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Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

"I'm fine, I'm here to teach the students to be knights not tiring my sword arm trying to defend myself." John said grimly. He nodded at Narathzul before walking to the tables and looking for a clean plate. Once he found he put some beef and peppered potatoes on the plate before sitting across from the dragon and picking up a fork that didn't have any scuffs on it and eating some potatoes. "Well if you were sent to this academy, you are to become knights right? Well what knight order are you to go under?" He said before stuffing beef his mouth and sighing at the delicious juiciness of the meat.
Nozz blinked. He hadn't thought of that. In truth, he was only here because the Eldest had asked. He didn't know much about the Knight Orders, only what he'd been told, and even then it wasn't much, and none of them appealed to him that much. One seemed to be a group of bloodthirsty warlords, and the others were incredibly religious, a religion that hated his kind.

"Honestly? I don't know. It's hard to come by knowledge of Humankind up in the mountains, so I was hoping I'd figure it out while I was here." He said quickly, the lie seeming correct enough. "I know that one is massively religious, so I suppose that's out, but as for the others?" He shrugged.
"They do not need to become knights, sir. They already have more power in one breath than we do in our entire bodies." Heinrich only just managed to restrain himself from rolling his eyes at the Templar, the question seemed outright ridiculous to him. "But should you wish to learn more about the orders, I'd be happy to show you around the Teutonic side of the academy. Much more interesting than these flabby priestesses called Templars."
Issler stares at nozz angrily and mutters something about dragons (only nozz hears this comment but he cant make out the exact words, issler then continues eating)
"Boy you should watch yourself" John said glaring at Heinrich "I think someone who is neutral to all the orders shall do it instead of an arrogant teutonic" He said eating the last of his meal. "Anyways i must go pray to my gods" He got up before nodding at the dragon and glaring at Heinrich before heading off.
Nozz tried his hardest not to sigh in relief, and waved as John left. "I'd enjoy that. I've heard that you Teutonics are great fighters, like the Dragons of old, before the rise of the Oligarchy." His good mood soured a little at a sound from nearby. It was low enough that the humans likely couldn't hear it, but his ears picked it out over the din of the dining hall. He recognized some of the words, derogatory terms for his people. "My mother fought in the ForeSworn war, you know. A massive blue Wind Dragon, in your tongue, her name was Hurricane. I could share some stories with you, if you'd like to hear them, that war was quite impressive."

He polished off a large piece of chicken, his sharper teeth crunching the bones to be swallowed before speaking again. "Say, that human over there, do you know him?" he asked, vaguely gesturing at the Human that had insulted him.
I hate all of you. you look to me as an outcast. as someone who shouldn't be here, i've allready proved myself to be as good as the other students
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Heinrich huffed in annoyance with the Templar, matching his glare until he left the room. He rolled his shoulders and looked back to Nozz with a smile.

"Who, that lout?" He glanced briefly to the man stewing in the corner and shrugged. "Some hopeful who's name escapes me. He matters not. Always muttering to himself and the like... Why?"
"Oh, no reason." Nozz replied with a slightly sinister smile. "Give me a second."

The Dragon stood from his chair and walked over to where the boy sat. He was tall for his age, but in the end, he was only human. He slammed his palm down on the table, and forced the boy to watch as is slowly changed, growing blood red scales and claws. "I'm going to warn you once." he said softly, his eyes glowing slightly red. "I bear no ill-will towards the Loride, to Man. But mark my words, if you try and step to me. If you so much as think you are a match for Dragonkind. I will crush you underfoot. Don't forget that this isn't my true form. I'm a 25 foot tall lizard that breathes fire. Got that?" he finished with a gnash of his ever so sharper looking teeth.

Without waiting for an answer, he halted the transformation before it got too far along, and headed back to his seat. To any onlooker, it would have just seemed like a rather intense discussion, and after all, who would believe a single human when nobody else saw anything out of the ordinary. He had a smile on his face as he sat back down across from Heinrich. "Now, what were we talking about, my new friend?"
(( Everyone, minigunmad's character is not approved and he is posting in this RP without any permission whatsoever. Please disregard all his posts and do not engage.

Minigunmad, I will send you a pm regarding your character. Please refrain from posting in the rp until I approve your character.))
Narathzul raised an eyebrow at the Teuton's insult,while the rest of his face remained neutral as stone. As the Fire dragon left to harass an ill-mannered man in the corner,he spoke to the Teuton. "You realize I'm full within my rights to demand satisfaction for your insult,correct?" He let the question hang in the air,as the started to assemble a plate of food for himself. Waving over a servant,he said, "I'll need this delivered to my quarters at the Temple." He handed the plate to the servant,who ran off to deliver the meal. Vigilance above comfort.

The erstwhile general continued,as if there wasn't any interruption. "I take it you've never heard of the Battle for Veil Pass? It was one of the turning points in the war." Indeed it was. It was the first battle that Narathzul was in command of,and he defended the pass against an overwhelming force until reinforcements arrived,a week later. He didn't even have sappers cave it in,either. It was a defense many considered impossible. And he pulled it off. After that,he led a dozen other battles,with similar results,never giving his enemies an inch. By necessity,he led from the rear,but before that,he was one of the best line breakers and cavalry killers in the forces.

This person was arrogant in their ignorance. He noticed the discomfort of the Fire dragon when he introduced himself as Dragonguard. He was prideful,and many would say he earned the right,but pride was often fatal. "If it is convenient for you,I propose a duel to blood,in the Teutonic style,tomorrow,with a public audience. Where will our arena be?" The Teutonic style was with whichever arms and armour were most comfortable for the combatants.
Heinrich had a smile for the boy Nozz spoke quietly to, knowing full well his brethren held much ill will for dragon kind and figuring out what had happened easily enough. Fool wishes to play with fire. Literally.

When Nozz returned he opened his mouth to answer, only for the supposed guard to trash talk in prose. Turning, Heinrich kept the smirk on his face and looked the man in the eye. Confidence had never been one of the things his instructors told him he lacked.

"As I said, sir, I have no interest in dueling you. Not when I have the real deal standing here next to me. You can sing your own praises until your blue in the face, but you're still a fool."
Nozz raised an eyebrow at the tense situation he had returned to. He remained quiet and snagged a flagon of ale from a passing servant, drinking it slowly as he watched the events unfold.

So... It seems the Loride of Gallace are divided majorly along faction lines, like the Oligarchy of old. It's poetic really, as that spelled their doom at human hands. How will you handle this, Teutonic?
Narathzul snorted in derision when the Teuton refused the duel. So,you're going to be prideful? Humility is the prerogative of Man. He stood,then declared to the hall,for all to hear; "Let it be known that this man," He gestured to the arrogant Teuton, "Has refused a challenge of honor on pride alone,after he had insulted the challenger. Such a man lacks integrity,and is at heart,a coward,to display such habits." Make myself the target to keep my charges safe.

Narathzul strode away from the Teuton without another word,and stood guard nearby,observing the crowd. He knew how to play a crowd. The Templars may have left,but the Lionharts were still present. They were the most likely to demand the arrogant Teuton change his mind. The other Teutons would also demand he accept the challenge,as a proper Teuton would relish the opportunity to display their skill in battle. During his scan of the crowd,however,he was also searching for threats. Always.
"What is it with this guy? Cant you take a hint? I have no interest in dueling you, as I find it beneath me. Find some other stodge to pound your chest at. When you finally develop the brains to realize how pathetically useless your 'job' is, maybe we'll talk. Until then, Good day." Heinrich glanced back to Nozz briefly, lowering his voice. "If you still want to speak with someone with ore than cow pies for brains, I'll be on the tourney field." With a final nod in the dragons direction, he left the room, brushing his shoulder against the man proclaiming phony protector-ship as if he weren't even there. In the end, Heinrich cared little for what his colleagues thought. He was only here for one thing.
The Dragon nodded in acknowledgement before going back to his food. He couldn't see Mal or Ma'Arr in the crowd, surprising, since the girl's rather fetching ice-blue hair tended to stand out among the comparatively dull colours of the Loride. He wondered where they had gotten to as he took a rather large poultry leg off of his plate and continued to eat. He hadn't been lying before, flying out to Gallace after flying all the way back to the Eldest's mountain had been extremely tiring.
John walked through the hallways and into the Templar common room. Praying to the gods was only an excuse to get away; John only prayed at the first appearance of the sun. He angrily sat in a open chair, thinking of that arrogant Teutonic boy. Hoping that something would happen to him but he couldn't think like that, he's a Mentor and a Templar he must keep his appearance respectful in the eyes of others. He sat there looking around at the Templar students, hoping he didn't have someone like that boy in here.
Lureana watched as the dragons entered the dining hall. A young woman left the hall almost immediately and Lureana raised a brow. So much chaos over a few flying lizards. The three of them had an essence of authority, shed give them that. Sizing them up, they seemed to have the personality traits as some of her fellow fledglings . The red haired one held his shoulders straight and walked with a confidence that Lureana related to some of the higher nobles. The woman held a narrow gaze, and seemed to scrutinize everything. The last one stood just behind the two. He seemed timid at best. Or perhaps he was just younger.

Almost as soon as they entered, two knights rushed over to greet them. Grown men rushing over like fan girls who just saw their favorite celebrity. They seemed to verbally push past one another to get the red-haired man's attention.

Lureana shook her head. The man who boldly claimed to be the dragons' guard came forth. She recalled seeing someone his size around the academy, and could only assume this was the same man. Though it seemed strange for the dragons to have a guard, Lureana presumed it was more that he was there to intimidate others than to actually guard. He was too large, too preposterous in being. Perhaps, Lureana thought, he is just to show the dragons a humans' best and less to be an actual guard.

Watching the altercations between the red dragon and the men was almost laughable. Lureana leaned onto her knuckles, her elbow balancing on the table. She was going to head to the combat field right after she finished eating, but looks like she would have company soon. At least if there were a fight it would be much more entertaining than practicing combat by herself.
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Jakob Von Salzahausen stood before the symbol of their gods in the Templar holding's common room, dressed in full plate armor and his helmet tucked under one arm. He spent most of his time there when not examining the students for potential recruits into his branch of the Templars. Many he found too... underwhelming for his tastes, not being anywhere near pious or virtuous enough to join the Holy Sepulchre's ranks.

The man who walked in he recognized from his time around the grounds as a Templar, but beyond that knew nothing.

"Most do not join me at such an hour, knight. I hope all is well."
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John looked at him and sighed. "No Im sick of being disrespected by these arrogants. I feel like they think they are royalty but i guess we have to deal with them.." John rubbing his chin. "How are you, good fellow?" He asked.
"Some do require a bit of patience, you are correct." Jakob turned from the symbol of Airesh to face the other man, a knowing smile on his face. "But that is why we are here, is it not? To instill in these youth what virtues will allow them to succeed and make the world a better place. And I am well, sir knight. My name is Jakob Von Salzahausen, leader of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre." He inclined his had in a form of bow. "And you might be?"
((wagh everything's moving so fast! awesome! :D ))

Mahl'Iss held a plate of food in one hand, and bit down on the tasteless mush before her. Without blood, she found the whole thing rather unappetizing, and used her fingers to push the green, tasteless things to the far edge of her plate. Comfortable in her corner, she eyed Noz'Onn as he walked among the humankind, both fascinated and repulsed by the ease with which he blended in with them. She had heard he was well-accustomed to the human lifestyle, but it had done little to warn her of the unnatural behaviors she would be privy to witness.

Half the humans in the room left as Noz'Onn conversed with one particularly friendly 'Heinrich'. Mal watched with suspicion the humans that approached her fellow dragon, but stayed her presence. She was not yet comfortable with the thought of having to speak to such barbaric creatures.

But one moment pushed her to action.

Once Nozz was alone, somehow eating the tasteless Loride mush, she made her way, head lowered, to stand behind him. Quietly, she whispered behind his shoulder.

"You're unrestrained." It was common for his species, but Mal couldn't let it slide when they dragons were in such a precarious position. "You put us all in danger when you behave with such hostility. Do you not remember what the Eldest said? Complete tranformation means breaking of the truce." That was what had made her hesitate to accept this task more than anything; she was loathe to leave her dragon form at any time; to be so restrained was a torture of its own. But they had given an oath, and it was an oath that held their entire species in the balance. She could not risk breaking it and she would not allow Noz'Onn to either, not for any reason.
Nozz smiled, then responded with a low whisper of his own, in their native tongue. "Come now, you and I both know it was only partial. And don't you feel so... crushed in this form?" His smile dropped into a frown. "It's bad enough I'm trapped like this again, I won't stand for such insolence from these Little Souls. Not with what I've lost so they can live such decadent and charmed lives while our own people wither and die."
John smiled. "I guess your right sir." He said "I'm John Mac Tiernan, the wandering Templar or the used to be wandering Templar, helping the lawful from the lawless.." John said getting up and walking over to him. "Ive heard of you from your branch but barely i ask for some enlightenment on the subject"
Jakob nodded, not surprised that the subject be new to him. The branch was fairly recent, after all.

"Of course, Sir Tiernan. I formed my branch for those of us seeking to defend the church in a more literal sense. We do as the clergy ask without question, and defend the holy relics our order hold with ferocity. We are answerable only to the lord of the Templars and the church, and are few in number. Many fail to meet our standards of dedication." Jakob felt the familiar sting of pride at his orders goals and devotion, but stamped it out quickly. Pride did not sit well in the eyes of the gods.

"I hope that sates your thirst for knowledge on the subject?"

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