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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

"Perhaps they could bear witness, Padre." The Fire Dragon replied, a spark firing in his mind. "This is holy ground, is it not? Your fellows believe that it weakens me. Were you to perhaps, declare this a safe zone for my true form, if only so I may rest in peace, mayhaps you could convince visitors to come and bear witness. I am, after all, on a mission of peace. What good is peace when I must hide my good intentions behind such a crude mask?" He'd tried this before, in the lands to the southwest. There was a town that had a decently large cult based around dragons, and with their help, he'd managed to remain in his true form for years.
Arterus watched the scene in shock. A giant beast was lying in the middle of the hall, taking over one third of it. Heat was emitting from it's body and red glowing reptilian eyes, boring down upon a small girl. She was beautiful in an icy and clod way, her hair brilliant white flowing down a back rigid in fear? Or is it anger? Well, definitely anger, since she spoked in a hissing language back at the beast, not the least amount of trembling in her voice. There's also an old man which he recognised as the mad priest bowing down to the creature. So these are dragons. He vagely remember a rumor that they're coming this moon, but never cared to investigate futher. Whatever is it they're doing, he wanted no part of it. Arterus careful step back, his eyes still on the red dragon, until his foot touched a crumbled stone and created an audible "crack!".
"Pfah!" The priest reared back in a broken laugh. "If I were to declare this a 'safe zone'? Surely you jest. I am the heretic that worships dragons. You think my word means a thing to them, except to throw aside and trample underfoot?" A wide-reaching smile passed the man's thin lips. "Still so innocent of human affairs.... I think it's a lovely thing." His hand hovered towards Noz'Onn's scales, but hesitated just before contact, hesitant to touch so holy a being.

Mal rolled her eyes. "You couldn't have thought to ask before you shifted?" A fool, through and through. She cursed herself for ever thinking she could rely upon him in any measure. "Now shift back." She was liable to transform herself now, if only to tear the clod apart with her own teeth.
Noz'Onn was all but willing to ignore the whelp before him, barely a Drake, before he heard the noise from the hallway. He wasn't sure if Mal had heard it, but he shifted back instantaneously, in case the intruder had less than noble intentions.

"Who goes there!" He called out, back in his cramped human body.
Arterus froze in his place. The dragon had heard him, and now running would be less than wise. The beast could probably chase him down or whack him with its massive tale even before he could get near the door. Cursing inwardly, He instead made himself walk forward into the light, keeping his face calm and emotionless, showing no fear whatsoever. But the dragon was there no more. In its place was a young man, barely older than him, with red hair and eyes. Arterus frowned slightly.
Jakob had wandered the halls of the academy, lost in thought and eyes staring through the freshly mopped floors in concentration. He knew deep down that prayer was the only way to truly help him, but he tried putting some thought in on how to approach the gods on his dilemma. A part of him, the part that valued honor and chivalry, urged him to speak to the dragons on what his order intended, as it stood against everything Templars stood for.

On the other hand, he was a servant of the Templars, and had vowed to do as ordered unto death. His mind battled with itself over his options, and when he entered the temple completely failed to notice the tension in the air. He walked past the dragons, not registering who they were and mumbling a greeting as he passed and headed for the altar.
Arterus noticed Magister Jakob walking by. He almost jumped in relieve. Surely the Magister could see the situation, which is rapidly degrading from dangerous to awkward. The dragons didn't seem to be intending to hurt him or they would have done it already. Instead, they just stare at him silently, bring holes into him. But Jakob didn't seem to notice, just walk by mumbling some greeting. He fought the urge to call out to the man, unsure what would happen. The Magister passed and the awkward silent returned.
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Mahl'Iss stiffened at the sight of the approaching human. A fear possessed her, that he'd seen the full might that Noz'Onn had so stupidly seen fit to exhibit. She gauged him with an analytical eye, and did not shift her line of sight when a second human, that Templar Magister from earlier, entered and passed. The offending human did not call out for help; this was in his favor. But she did not yet banish the thought of devouring him.

"What are you doing here, human?" She finally asked.
Arterus's back straightened as he pressed down his fear furiously, trying to look calm and collected. It was easier with the dragons in human form, even though that cold eyes of the girl made him uneasy. "I am Arterus. Whatever you are doing, it's none of my concern. I'm only passing through. Now if you excuse me, I have a gathering to attend."

He turned his back on them, still feeling the eyes on his back making them itch. He fought the urge to run and calmly walk toward the entrance.
Jakob knelt a short distance away from the others, the main altar looming above him as he bowed his head in reverence and began to ask for guidance. The whispers from those who shared the room with him didn't bother him, so intense were his prayers and thoughts that he barely even registered them. He did not like that his faith now asked him to lie to those invited into their home under the pretense of peace and safety.

My heart tells me to aid those under threat, but my loyalty is with those who would do the harm. Show me your will, Airesh, that I might do as you ask.
Mal gave Noz'Onn a long, withering glare and called out to the human, "Halt, there."

She began walking, swiftly, towards him, aware that the Templar prayed behind and beyond where they stood. She watched the human carefully as she came, seeing his fear in the wavering of his eyes, and sensing it in the smell of cold sweat that wafted to her.

"Tell me now and say it swiftly. What have you come here for?" She was close enough to whisper, and he to hear. "And keep your voice soft. Do not call out to the man praying. Show respect and courtesy, lest I take offense."
Arterus involuntary took a step back. The hostality wasn't unexpected, but he had thought that they would let him go if he didn't show weakness. That was what he had learned about predators after his childhoos growing up near the wild. Apparently that was a wrong move. At such close range, the gaze was mesmorising. He couldn't look away from her bluw white eyes, terrified and captivated at the same time. Arterus swallowed painfully, his mouth very dry. "I have no intention of interrupting. I was at the top of the tower, watching the stars. I heard not of what you or the priest were discussing, nor did I intended too."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew he was a dead man. His excuse sounded lame and unrealistic. He sounded like a little frightened rabbit pleading for its life. He had shown weakness to the ultimate predators, and he was going to pay for it. A Teutonic wouldn't go down without a fight, but he wasn't one in all but title. And even the title was small and unimportant. He knew that he would lose.

Resigned, Arterus met the dragon's gaze squarely. "If you are going to kill me, do it quickly. No one will remember me anyway. And yes I am alone." He relazed his muscle and closed his eyes, waiting for a spike to pierce his heart or a claw to rip his throat.
Slowly, as if he were a shark, Nozz moved to block the exit. If Mahl were to scare the human off now, a terrified student running through the campus would surely cause... problems.
The cowardly reply assured Mal some, but it was not a complete assurance. She had to absolutely confirm that this man was a slave to fear, or else devour him and leave no trace that he had ever come. A glance to Noz'Onn's position behind the human propelled her forward in an attempt to scare the human into moving backwards.

"Your words ring true, and your fear seems sincere." Mahl'Iss breathed a cold cloud against the human's face. "It would be best for you not to dare utter a word of this to a single soul, Loride. Should you foolishly wield the blade of your mouth against my kind, know that I will," She bared her needle-point teeth. "use you to warm my stomach." Her words were a frozen hiss against his ear, and as she reached the end thereof, she pushed her hand against his chest, exerting pressure, pushing him backwards with the intent of sending him stumbling into the fire dragon beyond.


As it is prone, the statue encased in green and swirling shine began to glow as the wind about and around Jakob began to stir, tugging at his coat, encircling the exposed skin of his face and neck.

It was a soft breeze, consoling, and refreshing and it blew in a constant flow around him.

A quiet voice spoke to his inner soul; "You are of my most loyal Chosen. Trust your own judgement, and do not falter. Seek me first, and all shall fall into place."
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Jakob's eyes flew open at the voice caressing his mind, jaw working soundlessly and thoughts whirling. He almost missed what the voice said in his befuddlement, and tried to calm himself to decipher the meaning of it.

How can I seek you? What shall fall into place? He thought fervently, eyes darting over the relic in desperation and restrained excitement.
But the voice fell silent, and the air grew calm around him. The presence vanished without a trace, and the glow faded away. A stillness filled the prayer room, the more dead for the comfort that had once come.
The longer the silence continued, the more his excitement bubbled into anger as he stared at the now-dead relic. His brow furrowed in suppressed rage at having been answered so ambiguously. But he'd been spoken to by a god! One of the beings he worshipped every night for the entirety of his life had chosen to speak to him!

It even said I was of it's chosen! But... to follow only my own judgment on this, of all things?
Almost at once his doubt was swept away, his expression turning to one of determination. It matters not. One of the gods has decided my will shall suffice. What I do is ordained by the gods, and no Templar can stand before such certainty. Let come what may.

Standing from the relic at the altar, Jakob turned on his heel and began marching through the pews towards the exit. The group at the door made him angry at first, as at first glance they looked like students about to play rough with one another. Upon closer inspection, he halted mid-step at the distinct hair color of the dragons. The young lad looked about to soil himself between the two.

"My lords! I do not mean to intrude but, what is going on here?"
"Ah Magister. It's nothing. I'm just...getting to know the...new students." Arterus sighed in relieve, picking himself off the ground. "Hey, can I take to you about something?" He said, stroding pass the fuming dragon girl, deliberately no looking at her. He wasn't scared when he thought he was going to be killed, more like a feeling of tired resignation. Somehow, the idea that he was not going to die seemed less intriging than it should had been.

His whole time at the Academy had been a less than exciting. It might have been that that's why he had skiped the gathering that day, why he sometimes broke curfew and sneaked out at night. It might have been that he had longed for something like this to happen. Arterus wondered whether or not he had made the sound on purpose. Whether or not he had seek the conflict even if it's against his nature just to end the boredom. Arterus fwlt a smile stretched his lips. It would definitely not going to be boring this time with these dragons around.
"What are you doing out past curfew? You may speak but make it quick, I will not keep you from punishment should another find you out." Jakob crossed his arms and waited somewhat impatiently, eager to be about the business of speaking with the dragons. He knew which way his conscious had pushed him to, and had little time for a students idle fancies.
"I felt asleep up on the roof." Arterus said apologetically. He was not fond of the idea of revealing his Fortress of Solitude, but the look on the Magister's face was enough to for him to spill everything. "I'm moving back to the dorm now." He turned away hurriedly, changing his mind about talking to Jakob and got the hell out of there.
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Jakob uncrossed his arms and frowned at the student's hasty retreat, realizing how badly he must have come across. He silently berated himself for his actions and impatience, it was a magister's job to be approachable and he had failed the boy miserably. Shaking his head at himself, he turned to the two dragons and lowered his voice.

"I must speak with you in private, honored guests. Tomorrow, meet me on the tourney field around noon if it pleases you. It has to do with your mission here." He bowed deeply and left for the Magister quarters and his bed.
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Nozz shrugged, and as the heavy doors closed, turned to Mal and the priest once more. "Now. Where were we?"
Mahl'Iss stood taut and tense after they had left, and levied a cold stare at Noz'Onn upon his words. "You just realized the level of foolishness recently committed and were about to apologize to me and our species for almost inciting a war. You are now willing to cooperate and will head to bed with no complaints. We will figure out what to do about this mess before sunrise tomorrow." She bit her thumb. "We must find a way to seal that boy's mouth, or it may spell doom for us all."

A gelid breath escaped her as fear and indignant ran through her. Mal snarled her frustration into the air, clouds escaping her mouth and a coldness emanated off her skin in a wintry wave.

She turned to the now-quiet priest. "Where are our quarters for the night?"

The priest bowed his head low. "There are beds prepared for you in the upper room, where pilgrims are wont to stay. If it pleases you, I shall lead you there and bid goodnight."
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Nozz snarled and jammed a finger into the Girl's chest. "You forget, Glacier. I have the Seniority here. I spent decades amongst the Little Souls, and I can handle myself! Not once in over half a century was I caught in Dragon Form, and I won't be told what to do by a girl barely out of drakehood! If you want to be in charge so damned much, you can!" With that, he walked over to his trunk and slung it over his shoulder as if it weighed nothing. "I'll be back before sunrise." He simply said as he shouldered open the door.
Mal's eyes flashed at the hostile treatment. "You are nothing, Hindrance!" Mahl'Iss called after him. "Do not return!"

She spat to the side, her spit freezing partway and shattering against the floor. If he saw the error of his ways, there might be a slant hope. But she saw only the fool in him now, and doubted he'd do much good to anyone, repentant fool or unrepentant. This place was not for his kind. The Fire Dragons could never restrain themselves, whatever the cost, and the boiling blood was running wild in this dragon.

Furious, and doubting she'd find any sleep this night, she ordered the wide-eyed priest show her to their quarters. It was a wooden room, constructed like an afterthought, and three stacks of hay covered in a sheet were lain beside the far wall. The priest apologized for the humble living space, but Mal paid him no heed, and insisted he leave her.

Alone, and taking a calming breath, she moved for the window, and stared across the field of grass to the Academy's front door, her fingers tapping restlessly against the window pane as she awaited a glimpse of Ma'Arr.

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