only after he spoke that it became obvious the lad was troubled, and he frowned. "Is all well?"
Lureana paused at the last and farthest target. She readjusted her arrows over her shoulder, readying them for ease of access. Pulling back the first arrow, she breathed and then she began to shoot. In quick succession, she shot one arrow after another, with only moments between. After she let her last arrow fly, she breathed in again. Her mentor had yet to appear, but she felt that she needed to challenge herself. She walked toward the targets, collecting her arrows until she reached the last target. She stopped and examined her work. All arrows had hit within the center, with only one straying to the edge. She plucked them out, a small smile on her lips. It was her best yet, and that was something she wanted to appreciate.

After grabbing the last arrow, Lureana walked back to the line. She finally noticed how crowded it had become. Many of the academ had come and were starting their training with the mentors. She even noticed Heinrich large form over in the distance, and the dragons were passing by as well. "This is as popular as I've ever seen this field," she mumbled, meaning the other Knights that had started to observe on the edge of the field.

With that, she turned back to the targets. Pulling back the string, she began the trial over again.
Rowan was pulled out of his wandering thoughts as Jakob greeted him. Rowan stopped and turned to look at Jakob. The large knight was one of the few who treated Rowan with respect, a true man of honor. Rowan could hear some concern in the knights voice.

"Yes that is correct, Herr Von Salzahausen." Rowan replied with a bow and smiled back up to his friend. He always honored the high ranking Templar by trying to be as formal as possible. "The rite went well, Eesna accepted my tokens of justice readily." Rowan paused before he continued. "You should not have to concern yourself with my troubles Herr Von Salzahausen." The acolyte thought about telling Jakob, but decided against putting his problems on a knight. Rowan couldn't help but also see something was troubling the man of the Holy Sepulchre.

"How goes you're students Herr Von Salzahausen?" Rowan asked politely. Rowan spotted the red haired dragon walking through the fields, accompanied by a younger beast. "And how do you take this dragon situation?" Rowan added.

Still Rowan wondered if Jakob knew anything about what bothered his master, but didn't ask.
The night was restless with a mile more of studying and the continuous racket, especially both a Templar academ and a Teutonic academ coming by to tell Law about a meeting, both of which he promptly declined. How annoying. After getting all his studies done, he went to sleep and kept himself shut away from everyone else.

His morning was as casual as usual. He spent some time staring at the wall, trying to collect his sense of mind. It was his usual way of waking himself up. Bed were always so comfy in the morning, the warm embrace was just to inviting to jump out of. A man would not want to even rise from his slumber, his place of rest. But as the day of an academ calls, he must stand and make the day happen. He is slow get started, so often times he wakes up earlier and simply lays still for a good time. When he sits up, he usually stays quite unmoving as he collects his thoughts. Mostly, as he wakes up, he simply plans out the day, and recollects what happened the day before, even further he reminds himself of any events coming up that he would need to bother himself with. There was a tournament that was coming up in a few days, he would sign up for that. He needed to buy something from the gypsies while they were still in town. There was some mentors he thought of meeting up with and speaking with. He would need turn in his work to be mailed to the Studium Generale, it was a Lionhart oriented academy, but he was able to get in contact and long distance mentor in purely academic with one of Masters there. He would need to speak with that girl, Mal. Wait, what.

Law had begun dressing. His outfit was not much different from what he was wearing the day before, it was simply fresh and new. Another perk, if he did not become a knight, he at least knew he could get employment under the Lionharts. They did not let anyone outside their blood line into their circles, but they were smart, at the least. Like any smart man, they could see Law's potential. Laurence took the time to think back on what he dreamed about while he was dressing. Something about his father, he considered. His father was not the most honorable of men, especially since they moved into the Teuton's territory. They did not seem to much like his father's way of leading. A Casal in the Teuton's lands, bah, it was basically walking into a dragon's cave and setting camp. Not that Law's father was really a Casal anymore, now that they were part of the Teuton's order, he was basically uh, something or other. For the most part, he was not the type to understand and live by the Teutonic ideologies, and so they wanted him gone. In response, Law's father adopted a powerful and skilled swordsman into the family and used him to fight all his battles, and continued to rule over his piece of land. That definitely disturbed the other Teutons. Law's father was something of a schemer, Laurence knew that, but he also knew his father would be kicked out of the Teutonic lands, just like he had been in the Templish lands. Laurence could tell, he would have to support himself. He knew one thing, he would not give up his name, Renovamen.

Once he was all dressed, he set out to the cathedral to attend to the morning mass. He found a nice spot nearer to the front, but not the front row. He wanted to be with himself and pray by his lonesome. He went to his knees and kept his focus on his prayers. Laurence seemed quite overly religious, even as he was quite against it. He did not have much faith in the god's guiding him. They seemed flawed to him, as everything did, but he could not see a way of improving them, so he found himself shunning them, if anything. But even so, he tends to spend a large amount of focus in prayer and in the religious rituals, he finds it more as a way to build up a strong foundation in himself, and even a way to meditate and take control of his mind and body in a more spiritual way. People joined in and left, it was mostly uneventful. As people began to funnel out, and head to eat, Law took his time to continue his personal praying and leave only when he was the last academ out.

Then it was dinner time, the morning meal, of which Laurence found a isolated spot where he could eat quickly and head to his designated class early. As an Upper Maje, Laurence mostly worked by himself or with other Upper Majes. The lower academ were more attuned towards refining and learning new techniques, but when they reached an Upper Maje rank, they spent most of their time mastering their own techniques or tutoring lower students. Law, today, was sparring with some other Upper Maje. Some knights were watching, as knights always did. The knights usually watched the students, looking for someone they could steal away for themselves. It was more pressuring for the Upper Majes, but some of the lower students had knights watching, looking for younger blood.

The sparring was quite casual amongst most Upper Majes, they each other well enough to keep from accidentally hurting each other while keeping their focus quite strong. For the most part, they were able to have fun while still keeping their demeanor professional for the watching knights. Most of the Upper Majes did not much enjoy sparring with Law. He was quite optimistic about sparring, but often went all out, sometimes hurting his partner or simply showing them up. Being humiliated or hurt did not increase their chance of getting picked by one of the mentors. They especially hated it when Law would inevitably decline the offers.

Law stood in an ochs stance, as they were training with hand and a half swords for now. His partner was another Teuton, someone a tad older than him. They took some time circling one another, posing and switching forms before Airrow took the initiative with a lunge from his ochs stance. His partner's answer was a counter by use of a crooked cut to trap and cut Law's back. Laurence's response was quite unconventional. He weaved out of the lock entirely (something somewhat odd for a Teuton to do) and dashed back in for a horizontal cut, but was blocked quite direly by his partner, then slid his blade up for a counter. Law guided the blade away and levered his blade for another cut, this one diagonal. The end of his weapon came in contact with his opponent's neck. It was a controlled hit, but it still hit hard enough to send his partner into a coughing fit and a reddened neck. They were older, so they were passed the wooden weapons. They used full steel weapons for sparring, they were completely dulled of course, flattened, practically, to keep form cutting.

The next few rounds, Laurence simply guided his opponent's wrath and took control of the locks through quick application of counters. Even the knights pitted Law's opponent. It always made Law feel quite pragmatic when this happened, even when he tried not to.
Jakob remembered the man from his daily visits to the temple, and vaguely knew most of the aspirants in the priesthood. He respected any who dedicated their lives to the cloth, and those who showed true respect even more so. He had to raise his eyebrow at the others mans wording though, and lazily glanced at the dragons in the distance before answering.

"You should know I teach the class of tactics for Templars, Rowan. Petty distraction will not work on me." He allowed a brief smile over his face to keep the conversation light hearted. "But if you do not wish to discuss it, that is fine. It is every mans prerogative to handle their own problems.."
Rowan was shocked by Jakob's answer. Feeling a little embarrassed Rowan paused before answering. This knight is showing concern, It is a blessing, be thankful Rowan though to himself. Eesna works in strange ways.

"It's my mentor, Master Shaman Gaol." Rowan said "Something is bothering him, he acted odd during the rite, distant" It felt good to tell someone else, but he couldn't understand why, Rowan was unaccustomed to opening up to others. "I think it has something to do with the dragons." Rowan looked at the beasts as he spoke of them. "I was very surprised to see them here when I returned from my pilgrimage, I cannot understand peace with devils." Rowan looked back at the knight and noticed he was watching the dragons as well.
"Devils... Of course," Jakob muttered absent mindedly before finally tearing his eyes away to focus on the priest. "Master Gaol is simply afraid we might lose favor with the gods for allying with them. I... can understand his concern, in some ways." Jakob sighed, knowing that wasn't likely enough to settle the lad. His ego had been stepped on by his master being distracted, which was hardly fair to him who'd tried so hard.

"Worry not for your master, he will recognize your accomplishments soon enough. You should get something to eat, ser priest. It's been a long journey for you has it not?"
Rowan nodded as Jakob spoke, looking at the older man. Jakob's words consoled Rowan more than he expected. Jakob's reputation for wisdom is true.

In some ways
the knights words rang in Rowans head, these dragons are devils, that is what the Gods teach us. "I hope Master Gaol finds peace." Rowan said, "and then recognizes my accomplishments" Rowan added with a smile. He hadn't joked in a long time.

"Yes it was a long journey, there is more injustice in this country than even the Templars can right." Rowans brow furled at the memories of the streets. "but my faith does not waiver." Rowan thought about eating again. May as well he thought.

"I'll see you later Ser Knight" Rowan said with a smile and another bow. "May Eesna protect and guide your path" on that note Rowan turned and headed for the dining hall.
Nozz sat on the very top tower of the Grand Temple, the highest point for miles. He needed to meditate, and altitude helped. He stabbed Hurricane into the ground, embedding the blade's impossibly sharp tip into the stone before placing a small golden scale, preserved in a sealed glass case beside it. Then, with a deep breath, pricked his palm with a Griffon Horn, an item deadly to Dragons, feeling his blood begin to burn with the magical venom, the only thing that could kill a dragon outright.

"Spirits of Yl." He said to no one, talking to the very air. "Allow me to see my loved ones through these anchors. I need their guidance now, more than ever."

And with a jolt, the dragon collapsed as his soul left his body.

Then, with a gasp, his eyes snapped open and he found himself lying in the middle of a massively expansive field, in his true form. Noz'Onn looked around, whipping his neck around until he saw those he had come here for. A massive blue dragon, even larger than him, stood in the field, entirely calm and peaceful, and nearby he could sense her presence. The golden dragon with the green eyes that burned for adventure. He couldn't see her though. His ritual wasn't strong enough for that. But he could sense her, and for now, that was enough.

"Sky, Mother!" He called out, running over to them before coming to an abrupt stop. They were dead. He couldn't interact with them The Ritual gave sight, but it couldn't give feel, or sound. Sky seemed to have the same reaction, her presence growing sad and heavy. It broke Noz'Onn's heart. "It's okay..." He said, slowly, hoping that somehow, she could hear him. "Sky... It's fine." he sent as many happy feelings as he could through the connection the three of them shared, the scale, the sword, and the soul.

His mother cocked her head at her offspring, sending questioning feelings through the link. Remembering why he had come, he brought up all of the memories of his stay at Galt, including the newfound human treachery. While the specifics would be lost, he had faith that the general message would get through. While it kept them separate from those that were lost, Yl always looked after it's children. "What can I do? After everything I've done, everything I've learned, even losing the dragon I'd hoped to start a brood with, there's always more treachery. Always a knife poised to plunge into my back."

He felt tears on his cheeks as he sent the feelings across the link, and he felt Sky's emotions fall once again. The little contact they had must have given her a peek at the image of their nest in the southwestern mountains he'd sent.

The two dragons looked at one another for a second before images of came back through through the link, likely relayed from Sky, memories of their adventures, with the Griffons, the Foresworn, the Humans, and all of the troubles they had overcome. She had likely omitted the adventure that had killed her, of course. From Hurricane came reassuring images from his childhood, from when they were a family, even of his father. Noz'Onn knew what that last image was meant to symbolize. He came from a lineage of warriors. He would not fall to the duplicity of humans. But there was one more image.

An old man. A wizard? There were images of him alongside the Eldest, and it took a second for the Dragon to recognize him. "The High Magister? but... I don't understand, what does the High Magister have to do with any of this?"

Hurricane shook her head, as if to say "You need to figure this one out on your own."

sighing in resignation, Noz'Onn acquiesced. "Fine." He then tried to reach out to Sky. "I guess this is goodbye again." He said, extending a paw. The golden dragon seemed to try and push against the barrier between them, but the resistance that separated the living from the dead prevented her. "I love you Sky. And I miss you every day. My firstborn daughter will fly under your name, I promise this."

She seemed to approve, and Nozz awoke on the top of the tower. He was unaware of how much time had passed, but he could feel tear tracks on his cheeks.
"Alone, are you?"

The mad priest came strolling in to where Mal sat, still in the dining hall, trying to eat a leg of the cooked human food thread by thread. She levelled the man with a cold stare. "I have not yet received any direction from you or the knights. Are we to wander this place until we find somewhere to sit and twiddle our thumbs?"

She earned a chuckle from the man. He placed himself on the side opposite, and grinned all the while.

Madman. She thought.

He rolled out a scroll in front of her as she bit into a stripe of chicken. It slid slowly down her throat and lay, unsettling, in her stomach.

"Where are the other dragons?" He asked, staring downward. "I came to your meager accommodations in the morning, and saw no one."

Mal eyed him uncomfortably. "I have not seen Ma'ar since I awoke. What business is it of yours?"

"You should not leave the Grand Temple without my escort." He said, a light tone that contrasted his dark words. "Some of the guards seek your blood before our mutual peace. And some of the Templars, besides. It's dangerous, with the peace so tenuous as it is, to wander about with little in the way of thought." He looked up then, and there was a soberness to his gaze that Mal did not expect to find. "Heed this advice. I aim to be a servant to the Dragons. I am your only ally here."

Mal had been told as such, from the Eldest, and from the small tribe of surviving dragons that lived near him. But she wasn't so sure. Perhaps the madness was only a front; perhaps his strange giggles and wide, searching eyes were a face meant to fool the ignorant and the hostile. But she did not yet know this man, and she withheld her trust, and her dislike. "What are we to wait for?"

"There is a day-plan that they've marked out for you three, one which incorporates all three of the Orders in teaching. By the end of the year, they expect one of the orders will claim you to live in their lands. But should you prove unwanted by all three, they plan to send the dragons into the mountains to slay the remnants of the ForeSworn for them."

Mal regarded this information with a grimace. "And how do you know this?"

"I have been told as such." He leaned back, and the mad eyes returned. Lifrus gestured with a waving hand towards the grey brick of castle around them. "The walls, they speak to me to me." His voice was high, and reedy. Mal cringed.

The only evidence she had was his good name, then. Nonetheless, she would relay this to her companions. Noz'Onn, too. She sighed at the thought of him.

"It seems you hear me well. Good. Make sure you are on your best behavior during the welcome feast tonight." He said. "And do not forget to join the hunt at week's end. It will do wonders if you prove yourselves as humans." He seemed about to say more, but the dining hall doors were pushed open, and the priest's mad persona returned, a high, ear-piercing laugh breaking from his throat.

It seemed this conversation had reached its end. Mal stood. "Thank you, Priest." She said before heading for the door herself, moving around and past the one-armed man in blue garb, giving no acknowledgement.

Her stomach pained her with hunger, but she paid it no heed. It was nothing she wasn't used to. Mahl'Iss moved for the training field, where she had heard most of the humans had relocated to.

Whether the priest had spoke in line with truth or not, the way he pushed her was down a route she had already resolved to take. It furthered the strength of her commitment.

She surveyed the green field, where contraptions many were placed, and students fought under the watchful eye of mentoring knights. Mahl'Iss watched with a reserved expression. She had no place here.

She would have to make one.


Emmony lowered her sword when she saw the dragon come, and her sparring partner turned around to freeze at the sight as well.

They watched her make her way down the small rise, head held high in regal condescension. It stirred Emmie's stomach to watch the devil attempt the pretense of humanity.

"What brings a dragon here? Do her teeth not suffice in the gobbling of ForeSworn?" Her partner whispered, and Emmie bit her lip.

"I do not think she was invited." Emmie said. "Nor do I understand her purpose in coming."

"Do you think this sufficient cause to leave?"

"A hunt would do us good, I imagine." Emmie replied absent-mindedly. Her sparring partner, Beatrice, smiled at that and went to get the horses ready, but Emmie could not tear her eyes from the dragon for fear of the devil's intention. She had heard that the dragons had helped humanity in the war against the ForeSworn, yes -- but what good was that? There was no doubt some nefarious motive hidden under their attractive appearance, one veiled behind their fiendish eyes. That, Emmie was sure of.

The thwack of an arrow piercing deep into the archery target face broke into her thoughts.

Emmie saw Lureana a second time that day, dedicated as always, and practicing alone. She made her way over, and awaited just outside the range for a chance to speak without breaking the Academ's concentration.
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Lureana finished with her last arrow, and finally noticed the girl from earlier. Emmony or some-such, she recalled. She barely noticed the female dragon's presence. There weren't many people Lureana took note to remember. It wasn't because she disliked anyone, she just preferred to not cloud her mind with information that would not help her in her practices. Sliding the bow over her shoulder, she met the girls gaze.

"Good afternoon," she said as she glanced at the sky. The girl seemed intent on talking to her, something about the determined way she stood.
As Rowan was talking through the halls of the academy towards the entrance to the dining hall. Upon being able to see through the tall doors the The Lifrus Orfus caught his eye.

To Rowan's shock the son of the Abbas was talking to the blue haired dragon. He truly is mad Rowan thought to himself. The Lifrus giggled and shrieked as he talked to the devil. The dragon didn't seem pleased to be talking to him either, she stood but and headed for the door. Rowan caught a glimpse of her draconic eyes. That one always looks angry he thought while he put his head down not to gaze for too long. The dragon payed him no attention and walked out. Rowan was relieved, to be honest the young acolyte was fearful of the creatures and their unholy power.

As Rowan found a seat to eat he watched Lifrus dance his way out of the dining all. The friend of the dragons Rowan had a strange feeling and forgot about his food, the acolyte got up and decided to follow the madman. Rowan walked quickly to the doors to catch anther glimpse of Lifrus around the corner.
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