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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

Lureana nodded. That would be it, wouldn't it? She thought. She watched the medic. "That would make the most sense." She met his gaze with Heinrich, and then acknowledged the dragon. "I am Lureana, Lady from the house Rompth." She said, rather bored of the title. Her family and their mystery made the name something of a spectacle, at least according to the other nobles. "Just call me Lureana, please," she said, even though she probably shouldn't have. It would be the next big gossip by morning among the nobles, she was sure.
"A Noblewoman, eh?" Nozz asked as he buttoned his shirt. "Can't say I'm too familiar with the assorted nobility, but I am sure you're a woman of great honour, as well as beauty." He added with a bow, adopting the manners he'd learned with the southern kingdoms, a land filled with rich men and women who all stood on pomp and circumstance.
Lureana cocked her head to the side slightly. "Of honour I am. You seem to know a bit of charming the nobles, regardless," she said as she laid her hand onto the small dagger she kept on her hip, out of habit more than defense. "The Lionharts will enjoy your company once they surpass their suspicions, I'm sure." She glanced over her shoulder towards one of the other academ from her class that seemed to be out on a nightly stroll. Lureanna rolled her eyes. Sometimes she wished they had better classes on stealth.
The Dragon could sense something was off with the noblewoman, but he chose not to pry. "The air is very clean here, much cleaner than I would have expected." He said, changing the subject. "I'd kill to stretch my wings, but I suppose my legs'll have to do." He added, starting off into the field at a jog. "I'll see you around, I suppose. I'll be here for a while."
The bell tolled, a clear and all-encompassing sound that echoed through the enclosed space of the inner Academy walls.

It was the call for evening prayer, and summoned every academ to the common room of their class' tower. And to it, every student knew to respond with haste and immediacy. The day was done, and the calling would await their reply with a hurried impatience. No student was allowed after dark, after the torches lighting the keep and courtyard had gone out, and it would be a serious demerit to their career as academ.

As they approached the common room, they expected kneeling and the recital of the chants they had heard from the time they'd been too young to think.

But tonight, no priest stood prepared in the gowns of blessing. Instead, a circle of benches and stools had been made round the burning hearth, and every Order leader's proxy stood within it, holding in their hands a prepared parchment, and surveyed the growing, trickling crowd with somber expressions.

Tonight was a night of demands, and every Order had their own agenda to present. And their own rewards, at that.
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Jakob Von Salzahausen stood amongst the other magistrates, his own parchment held loosely in one so as not to crumple it. He had high hopes for this evening, but tried to temper his enthusiasm with a touch of humility. He knew the other orders needed more fighting men to keep their offense strength up as a whole, but his own branch could use some serious boost in manpower. Hopefully tonight's events could persuade a few students to lean more in his direction.
Lureana waved to the dragon as he left. At that moment, the bell tolled and she made her way to the Lionhart tower. The leaders all held their own parchments and she let out a sigh. She hoped the leaders weren't as long winded as some of the prayers. She missed her jog this evening due to unforeseen circumstance and was determined to wake before morning prayer in order to catch a nice run at morning instead.
Nozz came to a halt as the bell tolled. He had no idea what it meant, but knowing the humans, it was probably something to do with a curfew. With a frustrated sigh, tinged with black smoke, he started heading towards the building marked out for their sleeping arrangements, hoping that they'd at least let him sleep in a proper form.

If they didn't, a little subterfuge would be in order.


The bell rang as Torath sat in his office, drinking a cup of tea. He was technically supposed to be at those meetings, but he hadn't gone in over thirty years. As the High Magister, nobody dared doubt his piety, and just assumed he prayed on his own.

The reality couldn't be any farther from that.

On his desk sat a basin of what appeared to be blood. His blood, to be exact.

The blood boiled and exuded steam, steam that formed into the ghostly image of a place the Wizard could see from his window, a mountain cave. Inside the cave sat a man that appeared eerily similar to Torath, and was also drinking tea, only his eyes were deeper, older, and his beard was much shorter. "So, old friend. How was their first day? Any mishaps?"

The wizard smiled into his cup. "None. The Ice Dragon seems pretty clueless to Human customs, but I suppose she'll learn soon enough. The Air Dragon... I have to admit, I lost track of him after a while. He's fairly reserved."

"And the fire dragon? What of Wildfire?"

The wizard placed a hand to his forehead. "Well, you were right, he's definitely at home amongst humans. He even sparred against a Teutonic Student."

"Ouch... and the result?"

"A slightly bent sword, and a couple broken ribs."

"Well, that's good at least." The eldest said with a kindly smile. "So long as we keep that silly little religion at bay, I have high hopes for our little mission. Have you talked to them yet?"

"Not yet. I was going to let them settle down first, wait until tomorrow."

"Good man."
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Arterus opened his eyes as the bell rang in the distance, its ringing leaving the air trembled. He lay there staring up into the night sky, silently watching thousands upon thousands of flickering stars outlining the endless darkness behind them. He sighed softly as the bell rang more insistantly, and slowly sat up, the wind causing his shirt and slightly long hair to billow out behind him. Not many people come to the open top of the tower anymore, and so he got the whole place to himself. He loved to be alone up here under the infinite sky, the closest to being in nature he could get in the Academy. Staying here was bending the rule a bit, but no one really paid him any attention. It's probably for the best, because the life of the Academy revolved around training in battle, and it was against his nonviolent nature. He was always a sore thumb sticking out, an outcast. Did't stop him from trying to charm the ladies though.

Grudgingly, Arterus grabbed his wool coat and put it on. He was breaking another rule by not wearing the uniform of the Teutonic. Luckily for him, no one object to that, since the Teutonic leader had already given up trying to make him one of them long ago, due to his benevolent nature. He flipped on his hood, look around for the last time before turning and ascending the tower stair.
Jakob watched the crowd grow steadily from his place by the podium, and when he finally saw Braund moving toward him, held out the roll of parchment. He was a branch leader, and thus a suitable honor guard for such a prestigious man. He went to one knee for his liege, bowing his head while the other man took the roll from him.

"In the name of the gods," He said quietly.
Olivia stood out in the training grounds, gripping the wooden lance with the utmost care and precision but weak force. She was riding her horse, Angel around at a faster pace than she normally would. Her steed stood strong and even after the long runs and sprints it had executed, no form of fatigue showed in its form and posture. Olivia was rapidly hitting the training dummies, trying to send it as far to the ground as possible. The lance she was using was beginning to weaken and grew blunt. Her hands were filled with the splinters given off by the wooden weapon, they were small but plentiful. She was certainly better than she was 3 years ago, but her skill and strength show undesirable progresses, she was progressing at a upward pace. Her sobbing had definitely come to a abrupt end though, which in her eyes was a major achievement.

(This post was primarily made to get the updates from the role play. :3)

The proxy accepted the parchment with a regal nod, and swung the paper open, clearing his throat as his eyebrows arched in interest.

The man’s name was Bernard of Clairvoux, and he was well-renown for his skill not only with the blade, but with the pen. His words were a source of exhortation for the Templars, and many pointed to and echoed his writings as a witness to their own beliefs. And so his presence here was one that piqued the interest of many; indeed, the number of visiting templars had heightened in the years that Bernard served as Leviticus Baund’s proxy to the Academy, and whispers surrounded his presence; namely that his position there was for the purpose of obtaining Leviticus Baund’s own squire.

This suspicion would soon be confirmed.

“Hear ye, children of Light, chosen of Airesh, of Flamberge, and of Eesna.

I, Leviticus Baund, speak unto you.

I begin with a reminder; I would remind you to recall that you were born in the presence of the gods, and that you were formed in the womb to become a warrior for them. I would remind you that your loyalty is to the gods before it is to men, and that your strength is not your own, but is given to you from the ones you serve.

I would remind you that these ‘Dragons’ are devils. They served in the Severing, and pulled us from our rightful place among the gods. They are selfishly ambitious, sadistically ruthless, and hatefully envious. And, as it is written in the Holy Book of Revelations, they seek our destruction; they pant desperately for it.

Meditate your minds on these truths, my children, submit to them in humility, and you will hear my further point.

The protectors of the clergy have grown few in this age. Demons walk among us, and none would stand against them. It is a darkness that overshadows our land in this age; a sickly, putrid air permeates our once safe and pure walls. This land that is meant to nurture and grow has been made a home for devils and a bastion of corruption, and we have the… other brothers to thank for this. I stood against the foolishness, the outright depravity of urging these demons into our own school, but the would not listen. They believe these dragons have proved themselves worthy, and deny the impunitive teachings found in the Holy Word.

Do not be so deceived as they. These devils want nothing more than to tear apart even the remnants of communion we now enjoy.

Understand this, and be righteously enraged. Then, turn this rage against the devils that have invaded these hallowed halls. Find proof of their evil, of the untrustworthy nature that they so desperately try to hide, and expose them to our brethren. They have given their word not to break from their human form, but their treacherous nature will cause them to break their word only because they cannot stand to do anything good and upright. So watch them with careful, ready eyes, children. Be prepared, and if you prove yourself of such dedication, expect a great reward. For I will not be unjust to leave you without worthy recompense for your actions.

We serve the gods before men. Make this motive a pointed purpose, and you shall never fall to the corruption of evil.

Stay strong, children. Lead them, brethren. And my dear friends, Keep the Faith.

Deus Vult.

So Saith Leviticus Baund

Grand Master of the Templar Order.”

The final words echoed in the small space and Bernard of Clairvoux folded the parchment closed. His eyes closed slowly, and a smile graced his lips lightly.

“It is truly a blessing to hear such honesty, is it not?” He said quietly, his voice now a murmur in comparison to the booming that had erupted from him while reading Baund’s words. “Ahh, I think they spoke well for all of our thoughts.” He spread a smile around them, and stepped back, motioning to the magisters. “Let us continue with an evening prayer, shall we?”

The Academ kneeled all as one, coming forward as the magisters bowed their heads. Committing their hearts to the heavens, they were united in faith.

And Emmie simmered as she prayed, the memory of demons only a short walk from their haven chafing on her thoughts and heart. She resolved to expose them, out of dedication to the gods and to her father; to show herself worthy in the clearest way she knew how.


The hearthfire crackled in a welcoming tone as the cushioned benches filled with poised and sighing Academ. A small troupe of bards played on lute, harp, and flute as the Academ settled in, and a well-dressed, scampy-looking, grinning man with long, brushed hair took spindly steps to stand in the circle before them.

He was Fabian Beaumont, Richard Adalric’s delegate, and he raised his voice amidst the allure of sound rising around him, the two paths of noise melding into a strange, unintentional melody.

“My compatriots, and students. I come bearing reports and directions from the Great Lord of our Order, Richard Adalric, who bears a simple, accommodating request.

Be kind. Be good to these guests we have bid to come to our home. They dragons have served us well during the war and we would endeavor that they continue to serve, and be wanting to serve our good order. Protect them, treat them well, and do as you do best. Foreigners they be, lost, scared, seeking to be one of us, and coveting our human forms. Indeed our riches be great, but forget not your responsibilities, brothers. We are as we are because the gods knew we were of greater ilk with which to handle such heavy burdens. Keep this in mind, as we do face some form of devilry.

So saith Richard Adalric, simply, honestly and forthright as he is always known to be. Three cheers for our great leader!”

The spindly man raised his hands, calling up a rising of sound with him as the academ answered with, in some cases reluctant, exultation. When the noise had reached its end, he grinned proudly at them, and took a long bow.

“Now, a ball and feast shall be prepared tomorrow, funded by our Order alone, in welcome and celebration of these dragons. Eat, drink, and be merry.”

The exaltation following this piece of news lacked any kind of reluctance, much to Fabian’s amusement. He took a second bow, and bid them goodnight.


Karl von Walpot was the Hochmeister of the Teutonic Order, and Ludolf von Tiefan worked as his proxy within the grounds of Gallace’s academy. Ludolf was a powerful presence. A richly muscled frame rippled across his exterior, framed by a square jaw, and serious, smoldering eyes. A demanding man, he gazed about the Teutons that entered with an unforgiving scowl, and before they had even reached their seats, he tore open the scroll and opened his mouth.

“Hear ye, hear ye! The words of Karl von Walpot will be read only once.” He cleared his throat. “Attention, my Loyal Teutons, as you may be aware, our ancient enemies now walk amongst us, but not as enemies. They are here as a resource for us to tap.

At the end of the Great Slaying, we had obtained all manner of blessings from our gods and an indomitable strength. But as you may be aware, we are nowhere near as powerful as we could be. While these dragons are here, I request, nay, demand, that you bring them under our power. No matter how intelligent these creatures may seem, they are animals. And animals are to be tamed by the powers of man.

And you are the ones to do it. Guided by your mentors here, lead the dragons into the true mindset that man is the superior being. Show to them your human might and instill such terror that they shake like leaves before you. That is your task and that is your purpose.

Show your fealty by your works.

So saith Karl von Walpot.


The paper closed, and the man bid them good rest and worthy words for their prayers. He left for his own quarters without further ado. It was a fitting exit; Ludolf was not a man known by his words.
Noz'Onn shouldered the door to the temple open, and whipped it shut with the tail that began growing from his spine. He was tired, and had little care for who was in the area set out for them. He noted his rather large trunk in one corner, and smiled slightly. That trunk had kept him safe for decades, and he was glad to see it again. As his clothes blended into his skin, and he became more draconic looking, he shouldered off Hurricane as great wings erupted from his shoulder blades, touching the very top of the vaulted ceiling as they escaped confinement. With a yawn, the 25 foot long dragon curled up in the corner near his trunk, and tried to get some sleep.
Mahl'Iss spent her time apart from Noz'Onn alone with her own thoughts, gathering her swirl of a mind and attempting to point it in a single direction.

She'd reclined at the Dining Hall table, but soon tired of the humans' curious stares. She waited for Ma'Arr outside the door of the Grand Temple. That the dragon boy was so young did worry her some, not only because he lacked experience, but because she feared he would easily fall prey to whatever ill the humans had planned by bringing the dragons here.

She shifted her weight as she waited, but a familiar sound caught in her ears, coming from within the Grand Temple behind her. Mal pushed open the door to see the fully transformed Noz'Onn curled up, overtaking a good fourth of the temple's ground floor.

"Noz'Onn..." Her voice below a whisper scathingly hissed between her teeth. "Why do you test the fates so?" She made her way across the temple, eyes flashing in anger. "This is the second time I've had to remind you, and the second time I've caught you in foolishness. Only the first day, and already you.... Is it a war you seek?" She stood before him now, and all manner of reproval was evident in her expression. "I should send word to the Elder that you have no interest in obeying his wishes."

The words passed her lips before her mind, but it was there they remained the most. Indeed it would be best for Noz'Onn to return to the Dragon tribe. He was too unrestrained, too wild to handle so delicate a mission. For all his claim at human contact, he lacked any sense of responsibility.

Cold clouds exuded from her nostrils as she awaited for his reply, for some justification or explanation of his actions. Mal doubted any excuse could cover such folly.
Protecting the dragons, eh? Lureana shrugged at the thought before heading off to her room. She dressed into something more comfortable, putting her cloak on a rack. She made no definite plans to involve the dragons with herself, but if the occasion arose that they needed "protection" or just simple conversation, she would not be adverse to helping. She settled into bed and fell asleep with plans of how she would schedule her tomorrow.
With a groan of frustration, Noz'Onn flicked an ear and opened the eye closest to the noise. Were he not dead tired, he would have found it funny that such a tiny creature was telling him off. "Why else would they give us lodgings with such high ceilings, if it wasn't to make our nights more comfortable?" He shot back. "I don't know if you've ever slept in your Human form, but it really sucks. So soft... and squishy." His scales quivered at the memory. "And how do you know the Eldest didn't tell them to give us Dragon-Sized lodgings?" he sniped with a sly grin.
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Mal took a moment to bask in the fire dragon's flagrant stupidity.

Then she gnashed her teeth at him in a furious, scolding gesture.

"The Eldest expressed with absolute certainty that transformation into our dragon form is a declaration of war." Mal admonished fiercely. "Now return to this inferior, confoundingly uncomfortable and weak body or so help me I'm flying to the Eldest tonight and neither of us are coming back here."
Heinrich stood still in the back of the room as all the other Teutons shuffled out, a wrap around his middle for the hairline fracture he'd received earlier. He watched the proxy move off the stage and crossed his arms in thought.

I already have an in with the red haired one. Perhaps I can convince him to do as I ask under the pretense of friendship? Surely the Hochmeister will favor me for such an act? He smiled and joined the crowd in leaving the room, thoughts of titles and lands filling his mind.
"Make. Me." He hissed, bringing his snout to Mal's face. The Dragon had been stepping on Eggshells all day, and he was not about to be lectured by someone who had probably never even seen a human before that day."One bite from me now, and nobody ever hears from Glacier ever again."

He could feel the temperature in the room increase with his anger, and the ice in Mal's eyes, while usually quite fetching, was doing nothing but anger him more.
Jakob only just managed to keep his mouth from opening in protest when the words of his order master finished. He stood beside the podium with his arms crossed and his eyes locked on the floor.

This cannot be! We may have been outvoted, but to be so underhanded in our pursuit of their purgation? Surely it is dishonorable before the gods to destroy one invited into our home? For the first time in years, he felt a fledgling of doubt creep into his mind at the direction the order had taken. If push came to shove he would support the church, but he would have no part in this madness.
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Typical, typical fire dragon. Mahl'Iss felt the hair bristle on her neck as she stared the dragon down. His kind was so unrestrained, so prone to passion and emotion. They lacked in reason, and once they set their mind on something they wanted, well, it was more likely for one to reverse the movement of the sun than to convince them to give up on it.

But the price was too high for Mal to walk away from this. Her species in the balance. She took a step towards the dragon, raising a hand and letting ice branch out from it, reaching towards the already sweltering heat of the red dragon's own face.

"A dragon!" A reverent voice called from the room. Mal turned her head to catch sight of Lifrus Orfus rising up from one of the Temple pews. "Oh great merciful Airesh!" He looked about ready to faint.

Mahl'Iss retreated her hand as he stumbled forward, his eyes bright and round. "You creature of majesty! Graciously do you bless this cursed ground with your holy presence..!"
Arterus decended the stair into the temple's main hall. The time between hearing the bell and getting up was much more than he thought, as he was captivated by the night sky once again that very evening. He was already late, he knew, and there's no use hurrying now. So he walked calmly down the steps, he felt the temperature rising uncommonly. What in the world were the Templar priest doing this time, he thought. Burning witches in the main hall? He also heard some hissing sound, and something "holy presence'? He knew what trouble he would be in, getting caught seeing the ceremony or whatever that is they were doing. Arterus had already started to formulate a plan to sneak out of the place unseen, until he stepped around the door to the stair and walked into a strange scene.
"Oh, praise be to Yl." Noz'Onn said exasperatedly, his voice sounding much deeper than what he'd been hearing all day. "Padre, I'm sure you know that Dragons prefer to sleep in our natural forms, yes? After all, it was a wise move indeed to give us space in such a grand and massive room." he added, trying his best to subtly turn the reverence to his favour.
"Well, certainly it would be, if it were not an act of war." Mahl'Iss said, finding it difficult to remain patient around such a fool. "Recall what the Eldest said before we left on our journey, Wildfire." She shifted to the draconian tongue, the familiar words burning in her chest as she recalled them. "'Do not let them witness your change, for if you do, then blood shall run across this land as it did in the past age.' " She kept a steady gaze on the fire dragon as she spoke, but a sense of urgency was eating at her. Anyone could come in now, and ruin this one opportunity at co-existence. It was so that the longer she waited for Noz'Onn, the greater her hatred for him grew.

"So beautiful..." The priest murmured, reaching his hands up towards the expanse of wings. "I wish you could remain in this form while among the others..." He lowered his tone to an angry whisper. "That would show them."

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