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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

Rolling his shoulders, Heinrich showed his teeth in a smile mixed of both eagerness and aggression and charged forward. He juked left and down, as if he were about to swing for the leg, but brought it into an upward arc for his opponents shoulder.
seeing the feint, the Dragon shifted his body so the blade passed right in front of him before taking a swing of his own, aiming as if to bisect the Human while his blade was in the air.
As soon as his swing missed, Heinrich grunted in alarm but kept his forward momentum. He tucked his shoulder, taking the hit to his arm instead of his torso and slamming himself into the beast to drive him back with all his weight, and hopefully even knock him down.
Nozz used the humans Ram as an excuse to move backwards out of range and reassess the situation. He'd cost the human an arm, but it was obvious that for all the aggression roiling in him, there was also a dogged determination. It reminded the Dragon of some of the younger fire dragons, and probably his younger self. So eager to prove himself and win, and oh so willing to take risks. "That's one arm out of the way, mein fruend." He said, struggling slightly with the less-familiar German phrase. "Let's see if I can't take another." he added, using the space he'd gained to charge and build momentum. Aiming for the weakened side, the dragon began to swing for the human's neck.
Heinrich felt the bleeding bite on his arm very acutely, and grit his teeth in anger. He held the injured limb behind his back and switched to his off hand. When the other man charged, he dropped to one knee to duck beneath it and swung for a leg, needing to get the man off balance and away from his offside.
Shit! Nozz thought as he saw the man duck, he threw his weight forward in an attempt to go over the blade, only for it to nick his leg. While in a real fight, all it would have done is cut his trousers, he called for the human to stop. With an analytical tutting noise, he ran his hands over the scuffed scales. "Well. You didn't draw blood, but you did hit the skin. I suppose that still counts?"
"That would be up to you, Dragon." Heinrich took the opportunity to put a bit of distance between them, "I would not claim to know what you consider an honorable hit. The one who is struck decides what is taken." He looked at his arm, noting it was a moderately deep gash, but shrugged it off. He would find retribution.
"Well. You wanted to face a dragon. I suppose I'd better not hold back." with one hand he undid the buttons on his shirt, and shrugged the article off, revealing a muscular, if skinny, form. No point in ruining another piece of clothing. He thought to himself.

"I don't expect you to hold back either, now come at me. I'm not going to breathe fire on you or anything."
"You do not know me well, Dragon. I never hold back." It was often something his instructors berated him over, in fact, to the point that he could relay their speeches on it verbatim. His only sense of chivalry was on the battlefield, and it was still not enough for what the knights wanted from him.

His face was set in a determined grimace, one hand behind his back and the other holding the sword out in front of him, ready for a riposte as he advanced. Not a run, nor a jog, Heinrich moved at a steady pace, focused on his opponents stance and looking for a hole in the defense. Since stabbing and head shots were not allowed with real weapons, he had fewer choices than he'd like, and sent a probing shot for the man's left arm, ready to respond quickly on the rebound.
The man's slow movement was agonizing, made worse in that, despite his words, the Dragon was forced to hold back, due to the strict restrictions he was under from his superiors. when the riposte came for his arm, the Dragon sidestepped and attacked Heinrich's weakened side, trying to press the advantage, trying to get a good 'killing blow' by attacking his legs.
Heinrich swept the blade back, having been waiting for the response and ready to reply in kind. He slapped the blade aside with his own in a backhanded swing and used the momentum for a rebound aimed at the midsection.

He knew an opponent who had anything above expert sword knowledge had him dead to rights already, and so assumed the worst in his adversary.

But if I am to lose, I might as well do my best to make him work for it.
Lureana stopped her practice after hearing the sound of a tussle in the ring. She had been so emerged into her training that she hadn't notice the red dragon arrive. She wiped her forehead off with her wrist before placing her rapier back into its proper spot. She grabbed a jug of water from a nearby and walked toward the ring. The boy looked a little clumsy next to the dragon, but a battle was always interesting when it took place. She vaguely recalled the boy being the cocky frog from earlier.

Finishing off her water, a servant came by and retrieved it from her. Finally catching her breath, she put her hands on her waist as she watched the struggle. The boy was probably going to lose, but Lureana took it as a learning experience. The dragon moved with intention, while the boy seemed to be doing his best to just get a hit. Crossing her arms, she figured in her own counters with some of the dragon’s movements, sometimes her imagined tactics averted her from the dragon’s attack and sometimes she was struck. Though it wasn’t the real thing, a planned counter can sometimes benefit in a battle, so long as it wasn’t a hesitation. In theory, knowing an opponent’s weaknesses and strengths was enough to give an advantage. Lureana only hoped the same could be said for dragons.
Nozz hadn't expected the human to be able to slap aside his blade so easily. In his hubris, he'd assumed that he was much weaker than reality. In theory, he could have brought his blade to bear in time, but the part of his brain trained in swordfighting overrode the limits he'd placed on himself for the fight. Without thinking, the Dragon reached out with his free hand, feeling the skin on his palms become harder and scalier as they wrapped around Heinrich's blade, then with all his strength, he pulled, trying to wrench it out of the Human's hands.
Heinrich blinked in surprise when the beast grabbed his sword, then squawked in surprise when he was hurled forward by a pull that lifted him off his feet. He flew for a good ten feet, arms flailing and sword forgotten until he landed heavily on his side, rolling to a stop on his back and looking at the sky.

"...Ow," He managed to squeak out through his lack of breath.
The Dragon cursed in his native tongue when he realized what he'd done. "You alright?" He called out, worry tinging his voice. The humans already thought him a monster, last thing he needed was to give them proof.
Lureana raised a brow as she looked to where the boy was thrown. She hesitated, waiting to see if he could stand. A cocky one like him would likely not like her tendency to help the wounded. She looked back at the dragon. "I wouldn't call that fair play," she stated. She returned her gaze to the boy.
Heinrich struggled to breathe from his place on the ground, the wind only now slowly beginning to return to his lungs. The world spun from how hard he'd hit the dirt, and he had to fight a wave of nausea when he sat up.

"I... *cough*... give."
"Force of habit." He said sheepishly to the girl, scooping his shirt and scabbard off the floor, sheathing the blade and slipping his shirt back on as he made his way to the boy on the ground. He extended an arm for the Human to grab.. "Sorry about that..." He said lamely.
Heinrich reached up to take the proffered hand, slowly heaving himself up and shaking himself from the disorientation he still felt. Once he was up though, he smiled as wide as he possibly could and bumped shoulders with the creature, giving a slap on the back for good measure.

"If that had- *cough*- had been anyone else, I would be laughing so hard right now. That was amazing!"
Lureana nodded and motioned toward a servant. "Go fetch one of the medics," she said and the servant left. She walked over to where the other two stood and nodded at the cocky boy. "It was a good fight," she said before turning to the dragon. "And it's not the first where I've seen similar tactics. Though, it would be the first that I've seen a lad thrown from his own sword." She looked back a the boy. Maybe he broke a rib, she thought.
Nozz shrugged. "It was nothing. I was more surprised with you, my friend. I may not have been going all out, but not many humans can bat aside a Dragon's Blade so easily, and not just because of a Dragon's strength." He gave a smile of his own. "You've trained well."
Heinrich only half heard Nozz, grunting what he hoped would be taken for gratitude, his focus now fixed on the woman nearby. She was much prettier than he'd originally estimated, and he had to shut his mouth hard enough to make an audible click lest he come across as a gaping loony. He looked away quickly, retuning his focus to Nozz.

"I-I do try, Dragon. I am usually first in my class for martial prowess."
At that time the medic arrived and Lureana motioned toward the injured boy. She put one of her hand on her hip, shifting her weight from standing in one place too long. She watched as the medic did his examination, making sure that the boy would be fine before she started her evening jog. She had a soft spot for those with wounds, be it her downfall. She scoffed at his claim. "I have not fought you," she said raising he brow for the second time that day. At least, she couldn't remember him. Then again, she couldn't remember many of the people that she had fought previously. People weren't generally important enough for her to remember them. Her main concern was defeating whomever she needed to claim the best title.
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Heinrich did his best to ignore the academies on call medic as the man poked and prodded him, trying not to wince when the wound on his arm and bruise on his ribs were discovered.

"Perhaps that's because- Ow! Damn it man, that's my arm, not a slab of beef! I meant to say, perhaps it's because we aren't in the same class. Shame, that." He managed a grin despite the medic's ham-fisted attempts to help him. "I daresay I'd remember if I'd met you. The name is Heinrich, milady."
"And I am Noz'Onn" The Dragon added with a bow. "That means Wildfire in English, but I'd prefer you just call me Nozz. 'Tis nice to meet you."

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